

Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards inchemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years onNoel M O’Boyle1*, Rajarshi Guha2, Egon L Willighagen3, Samuel E Adams4, Jonathan Alvarsson5,Jean-Claude Bradley6, Igor V Filippov7, Robert M Hanson8, Marcus D Hanwell9, Geoffrey R Hutchison10,Craig A James11, Nina Jeliazkova12, Andrew SID Lang13, Karol M Langner14, David C Lonie15, Daniel M Lowe4,Jérôme Pansanel16, Dmitry Pavlov17, Ola Spjuth5, Christoph Steinbeck18, Adam L Tenderholt19, Kevin J Theisen20

and Peter Murray-Rust4


Background: The Blue Obelisk movement was established in 2005 as a response to the lack of Open Data, OpenStandards and Open Source (ODOSOS) in chemistry. It aims to make it easier to carry out chemistry research bypromoting interoperability between chemistry software, encouraging cooperation between Open Sourcedevelopers, and developing community resources and Open Standards.

Results: This contribution looks back on the work carried out by the Blue Obelisk in the past 5 years and surveysprogress and remaining challenges in the areas of Open Data, Open Standards, and Open Source in chemistry.

Conclusions: We show that the Blue Obelisk has been very successful in bringing together researchers anddevelopers with common interests in ODOSOS, leading to development of many useful resources freely availableto the chemistry community.

BackgroundThe Blue Obelisk movement was established in 2005 atthe 229th National Meeting of the American ChemistrySociety as a response to the lack of Open Data, OpenStandards and Open Source (ODOSOS) in chemistry.While other scientific disciplines such as physics, biol-ogy and astronomy (to name a few) were embracingnew ways of doing science and reaping the benefits ofcommunity efforts, there was little if any innovation inthe field of chemistry and scientific progress was activelyhampered by the lack of access to data and tools. Since2005 it has become evident that a good amount ofdevelopment in open chemical information is driven bythe demands of neighbouring scientific fields. In manyareas in biology, for example, the importance of smallmolecules and their interactions and reactions in biolo-gical systems has been realised. In fact, one of the firstfree and open databases and ontologies of small

molecules was created as a resource about chemicalstructure and nomenclature by biologists [1].The formation of the Blue Obelisk group is somewhat

unusual in that it is not a funded network, nor does itfollow the industry consortium model. Rather it is agrassroots organisation, catalysed by an initial core ofinterested scientists, but with membership open to allwho share one or more of the goals of the group:

• Open Data in Chemistry. One can obtain allscientific data in the public domain when wantedand reuse it for whatever purpose.• Open Standards in Chemistry. One can find visi-ble community mechanisms for protocols and com-municating information. The mechanisms forcreating and maintaining these standards cover awide spectrum of human organisations, includingvarious degrees of consent.• Open Source in Chemistry. One can use otherpeople’s code without further permission, includingchanging it for one’s own use and distributing itagain.

* Correspondence: [email protected] and Biological Chemistry Research Facility, Cavanagh PharmacyBuilding, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Co. Cork, IrelandFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

O’Boyle et al. Journal of Cheminformatics 2011, 3:37

© 2011 O’Boyle et al; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Note that while some may advocate also for OpenAccess to publications, the Blue Obelisk goals (ODO-SOS) focus more on the availability of the underlyingscientific data, standards (to exchange data), and code(to reproduce results). All three of these goals stemfrom the fundamental tenants of the scientific methodfor data sharing and reproducibility.The Blue Obelisk was first described in the CDK

News [2] and later as a formal paper by Guha et al. [3]in 2006. Its home on the web is at This contribution looks back on the work carriedout by the Blue Obelisk over the past 5 years in theareas of Open Data, Open Source, and Open Standardsin chemistry.

ScopeThe Blue Obelisk covers many areas of chemistry andchemical resources used by neighbouring disciplines (e.g.biochemistry, materials science). Many of the effortsrelate to cheminformatics (the scope of this journal) andwe believe that many of the publications in Journal ofCheminformatics could be completely carried out usingBlue Obelisk resources and other Open Source chemicaltools. The importance of this is that for the first time itwould allow reviewers, editors and readers to validateassertions in the journal and also to re-run and re-ana-lyse parts of the calculation.However, Blue Obelisk software and data is also used

outside cheminformatics and certainly in the five mainareas that, for example, Chemical Markup Language(CML) [4] supports:

1. Molecules: This is probably the largest area forBlue Obelisk software and data, and is reflected bymany programs that visualise, transform, convertformats and calculate properties. It is almost certainthat any file format currently in use can be pro-cessed by Blue Obelisk software and that propertiescan be calculated for most (organic compounds).2. Reactions: Blue Obelisk software can describe thesemantics of reactions and provide atom-atommatching and analyse stoichiometric balance inreactions.3. Computational chemistry: Blue Obelisk softwarecan interpret many of the current output files fromcalculations and create input for jobs. The Quixoteproject (see below and elsewhere in this issue) showsthat Open Source approaches based on Blue Obeliskresources and principles are increasing the availabil-ity and re-usability of computational chemistry.4. Spectra: 1-D spectra (NMR, IR, UV etc.) are fullysupported in Blue Obelisk offerings for conversionand display. There is a limited amount of spectralanalysis but the software gives a platform on which

it should be straightforward to develop spectralannotation and manipulation. However, currentlythe Blue Obelisk lacks support for multi-dimensionalNMR and multi-equipment spectra (e.g. GC-MS).5. Crystallography: The Blue Obelisk software sup-ports the bi-directional processing of crystal struc-ture files (CIF) and also solid-state calculations suchas plane-waves with periodic boundary conditions.There is considerable support for the visualisation ofboth periodic and aperiodic condensed objects.

