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Page 2: NOTICE - Call dated October 05, 2012.pdf · 3 |page How to Find a Niche If you already have a niche, just stick with it. However, 2 |page

This paper will present all you need to know about how to “fast track start” the fantastic

business model called Pay per Call Ninja. You will know one of the first steps that you

need to do to get out of the door running to your first client. This paper will also discuss

how to select a niche if you do not have one. In addition, the biggest local marketing

myth of all time as well as the debunk keyword rich domain myth are tackled in this

paper. The mindset of scalability with imperfect action as well as its implementation will

also be discussed.

Myth 1: “I have to be a local to be a local marketer”.

You do not need to be a local to be a local marketer. As much as possible, you

have to think of yourself as a virtual internet marketing business that does not need to

meet with clients face to face, maybe never even need to talk with clients face to face or

even over the phone. Therefore, you can be anywhere at any time and run a virtual

company. What has attracted most of us to internet marketing is that fact that we could

really be anywhere and just have access to the internet and actually earn an income.

However, if you run a traditional local marketing business like a lot of people do, it

makes it very difficult to do that especially if you have to meet with clients. Get this myth

out of your head right now. Let it go so that you can experience and grow on a leverage

with what the internet has to offer because there has been more millionaires and

billionaires created in the recent years from the internet than in any other time in

history. Why, because you can leverage out the internet. You do not have to meet with

clients. This is that pay per call is really all about.

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How to Find a Niche

If you already have a niche, just stick with it. However, you must go deep, go far

and leverage it. Do not get caught up in 20 or 30 different niches. Go deep with 1 or 2

niches at the most and just spread it out as far as you can leverage all the technology and

make use of what the internet has to offer. You will go a lot farther that way than when

you are specializing on 20 or 30 different niches.

You may have already experienced this. Before, each niche is going to have a

particular thing with it. For a lot of people, if they do not get over that, they just never

get passed, like, “That niche does not work anymore” and then you need to move on to

the next one. People will go like “Where is that easy niche”? It is not easy to find an easy

niche. There is always some kind of hurdle that you need to overcome. For instance, in

the towing niche that we are in, the big hurdle there is that it is extremely difficult to talk

with the decision maker. That is just not the way the business operates, that business

operates where they high-route outsources to actually fill the calls that come in and the

outsourcers are the dispatchers. Then, the dispatchers fill the work out to the drivers.

Usually, it is not even the same person in the company. It is outsourced or locally. What

is more, there are even layers beyond that. Thus, it is almost impossible through phone

to get hold of the decision maker. The other thing too with that business is, 90 percent

at least of the tow providers are not internet savvy. They do not check their emails. That

is not the way that segment of population operates. Thus, emails are almost useless.

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What we have to do is to find different efficient ways in order to get hold of the owner. If

we had not been persistent, a lot of people would push away from that. Furthermore,

just a forewarning, every niche is going to have a little hurdle that you need to overcome.

In addition, every niche is a good niche as long as you see it through till the end. There is

not a magic formula out there.

You will find “ProFinder” in here that will display all the categories. This is a

great place where you can get all the possible great niches there can be. Everything that

you can see from the categories section will give you some ideas on how to really break a

niche down. You might have heard the term before “the richest is the nichest”. The more

specific niches that you will get, probably the more you can charge and definitely on the

internet, it is easier to rank for videos and sites the more niche-specific that you are.

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You can also browse through the categories in, you can break

everything that you will see in that section into more and more niches. If you do not

have any ideas of what niches are, this is one place (as well as that

you can start looking into so you will have some ideas about the niches that you want to

get into.

For instance, when I am looking for niches, I try to see it from the perspective of

how easy it is going to be able to get a hold of the decision maker. The reason for this is

because once I get a hold of the business owners, it is going to be an easy sale at that

point. They have nothing to lose. It is completely risk-free for them and it is a definitely

a win-win situation. I will not be competing with their current webmaster or their SEO

services. It is going to be a completely straightforward live phone call. If they have

doubts about it, we are going to do a week-long free trial. If they are serious about it,

before I hand them the free trial, we are going to agree to a price point per call and also

what is going to define a qualified call.

