
1 T W E L V E P A Q E 5 . I mimh ANAOONDA, M O N T A N A , stjNDAY MORNING, A U G U S T 4, 1895

O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O t K H X W O O O O O O O O O O O O C

, N vSOCIAL CIRCLES yOOOOOO <>lXK>OO<>C><XH>0<>O<KK><><XX><K><> 000<XKK><X><X><)<><><>0<><>CKK>0

A G A I N Ana r -nda lays claim to precedence in being the leading o i ly of Montana. Golf, the lat­est fad of fashion, the pastime of the upper tendoni in the East, has hern introduced and

la regularly p l a y i d by certain young men of thla city, who are probably the first In Montana to take up the sport. L i n k ! , that Is what they • all the ground over which Die game Is played, have been laid out across the .Montana T'nlon track. There arc nine holes, the regulations cal l for IS, but nine are sufficient for pastime and then .ire several haxzards afforded by tb* ra i l ­road tracks and rho creek. The young men declare the gam ' is much better than tonnls and Just as soon as they have mastered its details ;md s -icnec fhey expect to Introduce i i to the young ladles, who have already mani­fested deep Uvt*r**l in the game; It w i l l not be long ere I here wil l be seen golf ing costumes and gulliti.t, parties chasing Irttle white halls over the h i l l* and scooping them into the cups will be of frequent occurrence.

The K i l r s e l d i l m « f l l t t y afternoon wi th Mrs . ( i . \ V . Reynolds at the .Mon­tana hotel. Miss Laura Duraton won the first prize, a cut glass pitcher; Mrs. W, E . Bond the second, a cup and saucer; Mrs . W. H . Harrison the third, • s i lver bon hon dish. The next meet­ing w i l l be held at the home of Mrs. Holmes

The Tut tic camping party returned last Monday f rom a very pleasant week at Rreen's lake.

Dr. Spdman. Fotlfl M c M u n ly . James Ber ry and Pat Sul l ivan had a very pleasant and adventurous trip to Storm lake this week. They returned earlier than they Intended, and for this two reasons are given. Sull ivan and Ber ry say that Dr. Spelman and Mc-M u r r a y capsized a raft and lost the demijohn containing the bait In the l ake The latter assert that Sull ivan and Ber ry got lost^on the trail and that they, the doctor and the editor, wore themselves out hunting for them, and wanted to come home to rest. W h i c h ' s t o r y is correct no one knows but the public generally has an Idea that there may b« a grain of truth In both of them.

J. W i Cornelius and son, B . J . Cor­nelius, are v is i t ing fr iends in this city.

Miss Cornel ia Surpernanl and Mrs. M u r r a y Miles spent the day yesterdav at Walsf i ' s ranch, near W a r m Springs

Mrs. F . E . Sargeant has returned f r o m Hamil ton.

Mrs. F \ F Stephens and her grand­daughter. Mlna Graham, are visiting fr iends in Butte.

Tho Episcopal church picnic at W a r m Springs ort Tuesday last was a very pleasant affair .

Miss Myr t l e Picket is quite sick at her home on Cedar street.

P. W . Irvine of Butte, was In this ci ty Thursday.

Paris Gibson of Great Fa l l s , came over last Wednesday.

F . W. Noyes of Butte. vlBited friends in Anaconda during the week.

Mrs. W . H . Banls. who has been vis­i t i ng in Baltimore, Maryland, returned home this week and is staying at the Montana.

Mrs . Theo. Ehret and daughters. Misses Louise and Bertha, are visit ing relatives In Indiana.

W . A . Chesman and Francis Pope of Helena, were In Anaconda last Wed­nesday.

Capt. t . D . Channell of Butte, was the guest of .F. M . Kennedy last Sun­day

Mrs. Ph i l ip Tucker and daughter of Butte, are v is i t ing friends in Anaconda and Carrol l .

Mrs. Donahoe and Miss Downey of Butte, are stopping at ihc Montana for a few days.

Professor K e r n visited his family her" yesterday. He expects to remove to Butte about August "O. A cottage for their occupancy is nearly completed on Excels ior avenue.

Mrs. H . J . H icks and Mrs. at D. Burns of Michigan and Miss Mary Dc-laney of Butt . . were in Anaconda this week.

A. C. Carsens of Butte, visited Ana­conda last Tuesday.

Mrs. J . V . Coll ins Is at home once more af ter a pleasant trip to Cal ifor­nia.

Mr. and Mrs. I, T. 'Juigley are con­templating a trip to Cal i fornia in the early fa l l .

Mrs . M . Plckel and daughter, .Jose­phine, are vis i t ing 1n Louisvil le , K e n ­tucky.

Wi E . Coleman of Deer Lodge, 1.-stopping In Anaconda.

Miss Lucy Orannis of Dil lon, is vis­i t ing Mlaseti Marchlon in this city.

Ha r ry Lambert of Butte, is now at home in Anaconda.

Mrs. Fi. Knowles of Dayton. Wash­ington, is visi t ing her daughter. Mrs . Trlsberger.

Miss Minnie Fecnan returned this week to Kal lspel l .

Joe W a l s h ha< h«rn sick several days of this week.

IN B U T T E .

Hutte. A u g . -The V . B. club was charmingly entertained on Tuea U y by Mrs. A . C. Holmes. The next meeting w i l l he held at Mrs. .7. K . H -slot's.

A merry picnic party to S.ip-pington on the Northern Pacific last Sunday. The party Ineludei Mr. and Mrs . W . M . Tuohy. Mr. and Mrs. Fr-mk Shaw, M r . and Mrs. G o v e E. I;ock-wood.

A 'bus load of nienirkers went out beyond Columbia gulch last Sunday

Miss E l l a David-on ret urn--d Iron) Cal i fo rn ia OB Wednesday, */fttn sh-has spent a month.

M r . and Mrs. John P o r b i l art!) lea ve Tuesday for a trip to Vic tor ia and the coast.

Mr . and Mrs. Frank Shaw wi l l le.-.vo early In the week for the OOMt

Rev. Father DeSlere returned last Saturday f rom a month's visit In the East.

