  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    DAVID LODGE SMALL WORLD.An Academic Romance


    When April with its sweet showers has pierced the drought of arch to the root! and "athed e#er$ #ein of earth

    with that li%uid "$ whose power the flowers are engendered& when the 'eph$r! too! with its dulcet "reath! has"reathed life into the tender new shoots in e#er$ copse and on e#er$ heath! and the $oung sun has run half his

    course in the sign of the Ra(! and the little "irds that sleep all night with their e$es open gi#e song )so *ature

    pro(pts the( in their hearts+! then! as the poet Geoffrey Chaucer observed many years ago, folk long to go

    on pilgrimages. Only, these days, professional people call them conferences.

    ,he (odern conference rese("les the pilgri(age of (edie#al -hristendo( in that it allows the participants to

    indulge the(sel#es in all the pleasures and di#ersions of tra#el while appearing to "e austerel$ "ent on self.

    i(pro#e(ent/ ,o "e sure! there are certain penitential e0ercises to "e perfor(ed the presentation of a paper!

    perhaps! and certainl$ listening to the papers of others/ 1ut with this e0cuse $ou 2ourne$ to new and interesting

    places! (eet new and interesting people! and for( new and interesting relationships with the(& e0change gossip

    and confidences )for $our well.worn stories are fresh to the(! and #ice.#ersa+& eat! drin3 and (a3e (err$ in

    their co(pan$ e#er$ e#ening& and $et! at the end of it all! return ho(e with an enhanced reputation for

    seriousness of (ind/ ,oda$4s conferees ha#e an additional ad#antage o#er the pilgri(s of old in that theire0penses are usuall$ paid! or at least su"sidised! "$ the institution to which the$ "elong! "e it a go#ern(ent

    depart(ent! a co((ercial fir(! or! (ost co((onl$ perhaps! a uni#ersit$/

    ,here are conferences on al(ost e#er$thing these da$s! including the wor3s of Geoffre$ -haucer/ If! li3e his

    hero ,roilus at the end of Troilus and Criseyde! he loo3s down fro( the eighth sphere of hea#en onThis little spot of erthe, that with the se

    embraed is

    and o"ser#es all the frantic traffic around the glo"e that he and other great writers ha#e set in (otion the 2et

    trails that criss.cross the oceans! (ar3ing the passage of scholars fro( one continent to another! their paths

    con#erging and intersecting and passing! as the$ hasten to hotel! countr$ house or ancient seat of learning! there

    to confer and carouse! so that English and other acade(ic su"2ects (a$ "e 3ept up what does Geoffre$

    -haucer thin35

    Pro"a"l$! li3e the spirit of ,roilus! that chi#alrous 3night and disillusioned lo#er! he laughs heartil$ at thespectacle! and considers hi(self well out of it/ 6or not all conferences are happ$! hedonistic occasions& not all

    conference #enues are lu0urious and pictures%ue& not all Aprils! for that (atter! are (ar3ed "$ sweet showers

    and dulcet "ree'es/

    PAR, O*E

    April is the cruelest month, Persse cGarrigle !uoted silently to himself, ga"ing through grimy

    #indo#panes at the unseasonable sno# crusting the la#ns and flo#erbeds of the $ummidge campus. %e

    had recently completed a asters dissertation on the poetry of &.'. (liot, but the opening #ords of The

    Waste Land(ight! with e%ual pro"a"ilit$! ha#e "een passing through the heads of an$ one of the fift$.odd (en

    and wo(en! of #ar$ing ages! who sat or slu(ped in the ra3ed rows of seats in the sa(e lecture.roo(/ 6or the$were all well ac%uainted with that poe(! "eing Uni#ersit$ ,eachers of English Language and Literature!

    gathered together here! in the English idlands! for their annual conference! and few of the( were en2o$ingthe(sel#es/ 789

    :What4s $our own field! r cGarrigle5;

    :Well! ) did my research on 'hakespeare and &. '. (liot!; said Persse/

    :I could ha#e helped $ou with that!; De(pse$ "utted in/

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    every #ord, phrase and syntactical construction that the t#o #riters had in common. +ou could precisely

    !uantify the influence of 'hakespeare on &. '. (liot.;

    :1ut my thesisisn4t a"out that!; said Persse/ :)ts about the influence of &. '. (liot on 'hakespeare/;

    :,hat sounds rather Irish! if I (a$ sa$ so!; said De(pse$! with a loud guffaw/

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    female symbol of great anti!uity and universal occurrence.; ),he O0ford (edie#alist see(ed to ha#e second

    thoughts a"out helping hi(self to gra#$/+ :And the Grail spear, supposed to be the one that pierced the side

    of Christ, is obviously phallic. The Waste Land is really all about (liots fears of impotence and sterility/;