Why among that point? A few people are asking and I know there probably a lot

more thinking about it and that is: How do you tell is somebody or if you agree to have 2

minutes or 4 minutes or whatever is going to be a qualified call? What if they decided

that every call that comes in, they are just going to take it straight to voicemail? This has

never been an issue, at least, with my business. Now, some of the owners might do that

and I am not realizing it but we are still profitable. My thinking has always been, as long

as I am providing value to the business owner and it is a value exchange then it is going

to be a good relationship moving forward. Another question is, “Is there going to be

people that will try to take shortcuts on you?” Yes. If somebody really started doing that

on a regular basis, we will be able to see it on the phone call sheets. What will appear

will be, all of sudden the amount collectibles that we sent to our clients will drop but we

will still see the call volumes coming in. It just would not make sense. I have never

worried about it or even thought about it until people here started putting comments. I

suggest you worry about it when you start having clients. However, what you should

really worry about is if you do not have any clients at all because no business will be

coming in.

Do not start looking for some magical formula to find a niche. Obviously, the

ideal situation would be, it is easy to get a hold of the business owners or a small-type

business where they may be an electrician, a roofer, a dry-waller or maybe somebody

who does train dogs or pets. They probably do not have a secretary or they may not even

have an office. It is usually maybe their cellphones that are used both for personal and

business. It will be very easy to talk to somebody who can make a decision. For me, that

is a big point. It just makes it easier for my team to be able to contact the business owner

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and just come into the market faster and speed the market place. This is very important.

There will be high-customer value. In other words, the DUI attorneys are going to collect

somewhere between a minimum of $15oo USD to $10000 USD per DUI case. Obviously,

I can charge a lot more for something like that. There are trade-offs there that are a lot

difficult to deal with and a lot of them are going to try to kill the deal. The third criteria

will be the lowest competition. It will be very easy to enter that market place. There are

trade-offs there. You really have kind of look at this and say “how quickly can I get speed

up the market place?” “How quickly can I get in front of calls?” One particular area may

have a low search volume but a pretty good cost per customer. But there may not be a

whole lot of searches. That is okay. If it is very non-competitive like what I am sharing

today, that is okay. If I can get into 50 cities in 14 days, I am happy or calls are coming in

all over the place, leveraging or am I going to spend 6 months to try to get 5 DUI

training sites up. You kind of have to weigh those things out. I would say, for right now,

I would really be focusing on speed up the market place, implementation and how

quickly you can get clients. I am not going to be worried so much whether the customer

is going to try to cheat me or they get 4 calls before they open. Those kind of thoughts

just start to remove you from your focus, customer acquisition, speed the market place.

Google Keyword Tool

When I use the Google Keyword Tool, I like to do a search by “broad” and “exact”

and the reason that I do is because you are going to get somewhere in between the broad

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results and exact search results. This software is really designed for people who are

shopping for Google Adwords and Pay per Click.

It is important that when you are testing out or reaching out to these markets

that you have a good test group of 3 to 5 sites or more if you want to. I suggest only 3 or

5 with whatever that you are going to start out with because no matter what you do we

are always at the win of the Bot for Google if we are trying to get free organic traffic. And

sometimes it just does not work the way we want them to. It is not a perfect system.

