Page 1: O Del Mio Dolce Ardor

O del mio dolce ardor (Paride ed Elena) Gluck – Page 1 of 1

O del mio dolce ardor Aria from the opera Paride ed Elena Text by Raniero de' Calzabigi (1714-1795) Set by Christoph Willibald von Gluck (1714-1787) O del mio dolce ardor bramato oggetto! [o del mio dol.te ar.dor] O of-the my sweet ardor desired object! (You are the object of my desire!) L’aura che tu respiri alfin respiro. [lau.a ke tu re.spi.i al.fin re.spi.o] The-air that you breathe at-last I-breathe. (The air that you breathe at last I may breathe.) Ovunque il guardo io giro [ov.u.kwe il io di.o] Wherever the glance I turn (Wherever I turn my gaze) Le tue vaghe sembianze Amore in me dipinge, [le tue va.e sm.bjan.tse in mme] [the] your lovely features Love for me paints. (love paints for me your lovely features.) Il mio pensier si finge le più liete speranze, [il mio pn.sjr si le pju llj.te] The my thoughts they imagine the most happy hopes, (My thoughts are of the most happy hopes) E nel desio che così m’empie il petto. [e nel de.zio ke ko.zi mmem.pje il] And in-the desire that thus me-fills the breast. (and in the desire that fills my heart) Cerco te, chiamo te, spero e sospiro! [ter.ko te te sp.o e so.spi.o] I-seek you, I-call you, I-hope and I-sigh! (I seek you, I call you, I hope and I sigh!) (Literal translation and IPA transcription © by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC)

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