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cirrfiffisiaiffiw^ VPIsai U G o i n g 6 * ; i « t h e V * r i > u « P n t a b « » .

Ifcv Jacob .JT/Popp *na M M S : £ * t h -. erjteefSt-r t': w oce ouit^d to marriage' * t ; S 8 P e t e r and P*ol\i ehnreb at 4:30 o'clock W^dt»e«d»y »fteraooo Hey, F*ther F X S»ocl»ir performed the ceremony! TU«re WIM> * l*rge throng of friend* of ibe yoong coople present at the charcbtp wli-ne»8 the cereaiony

W he a, tba b r id at p * r ty reached the" churcju i t w»s esoNffed to/the awUar; by Messrs. Jarnee Mdgerton, James Ry*o and Ej ward Eogert, who acted as ushers. The brideeroaids were Miss Bertha SUud and Mias Lola Sally, of .Avon., The groomsmen *«?© lleNB^cs?John Popp, Jr . r and Ed ward If «ir«38. > The flower giri? were Misses Lilian Miaie Popp and MissEtheJ Stand.

The wadding; party went from-the churoh to Beqae's, vshere « recep. tion was held • The happy coaple left .for New York ip the evening. After » brief ftooeyiftpon thef will retnifj to Rochester to make their house.

Tbe drajBAtiu enter taiooBejatgi van at the B»riBb haii last MWday *Dd Tqesday eyeoljcgs by the Yooojr La: dies* 8fla*ali;ty was a decided 'tacibeas;. for whiqb the youug ladiea who took part, M we|l aa' the .Sisters w*o

V'Misv jt«r» *>efa 4>e<i Tsuwday <%b* at*** fmtty r*.«j»c*, i*i Trewont str«t, aged « l j . ^ ^ 4a*g*tk* Ites* ^ fe t *!!**>,;**« fosr ssss^JehfeJFs^uyss* Z*»**MidO« hsra* X#*fc, aarvivt )Mr.. Shfcjfe. «***! w#*heM fcei* the #*»% r«*L d?se«?ri<f ay s»r»«»g ftt 8;t0 o'clock *o»d frorB the knsaaeala Mm <&are:J* «f,-f oMoeJfe :..,'.,tl«»' f«aefni",trf' Mrs - fotkertae :• Harper was held from the resides**,

iug «i $i30 tfctoskv AIM* frem tbe Cathedral at 9 o'clock .'" Pr*n«s Pannir>g'died Tuesday '*%. the facDtiv r*fideoic«! iai Brfghioii • gied 46 y«M»tft. Itae faneral w4« hfliid

liQoa©. *od at 9 o'olock 'fwi ,8*,ifr* rj'a qhiirch.

%e foaeraj qf Harjt WM*« wt» beld 1Bbijip4»y -QiOf itfop:f$ |^ft f»t t her I*te re^idenoe, * 38 F*f or •treet, •ad at 0 o'clock from the ImpaiMsalate Conoeption obaMh

The funeral of Alfred Ee»g»n wae held tae«<fay ©onjliif %% BiW «j loek frop the *e»idenc6 pt him atet, Mrt MBOiffflry.' No IS Aine? etrtmtj and m4 * t » o'clock froia ^fc P*triolt,s Cathedral

Catherine, wife of T|IPBJ»* Red­mond, died Toeidajf imoiajfcf. *6 Ifea famil^ ret-idence;lft" We«t Brighton, »ged -39 .yea'ra, Sbe lelfea t»e*ide berhQabaiidtwoobildrea. T b e f o -

drilled the<n, deserve great credit.;]•'•*><*•>_? =tw)k plmce Tbwadmy tttaramg T*«-large h»!! f r « j5Hedjtoiifl utrxiOiSt{»!8 o'clbbk.frpnjibehotite,an4frorn c*P*c"ity both e?erjiD^e

iereunion of Braucb 82, C If. B A , .at Yay»e ball TO -Taesdif even, iny %rai a very eBJoyable affair There were* abopt 100 meroberi aod tbeijr wi^es pf^eeaL The commi itee in obarfre were Brotbera 3\ f Smith, J. Straaaoer. J . Schlick, P%ter Har:

gather, B. J. .Sphreioer. The KoightB of S S / Peter and

Patrl will preaenttbe play o f 'Haody Andy*** at the Paaisbball, Moodty evening, apder tbe direction of Sir Knfght J- P Smith.

