  • 1. NRMA social media program
    2010 / 2011

2. Agenda
Social science
NRMAs objectives
Case studies
Year 1 Outcomes
Whats next
Social media program 2011
3. First
A social media program covers
Technology or media that allows people to have a two way conversation
Human behavioural campaigns that evoke an emotion [biochemical (internal) or environmental (external)]
The problem
who talks to whom about what, and with what effect Paul Lazarsfield 1940 (American sociologist).
Social media program 2011
4. The science of social networks
Small Worlds
1960s: Milgram and Travers small world experiment
300letter chains to reach 64 targets
Led to six degrees phrase
6 Degrees web edition
18 Targets around the world, 24,163 chains, 166 countries, 400 targets
Social scientists reviewed
Patterns of ties (J. A. Barnes) groups such as tribes, families and social categories.
Other notable works by social scientists such as S.D. Berkowitz, Stephen Borgatti, Ronald Burt, Kathleen Carley, Martin Everett, Katherine Faust, Linton Freeman, Mark Granovetter, David Knoke, David Krackhardt, Peter Marsden, Nicholas Mullins, AnatolRapoport, Stanley Wasserman, Barry Wellman, Douglas R. White, Duncan Watts and Harrison White
Social media program 2011
5. Example nodes and networks
Social media program 2011
6. Example nodes and networks
Social media program 2011
Motoring and Services
Tatts Group
NRMA Group
School Friends
Advertising Agencies
Overseas Network
7. Pick the role
8. Pick the role
9. Pick the role
10. Nodes of Facebook
Wifes School Friends
Thailand School Friends
Burma School Friends
Knox School Friends
NSW Lotteries
11. Weak and strong ties
12. NRMAs view
2010 / 2011
13. The point
NRMAs issues to solve
Lack of voice and brand chatter
Lack of reach in social networks
Product offering awareness
Membership more then just roadside assistance (issue derived from frequency to use the core product)
Declining apparent relevance of roadside assistance
Relevance to under 40s (brand your parents and grand parents used)
Mixed product messaging; Safer Driving School, MotorServe, Car Loans, Batteries, Partnerships etc
Not an exactly Red Bull
Social media program 2011
14. The clouds
Social media program 2011
Visual Clouds> click
15. The doing Year one platforms
Social media program 2011
Wordpress - Blog
Wikipedia - Brand and personalities
Youtube - Car reviews, entertainment and brand
Flickr - Car photos
Digg - Motoring and Travel
Slideshare - Presentations
Google Places - Product, brand, ratings and reviews
Facebook Places - Check in and comments
FourSquare - Check in and tips
Linkedin - Brand
Facebook - Membership, car reviews, motoring advice and travel
Twitter - Motoring, Membership, car adive and customer service
16. Case Studies
2010 / 2011
17. NRMA Free2go

  • Free roadside assistance for 12 months if youre 16-20

18. 14,000 + fans (started 2010) 19. 700,000 + post views 20. Music concerts, movie premiers, giveaways NRMA youth snap shot
21. NRMA youth snap shot
22. Lacta personal brand - Greece
23. Mercedes-Benz Tweet Race - Germany
24. PowerAde live Football tweets South America
25. Koktebel Brandy Glass Piano - Ukraine
26. Playboy Viral Bunnies at home > content warning!
27. The result 4.6 million interactions
Social Media Reach Score 2010/11
Period: Year One
The NRMA group has a number of social media programs covering Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and the Motoring Blog. The NRMA Social Mediafootprint is defined by reach = Facebook post views (FPV) + Facebook tab views (FTV) + Twitter reach (TR) + Youtube video views (YVV) + Flickr photo views (FPV) + Blog visits (BV).
Facebook fan growth
July 2010
June 2011
28. Example of the loop
29. Social campaigns are built this way
Our Seven Social Campaign Concepts Check List
Searchability (unique content and concept but with search volume)
Shareability (HC-I and user interface requirements)
Cool (you would associate yourself with it)
Network effect (appeals to strong and weak ties)
Emotive (got to leave you feeling happy, angry or sad)
Able to conduct modelling of information diffusion in implicit networks(adoption)
Influence maximisation (countermeasure to information overload theory)
30. Further reading

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