Page 1: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow

No. 120 • December 2019



So is my word that goes out from my mouth:It will not return to me empty,

but will accomplish what I desireand achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Isaiah 以賽亞書 55 : 10-11


As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater.



Page 2: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow
Page 3: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow

Home News No. 120 December 2019 家訊 第一百二十期 二零一九年十二月出版

Contents 目錄

言教與身敎 ………………………… 李世澤執事 …………… Page 1 夏甲的故事 ………………………… 李時明執事 …………… Page 4 信心的考試之三 ……………………… 王仁薰 ……………… Page 7 緬懷舅婆周鄧玉慶 …………………… 黃河舟博士 …………… Page 13 2019 迎新會紀實 ……………………… 挪亞團契同工 ………… Page 15 教會充滿耶穌的愛 …………………… 林健文 ……………… Page 21 代替了起初的偽裝-得救見證 ………… 李晨 …………………… Page 22 Hello ! 50 ……………………………… 沈文婷 ………………… Page 23

Operation Christmas Child 2019 ………… Nightingale Ngo ……… Page 24 Let Us Do Something ……………………… Pastor Kwong-Wah Lau … Page 28 In Remembrance of Grandaunt Shirley …… Victor Wong …………… Page 31 Faith, Trust, and Obedience ………………… Lynette Ling …………… Page 33 Olympics ………………………………… Don Yu …………… Page 37 My Jamaica Missions Trip ……………… Victoria Kei …………… Page 39 A Song Of Baptism ……………………… Wei Shen …………… Page 40 New Life and Peace …………………… Susie Hsieh …………… Page 41 My True Relationship With God ………… James Kuo …………… Page 42 What Changed My Life ………………… Victor Wang …………… Page 43 God Has Always Been There ……………… Ethan Yu …………… Page 45 What Benefits Me ………………………… Evelyn Yu …………… Page 46 I Accepted the Gift ……………………… Connor Kei …………… Page 47

Page 4: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow


言教與身敎 李世澤執事



對兒子的訓誨來比對他一生的行止,使我想及身敎重於言教的問題。 所羅門向 神求智慧來治理國家,結果 神賜給他智慧,寫出了這本




至國家分裂,得罪了 神。我細思為什麼他對兒子的教育會失敗呢?




負更重的軛!」(列王紀上 12:10-11)。所羅門寵愛許多外邦女子,


的兒子聽從他的言敎呢? 前些日子看到一段花邊小新聞,説是有一位母親,帶著小女兒去教






真正價值和父母的教養,在兒女心中是看得很清楚的。 我有兩個兒子,老大家庭生活很有規律、有條理,但老二夫婦的兩



Page 5: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow










面也有親身的體會。 我小時生長在二次世界大戰期間,父母舉家避難到萄國殖民地澳門,







具最有價值的影響。 二戰後期因為糧食供應不上,餓死的人很多,街頭常看得見倒在地










Page 6: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow



深深的感動我,影響我成長後一生的品格。 我信了耶穌以後,慢慢從注重幫助別人肉身的需要,進而更多地努






離世已久,但他的優良品格,還深深刻印在我心中不可或減。 日前兩個兒子來探望我,談到他們從少年入學到大學選擇専業,我



謝他們有這樣的領受。 我深深體會到:身教重於言教。無言的身教才是最有效的教導。

Page 7: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow


夏甲的故事 李時明執事



她是埃及人,是亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊的一名使女(創世記 16:1)。但是

細讀聖經中有關夏甲的故事,卻給我很深的啟發。 背景


你的後裔」(創 12:7)。他的姪子羅得與他分家離開後,神將「地」

與「後裔」的應許詳細的告訴了亞伯蘭(創 13:14-17)。亞伯蘭戰勝

回來,神更指示他:「你本身所生的才成為你的後嗣」(創 15:4)。 雖然 神給亞伯蘭有關「地」與「後裔」的應許非常明確,但這兩大



戰,因為「亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊不給他生兒女」(創 16:1)。 撒萊與亞伯蘭於是自作主張,「將使女埃及人夏甲給了丈夫為妾」

