Page 1: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

nurse wellness e-book!

Page 2: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

7 Day





Page 3: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi


2 Boiled Eggs,

1 Banana

1 Tbs Almond Butter


1 Red Pepper - Sliced in half, seeds removed

1 Can of Tuna (I prefer WildPlanet brand) : 1 Tbs Primal Kitchen Avocado

Mayo, 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 diced white onion, a dash of garlic powder, and

S&P to taste!

Place Tuna in Pepper Halves, and serve with a side of sliced avocado!

(Bring a whole avocado with you, as they are best eaten when freshly sliced!)


Fresh Strawberry Bacon Salad:

Organic Romain Lettuce (you can buy the bundle and chop yourself or pre-


1/4 cups Fresh Sliced Strawberries

2 Tbs Freshly Chopped Raw almonds

1/4 cup Sliced Red Onion

2 strips of Paleo Approved Bacon (Pederson's Brand- minimal ingredients)

Cooked then crumbled

1/2 sliced avocado

Vinaigrette: Balsamic Vinegar and Avocado Oil

Day 1

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3 slices of sweet potato toast (slice sweet potato and spread a small amount of

ghee on each slice like butter. Place in conventional oven and “toast.” Remove

when cooked. This sometimes takes 2 times to bake!)

Add 1 Tbs of Almond Butter drizzled all over.

Slice strawberries and place on top! (You can add dried coconut as well.)

Sprinkle Cinnamon and Enjoy!


Moroccan Salad

Bed of Organic Greens

Diced cooked Sweet Potatoes (You can use what was left over from your toast

this morning!)

-you can fry these in ghee or bake in oven if no leftovers! Bake in oven on 400

for 30-35 mins. I enjoy seasoning with turmeric, garlic, paprika, pepper, garlic,

and onion powder!

1/4 cup sliced red beets

1Tbs of chopped almonds

1 diced avocado

sliced red onion

1 stalk of celery chopped.

(chicken optional on top!)

S&P to taste

Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil

Day 2

Page 5: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

Dinner :

(Nurse Prep)

Paleo Crock Pot Chicken Stew!

Prep in morning!


Drizzle olive oil on bottom (about 1 Tbs)

2 whole organic chicken breasts

1 48oz Organic Free Range Chicken Broth

2 chopped carrots

1 chopped medium yellow or white onion

2 chopped celery Stalks

2 small chopped white potatoes

1 tsp thyme

2 chopped garlic cloves (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder)

1/2 squeezed lemon

S&P to taste

Let sit on low for 6-8 hours! Tear apart chicken and serve! You can top with

avocado or paleo sour cream!

Paleo Sour Cream: 1 can of Coconut milk. Leave in refrigerator over night!

Open can on opposite side to pour out “water.” The cream should be left! Add

1/2 tsp of lemon and a pinch of salt. Mix well. Serve with food of choice!

Day 2 Cont...

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Blueberry Banana Spinach Smoothie

1/2 cup of Organic Frozen Blueberries

1 cup of frozen spinach leaves

1 frozen Banana

1/2 cup of almond milk

1/4 cup water

1 Tbs almond butter

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1-2 scoops of Orgain Plant Based Protein Powder

Blend on High until smooth. Pour in mason jar and take on the road!


Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps

2 Cooked and chopped Organic Chicken Breasts

1 chopped celery stalk

1/4 cups diced red grapes

1 Tbs Avocado Mayo

1/2 tsp lemon juice

1/2 cup sliced almonds

a pinch of salt and pepper

(optional spices of tarragon, thyme, parsley, and dill if on hand….but that’s

getting fancy)

mix well

4 Romaine Lettuce Boats or Bibb Lettuce

Top lettuce with chicken salad and any other vegetables: tomatoes, avocado,

onion- etc….

Day 3

Page 7: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi


Loaded Sweet Potato


1 Large Organic Sweet Potato

2 fried eggs in 1 Tbs avocado oil

1 sliced avocado

1/2 yellow onion sautéed in oil remanence

1/4 cup sautéed cherry tomatoes

(Feel free to sautee up some Grassfed Beef and Load into it as well for extra


Top with compliant green tomatillo sauce (no soybean oil or added

preservatives! Trader Joes has a great brand!)

Sprinkle salt, pepper, and turmeric on top to taste! Feel free to add in spices to

sautéed veggies! Place toppings on Sweet Potatoes. You also may use Paleo

“Sour Cream” from Recipe above!