    :I4#e heard that theor$ "efore!; said Persse! :"ut I feel it4s too si(ple/;

    :I %uite agree!; said the O0ford (edie#alist/ :,his "usiness of phallic s$("olis( is a lot of rot/; he passed it to orris! who "egan to read/

    uestion H/ 1$ what (eans did ilton tr$ to :2ustif$ the wa$s of God to (an; in :Paradise Lost5;

    :ou can alwa$s tell a wea3 e0a(inee!; orris o"ser#ed/ :6irst the$ waste ti(e cop$ing out the %uestion/ ,henthe$ ta3e out their little rulers and rule lines under it/;

    I thin3 ilton succeeded #er$ well in 2ustif$ing the wa$s of God to (an "$ (a3ing >atan such a

    horri"le person! though >helle$ said that ilton was of the De#il4s part$ without 3nowing it/ On the

    other hand it is pro"a"l$ i(possi"le to 2ustif$ the wa$s of God to (an "ecause if $ou "elie#e in God

    then he can do an$thing he li3es an$wa$! and if $ou don4t there4s no point tr$ing to 2ustif$ wallow seduced (e in his

    office last 6e"ruar$! if I don4t pass this e0a( I will tell e#er$"od$/ ohn ilton was the greatest English

    poet after >ha3espeare/

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    case no"od$ would "e a"le to read it toda$/

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    1Ah yes, the 'iege Perilous9/ iss aiden holds up a hand to command their attention, and begins to

    recite in a high, vatic chant0 1> brother, )n our great hall there stood a vacant chair ashioned by erlin

    ere he passed a#ay, And careen #ith strange figures? and in and out &he figures, like a serpent, ran a

    scroll Of letters in a tongue no man could read. And erlin called it, &he 'iege Perilous, Perilous for

    good and ill? for there, he said, @o she #as still

    #aiting for r $ight to appear. 'he had no very clear image of #hat he #ould look like e*cept that he

    #ould have a hard chest and firm thighs. All the heroes of 3ills and oon romances seemed to have hard

    chests and firm thighs.789

    Persse! searching his poc3ets for the piece of paper with the reference on it! glanced at -her$l with surprise/

    :our "oo35 I thought $ou went (ore for the 3ills and oon type of romance/;

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    1$ RAO*D

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    opportunity to indulge in amorous intrigue, or to 2oust #ith each other in debate, pursuing glory in the

    sense of #anting to be at the top of their profession. ,here was roo( also for a (oc3 heroic ele(ent that

    would suit ($ purpose/ Once I reali'ed that the Grail legend could pro#ide the structural principle for ($ stor$!

    then I reall$ felt ($ no#el could wor3/

    I usuall$ find I need so(e structural principle li3e that to (a3e the stor$ happen/ In the case of

    Chan%in% &laes! it was the idea of an e0change/ ICd "een groping a"out for so(e wa$ of "ringing together ($

    own e0perience of going fro( one uni#ersit$ s$ste( to another! and the idea of the acade(ic e0change ca(e to

    (e as a wa$ of handling that/ >o that was reall$ wh$ I chose to use the Grail legend/I then started to "roaden out the generic interte0tualit$ of it! to include not 2ust the Arthurian stor$ "ut

    the ro(ance tradition to which the Arthurian stories "elong! going "ac3 to classical Ale0andrian ro(ance! and

    forward to Renaissance epic ro(ance/ Again "$ a luc3$ chance I happened on Patricia Par3erCs 'nesapable

    Romanein our ca(pus "oo3shop/ It doesnCt usuall$ stoc3 rather esoteric! acade(ic (onographs li3e that! "ut

    there it was! in hard"ac3! a new "oo3/ >he deals with a nu("er of Renaissance ro(ance writers! and "oth>penser and Ariosto particularl$ interested (e/ I had studied >penser as a student! "ut I didnCt 3now #er$ (uch

    a"out Ariosto so I got a translation of rlando !uriosoand read "its of it/ I i((ediatel$ saw all 3inds of

    possi"ilities! and I "egan to get interested in the whole idea of ro(ance as a t$pe of narrati#e/ I thought a"out

    writing a no#el! deli"eratel$ alluding to the genre of ro(ance! which would licence (e to contri#e all 3inds of

    coincidences and twists in the stor$ that (ight otherwise "e too hard to swallow/ ,hus thereCs a little epigraph

    fro( *athaniel ince Chan%in% &laeswas an acade(ic no#el! this would "e an acade(ic ro(ance/ ) began to look for

    #ays in #hich the characters in my novel could echo and allude to various characters and actions in

    literary romance, and in particular the Grail legend. -hen ) first thought of using the Arthurian story,

    after seeing 3oormans film, ) #rote in my notebook that perhaps the Grail legend #ould serve my

    purpose, remembering ho# it served &. '. (liot in The Waste Land.