Mrs. James H . Lynch is planning a trip to Canada in about 10 days.

Mrs. Hand Is sti l l confln-d to the houae wi th a sprained ankle.

Dr. H a l l w i l l K M v. ii»»ut . v u i the East and wi l l b e gone several months.

The Misses Da ly w. re in tba city on Monday and Tuesday, 'he guests of Mrs. Dr . Murray

Mrs J . Ross Clark and children ar-the guests of Mrs . James Shields of Anaconda

Mrs Fayette Harr ington rttavand f rom Boieman on Wedn 's . iay

Mrs . J . Noyes and Miss Dollie Noyes

went to lioulder on Thursday f c r a w- k

Mrs. C H . Palmer and Mia* R c s i e Palmer and Mrs . A . C. Holmes and children went to Hould«r Fr iday.

Mr* M J . Connoll went to Rozeman on Saturday to attend the we ld ing of Miss Harriet A lward .

Mra. C. P. L loyd expects a visi t f rom Miss Rlrdie Rumlt-y in a lew days.

.Miss Alice Coleman of Deer Lodge. Is the guest of Dr . and Mrs. O. S. Whit -ford.

M r - Tarbett, the I.a velle children. Mlas L i l l i an Virion and Miss Rose H a l l left for the Lavel le ranch at Divide this afternoon.

Mrs. John C. Evans and -hildren and Mil Hester. E d n a and L e i a Lavelle picnicked at Columbia gardens on Thursday.

Miss Emi ly Q r * M of Helena, is the guesi of Mrs. Hawes.

Mr . and Mrs. Fayette Harrington and Glen Harr ington with friends in Boze-man and V i r g i n i a City wil l leave soon on i month's tour of the park.

Dr. Rothwell and wife of Missouri , arc the guests of Dr. and Mrs . J . W . K a o t

John F.irbis spent several days in Spokane the past week

Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, and chi l ­dren returned f rom their ranch on the Jefferson.

Joe Cotter, who has been visi t ing his brother. John W . Cotter, in this ci ty for several months, left this week for his home in Des Moines and expects to attend school this fa l l .

H a r r y Cams, for several years the efficient and popular steward of the Si lver Bow club, accepted the steward­sh ip , of the Ir ish-American club on A u g . 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Levi S. W i l d entertained f r b n d s on F r i d a y evening in honor of Mrs. F le tchtr of Vancouver Island

Mrs. W. W . D(xon and W i l l Dixon have returned f rom Warren's Island.

Mrs. Hawes entertained friends at lunch Wednesday in honor of Mrs . Brenner of Red Rock

The residence of Professor Kern is nearly completed and the fami ly wi l l move from Anacopda next week

F rank Corbett. Perrin Irvine. Bob G n x . C H Carney and Mr. Hor r have gone on I camping t r ip to Brown's lake.

To the regret of tnnnumerable friends Mrs. K i r k p a t r l c k and the Misses K l r k -pa i r l rk wil l leave this week for Salt Lake, where they wil l reside perma­nently. They wi l l be missed In a very wide circle of friends.

Miss Mabel Foster is spending a we»k in German gulch

Mrs. Ferdinand Sands and children left Thursday for New York and wi l l sail Aug. 30 for an extended trip through Europe.

Mrs. J R Russell entertained a num­ber of f r l end l a t lunch Fr iday in honor of Mrs. Brenner of Red Rock. Mrs . Brenner returned home this evening.

'•round has been broken fo r the resi­dence of W . B . Hamil ton, next west of the Wellcome residence in West Broad­way.

Mrs J . R. Wharton and children are spending a few days at Boulder

Ground ha? been broken for a resi­dence for J . S. Oravellc west of the gulch.

Mr. and . Mrs Hoatson entertained I few friends a ' dinner on Wednesday

The children of St John's Sunday school wil l picnic at Deer Lodge Tues­day T h " train w i l l leave at. » 3n a m

Misses Florence and Nellie DrigOOM and Master Horace Driscoll are spend­ing their vacation In l io ld Creek va l ­ley.

A spl.-ndid audience greeted Mark Twain at the opera house on Thursday evening.

The Butte whist club met .tat Tues­day evening at the residence of Mrs . A. Pincus. Mr*. L .1 L a . ' i m a n won the prize for ladies and Mrs. "tender ihc prize for gentlemen The club w i l l MOM in two weeks at the residence of Mrs. Bender.

M i s John Cummlngs entertain, d at In r home In West Broadway Thursday evening. Among those present vere Mr. and Mrs Selmay and Mr. and Mrs. Brown, the Misses Kate lone*. Iillen Roe. Ilattic Mil ler , Blanche Burns. Sue Hackett , Lena Wilson, Mesars, John Stone. Holmes T. H . Rlckett . Potts. Thorp. Kent . A very enjoyable t:nie was had by al l

Attorney George Haldon returned yesterday f rom an extended trip East.

Paris Gibson of Great Fall«. i i - a i in the city Wednesday.

Mrs. D. F . Smith of Burl ington. Ia.. is visiting her son and daugh­ter-in-law. Mr . and Mrs. Bert Smith, in West G alcna street. She la H C - j m p a n -ied by her daughter Cla ra and w i l l re­main in Butte for several wv-k*.

E d . returned f rom War-ien island

Judge McHaton and John O'Rourke have rtturned f rom a hunting and fish­ing trip in Deer Lodg" county.

M r s John Fletcher and son of V a n ­couver, B. C , and Mrs Hubble of Og-.|on are the guests of Prof, and Mrs. Newell

Mr. and Mrs. J . H Monteath and son re turned f rom a trip through Yel low­stone park.

0*01 gt Ross and family left Wednes­day on :• trip through the park.

Mis . K l l a Knowles H i s k e l l of Helena was in this ci ty this week

Mesdames Blackburn. H a l l . Moffett. Hamil ton and Misses Emery. Richards. Covlett and Slemons picnicked at Co­lumbia gardens Tuesday.

Friday evening Ike Hellbronner gave i theater party to many of his gentle­man 'riends in honor of his 21st birth­day. Af te r the performance he gave a reception, af ter which he was pre­sented by Fred Slemons wi th a Tri lby

' diamond watch charm In behalf of • present. H i s gues-ts were Mesars.

