
Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

þk¾kyku / çkúkL[ fr{xeLkk MkÇÞku

ËrhÞkÃkwh þk¾khrð [uBçkMko, ËrhÞkÃkwh Ëhðkò çknkh,

ËrhÞkÃkwh, y{ËkðkË-380 004. VkuLk Lkt. 22122544, 22165973, 22166911,

©e økkuhÄLk¼kE «n÷k˼kE Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e «n÷k˼kE nhøkkuðLkËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e þi÷u»k¼kE Eïh¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Eïh¼kE {tøk¤ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e fkÂLík÷k÷ AøkLk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e fuíkLk¼kE ¼ku¤k¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼híkfw{kh (rLk÷u»k¼kE) {kÄð÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e{íke MktæÞkçkuLk rn{ktþw¼kE Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

hkýeÃk þk¾kLkxhks þkuÃkªøk MkuLxh, swLke huÕðu ÷kELk ÃkkMku,

hkýeÃk, y{ËkðkË-382480.VkuLk Lkt. 27531604, 27530070

©e sÞtrík¼kR Mkku{k¼kR Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e Mkku{k¼kE Ëk{kuËhËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e yh®ð˼kE [e{Lk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e íkw÷Mke¼kE ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Mkwhuþ¼kE Wr{Þk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼krðLk¼kE y{]ík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ÄLkS¼kE W{uËhk{ «òÃkrík MkÇÞ©e©e h{uþ¼kE ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

Lkhkuzk hkuz þk¾kf]»ý økkuÃkk÷ yuMxux, ykþeðkoË yuMxuxLke çkksw{kt,

Lkhkuzk hkuz, y{ËkðkË-380 025.VkuLk Lkt. 22201426, 22200214

©e fkÂLík÷k÷ Eïh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e íkw÷Mke¼kE Mkku{k¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e fkÂLík÷k÷ {kÄð÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e h{ý¼kE LkkhýËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {nuLÿfw{kh nkÚke¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e [tËw÷k÷ òuEíkkhk{ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼hík¼kE Mkkf¤[tË Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e SíkuLÿfw{kh çkkçkw÷k÷ ËuMkkR çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

{u½kýeLkøkh þk¾k{kunLk MkeLku{k Mkk{u,

yMkkhðk, y{ËkðkË-380 016. VkuLk. Lkt. 22137447, 22133318

©e rþðk¼kE òuEíkkhk{ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e y{]ík¼kE fkÂLík÷k÷ [kufMke MkÇÞ©e©e y{]ík÷k÷ Lkxðh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e hksuLÿfw{kh økkuhÄLk¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©ezkì. søkËeþfw{kh ¼økk¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {Þwh hrík÷k÷ þkn çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

Mkuxu÷kEx þk¾kÃknu÷u {k¤, RMfkuLk MkuLxh, rþðhtsLke [kh hMíkk ÃkkMku,

Mkuxu÷kEx hkuz, y{ËkðkË-380 015.VkuLk Lkt. 26926090, 26927090

©e Ãk]Úðe®Mkn økkuçkhS hkýk [uh{uLk©e©e hkurník¼kE hýAkuz¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e h{uþ¼kE {kunLk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e çkkçkw¼kE Mkku{k¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e økkuhÄLk¼kE Mkku{ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e þtfh¼kE [íkwh¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {nuLÿ¼kE Eïh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {wLkuþ yrhðt˼kR þkn çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

hr¾Þk÷ þk¾kòøkLkkÚk yuMxux, økwshkík çkkux÷ªøk Mkk{u, hr¾Þk÷,

y{ËkðkË-380 023.VkuLk Lkt. 22743808, 22761646

©e zknÞk¼kE [íkwhËkMk Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e fkÂLík¼kE EïhËkMk Ãkxu÷ (yu.fu. Mxe÷) MkÇÞ©e©e ¼økehÚk¼kE rºk¼kuðLkËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e fkÂLík÷k÷ Eïh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ (nrhyku{ Mxe÷) MkÇÞ©e©e økku®ð˼kE þtfh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e rð»ýw¼kE LkkhýËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e hrMkf¼kE y{]ík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Mkku÷k hkuz þk¾kÃknu÷u {k¤, MkíÞMkqÞo fkuBÃ÷uûk, {{íkk fkuBÃ÷uûk ÃkkMku, Mkku÷k hkuz,y{ËkðkË-380061. VkuLk. 27411739, 27433359

©e ytçkk÷k÷ fuþð÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e r{neh¼kE rðê÷¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e LkkLkw¼kE suMktøk¼kE [kiÄhe MkÇÞ©e©e ytçkk÷k÷ òuEíkkhk{ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e LkkhkÞý¼kE þtfhËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Lkxðh¼kR LkkhkÞý¼kR Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

LkkhýÃkwhk þk¾k2, rþðk÷Þ yuÃkkxo{uLx, MkhËkh Ãkxu÷ fku÷kuLke hkuz, LkkhýÃkwhk,y{ËkðkË-380013. VkuLk. 27680747, 27682617©e rðLkkuË[tÿ fkÂLík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e Ãktfs¼kE ¼hík¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Þkuøkuþ¼kE hrík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e sÞtíkfw{kh {rý÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e hksuLÿ¼kE {tøk¤ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {nuLÿ¼kE rðê÷ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e çkeÃkeLk[tÿ økkuÃkk¤¼kR Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e nMk{w¾¼kE fuþð÷k÷ þkn çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

LkðhtøkÃkwhk þk¾k‘LkðrLk{koý çkUf ¼ðLk’, ©e{k¤e MkkuMkkÞxe, hMkk÷k {køko,

LkðhtøkÃkwhk, y{ËkðkË-9 VkuLk. 26562637, 26463817©e çk¤Ëuð¼kE òuEíkkhk{ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e nMk{w¾¼kE ¼e¾k÷k÷ þkn MkÇÞ©e©e LkkhkÞý¼kE {tøk¤ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Mkwhuþ¼kE ðu÷S¼kE [kiÄhe MkÇÞ©e©e Mkkih¼¼kE økku®ð˼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e rLkíkeLk¼kE LkkÚkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e þi÷u»k¼kE økkuhÄLkËkMk Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

Mkkçkh{íke þk¾kMkkhÚke fkuBÃ÷uûk, rðMkík ÃkuxÙku÷ÃktÃkLke ÃkkMku, Mkkçkh{íke,

y{ËkðkË-380005. VkuLk. 27508492©e sÞtrík¼kR Mkku{k¼kR Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e «rðý¼kR f[hk¼kR Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e «rðý¼kE hk{ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ÷û{ý¼kE Mkku{k¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e rð»ýw¼kE ¼økðkLkËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e MkUÄk¼kE {ýe÷k÷ «òÃkrík MkÇÞ©e©e Ä{uoþ¼kE økkuÃkk÷¼kE «òÃkrík MkÇÞ©e©e økku®ð˼kE MkUÄk¼kE Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

[uLkÃkwh þk¾k1, rþð ËþoLk MkkuMkkÞxe, çkk÷kfo Ã÷kÍkLke ÃkkA¤, &÷kuf huMkezLMke Mkk{u,[uLkÃkwh hkuz, Lkðk hkýeÃk, y{ËkðkË-382480 VkuLk Lkt. 27590077©e þi÷u»k¼kE huðk¼kE Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e W{uþ¼kE Lkxðh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Ãktfs¼kE Lkxðh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ËþhÚk¼kE nhSðLkËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼kE÷k÷¼kE Eïh¼kE Ãkt[k÷ MkÇÞ©e©e «Vw÷¼kE Ãkwtò¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e Ãktfs¼kE ykí{khk{¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e økku®ð˼kE {Vík÷k÷ «òÃkrík çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

Lkðk Lkhkuzk þk¾kç÷kuf-çke, íkûkrþ÷k ykuheyuLx, 100’ ¢kuMk hkuz, ~Þk{ Vk{oLke Mkk{u,rLkfku÷-Lkhkuzk hkuz, Lkðk Lkhkuzk, y{ËkðkË-382330. VkuLk. 22980560©e fkÂLík÷k÷ Eïh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e {wfuþ¼kE ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼kE÷k÷¼kE Sðý÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {kÄw¼kE Mkku{ËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e rËÃkf¼kE økkuÃkk÷¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e yþkuffw{kh fkÂLík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e nhuþfw{kh {kÄw¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e LkhuLÿ¼kE ðkze÷k÷ Ãkhe¾ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

LkkLkk r[÷kuzk þk¾k101, {kYrík þkELk, hkuÞ÷ ykfuoz Mkk{u, LkkLkk r[÷kuzk

y{ËkðkË-382330 VkuLk Lkt. 29703044©e «n÷k˼kE fkÂLík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e Lkxðh÷k÷ ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e SíkuLÿ¼kE çk¤Ëuð¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e þtfh¼kE ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e nMk{w¾¼kE Mkktfk¼kE Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e rËÃkf¼kE {ÚkwhËkMk Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e «n÷k˼kE Mkktfk¼kE Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e

fXðkzk þk¾k3/4, nrhf]Ãkk RLzMxÙeÞ÷ yuMxux, ðk÷kçkkÃkk {trËh ÃkkMku, hkuz Lkt. 5,

fXðkzk. y{ËkðkË-382430 VkuLk Lkt. 29705754©e fkÂLík÷k÷ Eïh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ [uh{uLk©e©e «rðýfw{kh fkÂLík÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e [uíkLkfw{kh ALkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼hík¼kE Eïh÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e {wfuþ¼kE ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e ¼hík¼kE Mkkf¤[tË Ãkxu÷ MkÇÞ©e©e síkeLk¼kE ÄLkS¼kE ¼kzò (Mke.yu.) MkÇÞ©e©e SíkuLÿfw{kh ½Lk~Þk{¼kE Ãkxu÷ çkúkL[ {uLkush©e


(1) rhÍðo çkUf ykuV ELzeÞk, y{ËkðkË(2) Äe økwshkík Mxux fku. ykuÃk. çkUf ÷e.(3) Äe y{ËkðkË rzMxÙefx fku-ykuÃk. çkUf ÷e.(4) yu[. ze. yuV. Mke. çkUf y{ËkðkË(5) ÞwrLkÞLk çkUf ykuV EÂLzÞk - Mke. S. hkuz(6) ykE.Mke.ykE.Mke.ykE. çkUf ÷e. - y{ËkðkË

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

49{ku ðkŠ»kf ynuðk÷ 2018-2019{kLkLkeÞ Mk¼kMkË ¼kEyku yLku çknuLkku,

ykÃk MkðuoLku çkUfLke ykuøkýÃk[kMk{e ðkr»kof MkkÄkhý Mk¼k{kt ykðfkhíkkt ykLktË yLkw¼ðwt Awt. ykÃkLke Mk{ûk çkUfLkkíkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkus Ãkwhk Úkíkk ð»koLkk ykurzx ÚkÞu÷ yLku çkkuzo ykuV rzhuõxMkuo {tswh fhu÷ LkVk-LkwfMkkLk ¾kíkw, MkhðiÞw yLku ð»ko2018-2019 Lkk Ãkwhk Úkíkk ð»koLkku ðkŠ»kf ynuðk÷ hsq fY Awt.