(創 16:3),「亞伯蘭與夏甲同房,夏甲就懷了孕」(創 16:4)。這段經



(創 3:6)。亞當、夏娃違背 神的命令,犯罪的結果,使人與 神隔離



後裔世世代代的對頭。 神向夏甲第一次顯現

當亞伯蘭與撒萊沒有等候 神,從此種下了「家庭糾紛」的種子,孩

子還沒生下,「夏甲…小看她的主母」(創 16:4 下),撒萊向亞伯蘭

訴苦、並且苦待夏甲,夏甲逃走了(創 16:6)。

Page 8: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow



其實 神完全知道夏甲的遭遇,聽了她的回答,使者要她仍然回到主


後裔極其繁多,甚至不可勝數。」(創 16:10),並對她說:「你如今


你的苦情。」(創 16:11),和合本對「以實瑪利」加了一個小註:就


神」(創 16:11)。夏甲是聖經中第一個由 神為她取名的人。「後來


亞伯蘭生以實瑪利的時候,亞伯蘭年八十六歲。」(創 16:15-16) 神向夏甲第二次顯現


蘭老年得子、寵愛以實瑪利的情景。創世記 21 章記載,以撒出生

後,撒拉與夏甲越加無法相處,以實瑪利的戲笑(創 21:9),觸動了


把夏甲母子趕走,亞伯拉罕雖然憂愁不捨,卻仍然聽從了 神的吩咐,

忍痛狠心趕出夏甲與以實瑪利。 慈愛的 神並沒有將夏甲母子棄而不顧,就在他們好像走到了盡頭的


裔也要成為大國(創 21:18)。後來,神的應許果然應驗了,以實瑪利

的兒子們作了第十二族的族長,住在他眾弟兄東邊(創 25:12–18),完全應驗了 神的話。但同時也將應驗 神的預言,「他為人必像野

驢。他的手要攻打人,人的手也要攻打他」(創 16:12),成為「應許

之子」以撒後裔世世代代的對頭。 觀察

從這事件,我們可以看到一些 神的屬性: 1. 神聽見:創 21:17節中,兩次提到「神聽見」,而且以實瑪利就

是「耶和華聽見」的意思,全知全能的 神是無所不知、無所不

Page 9: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow



見嗎?造眼睛的,難道自己不看見嗎?」(詩 94:9)。「神聽見」

的事實給我們何等大的安慰,因為所有的苦情,祂都知道。 2. 神介入:神不但知道,祂也行動。「神使夏甲的眼睛明亮」(創

21:19),「神保佑童子」(創 21:19)。何等寶貴!「祂必不叫你

的腳搖動,保護你的必不打盹!」(詩 121:3) 3. 神救贖:以實瑪利雖然不在「亞伯拉罕之約」以內,但 神應許

以實瑪利的後裔也要成為大國(創 21:18)。由此看來,神造的每


物,各按其時成為美好,又將永生安置在世人心裡。然而 神從

始至終的作為,人不能參透。」(傳 3:11) 應用


來不在諸約之內,但 神卻知道、聽見、憐恤她的苦情,並且介入她

的生命,施行救贖。我們蒙恩得救不就是夏甲故事的翻版嗎? Dr. Frank Spina 曾經說過 「God’s exclusive election has an inclusive purpose」(神的揀選是排他性的,但祂揀選的目的卻是包容性的)。

每個蒙 神揀選的人,不必驕傲,因為這完全是 神的恩典;尚未蒙 神揀選的人,我們不要放棄,因為 神有祂的計劃。

Page 10: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow


信心的考試之三 王仁薰






他們得好處和幫助,得到造就。 在教會中,我們常常聽到要「坦然無懼」來到 神的面前,相信這是

對基督徒的鼓勵的話,但同時聖經又教導我們當敬畏 神,敬畏的意


永生 神的面前,在萬王之王面前,我們是誰呢?我們必須知道我們



子,我們都是有過失的,我們要學的功課是「敬畏 神」,而這正是


拉罕說:「現在我知道你是敬畏 神的了」 (創世紀 22:1-18)。


恤、蒙恩惠(希伯來書 4:16),用聖潔和公義侍奉 神(路加福音

1:75),這是 神給我們的恩典,是我們的身份地位和福分。而敬畏 神、伏服敬拜 神才是我們當學的功課。信心的考試能幫助我們認識

自己的屬靈狀況和是否能承受 神的祝福。當我們敬畏 神,在 神的

道上行的正,得 神的喜悅,我們就能「坦然無懼」 來到 神的面前,

正如經上說的,「我們的心若不責備我們,就可以向 神坦然無懼了」

(約翰一書 3:21)。

Page 11: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow






試驗他們遵不遵我的法度」(出埃及記 16:4),「神在曠野引導你,


命不肯」(申命記 8:2)。可見信心的考試是給所有信徒的,特別

是神所愛的,正如詩篇 11:5 所記,「耶和華試驗義人」。在新約


書 2:9),「這火要試驗各人的工程怎樣」(哥林多前書 3: 13)。


然教會的領袖是要先被試驗考試的(提摩太前書 3:10)。 在前文中,我們看了信心考試的幾個例子。現在我們再看信心考試

的重要性。當 神創造亞當後,他說看著「甚好」(創世紀 1:31)(我們把這歸納為A),亞當是「有靈的活人」(創世紀2:7)(把

這歸納為 B) ,接著 神就用「分別善惡樹上的果子」來考他了(把

這歸納為 C),結果亞當考壞了,吃了不該吃的果子,落在罪裡,

引來了死亡(把這歸納為 D)。我們看到前有 A,B,和 C,後有

結果 D。這 ABCD就好像個律,在人類一開始就有了,A 為 神的創

造,B 為有靈,C 為考試,D 為結果。 我們來看一下掃羅王的例子,掃羅王是誰揀選而立的呢?是 神啊 !神對先知撒母耳說,「看哪,這人就是我對你所說的,他必治理我

