
On Sunday, it was 59° at 10:00. From 8:00

until 10:00 it had cooled off by 4

degrees. What was the temperature at



On Friday, the high temperature was 10

degrees warmer than it was on Tuesday and Wednesday.

What was the temperature on



The high temperature decreased two degrees from Monday to Tuesday. Tuesday’s temperature had

increased 20 degrees since the previous Thursday. What was Thursday’s high?


The high temperature on Saturday was 11 degrees higher than the low temperature

on Tuesday. What was Saturday’s high?


Between Saturday and Monday, the low

temperatures increased 3 degrees.

From Monday to Thursday, the low

temperatures decreased 4 degrees. What were the low

temperatures on Monday and



On Jan. 24, the high temperature was 72°. After seven days, the high temperature dropped 6 degrees. From Jan. 31 until Feb. 3, the high

temperature increased 11 degrees. What were the temperatures on Jan. 31 and Feb. 3.?


Thursday is the warmest day of this forecast. By Monday, the high had dropped 12 degrees and the

low had dropped 2 degrees. What was the high temperature and the low temperature on



The high temperature on Sunday was 53°. It had increased four degrees since Wednesday. What

was the high temperature on Wednesday?


The low temperature in Los Angeles on Friday was 2 degrees warmer than the low on Friday in New York. The low on Sunday in Paris was 8 degrees cooler than the low on Friday in New York. What

was the low on Sunday in Paris?


From Monday to Friday, the temperature increased 23 degrees. From Tuesday to Friday, the temperature increased 49 degrees. What were the

temperatures on Friday and Tuesday?


In Alice Springs, the low was five degrees warmer than Brisbane’s low. The low temperature in Sydney was a degree cooler that the low in Brisbane. What was the low temperature in

Brisbane and the low temperature in Sydney?


By 11pm, the temperature had dropped 11 degrees over the past 12 hours. What was the

temperature at 11am?


Friday was 6 degrees warmer than Monday. Monday was 5 degrees cooler than Tuesday. What were the temperatures on Monday and Tuesday?


The average high temperature in July is 35 degrees higher than the average high temperature in

January and 31 degrees higher than the average high in December. What is the average high in

January and December?


Look at the high temperatures. Saturday was the coolest day of the week. Monday and

Tuesday were the warmest days. If

Monday and Tuesday were 13 degrees warmer

than Saturday, what is the temperature on

Monday and Tuesday?


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