
Advanced Medical Transcription Program

MT School of Canada

PO Box 1409 Gloucester VA 23061 USA

Online Student Workbook

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 1

Table of Contents


Resource Library

Edit Profile

Student Forums

MTSOC Staff Contact Information

Medical Trivia and Quizlet Flash Cards

How This Course Works

Module 1- Getting Started

Module 2- MT Basics

Module 3- Grammar and Punctuation

Module 4- Using Your Computer

Module 5- Learning the Medical Language

Module 6- Integumentary

Module 7- Skeletal

Module 8- Muscles and Joints

Module 9- Nervous

Module 10- Blood and Lymphatics

Module 11- Laboratory and Pathology

Module 12- Cardiovascular

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 2

Module 13- Respiratory

Module 14- Digestive

Module 15- Endocrine

Module 16- Special Senses

Module 17- Urinary

Module 18- Male Reproductive

Module 19- Female Reproductive

Module 20- Obstetrics

Module 21- Child Health

Module 22- Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

Module 23- Oncology

Module 24- Pharmacology

Module 25- Mental Health

Module 26- Gerontology

Module 27- Beginning Medical Transcription

Module 28- Intermediate Medical Transcription

Module 29- Advanced Medical Transcription

Module 30- Preparing for Employment

Final Exam

Work Simulation Program

Job Placement

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 3


Welcome to MT School of Canada! MT School of Canada is a division of Medical-

Technical-Administrative Career Center (MTACC) located in the U.S. You’ve made a

great choice in quality MT education. We want you to get the most out of your learning

experience in our program. Medical Transcription is an exciting field with a lot of

opportunities waiting for well-trained graduates. Working at home is the dream of many

of our students. Many others want the flexibility or potential excellent income that MT

offers. Just remember, whatever your reason for wanting to pursue MT, your goal is


Please follow along in this workbook as you move through the course. This workbook

and your initial e-mail will serve as your first source of information. It will be your guide

throughout the program. In this workbook and the Student Forum you will find the

answers to most of your questions regarding the course, and we will point you to where

you can find other answers on our forums. Additionally, your workbook will serve as a

place where you can take notes throughout the program, and it will guide you through

each chapter of the course. You will find lists to check off as you go through the

program so that you will never be confused as to where you last left off in your training.

As you move through the on-line modules you will see many links that are highlighted.

These links take you to interesting articles that will give you more detailed information

about the subject being studied. Take time to read these articles. Remember, the more

medical content that you understand, the better MT you will become. Also, when you

come across words that are highlighted in the course, click on them and you will be able

to hear audio pronunciations of those words.

Course Link: and be sure to bookmark all

your important links.

Resource Library

We have a very comprehensive resource library built into the on-line course. When you

first reach the sign-on page of the course website, there will be a link that you can click

on that will take you to the Resource Library section under the Main Menu on the left.

Please make sure you use this section of the course to your benefit. You will be able to

research the spelling of terms and hear pronunciations using the Resource Library. You

will also find a lot of interesting medical articles and medical resource links here and

throughout the medical modules (Modules 6-26) as well.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 4

Edit Profile

When you first sign into the course with the above link (and the username and password

found in your Welcome letter) it is a good idea to change your password and edit your

profile. You can do that by clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner of the

Main screen. Then just follow the directions from there.

Student Forum

You may be wondering what you would do if you had a technical question, such as you

are not hearing sound when you reach the website audio files. On our student forum you

will find a Technical Forum, and this is where you will be able to search for answers to

questions of this nature. With over 18,000 entries, nearly every subject has been asked

and answered here. Here’s the link:

You can reach the Student Forum by clicking this link above or on the link in the tool bar

located at the top of your screen in the online course on the left called MTSOC Student


Be sure to save the Student Forum in your Favorites so you can access it easily.

You will need to register and be approved before you can read the Student Forum so be

sure to do that right away. Please use the e-mail address that you signed up in the course

with so we can identify you quickly. You will need a username and password, and this

can be found on the Welcome letter, so be sure to keep that in a safe place.

When you have a question, please first search the Student Forum to see if your question

has been asked previously. If you do not find your question there, then post your

question to the correct forum and check back shortly. Usually the instructors or I are able

to give a fast reply. We also have a FAQ board which may contain both your question

and answer, so make sure you check on our Technical page and the FAQ page.

Also, at the Student Forum you will find many different message boards that are

available to our students, mentors, instructors and graduates. Get to know your fellow

students and share the joy of learning together. There are contests and games on the

forums periodically to reinforce your learning and to make it fun! The Student Forum

also includes a chat room where you can meet and talk with other students or play

medical trivia. Get involved with your school and make this a memorable time in your


You’ll want to keep up with announcements and additions to the course as we create,

add, and install them. The announcements are made on the Student Forum. Because we

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 5

don’t want you to receive e-mails that do not pertain to you, the Student Forum is our

primary way of contacting all the students at once.

MTSoC Staff Contact Information

If you ever have any questions about the course, about MT in general, technical issues,

etc. and have not found an answer on the forums or on the FAQ board, then please post

your question on the appropriate forum. If it is urgent, please e-mail the office at

([email protected] ) or call us toll free at (888) 838-9788. We want all of our students

to understand that we are with you every step of the way throughout your training.

We have an open door policy. Below is our contact information.

Margery Hinman, Ph.D., Director

[email protected]

MTACC Office

[email protected]

Address: P.O. Box 1409

Gloucester, VA 23061

Phone: Toll Free 888-838-9788

Direct Line: 804-695-2100

Medical Trivia

MTACC is working with Quia to design our own personalized medical trivia games. In

the meantime, here are some other good medical trivia games to try:

Be sure to also check our Student Forum under Great Links to Have to find other games

and fun sites related to medical trivia. Remember that some of the older links may have

expired, so start with the newer ones first.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 6

Quizlet Flash Cards

Here’s something that we think you’ll love! It’s our new electronic flash cards from

Quizlet and you can play as much as you like!

There are 2 types of flashcards we’ve been working on. The first kind is suffixes,

prefixes, root words and anatomy terms for students still in the first half of the program:

These sets are designated with the title “Basic” or “Beginner.” The second kind is audio

flashcards: These sets only give you the name of the module to which they apply. These

will help you to learn to listen and spell -- you type what you hear in the box and the

program will tell you if you got it correct. These audio flashcards are more for our

advanced students as they contain more advanced terminology.

Instructions to Quizlet flash cards

1. Go to and create an account with your own name.

2. Log in and go search for folders for MTACC (all caps). For the password type


3. Choose your flashcard set – Beginner or Advanced:

4. It will ask you for our password which is MTACCme.

A. For most students, choose the flash cards that say Beginner or Basic. These are

suffixes, prefixes, root words, and anatomy terms.