çkUfªøk ûkuºk rçkLk WíÃkkËf yMfÞk{íkku , ¢qz ykuE÷Lkk yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ ¼kð{kt ðÄkhku, LkkuLk çkUfªøk ykŠÚkf ftÃkLkeykuLkesðkçkËkheyku - yMfÞk{íkkuLku {sçkqík çkLkkððkLke sYheÞkík ¼khíkeÞ yÚkoíktºk {kxu ®[íkkLkku rð»kÞ Au. LkkËkhe fkÞËk (Insolvency andBankruptcy Code) Lke Mkðoøkúkne,rLkýokÞf yLku rðïMkLkeÞ þYykík çkUfªøk ûkuºku rçkLkWíÃkkËf yMfÞk{íkkuLkk rLkhkfhý {kxu {níðLkwtÃkøk÷wt Au. yk ð»ko þnuhe Mknfkhe çkUf ûkuºk {kxu ÚkkÃkýkuLkk Äe{e ð]ÂνËhLkwt hnÞwt Aíkkt ykÃkýe çkUfu rzÃkkuÍex, rÄhký yLku LkVkfkhfíkkLkkÃkheýk{ku{kt «økrík fhe Auu. çkUfLke «økríkLkku MktÃkqýo Þþ çkUfLkk økúknfku, ðneðxfíkokyku yLku rníkuåAwykuLku yk¼khe Au.

çkUfªøk fkÞo«ýk÷e{kt Mkíkík ÚkE hnu÷ íkfLkefe rðfkMk MkkÚku hne íkÚkk «ðíko{kLk nheVkELku yLkwYÃk økúknfkuLku {n¥k{ ykÄwrLkfMkð÷íkku ykÃkðkLkk «ÞkMk{kt çkUf MkuðkykuLkku ÔÞkÃk Mkíkík ðÄkhe hne Au. nk÷ çkUf økúknfkuLku ÔÞðnkhku {kxu yuMk. yu{. yuMk. yu÷xo, r{Mzfku÷Úke çku÷uLMk ykÃkðwt, Lkux çkUfªøkLke ÔÞw VuMke÷exe, YÃku zuçkex fkzo, {kuçkkE÷ çkUfªøk íkÚkk ykh. xe. S. yuMk., yuLk.E.yuV.xe.,ykE.yu{.Ãke.yuMk. suðe yãíkLk Mkuðkyku Ãkqhe Ãkkze hne Au. Mobile Application Úke NEFT Lke MkwwrðÄk WÃkÕçkÄ Au yLkuMobile Application Úke RTGS Lke Mkuðk xqtf Mk{Þ{kt þY fhe hnÞk Aeyu.

LkVku yLku ðnU[ýe :-

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkus çkUfLke fw÷ ykðf Yk. 5349.11 ÷k¾Lke ÚkE íkuLke Mkk{u ÚkkÃkýku ÃkhLkwt ÔÞks, Mkt[k÷Lk ¾[o,f{o[kheykuLkk Ãkøkkh, ½Mkkhku ðøkuhu çkkË fhíkk ykuÃkhuxeð LkVku Yk. 1495.69 ÷k¾ fhu÷ Au. su{ktÚke ¾hkçk yLku þf{tË ÷uýk Mkk{uYk.125.00 ÷k¾, ELf{xuûk ¼hðk {kxu Yk.473.60 ÷k¾, Yk.55.00 ÷k¾ “økkuÕzLk ßÞwrçk÷e Vtz” ¾kíku íkÚkk Yk.12.98÷k¾ MÃkuþeÞ÷ heÍðo ¾kíku «kuðeÍLk fhu÷ Au. yk hf{ çkkË fhíkkt Yk. 8,29,10,738.92 [kuϾku LkVku hnu Au. [kuϾk LkVkLkeVk¤ðýe çkUfLkk Ãkuxk rLkÞ{ku {wsçk fhðk çkkuzo ykuV rzhuõxMko ¼÷k{ý fhu Au.

LkVkLke Vk¤ðýerhÍðo Vtz 50 xfk {wsçk.......... Yk. 4,14,55,400.00rçkÕzªøk Vtz ...... Yk. 2,00,00,000.00rzðezLz 10 xfk {wsçk........... Yk. 1,08,00,000.00rzðezLz Rõðe÷kEÍuþLk Vtz ...... (þuh {qzeLkk 2 % {wsçk) Yk. 25,00,700.00rþûký Vtz ........... Yk. 2,00,000.00zqçkík yLku þf{tË ÷uýkt Mkk{u òuøkðkE (15 % {wsçk) Yk. 20,00,000.00ELðuMx{uLx ÷fåÞwyuþLk Vtz ........... Yk. 17,60,000.00«kuÃkuøkLzk Vtz Yk. 5,00,000.00fLxeLsLMke Vtz Yk. 30,00,000.00

[uhexeVtz Yk. 6,94,638.92

fw÷........... Yk. 8,29,10,738.92

Mknfkhe fkÞËkLke òuøkðkE {wsçk þuh WÃkh 10 xfk ÷u¾u rzðezLz ykÃkðk çkkuzo ykuV rzhuõxMko ¼÷k{ý fhu Au

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Mð¼tzku¤ :

økík ð»kuo çkUfLkwt Mð¼tzku¤ su Yk. 12108.55 ÷k¾ níkw íku ðÄeLku íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkus Yk. 12889.76 ÷k¾ ÚkÞu÷ Ausu Yk.781.21 ÷k¾Lkku ðÄkhku Ëþkoðu Au. rhÍðo VtzkuLke hf{{ktÚke sYhe ½MkkhkLke hf{ çkkË fÞko ÃkAe çkUfLke Lkux ðÚko Yk. 10771.08÷k¾ ÚkÞu÷ Au. su økÞk ð»kuo Yk. 9134.53 ÷k¾ níke. Mð¼tzku¤ íkÚkk LkuxðÚko{kt ÚkÞu÷ ðÄkhku íku çkUfLke MkØhíkk Ëþkoðu Au.ÚkkÃkýku :

økík ð»koLku ytíku çkUfLke ÚkkÃkýku su Yk.52510.19 ÷k¾ níke íku íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkus ð½eLku Yk. 54104.45 ÷k¾ÚkE Au. yk Yk. 1594.26 ÷k¾Lkk ðÄkhk Ãkife rVõMk rzÃkkuÍex{kt Yk. 402.07 ÷k¾Lkku ðÄkhku ÚkÞku Au ßÞkhu MkurðtøMk íkÚkk fhLx¾kíkkyku{kt Yk. 1192.19 ÷k¾Lkku ðÄkhku ÚkÞu÷ Au. çkUf{kt {wfkÞu÷ Yk. 1 ÷k¾ MkwÄeLke ÚkkÃký Mkwhrûkík fhðk Ëh A {kMku rLkÞ{kLkwMkkh[wfððk Ãkkºk Úkíkw ÚkkÃkýku ÃkhLkwt r«{eÞ{ ze. ykE. Mke. S. Mke. {kt Mk{ÞMkh íkk. 26-11-2018 yLku 06-05-2019 Lkk hkus ¼heËeÄu÷ Au.rÄhký yLku ðMkw÷kík :

ð»ko ËhBÞkLk çkUfLkwt rÄhký Yk. 26029.80 ÷k¾Úke ðÄeLku Yk. 30434.38 ÷k¾ ÚkÞw Au.yk heíku t rÄhký{kt ð»kkoLíku Yk.4404.58 ÷k¾ Lkku ðÄkhku fhðk{k ykÔÞku Au. Lkðw rÄhký Yk. 12408.27 ÷k¾ {tsqh fhðk{kt ykðu÷. Mkkhe ðMkw÷kík fhðkLkufkhýu çkUfLkwt ykuðhzâw hf{ Yk.550.92 ÷k¾ yLku LkkuLk-ÃkhVku{ªøk yuMkuxLke hf{ Yk. 575.71 ÷k¾ MkwÄe {ÞkorËík hk¾e Au.yuLk.Ãke.yu.{kt fw÷ Yk. 52.44 ÷k¾Lke ðMkw÷kík fhðk{kt ykðe Au.hkufký :

çkUfLkwt fw÷ hkufký økÞk ð»koLku ytíku Yk.34213.85 ÷k¾ níkwt íku íkk.31-03-2019 Lkk ytíku Yk. 32225.62 ÷k¾ Au.økðLko{uLx rMkõÞwhexe{kt hkufký, ¾heË / ðu[ký rhÍðo çkUfLke økkEz ÷kELMk {wsçk fhðk{kt ykðu Au. çkUfLku rLkÞík Ëhu fuþ rhÍðo huþeÞku

yLku MkefÞwhexe ÷efðezexe huþeÞku Lke ò¤ðýe fhðkLke nkuÞ Au íku{kt fÞkhuÞ rðûkuÃk Ãkzâku LkÚke.LkVkfkhfíkk :

