  • 8/14/2019 Oil Station Ministries - Content of the Gospel - The Gospel of Salvation


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  • 8/14/2019 Oil Station Ministries - Content of the Gospel - The Gospel of Salvation


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    Content of the Gospel

    The Gospel of Salvation

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    Todays Topics

    SalvationAccomplished & appropriatedPresent and continuousFuture and hoped for

    Salvation from sinCondemnation&penalty:justification & lifeBondage & power:redemption &victoryPresence &annoyance:glorification & rest

    Means of SalvationBlood & intercession of Jesus

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    Todays Topics

    Things that accompany salvationA changed heart

    Witness of the spiritHumility

    A changed lifeLoveObedienceHoliness

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    The Gospel of Salvation

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    Ephesians 1:13 InHim, you also, afterlistening to the

    message of truth, thegospel of your

    salvation--having alsobelieved, you weresealed in Him with the

    Hol S irit of romise

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    Romans 1:16 For I amnot ashamed of the

    gospel, for it is thepower of God forsalvation to everyone

    who believes, to theJew first and also to the


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    Acts 13:26 "Brethren,sons of Abraham's

    family, and thoseamong you who fear

    God, to us the messageof this salvation hasbeen sent.

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    So what is salvation?

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    Popularized today in Christiandenominations, many think salvation is theevent of just getting to heaven.

    However, salvation is not just for us, it is

    for God as well.

    Revelation 7:10 and they cry out with aloud voice, saying, "Salvation to our God

    who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.

    So, salvation is not just for us. God wantsa people for his possession.

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    So our thinking in terms ofsalvation needs to be God-centered, not man-centered.

    We need to ask ourselveswhy did God save us?

    He saved us for himself

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    SalvationAccomplished & appropriatedPresent and continuousFuture and hoped for

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    Salvation has both apresent and a future


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    To understand the present andfuture aspect of our salvation weneed to ask this question.Did Jesus expect to get something in

    return for the sacrifice he made?The answer is yes.

    Titus 2:14-15 who gave Himself for

    us to redeem us from every lawlessdeed, and to purify for Himself apeople for His own possession,zealous for good deeds. (15) These

    things speak and exhort and reprove

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    By the preceding verse, we know that Jesus

    expected 2 things from his sacrifice.He expected to redeem us. Redeemcomes from the Greek word



    From G3083; to ransom (literally orfiguratively): - redeem.

    It is slave language typically used ofbuying someone that cant afford to paytheir debts out of bondage. You thenbecame the slave of another. So Jesusexpected to purchase us by paying our sindebt and then make us a slave ofrighteousness.

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    The Bible often describessalvation as a futureaspect, not here yet.

    But salvation does have apresent aspect to it

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    Luke 19:9-10 And Jesussaid to him, "Todaysalvation has come to thishouse, because he, too, isa son of Abraham. (10)

    "For the Son of Man hascome to seek and to savethat which was lost."

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    Referencing Titus 2: 14

    15, Jesus could see thatZaccheus had repented,believed, and was zealous

    for good deeds.

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    2 Timothy 1:9 who hassaved us and called us with

    a holy calling, notaccording to our works, butaccording to His own

    purpose and grace whichwas granted us in ChristJesus from all eternity,

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    Titus 3:5 He saved us, noton the basis of deeds which

    we have done inrighteousness, butaccording to His mercy, by

    the washing ofregeneration and renewingby the Holy Spirit,

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    So when we believe

    through faith, according tothe Scriptures, we aresaved.

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    According to

    Scripture, salvation isalso an ongoing

    activity, not a onetime experience.

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    1 Corinthians 15:1-2 Now Imake known to you, brethren,the gospel which I preached to

    you, which also you received,in which also you stand, (2)by which also you are saved, if

    you hold fast the word which Ipreached to you, unless youbelieved in vain.