B. For advanced students, choose the flash cards with only the specialty name. Then

choose Speller at the top. These cards will announce the term or phrase while you type it

in the box. Some of them are very difficult!

5. Many of the terms in the Advanced sets are not pronounced correctly. We have

decided to leave it this way, since that is what you’ll encounter in real life.

6. Make note of the terms you got incorrect and look them up for a definition.

7. There are some sentences in the Advanced clips – some are long and some are short.

You may have to play the audio more than once to hear it all and type it out.

8. Be careful to type it exactly correct, including punctuation. Write down on a sheet of

paper any terms you missed and test yourself with that same set next time.

9. We will have at least 1-2 sets for every module eventually.

10. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please let us know.

Chat Classes

Please join us every Thursday evening at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time for a chat class. This is

extra training time that may help you better understand a subject and have the ability to

ask questions live. It’s also a time to just hang out with friends and talk about any subject

that comes up. The link is located just to the upper right on the Student Forum, and the

exact times and days, if deviated from the above, are posted on the Student Forum. You

can also get there from the online course by clicking the link in the upper left marked

Student Chat.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 7

Note that every Thursday night at 9:00 p.m. EST is Student Chat night except during the

holidays and part of the summer. Participation is optional although sometimes instructors

and mentors will join in with students and graduates to talk about some area pertinent to

transcription. Many students have said that this hour or so is a wonderful investment of

time because of the practical information they learn. Be sure to check the student forum

weekly for any announcement regarding chat or chat times.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 8

How This Program Works

The MTSOC Program is designed to be accomplished in 2 parts:

First is the online portion (using the Moodle platform) which consists of the


2 MT basics modules

1 extensive grammar and punctuation module

1 computer module consisting of computer and Internet courses through Learn2

1 comprehensive medical suffixes, prefixes and root words module

20 medical specialty modules

The second half of the course consists of the following:

Modules 27, 28 and 29 which are transcription modules. In these modules you

transcribe from one of three SUM CDs which we send to you along with a foot

pedal. You will install the CD per specific instructions, do the work, and then

send the work back to the school via email as instructed for grading and


Module 30, which is the employment module

Advanced Practice Dictation (in which we work with you one-on-one)

ESL Practice Dictation (this is foreign dictators with accents)

Practice employer reports (in which we work with you one-on-one)

Final comprehensive exam (transcription exam)

The first half of the course (the online material) contains numerous self-tests and a final

exam at the end of each module. These self tests and final exams are for your benefit

only and do not contribute towards your overall grade. They are designed so that you

may test yourself to assess your knowledge of that module’s content. You may take these

self-tests and exams as many times as you like, until you feel you have mastered the

content. However, we strongly recommend a grade of 90 or above on every exam before

continuing on to the next module.

The foot pedal is yours to keep as long as you finish the program. If you decide not to

finish this program, you must return this pedal to us.

Along with your course material, we hope you will participate regularly in discussions in

the Student Forum as well as in the chat room. Extra credit may be given on the final

exams according to class participation in these areas.

Also along with the course material, you are expected to read at least some of the medical

articles that accompany each medical module. Outside reading of medical material is

also encouraged in your spare time. Right now, you are building your foundation of

medical knowledge, so keep reading all you can!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 9

Note: Our goal is to create a wonderful learning environment for you with up to date

resources. If you happen to find a link inside our course or student forum that is

inoperable, PLEASE send it to us ([email protected]) so that we can update our


IMPORTANT: You will get out of this course exactly what you are willing to put into it.

It is possible to “cheat” and skip these tests and exams. However, you will only hurt

yourself in the long run, and you will NOT be able to pass our end-of-course Final Exam.

We have seen it happen before, so please be sure to follow the instructions for the course

as you go along and don’t skip anything.

Touch Base

Throughout the first half of the course (the online material), you will see the Touch Base

reminder. Touch Base is a program where we need to hear from you as to your status,

how you are doing in the course, any questions, concerns, frustrations, compliments or

general comments you might have about your work or the coursework. Extra credit may

be given to students who complete each Touch Base within the online portion. You will

find a reminder for the Touch Base every fifth module beginning with Module 5.

Near the end of the first half of the program, at the beginning of Module 25, we have

posted a reminder for you to send the “Equipment Agreement” form from this workbook

so that we may send you the foot pedal and SUM CDs for your transcription practice.

These practice CDs are sent to you on loan only and must be returned upon leaving the

course or after graduation in order that other students may use them. Note that even

though the Equipment Agreement states that a fee is charged, we do not assess the fee

unless the CDs are not returned. If you do not graduate, then we must have the foot pedal

back as well. Complete instructions for requesting these materials and returning them are

located in Module 25, giving you enough time to request them and have them shipped

before you actually need them. Because it may be several months before you get to this

point, be sure to confirm our address on the Student Forum before mailing anything back

to us.


Along with your online course access, you will have other items such as reference

materials and other learning items. Please follow the above guidelines for installing or

using these items:

Typing Tutorial – Check this out online and use this to build up your typing

speed as you complete the first half of the course (the online portion). You

should aim for a goal of at least 55 wpm. (If you are already at this level, try

setting a higher goal for yourself.) If you need typing tutorial assistance, please

let us know via instructions in your Welcome Letter.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 10

Medical Spellchecker – This is not needed until the second half of the program.

(Module 29) Because we strongly discourage our students installing the

spellchecker during their initial training, you will receive the spellchecker at a

later date.

Quick Look Drug List (Excel file) – This is a comprehensive list of drug names

which can be viewed only with the Excel viewer (or the Excel program itself.) If

you do not have Excel on your computer, you may install the Excel viewer which

is also available as a download in the Resource Library and can also be found in

the Pharmacology module. Please install this drug file at that time as per the

instructions found there. Keep in mind, both the drug list and word lists are

designed so that you can add terms to it anytime you like. We strongly

recommend you update this program with the top 200 drugs as soon as you

download it. This puts these drugs’ spellings in the program and gets you used to

typing them. Then keep this list updated with new drugs as you learn of them,

and it will be available for you when you begin working as an MT.

Word List (Excel file) – This is a comprehensive list of special terminology which

can be viewed only with the Excel viewer (or the Excel program itself.) If you do

not have Excel on your computer, you may install the Excel viewer which is

available as a download in the Student Resources section of the online program.

Then you can download the Word List file itself from the Resource Library as you

will be using it extensively within both portions of the program. Keep in mind,

both the drug list and word lists are designed so that you can add terms to it

anytime you like. It even will alphabetize the terms you enter.

Medical Terminology Flash Cards – We have the digital flash cards mentioned

previously on Quizlet and a box of physical flash cards for medical terminology.

These flash cards are meant to be used as soon as you receive them to help you

learn suffixes, prefixes and root words. (Note: Shipping sometimes takes longer

for these flashcards than our other supplies because they come from overseas.)