' W. C. Black . Gaylord Black. Roy Wells , Ju l i a Hellbronner. H a l . Slemons.

| Fred Slemons, W i l l H a l l . Dr. Silver­man. W i l l Dixon, W i l l C la rk . E l l i s Passmore, E d Crlmmon and Ralph Robs,in. Those who were called for toasts and responded were Fred Slern one, I k - Hellbronner anJ W i l l Black .

Ooorge Dougherty and wife. Tom Sephton and wife. Miss M c K e o w n , Miss McClancy. Rob Eagleston and John Rurke. leave for the park for a few w c k s

J J Chambers, who Is to accompany W i l l Black • > Nevada and Mexico, ar­rived In Butte Friday evening f rom the Sweet Crass country.

IN D E E R L O D G E .

I*er Lodge, Aug. 3.—Mrs. Armistead

11. Mitchell gave a series of entertain­ments at her home in Deer Lodge 'his week. The tlrse being Ladies T e a ' given Monda> afternoon to the follow­ing Mrs. Conrad Kohrs . Mrs Margaret Hoy. Mrs. J M B.iardman. Mrs. C.eorge Lamson. Mrs. Dr. James L Reat. Miss Richardson. Mrs Theo Rrantlv. Mr*

I J . C. Robinson. Mrs . Samuel > ! Mra. George 8. Mil ler . Mrs. S E . Lera-! ble, Mrs. E . O. Woolfolk. Mrs Wiles.

Mrs. H . B. Davis, Mrs . F • Pa% \ and ' Miss Greve.

Tuesday evening whis: was rnjoyed b> Mrs. Wi l l i am Coleman. Mrs H C.

I Val l ton. Mr*. J . C. Shaubut. Mrs. N J . I Blelenberg. Mr*. F . E. Lonsberry. Mis . I Thos. McKlnstry, Mrs F . s Btacttpote, I Mrs . Sam Heaumont. Mrs. Marvin ; Trask. Mrs .1. K B i l l . Mrs. M Bean.

Mrs. Lew Coleman, Mrs J . H . Mar t in . Mrs. John O'Neil l . Mrs A. K . Bowden. Mrs. ( i . S. Miller. Mrs. Hyland Smuxz and Mrs. Joseph Hyde.

A number of ladies were Invited 10 I a •'Thimble Party' ' Thursday afternoon J to which the fol lowing responded Mrs. i Mary L . Kelley. Mrs. Thos. Aspllng, | Mrs. B i rd . Mrs. Chall» Aspling. Mrs

R. Q. Humher. Mrs. Kdward Scharnl-kow. Mrs. Phi l H . M i l U r . Mrs Wel l ing Napton. Mrs. H . O, Ward . Mrs. John

l Smurr Mrs. R. T. Kennon. Miss Ster-rott. The parlors and dining room were made beautiful with vines and (lowers. The center piece on tea table being most artistic.

Miss Annie Morony visited Phdlps-burg last week and was the guest of Mrs. Angus McDonald while there.

Mrs. B . E. Hughes and daughters f rom Cedarvale, Kansas, ni'K'oe'' and sisters of Mrs. James Snow of Deer Lodge, arrived In the city Fr iday and w i l l spend the summer.

Herbert Whit worth came up f rom Uto Mitchel l mi l l Sunday for a short visit wi th friends.

Mrft Adam Johnston. Mrs Kar le and the Misses Ea i le camped on Cotton­wood east of the ci ty last Monday.

Capt. J . H . Mi l l s was a guest in DaOT Lodge Sunday.

Edward Seharnikow went to Philips-burg last Fr iday and returned Satur­day.

Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell were guests In Phll lpsburg last Tuesday.

Miss Minnie Thorne of Missoul.i is v i s i t ing friends In this city this week

D. F . Hal lahan and brother of Ana­conda enjoyed last Sunday at Rock Creek lake

M r and Mrs J H . Mar t in and Miss Isabella spent a day last week plcnic-Ing.

ft H . Smith of Butte was a guest of Col and Mr* Ayle»worth at the Mc-Burney last Sunday.

Mrs G. Bogk and Mrs. J . M . Stuart of Butte are in the ci ty this week, and are the guests of Mr . and Mrs. N . J . Bielenberg

The ladle*' aid society of the Christ­ian church gave a social at the pavilion last Thursday evening The evening was pleasant and all had a social tim*

Misa Mattie Dolman of Butte came down last Tue«day and *pent the day wi th fr iend* In Deer Lodge

Lew Coleman and G E Wtsner. both of the Copper Ci ty company of A n a . conda, were guests In Deer Lodge last Thursday.

Mis* Etna Stark is in Helena taking a course in mathematics and bookkeep­ing at the Englehorn business college

D S. Frothlng'h'am came up f rom the Mammoth mine last Monday evening and returned Tuesday morning

Miss Kat ie Kohrs returned l i s t Sun­day f rom her protracted visit to friends i n Helena.

Col W. T Sanders o' Helena was i •pedal guest in D-cr Lodge Saturday last.

H R Whitehall, who Is at pretent in Anaconda, has been in the city since last Saturady

Mr*. Cockrell and fami ly . Mrs. Judge B i l l and Miss Mabel Beaumont camped on Demps»y creek last Tuesday and Wednesday

A number of familler are making pre­parations for camping on B ig Black-foot next week.

Among the parties camped on Rock Creek lake last week were Col an I Mrs. Aylesworth. their guests Mr . and Mrs. C. H. Smith and daughters of Butte, M r and Mrs. Frank Mason and A . D. Hoss.

Dr. Mitchell returned f rom Warm Pprlngs Wednesday last.

Misses Roberta and Norma Robinson returned last F r iday f rom a most de­l ight fu l tour, hav ing wslted a l l (Ototl of interest throughout Cal i fornia , the coaat cities and Alaska .