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    Colossians 1:21-23 And although

    you were formerly alienated andhostile in mind, engagedin evildeeds, (22) yet He has nowreconciled you in His fleshly bodythrough death, in order to presentyou before Him holy and blamelessand beyond reproach-- (23) if

    indeed you continue in the faithfirmly established and steadfast,and not moved away from the hopeof the gospel that you have heard,

    which was proclaimed in all

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    By the preceding twoverses, it also statesclearly there is acondition to this ongoing

    activity of salvation

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    Hebrews 7:25 Therefore

    He is able also to saveforever those who draw

    near to God throughHim, since He alwayslives to make

    intercession for them.

    KJV translation renders

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    Jesus life is everlasting.While the OT priests could

    die, Jesus has already died,risen, and now lives foreverto make priestly

    intercession for usuninterrupted.

    Jesus has become the

    perfect high priest.

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    Salvation has a futureaspect to it

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    Romans 8:24-25 For in hopewe have been saved, but hopethat is seen is not hope; for

    who hopes for what he alreadysees? (25) But if we hope forwhat we do not see, with

    perseverance we wait eagerlyfor it.

    KJV translation has saved in

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    Romans 13:11 Do this,knowing the time, that it isalready the hour for you to

    awaken from sleep; for nowsalvation is nearer to us thanwhen we believed.

    In both of these verses, Paul isevidently looking towards an

    end result to salvation.

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    1 Thessalonians 5:9 For

    God has not destined usfor wrath, but forobtaining salvationthrough our Lord JesusChrist,

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    1 Thessalonians 5:1-10 Now as to the times and

    the epochs, brethren, you have no need ofanything to be written to you. (2) For youyourselves know full well that the day of the Lordwill come just like a thief in the night. (3) Whilethey are saying, "Peace and safety!" thendestruction will come upon them suddenly likelabor pains upon a woman with child, and theywill not escape. (4) But you, brethren, are not indarkness, that the day would overtake you like athief; (5) for you are all sons of light and sons ofday. We are not of night nor of darkness; (6) so

    then let us not sleep as others do, but let us bealert and sober. (7) For those who sleep do theirsleeping at night, and those who get drunk getdrunk at night. (8) But since we are ofthe day,let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of

    faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope ofsalvation. 9 For God has not destined us for

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    Note that wrath and salvation

    are the 2 possible outcomes atthe day of the Lord.

    Some people identify this

    verse as referring to thetribulation, but there is nobiblical basis for this. Wrath is

    associated with judgment atthe last day during Christsreturn which is clarified in vs.10 describing the resurrection.

    So in this verse and the

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    1 Peter 1:4-5 to obtainan inheritance which isimperishable andundefiled and will notfade away, reserved in

    heaven for you, (5) whoare protected by thepower of God through

    faith for a salvation

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    So there is a salvation wehave now, but there is also

    an aspect of it that clearlyis future.

    It says we are keptprotected by the power ofGod for this salvation

    throu h faith.

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    Faith compared to an electricaloutlet.

    There is an endless supply of

    electricity available for ourappliances, but have to beplugged in to access or

    appropriate it. This is like our faith.

    One could argue from the

    Scriptures that once plugged

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    Romans 5:1-2 Therefore,having been justified by

    faith, we have peace withGod through our Lord JesusChrist, (2) through whom

    also we have obtained ourintroduction by faith intothis grace in which we

    stand; and we exult in hope

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    Important point faith isnot a work; its a


    As long as we put ourselves

    in Gods hands, we haveassurance of salvation.

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    Salvation from sin

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    Salvation from sinCondemnation

    &penalty:justification & lifeBondage & power:redemption &victoryPresence &

    annoyance:glorification & rest

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    If you asked a person if they

    are saved and theyansweredFrom what? Whatwould you say to them?

    Most people would generallysay hell because we

    generally think of being savedas going to heaven.

    What does the Bible say?