We suggest you keep a batch of these cards with you at all times in your purse or

pocket so that you can practice with them while you are away from your

computer. It is strongly recommended that you learn all the terms by the time you

graduate from the course. You will find additional suggestions for studying the

flash cards in the Student Forum.

AHDI Digital Book of Style – This is the style guide for the medical transcription

industry. You will be using it extensively within both major portions of the

program. We suggest at some point before you begin transcription practice that

you read this book cover to cover. You will need to know it to pass our Final

Exam and employers’ tests for employment purposes. You’ll also need to know

it in depth to be able to be employed by any one of hundreds of MT services.

Don’t worry if it looks overwhelming – you’ll be used to the rules and such by the

time you graduate. (Even if you can’t remember it all, you’ll still have the book

for reference purposes.)

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 11

Medical Transcription Techniques and Procedures – This MT textbook is an

excellent resource which you will be using extensively with the first few modules

of the online course. It’s okay to skip those modules for now until you get your

materials shipped to you. Just keep the momentum going. Once you get the

book, we suggest you schedule a time to sit down and read the entire book. Some

of the early modules refer you directly to certain paragraphs for more reading

exercise. It is possible, from time to time, that we substitute a newer edition book

from an older edition. For this reason, our workbook may refer you to some

incorrect page numbers from time to time. (Although we do our best to keep

current, this is a very large program to keep updated. Just follow the subject

matter along and you should be fine.)

*Please note it is NOT necessary to do the exercises in this book. Everything you

need to know is already in the online portion of the course. Stick to the course

instructions for the most efficient method through this program.

The Independent Medical Transcriptionist – This book is an excellent resource for

starting your own medical transcription business. So as not to confuse you, we

don’t ship this book out until you reach Module 30 (Employment Module).

Nothing in this book is included in the exam material for the course.

Medical Atlas of the Human Body – This book is a resource book to be used in

conjunction with the medical modules. There are no assignments using this book

since it is used as a resource only. All the anatomy and physiology training is

already included inside the online modules. We do suggest, however, that you

look over each body system as it is covered online. You’ll see some amazing

discoveries with this full-color human atlas.

Sloane’s Medical Word Book – You will use this reference book extensively once

you begin the online medical modules as well as during the entire second half of

the course. It is used as a reference tool only and is a great time saver.

The Remainder of This Workbook

We have made the rest of the workbook here a list of assignments that you are to do to

learn the online portion of the course (the first half). You can print off this workbook for

insertion into a 3-ring binder or you can simply save it to your hard drive to access that


You will see boxes on the pages that follow which you may use to check off when you

complete the material. You may also write notes within the margins or in the space

provided if you have material that you wish to go back and study more at a later date.

The workbook is for your reference only, and you will not be sharing your notes with

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 12

anyone, so feel free to make all the notes you need.

NOTE: If you have not received your shipment or have only received a

partial shipment, feel free to make a note of the Module or Lessons you

skipped and simply go back to them later after you have received your

materials. Please allow 2-3 weeks for your shipment to arrive, although it

usually doesn’t take that long. If you don’t have everything by 3 weeks,

please let us know.

Final Note

It's very tempting to get hung up on doing all the exercises in the books! Right now, as

new students, we understand you are attempting to do your very best -- to learn the

material properly -- and to learn it as quickly as possible. It is understandable that you

want to do the exercises to get out of it all that you can, and I know we have several

perfectionists in the program (and I'm glad!) who are crossing every T and dotting every

i. That's the good news.

The truth of the matter is ... it would take you a LONG time to complete this program if

you were to do every single assignment, read every single article, listen to every single

audio pronunciation, read every single thing on the Internet you find, and do all the book

lessons, etc.

What we need you to understand is that we have mentored hundreds upon hundreds of

students and have seen just about every possible scenario. We already know which

modules are going to give you trouble and which assignments you're going to have a hard

time with. We know that those of you just beginning to transcribe are worrying about

commas, and those of you who aren't transcribing yet are worrying about when you do

get started if you're going to be able to do it okay. We know you have to take care of a

family, a house, a husband/wife, children, pets, in-laws, and a myriad of other demands at

the same time you take the course. It's completely understandable. Deep breath!

What we’d like you to realize, however, is that this program has not only extensive

content, but also a psychological aspect to it. In putting the program together, it was

necessary for us to do extensive research on HOW adults learn best, how they PREFER

to learn, what SYSTEMS make for better learning, etc. A lot of that psychology went into

the creation of this course.

After much experience with new students who are just beginning their working careers,

what this program contains is actually so much more than the nuts and bolts of what

students really need in order to be successful. The important points are reiterated

throughout the program, so if you do happen to miss an important point early on, don’t

worry. It will be repeated. Just try not to create more work for yourself by doing outside

work, book exercises not required, etc. Just follow these instructions and you’ll get the

course finished in the fastest time possible.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 13

In other words, to get the most out the program, just stay with the outline as much as

possible. It has been written in such a way to maximize your efficiency and your

knowledge without having you spend too much time on details that just aren't important.

In fact, if there is something you COULD do wrong, it would be to spend TOO MUCH

time on the modules and not enough time on the transcription portion of the course which

should take up at least 50% of your overall time spent in the program.

Of course, if you don't MIND spending the extra time, it certainly isn't going to hurt you

one bit! But keep in mind that it might take a little bit longer to do it that way. Luckily,

this is a self-paced program, and you are free to learn the way YOU need to learn, so in

the end it’s really up to you.

However, we promise by the time you graduate, you will have amassed a great MT

education just by following the student workbook, and we would caution against taking

on other studies or self-assignments right now so that you don't get discouraged at the

length of time it takes to get where you want to be at the time you want to be there. Do

not attempt to recreate the wheel by doing extra assignments or extraneous things – it just

isn’t necessary.

Trust the System – It has worked for many, many others


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 14

Module 1 – Getting Started

In this module you will learn everything you need to get started in the MT profession.

Just check off each assignment as it’s done, and you’ll always stay organized!

Assignment Date Notes Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Remember, if you ever find links or articles that don’t work or

are outdated, just send them along to us via a quick email. We strive

to keep the program as up to date as possible and appreciate your help!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 15

Module 2 – MT Basics

Remember it’s okay to skip ahead since you probably haven’t received your shipment yet.

Just come back to this section at that time.