Miss Jennie H a n i ; If \ isi t ing her f i s ter. Mrs. Spencer of Anaconda, this week

R G Humher returned last Monday f rom the Mammoth mine

Lar t Saturday, a party wall equipped for a day's pleasure wended their way to Rock Crock lake and took in all the • igh t i . Among the party were Mrs. Lonsberry, Mrs. H B Ross. Rev. W. T. Mitchell . Misses Hyde, Harden-brook. Lonsberry, Kel ley. Napton Stackpole. Messrs Don Larabie. John Beed. Jesse Davis, Per. y N i n ' o n . loo Coleman and C. O Beed.

IN G R E A T F A L L S .

Gr»at Fa l l* , Aug. Mrs A Narhan entertained n score ->f ladies at her residence. Fourth avenue north and Ninth c-tre't, Monday afternoon. In honor of her guest Mrs. Joseph Hlrsh-berg of Helena Each lady was re­quired to make a button bole Mrs . Nate Wer th ' im was declared the most proficient in the art of button hole making and received a handsome prize The house was elaborately decorated with flower*, elegant refreshment* wsre served and I thoroughlv enjoy­able afternoon was spent.

Mrs Edgar G Ma- l ay gave a break­fast to a few ladies Thursday.

Perhaps the mosi fashionable and appreciative audience ever in the Great Fa l l s opera house greeted Mark Taredn in his "lecture-reading tour around the world" Thursday evening, and for two hours those present were charmed by his words. He was In iioor voice on account of recent Illness, nevertheless he was distinctly heard and the strict attention phown manifested the pleas­ure of his nearer*. The fol lowing was the programme

A b i u t a deceased Person Tb • Jumping Frog. The Grandfather s Old Ram. Smallpox. Etc . A n i l a r ly Transgression. T. • Sawyer s Crusade My First Duel The Golden A n n The management of the op»M hou*e

by G. N . Har t ley Is more satisfactory than it ever was before, yet one im­provement that would be appreciated by patrons wtuld be a rule requiring these who enter after the designate.! hour for the curtain raising to stand ..r lake seats m-here thry would nj t dis­turb those who attend to enjoy them­selves In other itays than by peacock like, dlsplaym*,- their plumage. There

are a large number who deserve such a rebuke, and if Bli enforcemenl of the rule mentioned should prevent their attending, yet ts>e manager would be reimhureed by the itendance of mans who w i l l not enter lh< house so long a> the nuisance mention- I . ontlnues.

The Ladies' Indus-inal of the F i r s ; Mi ;hodi»t church gave a law n party on the parsonage lawn Th irsda> evening. Table* were »e>t on the lawn, at erhli h Che ladle* served lc n am and cake, and electric Ugh' illuminated the

?ne. The donor < Mandolin and Gui tar club rendered \ . ral selection*, Prof. F . Rhyner gav- , v- net sole In his inimitable manner and the orchea-t r i or the MethodUi Sunday school as­sisted In the programme. About :"0u persona attended, and the entertain­ment waa a success socially and finan­c i a l l y .

The Great F a l l * Dancing club ga \ . i ts second aummer lance at Black Eagle pavilion Fr1da\ • nlng

Mrs. Phi l A Julieu and Miss Myrt le Mettl . r will leave Tuesday for Butt", where they w i l l vlait friends

The Mises* Ion* and L u l u Armstrong. Trig-r. Perkins and perhaps oth- rs w i l l leave In about a week for Livingston, wher* they w i l l Join a party f rom tha; city, and proceed to the Yellowstone National park.

The Sunday sohool of the First Mf th-odlst Episcopal church wi l l hold Its an nual picnic 4n Riverside park next week.

The Independent Order of Forro»ters Is preparing an entertainment for Aug. IX

The Miscss Delia and E l l a B Mown Ing. Rlchardaon and Thoroughman ttavi returned f rom i few » . k- vi-it to the Thoroughman ranch in the Chestnut valley.

Mr. nnd Mrs. J . J . K. Iley. Mr. and Mrs. B . D . Hatch and Master Bliss Kelley, have returned f rom an outln* al Log­ging creek.

P u i s Gibson was an Anaconda visi­tor Hie latter part of ihe week

T E. Butler of Butte, was In Great Fa l l s this week.

Mr. and Mr*. Jerry Daly have re­moved to Cal i forn ia , where they wi l l reside.

Dr. Er ic M u n k left Thursday for a six months' stay In Europe, in attend­ance at medical colleges

Amos Dealleta and fami ly have re­turned from an outing of a month's duration near Highwood

Mrs. D L a y * and Mr* Monteath Of Butte, have been vis i t ing Mrs. John G Barron thla week

Prof. James Dobbin, president of the Shattuck Mi l i t a ry Institute at F a n . bault, Minn. , is the xuest of M r and Mrs. F W. Webster. who»e »on. Henry, wi l l attend Shattuck tnotitiit" next year

Re\ E A Wasson has returned f rom a vacation spent at Fish lake, in Teton county

M r and Mrs George B l l u y have gone to De*dwood. 6 D., for a vis i t

Mlas B. Louisa Mitchel l , principal of the Hardy school at Duluth. Minn. , was In Great Fal ls t h i i week.

Ha r ry B Mitchell of Nelhart. passed through Great F a l l * this- week on route to L i t t l e Prair ie , Wis. , where he »nd Miss Marie Greening WITI be married -Aug 8 They wi l l arr ive at Nelhart In about a month

Mlas Mart in, repreaentinf Stanley H a l l , a Minncapolle g i r ls ' school, was In Great Fa l l s this week

IN B O U L D E R .

Bouder. Aug 3 —D. D Twohv »f Anaconda was In town this week

Mrs Charl ts Short * n d children of Jefferson are visiting with M r . and M r s J . C. Sloss

Mrs ( i . W Blythe returned f rom an extended trip east last Tueaday

Mr*. James S. Baker has returned to her home In MttSOMl

A number of bi«»hall enthusiasts at-tended aha ball came ai Basin last Sunday

Mrs. W i l l TlnJal l and daughter are M heme again f-om I visit t.> frlendl in Townsend

Mrs. M A Ruhtnour and son, Deri, arc guests at [hi Ro land Rlfhtnour homestead.

Mr. and Mrs. August Daniels of Ba­sin were visitors nt M r s . J . Downs on Sunday.

