Page 1: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

Rixin YuDivision of fluid Mechanics

Department of Energy ScienceLTH

Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena

-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG)


Page 2: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

IntroductionSome combustion related keywords

Energy, heat and power, transportation.Emission, clean combustion, global warming.Fossil fuel, Hydrogen, biomassCombustion efficiency, combustion instabilityTurbulence combustion


Page 3: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

IntroductionTo understand turbulent reacting system, a challenge

Turbulence + Chemistry Wide range of scales

Da Vinci’s sketch


Page 4: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

Research methodologyMathematical equations describing turbulent reacting flow

Flow turbulenceNaiver-Stokes equations(Conservation of mass, momentum, energy), assuming low-Mach number.

Chemistry reactionConservation of N species mass

o Yk , k=1,..N (YH, YO2, YCH3, …)

Reaction rates ωk is given by M elementary chemical reactions



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Research methodologyNumerical simulations of P.D.E governing turbulent reacting flow

Partial-resolution methods (filtered P.D.E., need models)

Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) Cheap; favored by industrial; Applied approach.

Large Eddy simulations(LES) more accurate, capturing dynamic features

Full-resolution method (no model)Direct(Detailed) numerical simulations(DNS)

Computational expensive, limited to very small sizelog(k)



resolved LES modelled LES

modelled RANSresolved DNS


2π/l0 2π/ηintegral Kolmogorov



Page 6: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

Data analysis : three case studies1: DNS studies of homgenouslycharged compression ignition (HCCI) engine combustion.

2: DNS of turbulent premixed flame propagation

3: Fractal flame front structures due to flame (Landau-Darrieus) instability


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*Animation edited by G. Leung, Original from Mitsubushi Corp

Case 1: Internal combustion(IC) engine

Four strokes Intake CompressionExpansionExhalation

HCCI engineLow NOx emission and high efficiencyControl problem

Types of IC engineDiesel engineSpark ignition(SI) engine


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Case 1: How does in-cylinder flow looks like?Full cycle LES of turbulent flow inside a typical diesel engine with curved-bowl shaped piston

Complicated flow, inhomogeneous mixing9/27/20168

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Case 1: In-cylinder turbulent flow and T fieldPiston with a squared bowl






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Case 1: Some ways of engine-combustion

No spark

Strong turbulence Weak turbulence

Add spark(combining flame propagation + igntion)


Homogenously charged compression ignition (HCCI)

Sensitive to T fluctuation

Engine combustion inside engine starts from an inhomogeneity in Temperature field and fuel/air concentration


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Case 1: What is HCCI combustion?2D-DNS of H2/Air auto-ignition in a small square (periodic) domain

9/27/2016Initial condition: Averaged T: 1070K; T rms fluctuation: 50K Pressure : 41 bar


Page 12: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

Case 1: What is HCCI combustion?3D-DNS of Lean H2/Air auto-ignition in a small cubic (periodic) domain

Yu. R et al, Comb. Flame, 2013

Domain size: 53 mm; Result plotting durations: 2 - 3 ms.Initial condition: Averaged T: 1070K; T r.m.s. fluctuation: 50K Pressure: 41 bar

ObservationsMultiple ignition kernels (initial hot spots)Two combustion modes

Slow deflagration waveRapid auto-ignition mode

Complicate topological surface for the reaction front

Saddle surfacesSpherical surfaces


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Case 1: Data analysis (Displacement speed: Sd)

Yu. R et al, Comb. Flame, 2013

= − Diffusion( )+ Reaction( ) ∗


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Case 1: Data analysis (Displacement speed: Sd)= − Diffusion( )+ Reaction( ) ∗


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Case 1: Data analysis Surface topology and its contribution to combustion process

Saddle surface

Spherical surface

Cylindrical surface

1: Both strong saddle and spherical fronts occupy small fraction of total flame area, however they contributes more to the flame stretch, due to the associcated larger Sd.2: In early stage small spherical fronts contribute to a large fraction of total flame stretch, saddles surfaces changes from convex to concave quite early, they are reasonable for reduction of flame front area in late stage of combustion process.


Page 16: Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena · Numerical simulation study of turbulent combustion phenomena-INTEGRATE Advanced Study Group (ASG) 1 9/27/2016. Introduction

Case 2: DNS of turbulent, statistical planar, premixed flame


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Case 2: More distributed layer of radical species with increased turbulence intensity




Ka = 65 Ka = 125 Ka =550 Ka =900 Ka = 3350 9/27/201617

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Case 2: DNS of turbulent premixed combustionAt Intensive turbulence (Ka =3350) , two different fuel/air reactants

H. Carlsson, R.Yu, X. Bai, Int. J. Hydrogen ,2014H. Carlsson, R.Yu, X. Bai, Proceeding of combustion Institute, 2015.

CH4/air H2/air


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Case 2: Data analysisObservations: High heat release rate at low temperature region

Non-conventional chemical pathway!Caused by turbulent transport of the most-diffusive H radical !Elementary reaction R(9) is greatly enhanced:

H+O2+M HO2+M

Heat release contributed from R(9) conditioned at T<700K


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Case 3: Intrinsic flame instabilityDarrieus-Landau (DL) instability (caused by density difference)

Cusp shapes or cellular flames shapes,developed with no (or weak) turbulence


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Case 3: Simulations of LD instability in periodic channel

Increasing channel width

Curved flame, but stationary.

Non-stationary flamecusp formation

Fractal flame structure.


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Case 3: Data analysis-Fractal flame

Fractal cascadingstructures:

(1) 4-6 (intermediate) cells on a (largest) cell

(2) 4-7 (minor) cells on a (intermedia) cell


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Case 3: Data analysisThe Fractal flame cascading concept

Koch snowflake




Gostintsev, et al. 1988

23 9/27/2016

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Case 3: Data analysis: Fractal dimension (1+d)power-law fitting of the velocity amplification (Uw)

Power law fitting of Uw(Propagation speed after reaching statiscal staionary)~≈ 0.65 − 0.75≈ . − .

No analytical theory aviable for large channel width9/27/201624

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Case 3: Data analysis: Fractal dimensions (1+d’)Box-counting of fractal images

Box counting≈ 0.07 − 0.1249/27/201625

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