Assignment Date Notes Read AHDI Book of Style (BOS) for

a review of the following: Page

493 — Sample Medical Reports

Read AHDI Book of Style (BOS) for

a review of the following: Page 3

— Types, Formats and TATs

Read AHDI Book of Style (BOS) for

a review of the following: Page 23

— Editing the Record

Read AHDI Book of Style (BOS) for

a review of the following: Page 35

— Record Privacy, Security and


Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter 1

– Career Role and Responsibilities

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter 2

– Tools of Transcription

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter 8

– Using Reference Books

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter

11 – Medical Chart Notes and

Progress Notes

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter

12 – Preparation of a History and


Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter

13 – Preparation of Miscellaneous

Medical Reports

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 16

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 227 —

Measurement & Quantitation

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 17

Module 3 – Grammar & Punctuation

In this module you will review English grammar and punctuation. It is very important for a

medical transcriptionist to have impeccable grammar skills.

Remember it’s okay to skip ahead since you probably haven’t received your shipment yet.

Just come back to this section at that time.

Assignment Date Notes Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter 3

– Transcription Guidelines

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter 4

– Capitalization

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter 5

– Transcribing Numbers, Figures,

and Abbreviations

Read Medical Transcription

Techniques and Procedures for a

review of the following: Chapter

10 – Grammar Practice

Read AHDI Book of Style on CD

(BOS) for a review of the

following: Page 145 --


Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 57 -- Grammar

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 81 -- Usage

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 103 Punctuation

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 145 --


Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 169 – Plurals and


Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 193 --


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 18

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 509 — Verbatim


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 19

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 21 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 22 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 23 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 24 in the on-line


Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 20

Module 4 – Using Your Computer

Assignments Date Notes

Welcome to Module 4! This Module is to help make you computer savvy — a trait and

skill that will be invaluable to you in your transcription career and even in everyday life!

You will find this Module to be self-explanatory. When you log-in to the computer courses,

use the URL information that was sent in your Welcome letter.

Depending on your computer level, you may or may not need all the courses.

Note: Reviewing these computer courses is NOT mandatory. We DO recommend you at

least review MS Word. Other than that, please do the courses that you want to learn, but

know that they are not mandatory for you to do.

(There are other tutorials there as well if you are interested or if any of your family

members are interested.)

Please check the FAQs for any questions or post questions on the Student Forum.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 21

Module 5 – Learning the Medical Language

Assignments Date Notes Read lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Begin using your Flash cards.

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Test yourself with the Flash cards.

See how many you can memorize.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Welcome to Module 5! Some transcription instructors consider Module 5 to be the most

important module in this course. Some consider it to be just as important as learning to

transcribe. Either way, learning the medical language is vital to your career as a medical

transcriptionist. Unlike some of our other modules, this module should not be skimmed,

especially the on-line lessons, but rather absorbed thoroughly to provide a good foundation

for your future career. Stay in this module until you feel comfortable you have mastered

the information. Remember to check the FAQs for questions or post on the Student

Forum if you have questions.

Did you remember? Time for a Touch Base! Just send us a quick email and let us know where you are. If

you have any broken links or other items to report, please include it at this time. Thanks!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 22

Module 6 – Integumentary System

In this module, you will learn about the skin and its disorders. (Very interesting module!)

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 365


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 23

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line


Complete lesson 17 in the on-line


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 24

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

On-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 25

Module 7 – Skeletal System

In this module you will learn a lot about anatomy and the human skeleton. Pay special

attention to all of the pictures and diagrams in both your textbook and on-line material.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AAMT BOS for a review of the

following: Page 381 -- Orthopedics

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 26

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line


Complete lesson 21 in the on-line


For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 27

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 10

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 11

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 12

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 13

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 14

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 15

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 16

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 17

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 18

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 19

For lesson 22 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 20

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 28

Module 8 – Muscles and Joints

In this module you will learn a lot about the muscular system. Pay attention to the

location, function, and proper spelling of each major muscle.

Assignment Date Notes

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 29

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


Complete lesson 16 in the on-line


Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 21 in the on-line


Complete lesson 22 in the on-line


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 30

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 23 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 31

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 32

Module 9 – Nervous System

Welcome to the nervous system module! Don’t forget to read the interesting articles at

the end of every module. It’s important to learn as much medical information as you can

to become the most productive MT.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 390 – Neurology.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line


Complete lesson 11 in the on-line


Complete lesson 12 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 33

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Complete lesson 14 in the on-line


Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


Complete lesson 16 in the on-line


Complete lesson 17 in the on-line


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 34

For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 18 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 35

Module 10 – Blood & Lymphatics

This module is packed with information on different diseases and conditions of the blood.

Make sure you take time to read the interesting articles at the end.

Time for a Touch Base! Just send us a quick email and let us know where you are. If you have any broken

links or other items to report, please include it at this time. Thanks!

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 343 -- Hematology

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 36

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Complete lesson 14 in the on-line


Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 37

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 38

Module 11- Laboratory & Pathology

Welcome to Lab and Path! Be sure to visit the Student Forum regularly for in-depth

discussions about the course.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 423 – Organisms and


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 39

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line


Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 40

Module 12 - Cardiovascular

Welcome to the cardiology module. Many MTs find this to be a difficult specialty to

learn. Pay close attention to all of the terminology involved in this module.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 317 -- Cardiology

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 41

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 21 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 22 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 23 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 24 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 25 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 26 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 27 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 28 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 29 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 30 in the on-line


Complete lesson 31 in the on-line


For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 42

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 43

For lesson 32 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 44

Module 13 – Respiratory System

Welcome to the Respiratory system module. In this module, you will learn about the

lungs and diseases of the lungs.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 441 –


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s Complete lesson

19 in the on-line course).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 45

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line


Complete lesson 19 in the on-line


For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 1.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 2.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 3.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 4.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 5.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 6.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 7.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 8.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 9.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 10.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 11.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 12.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 13.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 46

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 14.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 15.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 16.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 17.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 18.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 19.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in Self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 47

Module 14 – Digestive System

Welcome to the Digestive system module. Remember, to read the interesting articles at

the end of each module. In this module, you will learn all about the digestive system

from anatomy to disease processes.

Assignment Date Notes

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line


Complete lesson 12 in the on-line


Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Complete lesson 14 in the on-line


Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 48

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 49

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 50

Module 15 – Endocrine System

In this module you will learn about the endocrine system- anatomy, glands, hormones

and disease processes. Remember that the more medical content you retain during your

studies the more productive medical transcriptionist you will be. One way to learn

detailed medical content about each of the medical specialties is to read the articles at the

end of every module.

Time for a Touch Base! Just send us a quick email and let us know where you are. If you have any broken

links or other items to report, please include it at this time. Thanks!

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 453 – Diabetes Terms

and Classifications.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 51

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 21 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 22 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 23 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 24 in the on-line


Review lesson 25 in the on-line course.

Review lesson 26 in the on-line course.

Review lesson 27 in the on-line course.

Review lesson 28 in the on-line course

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 52

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 29 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 53

Module 16 – Special Senses

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 417 – Ophthalmology.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


Complete lesson 16 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 54

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 21 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 22 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 23 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 24 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 25 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Review lesson 26 in the on-line course.