的民」(撒母耳紀上 9:17) 。「神就賜他(掃羅)一個新心。」「他

就在先知中受感說話」(撒母耳紀上 10:9-10)。多麼榮耀啊!掃羅被揀

選立王,還有 神的靈。但後來呢?掃羅等撒母耳來獻燔祭,按約定



是否能看到這就是 神給掃羅王的考試?掃羅王等了七日,等相當長

Page 12: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow


時間了,但考試就是考試,掃羅王考壞了,他沒有按 神的律辦事,

後來失去王位給了大衛。掃羅王是 神所揀選的(A),並有 神的靈

(B),在信心的考試上沒考好(C),有嚴重的後果(D)。 那大衛王又是怎樣的呢?大衛王的故事很精彩,相信大家都比較熟

悉。大衛也是 神揀選的,並有 神的靈感動 (撒母耳紀上 16:13),在

掃羅王之後被立為以色列王,也是何等榮耀啊!大衛知道謙卑,對 神說「我是誰,我的家算什麼,你竟使我到這地步呢?」(撒母耳

紀下 7:18)「大衛作以色列眾人的王,又向眾民秉公行義」(撒母

耳紀下 8:15)。大衛王被 神看為義,他也面對了考試,他害了赫人

烏利亞,得了拔示巴,行了 神看為惡的事(撒母耳紀下 11)。大

衛在考試中考壞了,被 神懲罰,他失去了四兒子,其中一個兒子押






他改變了結果(D )。大衛仍是有福的,大衛的子孫是有福的。 神對祂所看重的,必有考試。摩西也是一樣,被 神揀選,「耶和華

的使者從荊棘裡火焰中向摩西顯現」(出埃及記 3:2),神揀選摩


11:17)。摩西在許多事上行 神喜悅的事,將耶和華的律例和典章





不得進迦南美地,這是他所受的懲罰。 從上面的例子看到,A,B,C都很重要,光有好的 A和 B還不夠,

還需要考好 C。本來 神看為好的(亞當,掃羅王,大衛王),卻因

Page 13: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow


在 神的考試中沒考好而受損,這難道是 神的不對嗎?是 神不能慧

眼識「問題」,一開始就看出以後的問題嗎?我們一直說 神是萬能

的,能知道未來的事,那為什 神揀選的都出了問題呢?是否世上一

個義人都沒有呢?好像這是比較好的答案,但也未必,畢竟亞當是 神造的,並看為好,不應該一考試就出錯啊!撒母耳為什麼就不能

早一點到,這樣掃羅王就不會犯錯呢?或 神的靈為什麼不阻止掃羅

王獻燔祭呢?大衛王看中了拔示巴,為什麼 神的靈不能提醒他別做

錯事呢? 我們常說自己是有福的,是 神先愛我們,是 神揀選了我們,因我

們接受了主耶穌的救恩,我們成了「新造的人」,這是 A,沒有問

題。聖經說派保惠師聖靈來住在我們裡面,教導我們明白 神的旨意,

我們是「有靈的活人」,這是 B,也沒有問題。如果我們能明白學




幫助摩西。對於結果和 神的祝福如何(D),我們無權過問,那是 神的決定。而我們能夠做好的,並且應當小心去應對的,就是我們

的信心考試(C)了。這是聖經告訴我們的兩面性,神的一方面 A和 B,和我們的一方面 C,當 A,B,和 C 都好的時候,我們的結

果 D 就是好的,就得祝福。神給了人選擇權,就不干涉人的考試 C了,但人自己要為考試 C 的結果負責。 我們強調 神的全能,強調 神的揀選,強調聖靈保守,都是對的。


就需要特別加強鍛練防守了。顯然我們需要特別關注我們在考試 C上的表現,因為這是我們的弱項,是我們需要勤於操練的。 當一個好學生意識到要面對考試的時候,他就會去好好準備。當一



Page 14: 同樣,我口中所出的話也不會徒然返回, 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的 … · 而是要成就我的旨意,實現我的計劃。 As the rain and the snow




不得的,基督徒不可因為曾經與 神有多麼親密的關係、曾經有多麼


了大衛王呢?我們都需要小心謹慎,時刻警醒,時刻作敬畏 神的人。 中文的「知識」一詞,有知道和認識的不同層次,先知道,後認識。


要的是認識 神,認識神性,認識 神的作為,認識什麼是 神所喜悅



認識 神,但我們卻要盡力更多地認識 神,因為這是我們考好 C 的

關鍵。比如聖經有說同性苟合是「可憎」的(利未記 18:22),並


如聖經說「以牙還牙」和「以眼還眼」(申命記 19:21),又說當



有說到擁槍和禁槍,我們的選擇,就代表我們對 神、對聖經的認識。

選擇就是考試,當然這不會是唯一的考試。 任何人都不完全,都有缺點。一個國家有當權派,也必定有反對派,

每個人的認知不同,這是必然的。當權的,必定被 神考試,就像考

掃羅王和考大衛王,考當權者的信心,考他在 神面前的謙卑,考他

對 神的依靠,考他對神律例典章的遵守,還考他明不明白 神的心

意。考得好的,就受 神祝福,雖經歷許多難關,雖經過「死蔭幽


困住,經歷磨難。而當反對派的,也需要在 神面前小心行事,做個

稱職的監督人和群體,同樣 神要考他的信心,考他在 神面前的謙

卑,考他對 神的依靠,考他對 神律例典章的遵守,還考他明不明

白 神的心意。當反對派並不羞恥,草繩就是靠兩三股不同方向的草

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義,不能誣陷,不論何人,都需要明白 神的心意,每個人都需要自

己在 神的面前考好,做正確的選擇,作個義人,才能站立得住。 接下來的一年,我們又將面對艱難的選擇考試,願基督徒都能小心



在禱告中求 神「將那賜人智慧和啟示的靈賞給你們,使你們真知道

他」(以弗所書 1:17)。我們可以在禱告中把「你們」改成「我

們」,願 神幫助我們,使我們真知道祂,認識我們萬能的 神。

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緬懷舅婆周鄧玉慶 黃河舟博士


到邁阿密,因著他們的熱情幫助,使我們有機會在美國重建生活。回顧過去, 我們六口之家的到來,一定給他們安靜和平的生活帶來了極大的干擾,但他們仍竭盡所能地幫助我們安頓下來。對於舅婆、舅公及他們一家人所做的一切,我們永遠銘感不已。






此以後,我都特別要找這種優質的「Tropicana」 橙汁來喝。 那時我姐姐正值高中年齡,我是初中,弟弟是小學。為了幫我們註






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後的日子有很正面、良好的影響。 我們從大陸到達邁阿密後的第一個禮拜天,玉慶舅婆和國幹舅公不由分明便把我們全家帶到了邁阿密的美亞美華人浸信教會,並沒有






並與祂建立了個人關係。 我們所敬愛的舅婆年過百歲,最近已安詳返回天家。 謝謝舅婆、舅公,你們在我們身上成就的一切,我們將永遠銘記心中! 願一切榮耀歸於我們的主,我們在天上的父神! (註:周鄧玉慶姊妹 Shirley Chow 於 2019 年 9 月 30 日安息主懷)

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2019 迎新會紀實 挪亞團契同工





可以感受到教會像家一般的溫暖。 往年負責這項活動的潘登弟兄初為人父,「老頑童」何祖文弟兄接




傳頁,然後通過各個微信群向 FIU(弗州國際大學) 和 UM(邁阿密大

學) 兩所大學的學生們發出去了。中國來的新生普遍使用微信,學




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學生們左思右想,倍感新奇;姜珊姐妹負責的 KTV(伴唱)也吸引了






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新生。籃球活動也是 FIU(弗州國際大學)校園團契每週外展活動之一。




幾張 A4紙和一些膠帶建一座橋,能承載《聖經》書本數量最多的小



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.假期的時候可以約約今天剛認識的小伙伴自駕去 Key West 看看。

.教會裡有個叫 Paul 的兩米多高!