Many of the current operations in installing and run-ning chemical computations and using the data are inte-gration and customisation rather than fundamentalalgorithms. It is very difficult to create universal plat-forms that can be distributed and run by a wide rangeof different users, and in general, the Blue Obelisk delib-erately does not address these. Our approach is to pro-duce components that can be embedded in manyenvironments, from stand-alone applications to webapplications, databases and workflows. We believe that achemical laboratory with reasonable access to commonsoftware engineering techniques should be able to buildcustomised applications using Blue Obelisk componentsand standard infrastructure such as workflows and data-bases. Where the Blue Obelisk itself produces dataresources they are normally done with Open compo-nents so that the community can, if necessary, replicatethem.Much of the impetus behind Blue Obelisk software is

to create an environment for chemical computation(including cheminformatics) where all of the compo-nents, data, specifications, semantics, ontology and soft-ware are Openly visible and discussable. The largestcurrent uses by the general chemical community are inauthoring, visualisation and cheminformatics calcula-tions but we anticipate that this will shortly extend intomainstream computational chemistry and solid-state.Although many of the authors are employed as researchscientists, there are also several people who contributein their spare time and we anticipate an increasing valueand use of the Blue Obelisk in education at all levels.

Open SourceThe development of Open Source software has been oneof the most successful of the Blue Obelisk’s activities.The following sections describe recent work in this area,and Table 1 provides an overview of the projects dis-cussed and where to find them online.

Cheminformatics toolkitsOpen Source toolkits for cheminformatics have nowexisted for nearly ten years. During this period, sometoolkits were developed from scratch in academia,

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Table 1 Blue Obelisk Open Source Software projects discussed in the text

Name Website

CML Tools



Cheminformatics Toolkits

Chemistry Development Kit (CDK)




Open Babel


Web Applications

ChemDoodle Web Components











Structure Databases


Chempound (Chem#)




Text mining

ChemicalTagger [96]


Computational Chemistry





Computational Drug Design

Confab [97]





Other Applications





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whereas others were made Open Source by releasing in-house codebases under liberal licenses. When the BlueObelisk was established five years ago, the primarytoolkits under active development were the ChemistryDevelopment Kit (CDK) [5,6], Open Babel [7], and JOE-Lib [8]. Of these, both the CDK and Open Babel con-tinue to be actively developed.The CDK project has been under regular development

over the last five years. Several features have beenimplemented ranging from core components such as anextensible SMARTS matching system and a new graph(and subgraph) isomorphism method [9], to more appli-cation oriented components such as 3D pharmacophoresearching and matching, and a variety of structural-keyand hashed fingerprints. In addition, there have been anumber of second generation tools developed on top ofthe CDK (see below). As well as the use of the CDK invarious tools, it has been deployed in the form of webservices [10] and has formed the basis of a variety ofweb applications.Since 2006, major new features of Open Babel include

3D structure generation and 2D structure-diagram gen-eration, UFF and MMFF94 forcefields, and significantlyexpanded support for computational chemistry calcula-tions. In addition, a major focus of Open Babel develop-ment has been to provide for accurate conversion andrepresentation in areas of stereochemistry, kekulisation,and canonicalisation. The project has also grown, interms of new contributors, new support from commer-cial companies, and second-generation tools applyingOpen Babel to a variety of end-user applications, frommolecular editors to chemical database systems.Two new Open Source cheminformatics toolkits have

appeared since the original paper. In 2006 Rational Dis-covery, a cheminformatics service company (since closeddown), released RDKit [11] under the BSD License. Thisis a C++ library with Python and (more recently) Javabindings. RDKit is actively developed and includes codedonated by Novartis. Recent developments include theJava bindings, as well as performance improvements forits database cartridge.More recently, GGA Software Services (a contract

programming company) released the Indigo toolkit [12]and associated software in 2009 under the GPL. Indigois a C++ library with high-level wrappers in C, Java,Python, and the .NET environment. Like RDKit andother toolkits, Indigo provides support for tetrahedraland cis-trans stereochemistry, 2D coordinate generation,exact/substructure/SMARTS matching, fingerprint gen-eration, and canonical SMILES computation. It also pro-vides some less common functionality, like matchingtautomers and resonance substructures, enumeration ofsubgraphs, finding maximum common substructure ofN input structures, and enumerating reaction products.

Second-generation toolsAlthough feature-rich and robust cheminformaticstoolkits are useful in and of themselves, they can also beseen as providing a base layer on which additional toolsand applications can be built. This is one of the reasonsthat cheminformatics toolkits are so important to theopen source ‘ecosystem’; their availability lowers the bar-rier for the development of a ‘second generation’ ofchemistry software that no longer needs to concernitself with the low-level details of manipulating chemicalstructures, and can focus on providing additional func-tionality and ease-of-use. Although a wide range ofchemistry software has been built using Blue Obeliskcomponents (see for example, the “Related Software”link on the Open Babel website, [13] listing over 40 pro-jects as of this writing, or “Software using CDK” at theCDK website), in this section we focus on second-gen-eration tools which themselves have been developed bymembers of the Blue Obelisk.Bioclipse [14] (v2.4 released in Aug 2010) and Avoga-

dro [15] (v1.0 in Oct 2009) are two examples of suchsoftware, based on the CDK and Open Babel, respec-tively. Bioclipse (Figure 1) is an award-winning molecu-lar workbench for life sciences that wrapscheminformatics functionality behind user-friendly inter-faces and graphical editors while Avogadro (Figure 2) isa 3D molecular editor and viewer aimed at preparingand analysing computational chemistry calculations.Both projects are designed to be extended or scripted byusers through the provision of a plugin architecture andscripting support (using Bioclipse Scripting Language[16], or Python in the case of Avogadro). An interestingaspect of both Avogadro and Bioclipse is that they sharesome developers with the underlying toolkits and thishas driven the development of new features in the CDKand Open Babel.Both products in turn act as extensible platforms for

other software. Bioclipse, for example is used by soft-ware such as Brunn [17], a laboratory information sys-tem for microplate based high-throughput screening.Brunn provides a graphical interface for handling differ-ent plate layouts and dilution series and can automati-cally generate dose response curves and calculate IC50-values. Avogadro is used by Kalzium [18], a periodictable and chemical editor in KDE, and XtalOpt [19,20],an evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure predic-tion. XtalOpt provides a graphical interface using Avo-gadro and submits calculations using a range of solid-state simulation software to predict stable polymorphs.A final example of second-generation Blue Obelisk

software is the AMBIT2 [21,22] software, which wasdeveloped to facilitate registration of chemicals for theREACH EU directive, and is based on the CDK. It wasdistributed initially as a standalone Java Swing GUI, and