çkUfLke fk{økehe{kt {wÏÞ ¼tzku¤{kt ðÄkhku fhðku yLku íkuLku ÞkuøÞ heíku ðÄkhu LkVku {¤u íku heíku hkufðe sYhe hnu Au. yk {kxu{uLkus{uLxLkk MkÇÞkuyu Mkíkík fk¤S¼he økkuXðý fheLku yk ð»koLkk ytíku Yk. 1495.69 ÷k¾ ykuÃkhuxªøk LkVku fhu÷ Au. íku{ktÚkeRLf{xuûkLkk Yk. 473.60 ÷k¾Lke òuøkðkE yLku çkeS òuøkðkEyku fÞko çkkË Yk. 829.11 ÷k¾ [kuϾku LkVku fhu÷ Au. suLkeVk¤ðýeLke Ëh¾kMík ykøk¤Lkk ÃkkLkk WÃkh çkíkkðu÷ Au.yk¼kh ËþoLk :

yk «Mktøku Ëhuf Mktòuøkku{kt çkUfLke Ãkz¾u hneLku çkUfLkk rðfkMk{kt hMk ÷E «økrík{kt MknkÞ¼qík ÚkLkkh ík{k{ Mk¼kMkË©eyku, ÚkkÃkýËkhku,økúknfku íkÚkk þw¼uåAfkuLkku çkUfLkk ðíke yk¼kh {kLkw Awt. çkUfLke «økrík{kt {khk MknfkÞofhku, çkkuzo ykuV rzhuõxMko íkÚkk Mkðuo MkÇÞ©eyku,þk¾k fr{xe MkÇÞku, rÄhký fr{xe, ykuzex fr{xe, ðMkw÷kík fr{xe, MxkV fr{xe, Ãkh[uEÍ fr{xe íkÚkk {uLkus{uLx fr{xeLke MkeÄeËu¾hu¾ Lke[u MkV¤ Mkt[k÷Lk {kxu MkÇÞ©eykuyu {Lku ÃkwhuÃkwhku MkkÚk yLku Mknfkh ykÃke çkUfLkk rðfkMk fkÞkuoLku MkV¤ çkLkkððk su WíMkknËk¾ðu÷ Au íku çkË÷ íku Ëhuf MkÇÞkuLkku ytík:fhýÃkqðof yk¼kh {kLkw Awt.

rðþu»k{kt çkUfLke hkusçkhkusLke Mkt[k÷LkLke sðkçkËkhe Mkt¼k¤e hnu÷ ðkEMk [uh{uLk©e ßÞtrík¼kE yuMk. Ãkxu÷, {uLkuStøk rzhufxh©eøkkuhÄ™¼kE Ãke. Ãkxu÷ yLku òuELx {uLkuStøk rzhufxh©e zkÌkk¼kE Mke.Ãkxu÷ Lkku íku{Lkk MktÃkqýo Mknfkh çkË÷ íku{s ©e Rïh¼kR Ãkxu÷Lkku yk¼kh {kLkw Awt. çkUfLkk MkL{kLkeÞ ©e Rïh¼kE Ãkxu÷ íku{Lkk ð»kkuoLkkt yLkw¼ðLku fk{u ÷økkze çkUfLkk fk{fks{kt {køkoËþoLk ykÃkíkkhÌkk Au suÚke íku{Lkku rðþu»k yk¼kh {kLkwt Awt.

çkUfLkk hkuStËk fk{fks{kt yLÞ Mknfkhe çkUfku, rhÍðoo çkUf ykuV EÂLzÞk, økwshkík Mxux fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf ÷e., y{ËkðkË rzMxÙefx

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

-: yøkíÞLke ònuhkík :-(1) ykÚke çkUfLkk Mkðuo Mk¼kMkËkuLku íkÚkk çkUfLkk f{o[kheykuLku sýkððkLkwt fu ÔÞÂõíkøkík ({kíkk-rÃkíkk) Mk¼kMkËkuLkk íkÚkk çkUfLkk f{o[kheykuLkk

çkk¤fku Äkuhý-10 íkÚkk Äkuhý-12{kt ÃkkMk ÚkÞu÷ çknuLkkuyu 70 xfk, ¼kEykuyu 75 xfk fu íkuÚke ðÄw {kfoMk {u¤ðu÷ nkuÞíku{ýu {kfoþexLke Lkf÷ MkkÚku çkUf{ktÚke «kuíMkknLk ELkk{ {kxu Vku{o ¼heLku çkUf{kt {kuf÷e ykÃkðk rðLktíke Au.

(2) çkutfLkk ÔÞÂõíkøkík Mk¼kMkËku Ãkife fkuEÃký Mk¼kMkË yfM{kíkÚke yðMkkLk Ãkk{u íkku Mk¼kMkËLkk ÃkrhðkhLku MknkÞYÃk Úkðk {kxu çkutfíkhVÚke ðe{k-«e{eÞ{ ¼he Yk. 1 ÷k¾Lkwt fðh {¤u íku heíku ÔÞðMÚkk fhe Au. yk {kxu ðe{k ftÃkLke LÞw ELzeÞk ELMÞwhLMk ftÃkLke÷e{exuz Lkk ftÃkLkeLkk rLkÞ{{kt ykðíkk nkuÞ íkuLku rLkÞ{ {wsçk ÷k¼ {¤þu. yk ytøku yðMkkLk Ãkk{u÷ Mk¼kMkËLkk ðkhMkËkhu ðe{kftÃkLkeLku zkÞhuõx Mk{Þ {ÞkoËk{kt òý fhe fkÞoðkne fhðkLke hnuþu. ðe{k ftÃkLke{kt fhu÷ õ÷uR{Lke rðøkík çkUfLku òý fhðkLkehnuþu.

(3) ykðfðuhkLkk rLkÞ{ «{kýu òu - rzÃkkuÍexh ykðfðuhku ¼hðk sðkçkËkh Lk nkuÞ yLku LkkýktfeÞ ð»ko{kt òu íkuLku {¤ðkÃkkºkÔÞksLke ykðf ykðfðuhk {wõík {n¥k{ ykðfLke {ÞkoËk fhíkkt ðÄíke Lk nkuÞ yLku òu rzÃkkuÍexh PAN Ähkðíkku nkuÞ íkku Vku{o15-S fu Vku{o 15 - yu[ hsq fhe †kuík{ktÚke ykðfðuhkLke fÃkkík (T.D.S.)Lku yxfkðe þfu Au.

(4) «ÄkLk{tºke SðLk ðe{k ÞkusLkk íkÚkk Mkwhûkk (yfM{kík) ðe{k ÞkusLkk þY ÚkR økR Au. çkUfLkk çk[ík ¾kíkuËkhkuLku ðe{k r«{eÞ{Ëh ð»kuo yLkw¢{u Yk. 330/- yLku Yk. 12/- Mku®ðøMk ¾kíkk{kt ykuxku zuçkex Äkuhýu þY fhðk{kt ykðe Au suLkkÚke ¾kíkuËkhLkkðkhMkLku Ëhuf ÞkusLkk {kxu Yk. 2,00,000/- MkwÄe ÷k¼ {¤e þfþu. yk ðe{k ÞkusLkkyku{kt òuzkðk {kxu ykÚke sýkððk{ktykðu Au yLku sYhe Vku{o rðøkíkku MkkÚku ¼hðk {kxu çkUf{kt ÔÞðMÚkk fhðk{kt ykðe Au.

fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf ÷e., yu[.ze.yuV.Mke. çkUf ÷e., ÞwrLkÞLk çkUf ykuV ELzeÞk, ykE.Mke.ykE.Mke.ykE. çkUf r÷{exuz, økwshkík yçkoLkfku-ykuÃk. çkutfMk VuzhuþLk íkÚkk y{ËkðkË rMkxe íkÚkk rzMxÙefx fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUõMk yuMkkuþeyuþLk r÷. íku{s hksÞLkk Mknfkhe ¾kíkkíku{s çkUfLkk RLxhLk÷ / fLfhLx ykurzxh ©e økku®ð˼kE ykh. Ãkxu÷ íkÚkk ðiÄkrLkf ykurzxh {uMkMko rçknkhe þkn yuLz fwkt íkhVÚke {¤u÷Mknfkh yLku {køkoËþoLk {kxu yk¼kh {kLkw Awt.

çkUfªøk fkÞoLke Mkuðk ykÃkðk çkË÷ [eV yufÍeõÞwxeð ykuVeMkh ©e ykLkt˼kE S. Úkw÷k yLku sLkh÷ {uLkush ©e íkw÷Mke¼kEykE. Ãkxu÷, þk¾k {uLkushku yLku f{o[kheøkýu rLkckÃkqðof Vhs çkòðe økúknfkuLku ÍzÃke yLku rðLkÞþe÷ Mkuðkyku ykÃke Mktíkku»k ykÃku÷Au, su çkUfLke «ríkck yLku yrðhík «økrík{kt ykøkðw {níð Ähkðu Au yux÷u yk «Mktøku Mkki f{o[kheykuLku yr¼LktËLk ÃkkXðwt Awt.

ytík{kt yk rMkðkÞ yLÞ ¼kEyku yLku çknuLkkuyu MktMÚkkLku «íÞûk fu Ãkhkuûk MkkÚk yLku Mknfkh ykÃÞku Au íku ík{k{Lkku çkkuzo ykìVrzhuõxMko ðíke yk¼kh {kLkw Awt.

ykøkk{e MkwðýostÞrík ð»ko{kt çkuLf ðÄwLku ðÄw «økrík MkkÄu íkuðe ykþk yLku yÃkuûkk MkkÚku rðh{w Awt.

çkkuzo ykuV rzhuõxMko ðíke,çk¤Ëuð¼kE su. Ãkxu÷


Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

STATUTORY AUDITOR'S REPORTTo,The Members,The Navnirman Co-Operative Bank Ltd.,Ahmedabad.

We are appointed as statutory auditors for your bank as per letterNo. ASHAN/ 2460/J-4/256/2018 issued by TheRegistrar of Co-Op. Soc., Gujarat dated 18th June 2018. As per the conditions of the appointment we have completedthe audit on the basis of information provided by the Bank.

1. We have audited the accompanying financial statement of The Navnirman Co-Operative Bank Ltd,Ahmedabad as at31st March 2019 which comprises Balance Sheet as at 31st March,2019 and Statement of Profit &Loss andCash Flowstatement for the year ended on that day, and summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatoryinformation.The financial statements audited by us incorporate the branch returns of 14 branches and head office. The returnsreceived from the respective branches have been verified from the records, ledgers maintained thereat. These returnshave been given effect in consolidation; while finalizing the accounts of the Bank at the year end.Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

2. Management of the Bank is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in accordance with bankingregulation Act,1949 and relevant RBI guidelines applicable to the Bank. This responsibility includes the design,implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation of the financial statements that are freefrom material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.Auditor's Responsibility

3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our Audit. We conducted our Auditin accordance with Standards of Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those standardsrequire that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance aboutwhether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

4. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amount and other information in the financialstatements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks ofmaterial misstatement, whether due to fraud and error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internalcontrol relevant to the Branch's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design auditprocedures that are appropriateness of accounting policies and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates madeby the management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.6. In our opinion, as shown by Books of Bank, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given

to us:(i) the BalanceSheet, read with the notes thereon is a full and fair Balance Sheetcontaining all the necessary

particulars, is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of state of affairs of the Bank as at31st March 2019 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India;

(ii) the Profit and Loss Account, read with the notes thereon shows a true balance of profit,in conformity withaccounting principles generally accepted in India, for the year covered by the account; and

(iii) The Cash Flow Statement gives a true and fair view of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

7. The Balance sheet and Profit and loss account have been drawn up in as near as to the prescribed Form 'A'& 'B'respectively to the Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act,1949 and they give the information as required to begiven under the law and in conformity with it.The Accounting policies followed by the bank and the disclosures in respect of the following items are not in conformitywith the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. It is not possible to ascertaintheir financial impact on the profit of the Bank.

