
Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control

Product: OCNCC 4.3

Component: Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP)

Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

S’ware version: Release 1.0.3 Guide version: 02.00

Release date: December 2010

Status: Approved

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Page ii Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

Copyright Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement, Release 1.0.3


Copyright © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Copyright ............................................................................................................................. ii About this Document ........................................................................................................... v Document Conventions ...................................................................................................... vi 

Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................... 1 

INAP and Compliance Document Versions .................................. 1 

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1 INAP .................................................................................................................................... 2 

Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................... 3 

Compliance Statement ................................................................... 3 

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 3 INAP - ETSI ......................................................................................................................... 4 Core INAP Support .............................................................................................................. 5 

Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................... 7 

INAP Operation Parameters Support ............................................ 7 

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7 AssistRequestInstructions ................................................................................................... 8 ApplyCharging ..................................................................................................................... 9 ApplyChargingReport ........................................................................................................ 10 Cancel ................................................................................................................................ 11 CollectInformation .............................................................................................................. 12 Connect ............................................................................................................................. 13 ConnectToResource .......................................................................................................... 14 Continue ............................................................................................................................ 15 DisconnectForwardConnection ......................................................................................... 16 EstablishTemporaryConnection ........................................................................................ 17 EventReportBCSM ............................................................................................................ 18 FurnishChargingInformation .............................................................................................. 19 InitialDP ............................................................................................................................. 20 InitiateCallAttempt ............................................................................................................. 22 PlayAnnouncement ........................................................................................................... 23 PromptAndCollectUserInformation .................................................................................... 24 ReleaseCall ....................................................................................................................... 25 RequestReportBCSMEvent ............................................................................................... 26 ResetTimer ........................................................................................................................ 27 SpecializedResourceReport .............................................................................................. 28 INAP result parameters support ........................................................................................ 29 PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result ......................................................................... 30 

Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................. 31 

INAP Errors Support ..................................................................... 31 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 31 List of INAP Errors ............................................................................................................. 32 

Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................. 33 

CS-2 Operation Parameters Support .......................................... 33 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 33 DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument .................................................................. 34 ContinueWithArgument ..................................................................................................... 35 

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DisconnectLeg ................................................................................................................... 36 MergeCallSegments .......................................................................................................... 37 SplitLeg .............................................................................................................................. 38 

Chapter 6 .................................................................................................................. 39 

GPRS Operations Parameter Support ........................................ 39 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 39 ActivityTestGPRS .............................................................................................................. 40 ApplyChargingGPRS ......................................................................................................... 41 ApplyChargingReportGPRS .............................................................................................. 42 CancelGPRS ..................................................................................................................... 43 ConnectGPRS ................................................................................................................... 44 ContinueGPRS .................................................................................................................. 45 EntityReleasedGPRS ........................................................................................................ 46 InitialDPGPRS ................................................................................................................... 47 ReleaseGPRS ................................................................................................................... 48 EventReportGPRS ............................................................................................................ 49 RequestReportGPRSEvent ............................................................................................... 50 ResetTimerGPRS .............................................................................................................. 51 

Chapter 7 .................................................................................................................. 53 

SMS Operations Parameter Support ........................................... 53 

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 53 InitialDPSMS ...................................................................................................................... 54 ConnectSMS ...................................................................................................................... 55 RequestReportSMSEvent ................................................................................................. 56 EventReportSMS ............................................................................................................... 57 ContinueSMS ..................................................................................................................... 58 ReleaseSMS ...................................................................................................................... 59 ResetTimerSMS ................................................................................................................ 60 

Appendix .................................................................................................................. 61 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 61 Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................. 63 Index .................................................................................................................................. 65 

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About this Document This statement of compliance compares the OCNCC INAP implementation to:

• ETSI defined INAP required for support of Capability Set 1 (CS1), as defined in ETS 300 374

• ITU defined parameters specified in Q.1218 • CAMEL compliant parameters defined by CAP in GSM 09.78 • CS-2 specified in EN 301 140-1 • CAMEL compilant parameters defined by CAP GSM 29.78

CAP and CS-2 parameters and operations not mentioned are assumed not to be currently supported.

This guide is written primarily for software engineers and testers administrators. However, the overview sections of the document are useful to anyone requiring an introduction.