Let me just comment on why he even has to come out and say these kinds of

things. I mean, why are you going to announce this? Why don’t just do it? And why, in

just a few months ago, do they have to announce that they went after the DMX blog

networks. If you pay attention to it, and I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it, I will

pay attention to it for what it is, not for what everybody thinks it is. He has to come out

and do that because he wants to scare people away. Why? Anytime he comes out and

says there’s a change, it’s because whatever it is that they’re pretending they are

changing works. And that’s when you know you’re on to something. And all the blog

networks that they have de-indexed, they work. I have my own private blog network. I

use other blog networks and they work beautifully and they are so powerful because

that’s exactly what the search engine wants. The search engine wants some original

content. They like some kind of anchor texts pointing back to your site, whether it is the

“click here” or the “raw url” or “keyword” or “variations of the keywords” coming from

different blogs from different IP address. And that’s exactly what a blog network is. And

they had to come in hard and make a big deal out of it because it works and it is

seriously manipulating the search engines. Now, there is an argument that all

backlinking is a myth by the search engines and is technically a black hat. And I

wouldn’t agree with that. There is no such thing as white hat or black hat. It’s all black

hat. It has all got to do with manipulating the search engines. And the same with exact

match domains, it’d be really hard, like it was for the blog networks, Google had to come

in physically and become a member, find out what it is, reverse engineer it and then de-

index it. They can’t create a Bot for that because they would end up wiping out too many

good sites because a blog network is acting like a good, whole bunch of people’s blogs.

Same with the exact match domains, everybody’s going to say that one has been buying

exact match domains if they came in or if they’re off a bit with the algorithm, you would

have millions and millions of sites down that provide good quality. So notice when you

read any of those that it was sites that didn’t have good quality to them. We’ll definitely

explore this further, why are these working.

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How to Find Hundreds Keyword Rich Domains

This is probably what a lot of people think that there isn’t any keyword rich

domains left. That is not true. There are plenty of them if you know how to find them

and look for them. So I am going to show you what this example here is. You will find a

bunch of keyword rich domains for “roofing contractors” plus the city name. I use

“Market Samurai”. Instead of “Market Samurai”, you can use “Domain Samurai” which

is by “Market Samurai”. It does exactly what I am going to do here except it’s completely

free. It is not like a subscription, it’s a hundred percent free. It’s “Domain Samurai”

made by the exact same people in “Market Samurai”. It is this exact same tool.

What I do is, I’ll take roofing contractors and then put them together. So this is

the seed keyword that I’m looking for. I put in 200 cities (under Domain Variations) and

these are editable. So I got like 200 cities here that I just copied and pasted. These 200

cities go from a hundred thousand populations on it. Under Domain TLDs, just check

the checkboxes, such as .com, .org or .net. Do not mess with anything else. Then, click

on “Find Domains”. You can do this will all kinds of niches. By the way, in the

membership site, there is a video up that displays a more detailed video on how I did

this and a dropdown or a download button for the 200 cities in a text file if you want to

download it or the free version of domain samurai or there are other tools here that do

the same thing.

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This is the process that I normally go through in order to find a niche if I’m going

to go and attack that niche through a traditional web-based creating sites. Speed the

market place. I am going to get there faster if I got a keyword rich domain.

If you got a lot of ambition and you have got the risk tolerance, because there are

risks involved here, if you run a business and you find a niche and you find a whole

bunch of domains and now you want to purchase snatch up 20, 30, 40 of them and just

go to town. That’s fine. My recommendation though would be to test it in a few market

places first, at least 3 to 5 and see how it goes there. If you know it’s working, they’re fine

then you can roll out and just go to 50 cities if you want to. That’s the idea. But without

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actually knowing and testing the market, if you go out to 20, 30, 50 cities, you may

overwasted a lot of time, thinking initially that was, but maybe overlook something,

maybe you wouldn’t know until you actually got into the market place. Again, every

market place has got its slow corky stuff. Probably the easiest way to test the market

place is with, if it’s applicable, is with Craigslist. That’s the easiest way to test the market

place. There are no investments. You can really find out almost immediately if it’s going

to work out.

In Craigslist, I am sure you have heard about these kinds of ads before, like on

radios and stuff. In Craigslist, you do not need to have a website, by the way. But as far

as testing the waters in the market place, I would just see what else is around if you

don’t have a niche and just literally, just put the text in Craigslist. You don’t have to have

html text when you’re testing out. You can test it out quickly. Just type it in text.

We have actually built our own in-house system that is not available to the public.

