  • Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157

    Nutritional support of the critically ill and

    injured patient

    D. Sue Slone, MDTrauma Critical Care Section, Swedish Medical Center, 499 East Hamden Avenue, Suite 380,

    Englewood, CO 80110, USA

    Critically injured patients are characterized by hypermetabolism and accelerated

    catabolism, leading to rapid malnutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition among

    hospitalized patients is as high as 50% [1,2]. Inadequate nutrition is associated with

    an increased risk of morbidity, mortality, and longer hospital stays [3]. Most trauma

    patients are well nourished before injury. These patients are candidates for

    nutritional support because of the hypercatabolic state associated with multiple

    trauma. Adjuvant nutritional therapy has developed an expanding role in clinical

    intensive care, as the medical community begins to understand the immune system,

    sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction, and wound healing. With a better understand-

    ing of the endogenous responses to injury, more can be learned about the mediators

    of these responses. These mediators can be manipulated through improved insight

    into nutritional support, its timing, complications, and its role in the full recupera-

    tion of patients from the acute phase to rehabilitation.

    Nutritional assessment

    Assessment is used to identify patients who would benefit from nutritional

    support and suggests a design for that therapy. No patient is more difficult to feed

    than one with multiple injuries. As catecholamines, cytokines, and insulin levels

    rise in response to these traumatic insults, energy expenditure and protein turnover

    increase. Because of the heterogeneity of this patient population, it is difficult to

    develop guidelines applicable to all critically injured patients. There is a great need

    for clinical judgment. Many authors have provided exhaustive lists of possible

    markers for nutritional assessment [4]. The focus of this discussion will define a

    practical strategy, using readily available means of assessing nutritional status.

    Conditions such as thermal injuries, severe CNS (central nervous system) insult,

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    E-mail address: [email protected]

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157136

    sepsis, and certain comorbid conditions (eg, cancer, COPD [chronic obstructive

    pulmonary disease], alcoholism, and heart disease) produce added metabolic

    challenges and complications. These conditions exacerbate energy expenditure

    and protein catabolism brought on by severe injury. This evokes a variation even

    among patients with the same disease process [5].

    The assessment begins with a thorough history. This is not always practical

    during a trauma resuscitation and evaluation. The added challenge of alcohol

    intoxication, coma, pharmacologic management of the ventilator, and frequent

    anesthesia adds to the inherent challenge. Once the history is attainable, it should

    include alcoholic tendencies (associated with malnutrition), history of diabetes,

    chronic pulmonary disease, renal failure, weight gains, and weight losses (asso-

    ciated with increased morbidity) [6]. The underlying mechanism of injury is

    relevant to the assessment. Body weight change in the intensive care unit (ICU)

    patient is not a good measure of outcome, because it usually reflects fluid shifts.

    Body weight is most useful as serial measurements of the hospitalized patient to

    assess fluid status and response to therapy. The largest problemwith body weight is

    that it relies on the comparison of a range of normal values that often is limited by

    the diversity of the control population [7]. A more optimal nutritional indicator is

    body mass index (BMI, body weight in kilograms divided by square of height in

    meters). This index overcomes the limitations of changes in body weight and the

    need to compare it with expected normal values (Fig. 1).

    Clinicians should inspect for body habitus, obesity, muscle mass, pretemporal

    wasting, and edema. Although anthropometrics measures, such as triceps, skinfold

    thickness, and midarm muscle circumference are objective evaluations of these

    energy pools, they add little to the overall clinical plan [8]. These measurements are

    safe, simple, and inexpensive. They can be done at the bedside. Because the ratio of

    subcutaneous to total body fat may vary from 20% to 70% in normal subjects [9], it

    is notoriously inaccurate over a range of body sizes. It is most inaccurate in the

    extreme patients. These measures will often overestimate body fat in malnourished

    patients. They will underestimate body fat in obese patients. Acute changes are not

    detected accurately with anthropometrics [10]. These findings often are very hard

    to assess after aggressive fluid resuscitation.

    Serum albumin

    Albumin remains a useful tool in evaluating nutrition and predicting the

    patient’s risk for morbidity [11]. Gibbs et al found this to be a significant predictor

    for sepsis and major infections. This clinical trial involved over 54,000 patients,

    and the preoperative albumin level was identified as a significant predictor of

    mortality and morbidity for patients undergoing surgical procedures. There would

    be no baseline albumin in trauma patients. It was a predictor of pneumonia and

    wound infections [12], which would be applicable in the critically injured patients.

    Clinicians are cautioned that serum albumin can be altered with excessive protein

    losses, catabolism, and decreased hepatic protein synthesis. Dilutional effects

  • Fig. 1. Body mass index calculator.

    D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 137

    following massive fluid resuscitation are a very big factor in the trauma care

    setting. Transferrin, prealbumin, and other proteins have been studied for pos-

    sible improvements over albumin. They did not increase the sensitivity of this

    laboratory value. The difference in their usefulness is related to their reduced half-

    life. Transferrin (8- to 10-day half-life) and prealbumin (2- to 3-day half-life) have

    been accepted as sensitive indicators of acute protein and energy depletion, but

    they have not been shown to make a significant difference in the prediction

    of outcome [3]. Retinol binding protein has a 20-hour half-life, but it is limited

    by the same multifactor concerns.