Review lesson 27 in the on-line course.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 55

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 56

Module 17 – Urinary System

Welcome to the urinary system! Here you will learn all about the anatomy and function

of the male and female urinary system.

Assignment Date Notes

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Complete lesson 14 in the on-line


Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 57

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 58

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 16 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 59

Module 18 – Male Reproductive

Welcome to the Male reproductive system! In this module you will about the anatomy,

function and diseases of the male reproductive system.

Assignment Date Notes

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Review lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Review lesson 9 in the on-line course.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 60

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 10 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 61

Module 19 – Female Reproductive

Welcome to the female reproductive system! Here you will learn all about the anatomy,

function and disease processes of the female reproductive system.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 401 – Obstetrics and


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line


Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 62

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line


Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line


Complete lesson 20 in the on-line


Complete lesson 21 in the on-line


Complete lesson 22 in the on-line


For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 63

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 64

Module 20 – Obstetrics

This is the Obstetrics module! Here you will learn all about pregnancy and its

complications. Pay special attention to the vocabulary words at the end of this module.

Time for a Touch Base! Just send us a quick email and let us know where you are. If you have any broken

links or other items to report, please include it at this time. Thanks!

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 401 – Obstetrics and


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 65

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 20 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 21 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 22 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 23 in the on-line


Complete lesson 24 in the on-line


Complete lesson 25 in the on-line


Complete lesson 26 in the on-line


Complete lesson 27 in the on-line


For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 66

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 28 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 67

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 68

Module 21 – Child Health

In the child health module you will learn all about the common diseases and disorders

that are common in childhood.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 408 – Pediatrics.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 69

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line


For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 70

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 20 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 71

Module 22 – Radiology

In this module you will learn all about the specialty of radiology. Pay special attention to

all of the different techniques and procedures presented in this module.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 451 – Radiology.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line


Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Complete lesson 14 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 72

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 73

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 15 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 74

Module 23 – Oncology

Welcome to the oncology module! This module is about cancer and its treatment. It is

very important to pay close attention to the terminology used in this module.

Assignment Date Notes

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 353 – Oncology.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line course.

Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 75

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 19 in the on-line


Complete lesson 20 in the on-line


Complete lesson 21 in the on-line


Complete lesson 22 in the on-line


For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 10.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 76

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 11.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 12.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 13.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 14.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 15.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 16.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 17.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 18.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 19.

For lesson 23 in the on-line course, type

the sentence clips in self-test 20.

Complete Final Exam 1 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the

on-line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the

on-line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 77

Module 24 – Pharmacology

In this module you will learn all about drugs! Pay attention to spelling and capitalization

as it pertains to the different medications. Also, take notice of what common drugs are

prescribed for common diseases.

You’ll want to make sure you have typed the 200 most popular drugs into your Quick

Look Drug Program that you downloaded and keep that program handy as you go

through this module.

Assignment Date Notes Download the MTACC Quick Look

Drug list and the accompanying

instructions to your desktop. Read

and review.

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 293 –


Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line


Complete lesson 12 in the on-line


Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 78

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 79

For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 14 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Complete Final Exam 1 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the on-

line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 80

Module 25 – Mental Health

Welcome to the mental health module! In this module you will learn about a lot of

different psychiatric conditions. It is important to pay attention to references made to the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV R-V. Additionally, pay

attention to which axis each mental disorder would be recorded under.

Time for a Touch Base! Just send us a quick email and let us know where you are. If you have any broken

links or other items to report, please send us a quick email with the location. Thanks!

Assignment Date Notes Print out the Equipment Lease

Agreement from this Workbook,

scan and email, to our office as per

the instructions.

Read AHDI BOS for a review of the

following: Page 435 – Psychiatry.

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 81

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Review Lesson.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 82

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Complete Final Exam 1 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 4 in the on-

line course.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 83

Getting Ready To Transcribe

The transcription portion of this program is only one module away (Module 27).

Make sure you have a headset (earphones which plug into your computer) within the next

few days. You’ll want this to enable you to hear better. Note: ANY headset is going to

be fine for now. In the past, we used to recommend special types, but with today’s

computers and sound cards, nearly any headset will work.

Make sure you have requested your SUM CD and Wav pedal from our office. Use the

Equipment Agreement located online and in the next few pages to do this.

MTSOC provides this equipment and training CDs to all students at no additional cost;

however, because they are good for training only, the training CDs must be returned upon

completion. The Wav pedal is yours to keep once you graduate.

Please find and fill out the form required for requesting your SUM CD and Wav pedal,

then scan and email to us. (If you don’t have scanning capability, you may skip this step

– just put it in the mail.) The hard copy is not necessary to be mailed to us if you’ve

scanned and emailed. Our current address at the time of your enrollment is P.O. Box

1409, Gloucester VA 23061. You will receive your shipment within 2-3 weeks. Before

mailing, however, we urge you to confirm our mailing address on the Announcements

page of the student forum just to make sure it’s still current.

Your first package from us will include the Wav pedal and Beginning SUM CD. Once

you finish with the Beginning SUM CD, simply send it back via sturdy, insured mail.

Upon receipt, we’ll send you the Intermediate SUM CD. Once you finish with that, send

it back via sturdy, insured mail and we’ll send you the Advanced SUM CD. After that is

the ESL CD.

Once you finish the program, send back the ESL SUM CD and request your post-

advanced reports. These are what we’ll be working extensively on with you one-on-one

to finish polishing up your skills before you begin your job search. The type of post-

advanced reports you receive will depend on your progress to date. Usually one or two

additional post-advanced CDs is sufficient for you to master these difficult reports.

Sometimes it may take a little more, sometimes a little less. In any event, we tailor this

training to YOUR needs. The instructor who is working one-on-one with you will be

able to tell you more about what you will need to be able to pass employers’ tests. We

may even give you some practice final exams to work on.

Once you’re approved from there, prepare to take your Final Exam. Just follow the

instructions online and set up a date with us. We email you everything you need to do

the Final Exam at a specific date and time of your choosing. It is timed, but you are

allowed to use your references. Just follow the instructions and you’re almost there!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 84


THIS EQUIPMENT LEASE ("Lease") is made and effective (date) _________________________

by and between MTSOC ("Lessor") and (STUDENT)____________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ("Lessee").

Lessor desires to lease to Lessee, and Lessee desires to lease from Lessor, certain tangible personal


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, the

parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Lease.

Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor, the following described equipment

(the "Equipment"): 1 Wav foot pedal and accompanying SUM software. Value $59.00 and $800


2. Term.

The term of this Lease shall commence on effective date above and shall run for a period not to exceed one


3. Shipping.

Lessor will pay shipping charges to Lessee, and Lessee shall be responsible for paying the return shipping

charges sent via Insured only.

