  • SchneiderElectricProtection&Contrle

    Postal address / Adresse postale : Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75 34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE) Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54 Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

    Legal information / Mentions lgales Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000 343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C Siret 343 074 142 00070 n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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    MiCOM S1 Studio V5.3.0 Release Notes #9 (and component release)


    This release provides a full installation of Schneider-Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V5.3.0.

    - It supersets version V5.1.0.

    - Please at installation, remove any previous version of MiCOM S1 Studio (do not remove the data models). Your database and systems will not be removed.

    - Install afterwards MiCOM S1 Studio V5.3.0.


    This installation

    - is to be downloaded to your hard disk for later installation by running the .exe file

    - is providing an installation shield for a most convenient upgrade of your MiCOM S1 Studio

    - retains all existing systems (or projects)

    - can be run multiple times

  • #9andcomponentreleaseMiCOMS1Studio


    Postal address / Adresse postale : Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75 34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE) Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54 Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

    Legal information / Mentions lgales Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000 343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C Siret 343 074 142 00070 n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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    1. ImportantNoticetoMiCOMS1Studioblockedbyfirewall

    MiCOM S1 Studio functionalities could potentially be blocked because of wrong firewall or antivirus-firewall tools configuration. It is also related to other MS1Studio tools.

    1.1. DescriptionMiCOM S1 Studio use fixed port only when establishing connection with device, later communication is carried by first free port. To ensure proper work of all MiCOM S1 Studio functions all ports need to be open for MiCOM S1 Studio.

    1.2. ApplicationsthatcanuseEthernetandmayneedRulesaddedtofirewall.

    Beside MiCOM S1 Studio some tools in MiCOM S1 Studio that can connect with device over Ethernet may need separate Rules added in firewall policy, as per the following list:

    Data Model Manager (DMM); PSL Editor (Px40); Courier Monitor; IED Configurator; AE2R; GOOSE Editor.

    1.3. Openingportsinfirewalltool(generalinstruction)To open ports for application:

    Open Rules window; Add new Rule; Select application executive file; Select TCP protocol; Select source IP as Any; Select source port as Any; Select destination IP as Any; Select destination port as Any; Allow communication; Save Rule; Repeat instructions for UDP protocol.

    Above instructions is overall and it may vary or adapted depending on used firewall.

  • #9andcomponentreleaseMiCOMS1Studio


    Postal address / Adresse postale : Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75 34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE) Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54 Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

    Legal information / Mentions lgales Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000 343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C Siret 343 074 142 00070 n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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    2. NewfeaturesSchneider-Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V5.3.0 provides the following enhancements and features to MiCOM S1 Studio V5.1.0:

    1. P143 Inter MiCOM Feature 2. Compliance with Schneider-Electric Policy

    Redesign of the tool/module icons.

    P740 Topology Tool P746 RHMI Tool User programmable Curves (UPTC)

    3. VulnerabilitySchneider-Electric is continuously looking to vulnerability issues.

    POODLE announcement: vulnerability has been eliminated from MiCOM S1 Studio V5.3.0.

    4. ComputercharacteristicsMinimum and recommended hardware requirements for MiCOM S1 Studio (S1 Studio application and other tools included UPCT, P746 RHMI, P740 Topology Tool). Requirements are based on all tools included in current installation package and all its required

    Additional components (see list below) as well.

    The results are based on MiCOM S1 Studio v5.1.0 requirements.

    Minimum Requirements:

    Platform Processor RAM HDD1 HDD2WindowsXPx86 1GHz 512MB 900MB 1,5GBWindows7x86 1GHz 1GB 900MB 1,9GBWindows7x64 1GHz 2GB 900MB 2,1GBWindowsServer2008x86Sp1 1GHz 512MB 900MB 1,7GB

    Recommended Requirements:

    Platform Processor RAM HDD1 HDD2WindowsXPx86 1GHz 1GB 900MB 1,5GBWindows7x86 1GHz 2GB 900MB 1,9GBWindows7x64 1GHz 4GB 900MB 2,1GB

  • #9andcomponentreleaseMiCOMS1Studio


    Postal address / Adresse postale : Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75 34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE) Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54 Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

    Legal information / Mentions lgales Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000 343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C Siret 343 074 142 00070 n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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    WindowsServer2008x86Sp1 1GHz 4GB 900MB 1,7GB

    1 OS with Windows Updates updated on 2015/05. 2 OS without Windows Updates installed.

    Notes: 1. Both configurations do not include Data Models HDD

    requirements. 2. Screen resolution for minimum requirements: Super VGA (800 x

    600). 3. Screen resolution for recommended requirements: XGA

    (1024x768) and higher. 4. MiCOM S1 Studio must be started with Administrator privileges.