Here are the changes to the document since the last release.

Version no.

Revision Date Description

00.01 30 Jan 08 First draft publish

01.00 17 Apr 08 First full publish 02.00 5 Nov 10 Re-branded



Changes in this document

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Document Conventions Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the terms and typographical conventions used in the documentation.

Specialised terms and acronyms are defined in the Glossary at the end of this guide.

Formatting convention Type of information Special Bold Items you must select such as menu options,

or names of tabs. Emphasis within text. Names of database tables and fields.

Italics Name of a document, chapter, topic or other publication.

Button The name of a button to click or a key to press. Example: To close the window, either click Close or press Esc.

Key+Key Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another. Example: Ctrl+P, or Alt+F4.

Monospace Text that you must type and examples of code or standard output.

variable Used to indicate variables or text that should be replaced.

menu option > menu option > Used to indicate the cascading menu option to be selected, or the location path of a file. Example: Operator Functions > Report Functions Example: /IN/html/SMS/Helptext/

hypertext link Used to indicate a hypertext link on an HTML page.

The following icons are used as visual cues to draw attention to important information.

Note: Indicates useful and complementary information. Explanation, comment, or short expansion of the text object that is intended to catch your attention.

Tip: Indicates practical but non-essential information that makes the solution easier to use or operate (e.g. keyboard shortcut, alternative way to perform a step in a procedure, etc).

Warning: Indicates a caution. If this information is ignored, it could cause possible and irreversible damage to the equipment, data or software.

This topic explains any terminology specific to this manual.

Typographical conventions



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Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 1 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

INAP and Compliance Document Versions Overview

This chapter defines the version of INAP and the Compliance documents against which it is compared.

This chapter contains the following topics.

INAP ................................................................................................................ 2

Chapter 1


In this chapter

Chapter 1 Commercial In Confidence

Page 2 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

INAP This document states compliance of NCC INAP (Intelligent Network Application Protocol) to:

• ETSI defined INAP supporting Capability Set 1 (CS1), as defined in ETS 300 374

• ITU defined parameters specified in Q.1218 • CAMEL compliant parameters defined by CAP in GSM 29.78 • CS-2 specified in EN 301 140-1.

Note: This document was written with respect to the software version TC_PROTOS v2.11.45

INAP version

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Compliance Statement Overview

This chapter identifies the core INAP operations supported by the NCC INAP.

This chapter contains the following topics.

INAP - ETSI ..................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2


In this chapter

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Page 4 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

INAP - ETSI This document details the compliance of NCC INAP (Intelligent Network Application Protocol) to:

• ETSI defined INAP required for support of Capability Set 1 (CS1), as defined in ETS 300 374,

• Support of certain ITU defined parameters specified in Q.1218 and • CAMEL compliant parameters defined by CAP in GSM 29.78 • CS-2 specified in EN 301 140-1.

Note: CAP parameters not mentioned can be assumed not to be currently supported.


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Core INAP Support The number and weight of replicated database changes generated from normal operations of the provisioning facilities of the USMS depends on the situation. Possible situations are listed below:

• Core INAP operations between SCF - SSF • Core INAP operations between SCF - SRF

The table below shows the SCF - SSF operations defined by the Core INAP specification and indicates if they are supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

Core INAP Operations Support ActivateServiceFiltering Not Supported

ActivityTest Not Supported

ApplyCharging Supported

ApplyChargingReport Supported

AssistRequestInstructions Supported

CallGap Supported

CallInformationReport Supported

CallInformationRequest Supported

Cancel Supported

CollectInformation Supported

Connect Supported

ConnectToResource Supported

Continue Supported

DisconnectForwardConnection Supported

EstablishTemporaryConnection Supported

EventNotificationCharging Not Supported

EventReportBCSM Supported

FurnishChargingInformation Supported

InitialDP Supported

InitiateCallAttempt Supported

ReleaseCall Supported

RequestNotificationChargingEvent Not Supported

RequestReportBCSMEvent Supported

ResetTimer Supported

SendChargingInformation Supported ServiceFilteringResponse Not Supported

Continued on next page


Operations between SCF - SSF

Chapter 2 Commercial In Confidence

Core INAP Support, Continued

Page 6 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

The table below shows the SCF - SRF operations defined by the Core INAP specification and indicates if they are supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

Core INAP Operations Support AssistRequestInstructions Supported

Cancel Supported

PlayAnnouncement Supported

PromptAndCollectUserInformation Supported SpecializedResourceReport Supported

Operations between SCF - SRF

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INAP Operation Parameters Support Overview

This chapter identifies the parameters of the Core INAP operations as supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

This chapter contains the following topics.