Amos Calvin was In town yesierday. Denis Driscoll and f a m i l y have taken

a cottage at the Springs. Mrs. A. C. Holme* of Butte is ex-

peotcd to arr ive a' the springs to-mor­row with her family.

Mrs M. B Bi -wnlee of Anaconda, with her incthee Mra . A A . ForM*. (hildren and nurse, are again at the springs for their .mnual outing

Mrs. J. P Wi-arton. chlldten and nurse of Butt- i " sojourning at the spring* lor a time

Dr E . D L ' l v t " of Butte i , H s been laid up with rhf umatrarA ait the springs but Is improvlns

Miss May Carpenttr Is vis i t ing with M l * * l ' r» t r» Kvan of the Roulder va l ­ley

Major Brook-- sf ^Yhlte•h.all i s In town Mrs J. W Rodger* of Winston was

over this week transacting a l i t t le law busine** relatlv? to 'the settlement of her late husban l* estate

Capt George F <"owan and son. were camping for a few days on Warm Springs creek lasi week

Kathl ren Oaffnev entertained a few little friends at dinner on Saturday last, among »h-m were: Ml*s Nora Rosecran* of H' lena. Lewr-i iec- and Alice Grady of rtasin. and Pearl Doug­lass.


Springs. Aug I The weather during the past week aas been all tha ' could be desir-d. T h ' h"te| has been Lhrong-edwi th a. gathctinr of enthusiasts from nearby towns and citlea. Mus ic and dancing have added, • * usual, to the comfort and delight of guests, and all Is m»rry. Nothing is more rtoticeeblf yet agree*h!o. thin the scent of n> w • mown hay which the hillsides aephyra drive through the air about this resort A r r i \ a l s tor the w--k were

Mrs. A. A ForWs, James W . Forhis, MaJ J . E . Dawson Mrs . D a w « o n , Mrs. A. C. If-Imrs and f a m i l y . J am. Ed-wards. Mrs. J >- N'-'yes, Miss Noyes. Miss Roach. D. K Bar low, H . M P e ­terson. J a K Howey, W . E . Dalvcy. J W . Cummlngs. Ml** Jone*. Robt Kl l is . C R Gray. E D Leavitt W \ \ Stevens. Miss Eraens, Butte; F . Oppen-h ' lmer . F H . Dot**, L . E N * * r | I W F . K-'nnedv. F Ft. Eddingfleld vy J Fuchs. Mis- K i l l i r d . A . ' A . P e l k n - r. Miss E l i K - n . T M e N s l l y . f) M Laughlm. Maltl < C Rennd*. Geo P fa f f and famll- I D 8hop.\ Miss Rtlneon. Roulde- H»ury Henri* F l k horn, Ote B. J ' H Rapp-il. C L . Drum. «'hle»g I M Lonsmi i PI Benton: R N Ja->bi. Milwaukee M B Brownlee and family . Anacond i C McDonell Carroll c M. Webster. Mrs. Webster. Frank C omba. Mr* . Coombs. Mies Coombs. Miss C u r r y . Oreat Fa l l s ;

Sundav >n T r a i l orcek vis i t ing the I ha* reorganised and gone to Mock famiU of Deniel Max- ' r»»k to enjoy a few weegs' outing. Tha

Taylor Trent returned f rom » trip spot choaen i * a del ightful one. and In lhrongH W mderland the first of th> close proximity to a rancn from which 'v • I the Farty will g»t supplies of butter.

Miss Maggie Rahi l ly . who has been eggs and milk. etc. The member* of with Miss Brady, the milliner, thl* »um- i i|-» party are Theo. and Mr*. P. 8. mer, returned f r -m i trip to the park . l i cks in and children. Dr and Mr*, this week and l*ft for her home i Fr-e Mrs Town«»nd snd little »on Minneapolis on Thursday wh- re « i - Ned Judge Goes and Mis* Marion

<; W. Newberger. New York . J O pp .wn. San Francisco. H F. Emer-

n md wife. Bas in . D Driscoll . Basin . Henry Lake and wife , Klkhorn.

IN b O Z E M A N .

Hoseman. A u g . 2.— It has be>n a very busy week socially in Boxeman with many pleasant gatherings, which th ' very warm summer weather does not se, m t,> lessen In the least. It is rather the other way Seldom does a winter month end with as mu-'n sociability as M l i i l \ h re The we.iihcr was clear and hot. broken by hut one shower, which came Tues lay .vei l ing

There were .i [ew ladifs g.iaiei il the home of Hon. Charles S Hartmar. at the request of Mr*. Har ln ian . on j Thursday evening lo meet M r . H a r i -•Mn 'a moth. ,. Mrs. Mary C. Harttnaa ' of Montkell . . . ind.. who is gpengaag the summer wi th her sons here. It was i •i very ph-asant gathering, a featurt stone Wednesday on husln--s« Mi-nday being th- profusion of tl mors about he made a f lying trip t - Cherry creek the house and the refreshments were on the upper Madison \ i« i t ing th* | especially dainty and nice Scripture quotations on a neat card tied wi th narrow ribbon were given to those present as a suveni- i ..f the occa*lon Those enjoying th- aft. moon with Mrs Hart nana were Mrs Waiter HartasM, Mrs. L . S. Wi l l son . Mrs 0 P. Chlsolm. Mrs. M. J . L idd . l l . Mrs. W W W v l K Mrs. K. M Gardner. Mrs II A Flch ing. Mr*. J . I Anderson, Mrs. W H. Tracy. Mr* J E. Mart ig . Mrs J P Mar i ln . Mr* B. T Stanton. Mrs K. Plnn- v. Mrs. Mary I ' . rkins. Mr.- J . B Curtice. Mrs T V . Moore of Helena an I Mrs. A. M Cos-grove of AMhtMOn, Kas . Mrs Hart-i n . M was e-.-isied in th-1 r iving hv Mrs W. A. Tudor and Miss Nellie law