We don’t do it this way but when we started out. This is the way we did it. Odesk has

been out for a while. So we got Odesk and if you want to search in there for Craigslist

poster, then you’re going to find lots of results. But I would definitely make sure that

they’ve got a history. You will find a lot of people with their own kind of deal in the

results page. You can hire a poster for a few bucks or however you want to work it out

with them. But that’s what I would do. I wouldn’t mess doing it with yourself. I would

hire someone else for a piece-meal job instead of paying them by the hour, just agree to

how much you’re going to charge me for a post and maybe you know a re-posting it

twice. And make sure that it’s not going to be a ghosted one and that it’s a qualified one

that actually sticks up in there. You’ll have a good idea.

You may test up your sites in Craigslist to find out if there’s a market place for it.

And I wouldn’t just test it in one area. You might want to test it in multiple areas. It’s

very simple to do. And if you find there’s traffic and you’re getting phone calls then it’s

maybe something that you want to invest a little bit more in. Next up, you might want to

look at getting some html ads in there and then move it in to, at that point, getting a

keyword rich domain, putting up some sites and then once you get that, test it out and

just scale it out. Whatever is going to work in one city is more than likely going to work

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in 90% or more of the other cities. It’s just a matter of just pushing it out there as

quickly as you possibly can.

Q & A

1. Do Yelp and Yellow Pages have an insights page that shows you what people are

searching in local areas? Yes, definitely. It’s a great place to go in and get ideas,

see what other people are searching for already.

2. Are you using callfire or twillio as your underlying phone service? We do not use

callfire or twillio. We create the system from the ground up.

3. Can you have a domain like this: and then

just change the city name? You can. We used to do it that way and we just found

that it is easier and simpler for us and for ranking to go just with the keyword rich


4. After finding a niche, what do I do next? Create keyword rich website? After

finding a niche, the next step is, and there are different ways that you can go with

it, but I would recommend going with a website that’s, by far right now are best

lead gen that create the highest volume of calls for us are websites, probably next

is a tie between citations and videos. We do not have enough data with the


5. Can you tell us when the training videos will be up? We are working on it day by

day. You don’t need to wait for me. You got plenty of work you can do out there

finding a niche and working from there.

6. Are you setting up Yelp reviews to rank and put your phone number in? Yes. We

built out at Yelp. We put our website, address, phone number and we send some

backlinks to it and those are ranked really fast.

7. You mentioned in one of your Kallzu videos about forwarding to a skype box. Can

you maybe make a video or pdf on how to easily and hopefully free, how to setup

forwarding number to use until we get a client? It is pretty basic. You just go on

to skype and purchase a phone number and it’s like $5.99/mo, I think, when you

buy it in 3 months chunk. Then you just create a voicemail and then you set up

call forwarding.

8. Would you pick a niche based on whether or not you can find an exact match

domain? That’s one of the criteria, definitely, but not the only criteria. I do know

this: It’s really fast to get to market place if you could get exact match domains in

a lot of cities. And it’s easy to get a hold of the business owner. I’ve got a fairly

good cost per customer; maybe ask them to pay a few hundred dollars at least for

the service, that I get a pretty good match there. But it’s not the only match, if

there’s a good niche and it’s something that you want to stay in, you could get to

page 1 without the exact match domains really fast with a video and really fast

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with a Yelp plus thing or a Yellow Bot when you’ve got some reviews and you

throw some good backlinks to it. It doesn’t take very long to get those.

Meanwhile, your website is taking a bit longer to get up there but again, you’ll

find your ways to go up the market places as quickly as you can.

9. I got a video ranked before, but how is it possible to generate phone calls? It

happens. When we go out to market places, it is important to test in multiple

markets. If you test once or just in one market, you may end up with our Mobile

Mechanic Phoenix and Austin. We ran exactly all what we did with the other ones

but for some reason Google just didn’t like it and it is way back past page 100. We

don’t know why but those kinds of things just happen. Same with, you might be

in a market place and you might think that you get a whole bunch of searches or a

whole bunch of calls. It doesn’t take that many calls. Don’t think that you’re going

to get in a market place and you’re going to get a whole bunch of calls. It’s not

always true. Think about leverage and expanding out.