The Young Ltdiee' Sodalfiy will receive Holy Oommaoion. in a body • t 8 o'clock Mavaa, Sunday. ; -

~ > - « r / i r « Y ? » - ' - •*; ' • - '

Henry ? Bilbert and Ifita Anna M.Irea were obi ted in marriage it St Msary'a cbarcb at 8 V ( i o c k Ta.e« day afternoon. Rev, Father Smelta performed the oeretDony.> George B. O went w««. jroomacnan and If ids Mary Love of Boffalo was , bride*-maid„ "Bhe beat man waa 6 . J. lve», brother of the bTide. The maidi of honor was Ui*a Onatie McOort*M*i Jolia Madden presided at tbe organ. Tbe tuber* were John Ives and Fred ' f i . 0re i | . / • ' " " , • .;.

.After tbe oorempny a reoeptioD wiu held at the, reaidehce of the bride, 540 S^utb Olinton etreat Af­ter an extended western " toor laV. and Mrs. Hilbftrt will take ap their reaidenoe at 68 Uadtaon etreet, tbia c i ty .


St. Bonif*ce 0. C U. U., Knight* of St. John, will j receive Holy Com-monion in a body^ Sanday, April I9th, when the entire membership will attend in** a body aa iiinai on ttiat dcoaeion; /

Father Rauber attended the fu­neral of tbe Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryan at BoffaVN. ;*V

^ . . --Reception of the Uich Five Podro*. Tbe Hfgb "?,\te Pedr* clnb'gave a

repeption to their .friends Wednea-3ay bight at -"the'vSairpy -The ball-room was decorated wstb palm* and VAebrobestra was bidden behind a bank of potted planta and ferns. pMicing contkined until an early

~honr In the morning. The follawing named members bad charge of pha affair: af isses Rose Goorneen, Fran.; ces Couensen, Ella Hayes, Mary Hayea, May JAorray. Anna <4ainh, Helen Qakjn, Joaie Qaiun, Emily SheaoandEBftSfceridaD.andMeasjr*, George ';ik11en, "Prank Oonnbr, |tef--naett CouDneeu, Edward Donnelly, James Mailoy, John ifcra4\, Edward Koobe, Joba Sweeney, Flank GNje-aUa and James Mbrsn,

Kntectained Her Young Friends.

Misa Franoes Martha Caliban en­tertained a nnmber of young friends on Ta6«d*y evening at the residence of ber parents, Mr. «uid tfra. P. ,fl. Caliban, 531 Lyell aveaae, tbe ooca-sion being tbo celebration of ber twelfth burtbday. Miee CalihaD re­ceived several appropriate presents from her g'aests and proved an ad­mirable hostess. Dancing and otfcer amusettients wre ioorder: A dainty laoobeon waa;'".served.. dnrrog tbe


Appointmaot jfeftr a Rochester:; Mao. Josi ah MoLao ghlin of this oily has

jast been appointed a clerk to Ex­cise Commissioner (KGrady of Bnf-f a l o . ' • ' • ' . • :V . '

When; yoji are ib; need of Job printing of any kind leave joor or­der at tbe Gfttholic Journal office,

';3911-8 Ea»t Haifistree'kl::.-.:;"'

the Immacplate Conbeptioh ©bhTeb at 9o*elpck •;"' " /The funeral of Jobb P, Hiickey tool, place Monday mprningfrioa)tfee fsmily resldenoe. No. $? QotUge street,at SiSO andlromSt,patrick*S Cathedral at Bo'clopki Re^nifin high mrts was celebrated by JiReii William Gleaeon of the Iesmacalate Coneeptlon chsrob The beprers vfere WUllaca Lawia, Cbartea Teo-man, EJward Flanmgant J. Walpb, J.Sweeney and William McGrath. The funeral was largely attended by friends apd relalivea of ttie wb»»g