Mrs. H . A Fielding gave an aflernon t fa Fr iday afternoon to a select few. Mrs. Mary C H a r t m i n . Mr*. Chas. S. lman. Mrs. Chas Rich. Mm. E . Pinney. Mrs. 1, S Willson. Mrs .1 It Van Alien. Mrs James C Mart in , and Mrs T. V. Moore and daughter of Hel ­ena l»-lng present The refreshments were very nice and a pleasant after­noon enjoyed by those present

Mrs John A Luce entertained In honor of Miss Blake, daughter of Judge Blake of Helena who Is the guest of Mrs. Luce. Tuesday evening T h l * waa one of the most delightful events of the past month, the evening being tilled with sweet music, whist and dancing. Exquisite log* and other dainties were served and enjoyed by the guest*, among whom were Miss Blake. Ml*«ea Gertie and Lena Luo*. Llbble Wake-tlcld. May M i x e v . Alice Gage. Nellie and Edith Black. Jessie Ray Mra Roy Mart in and Miss Vlrgie Patten of Butte, and Messrs Leslie Gage. Lon Mart in Kov Mar t in . W S Davidson. John and Dav id Ashury. St John L l d -dell. Charles and Lester Ruffner. 8am Mendenhi l l John Max»y. Vreeland Place. Elmer Ray, Dr Hlggins and Prof. Wright

People are r t i l l escaping f rom the every day duties of hnm» l i fe In th« Oity by forming into parties for trips through the park Prof F W. Trap-hagen of th" Agricul tura l college, h i* fami ly and P t t e r Koch, cashl-r of t h j Boxeman Xat lona l bank, and h i* fami ly left Wednesday Dr W L . Wil l iams, veterinarian at Ihe college. A l - x Hastings and f r k n d s --f the doc­tors from the east bid upon the eame day.

M r and Mrs. E . H . Fuher and ch i l ­dren Mr and Mrs J . E. Sherwood. B F Osborn. Mrs Jacob Mil l s , Mrs. T. M Adams and Miss L i d * M Patterson are with a Helena party which starr­ed with A L y r a n from Boxenian f i r •the park this week

The fami ly of T. Frank Stevetson left F r iday wi th Joseph L a Plant for a two weeks' t r ip parkward

A paity of fourteen left with IVm K e n i of Middle Creek, and Joe Mr Reynold., and Peter Carlson «arh band parties f rom the same place shortly, lor the park trip

I W. Andrews and wife left Tuesday for the same trip

The ' C a l i f o r n i a Ladies orchestra, of the "Ca l i fo rn ia" at Hutte which left Butte Monday for the park, arrived in Bozeman W e d n - » d a y evening. The party numbered 17 and had found It a hard i r ip over the range, driv­ing N late that by the l ime camp was made and supper over there was not much time to sleep and then liav-ng anengagement lo play here on Wedlitn-d*v - veiling tin- party lay over until Friday morning and reste-l up The 0OJK1 rl at Armory hall given by this orchestra was most excellent, drawing a good house and the ladi- s then play­ed for a dance which wa* g i \en under the auspices of the Maverick club Such music as was given by thla orchestra is a treat for Boxem-m peop|» and the daiie- is were high in th»ir praises <-f the music. It could hardly he beat.

Miss Belle I 'urtuo entertained „ few friends with progressive whist Monday evening The prlie. a silver satchel tag was won by Mrs M . J I.iddell. after first having tied for » with M M Black Refreshments were served Those present w- r< Mr and Mrs. M M l i l i c k . Mr . and Mrs W. W. L iv ing ­ston. Mr and M r - II R Camp Dave Camp, Mrs Liddeii st John Liddel l . S D cross and Mcses Nellie and Edi th Black

Miss Alice Martin gave a lawn party a' the home of h-r parents. M r and Mrs J P. Mart in , on Thursday evening, about JO co»nple be ing invited The lawn was decorated wi th Chines.- lanterns and the >oung people enjoyed lawn games and ate Mrs Mart in 's l u n u i - •••s until a lat-hour

The larK-st party leaving Koi»man thus far this season for the park

ios* and Mrs W i l l Matnsey. The trout fi.-hing in the neighborhood ia **e*l-Mat

Mrs. Sargent. v»ho with her children, has been v iaitlng her sister. Mr*. Dono-v m for some time, lef on Tueaday for Mil t C;tv Before returning to her nome ,n Forsyth* *h» w il l vlait Mr . and Mrs M c K a y at their stock ranch near Mile* Ci ty

Last Tu-aday !>r and Mrs Chapplo with their children left v ia the Nort t i -• rn Paclhc for several week*' visit l« relatives In Csnada. Dr. Townsend wi l l t ak» charge of F>r. Chappp < practice dur ng his abser.

Mrs John Nixon and her son. Haro ld Goodwin estate there -- turn. I Wednesday having enjoyed a

Miss Mary Gardner gave her Sundav r. w days' outing school class of little girls a pi '-in" -n Mrs Hoyd of Rozeman aecompanlel Tuesday -taking them oxit 10 "The by her two n- i r r ived in town Tue»-Rock»." Brldger 's Gateway Th» l l t t l - nUv morning and is visit ing her (later, ones en l 'ved the ride, the usual pun If Mr* Paul MoCormiok romping and plclnc dainties which 'ia I Senator T C. p ..v.-- .nd his son been prepared for them. Charles Pow. r were in town dur ing tho

Mis* Ruby Tucker I* with Prof and ! week, the guests o a l P f u M Htoathe. h

wi l l remain Miss Maggll Holt -if G r»a : Fa l l s i«

taking h-i summer rest in Boxeman vis i t ing hei s l f t » r , M r ». Frank Max-w»H

W H Randall , who ha* been doing hi* representing at hi* mines at Cooke Ci ty the past month, returned home Hundiy . his t ' ini l ly being with hun

B • Ulackw- l l . one o f r h ' land com-ml*»lon»rs for thl* district, returned to his home at Live Oakv Flu . th l* week.

