Page 1: October 2011 October 2011 - Clover 3 RESUME 10. Jeremiah 10-12 & Colossians 4 11. Psalm 119 12. Psalms 120-122 13

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Audubon Days Game Tent


8:45 Christian Growth Hour

10:00 Communion Service, Pastor Dave Audubon Game Tent


10:00 am Horicon Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study


5 5:30 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Bible Study —Axis Infiniti —HighPoint


7 3:45 pm—Meet at CLF to leave for Men’s Conference at Spencer Lake

8 Kids Fall Festival Men’s Conference Spencer Lake

9 8:45 Christian

Growth Hour

10:00 Worship Ser-vice, Pastor Matt

11:30 Cookie Flwshp

5:00 pm–-Baby Shower for Amanda Lewandowski

10 10:00 am Horicon Bible Study


3:30 pm Food Pantry

12 5:30 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Bible Study —Axis Infiniti —HighPoint


7:00-10:00 pm Young Adult Ministry

14 Couple’s Conference Spencer Lake

15 Couple’s Conference Spencer Lake


8:30 am Missions Breakfast

10:00 Missions Sunday—John Koeshall, Jr.

17 10:00 am Horicon Bible Study

11:30 am—Red Cross Blood Drive

7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study at CLF

18 6:30 pm—CLF Board Meeting

19 5:30 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Bible Study —Axis Infiniti —HighPoint


21 Youth Staff Adult Retreat

22 Youth Staff Adult Retreat


8:45 Christian Growth Hour

10:00 Worship Service, Pastor Dave

24 10:00 am Horicon Bible Study

25 3:30 pm Food Pantry

26 5:30 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Bible Study —Axis Infiniti —HighPoint

27 7:00-10:00 pm Young Adult Ministry

28 Youth Convention at La Crosse

29 Youth Convention at La Crosse


8:45 Christian Growth Hour

10:00 Worship Service, Pastor Dave

31 10:00 am Horicon Bible Study

October 2011


Wed., Oct. 5th 7:30 pm

Kid’s Fall Festival Sat., Oct. 8th—5:30 pm


Couple’s Retreat Spencer Lake, Waupaca

Oct. 14th - 16th

Youth Staff Adult Retreat Oct. 21st - 22nd

Youth Convention La Crosse

Oct. 28th - 30th

October 2011

October Events

Newsletter Staff:

Becky Brath,


Mary Christensen,

Field Editor

Greg Schmidt, Marty Brath


2011 FOOD



What a



Page 2: October 2011 October 2011 - Clover 3 RESUME 10. Jeremiah 10-12 & Colossians 4 11. Psalm 119 12. Psalms 120-122 13

As I was preparing to write this arti-cle, I had to think of some of the many experiences that God has al-lowed in my life, causing me to grow.

I remember times when Ju-lie or our sons have been ill, times when I have felt overwhelmed with ministry, or been saddened by the death of a loved one. I can recall times when I’ve been uncertain about the future, or was not sure what to do next. There have been times when I had difficult decisions to make.

In each of those times, different plac-es, different people, different out-comes, truths from God’s word would be made stronger as a result of those experiences. What I believed was

put to the test and my faith and confidence became stronger because of those times. I’ve listed some of those truths be-low.

God loves me and I am not alone. God knows my needs and will strengthen and direct my steps. God can be trusted. God knows my anxious thoughts and

will not abandon me. God hears my prayers and answers me according to His will.

If you are in one of those times when your faith is being stretched, when you can’t see clearly, when you are uncer-

From The Heart Of Pastor Dave tain of the next step to take, when you feel alone, sad, sick or anxious, know that God can use that time to help your grow.

Here are some things not to do when you are in that place.

DO NOT give up your faith.

DO NOT believe the lies of the enemy.

DO NOT mistrust your God.

DO NOT doubt God’s word.

DO NOT minimize God’s ability.

Psalms 18:30-33 (NLT) God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.

I trust God is stretching and growing your faith and that you will be able to look back and see how He has made your faith stronger.