    R, At that ti(e were $ou fa(iliar with the tradition of Perce#al as the nai#e hero5

    DL es! "ut I then read (ore a"out the Grail legend/ I reread essie Weston! which I had read so(e ti(e "efore

    in connection with Eliot/ ) thought about ho# he used the Grail legend, among other legends, in imitation of

    5oyce, really. ) decided to #eave (liot in too, to provide a double reference. )nfluenced by -eston, he had

    interpreted the Grail legend as a displaced form of a fertility mystery.6ertilit$ ($ster$ suited ($ purpose#er$ well! "ecause I was concerned with intellectual and artistic sterilit$/ ,he no#el ends with a nu("er of

    characters who ha#e "een "loc3ed or "eco(e sterile! in one wa$ or another! suddenl$ "eing released fro( that

    spell and "eco(ing fertile/ At that point ) thought )d make the young hero actually #rite his thesis on (liot,

    so that ) could get plenty of information about him and 5essie -eston into the story.

    >o as alwa$s with writing! the pursuit of so(e de#ice! li3e using the Grail legend as a structural

    principle! suggests things to put in the stor$ which $ou wouldnCt otherwise ha#e thought of/ It actuall$ "egins to

    dictate the (odern le#el of the stor$/ IC( sure this happened with o$ceCs (lysses/ &hus there are characters in

    my novel #ho correspond to certain figures in Arthurian legend.

    R, >o the decision to use Arthurian legend as a structural fra(ewor3 directed the selecti#e process to a

    considera"le e0tent5

    DL es/ It o"#iousl$ dictated the choice of a na(e for the hero! and the fact that he would "e $oung/ ,heidentification with Perce#al either fitted in with! or (a$ ha#e suggested! the idea that he should "e se0uall$

    innocent/ ICd alread$ decided he should "e Irish! and ) gave him this 5oycean name, Persse, #hich could be

    seen as a play on both Perceval and Perseus44the hero of the classical myth of the young man #ho rescues

    the maiden from the dragon, #hich is in some #ays a cognate myth #ith that of the isher 6ing/ In "oth

    the countr$ is released fro( a curse/,he classical legend also had in it the ele(ent of striptease! "ecause in iconographic representations of

    Perseus and Andro(eda! and of >t/ George and the Dragon! which is also cognate! the girl is usuall$ na3ed or

    #er$ fli(sil$ dressed/ >he is tied to a sta3e! and the dragon is co(ing for her/ ,hat was an i(age I wanted to use

    and it appears in tra#est$ for( in the striptease clu"/

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    ,hese things 2ust proliferate/ Japp and >wallow did not correspond to an$ particular figures in the Grail

    legend! "ut the$ can "e seen as #eteran 3nights! if $ou li3e/ 6ingfisher obviously #as suggested by the isher

    6ing, and he comes from 5essie -eston. 'o is 'iegfried von &urpit" to the e*tent that he has the black

    glove on his hand. ,his glo#e is a source of sinister power "ecause no"od$ 3nows whatCs underneath it/ ,hat

    detail was suggested to (e "$ the stor$ of the "lac3 hand in the Grail -hapel in one of the #ersions of the Grail

    legend that Weston discusses/ Ver$ few people ha#e pic3ed that up! actuall$! and indeed so(e ha#e thought I

    was getting at particular people in the acade(ic world who ha#e (alfor(ed hands/ ,hat wasnCt the reason at all/

    ince Ger(ans are al(ost a literar$ archet$pe of the

    #illain in Anglo.A(erican literature! it see(ed right to (a3e hi( a Ger(an! and since the Ger(an contri"utionto literar$ theor$ is (ainl$ in reception theor$! I (ade hi( a reception theorist/

    ,he scene in which #on ,urpit' steals PersseCs ideas in his lecture ta3es place at a conference in the

    >onesta -O -hair of Literar$ ,heor$/ $ heroCs stor$ is

    #er$ straightforward hes !uesting for a girl, and this leads to #ordplay on girl and Grail/ ItCs eas$ enough

    to generate narrati#e interest when a (an is pursuing a girl who 3eeps escaping hi(/ ,he pro"le( was what I

    should do with the other characters/ What would the$ pursue5 >o I thought up this idea of a =