Day 3 Cont...

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Warm Banana Breakfast Bowl

2 Ripe Bananas

1/2 cup coconut or almond milk

1/8 cup shredded coconut

1 tsp cinnamon

2 Tbs of chopped Pecans (or almonds!)

Heat in small pot on stove- low to medium heat until warm! Enjoy!


Spaghetti Squash with Pesto:

1 spaghetti squash -medium to large size

1/4 cup pesto

3 roma tomatoes

1 Tbs Olive Oil

1/2 tsp garlic powder

Salt and Pepper to taste

(Pre-cooking Spaghetti Squash and putting in a glass container ahead of time is

always helpful and will save time with meal planning! Cut squash in half long-

ways and scoop out seeds! Drizzle Olive Oil on top and sprinkle with salt and

pepper. Cook for 35-40mins at 400 degrees! Squash will be ready when edges

turn golden brown. Scoop out with fork! Mix all ingredients in! Feel free to add

grilled chicken!)

Day 4

Page 9: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

Easy Home-made Pesto:

2 cups fresh packed parsley (you may add basil!)

3/4 cups raw cashews

1/3 cup olive oil

1 Tbs lemon juice

1/2 tsp lemon zest

sea salt and pepper to taste

Blend in food processor until pesto consistency! Store in mason jar for future


* If you can’t make home-made pesto, use clean marinara or seasoning from



(Nurse Prep):

Crockpot Curry Chicken:

In a crock pot combine:

1 Frozen Organic Chicken Breast

1 Tbs Yellow Curry Powder

1/2 tsp paprika

1 Whole yellow onion chopped

1 large Zucchini diced

1/2 cup cherry tomatoes

2 cloves garlic, chopped

2 cans organic coconut milk

1 Tbs coconut oil

Salt and Pepper to taste

Let sit on medium heat for 6-8 hours! Tear apart chicken and mix ingredients

when cooked through! Serve with avocado on side and top with fresh Cilantro!

Day 4 Cont...

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Mini Egg Breakfast Muffins:

(This can be made at beginning of week and used for the next few days!)

10 large eggs

1 cup chopped multi colored bell peppers

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 cup of cooked sausage or bacon (check your ingredients!)

1 cup chopped spinach

2 garlic gloves chopped

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of ground black pepper

In pan, add 1 tbs olive oil and mix in onions and pepper. When soft, add in

meat, garlic, and spinach! Sauté until all ingredients are incorporated well.

In muffin tin, spray with Olive Oil (we love Chosenfoods Olive oil spray). Add a

heaping Tbs of meat and veggie mixture into each tin. Whisk eggs together

and add salt and pepper in separate bowl. Pour egg over mixture and leave

about a 1/4 inch at top of each tin cup! Cook in oven at 350 degrees for 20-25

mins until golden brown!

Enjoy with side of tomatoes and avocado! Store in air tight glass container for

future use! You can easily heat up in toaster oven!

*You can also cut recipe in half for small batch!

Day 5

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Deli Turkey Roll Ups:

-4 slices of Organic Deli Turkey

-Baby Spinach

-Home-made pesto from previous recipe

Sliced Tomato

Red Onion

Spread pesto on turkey slices. Line sliced turkey with all veggies. Roll up

turkey with ingredients and pack in glass container. Serve with a fresh side

salad or avocado with balsamic!


Asian Chicken Salad:

Fresh Greens (I like chopped romain)

-1 cucumber sliced into thin sticks

-1-2 carrots sliced into thin sticks

-1/4 cup sliced roasted almonds (heat up over stove for 20 secs on low/med

heat) and grilled chicken on top!


1Tbsp Coconut Aminos (Whole Foods)

1Tbsp rice vinegar

1Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

1/2 Tbsp (sesame oil)

(I add a little powdered ginger to mine, but this is good as is! Pour dressing

over salad and top with almonds!!! SO refreshing and good!)

Day 5 cont...

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Breakfast “Sandwich”:

Chicken Sausage Patty- cooked on stove top

2 Thinly Sliced Apple Pieces

1 Fried egg in coconut oil

Sliced Tomato

Sweet Potato Toast - toasted in oven with ghee

Pile on top of each other!


Chicken Salad:

1 chicken breast chopped

1 Tbs Avocado Mayo

6 chopped red grapes

1 Tbs chopped Pecans

A dash of lemon juice

Salt and Pepper to taste

Serve on lettuce wraps or consume with sweet potato toast!