Growing in the journey,

Pastor Dave

Page 2 October 2011 Newsletter Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship

1. Isaiah 52-54 &

Ephesians 6

2. Isaiah 55-57 &

Philippians 1

3. Psalms 115-118

4. Isaiah 58-60 &

Philippians 2

5. Isaiah 61-63 &

Philippians 3

6. Isaiah 64-66 &

Philippians 4

7. Jeremiah 1-3 &

Colossians 1

8. Jeremiah 4-6 &

Colossians 2

9. Jeremiah 7-9 &

Colossians 3

10. Jeremiah 10-12

& Colossians 4

11. Psalm 119

12. Psalms 120-122

13. Jeremiah 13-15 &

1 Thessalonians 1

14. Jeremiah 16-18 &

1 Thessalonians 2

15. Jeremiah 19-21 &

1 Thessalonians 3

16. Jeremiah 22-24 &

1 Thessalonians 4

17. Jeremiah 25-27 &

1 Thessalonians 5

18. Jeremiah 28-30 &

2 Thessalonians 1

19. Jeremiah 31-33 &

2 Thessalonians 2

20. Jeremiah 34-36 &

2 Thessalonians 3

21. Psalms 123-126

22. Jeremiah 37-39 &

1 Timothy 1

23. Jeremiah 40-42 &

1 Timothy 2

Read Your Bible Through in a Year!

24. Jeremiah 43-45 &

1 Timothy 3

25. Jeremiah 46-48 &

1 Timothy 4

26. Jeremiah 49-50 &

1 Timothy 5

27. Jeremiah 51-52 &

1 Timothy 6

28. Lamentations 1-2 &

2 Timothy 1

29. Lamentations 3-5 &

2 Timothy 2

30. Ezekiel 1-3 &

2 Timothy 3

31. Ezekiel 4-6 &

2 Timothy 4

Page 5 October 2011 Newsletter Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship


October 2011 Newsletter

Happening at Christian Life Fellowship

Please welcome to Kingdom Kids during our Christian

Growth Hour, Mary Lehnert and her daughter Rachelle.

These two ladies of God will minister to your children this fall. Please stop in and make them feel wel-


Promiseland Kids: The busy summertime is coming to a close. As we start our fall classes, we welcome all Kingdom

Kids that are now in 1st grade. And for those who will be in 6

th grade and are moving up, we trust that a Godly founda-

tion has been built and that you continue your walk with Jesus. This fall, we will continue to use the Hillsong Kids Cur-

riculum ―Tell the World.‖ We will start with an overall theme called God Loves You. Parents, please register your child

each Sunday in the children’s area downstairs prior to the start of church.

HighPoint: Our theme to start off this fall will be Everyday Choices. We hope you will encourage your child to make

a good choice to join us each Wednesday evening starting at 6:30 pm. We are here ready to encourage your child

each week to make good choices and help them in their spiritual walk. Join us on our next flight.

Kids heartbeat

Kids Fall Festival – Saturday, October 8—5:30 pm

The Kids Fall Festival is coming soon and we need your help! This is our annual fall

outreach to the children of Mayville and surrounding communities. We would love to

have lots of volunteers for this event. Please consider how you could help out by sign-

ing up on the Fall Festival sheet at the Information Center or in the Children’s Ministry

area. We also need donations of individually wrapped candy to be placed in the box in

the foyer by Sunday, October 2nd. If you have any questions, please contact

Cindy Anderson.

Walk Through Bethlehem is right around the corner!!!

This is our all-church Christmas production presented to the

community, and we need everyone’s involvement. There are

many areas where you can serve. This month the cast will

be starting practices. There are many parts – BOTH speaking

and non-speaking. We need YOU! If you are interested in a

cast position, please sign up at the Information Table. We are

asking that all cast members be 16 years and older. If you

have any questions, please contact Pastor Dave or Theresa


Men's Conference 2011 - The

Contender - Oct. 7-8

Spencer Lake, Waupaca, WI

For those who have registered for the

conference, your money is due by

Sunday, October 2nd. Meet at CLF on

Friday, Oct. 7, at 3:45 pm.




Wed., Oct. 5th

7:30 pm


Page 3: October 2011 October 2011 - Clover 3 RESUME 10. Jeremiah 10-12 & Colossians 4 11. Psalm 119 12. Psalms 120-122 13

The September Board meeting was held on Monday, Sep-tember 12, 2011 at 6:30


All Board members were present ex-cept Rachel Lescelius.

The meeting opened in prayer for CLF and its ministries and seeking God to meet needs in the fellowship.

Kevin Snyder shared the financial re-port for August. Income for August was - $6,970 short of what we antici-pated. Expenses for August exceeded budget with video café being a majority of those expenses and the fact we had three pay periods in the month.

Year-to-date income is -$20,039.

The minutes from August were ap-proved as presented.

Page 4 October 2011 Newsletter Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship

The Board discussed the dedica-tion of the new church sign for Sunday, September 18th. An-drew Johnson will speak and so will Pastor Dave.