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157138

    Objective multi-parameter indices designed to predict clinical outcomes rely on

    these values and thus are limited by the same concerns. For example, when tested

    clinically, the prognostic nutrition index (PNI) grossly overestimates the risk of

    complications and death [13].

    Measures of immunocompetence

    Immunity is suppressed by malnutrition. Cell-mediated immunity is more

    affected than humoral. [3] The total lymphocyte count (TLC) and delayed

    hypersensitivity skin testing (DHST) are the two tests most frequently used. A

    TLC of less than 3000/mm3 reflects immunodeficiency. It is not useful in patients

    who are critically ill, since sepsis, trauma, and disseminated intravascular coagul-

    opathy also depress immune function, including TLC. There has been a strong

    association between DHST results and morbidity. Mortality rates are higher in

    patients with negative skin test reactions when compared with patients with normal

    reactivity [14].

    Caloric and nitrogen balance studies

    Balance studies are used in the ICU to clarify nutritional requirements. They

    do not furnish a dynamic picture of the adequacy of current nutritional status.

    Balance studies fail to provide an assessment of past deficits and future improve-

    ments. Nitrogen balance is an inexpensive, easy, and effective measurement. It is

    calculated by subtracting the total excreted nitrogen from the total dietary

    nitrogen intake (Box 1).

    Box 1. Nitrogen output and balance equations

    Nitrogen output

    24-hour urine urea nitrogen(UUN)(g/d)=

    UUN(mg/d)� urine output(mL/d) �1 g/1000 mg

    �1 dL/100 mL

    Total nitrogen loss(g/d)24-hour UUN(g/d)

    +(0.20� 24-hour UUN g/d)+2 g/d

    Nitrogen balance

    24-hour intake protein (g)/6.25(g)� urinary nitrogen (g/d)=N/d

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 139

    The seemingly simple determination of nitrogen balance is fraught with

    difficulties. About 80% of nitrogen is eliminated through the urine. Other losses

    (purines, ammonia, and others) are estimated at 2 g daily. Twenty percent of urea is

    eliminated through feces and various other body fluids. A positive nitrogen

    balance, in the range of 2 to 4 g of nitrogen per 24 hours (anabolic state) is very

    difficult to achieve in the critically injured patient. This is simply not attainable

    when severe hypermetabolism is present [15].

    Metabolic requirements

    The balance between energy intake and expenditure determines the daily energy

    requirements (calories). If measured energy expenditure (MEE) is not readily

    available, the estimated caloric requirement is 104.67 to 146.54 kJ/kg of ideal

    body weight. Calorie balance can be measured using indirect calorimetry or

    calculated by the Harris–Benedict equation (published nearly 85 years ago,

    Box 2) [16]. This equation was developed using healthy volunteers and there-

    fore dramatically underestimates the energy requirements of trauma patients.

    Stress factors evolved for the modification of this formulation and are highly

    suspicious for overestimation of caloric requirements (Table 1) [17].

    The most accurate measure of BEE is the indirect calorimetry using a metabolic

    cart [18]. The basal metabolism can be determined by measuring oxygen con-

    sumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2).

    Energy expenditure ¼ cardiac output � VO2 þ ð1:11Þ ðVCO2Þ ½19�

    The procedure to measure BEE is slightly more labor intensive and sometimes

    difficult in the critical care setting. It also provides a respiratory quotient (RQ).

    This ratio of the carbon dioxide production (VCO2) to oxygen consumption

    (VO2) provides the composition of the oxidized substrate. It is unclear whether

    Box 2. Harris–Benedict equation


    basal metabolic expenditure (BEE)=

    66+(13.7) (weight kg)+ (5) (height cm)� (6.8) (age years)



    655+(9.6) (weight kg)+(1.7) (height cm)� (4.7) (age years)

  • Table 1

    Stress related correction factora

    Patient condition Correction factor

    Activity Bed rest 1.2 (X RME)

    Sitting in chair 1.3

    Infection Fever 1.0 + 0.13/�CPeritonitis 1.2 – 1.37

    Sepsis 1.4 – 1.8

    Trauma Soft tissue trauma 1.14 – 1.37

    Closed head injury 1.4 – 1.6

    Skeletal trauma 1.2 – 1.37

    Burns < 20% BSA 1.0 – 1.5

    40% BSA 1.5 – 1.85

    100% BSA 1.5 – 2.05

    Abbreviation: BSA, body surface area.a Must be adjusted during recovery and convalescence.

    D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157140

    the use of this sophisticated measure of calorie expenditures to calculate energy

    requirements provides an improvement in outcome [20]. The RQ, when using

    glucose as fuel, is 0.9 to 1.0. Mixed substrate combustion has an RQ of 0.8 to

    0.9. Fat as a primary fuel source produces an RQ of 0.7 to 0.8. Indirect

    calorimetry should be used to measure energy expenditures when the standard

    formulas are inaccurate. In a recent review, Brandi et al [21] suggested that

    indirect calorimetry is beneficial when the critically ill fail to respond adequately

    to estimated nutritional needs, have organ dysfunction and are in need of long-

    term nutritional support, and are receiving supplemental feedings simultaneous

    with weaning from the mechanical ventilator.

