Page 1: North Wales HangNorth Wales Hang- ---Gliding & …membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ that wasn’t


North Wales HangNorth Wales HangNorth Wales HangNorth Wales Hang----Gliding & Paragliding ClubGliding & Paragliding ClubGliding & Paragliding ClubGliding & Paragliding Club

Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter –––– May May May May 2009200920092009

A helping hand ...

From the From the From the From the Chairman &Chairman &Chairman &Chairman & Editor Editor Editor Editor March, April and very early May provided some good flying weather and several XC flights have been made,

including more crossings of the tidal Dee estuary, by Stu Lloyd and Keith Colder; and by Dave Edwards for a

second time! I hope the rest of this season stays as good. But it has not been without incident: a visiting

pilot lost his life at Corndon in Shropshire, and our own member Andy Donnison was caught by a gust

and dragged over a parked car at the Gyrn, suffering back injuries which will keep him grounded for a

few months. Fly with care. Keep within your comfort zone.

Page 2: North Wales HangNorth Wales Hang- ---Gliding & …membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ that wasn’t


A number of our HG members went over to Ireland for the Celtic Cup over the May Day holiday

weekend – but instead of flying for the trophy, the only cups involved were the many they drank!

Strong winds prevented flying until the last moment of the last day when a few brave souls took to the

air. By this time, all idea of competition tasks had been abandoned. I am told that Wales is to host the

Celtic Cup next year so perhaps we may be more heavily involved. Can we persuade any of our regular

XC PG pilots to take part?

The Club AGM at the end of March saw some committee changes. After serving as Secretary for about

15 years, Stu Harrison passed the job on to Ian Home; Clive Mills has been appointed Treasurer and

Brian Dillon is now Chief Coach for paragliding. Other committee posts remain unchanged. My thanks

to all members of the committee, retiring and newly (re)appointed, for your continuing help. A full

report of the AGM follows.

There is really very little else to report, since anything new and exciting gets announced quickly on the

Members’ Website, and XC flights reported in the Club League info, long before it gets to a

Newsletter! However, at the April Club Night, Steve Armstrong gave me a copy of ‘Manwing’, the

Club Newsletter circa August 1982 and I am reproducing below a flight report compiled by one Alf

Rogers: little seems to have changed over 25 years! The closing paragraphs suggest not a lack of

oxygen, but maybe rather too much!!


Radio Frequencies: As one who doesn’t use a radio, it was news to me when I recently learned that

HGs and PGs use different radio frequencies while in flight. At a recent committee meeting it was

suggested that each should be aware of which frequency the other group are using, so that in the event

of an emergency or for other good reasons, one group could call up the other for information, help or

assistance. For example, PGs at the Gyrn lost site of a paraglider late in the day and worried that he was

down and damaged. He was out of radio contact so could not report that he was safely down. As it was

he had landed in the PG landing field, but because other PG pilots did not know what frequency the

HGs were using, they were unable to raise the HGs to ask if they had seen the missing fellow! An

exchange of frequency details between pilots before take-off could be helpful to all. So if you fly with a

radio, perhaps you could make this part of your pre-flight / radio check.

Membership Renewals: This is the time of year when most members will be renewing and many will

do so online – so long as PayPal has your CURRENT card details. If you have changed or renewed

your credit card in the last year, have you notified PayPal of the new details? They will send you an

email explaining that your card didn’t work ( with a copy to the Club), but it is up to you to correct it.

Our new Secretary, Ian Home, will be reminding members if they fall seriously overdue.

If you prefer to pay be cheque, this remains perfectly acceptable! Please send a cheque for £15.00

(payable to NWHGPC) to the Secretary, Ian Home, The Laurels, Kiln Lane, Hope, Wrexham LL12

9PH together with a note of your full name and address, phone number, e-mail address, BHPA

membership number, glider type (HG, PG, both), pilot ratings, airtime, next of kin details.

I remind you again that, for reasons of Liability Insurance cover, you must be a current member of the

BHPA in order to be an active member of NWHGPC. Note that we periodically check your BHPA

membership status with BHPA HQ database.

Page 3: North Wales HangNorth Wales Hang- ---Gliding & …membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ that wasn’t


Radio Frequencies: As one who doesn’t use a radio, it was news to me when I recently learned that

HGs and PGs use different radio frequencies while in flight. At a recent committee meeting it was

suggested that each should be aware of which frequency the other group are using, so that in the event

of an emergency or for other good reasons, one group could call up the other for information, help or

assistance. For example, PGs at the Gyrn lost site of a paraglider late in the day and worried that he was

down and damaged. He was out of radio contact so could not report that he was safely down. As it was

he had landed in the PG landing field, but because other PG pilots did not know what frequency the

HGs were using, they were unable to raise the HGs to ask if they had seen the missing fellow! An

exchange of frequency details between pilots before take-off could be helpful to all. So if you fly with a

radio, perhaps you could make this part of your pre-flight / radio check.

Club Nights: An XC Workshop is planned for the Club Night on June 29th, and for July 27

th, a talk

about North Wales Air Traffic including a visit to the Hawarden Airfield Control Tower. Watch the

Members Forum for further details.