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

a. Certain items are recognized on cash basis as stated in the Significant Accounting Policy para (2) as againstAccounting Standard - 9.

b. Depreciation on fixed assets till the time of sale/disposal is not provided as per Accounting Standard - 6.RBI guidelines have been followed by Bank for matters such as income recognition, asset classification andprovisioning.Advances to priority sector and weaker section was 62.78% and 7.96% respectively as againstrequirement of 40% and 10% of adjusted net bank credit as per RBI circular. Except these bankshas generallyfollowed the instruction/guidelines of RBI issued from time to time.

8. Subject to the above remarks and our observations in the audit memo and General remarks forming part thereof readwith significant Accounting Policies and Notes on Accounts, we report that:a. We have obtained all the information and explanation which, to the best of our knowledge and belief were

necessary for the purpose of audit.b. In our opinion proper books of accounts have been kept by the Bank so far as it appears from the examination

of those books.c. The returns received from the branches of the Bank have generally been found adequate for the purpose of

audit.d. The Board of Directors has, conducted the working of the bank as per byelaws and also provisions of cooperative

law/rules and the Board of Directors has followed the rules and regulations.e. As per information and explanation given to us the Board of Directors has carried out the instruction of Reserve

Bank of India, given from time to time.f. The Books of accounts and accounting system are maintained as required under provisions of Cooperative

laws and also the instructions of RBI.g. The transactions of the Bank which have come to our Notice have been within the powers of the Bank.h. The Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of

accounts and returns.i. Bank has properly maintained SLR and CRR standards.j. Bank has made proper classification of NPAs and provisions for the same as per RBI guidelines.k. No advance has been given to members of Board of Directors or their relatives during the year except against

their own fixed deposit with the Bank. Balance outstanding as on 31.03.2019 has been Rs.246.29 lacs.l. The Directors or other office bearers are not disqualified for their position.m. During the year bank has received 2(Two) proposal for OTS and the said proposal is being accepted by the

bank as per norms prescribed.n. There are 4(Four) cases of compromise settlement during the year under audit.o. The discrepancies/procedural lapses observed during audit have been given in audit memo and in our quarterly

reports.p. There is 1(One) case of write off via court during the year under audit.

9. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement comply with the applicableaccounting standards.

Bihari B ShahPartner

M/s. Bihari shah and Co.Chartered Accountants

Panel No. 101Date : 20/05/2019 Membership No. 007058Place :Ahmedabad FRN NO. 119020W

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

¼tzku¤ íkÚkk Ëuðwt1. SHARE CAPITAL : þuh ¼tzku¤ :

20,00,00,000.00 A) Authorised Capital yrÄf]ík þuh ¼tzku¤ 20,00,00,000.0080,00,000 Shares of Rs. 25.00 each 80,00,000 þuh Ëhuf Y>. 25.00 «{kýu

11,06,73,000.00 B) Subscribed Capital çknkh Ãkkzu÷wt þuh ¼tzku¤ 12,50,33,750.0050,01,350 fully paid up shares of Rs. 25.00 each50,01,350 þuh Ëhuf Y>.25.00 «{kýu

C) Amount paid up on 50,01,350 Shares of Rs. 25.00ðMkw÷ ykðu÷ þuh ¼tzku¤ 50,01,350 þuh Ëhuf Y>. 25.00 «{kýuof the above held by

11,06,73,000.00 a) Individuals ÔÞÂõíkyku 12,50,33,750.000.00 b) Co-Operative Institutions Mknfkhe MktMÚkkyku 0.000.00 c) State Government hkßÞ Mkhfkh 0.00

11,06,73,000.00 12,50,33,750.002. RESERVE FUND & OTHER RESERVES :

yLkk{ík ¼tzku¤ yLku yLÞ ¼tzku¤ :25,95,56,502.00 1. Statutory Reserve yLkk{ík ¼tzku¤ 29,12,34,044.75

0.00 2. Agricultural Credit Stabilization Fund 0.00 yuøkúefÕ[h÷ ¢uzex Mxuçke÷kEÍuþLk Vtz

11,97,05,300.00 3. Building Fund {fkLk Vtz 14,30,05,300.001,95,34,579.00 4. Dividend Equalization Fund rzðezLz EÂõð÷kEÍuþLk Vtz 2,18,17,914.998,08,83,000.00 5. Bad & Doubtful Debts Reserve zqçkík yLku þf{tË ÷uýkt Mkk{u heÍðo 8,08,83,000.009,20,47,327.26 6. Bad & Doubtful Debts Provision zqçkík yLku þf{tË ÷uýkt Mkk{u òuøkðkE 10,42,58,796.77

19,44,35,869.00 7. Investment Depreciation Reserve hkufkýkuLkk ½Mkkhk yLkk{ík 19,44,35,869.008. Other Funds (To be specified) yLÞ ¼tzku¤

6,04,88,295.43 a) Contingency Fund fLxeLsLMke Vtz 6,04,88,295.4312,57,159.54 b) Propaganda Fund Mknfkh «[kh Vtz 12,57,159.5419,22,421.76 c) Charity Fund Ä{koËk Vtz 19,22,421.76

1,16,73,000.00 d) Standard Assets Provision MxkLzzo yuMkuxTMk Mkk{u òuøkðkE 1,24,00,000.0073,33,202.46 e) Sabhasad Hitvardhak Fund Mk¼kMkË rníkðÄof Vtz 72,03,202.46

11,05,32,199.00 f) Revaluation Reserve heðuÕÞwyuþLk heÍðo 8,84,25,756.001,00,00,100.00 g) Golden Jubilee Fund økkuÕzLk sÞwçke÷e Vtz 1,75,00,100.00

47,50,000.00 h) Special Reserve Under I Tax MÃkurþÞ÷ heÍðo ELf{xuûk nuX¤ 60,48,000.0012,60,62,765.25 i) Investment Fluctuation Reserve Fund - hkufký ðĽx yLkk{ík 13,30,62,765.25

110,01,81,720.70 116,39,42,625.953. PRINCIPAL / SUBSIDIARY STATE PARTNERSHIP

FUND ACCOUNT :{wÏÞ / økkiý hkßÞ ¼køkeËkhe rLkrÄ :(For Share Capital of)

0.00 1. Central Co-Operative Bank {æÞMÚk Mknfkhe çkUf 0.000.00 2. Primary Agricultural Co-Op. Credit Society. 0.00

«kÚkr{f ¾uíke rð»kÞf Mknfkhe þhkVe {tz¤eyku0.00 3. Other Societies yLÞ {tz¤eykuLkk þuhku{kt 0.00

121,08,54,720.70 Total Carried Forward - Mkhðk¤ku ykøk¤ ÷E økÞk... 128,89,76,375.95

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

r{÷fík íkÚkk ÷uýwt23,31,57,325.48 1. CASH : hkufz : 25,73,01,078.65

On hand & with Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India,State Co-Operative Bank and Central Co. Operative Bank.nkÚk WÃkh, rhÍðo çkUf, hkßÞ Mknfkhe çkUf,Mxux çkUf ykuV EÂLzÞk, {æÞMÚk MknfkheçkUf{kt


3,16,07,793.97 a) Current Deposit [k÷w ÚkkÃkýku 1,95,64,637.960.00 b) Saving Bank Deposits çk[ík ÚkkÃkýku 0.00

67,87,87,321.0 c) Fixed Deposits çkktÄe {wËíkLke ÚkkÃkýku 65,25,87,321.0071,03,95,114.97 67,21,51,958.968,00,00,000.00 3. MONEY AT CALL & SHORT NOTICE : 0.00

fku÷ yLku xqtfe {wËíkLke LkkuxeMkLke ÚkkÃkýku :

4. INVESTMENTS : hkufkýku :

228,53,32,655.97 a) In Central & State Government Securities (at book value) 212,27,09,804.00{æÞMÚk yLku hkßÞ Mkhfkhe ò{eLkøkeheyku{kt (¾heË ®f{íku)

Face Value ËkþorLkf ®f{ík 207,00,00,000.00Market Value çkòh ®f{ík 196,27,94,000.00(Appendix - “A”), (yuÃkuLzeõMk ‘‘yu’’)

32,67,60,000.00 b) Other Trustee Securities (Appendix - ‘‘A’’) 34,67,60,000.00yLÞ xÙMxe ò{eLkøkeheyku{kt (yuÃkuLzeõMk “yu”)

Face Value ËkþorLkf ®f{ík 34,67,60,000.00Market Value çkòh ®f{ík 34,90,73,976.00

5,05,100.00 c) Shares in Co-Operative Institutions 5,05,100.00Mknfkhe MktMÚkkykuLkk þuhku{kt

5,00,00,000.00 d) Other Investment (Debt Mutual Fund) (Appendix-“A”) 10,00,00,000.00yLÞ hkufkýku (he÷kÞLMk zuçx BÞwåÞwy÷ Vtz) (yuÃkuLzeõMk “yu”)

Face Value ËkþorLkf ®f{ík 10,00,00,000.00Market Value çkòh ®f{ík 11,83,64,100.00

266,25,97,755.97 256,99,74,904.005. INVESTMENT OUT OF PRINCIPAL / SUBSIDIARY STATE

PARTNERSHIP FUND IN SHARES OF :{wÏÞ / økkiý hkßÞ ¼køkeËkhe Vtz{ktÚke þuhku{kt hkufký :

0.00 a) Central Co-Operative Banks {æÞMÚk Mknfkhe çkUf 0.000.00 b) Primary Agr. Credit Soc. «kÚkr{f ¾uíke Mknfkhe {tz¤eyku{kt 0.000.00 c) Other Societies yLÞ {tz¤eyku{kt 0.00 0.00

