Page 1: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren’s Lemonade Stand

1.0A.A.1Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1a Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the

topics and texts under discussion). LESLEY NOEL

Page 2: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

It was almost the last day of school and Lauren wanted to give her teacher, Ms. Jane a special gift. She saw a beautiful Orchid at the store and knew that it was the perfect present. Lauren’s mom read the price tag, “the cost of this plant is fourteen dollars.” Lauren only had five dollars and she started thinking of a way that she could add to her money and pay for the Orchid.

Have you ever made a purchase with your own money? How do you think Lauren can earn more money to buy the gift?

Page 3: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren thought about all of the different ways she could increase her amount of money. A Car wash? Dog Walking? Yard work? Finally, she decided she would set up a lemonade stand at the end of her street. June is a hot summer month and surely people in her neighborhood would enjoy sweet, refreshing lemonade! Lauren made a list of all the materials she would need. She needed to buy a sign to attract customers and she also needed to buy plastic cups to give her customers. Her mom gave her all of the other supplies she needed from the kitchen. Lauren used her five dollars to pay for a sign and cups at the store for a total of two dollars.

Lauren wanted to ADD TO her money, but instead she had to TAKE FROM her money. Lauren started off with $5.00 and she had to take $2.00 away. How much money does she have now? Turn and talk to

your partner.

Page 4: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren had a lot of customers on Saturday. Mr. Jorge paid her $1.00. Her next door neighbor purchased lemonade for all of his grandkids and he paid her $4.00. She also received $3.00 from her Aunt Natalie. Lauren was getting closer to having a total of $14.00!

How much money does Lauren have now? Draw a model in your math journal. After buying supplies,

Lauren had $3.00. Then she added $1.00, then she added $4.00, and then added $3.00.

Page 5: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren’s Money

Put all of Lauren’s money together. Drag the money into the blue box to see how much money Lauren has when she combines her money and the money she made at her lemonade stand? Does Lauren have enough money to buy the Orchid? Explain your thinking.

Page 6: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren was very satisfied with the profit she’d made on Saturday morning. At lunch time she took a break to eat and count her money. She knew she needed a total of fourteen dollars to buy the Orchid, but she only had eleven dollars. She wanted to find out how much more money she needed buy the gift for Ms. Jane.

Move the red counters over to the blue counters to show a total of $14.oo.

When you PUT TOGETHER the red and blue counters to total 14, how many red counters did you have to move over? How many more dollars does Lauren need to earn to buy the gift? Write a math sentence in your journal to explain your thinking.

Page 7: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren headed back out to sell more lemonade at her stand before sunset. She had 8 more customers and made another four dollars! She went home and put together all of her money.

Incredible! Lauren had ten dollars at lunch time and she made another four dollars. Does she have enough money to buy the Orchid now? How do you know? Explain your thinking in your math journal drawing a model or a writing a number sentence, share your thinking with your partner.

Page 8: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

Lauren added her money together. She started at ten and counted up to fourteen! She finally had enough money for the beautiful Orchid. She went to the store the purchase the plant and it turned out to be her lucky day! She found out that it was on sale for eleven dollars!

Amazing! Lauren gets to keep some of that money she worked so hard to earn! How much money does she get to keep? Turn to your partner and share your thinking.

Page 9: Online actions in reading LESLEY NOEL

On the last day of school, Ms. Jane was so surprised to receive the lovely Orchid from Lauren and because she had saved four dollars when purchasing the gift, she spent the extra money on ice cream cones to share during the end of school party.

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