New Pilots: Congratulations to those who have recently gained their BHPA Pilot rating – Paul Burke,

Allan Owen, Stephen Taylor and Simon Wilson. Well done! Now the serious flying starts!

Club monthly Paragliding Competitions: Stu Lloyd will continue with the monthly PG Comps this

year, to take place on the weekend prior to Club Night meetings on the last Monday of each month, vis:

23-25 May 7/28 June 25/26 July

29-31 August 26/27 September 24/25 October


A Flight Report from 1982 Alf Rogers

The days started with everyone crying off so I went alone, meeting Colin and Steve on the way. Colin

told me that the day was a complete waste of time. I said I thought it wasn’t. He said he knew best and

went back to work. I ended up at the northerly site above Llangollen, alone and wondering what to do.

Then Mick, Steve Hughes, Pete Harvey and his very nice girlfriend Debbie arrived. We took off and

flew around a bit in quite thermally conditions and in next to no time Mick was over the back and gone.

Then next to go was Pete, leaving Steve and myself.

It entered my head that I might as well have some thermaling practice before attempting an XC. As I

looked around I realised that I was alone in the sky and so, for the next 15 minutes I did just as I

pleased, turning when I wanted to – when Steve suddenly appeared alongside me. That was quite a

shock because I had had a very good look around for him, and realised that I might have collided with

him before I realised he was there. Another event took place which startled me. Steve was about 500ft

below me and drifting towards me. I was not concerned since I would pass above him with plenty of

height spare. As I approached, he suddenly hit lift and I hit sink and we closed at a tremendous speed.

Thinking quickly and with ice-cool nerve – I let out an era-piercing scream! That alerted him and we

just managed to miss each other!

Page 4: North Wales HangNorth Wales Hang- ---Gliding & …membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ that wasn’t


Things can happen quickly in thermally conditions and sometimes my vario was reading 10 up,

sometimes 10 down. Sometimes I was 200ft ATO, sometimes, level with the ridge. Eventually I

decided to go for it on the next big one and after two attempts, I finally flew over the back of the ridge

with 2000ft ATO. The thermal seemed spongy as I circled round and round up to 3000ft ATO. I felt

quite woozy: perhaps I needed oxygen! But no, it was just giddiness. Luckily I don’t smoke and am in

prime condition.

After four or five thermals, all with many cores and doing a bit of dog-legging, I set off down wind

looking for more thermals, but found nothing. The countryside spread out some 4000ft below me

looked a multicoloured quilt with small threads of road and rail criss-crossing it at intervals. The sun

caught on patches of water, reflecting off them like diamonds, with flashes of red, blue and white light.

A glider flashed beneath me, the pilot’s face turned upward with an expression of amazement clear

upon it. Birds circled around me, crying out in wonderment! Villages and towns, warmed by the sun,

slumbered unaware in the rich Welsh countryside. As I slowly noted and absorbed these things, I

crashed into a landing field!! Distance – 12.5 miles. Thanks for the lift, Debbie

Report of the Annual General Meeting

The 2009 AGM was held on Monday 30st March at BSWC Broughton. Some 20 members attended.

Chairman’s Opening address

In reviewing our activities in 2008, the Chairman, Jerry Hazzard, expressed the view that in our sport, one had to ‘seize the

day’ whenever conditions were right for flight – and that was what was happening again this year, with XC flights already

being made, including a second crossing of the Dee estuary. He also praised Carl Wallbanks’ success in leading the UK

Team to victory in the World Hang Gliding Championship in 2008, and to Dave Shields who was also taking an active part

in World Class HG competitions. It was pleasing that there were fewer injuries last year. Four members were awaiting the

results of their BHPA Pilot Examination: we wish them every success. Thanks go to Lee Fakete, who has generously

provided an online weather monitoring station at Thurstaston.

The minutes of the last AGM, held on 31st March 2008, were unanimously accepted as a true record of that meeting.

Reports by Officers

Secretary - Stu Harrison, reported that there were currently some 90 members and that the online joining/renewal process

has relieved him of a great deal of work. However, membership was declining, and the meeting agreed that the current job

uncertainties and economic climate could mean that it declines further. We should take steps to remind members whose

membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ

that wasn’t already announced in ‘Skywings’.

Chief Sites Officer - Steve Kynaston reported that all was well and that we are enjoying good relationships with our flying

site owners. We are now paying more each year for the Llangollen site, now that we can use the field for parking. The

notice on the stile will be reviewed and amended to refer to in field parking (action JH). Committee members are

encouraged to collect £3.00 per day from visiting pilots at Llangollen.

Brian Dillon and Doug Jones reported no problems at Coastal Sites and Penycloddiau. Following an incident at Great Orme

when a number of pilots were caught in rotor, BD wished to make amendments to the Sites Guide concerning this site –

action BD. Time Salter offered to revisit Moel y Parc to review its potential for paragliding.

Safety Officer – Dave Edwards reported a generally trouble free year, but felt that the incident at Great Orme reflected some

poor decision making by some pilots.