.過幾天準備去 Los Verdes (餐館名) 嚐一下哥倫比亞菜。








「要收的莊稼多,做工的人少。」!(馬太福音 9:37)願 神保


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我是於 1998 年 5 月在委內瑞拉播道會受浸歸入基督,2006 年移民


浸信教會參加聚會。 我太太關嘉齡原來是畢業於巴拿馬聖經學院的,我們移民邁阿密後,


會事奉 神,不知不覺歷時九年多。其後因業務需要,我回去委內瑞



因而離開了宣道會的事奉。 後來我太太病情稍爲好轉,就期待重新返回教會事奉 神。由於美亞


很自然就來此參加聚會。感謝 神的保守帶領,感謝黃牧師、師母和


們都願意抽空陪伴和開解我太太,以至她的病情得以很快的好轉。 2018 年,因委內瑞拉政局不穩,我基本結束了那裡的業務,返回邁


聚會,迄今已有一年之多。牧師每個主日生動的證道,傳遞 神的話


間充滿耶穌基督的愛,所以在 10月 6日我決定轉入美亞美華人浸信

教會這個屬靈的大家庭,成為 神家中的一員。求 神繼續帶領,讓

我成為供主使用的器皿。更願 神的榮耀在這個屬靈的大家庭裡繼續


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2019 年 4 月,我懷著對研究生階段學習、對異鄉的憧憬,第一次踏






祂真理有所認識,也明白耶穌基督的救贖及意義。 我得救的歷程如同約伯在《約伯記》42 章 5節所說的那樣:「我從前

風聞有你,現在親眼看見你」。小時候讀聖經,只是風聞有 神, 長大了卻是親身經歷了 神的同在和帶領。從風聞到親身經歷,卻是


糊到清楚,從懷疑的確信,這是我得救見證的一個過程。 當我對自己的信仰越來越明白時,我發現自己已經偽裝不下去了,




督的生命代替了起初的偽裝。 團契裡的兄弟姐妹告訴我,這裡沒有傷害,沒有排擠,有的只是愛,





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Hello! 50 沈文婷

最喜歡阿聯酋航空的廣告語: Hello! Tomorrow (哈囉! 明天)。溫暖的

話語總是那麽鼓舞人心 ! 激勵著每個人熱愛今天,憧憬明天。 Hello! 50 (哈囉!五十)。是我給自己的寄語,也是獻給兄弟會的賀詞。 兄弟會五十歲了,我也正好跨入了五十,多麽奇妙的巧合,感謝神! 我記得那天我們挪亞團契要在禮拜堂拍一張團體照,「神祝福兄弟

會 50!」,桂峰在分發著卡片,輪到我的正好是一張「50」字樣的

卡片。感謝神,我知道這是對我非常有意義的數字卡片,我很高興。 Hello! 50,祝福兄弟會,也祝福自己,同時祝福和我一樣同齡的兄

弟姐妹。 時光飛逝,雖然離拍照時間又過了大半年(附照一張),還是要再

次祝兄弟會五十歲生日快樂 !

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e thank our church family for filling hundreds of empty shoeboxes with brand new toys, school supplies, t-shirts, socks, and

toiletries for children who might not otherwise receive Christmas gifts. Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse which reaches children all over the world through a

simple gift. Samaritan’s Purse currently works in more than 100 countries to provide aid to victims of war, disease, disaster, poverty and famine.










These are not merely shoeboxes, but GO Boxes – “Gospel Opportunity” Boxes – as each gift represents an opportunity for the Gospel to be shared. As children are presented with the boxes, local churches and Samaritan’s Purse ministry partners offer opportunities for the children to grow in Jesus Christ through their discipleship program. It is


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estimated that one in every three children who receives a box comes to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.






From our church, the boxes are delivered to local drop-off locations. The boxes are then sent to Processing Centers around the country. There, boxes are inspected by volunteers to ensure the contents meet the destination countries’ regulations. After preparing the boxes for shipment, they are

placed on trucks and sea containers for their destinations. Depending on the destination country, local transport of the boxes can include trucks, cars, bicycles, and even camels, elephants, and dog sleds! 我們教會收集到的鞋盒禮物,首先送到本地







Samaritan’s Purse’s local ministry partners distribute the shoeboxes to children in their communities. After receiving shoebox gifts, many boys and girls are invited to enroll in The Greatest Journey, a 12-lesson discipleship program where local ministry partners are able to establish long-term, caring relationships with children and families by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

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子和他們的家庭建立起長期的關懷關係。 We thank everyone for their kindness and participation!

Through your tremendous generosity and enthusiasm, our church collected a total of

900 boxes! 感謝各位的愛心及參與!


900 盒! Thank you for demonstrating God’s love to children around the world!

謝謝您,向全世界的孩子們體現了 神的愛! Please continue to pray for the children who will receive these boxes. For more

information on Operation Christmas Child, please visit


事工詳情,請上網查看 。

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LET US DO SOMETHING By Pastor Kwong-Wah Lau

(Originally published in Home News, December 1998)

hristmas is a joyful season. People all over the world will celebrate the birth of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. This joyful season reminds us of the central truth of the Bible: “For God so loved the world that he

gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Baby Jesus was born in a manger. He was rich, but for our sake he became poor; and through his poverty we may become rich, not just rich in material blessings, but rich in good works. Therefore on this special joyful season, let us make a resolution to do some meaningful things. 1. Let us do something for Jesus I believe that all born-again Christians are willing to do something for Jesus who saved us from sin. Of course, we can do many things for Jesus, but the most meaningful one is to witness for Him. That is what he wants us to do. In Acts 1:8, he says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (NIV). Once Jesus healed a young man who was possessed by demon. After he was healed, he asked Jesus: “Lord, let me stay with you.” But Jesus said to him, “No, you must go home and tell everybody what the Lord has done for you.” (See Mark 5) What Jesus wants us to do for Him is to go and witness for Him. This is the best way to celebrate the birth of Jesus. After the shepherds found Baby Jesus, they immediately went out to spread the good news. That was the first caroling. There is a Chinese saying: “Travel one thousand miles just to deliver a goose feather.” This means the value of the gift is not on the goose feather itself, but the 1000-mile journey. If you really love a person, you will be willing to travel one thousand miles just for him. An African woman walked day and night in bare feet to send a pair of sandals to a missionary who saved her life. The missionary, deeply touched, said: “You traveled day and night in bare feet just to send me a pair of sandals? You really shouldn’t do this!” The woman replied: “It is not the sandals. It is the journey!” Do we love Jesus? Of course we do! Then, let us do something for Him. Let us go as far as we can to spread the good news for Him.