Pastor Dave shared the evalua-tion of the video café to this point. We had some good par-ticipation in our survey and there are some things we will work on to improve. Overall, the feed-back was very positive and help-ful.

Dan Ganiere brought the Board up to date as to the wiring pro-cess. All wire has been pulled and punched down in our tech-nology closet. The next phase will be to put receptacles in the church office and convert over to the new network. We hope to have a workday soon to get that accomplished. We will continue to put receptacles in all the rooms and connect them one at

a time to the new network.

Pastor Dave presented names to the Board for the nominating committee for 2012. The names were approved and Pastor will be in touch with those indi-viduals to ask them to serve.

At the sign dedication, the Board will acknowledge Tom Koehnen and the men who worked with him.

There will be a special recognition in October of two students who did a great job raising money for missions this year.

The Board approved a request by Pas-tor Matt and Amanda to paint some rooms at the parsonage, with the under-standing if they ever leave the parson-age, they will repaint them a neutral col-or.

Pastor Dave will be taking a week of vacation October 9-14


Kurt Stortz is resigning his position as Head Usher. He has served in this ca-pacity with excellence for many years. The Board acknowledges his leadership and is prayerfully considering a replace-ment.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

October Birthdays Kurt Stortz 2nd

Alexandria Bonney 3rd

Jessica Konitzer 3rd

Jessica Steger 3rd

Cindy Anderson 4th

Mitchell Chamberlin 4th

David Leonard 4th

Abigail Ganiere 6th

Joe Clifton 10th

Kathy Miller 10th

Michael Johnson 11th

Lorie Schabel 12th

Melanie Kahlhamer 14th

Kaden Cummings 16th

Kristen Gogert 16th

Russ Eberle 17th

Amy Shoop 23rd

Aricka Konitzer 28th

Vanessa York 29th

Evan Leberak 30th

Mike Thoreson 30th

Page 3 October 2011 Newsletter Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship

Meet our Missionaries

Brad & Rhonda Walz

Missionaries to Argentina, Latin

America & the World

Deputation: Continuing to Reconnect The Walz’s are in the States enjoying deputation. Even though at times they get weary of packing another suit-case, they are visiting churches and combining that with some of their international responsibilities. There is great satisfaction in ―reconnecting and seeing familiar faces again, and saying thanks!‖ They’ve visited 107 churches, and have 32 to go; as well as the countless coffees, lunches, and breakfasts. (88 up to now)

The clock is ticking…..We return to Argentina January 30th, 2012.

For over two years the Walz’s planned the 2nd

World Missions Congress, and sometimes it seemed like it would never arrive! But it did, and the results were satisfying. They had about 500 that attended from 24 countries, mostly from the Asian Pacific region.

The Missions Congress was held at a hotel near the airport, and there was great enthusiasm among the dele-gates. But most important was the time around the altar and the brokenness, and those seeking God in re-sponse to the powerful messages. They felt it was an important step forward in the missionary vision of the strategic Asian Pacific region. There were many delegates from important countries, and no doubt it will be a foundation to build on in the coming years.

Praying for the Brazil A/G 100th Anniversary Celebration! The US Assemblies of God will be celebrating 100 years of existence in 2014, but ironically the Brazilian As-semblies will celebrate it this November, almost three years before us. The first missionaries were Swedish, but sent out by churches in the US. They would go on to become part of the new organization after it was formed in 1914. But in 1911, there still wasn’t a formal organization called the Assemblies of God.

Brazil will be celebrating her special anniversary November 15, 2012. (Tuesday) I will have the privilege of be-ing there. Dr. George Wood, the Superintendent of the US A/G and the chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, will be the main speaker.

Following that special day, there will be a 2-day event on missions for pastors and leaders. Dr. Wood will speak the first day, and I will have the privilege of speaking as well. Brazil is a ―sleeping giant‖ in world missions, with over 14 million believers, almost 5 times as many as the United States! Pray for this strategic event, November 16-17, 2011!

Missionaries need intercessors

more than admirers. They need

prayers more than donors. They

live and work in the enemy's ter-

ritory and become the special

object of Satan's attack. Support your missionaries by praying for them. Pray for their:

Enablement in life & ministry; Flexibility in relationships; Attitude of servanthood; Compatibility with fellow work-

ers; Heart of Love for all men; Boldness in preaching; Fruitfulness in service; Filling with the Holy Spirit; Under-

standing of Culture; Discipline in devotional life; Protection from satanic attack; Proficiency in use of language;

Patience with others; Safety in travel; Courage in danger; Health in soul & body; Support adequate for needs;

Wisdom to maintain finances; Family home life; Children at school.

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