    Fick equation

    Oxygen consumption also can be determined by using a Swan–Ganz catheter

    and the Fick method (Box 3). Because VCO2 is not measured directly by this

    Box 3. Fick method (energy expenditure)

    Oxygen consumption (VO2)=CO (L/min)� (Cao2�Cvo2)� 10 Cao2 (mL/dL)=Hgb g/dL� 1.37� Sao2+0.003*� Pao2 Cvo2 (mL/dL)=Hgb g/dL� Svo2+0.003*� Pvo2 Energy expenditure=([3.9�Vo2]+1.1 [0.85�Vo2])� 1.44 Energy expenditure=6.96�Vo2

    * Blood oxygen solubility coefficient.

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 141

    method, a standard RQ of 0.85 is assumed. By using the Fick equation to compute

    VO2, and using RQ to compute the VCO2, this equation seems to correlate well

    with the indirect calorimetry and Harris–Benedict equation [22].

    Patient selection

    The patient who is a candidate for nutritional support is the healthy uninjured

    patient who has been without nutrition for 5 to 7 days. The trauma patient with an

    Injury Severity Score (ISS) of greater than 15, burn victim with a Body Surface

    Area (BSA) burn of greater than 20%, the patient with severe peritonitis or

    septicemia are all hypermetabolic and at risk for malnutrition. The only other

    patient who benefits from nutritional support is the malnourished patient who has

    by definition lost greater than 10% of the usual body weight. No other patient

    groups have been shown to benefit from adjuvant nutritional therapy. This has been

    studied carefully and reported by Buzby et al in 1991, among others. The

    participants were 395 malnourished patients known as the Veterans Affairs Total

    Parenteral Nutrition Cooperative Study Group [23]. The purpose of the study was

    to examine the efficacy of perioperative total parenteral nutrition (TPN). In all

    instances of poor patient selection, the risk of using TPNmay outweigh the benefits

    [24]. The only applicability to the trauma patient population is the frequency with

    which they can develop malnutrition. Patient selection may be one of the reasons

    well-designed, reproducible nutritional studies with significant outcome differ-

    ences are so difficult to develop. The major point of awareness is the importance of

    patient selection in the nutritional support for the trauma patient population. It may

    be better to wait 1 extra day for adjuvant enteral therapy than the start TPN on the

    third or fourth day after injury. The risk of TPN may outweigh the significance of

    the benefit and always must be considered in the trauma patient population.

    Caloric/energy requirement

    The goal of surgical nutrition in the critically injured patient is maintenance,

    not repletion. Overfeeding results in lipogenesis and results in a large increase in

    carbon dioxide production. It should be suspected when the clinically measured

    RQ is 1.1 or greater. The increased CO2 production associated with overfeeding

    requires an increase in minute ventilation or respiratory acidosis occurs. Both of

    these complications are undesirable in the trauma patient. The clinician should

    consider glucose intolerance if the provided nutrition is based on measured

    energy expenditures (MEE), but the patient retains an elevated RQ, attendant

    respiratory acidosis, or high minute ventilation. The glucose use rate (5 mg/kg per

    minute) may have been exceeded. Some patients may have pulmonary physiol-

    ogy that does not allow them to handle normal CO2 production. In this situation,

    manipulation of the ratio of lipids to carbohydrates may prove to be beneficial.

    Lipid calories should not exceed 60% of energy requirements. Dextrose mono-

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157142

    hydrate in TPN provides 14.24 kJ per gram. Ten percent lipid emulsion provides

    5.02 kJ/mL. Twenty percent lipid emulsion provides 8.79 kJ/mL. Lipids are iso-

    osmotic, calorie dense, and useful during glucose intolerance. Unfortunately, their

    use has been associated with a higher risk of infection [25]. This risk is not huge,

    but it is concerning. The minimum calorie requirement that should be delivered as

    lipids to prevent fatty acid deficiency is 5% [26]. There has not been an evidence-

    based answer concerning the maximal lipid intake or ideal lipid ratio. Serum

    triglyceride levels must be maintained within a normal range while the patient

    receives intralipids.

    Protein requirements

    In a healthy patient without protein intake, there is an obligatory loss of 20 to

    30 g of protein per day. In hypermetabolic critical trauma patients, protein

    degradation and synthesis typically increase in concert with a net loss. Patients

    lose up to 1% of their body protein per day. For this reason, 1.5 to 2.0 g of protein

    per kilogram of ideal body weight per day is recommended [27]. There is little

    doubt that the new mode of postlaparotomy open abdominal wound, increasing

    entercutaneous fistulae formation, systemic inflammatory response syndrome

    (SIRS), and new modes of mechanical ventilation have an impact on the insensible

    protein losses in critically injured patients. Studies of graded protein delivery

    demonstrated no significant benefit when providing the trauma patient with more

    than 1.5 g/kg ideal body weight [12]. There are no published data suggesting

    improved survival for adults with protein supplements that exceed this rate.

    Alexander [28], however, showed that children with severe burns had a significant

    reduction inmortality when proteins were supplemented with more than 1.5 g/kg of

    ideal body weight.

