Page 1: Objective 12.04 Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural changes in the United States

Objective 12.04

Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural

changes in the United States

Page 2: Objective 12.04 Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural changes in the United States

Presidential Pardon

• Ford Pardons Nixon for role in Watergate

Page 3: Objective 12.04 Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural changes in the United States

New Federalism

• President Nixon’s domestic program to cut the size of the federal government and to give more power to state and local governments

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1976 Election

• Jimmy Carter elected over Gerald Ford/ Carter selected by Democrats because he was a Washington outsider

Page 5: Objective 12.04 Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural changes in the United States

Jimmy Carter

• Known for Camp David Accords, Iran Hostage Crisis, Energy Crisis

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Ronald Reagan

• President from 1980-1988, supply side economics, Iran-Contra Affair

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• A pardon or forgiveness

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Elections of 1980-2000

• 1980- Ronald Reagan/George H. Bush• 1984- Ronald Reagan/George H. Bush• 1988- George H. Bush/Dan Qualye• 1992- Bill Clinton/Al Gore• 1996- Bill Clinton/Al Gore• 2000- George W. Bush/Dick Cheney• 2004- George W. Bush/Dick Cheney

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New Right Coalition

• Helped elect and re-elect Ronald Reagan

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Graying of America

• The Average age of Americans is increasing, Baby Boomers are living longer causing issues in Social Security

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New Democrat

• Helped President Clinton get elected in 1992 and 1996

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Ross Perot

• Independent candidate for the Presidency in 1992 and 1996

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Bill Clinton

• President of the US from 1992-2000, Monica Lewinski, impeachment hearing

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Al Gore

• Vice President under Bill Clinton, lost to George W. Bush in the 2000 election

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Joe Lieberman

• Al Gore’s running mate in the 2000 election

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John McCain

• Ran against George W. Bush for the Republican nomination for President in 2000, Running for President in 2008

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Newt Gingrich

• Speaker of the House of Representatives during the Presidency of Bill Clinton

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Immigration Policy Act

• Defined immigration policy between US and Mexico, current political topic in the 2008 campaign

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Republican Election of 2000

• Disputed Presidential election because of problems in Florida, outcome eventually decided in the Supreme Court

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