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more recently as downloadable web application archive,offering a web services interface to a searchable chemi-cal structures database. Also integrated are descriptorcalculations, as well as the ability to run and build

predictive models, including modules of the open sourceToxtree [22-24] software for toxicity prediction.

Computational chemistry analysisAnother area where the Blue Obelisk has had a signifi-cant impact in the past five years is in supporting quan-tum chemistry calculations and in interpreting theirresults. Electronic structure calculations have a long tra-dition in the chemistry community and a variety of pro-grams exist, mostly proprietary software but with anincreasing number of open source codes. However,since each program uses different input formats, and thethe output formats vary widely (sometimes even varyingbetween different versions of the same software), prepar-ing calculations and automatically extracting the resultsis problematic.Avogadro has already been mentioned as a GUI for

preparing calculations. It uses Open Babel to read theoutput of several electronic structure packages. Avoga-dro generates input files on the fly in response to userinput on forms, as well as allowing inline editing of thefiles before they are saved to disk. It also features intui-tive syntax highlighting for GAMESS input files,

Figure 1 Screenshot of Bioclipse using Jmol to visualise a molecular surface.

Figure 2 Screenshot of Avogadro showing a depiction of acarbon nanotube.

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allowing expert users to easily spot mistakes before sav-ing an input file to disk.In addition to this, significant development of new

parsing routines took place in an Avogadro plugin toread in basis sets and electronic structure output inorder to calculate molecular orbital and electron densitygrids. This code was written to be parallel, using desk-top shared memory parallelism and high level APIs inorder to significantly speed up analysis. Most of thiscode was recently separated from the plugin, andreleased as a BSD licensed library, OpenQube, which isnow used by the latest version of Avogadro. Jmol (seebelow) can also depict computational chemistry resultsincluding molecular orbitals.In 2006, the Blue Obelisk project cclib [25] was estab-

lished with the goal of parsing the output from compu-tational chemistry programs and presenting it in astandard way so that further analyses could be carriedout independently of the quantum package used. cclib isa Python library, and the current version (version 1.0.1)supports 8 different computational chemistry codes andextracts over 30 different calculated attributes. Tworelated Blue Obelisk projects build upon cclib. Gauss-Sum [26], is a GUI that can monitors the progress ofSCF and geometry convergences, and can plot predictedUV/Vis absorption and infrared spectra from appropri-ate logfiles containing energies and oscillator strengthsfor easy comparison to experimental data. QMForge[27] provides a GUI for various electronic structure ana-lyses such as Frenking’s charge decomposition analysis[28] and Mulliken or C-squared analyses on user-defined molecular fragments. QMForge also provides arudimentary Cartesian coordinate editor allowing mole-cular structures to be saved via Open Babel.The Quixote project epitomises the full use of the

Blue Obelisk software and is described in detail inanother article in this issue. Here we observe that it ispossible to convert legacy chemistry file formats of allsorts into semantic chemistry and extract those partswhich are suitable for input to computational chemistryprograms. This chemistry is then combined with genericconcepts of computational chemistry (e.g. strategy,machine resources, timing, accuracy etc.) into the legacyinputs for a wide range of programs. Quixote itself fol-lows Blue Obelisk principles in that it does not managethe submission and monitoring of jobs but resumesaction when the jobs have been completed, and thenapplies a range of parsing and transformation tools tocreate standardised semantic chemical content. A majorfeature of Quixote is that it requires all concepts to vali-date against dictionaries and the process of parsing filesnecessarily generates communally-agreed dictionaries,which represent an important step forward in the Openspecifications for Blue Obelisk. When widely-deployed,

Quixote will advertise the value of Open communitystandards for semantics to the world.The Quixote project is not dependent on any particu-

lar technology, other than the representation of compu-tational chemistry in CML and the management ofsemantics through CML dictionaries. At present, we useJUMBO-Converters [29] for most of the semantic con-version, Lensfield2 [30] for the workflow and Chem-pound (chem#) [31] to store and disseminate the results.

Web applicationsWhile desktop software has composed the majority ofscientific tools since the computer was introduced, theinternet continues to change how applications and con-tent are distributed and presented. The web presentsnew opportunities for scientists as it is an open and freemedium to distribute scientific knowledge, ideas andeducation. Web applications are software that runswithin the browser, typically implemented in Java orJavaScript. Recently, a new version of the HTML specifi-cation, HTML5, defined a well-developed framework forcreating native web applications in JavaScript and thisopens up new possibilities for visualising chemical data.Jmol, the interactive 3D molecular viewer, is one of

the most widely used chemistry applets, and indeed hasseen widespread use in other fields such as biology andeven mathematics (it is used for 3D depiction of mathe-matical functions in the Sage Mathematics Projects[32]). It is implemented in Java, and has gone frombeing a “Rasmol/Chime” replacement to a fully fledgedmolecular visualisation package, including full supportfor crystallography [33], display of molecular orbitalsfrom standard basis set/coefficient data, the inclusion ofdynamic minimisation using the UFF force field, and afull implementation of Daylight SMILES and SMARTS,with extensions to conformational and biomolecularsubstructure searching (Jmol BioSMARTS).In 2009, iChemLabs released the ChemDoodle Web

Components library [34] under the GPL v3 license (witha liberal HTML exception). This library is completelyimplemented in JavaScript and uses HTML5 to allowthe scientist to present publication quality 2D and 3Dgraphics (see Figure 3) and animations for chemicalstructures, reactions and spectra. Beyond graphics, thistool provides a framework for user interaction to createdynamic applications through web browsers, desktopplatforms and mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPadand Android devices.

