

STALINGRAD, RUSSIA, 11 NOVEMBER 1942: For Paulus, the battle for control of Stalingrad had become the bat-

tle of attrition he feared. Shortages of ammunition and heavy weaponry were serious but the crucial deficit lay in com-

bat troops. None of the German divisions were at normal strength and the only reinforcements were convalescents

returning to front-line duty. Paulus repeatedly appealed for major reinforcements as the offensive power of his army

drained away. He felt strongly that time was running out for his Sixth Army to secure the remaining tenth of the city

still held by the tenacious Soviet 62nd Army.

As his forces regrouped in early November, Paulus worried. Intelligence reports of increasing Russian activity along

his northern flank augured an enemy offensive. Paulus turned to his commanders for a final desperate attempt to

clear the city rubble – Operation Hubertus. New units, some four battalions of pioneers then preparing to fly in to Sta-

lingrad, would lead the assault. A dozen experimental assault guns mounting 150mm guns would join other armoured

vehicles in the street fighting to reduce certain strongpoints. General Paulus emphasised these extraordinary prepa-

rations in an order to his troops on the eve of the attack.

When the officers of the pioneers arrived in Stalingrad on 9th November, they were met by Major Josef Linden who

was to command their phase of the operation. Among the targets shown to them was the Barrikady Gun Factory.

Linden appraised it with glum foreboding: “Loosely hanging corrugated steel panels that creaked eerily in the wind; a

perfect mess of iron parts, gun barrels, T-beams, huge craters.” Cellars were turned into strong points, trench lines

were often just ditches scraped in the rubble, every unturned stone threatened a booby trap. In the Barrikady sector

the combat engineers were ordered to aim their first assaults at two Russian strongpoints – one called the ‘Chemist’s

Shop’ and another called the ‘Red House’.

The Soviet defenders were well aware that an offensive was in the offing. Compressed into a zone only six miles long

and one mile deep with the freezing river at their backs, the weary defenders entrenched themselves in cellar bun-

kers protected by heavy-machineguns and anti-tank guns. Penal companies were organized into tank-killer close

assault groups. Heavy artillery shells were in short supply but Chuikov was able to distribute sparse ammunition and

food supplies to the men still in the factories. In the predawn darkness he sent a despairing message: “Deliveries of

supplies have fallen through for three days running. Reinforcements have not been ferried across and our units are

beginning to feel the acute shortage of ammunition and rations.” The weeks of fighting had begun to take a toll on

even the stolid Russian morale and commissars of the 62nd Army were ordered into the front lines to maintain disci-


At 03h00 on 11 November Hubertus opened with a short and violent barrage. Tenbattalions of German infantry sup-

ported by tanks and pioneers moved out towards the Barrikady factory the Red October factory and nearby buildings.

Paulus had launched his latest, and last, bid to capture the city.


GERMAN: Although your battalion is understrength it has been reinforced with fresh detachments of Combat Engi-

neers and has assault gun support. It won’t be easy, but this could be the final chance to break through to the Volga

bank and wipe out the Ivans before we have to go on the defensive during winter.

SOVIET: To say that the fighting for the Krasny Oktabr and Barrikady factories and the surrounding suburbs has

been savage is a gross understatement. Whole divisions have been reduced to battalion size or smaller, but still we

cling on. Your unit (138th Rifle Division) has absorbed several shattered formations from the 37th Guards Rifle Divi-

sion and has the remnants of the 1053rd Rifle Regiment in reserve. There is no land beyond the Volga for the 62nd



1. This scenario is best-suited as a big multi-player game. I would suggest that both teams agree to limit

of number of turns and call an end to the game after that.

2. The Soviets deploy first east of the front line (marked in orange on the map). The 1053rd Regt can only

deploy in the marked area, while the remainder of the 138th Rifle Division can deploy anywhere. Then

the Germans deploy, up to six inches, or across a major road, from Soviet positions.

3. German reserves arrive on the West table edge behind the original German front line. Soviet reserves

arrive on the marked area on the South edge.

4. Infantry teams (not pioneer or gun teams) have the option of using improvised AT weapons (Molotov

Cocktails or Sticky Bombs) with the below rule:

All infantry teams have Tank Assault 2, or may choose to use Molotov cocktails counting as improvised

anti-tank weapons with Tank Assault 3. If using Molotovs self destruct on a 1 on the “to Hit” roll. The

choice to use improvised weapons is made before the assault begins.

5. The Germans have the first turn.


The battle ends when:

1. The turn limit as agreed upon is reached. Due to the ferocity of the fighting in Stalingrad neither side can fail

a company morale check.