Tb* fnij mil servioea < over toe jf<« mains of the Ttsts' P«t«» F BAftber, whose death took place at his bos»e on Satdrdst !ii*t,_ were held Tne*. day morDicg at 9 o'clock froeb the lionae and at 9:S» from 88. Fete? and Paul's chprch. •'•'' v

The ipacioas hooit at Ko. 88* We*t avsr«3S ooald hardly aeoosa-modato tbe vast crowd w.faich SVSMBV b)ed to pay the last* tribate to tbs dead. At tbe obarob thsrs was, as. other large asssmbiageof people.

Solemn reqaiem mass was aoag by Eey. dji. ¥ X* St»e4|!r, thspsslor of tbe cborch, asai«ted by Rev. Fathsc jBonp#i, deaootif Iwd Eiy. Father Stratton, pastor of St,MaryV German Oalbolio obnrob at I)an»-ville, sob-de»coo, Ths arasio waa rendered by tbe dbnwb choir. D»I-eg'ations were present from the Yoisag Men'* Catholic club of SS. Peter and Panl'a chorcb a»dLincoln lodge, A.O.p, #* ;

The bearers were Messrs, Joseph Berdeil, 0 . H. Mftnge*, Valsntioe Baits, Pios Matter, Augoatta Stritt and Joseph Steemsll Ths floral srib-ate* were Banyand beautifal, a&d incloded ^Tk* Cfsles Ajir, 1 ittjp. monntod by a white dove, from the cbildrenofthedeoesaed: reolising crosa of oaroatkms and roKSS, Mr. and M»r*.G>. Stritt; anchor of Salter lilies and yellow rose*, Mrs. Gather* ioe Racberj oolumn of Kaater lilies and triolets, John Ranber and fami-tyj pilJow of yellow roies and white talips, Mrs. 8swyer; - wreath of yel­low rosea. Dr. and Mrs, Garroll; standard cross of Bs*ter lilis* and pink roses; standard anchor, Mr. and Mra. F. Porchet; s pillow of bya-ointba, violsti, carnations and roses, frpin the employees of the Ranber BroKber*ttore; bdooitieto#fnit#tti* lip*, B., Martin and wife, and cat flowers in prof*«ion. The *>nrisl wa* at Hoiy 8epnlchre oemefcery.

OreiB«ntt#,*r|fe of Hearj Ricbter, died Monday morning at tbs family resideaoe. Ho, 486 GUfforil sikre^ *ge&%% years,;, Sbr.^t^r>rf|*J-fcr|r her b«sbaad*t}d five cbildren. Toe foneral vs* held Wednesday morn­ing at 1:30 from the bone» and *t 8 o'clock i-om ttie Holy Redeemer cbnrch. .:. -,.-, •"••-»." ,

• ' . - ' . •• * - ' . • „ _ ' . • • • • ' - .

Oeeelia McWilliams died a t the Home of |ndastry on Eagt.'-Main-street Sboday afternoon. Mias Mo-WilKaiBS had been a lifelong resi­lient of tbe city and a regulasr afc-tendant of tbe Cathedral. She is sttrviv id by one sister, Mary Attas-tasia of St. Patrick's Ophaa »ay-:&MB.-': ; ' - ;v.: ,""•'.' ".'.'• "'• •- : ' :- '"?•;, .

%, Ci Lan«!« ' Has removed his coal office from the junction of Bast Main street and East avenoe to S»8 East Main, oppo*ite EJm street.

A!lLadiet*ra Inrftsd

to eail at the Culross bakery.No. 80 State street; * fine display of baked foods always on hand.