4. Rent and Payment.

The monthly rent for the Equipment shall be paid in installments of $1.00 each month, beginning one

month from the effective date above and on each succeeding month throughout the term hereof. These

monies will be forgiven when the software and foot pedal are returned to Lessor. When Lessee successfully

graduates from MTSOC, he/she may keep the pedal as our gift and only return the software.

5. Use.

Lessee shall use the Equipment in a careful and proper manner and shall comply with and conform to all

national, state, municipal, police and other laws, ordinances and regulations in any way relating to the

possession, use or maintenance of the Equipment





7. Repairs.

Lessee, at its own cost and expense, shall keep the Equipment in good repair, condition and working order

and shall furnish any and all parts, mechanisms and devices required to keep the Equipment in good

mechanical working order.

8. Loss and Damage.

A. Lessee hereby assumes and shall bear the entire risk of loss and damage to the Equipment from any and

every cause whatsoever. No loss or damage to the Equipment or any part thereof shall impair any

obligation of Lessee under this Lease which shall continue in full force and effect through the term of the


B. In the event of loss or damage of any kind whatever to the Equipment, Lessee shall, at Lessor's option:

(i) Place the same in good repair, condition and working order; or

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 85

(ii) Replace the same with like equipment in good repair, condition and working order; or

(iii) Pay to Lessor the replacement cost of the Equipment via check or credit card deduction.

9. Surrender.

Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Lessee shall return the Equipment to Lessor in

good repair, condition and working order, ordinary wear and tear resulting from proper use thereof alone

excepted, by shipping such Equipment and accompanying software at Lessee's cost and expense to such

place as Lessor shall specify, or pay Lessor the value as indicated above.

10. Lessor's Payment.

In case of failure of Lessee to pay fees, assessments, charges and taxes, all as specified in this Lease, Lessor

shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to debit Lessee’s credit card for the full amount of said fees,

charges and taxes, as the case may be.

11. Indemnity.

Lessee shall indemnify Lessor against, and hold Lessor harmless from, any and all claims, actions, suits,

proceedings, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising

out of, connected with, or resulting from Lessee's use of the Equipment and/or accompanying software,

including without limitation the manufacture, selection, delivery, possession, use, operation, or return of the

Equipment and/or accompanying software.

12. Default.

If Lessee fails to pay any rental or other amount herein provided, within ten (10) days after the same is due

and payable, or if Lessee fails to observe, keep or perform any other provision of this Lease required to be

observed, kept or performed by Lessee, Lessor shall have the right to exercise any one or more of the

following remedies:

A. To declare the entire amount of lease hereunder immediately due and payable without notice or demand

to Lessee.

B. To sue for and recover all charges, and other payments, then accrued or thereafter accruing.

C. To take possession of the Equipment and all accompanying software, without demand or notice,

wherever same may be located, without any court order or other process of law. Lessee hereby waives any

and all damages occasioned by such taking of possession.

D. To terminate this Lease.

E. To pursue any other remedy at law or in equity.

Notwithstanding any repossession or any other action which Lessor may take, Lessee shall be and remain

liable for the full performance of all obligations on the part of the Lessee to be performed under this Lease.

All of Lessor's remedies are cumulative, and may be exercised concurrently or separately.

13. Bankruptcy.

Neither this Lease nor any interest therein is assignable or transferable by operation of law. If any

proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is commenced by or against the Lessee, or if the Lessee

is adjudged insolvent, or if Lessee makes any assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a writ of

attachment or execution is levied on the Equipment and is not released or satisfied within ten (10) days

thereafter, or if a receiver is appointed in any proceeding or action to which the Lessee is a party with

authority to take possession or control of the Equipment, Lessor shall have and may exercise any one or

more of the remedies set forth in Section 12 hereof; and this Lease shall, at the option of the Lessor,

without notice, immediately terminate and shall not be treated as an asset of Lessee after the exercise of

said option.

14. Ownership.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 86

The Equipment is, and shall at all times be and remain, the sole and exclusive property of Lessor; and the

Lessee shall have no right, title or interest therein or thereto except as expressly set forth in this Lease.

15. Entire Agreement.

This instrument and the accompanying Transcription Agreement constitute the entire agreement between

the parties on the subject matter hereof and it shall not be amended, altered or changed except by a further

writing signed by the parties hereto.

16. Notices.

Service of all notices under this Agreement shall be sufficient if given personally or mailed certified, return

receipt requested, postage prepaid, at the address hereinafter set forth, or to such address as such party may

provide in writing from time to time.

If to Lessor: MT School of Canada / MTACC

P.O. Box 1409

Gloucester VA 23061

If to Lessee: Name:_______________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________


17. Assignment.

Lessee shall not assign this Lease or its interest in the Equipment or software without the prior written

consent of Lessor.

18. Governing Law.

This Lease shall be construed and enforced according to laws of the State of Virginia.

19. Headings.

Headings used in this Lease are provided for convenience only and shall not be used to construe meaning

or intent.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the day and year first above


Lessee: Lessor:

________________________________ _____________________________________

Student Signature Date Margery Hinman, Ph.D., Director Date

_________________________________ MTSOC

Printed Student Name

For faster service, please scan and email this

Equipment Lease with your

emailed request.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 87

Module 26 – Gerontology

Welcome to the gerontology module! Here you will learn all about aging and how it

affects the body. You will learn about diseases that mainly affect older people.

Assignment Date Notes Complete lesson 1 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 2 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 9 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 10 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 11 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 13 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 14 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 15 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 16 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 17 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 18 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 1.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 88

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 2.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 3.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 4.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 5.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 6.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 7.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 8.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test 9.

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 89

For lesson 19 in the on-line course,

type the sentence clips in self-test


Complete Final Exam 1 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 2 in the on-

line course.

Complete Final Exam 3 in the on-

line course.

Note: You should have received your foot pedal and first SUM CD by now if you sent

in your Lease Agreement at Module 25 as instructed. If you have not yet received your

package in the mail, and more than 3 weeks have elapsed, please give us a call.

If you know the shipment is en route to you from us, there are a few things you can do in

the meantime while you are still waiting which don’t require the foot pedal and CD:

Skip ahead to Module 30 and do the Assignments.

Read the remainder of MT Techniques and Procedures.

Read the Book of Style cover to cover.

Test yourself on the flashcards. Your goal is 100% on these.

If your shipment takes longer than 3 weeks since your request, please contact our office.

We can put a tracer on that package and ship another one out to you right away.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 90

Module 27 – Beginning Medical Transcription

You have finally made it to the transcription portion of the program. Congratulations!

This is where your hands-on training begins.

The lessons in the Beginning Medical Transcription on-line program (Module 27) will

walk you through installing your SUM CD, and explaining when you should take each

exam. Please follow these installation instructions carefully.