    Amino acids

    The need for certain amino acids during a stressful critical illness has been

    demonstrated by several clinical studies [29]. Glutamine is the most abundant

    amino acid in the body, but it shows deficits during episodes of severe stress

    (therefore considered semiessential). Glutamine production is up-regulated signifi-

    cantly during times of stress, trauma, and sepsis. It serves as a nitrogen donor for

    ammonia synthesis in the kidney to increase the excretion of acid. It acts as a

    primary fuel for enterocytes and immunologic cells. It is also important in glu-

    tathione synthesis [30]. Arginine is another semiessential amino acid that contrib-

    utes to the immune system and metabolic function. Branched-chain amino acids

    (BCAA) are considered essential and the primary energy source for muscle [31].

    There has not been any clinically proven benefit to supplementation with BCAA

    [32]. One theoretical nutritional use for BCAA is the reduction of the level of false

    transmitters that are caused by aromatic amino acids [33].

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 143


    The association between hyperglycemia and infectious complications is as-

    suming greater importance in the critically ill. Hyperglycemia and insulin re-

    sistance are common in critically ill patients, even if patients were not previously

    diabetic. The normalization of blood glucose levels with intensive insulin therapy

    improves the prognosis of such patients as seen in a large ICU study reported

    by Van Den Berghe et al [34]. The use of insulin to maintain blood glucose at

    a level that did not exceed 110 mg/dL substantially reduced mortality in this ICU.

    The patient group included only 8% (n = 68) major trauma and burn patients.

    The applicability of these data to trauma patients has not been determined.

    Electrolyte requirements

    Phosphorus is a ubiquitous mineral, and approximately 70% to 90% of adult

    intake is absorbed [35]. The total stores are 500 to 800 g. It is located mostly

    (80%) in bones and teeth. Muscle contains 9% of phosphorus. A small per-

    centage is available for synthesis of intracellular energy compounds (ATP). It is

    also useful in formation of 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG) [36]. There are so

    many phosphorus-dependent metabolic pathways that maintaining phosphorus

    homeostasis is critical for normal body function. Hypophosphatemia can lead

    to significant respiratory failure, as it is a major energy component for the

    diaphragm. Excessive nutritional support can cause hypophosphatemia, com-

    monly known as refeeding syndrome, which will be discussed later.

    Trace elements

    Copper has multiple effects on immune response, including both T and B cell

    defects. Interactions with iron often occur, and low copper may be associated with

    reduced nutritional intake. Both anemia and immune suppression are observed in

    patients with copper deficiencies. Decreasing copper causes a significant reduc-

    tion in proliferative response to reduced interleukin (IL)-2 receptor secretion [37].

    The liver stores several vitamins and micronutrients. As liver failure progresses,

    its ability to store nutrients is impaired. There is malabsorption of vitamins A,

    E, and K because of steatorrhea. Vitamin D levels may be reduced in the blood,

    in the presence of impaired renal function. Niacin, folate, and vitamin B12 also

    may be deficient in a patient with a history of alcohol abuse. Iron deficiency

    anemia may be found in patients with a history of gastrointestinal (GI) bleed.

    Bombesin is a tetradecapeptide analogous to mammalian gastrin-releasing

    peptide, which stimulates the release of several other GI tract hormones. It has

    been shown to increase the levels of intestinal IgA. Bombesin given three times per

    day has completely reversed the negative effect of TPN on respiratory tract

    immunity and gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) [38].

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157144

    Metabolic responses

    The metabolic responses to injury differ significantly from those of starvation.

    During starvation, the body attempts to compensate by decreasing its metabolic

    rate. Glycogen stores are depleted in the first 24 hours, and fat becomes the chief

    energy source. Proteins are conserved until late in the process. In most trauma

    patients, numerous metabolic processes join to produce a hypermetabolic state

    characterized by a rapid and significant negative nitrogen balance. The net result of

    protein tissue and muscle mass loss is two to three times that lost during starvation.

    Lipolysis is functionally reduced to the progressive elevation in insulin levels and

    relative glucose intolerance. This causes high levels of circulating glucose, which is

    not useful energy for the traumatized patient. Substrate delivery in the trauma and

    burn patient becomes key to preventing lipolysis and protein degradation. The

    overprovision of calories can cause the following hazards: increased metabolic

    rate, increased oxygen consumption, hyperglycemia, fluid imbalance and de-

    hydration caused by hyperosmotic load, fatty infiltrated liver, fluid overload,

    immunosuppression, prolonged ventilator dependence caused by increased CO2production, and electrolyte imbalance. Using graded calorie infusions in patients

    with burns, Burke [39] found the level of calorie input, which demonstrated

    increased rates of CO2 production and hepatic fat deposition when exceeded. The

    ideal level that he identified was 104.67 kJ/kg of ideal body weight per day.


    The suppressive effect of nutrient imbalance on the immune system is seen

    most readily in malnutrition [40]. Nutritional deficits produce significant atrophy

    of lymphoid organs and impaired function leading to infections [41,42]. Addi-

    tionally, studies suggest that overnutrition, particularly excessive fat intake, can

    cause immunosuppression [43]. Because microbes have a direct effect on di-

    gestion, these relationships are linked tightly in a mutually interactive fashion

    through the function of the GI immune system. Advances in the field of im-

    munology over the past 20 years have led to a better understanding of the role

    nutrition plays in the immune status of injured patients. It has been apparent that

    certain specific nutrients might exert pharmacologic immune-enhancing effects

    upon individuals independent of routine nonenergy protein intake. These include

    arginine, glutamine, nucleotides, and omega-3 fatty acids.