The business endOpen Source provides a unique opportunity for com-mercial organisations to work with the cheminformaticscommunity. Traditional business models rely on moneti-sation of source code, causing companies to repeat work

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done by other companies. This model is sometimescombined with a free (gratis) model for people workingat academic institutes, to increase adoption and encou-rage contributions from academics. This solution definesthe return on investment as the IP on the software, buthas the downside of investment losses due to duplica-tion of software and method development, whichbecome visible when proprietary companies merge.Some authors have argued that in the chemistry fieldfew contributors are available to volunteer time toimprove codes and IP considerations may prevent con-tributions from industry [35]. If true, this would hamperadoption of Open Source and Open Data in chemistry,and greatly slow the growth of projects such as those inthe Blue Obelisk.The Blue Obelisk community, however, takes advan-

tage of the fact that much of the investment needed fordevelopment is either paid for by academic institutesand funding schemes, or by volunteers investing timeand effort. In return, contributors get full access to thesource code, and the Open Source licensing ensuresthat they will have access any time in the future. In thisway, the license functions as a social contract betweeneveryone to arrange an immediate return on investment.Effiectively, this approach shares the burden of the highinvestment in having to develop cheminformatics soft-ware from scratch, allowing researchers and commercialpartners alike to focus on their core business, rather

than the development of prerequisites. In the case of theBlue Obelisk, the rich collection of Open Source che-minformatics tools provided greatly reduces investmentup front for new companies in the cheminformaticsmarket. Such advantages have also been noted in thedrug discovery field [36-38].The use of Open Standards allows everyone to select

those Blue Obelisk components they find most useful,as they can easily replace one component with anotherproviding the same functionality, taking advantage thatthey use the same standards for, for example, dataexchange. This way, licensing issues are becoming amarginal problem, allowing companies to select a licenseappropriate for their business model. This too, allows acompany to create a successful product with signifi-cantly reduced cost and effort.At the time of writing there are many commercial

companies developing chemistry solutions around OpenSource cheminformatics components provided by theBlue Obelisk community. Examples of such companiesinclude iChemLabs, IdeaConsult, Wingu, Silicos, Genet-taSoft, eMolecules, hBar, Metamolecular, and InkspotScience. Some of these merely use components, but sev-eral actively contribute back to the Blue Obelisk projectthey use, or donate new Open Source cheminformaticsprojects to the community.For example, iChemLabs released the ChemDoodle

Web Components library under the GPL v3 license,

Figure 3 Screenshot of the MolGrabber 3D demo from ChemDoodle Web Components.

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based on the upcoming HTML5 Open Standard. Itallows making web and mobile interfaces for chemicalcontent. The project is already being adopted by others,including iBabel [39], ChemSpotlight [40] and the RSCChemSpider [41,42].Silicos has released several Open Source utilities [43]

based on Open Babel, such as Pharao, a tool for pharma-cophore searching, Sieve for filtering molecular structureby molecular property, Stripper for removing core scaf-fold structures from a molecule set, and Piramid formolecular alignment using shape determined by theGaussian volumes as a descriptor. Additionally, contribu-tions have been made to the Open Babel project itself.Other companies use Blue Obelisk components and

contribute patches, smaller and larger. For example,IXELIS donated the isomorphism code in the CDK,eMolecules donated canonicalisation code to OpenBabel, Metamolecular improved the extensibility andunit testing suite of OPSIN, and AstraZeneca contribu-ted code to the CDK for signatures. This is just a veryminor selection, and the reader is encouraged to contactthe individual Blue Obelisk projects for a detailed list.In May 2011, a Wellcome Trust Workshop on Mole-

cular Informatics Open Source Software (MIOSS)explored the role of Open Source in industrial labora-tories and companies as well as academia (several of thepresenters are among the authors of this paper). Themeeting identified that Open Source software was extre-mely valuable to industry not just because it is availablefor free, but because it allows the validation of sourcecode, data and computational procedures. Some of thediscussion was on business models or other ways tomaintain development of Open Source software onwhich a business relied. Companies are concerned abouttraining and support and, in some cases, product liabi-lity. There are difficulties for software for which there isno formal transaction other than downloading andagreeing to license terms. One anecdote concerned acompany that wished to donate money to an OpenSource project but could not find a mechanism to do so.Industry participants also pointed out that there is a

considerable amount of contribution-in-kind fromindustry, both from enhancements to software and alsothe development of completely new software and toolk-its. Companies are now finding it easier to createmechanisms for releasing Open Source software withoutviolating confidentiality or incurring liability. A phrasefrom the meeting summed it up: “The ice is beginningto melt”, signifying that we can expect a rapid increasein industry’s interest in Open Source.