Remember that we are working on the Classic Reports when it gives you the choice.

Assignment Date Notes Read AHDI BOS for a review of

the following: Page 509 –

Statement on Verbatim


Read AHDI BOS for a review of

the following: Page 511 – Usage


Read AHDI BOS for a review of

the following: Page 537 – Industry


Read the following pages in this

workbook about installing your

CDs and setting up directories.

Please read all lessons in this

module before beginning. Then

complete lesson 1 in the on-line


Complete lesson 2 in the on-line


Complete lesson 3 in the on-line


Complete lesson 4 in the on-line


Complete lesson 5 in the on-line


Complete lesson 6 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 91

Time to Transcribe!

Now that you are ready to transcribe, let us help you get organized and ready to type.

You should create 6 folders on your own computer's hard drive. Here are instructions:

1. Find the folder on your hard drive entitled My Documents. (If you do not have this

folder then, create one.) (On your desktop in an open space, right click with your mouse.

Choose the folder option. Name it My Documents.)

2. Open the My Documents folder

3. In an open area right click with your mouse, choose New, then Folder.

4. Make 6 different folders and name them:

BMT Original (Beginning Medical Transcription)

BMT Corrected

Surgery Original (Intermediate Medical Transcription)

Surgery Corrected

AMT Original (Advanced Medical Transcription)

AMT Corrected

As you complete each transcribed report, click the transcript key (the gold key at the top

of your toolbar), use the highlight function to illuminate your errors.

Be sure to analyze each and every error

Then go to File, Save As, and save the report to your hard drive in the folder that you

created for your original transcripts.

It is important how you name your files when you save them. Name each file starting

with the specialty, report type and report number. For example, one specialty in the

Beginning Medical Transcription program is Dermatology. The first report is a chart

note and the second report is a letter. So, when you go to save your report using the Save

As feature, you would do it this way:

Example: Dermatology chart note 1

Example: Dermatology letter 2

By naming your files in this manner and putting them in the proper folder, you will know

what the last report you transcribed was. Another benefit of keeping two main folders

(one with your original attempts and one with your corrected reports) is that you can see

how much better you have become as you move through the transcription portion of the

course, and you will have a set of clean transcripts to refer to when you begin working as

a medical transcriptionist.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 92

IMPORTANT: To get the MOST out of these reports, it is IMPERATIVE that you

follow these instructions exactly. Since you will have keys available to you for these

reports (for all except the exams) it is important that you do NOT transcribe with the keys


ABILITY IN THE LONG RUN. You need the listening, relistening and researching

skills that you will be performing as you do these reports. You must do the reports in this

matter to build the skills you need to become successful, pass our final exam, and pass

employer testing. When in doubt, ask.

Note: It is important to remember to mail each of the SUM CDs back to MTSoC by

insured, sturdy mail after you are done using them. We must have these CDs back and in

good condition before we can send you the next CD. You will be sending back one CD

at a time while you await the next one. The foot pedal can be returned at any time unless

you graduate the course in which case the pedal is yours to keep.

As of the time you enrolled, the address to mail these items back are:

MT School of Canada - MTACC

P.O. Box 1409

Gloucester VA 23061

(Please confirm this address via the Student Forum or our office prior to mailing. Thank


When mailing back, please include INSIDE the box:

1. Your Name and address

2. Your Student ID

3. Note or letter stating what you are returning and if you are expecting a new

shipment, etc.

Be sure your name and return address are on the OUTSIDE of the box.

There are a few things you can do in the meantime while you are still waiting which

don’t require the foot pedal and CD:

Skip ahead to Module 30 and do the Assignments.

Read the remainder of MT Techniques and Procedures.

Read the Book of Style cover to cover.

Test yourself on the box of flashcards. Your goal is 100% on these.

Congratulations! It’s now time to begin transcribing the Beginning SUM Medical

Transcription reports. Good luck and happy transcribing!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 93

SUM Beginning Medical Transcription

Use this handy chart as a guide to remember where you last left off and

follow the instructions in Module 27.

Assignment Date Notes

SUM Introduction



SUM Exam 1




SUM Exam 2



Pulmonary Medicine


SUM Exam 3

Obstetrics & Gynecology




SUM Exam 4

SUM Exam 5- Final

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 94

Module 28 – Intermediate Medical Transcription

Welcome to the Intermediate Medical Transcription module! Get your references ready

because you are about to embark on an interesting journey into the world of surgery

transcription. This is not for the faint of heart. Don’t worry though, your thorough

training up to this point has prepared you for this challenge.

IMPORTANT: To get the MOST out of these reports, it is IMPERATIVE that you follow these

instructions exactly. Since you will have keys available to you for these reports (for all except the

exams) it is important that you do NOT transcribe with the keys open in front of you. TO DO


the listening, relistening and researching skills that you will be performing as you do these

reports. To not do the reports in this matter will not build you the skills you need to become

successful, pass our final exam, and pass employer testing. When in doubt, ask.

Remember to use all of your research skills that you have learned previously. Most of

all, have fun!

Assignment Date Notes Please read all lessons in this

module before beginning. Then

complete lesson 1 in the on-line


Complete lesson 2 in the on-line


Complete lesson 3 in the on-line


Complete lesson 4 in the on-line


Complete lesson 5 in the on-line


Complete lesson 6 in the on-line


Complete lesson 7 in the on-line


Complete lesson 8 in the on-line


Congratulations! You are now ready to transcribe the Surgery SUM CD (also called the

Intermediate CD.) Good luck and happy transcribing!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 95

Surgery Intermediate Transcription

Use this handy chart as a guide to remember where you last left off and

follow the instructions in Module 28.

Assignment Date Notes

Cardiovascular/Thoracic Surgery

SUM Exam 1

Gastrointestinal Surgery

SUM Exam 2

Genitourinary Surgery

SUM Exam 3

Head and Neck Surgery

SUM Exam 4


SUM Exam 5

Obstetrics & Gynecology surgery

SUM Exam 6

Orthopedic Surgery

SUM Exam 7

Plastic Surgery

SUM Exam 8

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 96

Module 29 – Advanced Medical Transcription

Welcome to the Advanced Medical Transcription module! You’ve come a long way.

These reports will be more difficult than what you have transcribed before. However, it’s

to your advantage to work really hard on each report and transcribe it to the best of your

ability. Developing the skill to transcribe difficult dictation is one that will make you a

very valuable and sought after medical transcriptionist.

Also, this on-line module will teach you how to use a word expander and show you a

system for creating abbreviations. It would be a good idea for you to create some

abbreviations using MS Word’s Auto-Correct feature (instructions below).

Try using some common abbreviations when you type like “tp” for patient. If you create

abbreviations using MS Word’s Auto-Correct, then you will want to be sure to type your

Advanced reports in MS Word.