    Arginine promotes normal T-cell function and helper T-cell levels. It also

    enhances delayed type hypersensitivity and lymphocyte blastogenesis. It has been

    shown to stimulate macrophages and natural killer cell function [44]. It also plays a

    significant role in wound healing [45]. Most studies have evaluated arginine in

    conjunction with n–3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and dietary nucleotides.

  • Linoleic acid

    Linoleic acid is a w–6 PUFA that is a major constituent of cell membranes and aprecursor of prostanoid and leukotriene synthesis. It is considered an essential

    amino acid. Deficiency causes dermatitis. These deficiencies can be prevented by

    the minimal free fatty acid (FFA) requirement, which is 5% of total calorie intake.

    Its role in immune enhancement and as a substrate for the synthesis of prostanoids

    and leukotrienes is gaining acceptance quickly. There are no parenteral forms of

    linoleic acid available. Enteral immune-enhancing formulas containing w–3 PUFAare commercially available.


    Glutamine is an oxidative fuel for rapidly replicating cells, including GI mu-

    cosal cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages. It is also a nitrogen shuttle and

    precursor of the antioxidant glutathione. During stressed states, the body requires

    an exogenous source of glutamine to avoid catabolism and muscle glutamine

    depletion [46,47].


    Nucleotides enhance the replication of rapidly growing cells to include im-

    mune cells and GI mucosal cells [48], In addition, Good et al [49] were first to

    recognize the association between micronutrient deficiencies of vitamins and

    trace elements with a depressed immune response. Specifically, Good proposed

    that a certain key elemental deficiency, zinc, might be the cause. Primary zinc

    deficiency causes intractable and even fatal infections. Zinc is essential, as it

    is required for the biologic activity of thymic hormone needed for the matu-

    ration of T cells [50]. Copper has multiple effects on immunity, including T- and

    B-cell function. Other trace elements included in some of the diets were sele-

    nium and taurine, with known antioxidant properties [51]. Antioxidants have

    been shown in vitro to modulate the activity of various immune cells such as the

    T lymphocyte, endothelial cell, and monocyte/macrophage. Selenium deficiency

    also reduces antibody responses.

    There have been numerous studies of the clinical, immunologic, nutritional,

    and biochemical effects of arginine, glutamine, w–3 FFA and nucleotides. Thereare over 400 citations in the medical and biochemical literature. There were three

    meta-analyses [52–54] that determined immune enhancement showed clinical

    results such as decreased infection. There was no significant change in mortality

    resulting from dietary immunomodulation. Moore et al [55] published the results

    of a prospective randomized multi-center trial using isocaloric formulas on

    primarily traumatically injured critical care patients. The patients were fed

    immediately and received the diet for a week. There were increases in immuno-

    logic responses in the study group, with significantly fewer intra-abdominal

    abscesses and fewer multiple organ failures. This trial demonstrated similar

    findings with most of the many other immunomodulation studies. It showed that

    D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 145

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157146

    there were some clinical improvements in outcome but no significant reductions in

    mortality. It also can be noted that none of the centers studied any of the

    components separately. A clinical trial was presented from Seattle, using a trauma

    patient population that showed a significant increase in the development of adult

    respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) among those fed Impact (Novartis, Basel,

    Switzerland; a commercially developed ‘‘immune-enhancing’’ formula) [56]. This

    balance between improved immunity and heightened inflammation could make

    the overall response to these enhancing diet harmful. It is potentially unpredictable

    in different clinical settings. The danger of extrapolation between disparate groups

    is prevalent. This was a very small study and was powered higher in the original

    design. It raises interesting concerns about the routine use of immune-enhanced

    formulas without further evaluation.

    Twenty-two randomized trials (2419 patients) compared the use of various

    immune-enhancing formulas. When the data are aggregated, there is no mortality

    advantage, although many of the study patients had a reduction in infectious

    complications. All studies looked at the additives in combination, making it hard to

    evaluate any single component. Animal studies suggested that arginine was dose-

    dependent and varied with the timing of administration [57]. Immunonutrition was

    effective in elective surgical patients but had no affect on critical care patients in

    general. These supplements showed no significant affect on infectious complica-

    tions, length of ICU stay, or duration of mechanical ventilation. Immunonutrition

    was associated only with a reduction in total hospital length of stay. There were

    suggestions of methodologic weakness in some primary studies, sample size

    problems, and even some evidence (in one small study) that immune-enhanced

    diets may be associated with an increased mortality in critically injured patients.

    One wonders about the merit of immunonutrition, it is known today. Further

    research needs to define the underlying mechanism by which immunonutrition

    may be harmful, to identify which ingredients have a clinical affect, and which

    patients are associated with an outcome benefit. Once this study design is

    developed, it needs to be applied to trauma patients to evaluate the effect of

    immunonutrition on the critically injured patient.


    It has not been established clearly when to initiate nutritional support. Extensive

    data-based literature suggests that nutrition will attenuate the hypermetabolic

    response to injury, reduce the rate of infectious complications, and maintain the

    integrity of the intestinal mucosa along with its immunologic defenses [58,59].