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    R, >o the legend "eca(e a con#enient structure which allowed $ou to include a certain nu("er of features! and

    partl$ "ecause $ou had it in (ind! $ou "eca(e (ore o"ser#ant of features that (ight fit that pattern5

    DL Right/

    R, ouC#e alread$ (entioned #arious ro(ance sources/ Did $ou loo3 at an$ of the chronicles! "$ Geoffre$ of

    on(outh and others! or wor3s "$ historians and archaeologists! or an$ Welsh (aterial5

    DL *o! not at all/ ) concentrated upon the Grail legend seen through the lens of 5essie -eston and &. '.(liot! reall$/ 6or instance! in the cli(a0 of the no#el at the / L/ A/ conference! the %uestion that Persse as3s is

    straight out of essie Weston/ ,he idea of the weather suddenl$ changing! winter turning into spring! was related

    to the idea of the Grail legend "eing a displaced fertilit$ ($th/ 1$ a (ost e0traordinar$ coincidence! a"out a $ear

    or two after I wrote that chapter there reall$ was a frea3 heat wa#e during the / L/ A/ conference in Dece("er/

    ,e(peratures went up to a"out se#ent$ degrees in so(ewhere li3e *ew or3/

    R, Did $ou read an$ (odern fiction dealing with Arthur5

    DL *o! not reall$/ ) read an abridged version of alory as a child! "ut I didnCt choose to stud$ hi( at

    uni#ersit$/ As a student I did read so(e other romances, like $in% Horn and Sir &a'ain and the &reen

    $ni%ht! and I did an essa$ on the(! so I suppose I was drawing on those (e(ories/ I also found Orlando

    #urioso#er$ suggesti#e! as IC#e alread$ (entioned/ ,he tone is "oth ro(antic $et co(ic! which was e0actl$

    what I was tr$ing to create in Small World/ ,hereCs a little (ap at the "eginning of ($ cop$ of the translation ofOrlando #urioso! which shows the (o#e(ents of the characters across the editerranean and northern Europe/

    It loo3s 2ust li3e a (ap of acade(ic conferences! for people fl$ing "ac3wards and forwards "etween the(/

    R, Do $ou write specificall$ for an acade(ic audience that (ight "e a"le to identif$ the allusions5

    DL I write to co((unicate! "ut li3e (ost literar$ writers I donCt displa$ all ($ goods on the counter/ &he books

    are #ritten in a layered styleso that they have coherence and comprehensibility on the surface. ) dont

    #ant to #rite books that repel layreaders #ho dont kno# much about the literary sources,and so there is

    in the no#el itself a certain a(ount of indirect e0plication of the analog$ "etween (odern professors and 3nights

    of ro(ance/

    ,hen theres another level of fairly esoteric literary allusion #hich ) dont e*pect more than a small

    percentage of readers to perceive/ Although I wouldnCt conceal in that wa$ ele(ents that are #ital to the

    structure of the whole! I li3e to feel that a book shouldnt give up all its meanings at the first reading. &hereshould be nuggets hidden there. $eaders #ho stumble on them #ill then get special pleasure at having

    recogni"ed them, 2ust because theyre not obvious.I hope the no#el in#ites readers into a world which (a$

    not "e fa(iliar! "ut $et is co(prehensi"le enough to gi#e pleasure/ ,he$ (a$ ha#e the sense that itCs holding

    so(ething "ac3 fro( the(! and I donCt thin3 this is a "ad thing/ Only those #ith a literary education #ould

    see all the allusions and parallels that )ve put into the book.

    R, 1ecause the characters of Philip >wallow and orris Japp were alread$ de#eloped in Chan%in% &laes!

    were the$ difficult to adapt to the Arthurian structure of Small World5

    DL ,o so(e e0tent! and (ore in the case of >wallow than Japp! "ecause the role I had for the( was that of

    #eterans on the international conference circuit/ It was eas$ enough to (a3e Japp into such a character "ecause

    he alread$ was a successful acade(ic/ In the first no#el he doesnCt li3e tra#elling #er$ (uch! and so heCs changed

    to allow that/Philip >wallow! howe#er! was a rather di( acade(ic& he wasnCt #er$ successful in Chan%in% &laes/

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    who is pushing >wallowCs candidature as a co#er for hi(self& for how PhilipCs "oo3 is pushed into the li(elight&

    for how he gets onto the final panel& and so on/ ,hose contri#ances were! I thought! licensed "$ the (oc3 heroic

    ro(ance st$le in which I was writing/

    When I wrote Chan%in% &laesI had no idea I was going to write another no#el a"out those characters!