10. How many posts can one post each day on Craigslist for it to be effective to

generate leads? It just depends on the amount of traffic. Unless you have got a

whole bunch of phone numbers, you’re not going to be able to post a whole lot.

You can go to Odesk. They’ve got a whole bunch of phone numbers and they’ve

got their system all figured out where they can post a whole bunch of posts for

you for just a few bucks a piece. And then, test it out. You would need to test it

out during different days of the week. Some niches are going to get more phone

calls on the weekends than they are on weekdays. Maybe some of them can be

consistent throughout the week.

11. Can you go into more detail on how you do Pay Per Call on Craigslist? In

Craigslist, we don’t do it really fancy, we don’t even do htmls. We just spend our

time in the “Services” area, and we’re looking for services that we could just post

our own ads just like everyone else’s doing and then actually sell those ads and

sell those calls to somebody else.

12. For lead gen sites, do we need to have any FTC disclosure with regard to us

getting a fee for each lead? Does service magic indicate any disclosure that you

know? You would need to ask you attorney.

13. Do you ever do pay per appointment? Or Revenue Share? This is a different

business model. It’s not what I do. I do strictly pay per call. I would encourage

you to stick with one or two things and not get yourself spread too thinly and go

deep with it.

14. As a work around for Canadian customers, can I take CDN twillio number,

forward it to my Kallzu number, and then forward the Kallzu number to a CDN

customer number? Will the system work in the same way? I wouldn’t start

forwarding a whole bunch of phone numbers all the way around there. You can

try it though. The other thing would be, I would really encourage you, if you feel

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like you have to be in Canada is that you don’t have to be local in order to be a

local marketer. Servicemagic is actually really a lead gen site. That’s all that it is.

They sell leads to all their contractors. They’re a 2-billion dollar company. They

don’t meet their clients face to face and they don’t limit themselves to the country

that they’re in. Just an FYI.

15. Can we move off niche discovery and talk about how leads are sold and for how

much? It’s got to be a win-win situation for the client and for you as well. For

example, towing companies don’t have that much of profit on it. You’re going to

be looking at 140 dollars ish. And if it is 140 dollars per tow, they have expenses

as well. They are going to have to pay out their dispatcher, so it’s a fee for the

dispatcher. They got those costs in there. Tow truck is also an operating expense

but they are usually paying a lease on that. They’ve got gas. They’ve got insurance

costs which are high. So there is not a whole lot of profit at the end of the day. We

have found that somewhere between $17 and $29 per lead per phone call whether

they’re close or not, is a situation that is going to work out. We’re profitable at

that point and that towing company is, as well. You just have to work out a way to

make sure that it is going to be profitable for both companies. I wouldn’t set the

price. If you set the price too high and they still agree to it then what’s going to

happen is that, at the end of the week, they’re going to be paying you $200 but

they only made a $100 and that relationship is going to end really fast. These are

the situations when they’re handing you $1 and you’re handing them back with

$5 or $10 in business and that’s really what it comes down to. It’s got to be a win-

win for each situation. As far as the pricing goes, every niche is going to be

different but it’s going to be around there.

16. What kind of lead volume (range) do you get on some of your niches on Craigslist

from just one ad? You just have to go out and test it. We’re entrepreneurs here.

We have to test things and things are not always going to work the way it is, the

way that we think it is when we go into it.

17. Does Craigslist accept paid ads like the backpages? I don’t think so.

18. How are you generating leads for them and actually make a decent profit? Maybe

I am not communicating correctly here. I am trying to paint a realistic picture

here and I see it all the time. They try one thing and it fails or doesn’t work out

the way they want and then they go off to the next thing, and then they just keep

doing it over and over again. You have to stay committed to a niche and really

work it out until you really have proven that it is going to work.

19. Do you recommend any Wordpress templates for lead gen? We only do

Wordpress. That’s all we do.