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    Matthew 1:21 "She will

    bear a Son; and you shallcall His name Jesus, for Hewill save His people from

    their sins."

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    Could it be that Jesus Christ savingus from our sins means his bloodcovered our sin debt and released

    us from the bondage of sin in orderto purify a people for his ownpossession that would inherit

    eternal life?

    The answer is yes according to thescriptures.

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    Titus 2:11-14 For the grace of God

    has appeared, bringing salvation toall men, (12) instructing us todeny ungodliness and worldlydesires and to live sensibly,

    righteously and godly in thepresent age, (13) looking for theblessed hope and the appearing ofthe glory of our great God and

    Savior, Christ Jesus, (14) whogave Himself for us to redeem usfrom every lawless deed, and topurify for Himself a people for Hisown possession, zealous for good

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    Also, in the OT, Jewish people never

    associated salvation with going toheaven.

    Jewish people always associatedsalvation as deliverance from their

    oppressors. What the Jewish people failed to

    realize in their recognition of Jesus

    Christ as Messiah is that the trueoppressor was sin, not the thencurrent kingdom of Rome.

    So salvation is a deliverance from

    oppression, but the oppression of

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    Justification is God settling the debt ofour sin so as to free us fromcondemnation which is the just penaltyfor sin.

    God would much rather justify us thancondemn us.

    Ezekiel 18:23 "Do I have any pleasure inthe death of the wicked," declares theLord GOD, "rather than that he should

    turn from his ways and live?

    Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked forsake hisway And the unrighteous man his

    thoughts; And let him return to the

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    God has compassion for sinners, but he cantcontradict his justice.

    God is both our justifier and our judge.

    Romans 3:21-26 But now apart from the Law therighteousness of God has been manifested, beingwitnessed by the Law and the Prophets, (22)

    even the righteousness of God through faith inJesus Christ for all those who believe; for there isno distinction; (23) for all have sinned and fallshort of the glory of God, (24) being justified asa gift by His grace through the redemption which

    is in Christ Jesus; (25) whom God displayedpublicly as a propitiation in His blood throughfaith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness,because in the forbearance of God He passedover the sins previously committed; (26) for the

    demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at theresent time, so that He would be ust and the

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    1st Part of Salvation

    Condemnation & PenaltyJustification & Life

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    Luke 1:76-77 "And you,child, will be called theprophet of the Most High;For you will go on BEFORETHE LORD TO PREPARE HISWAYS; (77) To give to Hispeople the knowledge ofsalvation By theforgiveness of their sins,

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    Romans 5:9 Much more

    then, having now beenjustified by His blood, weshall be saved from the

    wrath of Godthrough Him.

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    2nd Part of Salvation

    Bondage & PowerRedemption & Victory

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    Romans 7:14-25 For we know that the Law is spiritual,but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. (15) For

    what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am notpracticing what I wouldlike to do, but I am doing thevery thing I hate. (16) But if I do the very thing I donot want to do, I agree with the Law, confessing thatthe Law is good. (17) So now, no longer am I the onedoing it, but sin which dwells in me. (18) For I know

    that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; forthe willing is present in me, but the doing of the goodis not. (19) For the good that I want, I do not do, but Ipractice the very evil that I do not want. (20) But if Iam doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longerthe one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. (21) I

    find then the principle that evil is present in me, theone who wants to do good. (22) For I joyfully concurwith the law of God in the inner man, (23) but I see adifferent law in the members of my body, waging waragainst the law of my mind and making me a prisonerof the law of sin which is in my members. (24)

    Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the

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    In this verse, Paul isdescribing his struggle withthe flesh.

    Some people identify thispassage as Paul describinghimself before his conversion,

    some dont. Verse definitely identifiesJesus Christ as providingvictory over this struggle.

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    Process of overcoming sin

    is called sanctification. hagiasmoshag-ee-as-mos'

    Properlypurification, that

    is, (the state)purity;concretely (by Hebraism) apurifier: - holiness,


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    We need to temper Paulsstruggle in Romans withthe whole counsel of Godwhich declares ourstruggle with sin asvictory, not defeat.