Tot up the number of objectives that the German player holds at the end of the game:

1 – 2 Soviet Victory

3 – 4 Draw

5 + German Victory



1. The table size is 5 x 9 foot.

2. Objective Areas:

1. Fuel Tanks

2. School Number Two

3. Lazur Chemical Plant

4. ‘Red House’

5. ‘Comissar’s House’

6. Barrikady Factory still held by Soviets

7. Hotel

8. 62nd Army HQ Bunker on edge of Landing Stage Gully

3. The whole table is covered in rubble as per the above picture, and will count as slow going. In addition bog

and skill checks for vehicles may be required if they venture into buildings, craters or piles of rubble.

4. The major tarred roads are marked, but these could be covered by piles of rubble or cratered.

5. Buildings coloured black should be big multi-room ones. Those marked with an ‘F’ are the factory halls of the

Barrikady factory complex. The remainder of the built up area, which is semi-shaded, is a mixture of ware-

houses, apartment buildings and workers houses, all heavily damaged.

6. Brown hatched lines are the bluffs leading down to the Volga bank, which are very-difficult going for vehicles.

7. The stream is shallow and fordable anywhere, counting as difficult going.

8. The green area south of the Prospekt Lenina boulevard is ruined parkland which should be cratered and cov-

ered by shattered trees.




Bat HQ: 1 x Rifle CinC team

1 x Rifle 2iC team

*AT Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

2 x Pak 40 75mm

1 x Pak 38 50mm

*MG Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x HMG teams

* Both AT and MG assets can be attached out to Pioneer/Infantry Platoons.






1053rd Rifle Regt Deploy-






3 4


Coy HQ: 1 x Pioneer SMG CiC Team

1 x Pioneer SMG 2iC Team

First Platoon: 1 x Pioneer SMG Command team

8 x Pioneer SMG teams

1 x FT team

Second Platoon: 1 x Pioneer SMG Command team

8 x Pioneer SMG teams

1 x FT team

Third Platoon: 1 x Pioneer SMG Command team

8 x Pioneer SMG teams


Coy HQ: 1 x SMG CiC Team with Panzerknacker

1 x SMG 2iC team with Panzerknacker

First Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x Rifle/MG teams

Second Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x Rifle/MG teams

Third Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x Rifle/MG teams


Coy HQ: 1 x SMG CiC Team with Panzerknacker

1 x SMG 2iC team with Panzerknacker

First Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x Rifle/MG teams

Second Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x Rifle/MG teams

Third Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

6 x Rifle/MG teams


Assault Gun Platoon: 2 x 105mm Stug III


2 x Observer team spotting for off-table 105mm Howitzer Battery (Four guns)


Grenadier Platoon: 1 x Rifle/MG Command team

9 x Rifle/MG teams

1 x HMG team

4 x Trucks

Assault Gun Platoon: 2 x SIG 33B


Assault Gun Platoon: 3 x Stug

Pz Pioneer Platoon: 1 x Pioneer MG Command team

8 x Pioneer MG teams

1 x FT team

5 x Sdkfz 251



HQ & HQ Assets: 1 x CiC Rifle team

1 x 2iC Rifle team

2 x Battalion Komissars

2 x Snipers

2 x 45mm AT Guns

2 x PTRD AT Rifle Teams

1 x Dshk HMG

5 x Pioneer Rifle teams

4 x Minefield

5 x Trench lines

MG Platoon: 1 x Rifle Command Team

2 x HMG Teams

AT Platoon: 1 x Rifle Command Team

2 x Zis3 76mm

Mortar Platoon: 1 x Rifle Command Team

2 x 82mm Mortar

Shock SMG Company: 1 x SMG Command Team

11 x SMG Teams

1st Rifle Company: 1 x Rifle Command Team

20 x Rifle Teams

1 x HMG Team

2nd Rifle Company: 1 x Rifle Command Team

20 x Rifle Teams

1 x HMG Team

1st Guards Rifle Company: 1 x Rifle/MG Command Team (FT)

12 x Rifle/MG Teams

1 x HMG Team

2nd Guards Rifle Company: 1 x Rifle/MG Command Team (FT)

12 x Rifle/MG Teams

1 x HMG


HQ: 1 x CiC Rifle team

1 x 2iC Rifle team

1 x Battalion Komissar

1 x 57mm AT Gun

1 x PTRD AT Rifle Team

1st Rifle Company: 1 x Rifle Command Team

19 x Rifle Teams

1 x HMG

2nd Rifle Company: 1 x Rifle Command Team

19 x Rifle Teams

1 x HMG



Tank Platoon: 3 x T34/76

Guards Heavy Tank Platoon: 2 x KV1 (FT)

Tank Rider Company: 1 x SMG Command Team

17 x SMG Teams

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