Converting chemical names and images to structuresThe majority of chemical information is not stored inmachine-readable formats, but rather as chemical names

or depictions. The OSRA and OPSIN projects focus onextracting chemical information from these sources.Such software plays a particularly important role fordata mining the chemical literature, including patentsand theses.Optical Structure Recognition Application (OSRA)

[44] was started in early 2007 with the goal to createthe first free and open source tool for extraction andconversion of molecular images into SMILES and SDfiles. From the very beginning the underlying philosophywas to integrate existing open source libraries and toavoid “reinventing the wheel” wherever possible. OSRArelies on a variety of open source components: OpenBabel for chemical format conversion and molecularproperty calculations, GraphicsMagick for image manip-ulation, Potrace for vectorisation, GOCR and OCRADfor optical character recognition. The growing impor-tance of image recognition technology can be seen inthe fact that only a few years ago there was only onewidely available software package for chemical structurerecognition - CLiDE (commercially developed at Key-module, Ltd), but today there are as many as sevenavailable programs.OPSIN (Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomen-

clature) [45] focuses instead on interpreting chemicalnames. The chemical name is the oldest form of com-munication used to describe chemicals, predating eventhe knowledge of the atomic structure of compounds.Chemical names are abundant in the scientific literatureand encode valuable structural information. Throughsuccessive books of recommendations [46,47], IUPAChas tried to codify and to an extent standardise namingpractices. OPSIN aims to make this abundance of che-mical names machine readable by translating them toSMILES, CML or InChI. The program is based aroundthe use of a regular grammar to guide tokenisation andparsing of chemical names, followed by step-wise appli-cation of nomenclature rules. It is able to offer fast andprecise conversions for the majority of names usingIUPAC organic nomenclature, and is available as a webservice, Java library and standalone application for maxi-mum interoperability.

Chemical database softwareRegistration, indexing and searching of chemical struc-tures in relational databases is one of the core areas ofcheminformatics. A number of structure registrationsystems have been published in the last five years,exploiting the fact that Open Source cheminformaticstoolkits such as Open Babel and the CDK are available.OrChem [48], for example, is an open source extensionfor the Oracle 11G database that adds registration andindexing of chemical structures to support fast substruc-ture and similarity searching. The cheminformatics

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functionality is provided by the CDK. OrChem providessimilarity searching with response times in the order ofseconds for databases with millions of compounds,depending on a given similarity cut-off. For substructuresearching, it can make use of multiple processor coreson today’s powerful database servers to provide fastresponse times in equally large data sets.Besides the traditional and proven relational database

approach with added chemical features (’cartridges’),there is growing interest in tools and approaches basedon the web philosophy and practice. Several groups[49,50] are experimenting with the Resource DescriptionFramework (RDF) language on the assumption that gen-eric high-performance solutions will appear. RDF allowseverything to be described by URIs (data, molecules,dictionaries, relations). The Chempound system [31], asdeployed in Quixote and elsewhere, is an RDF-basedapproach to chemical structures and compounds andtheir properties. For small to medium-sized collections(such as an individual’s calculations or literature retrie-val), there are many RDF tools (e.g. SIMILE, ApacheJena) which can operate in machine memory and pro-vide the flexibility that RDF offers. For larger systems, itis unclear whether complete RDF solutions (e.g. Vir-tuoso) will be satisfactory or whether a hybrid systembased on name-value pairs (e.g. CouchDB, MongoDB)will be sufficient.

Collaboration and interoperabilityOne of the successes of the Blue Obelisk has been tobring developers together from different Open Sourcechemistry projects so that they look for opportunitiesto collaborate rather than compete, and to leverage

work done by other projects to avoid duplication ofeffort. As an example of this, when in March 2008 theJmol development team were looking to add supportfor energy minimisation, rather than implement a for-cefield from scratch they ported the UFF forcefield[51] implementation from Open Babel to Jmol. Thiscode enables Jmol to support 2D to 3D conversion ofstructures (through energy minimisation). In a similarmanner, efficient Jmol code for atom-atom rebondinghas been ported to the CDK. Figure 4 shows the colla-borative nature of software developed in the Blue Obe-lisk, as one project builds on functionality provided byanother project.Another collaborative initiative between Blue Obelisk

projects was the establishment in May 2008 of the Che-miSQL project. This brought together the developers ofseveral open source chemistry database cartridges(PgChem [52], Mychem [53], OrChem [48] and morerecently Bingo [54]) with a view to making their data-base APIs more similar and collaborating on benchmarkdatasets for assessing performance. For two of theseprojects, PgChem and Mychem, which are both basedon Open Babel, there is the additional possibility ofworking together on a shared codebase.In the area of cheminformatics toolkits, two of the

existing toolkits Open Babel and RDKit are planning towork together on a common underlying frameworkcalled MolCore [55]. This project is still in the planningstage, but if it is a success it will mean that the the twolibraries will be interoperable (while retaining theirexisting focus) but also that the cost of maintaining thecode will be shared among more developers, freeingtime for the development of new features.

Figure 4 Dependency diagram of some Blue Obelisk projects. Each block represents a project. Square blocks show Open Data, ovals areOpen Source, and diamonds are Open Standards.

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One of the goals of the Blue Obelisk is to promoteinteroperability in chemical informatics. When barriersexist to moving chemical data between different soft-ware, the community becomes fragmented and there isthe danger of vendor lock-in (where users are con-strained to using a particular software, a situation whichputs them at a disadvantage). This applies as much toOpen Source software as to proprietary software. Cinf-ony is a project (first release in May 2008) whose goal isto tackle this problem in the area of cheminformaticstoolkits [56]. It is a Python library that enables OpenBabel, the CDK, and RDKit (and shortly, Indigo andOPSIN) to be used using the same API; this makes iteasy, for example, to read a molecule using Open Babel,calculate descriptors using the CDK and create a depic-tion using RDKit.Another way through which interoperability of Blue

Obelisk projects has been promoted and developed isthrough integration into workflow software such asTaverna [57] and KNIME [58] (both open source). Suchsoftware makes it easy to automate recurring tasks, andto combine analyses or data from a variety of differentsoftware and web services. A combination of the Chem-istry Development Kit and Taverna, for instance, wasreported in 2010 [59]. In the case of KNIME, it comeswith built-in basic collection of CDK-based and OpenBabel-based nodes, while other nodes for the RDKit andIndigo are available from KNIME ’s “CommunityUpdates” site.