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2. Let us do something for others In Matthew 25:31-46, we will find the following story: When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right: “Come, you are blessed by my Father. Take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Then the righteous will answer him: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? When did we see you as a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?” The King will reply: “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” If we say we love the Lord, let us do something for others. There is another Chinese saying: “The way to make yourself happy is by helping others.” Karl Menninger is a famous psychiatrist today. Once a student asked him a question after he gave a lecture about mental health, “Dr. Menninger, what would you advise a person to do, if he was suffering with a mental problem?” Man people thought he would say, “Go and see a psychiatrist.” But Dr. Menninger answered, “I would suggest him to go to the street and find someone in need, and then do something to help that person, and he himself will feel better.” If we keep thinking of ourselves only and never think of helping others, someday, we may become crazy, too. Our Lord Jesus said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Let us do something for others. 3. Let us do something for our loved ones The Bible teaches us to take good care of our parents, our children, and our loved ones. Our human society is a very busy society, and yet it is also a lonely society. Many people say: “Nobody really knows me; nobody understands me. I am lonely.” Why does man feel lonely? Because man is away from God. Once General Eisenhower said this famous prayer: “Lord, without you, I feel lonely.” It was not just the cry of a hero. It is the cry of all mankind.”

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In the Bible there was a man who once cried and said: “I turn to my left and turn to my right, but I found no one who cares about me. I am like an owl among the runs. I am like a sparrow alone on a house roof” (Psalm 102:6-7, NIV). Who was this person? He was not a poor man. He was not a bum. He was a king. He had a big family with many children and grandchildren. He had many faithful followers. But, he said he was a lonely man. His name was David. If King David needed someone to care about him, how much more does an ordinary man need care and love. Let us do something for our loved ones. The central idea of Christmas is God loves you. That is why He sent His one and only Son to the world to die on the cross for our sins. If you believe in Him, you will be born again into God’s family. I sincerely ask you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior at this moment. Say to Him in your heart: “Lord, please come into my heart as my Savior and Lord.” Amen!

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t was 40 years ago that Grandaunt Shirley and Granduncle Louis Chow sponsored my family to move to Miami from Mainland China. It was a gesture of tremendous graciousness on their part to make possible the

opportunity for us to rebuild our lives in the United States. Looking back, the coming of our family of 6 must have brought so much disruption to their quiet, peaceful lives as they did everything they could to help us get settled. For what Grandaunt & Granduncle and their family did, we are forever grateful. During the month that we lived in their home, I remember Grandaunt coming back home mid-day from her busy work at the grocery store to make lunch for us. She was the one from whom I first learned what a tuna sandwich is and how to make one. At that moment, she might not have realized that she had just taught me a skill for life. Another vivid memory is Grandaunt treating us Tropicana premium orange juice – I was so amazed at how juice could taste so good; I had never had anything like it before then. And she told us that a half-gallon carton of the juice cost 99 cents. That experience caused me to look for Tropicana premium orange juice for years to come. At that time my sister was of high school age, I was of junior high age, and my brother was of elementary school age. To get us registered for school, Grandaunt had to go to three separate schools in person and filled out a lot of forms – you can imagine how much work that was. Those initial days demanded so much of her time and energy, yet she did it all to get us on good footing to move forward. Another interesting thing about Grandaunt is that she gave us our first English lesson in the United States without knowing it, and it was a very important one. One day, my siblings and I were doing something in the kitchen while casually talking in Chinese when Grandaunt suddenly stopped us; she went on to caution us that the sound of a Chinese word we just said was the same as that of a bad word in English, and that we should never say that sound in front of English speakers. Needless to say, her instruction has served us well over all these years. The first Sunday after arriving Miami, Grandaunt and Granduncle took my whole family to the Chinese Baptist Church of Miami, without giving us the option of going or not. After their own lives were transformed by the love and


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truth of Jesus, they knew without a doubt that bringing us to church was the best thing for us. Time has proven them correct because what they did opened the door for me to eventually experience Jesus’ transforming love and then for everyone in my family coming to the Lord. God had indeed used Grandaunt and Granduncle to give us the greatest blessing of all – salvation in Jesus and a personal relationship with Him. Thank you Grandaunt Shirley and Granduncle Louis! May all glory be attributed to our Lord, our Father in heaven!

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have been a believer since 1972 but my life since that day has not always reflected that of a Christ follower. What do I mean by that? Over the last thirty years I have served in numerous church ministries, but not always

asking if each of those ministries was God’s will for my life. Why would this be important? After all, if I am serving God it must mean that I am doing His work and that I am in His will. I believe that a person can be doing God’s work but not be in His will. This does not negate their service to the Lord but it could result in a person not fully embracing the purpose of their ministry. For the most part of my walk with the Lord I have been doing this. Serving without first seeking God, serving without asking why, serving because I was asked to fill a position, and just continuing in this pattern. I was recently convicted of this and began praying and asking God to reveal His specific will for me in that moment of time. This led to my commitment to be “all in” with CBYF throughout the year, rather than just for the week of summer camp. Being all in is no small task. It involves planning for and teaching weekly Bible studies, training meetings, all CBYF related activities in the church, working with the officers, and collaborating with church leadership. During these past four years of ministry with CBYF I have faced obstacles and opposition from within, tears and lots of prayer, many times of questioning if God still wants me to do this, and at every turn, God has confirmed and validated that I should continue. There are many times when I feel discouraged and disheartened, and I may not see the fruit of this labor, but I trust that this is God’s plan, and that I need to be obedient and serve Him with excellence.