    and so it was necessar$ to (a3e these ad2ust(ents/ *ow IC#e written a third one! called )ie Wor*! and it too

    presented pro"le(s of continuit$ fro( the earler "oo3s/

    R, Were there an$ parts of the legend that $ou felt te(pted to use "ut found $ou couldnCt "ecause the$ wereinconsistent with what $ou were tr$ing to achie#e5

    DL es/ ) considered a erlin figure at one point, but ) 2ust couldnt see a place for him/ I thin3 $ou ha#e

    to "e aware of the danger of the ($thic archet$pe running awa$ with the "oo3! "ecause it does suggest things

    which $ou wouldnCt otherwise ha#e thought of/ )f you try desperately to incorporate everything from the

    mythic archetype you find in your sources, then it #ould begin to distort the modern story! I thin3/,he (ain pro"le(s were unif$ing all the different ele(ents in the "oo3! and 3eeping all the plot strands

    going/ After ICd finished! I ca(e across the ter( @entrelace([email protected].. which Renaissance writers li3e

    Philip >idne$ introduced into wor3s li3eAradia/ Instead of 2ust a linear series of ad#entures! $ou had these

    interwea#ing stories/ ,hough I wasnCt fa(iliar with the concept when I wrote Small World! that is e0actl$ what I

    was tr$ing to do/ It appears during pauses in the action! when characters tell their own stories/ ,hatCs a de#ice I

    used! consciousl$! in Small World/

    R, ight $ou ha#e used the interlacing techni%ue "ecause $ou were influenced "$ Orlando #urioso as a


    DL es/ Perhaps Chaucer too, because ) #as thinking of The "anterbury Tales#hen ) #rote. &he prologueof my novel is a parody of D&he PrologueD to The "anterbury Tales.Li3e -haucerCs pilgri(s! the characters

    2ourne$ to new and interesting places! (eet new and interesting people! for( new and interesting relationships

    with the(! and e0change gossip and confidences! for their well.worn stories are fresh to their co(panions and

    #ice. #ersa/ E("edded in the larger stor$ of the no#el are little stories! li3e 6ro"isherCs account of the co(puter

    printout of his 3e$words/ I thin3 that storytelling is part of the romance tradition and ) have incorporated it

    intoSmall World/ 789

    R, When $ou were using Arthurian legend in Small World! was there an$ particular part $ou felt was crucial to

    include5DL Well! once I co((itted ($self to utili'ing the Grail %uest I had to decide how to resol#e it in a wa$ which

    had so(e 3ind of analog$ with the original/ ,hat was the real pro"le(/ ,he solution ca(e fairl$ late to "ring it

    all to a cli(a0 at a "ig se(inar panel at the / L/ A/ conference! where Persse #ould reenact the Grail

    knights !uestion that #ould suddenly break the spell of sterility/ 1ecause this solution ca(e fairl$ late! it

    alwa$s weighed on the "ac3 of ($ (ind as I was de#eloping the general analog$ "etween the ad#entures of the

    3nights and ad#entures of ($ professors/

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    'ir &homas alory,. 8e orte 7Arthur0 'ir &homas alorys 3ook of 6ing Arthur and of his

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    -hapter -

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    -hapter =-ir Accolon died/

    -hapter -ir

    Uwaine (et three da(osels! and each of the( too3 one/

    -hapter =S -

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    -hapter =-ir Launcelot

    fought with the 3night/

    -hapter Q-ir Gaheris deli#er all the

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    -hapter S -

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    -hapter M-irarhaus fled to his ship/

    -hapter N -ir

    ,ristra( had gi#en hi(! and how ,ristra( was hurt/

    -hapter M-

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    -hapter = -ir Gawaine! and of the

    rescue of >ir Gawaine/

    -hapter =M-ir ,ristra(/

    -hapter -ir ,ristra( at the re%uest of

    ing ar3 s(ote his horse down/

    -hapter -ir ,ristra(! and how

    >ir ,ristra( was dri#en into a chapel/

    -hapter H -ir ,ristra( how he was defa(ed in the court of

    ing Arthur! and of >ir La(ora3/

    -hapter N -irLa(ora3/

    -hapter M-ir *a"on! and o#erca(e hi(! and (ade >ir

    >egwarides lord of the isle/
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    -hapter S -ir ,ristra(! and how he (et with >ir 6rol! and

