Download - Old dogs new math 2

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Old Dogs New MathJen MaxwellMath SpecialistRyerson Elementary January 13, 2015

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Let’s take a quick survey...

How many of you enjoyed math as a child? As an adult?

How many of you are comfortable helping your elementary child with their math homework?

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When Kids Do “Old Math”

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Albert Einstein

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Math Can Be… FUN?! How we learned... (old

math)How our children are

learning…(new math)

❖ Quiet classroom-teacher directed

❖ Students completed worksheets independently for practice

❖ Learned the rules-

“Ours is not to question why, just invert and multiply”

“Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”


★ more about collaboration and investigation

★ teaching methods that help children understand the underlying math

★ develops number sense★ Strategy based

BRIDGES~ 30+ “Work Place” games per school year

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Why all the “new” methods?

● HOW WHY● “Promotes confidence in what children are doing, rather than try to remember a

procedure”● “To provide maps rather than remember lists of directions”● “As children progress the mathematical ladder, all the techniques eventually join up

with what you did in school” ● “Play and curiosity are essential parts of math. If not exposed as intriguing and

enjoyable, it’s unlikely they will ever develop an appetite for it”

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”

- Benjamin Franklin

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Overcome Fear of Math

“Anything worth learning takes effort and math is no different.”

There IS value (honor) in getting stuck, or even getting a problem WRONG.

Allow yourself the flexibility to think. You are probably better than you think you are.

No more excuses: “I’m bad at math” does not justify remaining bad at math.

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Addition Facts: NOW

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Multiplication FactsSuggested, strategic order in which to learn basic facts:

x 10 x 5x 2x 4x 8x 9x 3x 6x 7

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How would YOU solve….

399 + 426

600 - 485

Any of these??

Number Line

Linking + to -


Traditional Algorithm

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How would YOU solve...

25 x 16

64 ÷ 4 = ?

Any of these??



Halve & Double

Double Double

Grid Method

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It’s not the algorithm! Using the Grid Method (partial product) for Multiplication

Why is Math Different Now VimeoMath Plus Academy

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The Grid Method How does it relate to algebra?

(a + b) x (c + d)

How many of you remember FOIL? (First, Outer, Inner,


ac + ad + bc + bd

The strategies we are teaching them now will help

them make sense of the

math they will learn later!

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Unit A Working Through Five: Numbers to Five & Ten

Unit B Five & Ten, Do it Again! Numbers to Ten

Unit C How Much How Many? Paths to Adding, Subtracting &


Unit D Shaping Up: Two-Dimensional Geometry

Unit E Ten and Then Some: Numbers Beyond Ten

Unit F Problems All Around Us: Weight & Place Value


Unit A Numbers All Around Us

Unit B Equal: To Be or Not To Be: Developing Strategies

Unit C Leapfrogging: The Number Line

Unit D One of These Shapes Is Not Like The Others: Geometry

Unit E The Problem With Penguins: Figure the Facts

Unit F To 100 and Beyond!


Unit A Figure the Facts

Unit B Climbing the Beanstalk: Place Value & Measurement

Unit C Sizing it Up! Measurement

Unit D How… is 1,000? Place Value

Unit E Name it, Make it, Shape it, Break it, Build it, Move it,

and Compare it: Geometry

Unit F The Ants Go Marching 10 by 10

GRADE 3Unit 1 Addition & Subtraction Patterns

Unit 2 Introduction to Multiplication

Unit 3 Multi-Digit Addition & Subtraction

Unit 4 Measurement & Fractions

Unit 5 Multiplication, Division & Area

Unit 6 Geometry

Unit 7 Extending Multiplication & Fractions


Unit 1 Multiplicative Thinking Unit 5 Geometry &


Unit 2 Multi-Digit Multiplication & Early Division Unit 6 Multiplication & Division, Data &


Unit 3 Fractions & Decimals Unit 7 Patterns & Problems

Unit 4 Addition, Subtraction & Measurement

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