    Obviously, a healthy young well-nourished individual with no significant injury

    can go several days without nutritional support. This will cause minimal effect on

    the patient’s mortality or morbidity. Any variation, such as the infliction of a major

    injury, advanced age, or the presence of comorbidities can alter the patient’s

    requirement for nutritional support drastically. Although many authors have

    defined the patient population requiring this support adequately, the optimal timing

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 147

    has not been elucidated. The benefits of early feeding in hypermetabolic patients

    have not been studied adequately. The heterogeneity of the hypermetabolic group

    of patients makes the study designs problematic and flawed. The largest study

    group of trauma patients reported by Moore and Jones [60] demonstrated a

    decrease in septic complications in patients who received early jejunal feedings,

    compared with a control group who received TPN. Because of the mixed route of

    administration seen in this study group, one cannot be certain that the significant

    difference in outcome was attributable to the early timing of the feeds, the enteral

    route of nutrition, or some other unidentified factor. Moore et al were credited with

    the first clinical studies that demonstrated a benefit with early enteral nutrition. A

    subsequent clinical trial by the same authors showed a reduction in pneumonia and

    intra-abdominal abscess formation [61]. A meta-analysis was published by Moore

    to clarify the findings from multiple clinical trials [62]. Because of the paucity

    of clinical trials to base practice guidelines, a summary report from a panel of

    experts sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, The American Society for

    Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, and the American Society for Clinical Nutrition

    reviewed all published literature concerning the benefits of perioperative nutrition

    [59]. TPN was found to decrease complications in malnourished populations only.

    A final statement was made that ‘‘nutritional support should be initiated in patients

    who are not expected to resume oral feeding for 7 to 10 days.’’ The panel

    also called for more prospective controlled trials with revised designs that would

    allow the question of whether the timing of nutritional support affects outcome to

    be explored.

    One prudent practice is to withhold nutritional support until after achieving

    hemodynamic stability even though hypermetabolic state may be present imme-

    diately. Shock has been shown clinically to reduce mesenteric perfusion, and it is

    presumed that early feeding during the shock state can contribute to mesenteric

    ischemia, infarction, and perforation [63]. Furthermore, metabolic derangements

    such as glucose intolerance resulting in hyperglycemia and osmotic diuresis can

    complicate further an already compromised critically injured patient. Even without

    evidence-based literature specific to the timing of nutritional support, most

    clinicians agree that early feeding in the severely injured patient is favorable.

    Route of administration

    Before 1968 [64], the GI tract was the only route available for nutrition. Dudrick

    et al revolutionized the management of patients dying from the inability to take

    enteral nutrition with a description of TPN. This became the preferred route of

    nutrition in the 1970s, because it was relatively safe, convenient, and widely

    available in spite of the condition of the digestive tract. In the 1980s, it was

    determined that there were compelling advantages to enteral nutrition, including

    the improved usefulness of the nutrients with the first pass through the liver [65]. It

    was advanced more slowly than TPN, but the nitrogen losses were found to be less.

    GI feeding did not cause the glucose intolerance seen in TPN, was felt to be

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157148

    protective against significant gut atrophy, attenuated the stress response better,

    maintained immunocompetence, and preserved the gut flora [66–68]. Thus, by the

    end of the 1980s, there was renewed interest in enteral feeding. After being the first

    to establish the importance of early feeding for trauma patients, Moore et al were

    credited with the first randomized controlled trial in the trauma population

    designed to evaluate the advantages offered by enteral nutrition compared with

    TPN [62]. Kudsk et al confirmed these observations at Presley Memorial Trauma

    Center in Memphis, Tennessee [69]. Investigators argue that enteral nutrition

    maintains the integrity of the GI tract and has fewer associated infectious

    complications compared with TPN. The problem with these two similar class I

    studies was the size, which may have been suboptimal [70]. A meta-analysis done

    by Moore and Feliciano [63] found support for early total enteral nutrition (TEN)

    versus TPN in the trauma patient but did not find defined support in the nontrauma

    population. Just as many trials showed no difference between TPN and enteral

    nutrition. Most of these trials were not done on trauma patients, but Pacelli et al

    demonstrated that enteral feeding following major abdominal surgery failed to

    reduce postoperative complications and mortality when compared with parenteral

    nutrition [71]. Was the design flaw, which provided patients in the enteral feeding

    arm of the study with TPN during the periods of time when the patient would not

    tolerate enteral feeds, the reason for the disparity between these results and the

    findings that Moore published when evaluating the trauma patient population?

    Many of the comparative trials were characterizedwith inadequate patient selection

    (not restricted to patients who required nutritional support), small study size, and

    insufficient definitions of complications. Lipman did a thorough review of the

    literature as it concerned the route of delivery of nutrition [72]. He evaluated the

    common arguments that enteral nutrition is better because it is cheaper, safer, more

    physiologic, promotes better GI function, prevents bacterial translocation, and

    improves outcome. This comparison of enteral nutrition and TPN on gut–barrier

    function and other clinical outcomes did not demonstrate an advantage in patients

    with abdominal trauma, except in the reduction of sepsis. This inconsistency

    undoubtedly highlights the shortcomings of meta-analyses when used to assess

    trials of different quality involving heterogeneous patient groups and diverse

    endpoints. If the risks of enteral nutrition were equal to TPN, then enteral nutrition

    is better because of its reduction of cost alone. To take a current look at the old

    controversial issue of TPN versus TEN, a common theme should become apparent

    when initiating support. TPN should be reserved for those patients whose GI tract

    will remain unavailable for a prolonged period, resulting in eventual malnutrition.