IMPORTANT: To get the MOST out of these reports, it is IMPERATIVE that you follow these

instructions exactly. Since you will have keys available to you for these reports (for all except the

exams) it is important that you do NOT transcribe with the keys open in front of you. TO DO


the listening, relistening and researching skills that you will be performing as you do these

reports. To not do the reports in this matter will not build you the skills you need to become

successful, pass our final exam, and pass employer testing. When in doubt, ask.

Request your medical spellchecker at this time, and be sure your medical spellchecker has been

installed and is working properly. Follow the instructions below and in the Module and let us

know if you have any questions.

Assignment Date Notes Please read all lessons in this

module before beginning. Then

complete lesson 1 in the on-line


Complete lesson 2 in the on-line


Complete lesson 3 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 4 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 5 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 6 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 7 in the on-line

course. Perform the self-test(s).

Complete lesson 8 in the on-line

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 97

course. Perform the self-test(s). Complete lesson 9 in the on-line


Complete the Final Exam in the on-

line course.

Congratulations! You are now ready to transcribe the Advanced Medical Transcription

SUM CD. Good luck and happy transcribing!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 98

Advanced Medical Transcription Guide

Use this handy chart as a guide to remember where you last left off

Assignment Date Notes



Gastrointestinal Surgery



Suggestion: As you complete each report within each specialty, if you had more than 3

errors per report, because of the complexity of these reports, plan to re-type that report.

Note: There are no exams for the Advanced Medical Transcription reports and you will

be able to access the keys which are not updated with current BOS formatting. Please

contact your instructor if you have any questions or concerns about your work.

When you’re close to finishing this CD, request the next CD: The ESL CD which

consists of foreign dictators with accents – a great training tool!

ESL CD Date Notes

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 99

Transcribing the Mandatory Advanced Reports

As the final part of the course, we want to help you polish up your transcription and help

you correct any last-minute glitches or inconsistencies you have in your work. Please use

the following chart to help you keep track of what post-advanced reports (after the 3

initial SUM CDs and the ESL CD) you have worked on.

Each student will receive different reports which are geared towards any weaknesses in

an effort to strengthen these skills. These reports are considered advanced, even for

experienced MTs. Therefore, do not worry if you don’t get them 100% correct the first

time. We don’t grade these reports like we do the others. Basically we want to see how

you handle problems that arise.

The goal is for you to have mostly error-free work. This is a strong indication of how

well you’ll do for our Final Exam and subsequent employer testing, which is usually a

transcription practice of advanced reports. It is not necessarily indicative of what you’ll

be doing on a daily basis on the job. Just do the best you can and keep in touch with your

instructor who will be giving you extensive feedback. Above all, if you have questions,

now is the time to ask!

Assignment Date Notes

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 100

Module 30 –Employment

This is the last module in the MTACC program. Congratulations! You are very close to


If you have passed all your exams thus far, we know that you now have the skills and

ability of an MT and are ABLE to get and maintain employment. You are ready to go

out there and make your dream of working at home (or outside the home) doing medical

transcription a reality. You should be very proud of yourself for sticking with your

commitment to learn MT. We know you’ll agree that this program of study has been


Assignment Date Notes Read AHDI BOS for a review of

the following: Page 527 – Model

Job Descriptions

Complete lesson 1 in the on-line


Complete lesson 2 in the on-line


Complete lesson 3 in the on-line


Complete lesson 4 in the on-line


Complete lesson 5 in the on-line


Complete lesson 6 in the on-line


Complete lesson 7 in the on-line


Complete lesson 8 in the on-line


Complete lesson 9 in the on-line


Complete lesson 10 in the on-line


Complete lesson 11 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 101

Complete lesson 12 in the on-line


Complete lesson 13 in the on-line


Complete lesson 14 in the on-line


Complete lesson 15 in the on-line


Complete lesson 16 in the on-line


Complete lesson 17 in the on-line


Complete lesson 18 in the on-line


Complete lesson 19 in the on-line


Complete lesson 20 in the on-line


Complete lesson 21 in the on-line


Complete lesson 22 in the on-line


Complete lesson 23 in the on-line


Complete lesson 24 in the on-line


Complete lesson 25 in the on-line


Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 102

Preparing for the Final Exam

Your final exam will be “open book.” You will have a limited time to read the exam

instructions, download the reports, type, proofread, and email back the exam to our

office. The exam should be taken during normal business hours and should be pre-

arranged with our office.

The final exam will consist of 5-7 different reports of an average level of difficulty. You

will have a limited time to take the test and submit it for grading. This is plenty of time

for an average transcriptionist. A score of 90 or above is passing.

For this transcription final exam, you may use any of your reference sources including

medical reference books, on-line resources (except MT word boards), your textbooks, the

MTACC on-line modules, and resource library. However, you may not communicate

with or ask another person for assistance other than your instructor or our staff.

We suggest you take at least a couple of days to prepare for the final exam. Be sure you

get plenty of rest, and have drinks and snacks available to you.

When you are ready to take the final, please submit the following e-mail to

[email protected] :

In the subject line: Your full name, student ID # / Request for final exam.

In the body of the e-mail: Request entrance to the final exam section of the course. Tell

us what date and time you would like to take the test.

After sending this e-mail, we will contact you within 24 hours regarding giving you

access to the final exam on the date and time you requested.

When finished with your final exam, please email it as per the instructions. We will

contact you with your status usually within 2 business days.

Once your final exam is done and submitted, we will contact you with your results. Upon

passing, you will have earned a beautiful certificate, ready for framing and proof of all

your hard work. Please allow up to 2 weeks for receipt of your certificate.

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 103

Now It’s Time For Job Placement

After graduation, you qualify for job placement assistance. Please contact us at

[email protected] and in the subject line of the e-mail please put your full

name/student #/Request for job placement assistance. We will ask to see a copy of your

resume and cover letter, so please send it with your request.

Our experienced staff will assist you in creating a wonderful resume and will give you

contact information for services that hire new graduates.

Please let your placement coordinator know when you have secured a transcription

position. We like to follow up on our graduates and make sure they have success for

years to come!

Copyright 2016 MT ACC All Rights Reserved Page 104


It’s been a long journey but you’ve hung in there and are about to realize your dreams of

being a medical transcriptionist. All of us at MT School of Canada – MTACC would like

to congratulate you and wish you great success in your new career.

Remember, if you would like to recommend others to our program, we would like to give

you a thank you gift of $50 for each referral that signs up who has mentioned your name.

If you are interested in working with us to promote our program on a more consistent

basis, we offer a formal referral program with higher commissions.

Don’t be a stranger now that you are a graduate! Please continue to come to the student

forums and help to mentor the newbies that are just joining our program. We’d love to

see you there!

From all of us here at MTACC and MT School of Canada…


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