Download - Offer Letter 3

  • 8/13/2019 Offer Letter 3


    15. All reimbursement claims against certifications made after completion of 6monthsshould be refunded to the company in full; in case of subsequent exit from theorganization within 1 year of such reimbursement.16. Any policy update communicated via email by management would serve as an

    update to any information contained in this letter and would update the containsherein.e have pleasure in welcoming you and loo!ing forward to mutually meaningfulassociation.

    "ours truly#

    $ame%esignation&ompany name

    ' have read and understood and accepted the terms and conditions of employment.Asdesired# ' will (oin the company)s services w.e.f. date month year.$ame*************************************************************+ignature,*********************************************************%ate, ************************************

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