, , B«»« 5.11 Note*. '

'::&* ToaojK 0«%tolifc*» org*aU«d for Xhe *es#o« wiik tb« fojlowisg; member* nnifcr 14 jtem ©f*ge^ J

Ifsrpby, c,i»d 1^1 J ai*tttryf tb;t J.^-Gar^sf, tb',rm,.Oaejj,$b,! t . Vi«g««; c; f j J. Ke»oiott|rbf F.Hsr-rig*n,fj, 0«eirt#jife|«^ti,». _AddjfW§ *H ^baltefrKws to Jcsepb Sisttsry, 849 Kortb Faioja street, olty. •_


s*$,Jhi*M**i MeQsaW wt«n»^

• » att*w<M tl» fsnwal of 8$*m tit Mtim;''•:>•"'-'• .•- -

•ad $kU*» MeXtaaaWM mmU$* Mtoowpasladbiw^t^tkitsl^ $£J ***m^ 8t m**M ietstXry »*S %9* Holy Sepulchre cemetery We*

. . ; . : .•-. LOCAUSOTM. -V

mm9%. til. m JBnttfwsm h m I bmim* m? s»4 *ttf *p*Bd ib«

Iws • ir»t-#»wiwi- k| -it,-';MMiw^ ^m»fa-*m ft»»4M. »ft4Aiferr«j#. ^eis. airtiefi,. :|f^ priwt wtttije ap. pelted tofiW » * wmtmf »f^f.:'A*'

; ffho»f8s*#- Anb^s,'^sij tfm'm-iti*

%h» faitofst '**^*«fta- ttiitif sfter ;tb»i.Srtt«f Msy*--—'-- -

•. M:i§ imm &*{!• &t '^ksfistts and Toaf JseoAs*^ of tWa Wif were bolted ia m*frfsf* st *Vote-k Weike.esgsr«»©ot«gs| tHpajreahisI reiWeneaof Bmv WWim f*fm*t Holy Crow bboroja, GMwrJdttt» l«es. J0s»pb0yert a.i.ter of tksbj|4s. «** brMssnisM, ,„d |ti>. Joseph Dytf was tba gtm»»m*m, -

m »P<lfr* Ja«ob*on wfHttsta* to^bsrleiW. - -, °

?arf*et Wladoea J*yo«M- 0m « r ptiftet, kesitk,

Becaaa* mtn aad woaass ars aot pwlwsfly wiaa, tksy must taka nsad-io*na* to k*«p tWaas«lvs4 ttsrfaotfy kisltliy* -Fur*, tm Wt*i l» im* baais of s^od a*alts. HeedHr Ss> ssfNsrfllas }* tba G w ®m JWeO» Fasffer. Itflrsa>««4 isariOi bt* catiae it bQikJ* sj>oa Us rraa &ga* 4stfeii—fMeum M«0d, • " ° •

*s**# w^a •sswjajBp^|aa

Hit removad hla ooal o*oe from tba jjiootioa «t9sjrt UMk atrwt sad 1 M « *v#»itit $o I I I »*«t MsJak «ppo»

W«Qt0dt i»»i»rli»*ity--.Ho'0i« la Ofctkeifir-Wml\f %t * Gslbolto M of 5 year*. . AUo koteea for otbar €atkoli& ohilcJren. Board i%M mt

.'•' v - m Sophis tftwiN \

•f East Main .trest: - A':|t r»»or .^a, »feV *»b, 1«# | * #4 taiwf Ws, tun, ¥i<% i?«tto# o* Isosi * $8 ^at««rJ», *0f <«if laisot, k*tt#» ft, $* «»4 | $ *»mplss of tfc* Goodnr ttMki. s iaes l to *..$*I.- - W#, hare a few •ampi* psjri«ltbsst dffsrsnt style* od^'ttplt>t !pt iNH^lif w r store; the*e goocU are gotog vety fskt. ¥w moat come early, Hdw* jadlet^ieir yonse? wrbif bif b^fsinsfrs «f# olferiag to yottr ll&i rem«mbet tM&> form year geotlemsa 6ie»4s thst ws jisireja»# *»big bargaiB. i» ^ | f

•••'•••=».. •• .. ' X W^-Ummt- r -,; W* Sssfe Maio sirest.

, "-'\.^.i«*|g0s'.' Haa reajoired hi. oeal olftcje from th*

•venae ' .Sim a tret t.