    There is some concern that most of the complications associated with TPN are

    caused by the lipid component. Battistella et al suggest lipids be withheld from the

    TPN of trauma patients able to tolerate at least 10% of their nutrition enterally. This

    group received fewer calories, but no intravenous lipids. They had fewer infections,

    shorter LOS, and fewer days on a ventilator [72]. Cerra found no difference in the

    potential for multiple organ failure in patients receiving enteral feeds versus TPN

    [73]. A logical resolution to the conflict of TPN and TEN is that if the gut is

    functional, use it. One should not have a slavish commitment to enteral feeds in the

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 149

    patient who does not tolerate it. It even has been suggested that the increase in

    splanchnic blood flow induced by enteral feeds may be detrimental to the critically

    injured patient. The time has come for the TEN versus TPN debate to be laid to rest.

    Patients with questionable GI function should be fed using a combination of TEN

    and TPN. The enteral feed should be increased or decreased according to tolerance,

    with TPN adjusted accordingly. If the patient is going back and forth, with

    procedures requiring intermittent deferment of enteral feeds, then TPN should be

    used preferentially. Although TPN has infectious implications and is associated

    with GI atrophy, it is immediately available and does not require much time and

    tolerance to reach full support. Border et al found less sepsis in patients who

    received at least 40% of their nutrition by enteral routes [74].

    The debate about the route continues to raise controversy, but flawless trials

    demonstrating consistent benefits to major outcomes have been rare. There is a

    general lack of evidence-based guidelines involving the decisions related to

    nutritional timing and route.

    Feeding access

    The benefits of enteral nutrition in trauma patients are recognized widely. The

    optimal method of enteral access in severely injured patients is not established.

    Feeding jejunostomy generally is considered to be a safe method of establishing

    enteral access in elective surgical patients, but the safety in trauma patients is less

    certain. Holmes et al [75] retrospectively evaluated the complication rate of the

    jejunostomy feeding tube in trauma patients and found it to be 10%. Although the

    value of enteral feeding has been investigated extensively, the safety of feeding

    jejunostomy as an adjunct to trauma celiotomy has received less evaluative

    investigation. Many centers have become quite discouraged with the use of this

    type of access, although this may be premature. With appropriate patient se-

    lection, judicious tube feeding regimens, and attention to technical details, the

    jejunostomy related complications could be controlled. Alternative enteral ac-

    cess techniques should be considered in this population, however. Other such

    access can be provided with nasal jejunal feeding tubes and needle catheter

    jejunostomy. Nasoduodenal (postpyloric) feeding tubes may be placed easily and

    can provide a safer method than surgical jejunal access for feeding the severely

    injured patient [76].



    Overfeeding critically ill patients can cause metabolic complications that are

    serious and sometimes fatal. Patients who are very small, very large, or very old are

    particularly vulnerable to overfeeding.

  • Azotemia

    Azotemia occurs when the rate of urea production exceeds the excretion. The

    rate of synthesis of urea in the liver depends on the protein intake and endogenous

    catabolism. Inflammation and infection activate cytokines (eg, IL-1 and IL-6) that

    accelerate muscle breakdown. Furthermore, adrenal hormones and catecholamines

    such as glucagons, cortisol, and epinephrine, which are elevated after traumatic

    injury, stimulate muscle catabolism. Accelerated proteolysis in critically ill and

    injured patients, combined with overzealous protein delivery, sets the stage for

    azotemia [77].

    Fat overload syndrome

    Life-threatening complications are rare but can occur because of excessive

    amounts of soybean oil emulsions [78]. Respiratory distress, coagulopathies, and

    abnormal liver function tests are the primary manifestations of fat overload. Less

    commonly reported abnormalities are acute renal failure, fever, rash, depressed

    platelet counts, low hemoglobin concentration, hypertension, and tachycardia [79].

    Patients who have sustained injury have stimulated cytokine production and

    depressed lipoprotein lipase activity [80]. Lipase activity probably further stimu-

    lates the cytokine response.


    Overfeeding carbohydrates may lead to hypertriglyceridemia within a matter of

    days [81]. Infusing lipid in excess of 2 gm/kg per day has been associated with

    hypertriglyceridemia in patients receiving propofol, a lipid-based drug used for

    sedation [82]. It is not known whether propofol exerts an effect that is independent

    of the effect of the lipid carrier. Propofol decreases tissue oxidation and carbon

    dioxide production [83].

    Hepatic steatosis

    More than one mechanism may be responsible for the accumulation of hepatic

    fat. Hepatic steatosis during overfeeding derives from exogenous lipid or redistri-

    bution of fat from adipose tissue.