    after with >ir Launcelot/

    -hapter -ir 6rol! and of the courteous fighting with >ir 1elliance his


    1OO IF

    -hapter -ir ,ristra(/

    -hapter -ir La(ora3 de Galis! and how the$ fought! and after

    accorded ne#er to fight together/

    -hapter =-ir ,ristra( and

    >ir La(ora3 with one spear/

    -hapter -ir eliagaunce! and fought together for the "eaut$ of

    Da(e Guene#er/-hapter -ir La(ora3 2ousted

    with ing Arthur/

    -hapter H-ir ,ristra(! and after of the sha(e spo3en of the 3nights of

    -ornwall! and how the$ 2ousted/

    -hapter Q-

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    -hapter =-ir Dinadan ca(e to a lodging where the$ (ust 2oust with

    two 3nights/

    -hapter =H -ir a$ and >ir >agra(ore le Desirous! and how >ir

    Gawaine turned >ir ,ristra( fro( organ le 6a$/

    -hapter =Q-ir Gawaine rode to ha#e foughten with the thirt$ 3nights!

    "ut the$ durst not co(e out/

    -hapter = -ir Launcelot! and >ir Launcelot

    ga#e it to >ir ,ristra(/

    -hapter Q-ir Launcelot and ten 3nights (ade for >ir ,ristra(/

    -hapter -ir Palo(ides! and >ir Dinadan were ta3en and put in prison/

    -hapter N -o(e of ing

    ArthurCs 3nights 2ousted with 3nights of -ornwall/

    -hapter M-ir Gaheris s(ote hi( down and Andred

    his cousin/

    -hapter S-ir Palo(ides! and >ir Dinadan had "een long in prisonthe$ were deli#ered/

    -hapter -ir 1reuse >aunce Pite! and how >ir

    ,ristra( recei#ed a shield of organ le 6a$/

    -hapter =-

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    case/ 1ut it was a pri#ate pet na(e onl$! and ne#er spo3en aloud to an$ one! (uch less to hi(& "eing a no"le! he

    would not ha#e endured a fa(iliarit$ li3e that fro( (e/ Well! to proceed I sat in the pri#ate "o0 set apart for (e

    as the 3ingCs (inister/ While >ir Dinadan was waiting for his turn to enter the lists! he ca(e in there and sat down

    and "egan to tal3& for he was alwa$s (a3ing up to (e! "ecause I was a stranger and he li3ed to ha#e a fresh

    (ar3et for his 2o3es! the (ost of the( ha#ing reached that stage of wear where the teller has to do the laughing

    hi(self while the other person loo3s sic3/ I had alwa$s responded to his efforts as well as I could! and felt a #er$

    deep and real 3indness for hi(! too! for the reason that if "$ (alice of fate he 3new the one particular anecdote

    which I had heard oftenest and had (ost hated and (ost loathed all ($ life! he had at least spared it (e/ It wasone which I had heard attri"uted to e#er$ hu(orous person who had e#er stood on A(erican soil! fro(

    -olu("us down to Arte(us Ward/ It was a"out a hu(orous lecturer who flooded an ignorant audience with the

    3illingest 2o3es for an hour and ne#er got a laugh& and then when he was lea#ing! so(e gra$ si(pletons wrung

    hi( gratefull$ "$ the hand and said it had "een the funniest thing the$ had e#er heard! and @it was all the$ could

    do to 3eep fro( laughinC right out in (eetinC/@ ,hat anecdote ne#er saw the da$ that it was worth the telling& and$et I had sat under the telling of it hundreds and thousands and (illions and "illions of ti(es! and cried and

    cursed all the wa$ through/ ,hen who can hope to 3now what ($ feelings were! to hear this ar(or.plated ass

    start in on it again! in the (ur3$ twilight of tradition! "efore the dawn of histor$! while e#en Lactantius (ight "e

    referred to as @the late Lactantius!@ and the -rusades wouldnCt "e "orn for fi#e hundred $ears $et5 ust as he

    finished! the call."o$ ca(e& so! hawhawing li3e a de(on! he went rattling and clan3ing out li3e a crate of loose

    castings! and I 3new nothing (ore/ It was so(e (inutes "efore I ca(e to! and then I opened ($ e$es 2ust in ti(e

    to see >ir Gareth fetch hi( an awful welt! and I unconsciousl$ out with the pra$er! @I hope to gracious heCs3illed?@ 1ut "$ illluc3! "efore I had got half through with the words! >ir Gareth crashed into >ir >agra(or le

    Desirous and sent hi( thundering o#er his horseCs crupper! and >ir >agra(or caught ($ re(ar3 and thought I