' Ktodlius; WOJDHI f« BMomtr r j w

Now that tte warm weather baa come to stay, yon want just sack a ftresiS kindling will give yo-o, fQ ge telslie* n«4 «f softW«4»|f wood for satBttte* «se, of |ood gaidfty and %t lowestprioea, call b« btwetti 4«i>

'•. '8»Ws!«t-|i*l»*|r»«l, sal to


^*« «MW«i * | & N & >«* ^ » a i f i f be disappointed, as aH goods are Iresbe^s^d'iiyi; ^fjr^m^:mm only * step from the fonr corners, iff 'Sta»Str««i; ' ': •=:r^->--:^;,,w'

' •!* 'C. Lssfle. Has removed his <v>al oflloe from the jifljction of Eaet Main street and Bast arenne to 898 East M*i0J 0pno-aite lim street.


Kaicsaa ^ tA Mutajap 1S«M ^ * ^ to. L»

tiw ^»^f^4w-r« stHigitta t>f »»< J ^ k * , ke4# gi»-iir-%w*jil| »r1ii topMi r*. •epiJoa aad i|)sp»eff«m -"Is Ma**n*r.

wmtf "*%*&- •-/•^•••"•isrii^'iiif" ijaabsra over 10* *t«n i* its raiks, and; -*k«jit-- i%#i»-;'..»f#i^.. iu lise «1fs»sVwiMB<s4.wjp I«8p«',or Oeneral J.'J,K*iiwl#,

"B*'';k* liW- ; » i t f ' ' ; »t tw8 v ^i# E)oa4 oc«v<»efr,i. «R %« %*!#.**,-Jksy*

- &. •ir" *I assri'-* s • :M -• sssyK*&


This at«l>or*tslyoarv*« S J R '-_ » plSOS «Ult*h ... ., **&*

.^| ik|*wssvjav|y| -

^ ^ u ' igaajaaT sasa ^ ^ a ^ ^ s ^ ^ M


- FiitaltsjrSi'Csjf pjflli.t Jtelujt#)rMS* **<«•

S»v«n Corn*r»,%,- Ro«hw#t»r, P M t M M W k

jSHs. ^a*L s r ~ dsa* . j * s^M. ^SasBtt'sslBaK * ^ ^ ^ ^ * ,

ON CREDIT Tfc* «p-tt>4tu* Ot#t Hess* IMi*

sarW yest laMsati iwkstt««' W » ' l «

wt»*«afoo<. «tM«*%iiBt(mp cm fa ISsysts-'^dts, - 8*»<a«ai ^ ^ " COME - •°,'o ' ••Oatii;- ' , • - w. •

|».S*~SpiS»t Cast* $a. *<t N^SSD -

* a * " W ^ wS'SS'^sav ^tfvS s^s^sl sajaj. |ap» . : ' :

Ms*"* BtwfcHMsSatol* | ? Sf. T<^ <>«««•*•, |6*p. ^

' Alfsa IMay Ifasisiy t»Ijw.sajjg •



^'JA-^khv-'V-i'*'".''• r ' n '"*.;



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g «i; mntc*tttitt¥# ^ tSksaCaf&sWitftissi,*

"Mutyisi "1 w""' 1$

•«it<iiiii>i.<iiiiiii,»i.iiii<>^i^miiiiiiii'ini»ig!i(|' M.iW.miinyftui 1^^i_ ^g^^^f^^ x ^ u jadalak^ta^swcsat-ia^aaidliss! *•

J R ^Swwf SA>iSWW** ^Pj *


0S* SXCHANGB ST. WI1*l»aw«Wnil>iiii'M| il [ll!W<>W«l»tll>>«M«W»W«>M«l >i*WM>,; '

FORSALE.~5«Tvnapk^w»iiwWt> Md from § to n acrwo* fiiaiV R**«o«*bl» fcTwa, or switt jsMiiwilmt • » * « taar»forNd«ic«. Wlthiaji)»ii«««wflli ( I M IrtA' otOarmaa CsdieW <imr*a«« « d sehool. Goodf»»<koh»gUad,al»o«-«U*Bt •A^fornakoadaaakMwttrkyaaramaSaf. Ferlaflpartlcdj«a44rss* Bss &»> CoW* ;.

*«s *\


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