Open StandardsChemical Markup Language, CMLChemical Markup Language (CML) is discussed in sev-eral articles in this issue, and a brief summary here re-iterates that it is designed primarily to create a validata-ble semantic representation for chemical objects. Thefive main areas (molecules, reactions, computationalchemistry, spectra and solid-state (see above)) have nowall been extensively deployed and tested. CML cantherefore be used as a reference for input and outputfor Blue Obelisk software and a means of representingdata in Blue Obelisk resources.CML, being an XML application, can inter-operate

with other markup languages and in particular XHTML,SVG, MathML, docx and more specialised applicationssuch as UnitsML and GML (geosciences). We believethat it would be possible using these languages toencode large parts of, say, first year chemistry textbooks in XML. Similarly, it is possible to create com-pound documents with word processing or spreadsheetsoftware that have inter-operating text, graphics andchemistry (as in Chem4Word). Being a markup lan-guage, CML is designed for re-purposing, including sty-ling, and therefore a mixture of these languages can be

used for chemical catalogues, general publications, log-books and many other types of document in the scienti-fic process.CML describes much of its semantics through conven-

tions and dictionaries, and the emerging ecosystem(especially in computational chemistry) is available as asemantic resource for many of the applications and spe-cifications in this article.

InChIThe IUPAC InChI identifier is a non-proprietary andunique identifier for chemical substances designed toenable linking of diverse data compilations. Prior to thedevelopment of the InChI identifier chemical informa-tion systems and databases used a wide variety of (gen-erally proprietary) identifiers, greatly limiting theirinteroperability. Although its development predates theBlue Obelisk, software such as Open Babel has includedInChI support since 2005, and support for InChI inIndigo is due in 2011.Since the official InChI implementation is in C, it is

difficult to access from the other widely used languagefor cheminformatics toolkits, Java. Early attempts togenerate InChI identifiers from within Java involvedprogramatically launching the InChI executable and cap-turing the output, an approach that was found to befairly unreliable and broke the ‘write once, run any-where’ philosophy of Java. The Blue Obelisk project JNI-InChI [60] was established in 2006 to solve this problemby using the Java Native Interface framework to providetransparent access to the InChI library from within Javaand other Java Virtual Machine (JVM) based languages,supporting the wider adoption of this standard identifierby the chemistry community.The Java Native Interface framework provides a

mechanism for code running inside the JVM, to placecalls to libraries written in languages such as C, C++and Fortran, and compiled into native, machine specific,code. JNI-InChI provides a thin C wrapper, with corre-sponding Java code, around the IUPAC InChI library,exposing the InChI library’s functionality to the JVM.To overcome the need to have the correct InChI librarypre-installed on a system, JNI-InChI comes with a vari-ety of precompiled native binaries and automaticallyextracts and deploys the correct one for the detectedoperating system and architecture. The JNI-InChIlibrary comes with native binaries supporting a range ofoperating systems and architectures; the current versionhas binaries for 32- and 64-bit Windows, Linux andSolaris, 64-bit FreeBSD and 64-bit Intel-based Mac OSX - a number of which are not supported by the originalIUPAC distribution of InChI. The JNI-InChI project hasmatured to support the full range of functionality of theInChI C library: structure-to-InChI, InChI-to-structure,

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AuxInfo-to-structure, InChIKey generation, and InChIand InChIKey validation. JNI-InChI provides the InChIfunctionality for a number of Open Source projects,including the Chemistry Development Kit, Bioclipse andCMLXOM/JUMBO, and is also used by commercialapplications and internally in a number of companies.Through its widespread use and Open Source develop-ment model, a number of issues in earlier versions ofthe software have been identified and resolved, and JNI-InChI now offers a robust tool for working with InChIsin the JVM.

OpenSMILESOne of the most widely used ways to store chemicalstructures is the SMILES format (or SMILES string).This is a linear notation developed by Daylight Informa-tion Systems that describes the connection table of amolecule and may optionally encode chirality. Its popu-larity stems from the fact that it is a compact represen-tation of the chemical structure that is human readableand writable, and is convenient to manipulate (e.g. toinclude in spreadsheets, or copy from a web page).Despite its widespread use, a formal definition of the

language did not exist beyond Daylight’s SMILES The-ory Manual and tutorials. This caused some confusionin the implementation and interpretation of cornercases, for example the handling of cis/trans bond sym-bols at ring closures. In 2007, Craig James (eMolecules)initiated work on the OpenSMILES specification [61], acomplete specification of the SMILES language as anOpen Standard developed through a community pro-cess. The specification is largely complete and containsguidelines on reading SMILES, a formal grammar,recommendations on standard forms when writingSMILES, as well as proposed extensions.

QSAR-MLThe field of QSAR has long been hampered by the lack ofopen standards, which makes it difficult to share andreproduce descriptor calculations and analyses. QSAR-MLwas recently proposed as an open standard for exchangingQSAR datasets [62]. A dataset in QSAR-ML includes thechemical structures (preferably described in CML) withInChI to protect integrity, chemical descriptors linked tothe Blue Obelisk Descriptor Ontology [63], responsevalues, units, and versioned descriptor implementations toallow descriptors from different software to be integratedinto the same calculation. Hence, a dataset described inQSAR-ML is completely reproducible. To allow for easysetup of QSAR-ML compliant datasets, a plugin for Bio-clipse was created with a graphical interface for setting upQSAR datasets and performing calculations. Descriptorimplementations are available from the CDK and JOELib,as well as via remote web services such as XMPP [64].