    (eant it for him/

    Well! whene#er one of those people got a thing into his head! there was no getting it out again/ I 3new

    that! so I sa#ed ($ "reath! and offered no e0planations/ As soon as >ir >agra(or got well! he notified (e that

    there was a little account to settle "etween us! and he na(ed a da$ three or four $ears in the future& place of

    settle(ent! the lists where the offense had "een gi#en/ I said I would "e read$ when he got "ac3/ +ou see, he#as going for the %oly Grail. &he boys all took a flier at the %oly Grail no# and then. )t #as a several

    years cruise. &hey al#ays put in the long absence snooping around, in the most conscientious #ay, though

    none of them had any idea #here the %oly Grail really #as, and ) dont think any of them actually

    e*pected to find it, or #ould have kno#n #hat to do #ith it if he had run across it. +ou see, it #as 2ust the

    ir >agra(or would still "e out grailing!

    so no #alua"le ti(e would "e lost "$ the postpone(ent& I should then ha#e "een in office si0 or se#en $ears! andI "elie#ed ($ s$ste( and (achiner$ would "e so well de#eloped that I could ta3e a holida$ without its wor3ing

    an$ har(/I was prett$ well satisfied with what I had alread$ acco(plished/ In #arious %uiet noo3s and corners )

    had the beginnings of all sorts of industries under #ay 4 nuclei of future vast factories, the iron and steel

    missionaries of my future civili"ation.In these were gathered together the "rightest $oung (inds I could find!

    and I 3ept agents out ra3ing the countr$ for (ore! all the ti(e/ I was training a crowd of ignorant fol3 intoe0perts . e0perts in e#er$ sort of handiwor3 and scientific calling/ ,hese nurseries of (ine went s(oothl$ and

    pri#atel$ along undistur"ed in their o"scure countr$ retreats! for no"od$ was allowed to co(e into their precincts

    without a special per(it . for I was afraid of the -hurch/

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    WOA* *o one li#e there/


  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    A$&%=$0 Go and tell your master that #e have been charged by God #ith a sacred !uest. )f he #ill give

    us food and shelter for the night he can 2oin us in our !uest for the %oly Grail.


  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11



    >ophie loo3ed s3eptical/ @IC#e ne#er heard of it/@

    @>ure $ou ha#e/@ Langdon s(iled/ @ouCre 2ust used to hearing it called "$ the na(e %oly Grail.@

    -ophie scrutini'ed Langdon in the "ac3 of the ta0i//e2s 3o*in%. @,he angreal! and was e#entuall$ split into two words! San real.4

    /oly rail. >ophie was surprised she had not spotted the linguistic ties i((ediatel$/ E#en so! LangdonCs clai(

    still (ade no sense to her/ @I thought the angreal is a collection of

    docu(ents that re#eals so(e dar3 secret/@

    @es! "ut the >angreal docu(ents are onl$ half of the ophie felt e#en (ore lost now/ ,he upper and with which oseph of Ari(athea later caught ophie!@ Langdon whispered! leaning toward her now! @according to the Prior$ of >ion! the till unsure! >ophie sensed in LangdonCs patient s(ile that he e(pathi'ed with her confusion! and $et his e$es

    re(ained earnest/ @1ut if the

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    ,he Prior$! in order to 3eep their powerful docu(ents safe! had "een forced to (o#e the( (an$ ti(es in the

    earl$ centuries/ o(e clai(ed the (ountainous "ac3drop inMadonna of the Ro*s (atched the

    topograph$ of a series of ca#e.ridden hills in >cotland/ Others insisted that the suspicious place(ent of disciplesin The Last Supper was so(e 3ind of code/ >till others clai(ed that F ra$s of the Mona Lisa re#ealed she

    originall$ had "een painted wearing a lapis la'uli pendant of IsisBa detail Da Vinci purportedl$ later decided to

    paint o#er/ Langdon had ne#er seen an$ e#idence of the pendant! nor could he i(agine how it could possi"l$

    re#eal the ophie turned/ @,he prostitute5@

    ,ea"ing drew a short "reath! as if the word had in2ured hi( personall$/ @agdalene was no such thing/ ,hat

    unfortunate (isconception is the legac$ of a s(ear ca(paign launched "$ the earl$ -hurch/ ,he -hurch needed

    to defa(e ary agdalenein order to co#er up her dangerous secretBher role as the %oly Grail/@ 789

    @>o the entire he read what he had written/

    >ang Real

    Instantl$! >ophie recogni'ed the translation/ San% Real literall$ (eantRoyal 5lood.789

    ,he Lad$ of >halott

    Alfred Lord ,enn$son

    On either side the ri#er lie

    Long fields of "arle$ and of r$e!

    ,hat clothe the wold and (eet the s3$&

    And throC the field the road runs "$

    ,o (an$.towerCd Camelot&And up and down the people go!