    Additional components

    The following components are required to run MiCOM S1 Studio and are installed by its installation package.

    Componenttype ComponentPackage .NETFramework2.0SP1(x64)Package .NETFramework2.0SP1(x86)Package .NETFramework4.0Client(x64)Package .NETFramework4.0Client(x86)Package VisualC++2005SP1RedistributablePackage(x86)Package VisualC++2008SP1RedistributablePackage(x86)Mergemodules DAO3.50Mergemodules MFC6.0Mergemodules MFCUnicode6.0Mergemodules MicrosoftCRuntimeLibrary6.0Mergemodules MicrosoftC++RuntimeLibrary6.0Mergemodules MicrosoftComponentCategoryManagerLibraryMergemodules MicrosoftDataAccessComponents2.8(English)Mergemodules MicrosoftJetDatabaseEngine3.51(English)Mergemodules MicrosoftOLE2.40forWindowsNTandWindows95Mergemodules MicrosoftVisualBasicVirtualMachine6.0Mergemodules MSXML4.0Windows9xandlaterMergemodules MSXML4.0WindowsXPandlaterMergemodules VisualC++8.0MFC(x86)WinSXSMSMMergemodules VisualC++8.0MFC.Policy(x86)WinSXSMSM

  • #9andcomponentreleaseMiCOMS1Studio


    Postal address / Adresse postale : Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75 34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE) Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54 Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

    Legal information / Mentions lgales Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000 343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C Siret 343 074 142 00070 n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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    5. Correctedissues

    Devtrack Bugzilla Description

    9189 4197 Firewall issue (Release note update)

    9497 4310 S1 Studio: Display of sqrt(3) faulty

    10461 4368 PSL Editor

    10832 4398 When using zoom, PSL editor detect that file has been modified

    11480 4697 Px2x settings files export performance decreasing

    11531 4566 PSL File impossible to send to the P143 relay

    11787 4314 P922 german language data model problem (THOR-0001)

    11856 4455 Cyclic measurements in S1 Studio for MiCOM P116 are not updated





    Data Model manager issue

    10598 -- Computer characteristics (Release note update)

    See details in "Computer characteristics" chapter

    802 DisturbanceRecordCancelbuttondoesntworkcorrectly

    1186 NoinformationabouterrorsourceinSuperviseDevice

    1722 Problemwithverifyingformula

    2275 Opening'PSLEditor'viewcrashesS&R103withcustomersettingfile

    2649 UnrecognizedcharactersinPx40settingfiles

    2758 AllowprintingtoaGeneric/Textprinter.

    3185 Afterabortingextractionsettingsprocessfiles*.dscpand*.setwerecreated.

    3220 MisleadingversioninformationinPropertiesbox

    3279 Px20settingsfileconversionissue

    3322 OpeningasavedformularesultsintheCurveTemplatebeinglost

    3357 DisturbanceRecordwindowstatusbarissue

  • #9andcomponentreleaseMiCOMS1Studio


    Postal address / Adresse postale : Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75 34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE) Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54 Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

    Legal information / Mentions lgales Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000 343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C Siret 343 074 142 00070 n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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    3466 SettingsinPrintPageSetuppage

    3490 Dooperationonan'empty'MCLfilegivethewrongmessageinStudio

    3502 Curvetemplatecannotbedisplayedcompletelyindefaultsize.

    3929 ModelNumberisnotfullydisplayedinexportedsettingfile

    4227 PSLEextractnamesonlydoesnotwork

    4314 P922germanlanguagedatamodelproblem

    4361 Px40RejuvCSissuesUserhastocancelmultipletimestoabortoneoperation

    4456 MS1SLanguageEditor:applicationdoesnotreactonsavebut

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