    We need to remember.

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    The devil looks to devourus.

    1 Peter 5:8 Be of soberspirit, be on the alert. Your

    adversary, the devil,prowls around like aroaring lion, seeking

    someone to devour.

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    We need to resist the deviland submit to God.

    James 4:7 Submittherefore to God. Resistthe devil and he will flee

    from you.

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    Its a fight and struggle. We are forgiven and empowered.

    God provides the way out.

    1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptationhas overtaken you but such as iscommon to man; and God is

    faithful, who will not allow you tobe tempted beyond what you areable, but with the temptation willprovide the way of escape also, sothat ou will be able to endure it.

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    We are told this

    victory will happen itis normative in the

    Christian life.

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    Romans 6:5-14 For if we have become unitedwith Him in the likeness of His death, certainly

    we shall also be in the likeness of Hisresurrection, (6) knowing this, that our old selfwas crucified with Him, in order that our body ofsin might be done away with, so that we wouldno longer be slaves to sin; (7) for he who has

    died is freed from sin. (8) Now if we have diedwith Christ, we believe that we shall also livewith Him, (9) knowing that Christ, having beenraised from the dead, is never to die again; deathno longer is master over Him. (10) For the death

    that He died, He died to sin once for all; but thelife that He lives, He lives to God. (11) Even soconsider yourselves to be dead to sin, but aliveto God in Christ Jesus. (12) Therefore do not letsin reign in your mortal body so that you obey itslusts, (13) and do not go on presenting themembers of your body to sin as instruments of

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    The Bible does not

    describe a sinlessperfection, but it does

    allude to progression indefeat over sin.

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    We all sin.

    1 John 1:5-10 This is the message wehave heard from Him and announce toyou, that God is Light, and in Him thereis no darkness at all. (6) If we say that

    we have fellowship with Him and yetwalk in the darkness, we lie and do notpractice the truth; (7) but if we walk inthe Light as He Himself is in the Light,we have fellowship with one another,and the blood of Jesus His Son cleansesus from all sin. (8) If we say that wehave no sin, we are deceiving ourselvesand the truth is not in us. (9) If we

    confess our sins, He is faithful and

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    We are currently beingmade more Christlike.

    2 Corinthians 3:18 But

    we all, with unveiledface, beholding as in a

    mirror the glory of theLord, are beingtransformed into the

    same image from glory

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    We are supposed tostrive and engage thefight.

    Philippians 2:12 Sothen, my beloved, just

    as you have alwaysobeyed, not as in mypresence only, but now

    much more in my

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    We are supposed to be zealousfor good works!

    Titus 2:14 who gave Himselffor us to redeem us from everylawless deed, and to purify forHimself a people for His ownpossession, zealous for gooddeeds.

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    Good works is not a dirty word,or shouldnt be in Christianity


    Although we are saved by grace

    through our faith, the bible clearlyindicates we are to be zealous forgood works and it is the evidenceof our salvation and love for God.

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    James 2:14-24 What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he hasfaith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? (15) If a brother

    or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, (16) and oneof you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet

    you do not give them what is necessary for theirbody, what use isthat? (17) Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.(18) But someone maywellsay, "You have faith and I have works;show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith

    by my works." (19) You believe that God is one. You do well; thedemons also believe, and shudder. (20) But are you willing torecognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?(21) Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offeredup Isaac his son on the altar? (22) You see that faith was working

    with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected;(23) and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "AND ABRAHAM

    BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM ASRIGHTEOUSNESS," and he was called the friend of God. (24) Yousee that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.

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    Proverbs 4:23 Watch over your heartwith all diligence, For from it flow thesprings of life.

    Our salvation should result in an outwardchange in behavior as a result of aninward change in our heart.