It is this continual self-examination and prayer to do God’s will that led me to walk away from a church ministry at the end of summer 2018. God did not reveal His future plan to me until March 2019, and that was seven long months of praying and waiting. This was the mission trip to Honduras with a team of women from Christ Journey Church. I had many questions and concerns about this trip, but God answered all of those questions and concerns, one small step at a time. One of the most amazing results was raising funds for this trip. God showed me His faithfulness and His provision through the giving of this church family. The generosity of friends and this church family went above


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and beyond all expectations, and was a continual source of encouragement for me. I was part of a six woman team and we met for planning sessions as we prepared to teach Priscilla Shirer’s “Armor of God” bible study. Our ministry partner was HOI (Honduras Outreach International), and we went to Honduras from July 20 - 27, and ministered to only women. We led worship and taught Bible study in four different villages, and we also did a deeper study with the women employees of HOI. It was wonderful to watch women accept Jesus’ gift of salvation, and to see them get excited about learning truths from the Bible. I returned home from that trip to find that I was still receiving donations in response to my fundraising letter. I was so thankful and overwhelmed by this - the funds raised were double of what was needed for Honduras. Through this, God opened another door for a new opportunity. I had even more questions and concerns for this mission trip to Lebanon, but again, God answered and confirmed. This mission was totally different from the one to Honduras. Out ministry partners were Chaouki and Maha Boulos, a Christian Lebanese couple who have been in ministry for 20 years. For the last ten years they have expanded their work to include the Syrian refugees - food distribution, free medical and dental clinics, and a Jesus Celebration. This mission was also with Christ Journey Church and our twelve member team included two pastors, medical, and dental professionals. We participated in a 3-day Jesus Celebration where Pastor Bill White (senior pastor of Christ Journey Church) preached, and we prayed with many local Christians as well some Syrian refugees. We were involved in a 4-day medical and dental clinic and saw over 500 people and dispensed medication. Every person that came through the clinic was offered prayer, and a few people came to faith after hearing the Gospel.

It was phenomenal to travel to Honduras and Beirut to do God’s work. I ministered with people that I did not know but I can now call brothers and sisters in Christ. We went for specific reasons but always with unity of purpose - to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to proclaim the Gospel. God reminded me that spiritual lostness is everywhere, not just in Honduras and Beirut, and that I need to mission minded all the time. In my obedience to seek and follow His will, God allowed me to appreciate and experience the abundant life that He promises. I stand in awe at God’s faithfulness and provision during this season of mission work, and it has been an honor and privilege to have this

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church family as prayer and financial partners. Even in the midst of difficulties, obstacles, and spiritual hurdles, there is an immense joy and exhilaration that comes only from being and serving in God’s will. I draw daily inspiration from the first disciples who fully committed their lives to God and boldly walked in His will. Praise God for our God who “is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us..” (Ephesians 3:20).. Praise God for the Holy Spirit who convicts, guides, and empowers believers. Praise God for a loving and supportive church family. Praise God for inviting us to be His global partners in His Gospel mission. I am thankful for my faith that allows me to trust God completely and to walk in obedience to His will, and I will daily strive to be a Christ follower.

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hate to admit that I love the Olympics. Every time I read the news reports of how corrupt the IOC

is, it makes me question whether I should be enjoying the Olympics as much as I do. The billions of dollars that they force countries to spend in order to win the bid, could be better spent on the needy citizens of those countries. The eye watering amounts of public money spent just to wine and dine the Olympic officials should be criminal. But every 4 years when the trumpets of the Olympic Fanfare start blaring and Bob Costas’ giant head appears with those Olympic rings in the background, try as I might to resist, I’m hooked for the next two weeks. It has been nearly 12 years since the 2008 Summer Olympics were held in Beijing. We all remember those amazing opening ceremonies right? The live action scroll, massive taichi routine, the guy running along the rim of the bird’s nest stadium and the hundreds of guys under the movable blocks who had to wear diapers because they couldn’t leave as they waited to perform. After the opening performances the parade of nations begin. This is where each country’s delegation walks into the stadium, this is also usually a good time to take a bathroom or food break before the Olympic torch gets lit. The Olympic teams of all the various nations come in one by one; Greece always goes first and the host country always goes last. I enjoy the Olympics enough that I usually watch as much of the parade of nations as I can. I enjoy the smaller countries, like the guy from Tonga who walked in a grass skirt, shirtless with about 2 gallons of oil sprayed on his body, or when the country only has a few people and none of them look like athletes. The large countries are interesting as well. It’s always interesting to see what the teams are wearing and how it relates to the culture and history of the country. Up in front of each national team is the flag bearer, selected by the nation’s Olympic athletes. Do you remember who the flag bearer was for team China in 2008? I’ll give you a one sentence buffer to try and remember, it was somewhat hard to miss him. That’s right it was Yao Ming, NBA superstar and the pride of short Chinese


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guys everywhere. Do you remember who the flag bearer was for the Team USA in 2008? Was it Kobe Bryant? Michael Phelps? Once again I’ll give you a buffer sentence to try and remember. It was Lopez Lomong. Don’t you remember the Mexican American boxer? Just kidding...Lopez Lomong is not a boxer and he’s not of Mexican heritage. Lopez Lomong was born in the Sudan. If you would like to find out how a kid from a dusty village in southern Sudan with no running water ended up as the flag bearer for the US Olympic team please check out his book, Running for My Life. It is a story so inspirational and so unbelievable that I do not want to spoil the details. Alternatively you can get most of the major details by Googling him. But I urge you to read the book and experience his journey, in his own voice, for yourself. He tells his tale with joy, good humor and not a hint of bitterness for any of the hardships he has experienced. We can’t learn to be 7’6” like Yao Ming, but we can certainly learn to be like Lopez Lomong and have faith and a thankful heart regardless of where God may lead us. See also on Lopez Lomong:

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his summer I had the privilege of attending a missions trip to Jamaica with Christ Fellowship. I was there from July 19th to July 27th and our entire group was 28 people. Before we flew out, we had multiple training

meetings at Christ Fellowship to prepare us and get us familiar with the teaching material. Also each person packed a 50 pound bag to carry full of arts and crafts supplies, toys, clothes, Bibles, and church materials. We flew to Kingston and drove to Clarendon by bus. One of the pastors from Christ Fellowship had a relative that lived near the church (The Newtown Independent Baptist Church) so around 20 of us stayed at her house. The rest of our group stayed in houses of brothers and sisters from the church. We stayed in close proximity to each other so in the morning we all walked to church to meet up. For the first three days, we ran a Vacation Bible School for the local kids. At night, we’d go out to different places and hold performances or preach to the locals. One night, we went to a fishing village to pass out clothes and Bibles and a couple people from our group shared their testimonies. Another time, we set up a keyboard outside of a bar on the street and played music, and had a pastor give a sermon. We also went to an orphanage to have a BBQ lunch and played with the kids. Although the church looks small, our VBS had more than 200 kids attend and many of the older kids prayed to be saved. This trip could not be possible without the generous donations from MYAF, Brotherhood, and other brothers and sisters, and also prayers. I’m very grateful that I was able to experience this and I hope that this motivates other teens and young adults to go out on a mission trip. This is also a great reminder for me to always live on missions no matter where I go. The immense joy and passion that I observed in the locals despite their humble beginnings was so inspiring to me and served as a symbol of their faithfulness to all.


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- dedicated to brothers and sisters who got baptized -

Water, cleansing water, Waiting for those who have determination , Wakes up soft souls With salvation to Worship Jesus Christ our leader. Water, living water, Washing away old selves for declaration, Waves around new bodies With redemption to Welcome Jesus Christ our savior. Water, running water, Warming up the hearts of transformation, Wins battles daily With resurrection to Walk in light Jesus Christ our commander.

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grew up in a secular household, but in a Christian community and elementary school. My life has often been chaotic due to

various circumstances, but after I began learning about Jesus and His life through reading the Bible and attending mass on Sundays, my life slowly and gradually transformed. Through the years, my life was never one that was steady nor secure, and I have always sought to pursue some form of security, stability, and control over my own life. Unknowingly, I started to pursue perfection and was very hard on myself and my variable moods that were often low and depressed. It impacted my mental health and my physical health. With mounting pressures from all areas of my life, I became impulsive and went into a period of crisis unaware of it. I had sunken really low to a depth that I could not pull myself out of, and I was completely consumed by it. After a period of straying away and not regularly praying or attending masses, I sought out Jesus in faith and He responded by giving me life and—most importantly—peace. Since then I’ve been growing ever more committed to following Jesus Christ. With an open heart, I’ve embraced His goodness, His words, and His actions, and am now dedicated to following His commands. For this reason, I want to proclaim my faith as well as be baptized. (October 3, 2019)


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y name is James Kuo and I was born here and raised in this church. From a very young age my parents have always

brought me to church. As a child I would learn all sorts of bible stories in Sunday school, memorize bible verses to earn treats, and play around with friends. When I was in 4th grade I went to a Christian private school. One day during class our teacher told us to repeat a prayer after her. That prayer was the sinner’s prayer. In my head, I repeated every word exactly as she said it. I accepted Christ as my savior on that very day. From then on, I’ve always considered myself as a Christian. But, little did I know what it actually means to be a Christian. After that day, I continued to live my life the same way as I’ve always had. I didn’t make any particular changes to my life. It wasn’t until my first trip to a camp in North Carolina when I truly felt God’s presence. Watching the entire auditorium hall go crazy for God, Hearing God speak through the pastor, hearing people talk about their testimonies, all changed my perception of being a Christian. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you attend church every Sunday. Being a Christian means that you have a relationship with God. An identity under Christ. In order to obtain a true relationship with God you must constantly spend time with him. Talk to him on a daily basis. Dedicate a couple of minutes to read his word every day. These steps are what I’ve been working on for the past few years. There are periods of time when I don’t want to connect with God. Times when I’m occupied by worldly goals instead of spiritual ones. Although there’s been periods of time when I see stagnant spiritual growth, I have a great family at church that motivates me to converse with God. No matter how I may feel, I know that God will always be there and will always love me. for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. - Philippians 4:13

October 5, 2019


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esus. What a simple word. Just five letters. Jesus. Wow. And to think that such a small, short word would come to have such powerful

meaning in a life such as mine. I grew up in this church, the Chinese Baptist Church of Miami. I’ve been attending this church every Sunday for as long as I can remember. I’ve made countless great memories here, and made many of the best friendships of my life in this place. It has served to be somewhat of a second home to me, a place I know all the ins and outs of. Growing up in this church made me very familiar with Jesus, who He was, and all of His stories. I knew that He died on the cross for my sins, that He had a bunch of friends called disciples, and that He performed miracles. Simple stuff. I knew the main characters of the Bible, I was aware that Moses parted the Red Sea, and I knew that Adam was the first person ever created. But these were just stories to me, characters in a plot that really didn’t serve any correlation to my everyday life. Yeah, I may have known who these people were and what they did, but there was no real “why” behind every story I was hearing. When I hit middle school, this somewhat changed. I became more aware of the impact that Jesus was having on my life and talked to God on my own for the first time somewhere during this time period. I went to FUGE for the first time in 2017 when I was still an eighth grader about to hit high school. During this time I accepted Christ in my heart. In my mind, I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I thought I was in the clear. But I never really felt any need to get baptized. My mentality was that as long as I believed in Jesus as my Lord and Savior privately, what was the rush to proclaim Him as my Savior publicly? I got my answer this past summer at the same summer camp when I learned what it meant to be a Christian, and the baggage that comes with it. But it’s something worth carrying as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice for me on the cross. I learned that there was nothing in this world that should keep us from holding back our faith, and that nothing could ever stand between the love Christ has for me. It’s a simple concept, but I truly felt convicted by the FUGE camp pastor’s