Chief Coaches – Steve Hogan had no new HG pilots to assist last year. Jamie McRae was no longer active as a member or

as PG Coach.

Page 5: North Wales HangNorth Wales Hang- ---Gliding & …membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ that wasn’t


Competitions – Thanks to Stu Lloyd for running the monthly PG Competitions, which will continue this year. Bob Little

reported on the forthcoming Bleriot Cup Road to be held in Ireland an May. A number of both HG and PG members plan to

attend. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Club would provide £200.00 towards the cost of hiring/ferrying a

minibus to the event. Stu Harrison to action.

Club Website – Tim Salter reported that all was working well with the membership side – but members must make sure

PayPal has accurate card numbers to draw subscriptions from. The Club Website was getting some 7000 ‘hits’ each month

and he was looking into the possibility of adding Google Ads, as a small income source.

Club Newsletter and Social – Jerry Hazzard reported the usual difficulties of getting sufficient material for full and regular

Newsletters: feel free to contribute! Also, it was equally hard to find speakers for Club Nights! Ideas were invited and some

put forward, which will be followed up.

Financial Report

Treasurer - Doug Jones presented a statement of income / expenditure for the year ending March 2009. This will be

published in full on the Club website, but these are the essentials:

Current Account Opening Balance £1,427

Income £1,316

Expenditure £1,050

Transferred to savings account 325

Current Account Closing Balance £1,368

Savings Account Balance (Includes £243 Interest earned in year) £7,151

It was agreed that the membership subscription would remain at £15.00 per annum.

The Chairman expressed the Club’s sincere thanks to Doug Jones, who would now be standing down as Treasurer, mainly

because his work kept him away from home and active participation in Club matters, for so long.

Matters / Motions proposed by Committee / members for discussion at AGM

No such business had been put forward by committee or by members.

Election of Committee for the ensuing year

The Club requires a new Treasurer and Chief PG Coach, and Stu Harrison wished to retire if a willing volunteer could be

found to serve as Treasurer. Existing committee members were willing to continue in other posts.

Clive Mills offered to stand as Treasurer: proposed by Brian Dillon and seconded by Stu Harrison, so duly elected.

Ian Home offered to stand as Secretary: proposed by Bill Seward and seconded by Steve Kynaston, so duly elected.

Brian Dillon offered to stand as Chief PG Coach: proposed by Jerry Hazzard and seconded by Ian Home, so duly elected.

The changes in Treasurer and Secretary will require changes in those authorised to sign Club cheques. A new mandate will

be prepared and submitted to our Bank. Action by JH and CM, etc.

The Chairman thanked Stu Harrison and Doug Jones for their good work on behalf of the Club; in particular to Stu who has

been Secretary for some 15 years.

Finally, the Chairman reminded members that at the 2010 AGM, he will have been in office for five years, and felt that he

would wish to retire from the Chairmanship at that time. It would be helpful if a future Chairman could be found soon, to

effect a smooth transition at the 2010 AGM.

Other Business

A unanimous vote of thanks and good wishes was expressed for Peter Barker who, after many years in the sport as an active

pilot, coach and instructor, had recently retired from active flying on medical advice.

There was no other business and with the Chairman expressing wishes for safe flying, the meeting closed at 10.00pm.

Page 6: North Wales HangNorth Wales Hang- ---Gliding & …membership has lapsed, by mail or email reminders. The Secretary told the meeting that he received little from BHPA HQ that wasn’t


WWWWHAT’HAT’HAT’HAT’S ONS ONS ONS ON???? Monthly Club Meetings assemble from 7.30 onwards at Broughton Wings Social Club at Airbus UK, Broughton, Chester CH4 0DR. Talks or whatever start at 8.15pm

Monday 25th May Bank Holiday – no meeting Monday 29th June Club Night at BWSC – Cross Country School Monday 27th July Club Night at BWSC – Talk on North Wales ATC and

Visit to Hawarden Control Tower Monday 31st August Bank Holiday – no meeting

Speakers have yet to be arranged for the autumn and winter and will be announced on the Members Forum. If anyone can suggest subjects or speakers for any of our meetings, let me know!

Club News and Information; contact details for all Club Officers, and a Membership application form, can be accessed on the Club Website at

All paid up members of the club who provided a valid e-mail address at renewal time should also have received an e-mail invite to join the "members only"

area. If you have not received an invite and you feel you are eligible, please e-mail [email protected].

Contributions to this Newsletter are welcomed from any member. Ideally, please submit copy as a Text File or MS Word File on CD to Jerry Hazzard, Mill

Cottage, Mill Road, Bronington, Whitchurch SY13 3HJ or by Email / Email attachment to [email protected] If you are unable to provide text in these formats, the editor is willing to type up your scripts from longhand! The editor reserves the right to correct grammar, syntax and

spelling, and to trim articles to fit page layouts.

This Newsletter is published quarterly, on/about the 1st of February, May, August and November. Articles / copy for inclusion in a Newsletter should reach

the Editor two weeks before publication date.

The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Club Committee or Newsletter Editor, and any products advertised are not

specifically endorsed by the Club. No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced without permission.

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