    Now that we have worked in our

    salvation, we need to work out oursalvation in progressive defeat of sin.

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    As Christians, we should walk by the


    Galatians 5:16-17 But I say, walk by theSpirit, and you will not carry out the

    desire of the flesh. (17) For the fleshsets its desire against the Spirit, and theSpirit against the flesh; for these are inopposition to one another, so that you

    may not do the things that you please.

    please in this verse can be translatedas inclined to meaning the spirit

    prevents us from doing the things our

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    3rd Part of Salvation

    Presence & AnnoyanceGlorification & Rest

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    The body is not evil, its fallen.

    The Bible says we were made inGods image.

    Romans 8:22-23 For we know thatthe whole creation groans andsuffers the pains of childbirthtogether until now. (23) And not

    only this, but also we ourselves,having the first fruits of the Spirit,even we ourselves groan withinourselves, waiting eagerly for our

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    Jesus will change our bodies into

    his likeness glorified.

    Philippians 3:20-21 For our

    citizenship is in heaven, fromwhich also we eagerly wait for aSavior, the Lord Jesus Christ; (21)who will transform the body of our

    humble state into conformity withthe body of His glory, by theexertion of the power that He haseven to subject all things to

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    The Holy Spirit is our pledge of our

    inheritance. We are on layaway.Jesus Christ will pick up what hehas purchased and glorify ourbodies in the resurrection.

    Ephesians 1:13-14 In Him, youalso, after listening to the message

    of truth, the gospel of yoursalvation--having also believed,you were sealed in Him with theHoly Spirit of promise, (14) who is

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    Trinity Triangle summarization

    We are saved from:

    Penalty of sin Jesus Christ Justification

    Power of sin Holy Spirit Sanctification

    Presence of sin God - Glorification

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    Means of Salvation

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    Our means of salvationthrough Jesus Christ comes in3 ways:

    Blood & intercession of Jesus Christ

    Spirit & Grace of God

    Return of Jesus Christ

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    Salvation from the powerof sin comes from:

    Blood & intercession ofJesus Christ

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    We discussed a minute agothe fact that Jesus Christpurchased us by his blood.

    1 Peter 1:18-19 knowing thatyou were not redeemed withperishable things like silver or

    gold from your futile way oflife inherited from yourforefathers, (19) but with

    precious blood, as of a lamb

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    Ephesians 1:7 In Himwe have redemption

    through His blood, theforgiveness of our

    trespasses, according tothe riches of His grace

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    Hebrews 9:11-14 But when Christ

    appeared as a high priest of the goodthings to come, He enteredthrough thegreater and more perfect tabernacle, notmade with hands, that is to say, not of

    this creation; (12) and not through theblood of goats and calves, but throughHis own blood, He entered the holy placeonce for all, having obtained eternalredemption. (13) For if the blood of

    goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifersprinkling those who have been defiledsanctify for the cleansing of the flesh,(14) how much more will the blood of

    Christ, who through the eternal Spirit

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    By Jesus intercession for us , He

    stands between us and Godswrath by presenting his blood likea high priest.

    Romans 8:34 who is the one whocondemns? Christ Jesus is He whodied, yes, rather who was raised,

    who is at the right hand of God,who also intercedes for us.

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    Salvation from the powerof sin comes from:

    Spirit of God

    Grace of God

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    As you can see in this verse,

    justification comes from belief inthe truth; sanctification comesfrom the Spirit.

    2 Thessalonians 2:13 But weshould always give thanks to Godfor you, brethren beloved by the

    Lord, because God has chosen youfrom the beginning for salvationthrough sanctification by the Spiritand faith in the truth.

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    As you can see in this verse,

    justification comes from belief inthe truth; sanctification comesfrom the Spirit.

    2 Thessalonians 2:13 But weshould always give thanks to Godfor you, brethren beloved by the

    Lord, because God has chosen youfrom the beginning for salvationthrough sanctification by the Spiritand faith in the truth.