.1 D Radford was down ihc Yellow

Van Allen. Mrs. L»rs Mrs Maiden up Middle creek this w' l- week th* guest* .f Pan! MrCormi- k c.eorge N Fuller , who is acting as

postal clerk between Helena and Mi l C i ty at present, w i s 1n Rox-man Sat­urday

T. C Bunnell of Salt Lake city, i member of the Bunnell ft Kg*) Invest­ment company, was In B izeman this week on business • ounccied with hi* compa nv

R R C. B-'inert of St Paul , president of the Bozeman water works company, was In Bozeman the f i rs ' of the t * H

Mas* E m m a Platte, who has - barge of the mill inery department of the Wi l son Co s store, left for th-- Ka*t F r i d a y morning Miss Pla t te wi l l visit her old home and friends at Hastings. Minn . , and purchase new- goods for h- r department

Roy Mar t in has left Lee Warren, th-druggist and taken a position In the grocery house of Schumacher. Lane-ohr at Co

Mis* Mattie Gardner closed h»r school at Central Park Fr iday , with rc|**njn»j appropriate exercises and returned lo | r 0 1 1 n t v , her home here the same evening

M r and Mr* George L Ram»*y en­tertained a few friend* on Monday eve­ning In honor of M l * * Anna Dlgnan of Three Fork*, who la the gu»st of Mr. and Mr*. Ramvey thl* week

Dick Wr igh t w»» In Boieman th l* week, having been at Hunter * Hot Spring* on business, and stopped over here for a couple of daya on hi* way to h i* new home at Oreat F a l l *

Architect Paul»en of Helena, was In Boxeman Wednesday on bunness con­nected with the plan* which he Is drawing up for the Agr icu l tu ra l co|. I«ae building

A hand of Cr*e Indian* numbering • bout a dozen are camped near the old freight depot Th» first Indian* seen at Bo2eman nuc t last f a l l .

T R. Foster and a party of fr iend* from the .asf t*turn-d Sunday from \ very pU isant on ing of several weeks.

Dur ing th« month of August the Episcopal and c .ngregational churches will be ,-losed The pastor* of both church** inten I t ak ing an outing the heated term. Rev. Ph i l i p Low-lev, however, wi l l continue to hold »*r» vice* in rh-- Methodist church.

F A S T P A S S I N G A W A Y .


Bil l ing*. A u g -1 — A very del ightful lawn party wa* given by Mia* Georgie McCormlck on Saturday, the occasion being har 13th birthday. The ground* looked charming under 'h» electric light*. Oamrs were Indulged in for two or three hour* after which dellcioua re­freshment* were f»rved f rom tables on the lawn Mia* Georgie was th» re­cipient of many pretty gif t* Those present werr Marion and Blyt'he John-• ton. AVlnnle Jones. Vera Friaelle. Je»»e Bonsell. Mav Herald. Mildred Durbln. F l o r a Klos . Mamie V i u g h a n , Madge Fen*k» Tonv Mathc*on. Paul McCor­mlck. E d Frasei . Erne»t Robbin*. Walter E i k r Max m d Sidnev Zim­merman. Ro*coc Wilkinson, W a y n -Vaughan

On Fr ldav evening a gay party as­sembled at the -lancing pavilion south Of the w»gon bridge over the Yellow­stone, near the old Blue Creek ferrv The cool breexe from the river together u l t h good music and the beauty of th-1 f surroundings combined to make the iie-ca»|oti a most enjoyable one The de­licious refreshment* were provided by the ladles Of 'he party. Those com-po»tng the parly were Messrs and Mesdames W II Ro»s. C W Forester. F L Bowi-n. \ G raham. Misses Win nle Rlxon. On**** Jones. Mary New­man. V a n Houtan. Ed i th Walk. K l l a Lamport, l-la Lamp-.ft . M a Sehmud-lach. Georgie McConwell , Love r r amp-ton. Mvrt le Maxham. Teenle Fra*er. Lois Faga lv ; Messrs II 1" M c F a r l i n . John Hughes. D Cullen. G. S Lamport . Henrv Hald . Albert Newman. R P. Crampton Peter Rnas. R. F Drsper. l/>uls Hahi-ock. G orge Mains. Ha r ry Woods. J . O Fraser. W . O. Al len . Geo Havl land . John Miller . A. S. Gass. Fr»d Ha thorneand Fre>l Rlxon

, Ml»» Nellie Toole e» lebra t -d h ' r fovirih birthday last Saturday at the residence of her parents hv having a large number of her l i t t l* fri»n ls to spend the afternoon with her The l i t t l- people had a delight­f u l time They played games »o their hearts content They revelled in l h -d*llclous refrethment* and when th time came for them to go were loath

lo take their depaiture Mis* Nellie ra> Central avenue/reiv<J many pretty gif ts on th* occa­

sion Her guests were Ben Th. RIB kins. Bessie Ten Eyck. Olive Ten E y c k Merl McCormlck. Florence D^Wits Harold Wil l iams. Myrtle Ts 'hudy . M o n u n i Tschudy. Helen o D-nnel l Louise G'Donnell. Madge l lungerford. Mamie Jackson. Florence Schmudlach. Etehl Hays . O l i v Ram*ey. Ma-id Lane,

wa* th" Wlll»on. Chlsolm. Foster par- \ Norman Ryan . B-.rni- - Robeson. Ben-i% \ pd i - n i t reunion of the members i nle Harwood. Gertrude Whipple. Gene-o'f this party, about 4". met at M r and I veve Boardman. Wal te r Graham. Nel l Mi> I I p cirisoim's beautiful h o m ' on . Graham Tuesd*! • v .T n b and talked ov. r i i , . ir ( On Mondav tu .rning Paul McCor-- le l igh ' f i i l t t ip thr oigh Wonderland mi-'k. Mr* P B Moss Miss L u n g and

Miss May Mccormick t .ok ;he Bur l ing­ton train to V I M ' 04 Yoke round-up They spent t.h» day in camp and re­

nd Master Channey and turned on 'he tram at night. Senator Pow«r aecomp»ni-:1 Pau l McCormick to the roundup Saturday. Whi le Pau l McCormlck s friends Tonv M a i h e s m and Jack Do Witt took the over lan! route on their bronchoe and apent »ev-eral d»y» In camp returning bv train Wednesday night Master W l l l a r d who Is enjoying his v»ca t lon was with his father

The concert given last F r iday night In the dining room of the Grand hotel wa* a rare musical treat and much en­joyed by tho»e whv were present

During the past week a number of our townsmen have been Ashing in th* St i l lwater and meeting with won­derful euecss Their fr iend* in town .nave in consequence been revelling in trout. Messrs John D. Losecamp. W. A. Yale. W M Crenehaw, H S. W Ult*> t. it and L Knight have been amongst the fishermen.