6. ADVANCES : rÄhkýku :

114,70,50,814.71 1) Short Term Loans, Cash Credits, Overdrafts & Bills Discounted 134,32,58,030.48Of which secured againstxqtfe {wËíkLke ÷kuLk, fuþ ¢uzex, ykuðh zÙk^x yLku ðxkðkÞu÷k çke÷ku -

su Ãkife Lke[u {wsçkLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

A) Government and Other Approved SecuritiesMkhfkhe yLku çkeS {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheyku{kt

Last Year This Year Rs. 28,209.75 Rs. 0.00

368,61,50,196.42 Total Carried Forward - Mkhðk¤ku ykøk¤ ÷E økÞk... 349,94,27,941.61

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

¼tzku¤ íkÚkk Ëuðwt121,08,54,720.70 Brought Forward. Mkhðk¤ku ÃkkA¤Úke ykøk¤ ÷kÔÞk. 128,89,76,375.95

4. DEPOSIT & OTHER ACCOUNTS :ÚkkÃkýku yLku yLÞ ¾kíkkyku :

1) Fixed Deposits çkktÄe {wËíkLke ÚkkÃkýku

291,61,31,920.49 a) Individuals ÔÞÂõíkyku 295,63,39,636.490.00 b) Central Co-Op. bank {æÞMÚk Mknfkhe çkUfku 0.000.00 c) Other Societies yLÞ {tz¤eyku 0.00

2) Saving Bank Deposits çk[ík ÚkkÃkýku

156,27,72,277.04 a) Individuals ÔÞÂõíkyku 167,78,25,684.540.00 b) Central Co-Op. bank {æÞMÚk Mknfkhe çkUfku 0.000.00 c) Other Societies yLÞ {tz¤eyku 0.00

3) Current Deposits [k÷w ÚkkÃkýku

77,21,14,393.09 a) Individuals ÔÞÂõíkyku 77,62,79,788.900.00 b) Central Co-Op. bank {æÞMÚk Mknfkhe çkUfku 0.000.00 c) Other Societies yLÞ {tz¤eyku 0.000.00 4) Money at Call & Short Notice fku÷ yLku xqtfe LkkuxeMkLke {wËíke ÚkkÃkýku 0.00

525,10,18,590.62 541,04,45,109.935. BORROWING : fhs : I) From the Reserve Bank of India/ State/Central Co-Op. bank

heÍðo çkUf ykuV ELzeÞk/hkßÞ/{æÞMÚk Mknfkhe çkUf{ktÚke

A) Short Term Loans, Cash Credits and OverdraftsOf which secured againstxqtfe {wËíkLke ÷kuLk, hkufz þk¾ yLku yLÞ ykuðh zÙk^x su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

B) Medium Term Loans Of which secured against{æÞ{ {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

C) Long Term Loans Of which secured against÷ktçke {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

646,18,73,311.32 Total Carried Forward - Mkhðk¤ku ykøk¤ ÷E økÞk... 669,94,21,485.88

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

r{÷fík íkÚkk ÷uýwt368,61,50,196.42 Brought Forward. Mkhðk¤ku ÃkkA¤Úke ykøk¤ ÷kÔÞk. 349,94,27,941.61

B) Other Tangible Securities yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheyku{ktLast Year This YearRs. 114,70,19,266.00 Rs. 134,31,55,493.51Of the advances amount due from IndividualsWÃkhLkk rLkŠËü Äehký Ãkife ÔÞÂõík ÃkkMkuLast Year This YearRs.114,70,50,814.71 Rs. 134,32,58,030.48Of the advances amount overdue WÃkhLkk Äehký Ãkife {wËíkðeíke hf{Last Year This YearRs 1,21,57,849.04 Rs. 4,37,99,811.70Considered Bad & Doubtful ytËkSík ¾hkçk yLku þf{tËLast Year This YearRs. 4,48,02,897.00 Rs. 4,35,53,416.00

57,70,13,949.76 2) Medium Term Loans Of which secured against 52,69,22,351.72{æÞ{ {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

A) Government & Other Approved Securities -Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{uLast Year This YearRs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00

B) Other tangible securities yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{uLast Year This YearRs. 57,54,43,830.76 Rs. 52,52,74,827.72Of the advances amount due from Individuals -WÃkhLkk rLkŠËü Äehký Ãkife ÔÞÂõík ÃkkMkuLast Year This YearRs.57,70,13,949.76 Rs. 52,69,22,351.72Of the advances amount overdue WÃkhLkk Äehký Ãkife {wËíkðeíke hf{Last Year This YearRs. 60,90,515.50 Rs. 59,42,652.86Considered Bad & Doubtful ytËkSík ¾hkçk yLku þf{tËLast Year This YearRs. 48,21,176.00 Rs. 64,74,142.00

87,89,14,963.19 3) Long term loans Of which secured against 117,32,57,847.39÷ktçke {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt

A) Government & Other approved securitiesMkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{uLast Year This YearRs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00

B) Other Tangible Securities yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheyku{kt

Last Year This YearRs. 87,89,14,963.19 Rs. 117,32,57,847.39Of the advances amount due from IndividualsWÃkhLkk rLkŠËü Äehký Ãkife ÔÞÂõík ÃkkMku

Last Year This YearRs. 87,89,14,963.19 Rs. 117,32,57,847.39Of the advances amount overdue WÃkhLkk Äehký Ãkife {wËíkðeíke hf{

Last Year This YearRs. . 44,75,746.00 Rs. 53,49,740.45

368,61,50,196.42 Total Carried Forward - Mkhðk¤ku ykøk¤ ÷E økÞk... 349,94,27,941.61

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

¼tzku¤ íkÚkk Ëuðwt646,18,73,311.32 Brought Forward. Mkhðk¤ku ÃkkA¤Úke ykøk¤ ÷kÔÞk. 669,94,21,485.88

0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

II) From the State Bank of IndiaMxux çkUf ykuV ELzeÞk{ktÚkeA) Short Term Loans, Cash Credits and Overdrafts

Of which secured againstxqtfe {wËíkLke ÷kuLk, hkufz þk¾ yLku yLÞ ykuðh zÙk^x su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

B) Medium Term Loans Of which secured against{æÞ{ {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

C) Long Term Loans Of which secured against÷ktçke {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.

0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u

III) From the State Government hkßÞ Mkhfkh ÃkkMkuÚkeA) Short Term Loans, Cash Credits and Overdrafts

Of which secured against0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00

Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00

yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{uB) Medium Term Loans Of which secured against

{æÞ{ {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤tw.0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00

Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00

yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{uC) Long Term Loans Of which secured against

÷ktçke {wËíkLke ÷kuLk su Ãkife íkkhýðk¤wt.0.00 a) Government & Other Approved Securities 0.00

Mkhfkhe yLku yLÞ {kLÞ ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u0.00 b) Other Tangible Securities 0.00

yLÞ ðkMíkrðf ò{eLkøkeheykuLkk íkkhý Mkk{u0.00 IV) Loans From Other Sources 0.00

yLÞ ÃkkMkuÚke ÷kuLk(sources & security to be specified)

646,18,73,311.32 Total Carried Forward - Mkhðk¤ku ykøk¤ ÷E økÞk... 669,94,21,485.88

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

r{÷fík íkÚkk ÷uýwt368,61,50,196.42 Brought Forward. Mkhðk¤ku ÃkkA¤Úke ykøk¤ ÷kÔÞk. 349,94,27,941.61

Considered Bad & Doubtful ytËkSík ¾hkçk yLku þf{tËLast Year This YearRs. 70,74,883.00 Rs. 75,43,880.00

260,29,79,727.66 Total Advances (fw÷ Äehký) 304,34,38,229.598,03,29,513.40 7. INTEREST RECEIVABLE {¤ðk Ãkkºk ÔÞks : 8,00,35,085.71

Of which overdue Considered Bad & Doubtfulof recovery Rs. 1,11,28,902.00 (as per contra)su Ãkife {wËíkðeíke ÔÞksLke hf{ Y>. 1,11,28,902.00 (Mkk{u ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk)

17,69,831.00 8. BILLS RECEIVABLE BEING BILLS FOR COLLECTION 4,22,318.00(AS PER CONTRA) : çkeÕMk heMkeðuçk÷ ¾kíku (Mkk{u ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk) :

0.00 9. BRANCH ADJUSTMENTS : þk¾kyku ¾kíku (yuzsMx{uLxTMk) : 0.0016,09,14,864.18 10. PREMISES / BUILDING (LESS DEPRECIATION) : 14,86,77,393.46

MÚkkðh r{÷fík (½Mkkhk çkkË) :1,71,05,598.37 11. FURNITURE & FIXTURES (LESS DEPRECIATION) : 1,86,98,331.05

hk[h[e÷wt yLku szíkh (½Mkkhk çkkË) :12. OTHER ASSETS (TO BE SPECIFIED) : yLÞ r{÷fíkku :

3,35,287.12 1. Stationery Stock - MxuþLkhe Mxkuf 4,79,455,066,02,735.00 2. Prepaid Expenses - r«ÃkuEz yuûkÃkuLMkeMk 7,44,534.10

80,78,322.00 3. Stamp Franking Balance - MxuBÃk £uLfªøk 52,87,211.009,28,164.82 4. Computer - fkuBÃÞwxh 7,21,873.68

34,40,109.10 5. Computer Software - fkuBÃÞwxh Mkku xðuh 20,56,201.6233,94,809.22 6 .Office Equipment - ykuVeMk EõðeÃk{uLx 32,07,714.9612,14,000.00 7. Vehicles (Less Depreciation) - ðknLkku (½Mkkhk çkkË) 9,10,500.00

10,783.00 8. TDS Other - yLÞ xezeyuMk 10,783.000.00 9. Income Tax -TDS 2018-2019 - RLf{xuûk xezeyuMk 2018-19 4,70,84,091.00

4,15,46,540.00 10. Income Tax -TDS 2017-2018 - RLf{xuûk - xezeyuMk. 2017-2018 12,840.0054,670.00 11. Income Tax -TDS 2015-2016 - RLf{xuûk - xezeyuMk. 2015-2016 54,670.00