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    1 Peter 1:2 according to the

    foreknowledge of God the Father, by thesanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey

    Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with Hisblood: May grace and peace be yours in

    the fullest measure. Hebrews 10:29 How much severer

    punishment do you think he will deservewho has trampled under foot the Son ofGod, and has regarded as unclean theblood of the covenant by which he wassanctified, and has insulted the Spirit ofgrace?

    From these verses we see that

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    Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been

    saved through faith; and that not of yourselves,it is the gift of God; (9) not as a result of works,so that no one may boast.

    John 1:16 For of His fullness we have all

    received, and grace upon grace.

    Titus 2:11-12 For the grace of God has appeared,bringing salvation to all men, (12) instructing usto deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to

    live sensibly, righteously and godly in thepresent age,

    So grace is a gift from God and through our faithin Jesus Christ we have received this gift in all

    fullness, and this Spirit of Grace (Holy Spirit)

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    As Christians today, we shouldacknowledge grace not only inour justification, but also inour sanctification. We shouldsee a progressing defeat of sinin our lives which show as the

    fruits of the spirit yieldinggood works which is theevidence of our salvation and

    love for God.

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    Salvation from the powerof sin comes from:

    Return of Christ

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    Hebrews 9:28 so Christ also,having been offered once tobear the sins of many, willappear a second time for

    salvation without reference tosin, to those who eagerlyawait Him.

    When Jesus Christ comes back,it will not be to conquer sin

    again, it will be to transform

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    2 Thessalonians 1:6-8 For after all

    it is onlyjust for God to repay withaffliction those who afflict you, (7)and to give relief to you who areafflicted and to us as well when theLord Jesus will be revealed fromheaven with His mighty angels inflaming fire, (8) dealing out

    retribution to those who do notknow God and to those who do notobey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

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    Things ThatAccompany


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    Hebrews 6:9 But, beloved,we are convinced of better

    things concerning you, andthings that accompanysalvation, though we are

    speaking in this way.

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    Three things shouldaccompany salvation:

    Changed heart

    Changed life


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    A Changed Heart

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    Titus 3:5 He savedus, not on the basis ofdeeds which we havedone inrighteousness, but

    according to Hismercy, by the washing

    of regeneration and

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    Ezekiel 36:25 "Then Iwill sprinkle cleanwater on you, and youwill be clean; I willcleanse you from all

    your filthiness andfrom all your idols.

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    Jeremiah 31:33 "But this isthe covenant which I willmake with the house of

    Israel after those days,"declares the LORD, "I willput My law within them

    and on their heart I willwrite it; and I will be theirGod, and they shall be My


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    Before you are saved, youmight want to follow God inan attempt to avoid wrath,

    but you are unable. Youhave to be born againwhere God puts a new

    heart of flesh in you withhis laws written on it.

    Whats a good litmus test

    for this?

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    The Holy Spirit is the waywe have assurance thisheart change as truly taken

    place.The question you have to

    ask yourself is if the God

    that created the universejust invaded your life,wouldnt you know it?

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    Romans Road ofEvangelism

    Designed to bring sinners tosalvation.

    1st key is sinners prayer.

    2nd key is making sure theyhave assurance of thissalvation.

    Some people apply a lot of

    pressure in this respect.

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    1 John 5:7-13 For there are three that testify:(8) the Spirit and the water and the blood; andthe three are in agreement. (9) If we receive thetestimony of men, the testimony of God isgreater; for the testimony of God is this, that Hehas testified concerning His Son. (10) The onewho believes in the Son of God has the testimonyin himself; the one who does not believe God hasmade Him a liar, because he has not believed inthe testimony that God has given concerning HisSon. (11) And the testimony is this, that God

    has given us eternal life, and this life is in HisSon. (12) He who has the Son has the life; hewho does not have the Son of God does not havethe life. (13) These things I have written to youwho believe in the name of the Son of God, so

    that you may know that you have eternal life.