AssistRequestInstructions ............................................................................... 8 ApplyCharging ................................................................................................. 9 ApplyChargingReport .................................................................................... 10 Cancel ........................................................................................................... 11 CollectInformation ......................................................................................... 12 Connect ......................................................................................................... 13 ConnectToResource ..................................................................................... 14 Continue ........................................................................................................ 15 DisconnectForwardConnection ..................................................................... 16 EstablishTemporaryConnection .................................................................... 17 EventReportBCSM ........................................................................................ 18 FurnishChargingInformation .......................................................................... 19 InitialDP ......................................................................................................... 20 InitiateCallAttempt ......................................................................................... 22 PlayAnnouncement ....................................................................................... 23 PromptAndCollectUserInformation ................................................................ 24 ReleaseCall ................................................................................................... 25 RequestReportBCSMEvent........................................................................... 26 ResetTimer .................................................................................................... 27 SpecializedResourceReport .......................................................................... 28 INAP result parameters support .................................................................... 29

Chapter 3


In this chapter

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Page 8 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

AssistRequestInstructions This parameter enables information flow from SRF to SCF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• PlayAnnouncement • PromptAndCollectUserInformation

The following ETSI parameters are associated with AssistRequestInstructions:

Parameters Support correlationID Supported

iPAvailable Not Supported

iPSSPCapablities Not Supported extensions Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

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ApplyCharging This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• ApplyChargingReport • RequestReportBCSM

The following ETSI parameters are associated with ApplyCharging:

Parameters Support aChBillingChargingCharacteristics Supported

sendCalculationToSCFIndication Supported

partyToCharge Supported extensions Not Supported

The CAP parameters associated with aChBillingChargingCharacteristics are:

Parameters Support timeDurationCharging Supported

maxCallDuration Supported

releaseIfDurationExceeded Supported

audibleIndicator Supported

tone Supported tariffSwitchInterval Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

CAP parameters

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ApplyChargingReport This parameter enables information flow from SSF to SCF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• ApplyCharging • Cancel

The following ETSI parameters are associated with ApplyChargingReport:

Parameters Support CallResult Supported

The CAP parameters associated with CallResult are:

Parameters Support timeDurationChargingResult Supported

timeInformation Supported

timeIfNoTariffSwitch Supported

timeIfTariffSwitch Supported

timeSinceLastTariffSwitch Supported

tafiffSwitchInterval Supported

partyToCharge Supported

callActive Supported

partyToCharge Supported

callActive Supported callReleasedAtTcpExpiry Supported

The following free call indicator is associated with ApplyChargingReport:

Parameters Support extensions (extension type 100, data type ASN.1 NULL.)


Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

CAP parameters

Additional parameters

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Cancel This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SRF/SSF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• PlayAnnouncement • PromptAndCollectUserInformation

The following ETSI parameters are associated with Cancel:

Parameters Support invokeID Supported allRequests Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

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CollectInformation This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.



Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

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Connect This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.


The following ETSI parameters are associated with Connect:

Parameters Support destinationRoutingAddress Supported

alertingPattern Supported

correlationID Supported

cutAndPaste Supported

originalCalledPartyID Supported

routeList Not Supported

scfID Supported

extensions Supported

serviceInteractionIndicators Not Supported

callingPartyNumber Supported

callingPartysCategory Supported

redirectingPartyID Supported redirectionInformation Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with Connect:

Parameters Support forwardingCondition Not Supported

iSDNAccessRelatedInformation Not Supported travellingClassMark Not Supported

The following CAP parameters are associated with Connect:

Parameters Support genericNumbers (contains 1 additional calling party number)


suppressionOfAnnouncement Supported oCSIApplicable Supported

Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

ITU parameters

CAP parameters

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ConnectToResource This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• DisconnectForwardConnection

The following ETSI parameters are associated with ConnectToResource:

Parameters Support resourceAddress Supported

Q.1218 legID and both parameters not yet supported.

extensions Supported serviceInteractionIndicators Not Supported

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with ConnectToResource:

Parameters Support legID Supported

The following CS-2/CAP parameters are associated with ConnectToResource:

Parameters Support callSegmentID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

CS-2 parameters

CS-2/CAP parameters

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Continue This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.



Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

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DisconnectForwardConnection This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• ConnectToResource • EstablishTemporaryConnection


Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

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EstablishTemporaryConnection This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• DisconnectForwardConnection • InitialDP

The following ETSI parameters are associated with EstablishTemporaryConnection:

Parameters Support assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress Supported

correlationID Supported

scfID Supported

extensions Not Supported serviceInteractionIndicators Not Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with EstablishTemporaryConnection:

Parameters Support legID Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

ITU parameters

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EventReportBCSM This parameter enables information flow from SSF to SCF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• RequestReportBCSMEvent • Cancel

The following ETSI parameters are associated with EventReportBCSM:

Parameters Support eventTypeBCSM Supported

eventSpecificInformationBCSM Supported

legID Supported

miscCallInfo Supported extensions Not Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with EventReportBCSM:

Parameters Support bcsmEventCorrelationID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

Additional ITU parameters

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FurnishChargingInformation This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.


The following ETSI parameters are associated with FurnishChargingInformation:

Parameters Support fCIBillingChargingCharacteristics Supported

For Nokia DX200 switches, the following parameters are associated with fCIBillingChargingCharacteristics:

Parameters Support Service Type Supported

Call Type Supported

C Call Type Supported

C Number Supported

D Call Type Supported D Number Supported

The following CAP 2 parameters are associated with fCIBillingChargingCharacteristics:

Parameters Support freeFormatData Supported partyToCharge Supported

The following CAP 2 parameters are associated with fCIBillingChargingCharacteristics:

Parameters Support appendFreeFormatData Supported

Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

Nokia DX200 switches

CAP 2 parameters

CAP 3 parameters

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Page 20 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

InitialDP This parameter enables information flow from SSF to SCF.


The following ETSI parameters are associated with InitialDP:

Parameters Support serviceKey Supported

calledPartyNumber Supported

callingPartyNumber Supported

callingPartysCategory Supported

cGEncountered Supported

iPSSPCapabilities Not Supported

iPAvailable Not Supported

locationNumber Supported

originalCalledPartyID Supported

extensions (including: Nokia GSM extensions)


highLayerCompatibility Supported

serviceInteractionIndicators Not Supported

additionalCallingPartyNumber Supported

forwardCallIndicators Not Supported

bearerCapability Supported

eventTypeBCSM Supported

redirectingPartyID Supported redirectionInformation Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with InitialDP:

Parameters Support dialledDigits Not Supported

callingPartyBusinessGroupID Not Supported

callingPartySubaddress Not Supported

miscCallInfo Not Supported

serviceProfileIdentifier Not Supported terminalType Not Supported

Continued on next page

Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

ITU parameters

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InitialDP, Continued

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 21 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

The following CAP parameters are associated with InitialDP:

Parameters Support calledPartyBCDNumber Supported

iMSI Supported

subscriberState Supported

locationInformation Supported

mscAddress Supported callForwardingSS-Pending Supported

CAP parameters

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InitiateCallAttempt This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.


The following ETSI parameters are associated with InitiateCallAttempt:

Parameters Support destinationRoutingAddress Supported

alertingPattern Not Supported

extensions Supported callingPartyNumber Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with InitiateCallAttempt:

Parameters Support iSDNAccessRelatedInformation Not Supported travellingClassMark Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

ITU parameters

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PlayAnnouncement This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SRF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• ConnectToResource • SpecializedResourceReport (linked operation) • Cancel • DisconnectForwardConnection

The following ETSI parameters are associated with PlayAnnouncement:

Parameters Support informationToSend Supported

(displayInformation parameter is currently not supported).

disconnectFromIPForbidden Supported

requestAnnouncementComplete Supported extensions Supported

(some Unysis NAP parameters supported).

