Transcript – FREE eBook

Every Revolution Needs a Manifesto – and a Marx – FREE eBook

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”

Engagement is the Objective. – FREE eBook

"Why is it that in terms of technology I feel so powerful as a consumer and so lame as an employee?”

--Geoff Moore at AIIM

The Business Needs to Reclaim IT Leadership.

Our Demands.

#1 – Commit to the Cloud.

1.  60 percent of organizations are ready to embrace cloud computing. [IBM CIO Survey]

2.  The market for virtual private cloud solutions will grow from $7.5 billion in 2011 to $66.4 billion in 2020. [Forrester]

3.  However, 1/3 of organizations still unlikely to use cloud-based or SaaS solutions. [AIIM]

#1 – Commit to the Cloud.

#2 – Mobilize Everything.

1.  67% of organizations believe mobile important or very important to shaping processes. [AIIM]

2.  The median organization that has “mobilized” a process responds 2.7X faster. [AIIM]

3.  However, 76% of organizations have no mobile processes. [AIIM]

4.  Only 2.5% of the processes that could be mobile are. [AIIM]

#2 – Mobilize Everything.

#3 – Make the Business Social.

1.  70% of young professionals have “friended” either their colleagues, their manager, or both. [Cisco]

2.  68% of young professionals believe that company-issued devices should be available for both work and play. [Cisco]

3.  51% of organizations consider social business to be “Imperative” or “Significant” [AIIM]

#3 – Make the Business Social.

#4 – Digitize Anything That Moves.

1.  The median cost to process a paper invoice is still > $9. [AIIM]

2.  52% of organizations have yet to adopt any automated AP systems. [AIIM]

3.  Median % of processes that could be paper free that actually are = 14%. [AIIM]

4.  45% of documents that are scanned are “born digital” [AIIM]

#4 – Digitize Anything That Moves.

#5 - Prepare for Extreme Information Management.

1.  The amount of information will grow by 44X by 2020 and the # of containers by 67X. [IDC]

2.  The # of IT staff will grow by 1.4X [IDC] 3.  Two-thirds of organizations have an

Information Management Strategy, only 22% use it. [AIIM]

4.  79% of organizations have an Information Retention policy, but only 32% enforce it. [AIIM]

#5 - Prepare for Extreme Information Management.

The Revolution will be led by a new breed of Information Professional.

Not just IT.

Not just Process People.

Not just Lawyers.

Not just Records Managers.

But those who can put these skills in CONTEXT.

Information Professionals Matter.

Join the Revolution on Facebook – FREE eBook

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