20. Do Kallzu have Canadian numbers? We don’t have Canadian numbers. It’s not as

easy for us because we built it from the ground up. I would encourage you to

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think outside the box and work with of the largest markets in the world which is

the U.S.

21. Does Servicemagic offer direct Pay Per Call or do they email leads to the client?

Servicemagic offers direct Pay per Call and they do email leads.

22. Can you go over how to get the address for the citation, Yelp listing, etc? The

majority of business rely that they don’t need a full office. They just need an office

once in a while to meet clients, maybe once a week. You can use a search engine

and type in “virtual office” plus the city name and you will find search results and

you can go start with any one from it. You need to look for an address and copy it.

Then, you need to go to Google Maps so you will know what Google thinks of the

address. What you need to look for in there, is on the left hand side, you need to

look and see if Google has other business addresses that are attached to the

address. So, Google recognizes that the address has got other businesses.

23. How do you overcome Yelp’s filters? You’re going to have an address, a business

name and a phone number. They usually call and verify the phone number with

some kind of code. We have never had any issues with it. If there’s any

submission issues you’re having, let me know.

24. What about mobile, it seems mobile is supposed to be how a larger number of

people search? I totally agree with that. I just invested a huge amount of money

into a system that’s going to be available to you, guys. It is going to be part of the

membership area. It will take any site that you have or any Wordpress site that

you have and it will automatically make a mobile version of it for any mobile

device, tablet or whatever. That’s coming down the pipelines. This is what we are

headed. This feature will be in the member’s area as soon as it’s up.

25. What is the url for the videomaker? That is

26. Do you have rates by industry for Servicemagic, et al.? I don’t.

27. Could you give us a potential income per month per client as a motivator? Let’s

say for a medium-sized city, with about a quarter of a million on clients who you

could charge around $15 to $20 on an average per call, and thinking scalable, you

are able to maybe even generate 5 calls per week and it doesn’t sound like a whole

lot but if you are able to charge $17 for that per site. That’s $340 for one site. And

then you can scale it out to 50 cities, that’s $17,000 a month. Obviously, those are

really broad numbers. But it doesn’t take a whole lot. However, you got to start

thinking, one city = one site brings in $200 or $300 a month. Now, you’re going

to think how quickly can you do the same thing in the next 25 cities?

28. How do you get reviews for Yelp? I have staff that actually does it. But you can

hire somebody on Yelp and that would be really an easy thing to do. You have to

have clear instructions for them. You might even have to provide them the CC

cleaner and you want to make sure that the accounts that they generate are

realistic looking and that they have a photo in it that looked real. Not only do they

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leave reviews for your targeted markets but also for others randomly so it looks

for realistic. This is how we do it.

29. How do you get a unique IP address for each website? Just go to and sign up for free. This is a membership site I’ve got.

You can learn how to get different IP addresses for each site and different name

servers for 25 cents apiece, not $4.99 which will be a lot to pay, especially if

you’re expanding out.

30. Are you using AT&T pay per call? No, I don’t use AT&T pay per call.

31. Any particular reason why the whois on your sites have different information? If

you look at the whois, the whois matches the address that’s on the site, so that

everything is straight across the board telling Google that our sites belong in this


32. How to keep Yelp from hiding reviews? They’re going to go to reviews if they feel

that the reviews are too fast or too fake or you’re tricking some off. Keep in mind

that we’ve got plenty of Yelp listings that have no reviews on it and those are

working just fine.

33. How do you get regular listing above Google places listings? How much more

backlinking do you have to do? It’s a combination of things and it depends on the

market place.

34. What percentage of your customers is closed by a salesperson? 100%

35. Assuming my niche is maidservicedallas, should I use the same phone number

for all the properties, website, citations, video? Do I need to track where the leads

come from? Yes, you can. A more intelligent way to do it would be to know where

exactly your leads are coming from to determine where you should invest your

time and your effort to. If you’re doing maidservicedallas, you might want to have

one phone number for the website, one for the citation, one for video and one for

Craigslist. That would definitely be the smarter way to do it.