Remaining challengesA core requirement for chemical structure databasesand chemical registration systems in general is thenotion of structure standardisation. That is, for a giveninput structure, multiple representations should be con-verted to one canonical form. Structure canonicalisationroutines partially address this aspect, converting multi-ple alternative topologies to a single canonical form.However, the problem of standardisation is broaderthan just topological canonicalisation. Features thatmust be considered include

• topological canonicalisation• handling of charges• tautomer enumeration and canonicalisation• normalisation of functional groups

Currently, most of the individual components of a‘standardisation pipeline’ can be implemented usingBlue Obelisk tools. The larger problem is that there isno agreed upon list of steps for a standardisation pro-cess. While some specifications have been published (e.g., PubChem) and some standardisation services andtools are available (for example, PubChem provides anonline service to standardise molecules [65]) each grouphas their own set of rules. A common reference specifi-cation for standardisation would be of immense value ininteroperability between structure repositories as well asbetween toolkits (though the latter is still confoundedby differences in lower level cheminformatic featuressuch as aromaticity models).We have already discussed the development of an

Open SMILES standard. While much progress has beenmade towards a complete specification, more remains tobe done before this can be considered finished. Afterthat point, the next logical step would be to start workon a standard for the SMARTS language, the extensionto SMILES that specifies patterns that match chemicalsubstructures.

Open DataA considerable stumbling block in advocating therelease of scientific data as Open Data has been howexactly to define “Open.” A major step forward was thelaunch in 2010 of the Panton Principles for Open Datain Science [66]. This formalises the idea that Open Datamaximises the possibility of reuse and repurposing, thefundamental basis of how science works. These princi-ples recommend that published data be licensed expli-citly, and preferably under CC0 (Creative Commons ‘NoRights Reserved’, also known as CCZero) [67]. Thislicense allows others to use the data for any purposewhatsoever without any barriers. Other licenses compa-tible with the Panton Principles include the Open Data

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Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence(PDDL), the Open Data Commons Attribution License,and the Open Data Commons Open Database License(ODbL) [68].Despite this positive news, little chemical data compa-

tible with these principles has become available fromthe traditional chemistry fields of organic, inorganic, andsolid state chemistry. Table 2 lists a few notable excep-tions, some of which are discussed further below. Thereis also data available using licenses not compatible withthe Panton Principles, but where the user is allowed tomodify and redistribute the data. A new data set in thiscategory is the data from the ChEMBL database [69],which is available under the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution license. The RSC ChemSpider data-base [41], although not fully Open, also hosts OpenData; for example, spectral data when deposited can bemarked as Open.Importantly, publishing data as CC0 is becoming

easier now that websites are becoming available to sim-plify publishing data. Two projects that can be men-tioned in this context are FigShare [70], where the databehind unpublished figures can be hosted, and Dryad[71] where data behind publications can be hosted.Initiatives like this make it possible to host smallamounts of data, and those combined are expected tobecome soon a substantial knowledge base.

Reaction AttemptsAlthough there are existing databases that allow forsearching reactions, those using Open Data are harderto find. The Reaction Attempts database [72], to whichanyone can submit reaction attempts data, consistsmainly of reaction information abstracted from OpenNotebooks in organic chemistry, such as the Useful-Chem project from the Bradley group [73] and the note-books from the Todd group [74]. Key information fromeach experiment is abstracted manually, with the onlyrequired information consisting of the ChemSpider IDsof the reactants and the product targeted in the experi-ment; and a link to the laboratory notebook page. Infor-mation in the database can be searched and accessedusing the web-based Reaction Attempts Explorer [75].Since the database reflects all data from the note-

books, it includes experiments in progress, ambiguous

results and failed runs. Unlike most reaction databasesthat only identify experiments successfully reported inthe literature, the Reaction Attempts Explorer allowsresearchers to easily find patterns in reactions that havealready been performed, and since the data are openand results are reported across all research groups,intersections are easily discovered and possible OpenCollaboration opportunities are easily found [76,77].

Non-Aqueous SolubilityAlthough the aqueous solubility of many commonorganic compounds is generally available, quantitativereports of non-aqueous solubility are more difficult tofind. Such information can be valuable for selecting sol-vents for reactions, re-crystallization and related pro-cesses. In 2008, the Open Notebook Science SolubilityChallenge was launched for the purpose of measuringnon-aqueous solubility of organic compounds, reportingall the details of the experiments in an Open Notebookand recording the results as Open Data in a centralizeddatabase [78,79]. This crowdsourcing project was alsosupported by Submeta, Sigma-Aldrich, Nature Publish-ing Group and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Thedatabase currently holds 1932 total measurements and1428 averaged solute/solvent measurements all of whichare available under a CC0 license. Several web servicesand feeds are available to filter and re-use the dataset[80]. In particular, models have been developed for theprediction of non-aqueous solubility in 72 different sol-vents [81] using the method of Abraham et al [82] withdescriptors calculated by the Chemistry DevelopmentKit. These models are available online and will berefined as more solubility data is collected.

The Blue Obelisk Data Repository (BODR)The Blue Obelisk has created a repository of key chemi-cal data in a machine-readable format [83]. The BODRfocuses on data that is commonly required for chemistrysoftware, and where there is a need to ensure thatvalues are standard between codes. Examples are atomicmasses and conversions between physical constants.These data can be used by others for any purpose (forexample, for entry into Wikipedia or use in in-housesoftware), and should lead to an enhancement in thequality of community reference data. The Blue Obelisk

Table 2 Open Data in chemistry.

Name License/Waiver Description

Chempedia [98] CC0 Crowd-sourced chemical names (project discontinued but data still available)

CrystalEye PPDL Crystal structures from primary literature

ONS Solubility CC0 Solubility data for various solvents

Reaction Attempts CC0 Data on successful and unsuccessful reactions

Overview of major open chemical data available under a license or waiver compatible with the Panton Principles.

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provides also a complementary project, the ChemicalStructure Repository [83]. It aims to provide 3D coordi-nates, InChIs and several physico-chemical descriptorsfor a set of 570 organic compounds.