Day 6

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(Nurse Prep):

Turkey “Noodle” Soup!

1 carton of organic low sodium chicken broth

1/2 of a cooked spaghetti squash, scooped out

1/2 squeezed lemon

1/2 tsp thyme

1 cup cooked ground turkey meat (or chicken)

1/4 onion chopped

2 celery stalks chopped

1/4 tsp garlic powder

Sauté veggies with s&p and garlic powder

In a pot on medium heat, add chicken broth

I cut up the squash into little strings. Add those in.

Add lemon juice and thyme.

When veggies soft, add into pot.

Mix well and let sit on medium heat for 10 mins!

Day 6 cont...

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Veggie Scramble:

Add any veggies you'd like to a pan and sauté in ghee (spinach, tomato,

broccoli, brussels, onion, etc...)! When soft, add 3 eggs and scramble!

Add some avocado or a side of bacon!


EASY Lunch Salad:

Spring Mix

1/4 chopped red onions

6 sliced grapes sliced

1 Tbs pecans

3 slices chopped deli turkey

1 Tbs apple cider vinegar and EVOO!


Crockpot Spaghetti Sauce

(Nurse Prep)

1 can of Newmans Own Organic Pasta Marinara Sauce

1 small yellow onion chopped

1/2 chopped green pepper

2 cloves fresh garlic, chopped

1 Organic large chicken breast

Oregano, Basil, and Garlic Powder to liking.

A pinch of salt and pepper.

Add all in Crock Pot on low for 6 hours! I topped on some Spaghetti Squash!

You can add this onto fried eggplant with almond crumbs, zucchini noodles,

or on sautéed veggies!

Day 7

Page 15: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

- Epics Jerkey Bars

-Primal Kitchen Collagen Protein Bars

-Bag of Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, Dried Cranberries

Sweetened with fruit juice

-Avocado with Balsamic Vinegar (Break Room


-Sliced Carrots Bagged

-Sliced Peppers Bagged

-Gomacro Bars

-LARA Bars

-RX Bars

-Fresh Fruit combined with a healthy fat (handful of


-Banana with pre-packaged almond butter- yes this

fits in your scrubs!

Break Room Beverages:

-Kobucha (I love Golda and GTS- Gingerafe & trilogy)

-LaCroix Bubble Water (Coconut and Keylime)

Scrub Snacks

Page 16: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

-Anxiety Ease

3 drops Vetiver

3 Drops Bergamot


3 drops Bergamot

3 drops Balance

-Relax and Refresh

3 drops Lemon

2 drops Lavender

1 drop Rosemary

-Gotta Get Some Sleep

3 drops Serenity


4 drops Lavender

-Wish I Was At The


3 drops Citrus Bliss

2 drops Ylang Ylang

-The "Shift" Hit The Fan

-5 drops Balance

-Morning Meditation

2 Drops Bergamot

2 drops Wild Orange

1 drop Elevation

Snag my FREE

Intro to Essential

Oils E-Book HERE!



Page 17: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

YHIM Blend Emotional Support Roller!

In 10 ml Tinted Rollerball:

10 drops each:



-Wild Orange


Fill the remainder of the glass with dōTERRA

Fractionated Coconut Oil until the bottle is 3/4 of the

way full! Push roller ball in and cap!

Use as needed for imbalanced emotions on wrists

and bottoms of feet.

Use for head discomfort by applying to temples and

on back of neck. Reapply as needed.

Page 18: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

My Essential Oil Face Wash:

-3/4 cup of cold-pressed, unrefined organic coconut oil

(I like the Nutiva brand from Amazon).

-1/2 cup regular baking soda

15 drops each:




Mix all ingredients together. Store in glass jar. Use about

a dime sized when washing face, rinse well.

You may experience breaking out for a few days at first

with this face wash. Your skin all adapt as it realizes it’s

bring hydrated externally and doesn't need to produce as

much oil on it’s own! Coconut oil is anti-fungal and

bacterial in its nature so GREAT for skin care! Give it

time! If it persists, try almond or jojoba oil as alternatives!

Page 19: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

If you want to learn more about how to bring

PURE essential oils into your life, please click


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xo Kelsey

Page 20: Nurse Wellness nner : (Nurse P rep) P al eo Crock P ot Chi cken S t ew! P rep i n morni ng! A dd: Dri zzl e ol i ve oi

xo Kelsey

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