    Ga'ing where the lilies "low

    Round an island there "elow!

    &he island of 'halott/

    Willows whiten! aspens %ui#er!

    Little "ree'es dus3 and shi#er

    ,hrough the wa#e that runs for e#er

    1$ the island in the ri#er

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    6lowing down to -a(elot/

    6our gre$ walls! and four gre$ towers!

    O#erloo3 a space of flowers!

    And the silent isle i("owers

    ,he Lad$ of >halott/

    1$ the (argin! willow #eilCd!

    >lide the hea#$ "arges trailCd1$ slow horses& and unhailCd

    ,he shallop flitteth sil3en.sailCd

    >3i((ing down to -a(elot

    3ut #ho hath seen her #ave her hand

    Or at the casement seen her stand

    Or is she kno#n in all the land,

    &he 8ady of 'halott

    Onl$ reapers! reaping earl$!

    In a(ong the "earded "arle$

    o(eti(es a curl$ shepherd lad!Or long.hairCd page in cri(son clad

    Goes "$ to towerCd -a(elot&

    And sometimes through the mirror blue

    &he knights come riding t#o and t#o.

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    'he hath no loyal 6night and true,

    &he 8ady of 'halott.

    3ut in her #eb she still delights

    &o #eave the mirrors magic sights,

    or often through the silent nights

    A funeral, #ith plumes and lights

    And music, #ent to Camelot?Or #hen the oon #as overhead,

    Came t#o young lovers lately #ed.

    D) am half sick of shado#s,D said

    &he 8ady of 'halott.

    A bo#4shot from her bo#er4eaves,

    %e rode bet#een the barley sheaves,

    &he sun came da""ling thro the leaves,

    And flamed upon the bra"en greaves

    Of bold 'ir 8ancelot.

    A red4cross knight for ever kneeld

    &o a lady in his shield,&hat sparkled on the yello# field,

    3eside remote 'halott.

    &he gemmy bridle glitterd free,

    8ike to some branch of stars #e see

    %ung in the golden Gala*y.

    &he bridle bells rang merrily

    As he rode do#n to Camelot0

    And from his bla"ond baldric slung

    A mighty silver bugle hung,

    And as he rode his armor rung

    3eside remote 'halott.

    All in the blue unclouded #eather

    &hick42e#elld shone the saddle4leather,

    &he helmet and the helmet4feather

    3urnd like one burning flame together,

    As he rode do#n to Camelot.

    As often thro the purple night,

    3elo# the starry clusters bright,

    'ome bearded meteor, burning bright,

    oves over still 'halott.

    %is broad clear bro# in sunlight glo#d?On burnishd hooves his #ar4horse trode?

    rom underneath his helmet flo#d

    %is coal4black curls as on he rode,

    As he rode do#n to Camelot.

    rom the bank and from the river

    %e flashed into the crystal mirror,

    D&irra lirra,D by the river

    'ang 'ir 8ancelot.

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    'he left the #eb, she left the loom,

    'he made three paces through the room,

    'he sa# the #ater4lily bloom,

    'he sa# the helmet and the plume,

    'he lookd do#n to Camelot.

    Out fle# the #eb and floated #ide?

    &he mirror crackd from side to side?

    D&he curse is come upon me,D cried&he 8ady of 'halott.

    In the stor($ east.wind straining!

    ,he pale $ellow woods were waning!

    ,he "road strea( in his "an3s co(plaining/

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    Dead.pale "etween the houses high!

    >ilent into -a(elot/

    Out upon the wharfs the$ ca(e!

    night and 1urgher! Lord and Da(e!

    And around the prow the$ read her na(e!

    ,he Lad$ of >halott/

    -ho is this And #hat is hereAnd in the lighted palace near

    7ied the sound of royal cheer?

    And they crossed themselves for fear,

    All the 6nights at Camelot?

    3ut 8ancelot mused a little space

    %e said, D'he has a lovely face?

    God in his mercy lend her grace,

    &he 8ady of 'halott.D

    The Lady of Shalott 6 Willia(

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    The Lady of Shalott 6Willia( aw Egle$

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    ' am half7si* of shadows, said the lady of Shalott ohn Willia( Waterhouse

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    The Lady of Shalott loo*in% at Lanelot ohn Willia( Waterhouse

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    The Lady of Shalott loo*in% at Lanelot ohn Willia( Waterhouse

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    The Lady of Shalott ohn Willia( Waterhouse

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


    ,he Lad$ of >halott ohn At3inson Gri(shaw

  • 8/11/2019 Optional E III Week 11


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