One of last summer 3 camping parties

Mrs Charles K |r". in.I son Kd Rich . M; 1 II Tayl 1 r and neice. M i l s Jess,.- f; iy . L o i * Taylor, Miss Blanche Mac K ' Sail Leslie Gage visited Bear canyon Thurs day and enjoyed * piclnc MMfl

M c M. Black and fami ly and Wm. Nevltt started for Cooke Ci ty T^ur«-day m i m i n g and will visit the p»rk upom th- Ir return Messrs Black and Nevlt t have a mine rook* and go there at thl* tlm» to do their repre> srnt lng for this y i r

Lester R -hlnson ' n f r a l n e d the E n tre No-., . - rch ' f t ra club at the hom* of his parents on Middle creek en Fr ldav

T h " f ami ly of Dr H W Foete-joine-1 t h - doctor a ' Anaconda the last of th» week and w i l l remain 'here with the doctor unt i l after the race*

E d w a ' d N Johnson. • fisherman too youthful to properly p"il»h hi* M*h storajs. went fishing Wrdn»sd»v H-repor ic l he caught twenty of them only hv • of 'hem bn didn't get: they got away

Dr. and M r s . W . A. Tudor w i l l spend

rrnpoieil capture of the Late Her* of Buffalo Reinsiolng on the Plata*.

Dr. J . B. Taylor, the wealthy atock-man of T -m Green, county, ha* been In San Antonio diaemg the pa»t few daya m i k i n g the final preparations fo r the rounding up of th» herd of wild buffalo which have again found their way into Texas f r o m the mountalna of the Stat- of Chihuahua. Mexico. Since Ms arr ival here D r . Tay lo r received a

from a stockman of Peco* I county stating that the herd had Ju»t

been seen In the lower part of the . ounty. and they are making 'heir way up the valley of the Peco* river. This Is encouraging news to those who are Interested 1n the capturing of the ani­mal* and placing th»m In captivi ty.

This h»rd of buffalo was flr«t discov­ered about five year* ago by George Ful ton, the wealthy owner of aouth-we»t Texas M r . Ful ton 1* a great hunter, and with a party of fr iends wasspendlng a few w»ek» In the moun­tain* of Buchel county huntina; deer, bear and other large game which abound In that section One morning he set off f rom his camp alone, and had traveled over the mountalna for thre* hours, when he came to a email valley. He wa* thunderstruck to »ee feeding In the valley a herd of buffalo. He wa* wrthln a f e w hundred yards of them, and was enabled to count them acurately. There were eighteen old one* and two calve*. Mr. Fulton had kil led many buffalo In the good old day* when the animal* roamed at will In large herds over the prairie* of Texas, and he waa so pleased to And that game wa* not entirely extinct In Tex**. After feaatlng hla eyea upon the herd for »om* time he made hi* way back to camp and told the story to his companions. Hla tale waa re-i c ived with Incredulity, but Mr. Ful ton was determined to prove his state­ment*, and started out with hla party to view the animal*. H» led them aero** the mountains, hut after two days' search no buffalo could be found. The story told by Mr. Ful ton of his dis­covery of the herd of buffalo was soon spread over the state, and he aoon re­ceived a reputation as a monumental l iar In that reapeot.

Mr. Fulton bore this wi th a proud and self-possessed spirit , confident that hla vindication would come sooner or later. Ha made several trip* to the section where he h id seen the buffalo, hut waa unable to get a trace of them. A little over a year ago. however, he had hla first Inning. The report came f rom V a l V*rde county that a Mexican *he*p-herder had seen in a valley of that COttnty a. herd of about M wild buffalo. The animals were quietly feeding when observed, and th»re were four calY**) among th- m.

Dr. Taylor at once proceeded to or­ganise an expedition for the purpose of going after and capturing the herd. He communicated wi th the Smith­sonian insti tution at Washington, and invited P to send a repre»en t» t lve with the expedition. A favorable reply waa reeeive.l

In order to expedite matter* Dr. Tay­lor sent "'it a par ty of Mexican cow­boys in th» latter part of September to find the »xact location of tha her*. This party of scout* or tr»ll*r» m»de

• w i v to th Ittt ' i l ley where the h»rd had last he*n »ecn. They found they were no longer there, but they «^re trailed without diff iculty up tlu» Rio Grande val ley for a dlatance of

I mile* to a point where they had >*ae4 Into Mexico, a short distance

b.dow the town of Presidio del Norte, i he herd had been seen by a number t Mexicans as It traveled up the v a l ­

ley, and one of the calve* had been, shot bv a Mexican named Flore*. Tha trail was fol lowed Into Mexico for ib.nit .'"> miles ,,nd then given up. as it was seen that the herd had taken refuge In 'he mountain* that line the state of Chihuahua The trailer* re« ported the result of their work to Dr. T i v l o r . and the latter had to pottpone the proposed expedition until th* con­sent of the Mexican government could b* obtained fo r the removal of the herd f rom that country. He took th* mat­ter up vvlth the proper authorities of M | • *e\ ral nvnths ago, and had not ye l received a decision when tb« good news came to him the other dap that the herd had again crossed over into Texas.

He wi l l immediately notify all thn members of tha party who were to cap­ture the herd, and he hopes to have> everything In readiness fo r rounding; up the animals and placing them upon bis ranch wi th in a month or two. H * has informed Mr . Fuller, who Is now In New York, of the situation and wilt go to St. Louis in a few day* on bust-M s* connected wi th the expedition.— St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

The happy youth and maiden fair Rode out the summer through.

For charming run* the country o'er. On bicycle built for two.

They married when the autumn ram*. And now fhey try to run

A little houae out Brixton way On an income buUt for one.

—Pearson'* WeeKTa*

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