    Carbon dioxide is formed when intracellular substrates are broken down to

    produce ATP. With overfeeding, the ratio of carbohydrate to fat in substrate

    oxidation continues to increase over time. When and how much fat oxidation is

    displaced by carbohydrate oxidation may depend on the patient’s ability to store

    glycogen. Eventually, overfeeding will lead to more carbon dioxide production

    over time [84]. Plasma triglyceride is elevated in patients with infectious illness,

    particularly gram-negative sepsis. This is primarily caused by the effect of tumor

    necrosis factor, which decreases the activity of lipoprotein lipase [85].

    D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157150

  • Table 2

    Complications of central venous catheterization

    Pneumothorax Catheter occlusion Hydrothorax/hydromediastinum

    Air embolism Thoracic duct injury Catheter embolus

    Improper location Hemomediastinum Brachial plexus injury

    Venous thrombosis Arterial puncture Local hematoma/bleeding

    Failure to cannulate Hemothorax Subcutaneous emphysema

    Catheter sepsis Local infection Bacteremia

    D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 151

    Metabolic acidosis

    Metabolic acidosis has been reported recently with excessive protein intake

    from an enteral formula [86].

    Refeeding syndrome

    Initiation of nutrition support to patients with severely depleted nutrient stores is

    associated with clinically significant shifts in phosphorus, magnesium, and

    potassium from extracellular to intracellular spaces [87]. In the fed state, ATP

    production, glycogenesis, and protein anabolism place extra demands on the

    supply of these important minerals, whose transport into cells is stimulated by

    insulin [88]. Additionally, starvation causes a catabolic release of intracellular

    phosphate, which is excreted in the urine. Total body stores of intracellular

    electrolytes slowly are depleted, because these constituents of the body cell mass

    are lost slowly during catabolism. Refeeding and the early stages of overfeeding are

    both cardiovascular demands. Chronically malnourished patients whose cardiac

    muscle is depleted are not prepared to deal with the circulatory demands caused by

    the initiation of aggressive nutrition support [89]. Approaches for the prevention

    and management of refeeding syndrome (also called nutritional recovery syn-

    drome) include supplement with vitamins and minerals as soon as possible.

    Consider thiamin, folate, B-6, and zinc [90] supplementation. Clinicians may have

    to reach the nutritional goals slowly, with close monitoring of cardiac and mineral

    status for acute changes. The refeeding syndrome is a complication of nutritional

    support that potentially causes considerable morbidity and mortality associated

    with sodium retention and expansion of the extracellular space, leading to weight

    gain [91].

    Central line complications

    The complications seen in central venous catheterization associated with TPN

    are found in Table 2.

    Special problems

    Head injuries

    This patient profile can portray a significant hypermetabolic/catabolic response.

    Sedation, paralytics, and muscle relaxants modulate this. Energy requirements in

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157152

    the paralyzed or comatose patient are quite difficult to estimate. Indirect calorime-

    try or MEE calculations are useful in these patients. Early nutritional support can

    be achieved, but special attention must be made to prevent hyperglycemia, which

    has been shown to exacerbate ischemic brain injury.

    Burn injury

    Major burns are the most hypermetabolic/hypercatabolic injuries and can

    double the MEE. The profound immunosuppression seen in these patients has

    prompted a great deal of work on nutritional approaches to immune-enhancement.

    Burn patients require the most calories, the most proteins, and vitamin C, and high

    doses of vitamin E.

    Obese trauma patients

    Nutritional support in critically ill or injured obese patients can pose unique

    problems for clinicians. Many of these patients have chronic diseases related to

    their obesity such as diabetes, degenerative joint disease, hypertension, respiratory

    abnormalities, hyperlipidemia, and hepatobiliary disease. They are more likely

    than their nonobese counterparts to develop complications such as nosocomial

    infections, wound dehiscence, and cardiorespiratory complications [92–94]. The

    MEE of obese patients is widely variable, and their energy needs are difficult to

    predict accurately [95]. As a result, nutritional intake very easily could be given in

    excess, leading to the complications of overfeeding. This has become a recognized

    problem, and alternative hypocaloric, high-protein feeding has been developed for

    the critically ill obese patient [96,97]. Dickerson, et al [98] reported results of a

    retrospective trial examining 40 obese trauma patients who received enteral tube

    feedings. They examined the nutrition and clinical outcomes of critically ill obese

    patients who received eucaloric or hypocaloric enteral feeds. Nitrogen balance and

    protein responses were similar between groups. Clinical outcomes favored the

    hypocaloric group, with a significantly lower number of ICU days, fewer days of

    antibiotic therapy, and fewer days on the ventilator. A randomized double blind trial

    is warranted to confirm the clinical outcome of the superiority of hypocaloric

    enteral feeding over eucaloric enteral feeding in critically ill, obese patients.


    The understanding of the importance of nutrition, particularly in the critically ill

    patient, is based on the known physiologic consequences of malnutrition. It

    includes respiratory muscle function, cardiac function, the coagulation cascade

    balance, electrolyte and hormonal balance, and renal function. Nutrition affects

    emotional and behavioral responses, functional recovery, and the overall cost of

    health care. The need to identify and treat the malnourished or potentially

  • D.S. Slone / Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 135–157 153

    malnourished patient is a critical aspect of patient management. Much is known of

    catabolic and hypermetabolic state caused by trauma and burns. The response to

    injury needs to be mediated. There is much to learn about the intervention of that

    response through adjuvant nutritional therapy.


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