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sermon this year and felt a genuine rush by the Lord to run into His hands. It was a feeling that if I truly cared and believed in something, then what was the wait? There was no need to wait to get baptized if I truly believed in Jesus, that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my faith no matter the scenario, and that Christ died for me so that I could be set free. Since the day I decided to get baptized and make my faith more public, much has changed for me. One obvious thing that has changed is school. And it’s been a tough one this year, not only because I’m a junior in high school but also that most of my friends at school are not Christians. Daily prayer is another thing that has changed in my life as well. I have started to take a couple of seconds every morning just to thank God for giving me life and for blessing my life the way that He has. Just this general sense of gratitude for what the Lord has done for me is something that has shifted tremendously in my life. I understand that I face an uphill battle but I know that with the power of the Lord on my side, anything and everything is possible. It’s truly as Peter says in 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”


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y life before Christ and after was pretty much the same. This is because I’ve grown up in the Church basically since birth. This means that

I’ve been in close contact with the teachings of the Bible for a long time. For me many of the things taught in the Bible were pretty obvious because these teachings like “Don’t steal, don’t murder” have become second nature to me. Although I don’t follow these commands all the time without fail, at least I know what is right and what is wrong. This would be a different story if the person didn’t grow up in the Church because their life before and after Christ would be pretty different. Because of this I didn’t go from a life of crazy stuff to a life that was pleasing to God so the difference was almost unnoticeable. But also because I was born in the Church I always treated the fact that Jesus died for us as a fact. I always believed this had happened just because that’s what I have been told. But when I got a little older I realized that this was a choice to make and not fact, and I chose to follow Jesus. I suppose that was when I accepted Jesus but I was waiting to get baptized because I was waiting for the life changing experience that you get when you believe in Jesus but it never came. Then when I went to Fuge the Pastor there said if you have accepted Christ already and haven’t gotten baptized, go and get baptized. So then I decided to get baptized. That was when I realized that the reason that I never had a life changing experience because instead of seeing God work in my life for the first time, he always has been since I was very young. This would be a life changing experience for a non-believer since they have never seen God work in their lives before.


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grew up CBCM and I have always gone to this church, and my parents and grandparents are all Christians. Growing up, I came to church every

Sunday, attended Sunday school and sang in kid’s worship. Before I accepted Christ, I struggled with many, but tiny problems. As I gradually began to believe in Christ further, some of those problems disappeared, or I knew how to handle them. This is very meaningful to me and showed how a relationship with Christ can benefit someone in the biggest way. I accepted Christ two years ago during Centrifuge. My counselor and pastor really got me accept and believe more in Christ. However, the first time I really believed that God is my personal savior was the second time I went to Fuge, just this year. This past year, the speaker pastor was particularly moving, and he helped me strengthen my relationship with Christ along with myself. His sermons were very powerful and helped push me into being a better Christian but mostly, they gave me the confidence to get baptized. Also, the entire environment of Centrifuge helped me focus all about being a Christian for a week. Since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I have learned to be more forgiving, and to make more of an effort to have a more positive attitude. Aside from getting baptized, I hope to learn more about God and attend church on Friday nights as well as first service on Sunday consistently. My relationship with God is very important, and I always try to keep God first in my priorities. Christ has opened my eyes and made me into a better person as a Christian.


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his year FUGE camp message was all about restored and how God uses His son, Jesus to restore the relationship with God.

My experience with FUGE this year was extremely life-changing. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior on Wednesday, June 12th. Pastor Chip Dean spoke a message about turning away from your sins and giving up your life for Jesus. He said that if you are a sinner, you are one step away to Hell, but if you are a believer, you are close to living in paradise with our Father. That night, Pastor Chip asked in the congregation that if you gave your life to Jesus that night that you may stand up and talk with your counselors. Then the next day, Pastor Chip then asked us to stand if you have not been baptized. I decided that I would finally confess my sins to the Lord and to give my life for Him. Before FUGE, I have always thought that the trip is just like a play date with our fellow CBYF’ers but the Lord changed my attitude towards FUGE. Back when I was in 6th grade, I barely knew the Lord and what he had in store for me. I did not take into consideration for my future. Fast forward 1 ½ years, I had a talk with, Deacon Sam Ling, Pastor Williams, and Lynette Ling. Lynette made an analogy with a sinner. She said “Pretend like it's your birthday and you have not accepted Christ and the Lord is your father. Your father gives a gift and the gift is Jesus.” The gift is there, sitting on a table, for anyone to take for themselves. That night, I contemplated my faith and realized that I needed Jesus in my life and that I needed to be saved as soon as possible. Overall, this specific FUGE camps really inspired me and changed my life completely. It completely change my perspective on Christ. Backtrack a couple of years before by profession, as a kid growing up in a church community, I have always been put into a mindset as this is just where we learn about Jesus and how thankful we should be. It never crossed my mind that church was supposed to be a place where we can spend time with God and worship and praise Him. The one hymn that really inspired me was “I serve a risen Savior”. I really give me hope the fact that our Savior has risen and can save those who believe in him. I feel blessed, knowing that God is always on my side and he will never forsake me or you.


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發行人:美亞美華人浸信教會 黃英杰牧師






Publisher: Pastor Ying Kit Wong

Chinese Baptist Church of Miami

Editor-in-Chief: Nora Ngo

Editor: Nightingale Ngo

Chinese Typist: Shek Ming Wong

Cover Artist: Sonia Mak

Reviewers: Pastor Ying Kit Wong, Nancy Wong, Pastor Russell Williams

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