2,56,212.00 12. Income Tax -TDS 2009-2010 - RLf{xuûk - xezeyuMk. 2009-2010 2,56,212.0018,15,000.00 13. Assessment Tax A.Y. 2007-2008 (Under Appeal) 18,15,000.00

yuMkuMk{uLx xuûk ykfkhýe ð»ko 2007-2008 (yÃke÷ nuX¤)75,25,000.00 14. Assessment Tax A.Y. 2010-2011 (Under Appeal) 75,25,000.00

yuMkuMk{uLx xuûk ykfkhýe ð»ko 2010-2011 (yÃke÷ nuX¤)10,78,320.00 15. Income Tax Receivable 2013-2014 - RLf{xuûk heMkeðuçk÷ 2013-2014 10,78,320.00

66,765.00 16. Telephone Deposit - xu÷eVkuLk zeÃkkuÍex 66,765.00700.00 17. Postal Stamp - ÃkkuMx÷ MxuBÃk 3,600.00

1,11,980.00 18. Electricity Deposit - E÷ufxÙeMkexe zeÃkkuÍex 1,11,980.006,938.20 19. Clearing Adjustment - f÷eÞhªøk yuzsMx{uLx 35,283.20

6,98,804.00 20. Members’ Gift Stock - {uBçkh økeVx Mxkuf 5,97,793.003,62,76,066.00 21. Staff Gratuity Fund with LIC - yu÷.ykE.Mke. ÃkkMku MxkV økúuåÞwExe Vtz 3,42,51,272.003,00,01,721.00 22. Staff Leave Encashment Fund with LIC- yu÷.ykE.Mke. ÃkkMku MxkV n¬ hò Vtz 2,98,04,751.00

37,780.39 23. D.E.A.F.Claim Receivable - ze.E.yu.yuV. õ÷uR{ {¤ðkÃkkºk 41,949,261,09,465.56 24. CGST Receivable - Mke SyuMkxe heMkeðuçk÷ 2,00,337.431,09,465.56 25. SGST Receivable - yuMk SyuMkxe heMkeðuçk÷ 2,00,337.432,20,094.46 26. IGST Receivable - ykE SyuMkxe heMkeðuçk÷ 9,75,281.43

14,64,960.00 27. Solar System Power Plant - Mkku÷h rMkMx{ Ãkkðh Ã÷kLx 12,45,216.0013,93,84,692.43 13,87,78,972.17

668,86,34,423.46 Total Carried Forward - Mkhðk¤ku ykøk¤ ÷E økÞk... 692,94,78,271.59

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

¼tzku¤ íkÚkk Ëuðwt646,18,73,311.32 Brought Forward. Mkhðk¤ku ÃkkA¤Úke ykøk¤ ÷kÔÞk. 669,94,21,485.88

17,69,831.00 6. BILLS FOR COLLECTION BEING BILLS RECEIVABLE 4,22,318.00(AS PER CONTRA) : rçkÕMk Vkuh f÷uõþLk (Mkk{u ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk) :0.00 7. BRANCH ADJUSTMENTS : þk¾kyku ¾kíku (yuzsMx{uLxTMk) 0.00

1,00,68,546.00 8. OVERDUE INTEREST RESERVE (AS PER CONTRA) : 1,11,28,902.00{wËík ðeíku÷ ÔÞks {kxu yLkk{ík (Mkk{u ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk) :

12,07,934.00 9. INTEREST PAYABLE : [qfððk Ãkkºk ÔÞks : 13,55,653.0010. OTHER LIABILITIES : yLÞ sðkçkËkheyku :

0.00 a) Bills Payable rçkÕMk Ãkuuyuçk÷ 0.0015,45,229.25 b) Unclaimed Dividend rzrðzLz ykÃkðkLkwt çkkfe 20,88,117.75

0.00 c) Suspense MkMÃkuLMk 0.00d) Sundries (To Be Specified) Ãkh[whý

35,02,163.00 1. Staff Bonus Payable - MxkV çkkuLkMk òuøkðkE 33,99,191.0014,57,752.00 2. Staff Closing Allowance Provision - MxkV f÷kuͪøk yu÷kWLMk òuøkðkE 13,53,781.005,78,000.00 3. Audit Fee Payable - ykuzex Ve Ãkuyuçk÷ 6,68,000.004,21,742.94 4. Sunday Creditors - Ãkh[whý Ëuðk 4,45,491.08

57,35,785.25 5. Payslip Issued & D. D. Issued - Ãku-M÷eÃk E~Þq yLku ze.ze. E~Þq 60,14,232.331,38,173.00 6. Electric Bill Payable - rðs¤e ¾[o òuøkðkE 1,57,311.00

41,469.00 7. Telephone Bill Payable - xu÷eVkuLk ¾[o òuøkðkE 35,535.0029,85,595.00 8. T.D.S. Payable - xezeyuMk Ãkuyuçk÷ 28,88,115.006,82,459.34 9. Unclaimed Sundries - {ktøkýe Lk ÚkÞu÷ yLÞ sðkçkËkhe 6,29,600.34

69,32,900.00 10. Advance Locker Rent - ÷kufhLkwt yøkkWÚke {¤u÷ ¼kzw 73,94,250.00479,53,000.00 11. Income TaxProvision - ELf{xuûk òuøkðkE 4,73,60,000.00

1,49,698.90 12. Clearing Adjustment - f÷eÞhªøk yuzsMx{uLx 1,74,598.9068,942.47 13. Internet Line Exp. Provision - ELxhLkux ÷kELk ¾[o «kurðÍLk 1,44,491.28

3,43,96,839.00 14. Staff Gratuity Liability - MxkV økúuåÞwExe sðkçkËkhe 3,20,52,975.002,87,35,417.00 15. Staff Leave Encashment Liability - MxkV ÷eð yuLfuþ{uLx sðkçkËkhe 2,80,70,518.00

80,783.00 16. Pre Received Income - yøkkWÚke {¤u÷ ykðf 52,872.001,89,108.00 17. CGST Payable Mke.S.yuMk.xe. Ãkuyuçk÷ 7,28,661.041,89,108.00 18. SGST Payable - yuMk.S.yuMk.xe. Ãkuyuçk÷ 5,72,075.23

0.00 19. IGST Payable - ykRSyuMkxe Ãkuyuçk÷ 357.8413,42,39,173.7913,57,84,165.157,79,30,635.99 11. PROFIT & LOSS : LkVk-LkwfþkLk ¾kíkw :Profit As Per Last Balance Sheet 2017-2018 7,79,30,635.99

ð»ko 2017-2018 Lkk MkhðiÞk {wsçk LkVkuLess : Appropriations 7,79,30,635.99çkkË : Vk¤ðýe 0.00Add : Profit for the year brought from the Profit & Loss Account (18-19) 8,29,10,738.92 8,29,10,738.92W{uhku: [k÷w Mkk÷Lkk LkVk-íkkuxkLkk rnMkkçk {wsçk LkVku (2018-2019)12. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES : ykfÂM{f sðkçkËkheyku :a) Outstanding liabilities for guarantees issued Rs. 0.00

ykÃku÷ økuhtxe Mkk{u çkkfe hnu÷ sðkçkËkhe Y>. 0.00b) The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme - 2014Amount transferred to D.E.A.F. during 2018-19No. of Accounts – 11.382 Amount Rs.1,93,59,934.31Äe zeÃkkuÍexh yußÞwfuþLk yLku yðuhLkuMk Vtz Mfe{ - 2014 ytíkøkoíkheÍðo çkuLf ykuV ELzeÞkLkk D.E.A.F. ¾kíkk{kt yLkõ÷uE{ hf{ Vuhðíkkt¾kíkk MktÏÞk – 11,382 hf{ Y>.1,93,59,934.31

668,86,34,423.46 Total Rupees - fw÷ YrÃkÞk 692,94,78,271.59LkkUÄ : y{khk yk MkkÚkuLkk yks íkkhe¾Lkk ykurzx heÃkkuxo íkÚkk ykurzx {u{kuLkk Mkk{kLÞ þuhkuLku ykÄeLk

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

r{÷fík íkÚkk ÷uýwt 668,86,34,423.46 Brought Forward. Mkhðk¤ku ÃkkA¤Úke ykøk¤ ÷kÔÞk. 692,94,78,271.59

0.00 13. NON BANKING ASSETS ACQUIRED IN 0.00SATISFACTION OF CLAIMS :Ëkðkyku Ãkuxu «kó fhu÷e yMfÞk{íkku :

0.00 14. PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT : 0.00LkVk - LkwfþkLk ¾kíku :

íkk. 31-03-2019 Lkk hkusLkwt MkhðiÞwt

668,86,34,423.46 Total Rupees - fw÷ YrÃkÞk 692,94,78,271.59

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019Lkk hkusLkwt Ãkwhk Úkíkk ð»koLkwt LkVk LkwfMkkLk ¾kíkw

¾[o29,44,05,719.00 1) INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, BORROWINGS ÚkkÃkýku yLku fhs WÃkh ÔÞks 28,67,87,309.825,80,93,902.00 2) SALARIES & ALLOWANCES & PROVIDENT FUND ETC. Ãkøkkh, ¼ÚÚkkt íkÚkk «ku.Vtz ðøkuhu 5,99,82,893.00

0.00 3) DIRECTOR’S & LOCAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS FEES, ALLOWANCES 0.00rzhuõxhku yLku MÚkkrLkf fr{xeLkk {uBçkhkuLke Ve íkÚkk ¼ÚÚkkt.