36. When you outsource to Fiverr for reviews, are they real reviews? How can we get

real reviews? You can get real reviews from people. I don’t outsource reviews to

Fiverr. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it, you just have to find somebody

who does quality reviews. I actually have my own team do it. You can also

outsource something like that to Odesk. But you don’t have to go that route with

citations and reviews. Let me also remind you that we got plenty of citations that

are ranking on page 1 that don’t have any reviews and bring phone calls. It’s not a

do or die situation. Don’t let it slow you down. In other words, I think would be

better to have 25 citations up with no reviews in 25 markets on page 1 and it can

be at the bottom of page 1 rather than slowing down and having only 4 citations

up that had 5 perfect stars.

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37. Do you get a virtual address before you register a domain to match the address on

the whois? How critical is the match address to the ranking of the site? I don’t

know how critical it is and there may be other factors involved.

38. Are the videos and images duplicate content also? Yes. We are just really looking

at speeding the market place.

39. How do you scrape all those zips? This will be described in the SEO section.

40. Is there any SEO advantage with creating a multi-page site, or this one page site

is all we need? It depends on the market place. If it’s more competitive then

you’re going to have to put more pages on there with different original not spun

contents. If you have got good on site structures with proper linking, you need a

lot less links or backlinks going to your site. If you have got a good domain and

good on page SEO and very few good quality backlinks, you could push a site

almost to page 1.

41. How unique is your homepage content to each other? It’s not. It’s identical word

for word. We just switch out the phone number and the city name.

42. Can you use sub-domains like Sub-domains,

will they work? Probably. I don’t do them so I am not going to tell you something

I don’t know first- hand works. I’m showing you guys stuff that works for me.

Sub-domains could work just fine but we have not done it yet.

43. Do you use a silo plugin? I don’t use a silo plug because they don’t really make


44. Are you using ebay to buy your contextual high PR backlinks? Yes. Ebay is a great

place to get contextual high PR backlinks.

45. What if the exact match domain is taken, can we add some words (like “best”)

before or something after the keyword? Is it effective with extra words in the

domain? You can. I would add the city or I would add the state.

46. Can you confirm if we need Paypal Business or Paypal Business Pro account? You

don’t need the Pro, you just need the Paypal Business account so that you can

integrate seamlessly invoicing with your paypal account.

47. You talked about sales people who have accents who sell your services. Can you

give some more details? I’ve got sales people, for example, in Melbourne. I do

have a couple of sales people from the Philippines so they have some kind of

accents even if they are really well-spoken. I pay them 30% of whatever they can

get for the phone calls and they manage the accounts and they take care of them

there. It’s pretty much straightforward. I don’t meet with the clients. I can be


48. What’s the secret to bypassing Yelp’s filters? The secret to bypassing Yelp’s filter

is just making sure that there are realistic profiles that are leaving comments. But

I wouldn’t get stuck on that, you don’t need comments on there to make it work

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49. Where or how does “the rich snippers” review stars come up for your website in

google search? Are you using any plugins for this? Yes.

50. So the main objective is to drive traffic to these lead gen sites? Yes.

51. Are you not concerned about ranking the sites? I am concerned about ranking the

sites. Absolutely. I want to get in front of the traffic.

52. Does the customer ever complain that the company they called in is not the one

delivering the service? I have not had any issues with that.

53. Keyword rich domain includes state abbreviation? Yes.

54. Do you use plugin for silo-ing? I don’t use plugin for silo. When you really

understand silo structuring, you’ll understand that there is no plugin that actually

does it. They all do it incorrectly.

55. Is the address made up address? The addresses are real addresses. Simply search

for it in Google maps to make sure that Google recognizes it and that there are

other businesses using that same address.

56. How much do you pay your sales person? One time or monthly? Weekly.

57. Doesn’t Google like to see the same number across your site and citations?

Maybe. That’s an outstanding point.