NMRShiftDBNMRShiftDB [84,85] represents one of the earliestresources for Open community-contributed data (firstreleased in 2003). Research groups that measure NMRspectra or extract it from the literature can contributethat information to NMRShiftDB which provides anOpen resource where entries can be searched by chemi-cal structure or properties (especially peaks). Althoughit is difficult to encourage large amounts of altruisticcontribution (as happens with Wikipedia), an alternativepossible source of data could come from linking datacapture with data publication. For example, the BlueObelisk has enough software that it is possible to createa seamless chain for converting NMR structures in-house into NMRShiftDB entries. If and when the chem-istry community encourages or requires semantic publi-cation of spectra rather than PDFs, it would be possibleto populate NMRShiftDB rapidly along the the lines of

CrystalEye (see below). A similar approach has beendemonstrated earlier using the Blue Obelisk componentsOscar and Bioclipse using text mining approaches [86].

CrystalEyeCrystalEye [87] is an example of cost-effiective extraction ofdata from the literature where this is published bothOpenly and semantically. Software extracts Openly-pub-lished crystal structures from a variety of scholarly journals,processes them and then makes them available through aweb interface. It currently contains about 250,000 struc-tures. CrystalEye serves as a model for a high-value, high-quality Open data resource, including the licensing of eachcomponent as Panton-compatible Open data.

Other areas of activityWhile each Blue Obelisk project has its own website andpoint of contact (typically a mailing list), because of thebreadth of Blue Obelisk projects it can be difficult for anewcomer to understand which of them, if any, can bestaddress a particular problem. To address this issue,members of the Blue Obelisk established a Question &Answer website [88] (see Figure 5). This is a website in

Figure 5 Screenshot of the Blue Obelisk eXchange Question and Answer website.

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the style of Stack Overflow [89] that encourages highquality answers (and questions) through the use of avoting system. In the year since it was established, over200 users have registered, many of whom had no pre-vious involvement with the Blue Obelisk, showing thatthe Q&A website complements earlier existing channelsof communication.The rise of self-publishing and print-on-demand ser-

vices has meant that publishing a book is now asstraightforward as uploading to an appropriate website.Unlike the traditional publishing route where bookswith projected low sales volume would be expensive,websites such as Lulu [90] allow the sale of low-pricedbooks on chemistry software, and books are now avail-able for purchase on Jmol [91], the Chemistry Develop-ment Kit [92] and Open Babel [93].

ConclusionsWe have shown that the Blue Obelisk has been verysuccessful in bringing together researchers and develo-pers with common interests in ODOSOS, leading todevelopment of many useful resources freely available tothe chemistry community. However, how best to engagewith the wider chemistry community outside of the BlueObelisk remains an open question. If the Blue Obelisk istruly to make an impact, then an attempt must be madeto reach beyond the subscribers to the Blue Obeliskmailing list and blogs of members.We hope to see this involvement between the Blue

Obelisk and the wider community grow in the future.To this end, we encourage the reader to visit the BlueObelisk website [94], send a message to our mailing list,investigate related projects or read our blogs.

AcknowledgementsNMOB is supported by a Health Research Board Career DevelopmentFellowship (PD/2009/13). The OSRA project has been funded in whole or inpart with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes ofHealth, under contract HHSN261200800001E. The content of this publicationdoes not necessarily reflect the views of the policies of the Department ofHealth and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercialproducts, or organisations imply endorsement by the US Government.

Author details1Analytical and Biological Chemistry Research Facility, Cavanagh PharmacyBuilding, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland. 2NIHCenter for Translational Therapeutics, 9800 Medical Center Drive, Rockville,MD 20878, USA. 3Division of Molecular Toxicology, Institute of EnvironmentalMedicine, Nobels väg 13, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.4Unilever Centre for Molecular Sciences Informatics, Department ofChemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, CB2 1EW, UK.5Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, Box 591, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. 6Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, 32nd andChestnut streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 7Chemical Biology Laboratory,Basic Research Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD21702, USA. 8St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, MN 55057, USA.9Kitware, Inc., 28 Corporate Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065, USA. 10Departmentof Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, 219 Parkman Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA15260, USA. 11eMolecules Inc., 380 Stevens Ave., Solana Beach, California

92075, USA. 12Ideaconsult Ltd., 4.A.Kanchev str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria.13Department of Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics,Oral Roberts University, 7777 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74171, USA. 14LeidenInstitute of Chemistry, Leiden University, Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden,The Netherlands. 15Department of Chemistry, State University of New York atBuffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-3000, USA. 16Université de Strasbourg, IPHC, CNRS,UMR7178, 23 rue du Loess 67037, Strasbourg, France. 17GGA SoftwareServices LLC, 41 Nab. Chernoi rechki 194342, Saint Petersburg, Russia.18Cheminformatics and Metabolism Team, European Bioinformatics Institute(EBI), Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.19Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195,USA. 20iChemLabs, 200 Centennial Ave., Suite 200, Piscataway, NJ 08854,USA.

Authors’ contributionsThe overall layout of the manuscript grew from discussions between NMOB,RG and ELW. The authorship of the paper is drawn from those peopleconnected with fully Open Data/Standards/Source (OSI-compliant or OKF-compliant) projects associated with the Blue Obelisk. There are a largenumber of people contributing to these projects and because those projectsare published in their own right it is not appropriate to include all theirdevelopers by default. We invited a number of ‘project gurus’ who havebeen active in promoting the Blue Obelisk, to be authors on this paper andmost have accepted and contributed.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 1 July 2011 Accepted: 14 October 2011Published: 14 October 2011

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doi:10.1186/1758-2946-3-37Cite this article as: O’Boyle et al.: Open Data, Open Source and OpenStandards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on. Journal ofCheminformatics 2011 3:37.

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