1,03,60,122.14 4) RENT, TAXES, INSURANCE, LIGHTING, ETC. ¼kzwt, fhðuhk, ðe{ku, ðes¤e rðøkuhu 1,09,65,101.838,23,127.00 5) LEGAL CHARGES ÷eøk÷ ¾[o 7,53,178.00

20,15,570.09 6) POSTAGE,TELEGRAMS & TELEPHONE CHARGES íkkh, xÃkk÷ yLku xu÷eVkuLk ¾[o 15,54,749.107,61,000.00 7) AUDIT FEES ykurzx Ve 8,22,000.00

1,16,44,116.44 8) DEPRECIATION & REPAIRS TO PROPERTY ½Mkkhku yLku r{÷fík {hk{ík 1,02,20,313.0024,18,814.02 9) STATIONERY, PRINTING & ADVERTISEMENT, ETC. MxuþLkhe, AkÃkfk{, ònuh¾çkh rðøkuhu 20,63,726.22

0.00 10) LOSS FROM SALE OF OR DEALING WITH NON-BANKING ASSETS 0.00rçkLk çkUfªøk r{÷fíkkuLkk ðu[ký íkÚkk nuhVuhÚke ÚkÞu÷ ¾kux

1,10,00,000.00 11) BAD & DOUBT FUL DEBT PROVISION ¾hkçk yLku þf{tË ÷uýk Mkk{u òuøkðkE ELf{xuûk ¾[o 1,25,00,000.004,79,53,000.00 12) INCOME TAX PROVISION ELf{xuûk òuøkðkE 4,73,60,000.00

0.00 13) BUILDING FUND rçkÕzeøk Vtz « kurðÍLk 0.00 89,50,000.00 14) INVESTMENT DEPRECIATION FUND hkufký ½Mkkhk Vtz 0.00 9,00,000.00 15) INCOMETAX SPECIAL RESERVE ELf{xuûk MÃkurþÞ÷ heÍðo 12,98,000.00 0.00 16) GOLDEN JUBILEE FUND PROVISION økkuÕzLk ßÞwçke÷etVtz «kurðÍLk 55,00,000.00

1,53,13,193.53 17) OTHER EXPENDITURE (APPENDIX) - ‘‘B’’) yLÞ ¾[o (yÃkuÂLzõMk - ‘‘çke’’) 1,21,93,185.897,79,30,635.99 18) PROFIT CARRIED FORWARD TO BALANCE SHEET LkVku su MkhðiÞk{kt ÷E økÞk 8,29,10,738.92

54,25,69,200.21 Total Rupees - fw÷ YrÃkÞk 53,49,11,195.78

LkkUÄ : y{khk yk MkkÚkuLkk yks íkkhe¾Lkk ykurzx heÃkkuxo íkÚkk ykurzx {u{kuLkk Mkk{kLÞ þuhkuLku ykÄeLk

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

íkk. 31-03-2019Lkk hkusLkwt Ãkwhk Úkíkk ð»koLkwt LkVk LkwfMkkLk ¾kíkw


52,41,13,918.95 1) INTEREST & DISCOUNT- ÔÞks yLku ðxkð 51,69,68,742.62(OUT OF WHICH - su Ãkife

ON ADVANCES - Äehkýku WÃkh ÔÞks Rs. 27,43,52,576.89ON INVESTMENT & DEPOSITS - hkufkýku íkÚkk ÚkkÃkýku WÃkh ÔÞks Rs. 24,26,16,165.73

4,19,151.30 2) COMMISSION, EXCHANGE & BROKERAGE - f{eþLk, ðxkð yLku Ë÷k÷e 12,90,118.630.00 3) SUBSIDIES AND DONATIONS - MknkÞ yLku ËkLk 0.000.00 4) INCOME FROM NON BANKING ASSETS & PROFIT FROM SALE OF OR 0.00

DEALING WITH SUCH ASSETS LkkuLk çkUfªøk yMfÞk{íkkuLkk ðu[ký yøkh nuhVuhÚke ÚkÞu÷ ykðf

1,80,36,129.96 5) OTHER RECEIPTS (APPENDIX - “C”) yLÞ ykðf (yuÃkuLzeõMk -“Mke”) 1,66,52,334.530.00 6) LOSS (IF ANY) LkwfþkLk su MkhðiÞk{kt ÷E økÞkt. 0.00

54,25,69,200.21 Total Rupees - fw÷ YrÃkÞk 53,49,11,195.78

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019hkufkýku


{æÞMÚk MkhfkhLke ò{eLkøkeheyku{kt 6.17% S.yku.ykE-2023 6.57% S.yku.ykE-2033 6.62% S.yku.ykE-2051 6.83% S.yku.ykE-2039 6.97% S.yku.ykE-2026 7.06% S.yku.ykE-2046 7.16% S.yku.ykE-2023 7.17% S.yku.ykE-2028 7.40% S.yku.ykE-2035 7.50% S.yku.ykE-2034 7.59% S.yku.ykE-2026 7.59% S.yku.ykE-2029 7.95% S.yku.ykE-2032 8.33% S.yku.ykE-2036 8.60% S.yku.ykE-2028

fw÷ hksÞ MkhfkhLke ò{eLkøkeheyku{kt

7.05% S.yuMk.ze.yu÷-2026fw÷

LkkuLk-yuMk.yu÷.ykh. çkkuLzMk 8.70% Ãke.yuV.Mke.yu÷- 2020

6.70% ykE.ykh.yuV.Mke.-20208.90% Þwfku çkUf çkkuLz-2025

8.90% ykE.ze.yuV.Mke. çkUf-20258.72% Mxe÷ ykuÚkkuhexe ykuV EÂLzÞk-2020

8.60% yu÷.ykE.Mke.yu[.yuV.yu÷.-2020 8.57% MkeçkeykE-2025 9.50% yuMkçkeykE-2010

9.35% yktÄú çkUf çkkuLz 20219.35% Ãktòçk LkuþLk÷ çkUf çkkuLz 2024

9.90% ykR. yuV. Mke. ykE. -20219.10% -2021yu÷ yuLz xe VkELkkLMk ÷e 2024


zuçx yLku {Lke {kfuox BÞwåÞwy÷ VtzMk{kt hkufký he÷kÞLMk BÞwåÞwy÷ Vtz

fkuxf BÞwåÞwy÷Vtz(fkuxfyuVyu{Ãke MkeheÍ 246-1153ze)

fkuxf BÞwåÞwy÷Vtz(fkuxfyuVyu{Ãke MkeheÍ 256-1250ze)he÷kÞLMk VefMz nkuheÍkuLk Vtz (yuûkyuûkyuûkyuûk yuMk 8 1236ze)he÷kÞLMk VefMz nkuheÍkuLk Vtz (yuûkyuûkyuûkyuûk yuMk 8 1236ze)


Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

yLÞ ¾[o


Ãkh[qhý ¾[o

Mkh¼hk ¾[o

ðknLk ÔÞðnkh ¾[o

÷ðks{ ¾[o

ðknLk ¾[o

rMkõÞwhexe ¾[o

Mke.Mke.ykE.yu÷. [kSoMk

rMkõÞwhexe WÃkh {ktzðk¤ fhu÷ r«r{Þ{


RLf{xuûk ¾[o

MxkV Vtz r«r{Þ{

rMkfÞkuhexeLkk ðu[ký WÃkh ÚkÞu÷k LkwfMkkLk

Mk¼kMkË rníkðÄof ¾[o

fw÷ 1,21,93,185.89

yLÞ ykðf


Ãkh[qhý ykðf

MkŠðMk yLku EMkeyuMk [kSoMk

EÂLMkzuLx÷ [kSoMk

rzrðzLz ykðf

÷kufMko ¼kzwt

ELMÞqhLMk r«r{Þ{ WÃkh fr{þLk

MxuBÃk £uLfªøk fr{þLk

rMkõÞwhexeLkk ðu[ký WÃkh ÚkÞu÷ LkVku.


Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Interest and Dividend Income (51,69,68,743)Profit on Sale of security (17,60,000) (41,97,53,230)Decrease/(Increase) in Short Term Loans & Advances (44,04,58,501)Decrease/(Increase) in Interest Receivable 2,94,428Decrease/(Increase) in Bills Receivable 13,47,513 6,05,720

( 13,47, 513) 10,60,356 1,47,719 (15,44,991) ( 43,98,95,269) (85,96,48,498) (85,96,48,498)

Purchase of Fixed Assets (1,95,89,767) 9,26,22,852 51,69,68,743

67,00,01,828 67,00,01,828 1,43,60,750 15,94,26,519 17,60,000

17,55,47,269 17,55,47,269 (1,40,99,402)Add: Opening Cash & Bank Balance 94,35,52,440

AMEDABADDate: 20/05/2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUfLke «økríkLkku rhÃkkuxorðøkík 31-03-01 31-03-05 31-03-10 31-03-15 31-03-17 31-03-18 31-03-19

þuh {qze 273.81 263.97 413.79 767.03 955.36 1106.73 1250.34

rhÍðo Vtz íkÚkkyLÞ ¼tzku¤

1727.76 3546.03 4519.21 8848.52 10364.38 11001.82 11639.43

rzÃkkuÍex 16223.88 17368.18 27559.47 39664.01 53308.72 52510.18 54104.45

rÄhký 8463.89 5345.44 10213.01 17882.94 22304.99 26029.80 30434.38

økúkuMk LkVku 418.76 101.56 618.66 1040.35 2009.49 1467.34 1495.69

[kuϾku LkVku 325.29 81.43 226.09 656.36 742.35 779.31 829.11

rzðezLz 15 xfk 12 xfk 12 xfk 12 xfk 12 xfk 12 xfk 10 xfk(Mkqr[ík)

fk{fksLkwt ¼tzku¤ 19164.02 21483.14 33053.21 48518.87 64819.07 66767.96 69179.27

ykurzx ðøko ‘y’ ‘y’ ‘y’ ‘y’ ‘y’ ‘y’ ‘y’

(hf{ Yk. ÷k¾{kt)

çkUfLke rðrðÄ Mkuðkyku YÃku zurçkx fkzo :

nðu ykÃk çkUfLkk RuPay zurçkxfkzo æðkhk fkuRÃký yuxeyu{ fuLÿLkku WÃkÞkuøk fhe þfku Aku, WÃkhktík ykuLk÷kRLk ¾heËe, yLÞ ÔÞðnkhku íkÚkk ykuLk÷kRLk huÕðu çkwfªøk fhkðe þfku Aku. ykÃkýe hkýeÃk çkúkL[ yLku ICICI çkUfLkk fkuRÃký ATM {kt yLkr÷{exuz xÙkLsufþLk fkuRÃký [kso ðøkh fhe þfþku.

ÍzÃke Vtz xÙkLMkVh {kxuLke Mkuðk :çkUfLke zkÞhufx NEFT/RTGS Mkuðk æðkhk ¼khík{kt Lkkýkt xÙkLMkVh fhðkLke Mkh¤,ÍzÃke,Mkwhrûkík MkwrðÄk.çkUfLke Mobile Application Úke NEFT Lke Mkuðk WÃk÷çÄAu íkÚkk Mobile Application Úke RTGS Lke Mkuðk xwtf Mk{Þ{kt þY Úkþu.