58. What kind of hosting should we start out with? I would just keep it simple and

not try to complicate it. Some people like godaddy, some don’t. Some like

hostgator. I’ll go with godaddy especially if you’re just starting out because you

can always call and talk to somebody 24/7. Sign up for a free course I got, This is a detailed course on how you can get different IP

addresses for a quarter-piece, how I go about assigning different IP addresses

and domain names.

59. It looks like you use your Kallzu number in the domain name registration, I guess

you can use it to get to your gmail accounts? Yes. You want to start spreading out

your address and phone numbers.

60. Did you say, the smartest way to hit a market in a city is to have a different phone

number for each lead gen – YT video, Citations, Website? Doesn’t the phone

number have to be the same on all properties? Yes. I was thinking from a data

stand point that it would be pretty smart to know where your leads are coming

from. But from an SEO stand point, that starts a mess with your citations.

61. Is having the city in the domain mandatory for your system? For me, it is. That’s

how we do it. But I am sure there are different ways to do it. However, what I can

share with you is that the way we do it is working. It is really important to have

the city name in the domain.

62. There is a Paypal Business for $0, $5 and $30, do you know which one we need?

It’s $19.99 per month.

63. Do you have script for the sales people? I don’t.

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64. Do you offer a commission for the sales rep or a guarantee of any sort, or just

straight commission? Just straight commission.

65. Do you put the rich snippet on the WP page or the post? I put it neither. We put it

in the widget on the side.

66. You don’t concern yourself with Google places? No I don’t. It takes way too long

to rank.

67. Where did you advertise to find your sales people? Craigslist would be a good


68. What do you do when you get the site up, start getting phone calls but have not

lined up company to sell leads to? We are getting the sites up and the calls

generating before we have a client but you could get a client first and then

generate the calls. The reason we don’t is, in our viewpoint, it would be harder to

get a client to agree to it if we’ve got no physical proof to show them.

69. What is the $50 or the $100 to signup for Kallzu membership for? That’s for the

phone numbers. It’s like a phone card. The phone numbers are $3 apiece and the

minutes are 10 cents a minute. That’s what you’re paying for.

70. Do you have a software that generates your sites in WP? I don’t.

71. Can you please explain what you mean by putting snippets into widgets? You

have the option to put it anywhere in the site.

72. Do you ever get clients just by emailing them? Yes.

73. If you get 10 calls in one week, but the client only wants to pay for 3 a week, do

you sell the others to a competitor? I would just fire the client. If the client gets

10 phonecalls and they only want to pay for 3, you got to ask yourself “did you

price it wrong? Or is the client just being a complete cheapskate? If I know that

it’s a fair price that the market place is going to bear, I might agree on what they

have to say so I can get another billing cycle for the next week. But I’ll have my

sales people find somebody else.

74. Please explain the phone number that I bought. Is this the phone number that I

will put in craigslist? Yes. Technically, we don’t own them. When we’re borrowing

the phone numbers, you want to put them on your website, on your citations.

75. Do you track the analytics on your sites, if so, which stats package do you use? We

just use Google analytics.

76. How many minutes are typically used per call? It depends on the niche.

77. What are the main reasons you attribute to your success? Not listening to the

experts. If you listen to the experts, you are probably not going to get too far. I fail

a lot more than I ever succeed. I just keep pushing forward.

78. Do you have a recommended plugin list for your sites? Check the SEO section.

Pick you niche. Go out and test your niche at least in 3 to 5 different market places.

See what kind of calls you can start getting in. You are always going to have something

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kind of tweaky with each niche. No niche is going to run smooth, that’s just the way it is.

You have to be prepared for that. And if you start getting phonecalls and you get some

clients in a few market places, your next question is “how quickly can you get these out

into 20, 30 or 40 cities” as fast as you possibly can. And then you just repeat that

process, over and over and over again. It’s really what it’s about. Don’t get hung up on

that it’s got to be perfect in one area. You have to go in multiple areas because some

things are just not going to work out.

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