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    Romans 8:16 TheSpirit Himself testifies

    with our spirit that weare children of God,

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    If someone does nothave that witness, weshould not be tryingto convince that theydo. It would be a

    mistake to sellsomeone on an

    assurance they dont

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    1 Thessalonians 1:5for our gospel did notcome to you in wordonly, but also inpower and in the Holy

    Spirit and with fullconviction; just as you

    know what kind of

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    1 Corinthians 4:19-20But I will come to yousoon, if the Lord wills,and I shall find out,not the words of those

    who are arrogant buttheir power. (20) For

    the kingdom of God

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    1 John 5:10 The onewho believes in theSon of God has thetestimony in himself;the one who does not

    believe God has madeHim a liar, because he

    has not believed in

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    Humility should alsoaccompany salvation.

    Paul was humble.

    1 Timothy 1:15 It is atrustworthy statement,

    deserving full acceptance,that Christ Jesus came intothe world to save sinners,

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    Luke 18:9-14 And He also told this

    parable to some people who trusted inthemselves that they were righteous,and viewed others with contempt: (10)"Two men went up into the temple topray, one a Pharisee and the other a taxcollector. (11) "The Pharisee stood andwas praying this to himself: 'God, I thank

    You that I am not like other people:swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even

    like this tax collector. (12) 'I fast twicea week; I pay tithes of all that I get.'(13) "But the tax collector, standingsome distance away, was even unwilling

    to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was'

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    Amazing Grace song Many have changed this song from

    saved a wretch like me to saved

    someone like me. Which fits Gods take on things


    True salvation leads to abrokenness and an astonishmentand a gratitude for the mercy God

    has on us

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    A Changed Life

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    James 2:14 What

    use is it, mybrethren, if

    someone says hehas faith but he hasno works? Can that

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    Galatians 5:6 For inChrist Jesus neither

    circumcision noruncircumcisionmeans anything, butfaith workingthrough love.

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    Titus 2:14 who gaveHimself for us to

    redeem us fromevery lawless deed,and to purify forHimself a people forHis own possession,

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    Any faith that does notmatter to you does notmatter to God.

    A changed life for Godshould result in 3 things:



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    A change in love

    1 John 3:16-18 We know love bythis, that He laid down His life for

    us; and we ought to lay down ourlives for the brethren. (17) Butwhoever has the world's goods,and sees his brother in need and

    closes his heart against him, howdoes the love of God abide in him?(18) Little children, let us not lovewith word or with tongue, but in

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    A change in love

    Many people associate laying down

    their life strictly with physicaldeath for someone, but there is theaspect of laying down ones life inthe since of self-sacrifice for

    others. Denying ones own desiresselfish sins in order to serveothers. It is by this we know wehave eternal life, that we love our

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    A change in obedience

    John 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep Mycommandments.

    John 8:31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews whohad believed Him, "If you continue in My word,then you are truly disciples of Mine;

    1 John 2:3-4 By this we know that we have cometo know Him, if we keep His commandments. (4)The one who says, "I have come to know Him,"and does not keep His commandments, is a liar,and the truth is not in him;

    A change in holiness

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    A change in holiness

    1 Peter 1:16 because it is written, "YOU SHALL BEHOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."

    Revelation 22:11-12 "Let the one who does wrong,still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy;and let the one who is righteous, still practice

    righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keephimself holy." (12) "Behold, I am coming quickly, andMy reward is with Me, to render to every manaccording to what he has done.

    2 Peter 3:9-11 The Lord is not slow about His promise,as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, notwishing for any to perish but for all to come torepentance. (10) But the day of the Lord will comelike a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with aroar and the elements will be destroyed with intense

    heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

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    Welcome to the mostWelcome to the most

    exciting journey youexciting journey youwill ever take!will ever take!

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