{kuçkkR÷ MkŠðMkeMk - IMPS :çkUfu þY fhu÷ Mobile app Úke {kuçkkR÷ çkufªøk MkŠðMkeMkLkku ÷k¼ ÷R ÍzÃke, Mkh¤,Mk÷k{ík heíku [kuðeMk f÷kf (24 x 7) VkuLkÚke çkufªøk ÔÞðnkhku fhku. VkuLk WÃkhMkuðkLkku WÃkÞkuøk Lk fhe þfíkk økúknfku {kxu çkUf{k IMPS Lke MkwrðÄk WÃk÷çÄ Au.

E-Tax Payment {kxuLke Mkuðk :çkUfLkk ¾kíkuËkhku {kxu “ E-Tax Payment ” æðkhk RLf{xuûk, xe.ze.yuMk.,SyuMkxe suðk Mkhfkhe fhðuhk ¼hðkLke MkwrðÄk.

SMS Alert Mkuðk:¾kíkk{kt ÚkÞu÷ ðnuðkhkuLke yLku yLÞ yu÷xoLke SMS ÿkhk òý fhðkLke MkwrðÄk.({kuçkkR÷ hSMxÙuþLk sYhe)

Missed call MkwrðÄk:Toll Free No. 8099907907 zkÞ÷ fhe ykÃkLkk ¾kíkkLkwt çku÷uLMk òýku.({kuçkkR÷ hSMxÙuþLk sYhe) Net Banking V iew:

ykÃkLkk Ëhuf «fkhLkk Mxux{uLx,çku÷uLMk yLku [ufLkk MxuxMkLke rðøkík ÿkhk òýe þfkÞ Au. CBS Mkuðkyku:

çkUf CBS Ã÷uxVku{o Ãkh fk{ fhíke nkuðkÚke çkUfLkku fkuRÃký økúknf fkuRÃký þk¾k{kt sR çkUfªøk ÔÞðnkhku fhe þfu Au. MkuRV zeÃkkuÍex ÷kufhLke MkwrðÄk :

ykÃkýe ík{k{ þk¾kyku{kt swËe swËe MkkRÍLkk MkuRV zeÃkkuÍex ÷kufh ÔÞksçke Ëhu ¼kzu {u¤ðku.(ËrhÞkÃkwh, hr¾Þk÷ yLku fXðkzk þk¾k rMkðkÞ) MxuBÃk £Ufªøk Mkuðk :

çkUfLke LkkhýÃkwhk,hkýeÃk íkÚkk {u½kýeLkøkh þk¾k{kt fkuRÃký òíkLkk [kso fu fr{þLk ÷eÄk ðøkh MxuBÃk £ufªøkLke MkwrðÄk WÃk÷çÄ.

çkUfLke [kso {wfík Mkuðk (Free Services)çku÷uLMk RLfðkÞhe

çku÷uLMk MkŠxrVfux

RLxhuMx MkŠxrVfux

Mku®ðøMk íkÚkk fhtx ¾kíkuËkhLku r{Lke{{ çku÷uLMk [kso{ktÚke {wrfík

fkuRÃký «fkhLkk ÷ukLk «kuMkuMkªøk [kso Lknet.

MxuLzªøk RLMxÙfþLkLkku fkuR [kso Lkne.

«Úk{ ð¾ík MkurðtøMk ÃkkMkçkwf / Mxux{uLxLkku fkuR [kso Lknª.

fhtx / rÄhký íkÚkk ÷kuLk ¾kíkk{kt «Úk{ ð¾ík (zwÃ÷efux rMkðkÞ) Mxux{uLx WÃkhfkuR [kso Lknet.

÷kuLkLkk r«-Ãku{uLxLkku fkuR [kso Lknª.

÷kuLkLkk nók-MkxeorVfux {kxu fkuR [kso Lknª.

÷kuLkLkk ÃkkuMx zuxuz [uf yLðÞu fkuR [kso Lknª.

R-Ãku{uLxLkku fkuR [kso LkÚke. (RLf{xuûk, xezeyuMk, SyuMkxe)

yLÞ þk¾k{kt fhu÷ ÔÞðnkh {kxu fk uR [kso Lknª. (Intra BranchTransaction)çku ð»ko MkwÄeLkk swLkk hufkuzo {kxu fkuRÃký «fkhLkku [kso Lknª.

MkuðªøMk yLku fhtx ¾kíkk{kt fkuR [ufçkwf [kso Lknª.

Äe LkðrLk{koý fku-ykuÃkhuxeð çkUf r÷. 2018-2019 çkUfLke «økríkLkk yktfzk - íkk. 31-03-2019ð»koo þk¾k MkÇÞku þuh fuÃkex÷ rhÍðo Vtz zeÃkkuÍex rÄhký ðfeOøk fuÃkex÷ fw÷ LkVku [kuϾku LkVku rzðezLz yku.ðøko

1970-1971 1 268 2.55 0.02 8.04 2.35 10.91 -0.06 -0.06 – çk1971-1972 1 357 3.45 0.02 6.50 8.78 11.13 0.28 0.23 4.00 % çk1972-1973 1 368 3.49 0.09 9.58 10.07 14.43 0.32 0.32 4.50 % çk1973-1974 1 430 3.60 0.27 8.77 9.32 14.15 0.83 0.83 7.00 % çk1974-1975 1 466 3.61 1.07 12.26 13.80 18.46 0.76 0.43 8.50 % çk1975-1976 1 340 3.53 0.88 13.19 14.28 19.27 0.59 0.44 9.00 % çk1976-1977 1 355 3.55 0.99 10.62 15.10 20.99 0.65 0.50 9.00 % y1977-1978 1 434 4.11 1.44 25.84 21.25 39.05 0.77 0.50 9.00 % y1978-1979 1 600 6.27 1.65 35.09 44.04 59.74 1.46 1.06 12.00% y1979-1980 1 798 10.13 2.78 59.16 72.92 122.84 3.02 2.01 12.00% y1980-1981 1 1017 15.39 5.18 91.12 124.29 198.22 6.37 4.27 12.00% y1981-1982 2 1147 21.46 10.13 145.58 190.60 271.10 9.75 6.75 12.00% y1982-1983 2 1198 24.30 14.39 168.17 197.81 309.13 9.51 9.51 12.00% y1983-1984 2 1572 26.89 19.18 241.34 279.09 414.31 13.63 13.63 12.00% y1984-1985 3 2238 28.23 29.31 335.02 375.57 545.10 14.80 14.80 12.00% y1985-1986 4 2876 29.85 40.36 496.22 449.78 690.56 19.36 19.36 12.00% y1986-1987 4 3141 32.74 55.50 602.76 556.14 854.75 16.70 16.70 12.00% y1987-1988 4 3584 39.53 67.47 723.41 748.79 1096.23 20.90 20.90 12.00% y1988-1989 4 3819 44.66 85.10 850.62 819.78 1263.93 23.87 23.87 12.00% y1989-1990 4 4227 51.80 104.22 1108.52 898.45 1608.07 46.40 46.40 12.00% y1990-1991 4 4658 60.86 152.68 1265.27 1246.12 1879.73 73.51 60.41 12.00% y1991-1992 4 5078 68.12 219.56 1566.07 1416.37 2387.33 84.76 71.40 12.00% y1992-1993 4 5360 77.97 310.44 1954.84 1479.34 2825.14 130.09 105.09 12.00% y1993-1994 4 5604 98.66 400.46 2300.45 1798.56 3431.39 106.39 106.39 12.00% y1994-1995 4 6021 122.66 516.20 2809.86 2170.56 4116.81 143.31 123.31 15.00% y1995-1996 4 6441 164.42 612.41 4409.26 3073.02 5575.28 214.70 189.70 15.00% y1996-1997 5 6662 203.71 815.44 5752.33 3912.36 7364.13 290.21 250.21 15.00% y1997-1998 6 6707 214.16 1076.06 7663.18 4513.17 9563.69 321.95 276.95 15.00% y1998-1999 7 6805 233.31 1229.58 11011.81 5939.01 13213.22 254.56 254.56 15.00% y1999-2000 7 6925 257.53 1473.46 14111.10 7365.82 16729.84 354.31 300.19 15.00% y2000-2001 10 6911 273.81 1727.76 16223.88 8463.89 19164.02 418.76 325.29 15.00% y2001-2002 10 6925 271.32 2298.56 16744.45 7457.27 20372.29 724.79 411.00 15.00% y2002-2003 10 7370 266.98 2950.38 16333.46 6614.26 20144.67 339.37 270.00 15.00% y2003-2004 10 7300 264.27 3499.28 17506.75 5608.59 21728.88 510.68 134.00 15.00% y2004-2005 10 7234 263.97 3546.03 17368.18 5345.44 21483.14 101.56 81.43 12.00% y2005-2006 10 7224 269.71 3611.34 17705.71 5551.01 21987.34 213.35 116.17 12.00% y2006-2007 10 7413 304.88 3778.02 17311.57 6079.94 21879.00 227.40 102.26 12.00% y2007-2008 10 7509 327.45 3866.77 20147.68 7024.78 24859.22 215.71 148.85 12.00% y2008-2009 10 7584 370.96 4089.16 22023.00 7556.78 27006.68 462.59 212.61 12.00% y2009-2010 10 7644 413.79 4391.96 27559.47 10213.01 33053.21 618.66 226.09 12.00% y2010-2011 11 7732 490.71 5003.41 30044.15 11455.98 36307.86 761.95 232.06 12.00% y2011-2012 12 7827 554.18 5732.45 28438.99 12831.03 35620.82 893.77 235.02 12.00% y2012-2013 12 7932 651.08 8425.85 31425.62 15383.60 41925.83 950.94 371.90 12.00% y2013-2014 12 7891 716.84 8574.09 36197.15 16486.19 44275.21 612.80 378.40 12.00% y2014-2015 12 7890 767.03 8848.62 39664.01 17882.94 48518.87 1040.35 656.36 12.00% y2015-2016 12 7868 842.19 9227.67 43622.42 18972.97 53207.92 1195.89 670.91 12.00% y2016-2017 12 7706 955.36 10364.39 53308.72 22304.99 64819.07 2008.49 742.35 12.00% y2017-2018 14 7754 1106.73 11001.82 52510.18 26029.80 66767.96 1467.34 779.31 12.00% y

(hf{ Yk. ÷k¾{kt)

2018-2019 14 7883 1250.34 11639.43 54104.45 30434.38 69179.27 1495.69 829.11 10.00% y (Mkwr[ík)10.00%


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