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with PlayAnnouncement:

Parameters Support legID Supported callSegmentID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

CS-2 parameters

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PromptAndCollectUserInformation This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SRF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• ConnectToResource • DisconnectForwardConnection • Cancel

The following ETSI parameters are associated with PromptAndCollectUserInformation:

Parameters Support collectedInfo Supported

disconnectFromIPForbidden Supported

informationToSend Supported (displayInformation parameter is currently not supported).

extensions Supported (some Unysis NAP parameters supported).

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

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ReleaseCall This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.


The following ETSI parameters are associated with ReleaseCall:

Parameters Support cause Supported

Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

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RequestReportBCSMEvent This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• EventReportBCSM

The following ETSI parameters are associated with RequestReportBCSMEvent:

Parameters Support bcsmEvents Supported extensions Not Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with RequestReportBCSMEvent:

Parameters Support bcsmEventCorrelationID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

ITU parameters

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ResetTimer This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SSF.


The following ETSI parameters are associated with ResetTimer:

Parameters Support timerID Not Supported

timervalue Supported extensions Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations ETSI parameters

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SpecializedResourceReport This parameter enables information flow from SRF to SCF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• PlayAnnouncement


Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

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INAP result parameters support This section lists the result parameters of the Core INAP operations results as supported by the NCC INAP implementation.


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PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result This parameter enables information flow from SCF to SRF.

The operations associated with this parameter are:

• ConnectToResource • DisconnectForwardConnection • Cancel

The following ETSI parameters are associated with PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result:

Parameters Support digitsResponse Supported

The following ITU parameters are associated with PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result:

Parameters Support iA5Response Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

ETSI parameters

ITU parameters

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INAP Errors Support Overview

This chapter identifies the support errors of the Core INAP operations supported by NCC INAP implementation.

This chapter contains the following topics.

List of INAP Errors ......................................................................................... 32

Chapter 4


In this chapter

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List of INAP Errors The table below shows the errors defined by the Core INAP specification and indicates if they are supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

Errors Support Cancelled Supported

CancelFailed Supported

ETCFailed Supported

ImproperCallerResponse Supported

MissingCustomerRecord Supported

MissingParameter Supported

ParameterOutOfRange Supported

RequestedInfoError Supported

SystemFailure Supported

TaskRefused Supported

UnavailableResource Supported

UnexpectedComponentSequence Supported

UnexpectedDataValue Supported

UnexpectedParameter Supported UnknownLegID Supported

Errors supported

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CS-2 Operation Parameters Support Overview

This chapter identifies the parameters of the CS-2 operations as supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

This chapter contains the following topics.

DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument .............................................. 34 ContinueWithArgument ................................................................................. 35 DisconnectLeg ............................................................................................... 36 MergeCallSegments ...................................................................................... 37 SplitLeg.......................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 5


In this chapter

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Page 34 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument The operation associated with this parameter is:

• ConnectToResource

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument:

Parameters Support legID Supported callSegmentID Supported

Associated operations

CS-2 parameters

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ContinueWithArgument None

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with ContinueWithArgument:

Parameters Support legID Supported

csID Supported locationNumber Supported

Associated operations CS-2 parameters

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DisconnectLeg The operation associated with this parameter is:

• Connect

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with DisconnectLeg:

Parameters Support legToBeReleased Supported releaseCause Supported

Associated operations

CS-2 parameters

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MergeCallSegments The operation associated with this parameter is:

• SplitLeg

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with MergeCallSegments:

Parameters Support sourceCallSegment Supported targetCallSegment Supported

Associated operations

CS-2 parameters

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SplitLeg The operation associated with this parameter is:

• MergeCallSegments

The following CS-2 parameters are associated with SplitLeg:

Parameters Support legToBeSplit Supported newCallSegment Supported

Associated operations

CS-2 parameters

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GPRS Operations Parameter Support Overview

This chapter identifies the parameters of the GPRS operations as supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

This chapter contains the following topics.

ActivityTestGPRS .......................................................................................... 40 ApplyChargingGPRS ..................................................................................... 41 ApplyChargingReportGPRS .......................................................................... 42 CancelGPRS ................................................................................................. 43 ConnectGPRS ............................................................................................... 44 ContinueGPRS .............................................................................................. 45 EntityReleasedGPRS .................................................................................... 46 InitialDPGPRS ............................................................................................... 47 ReleaseGPRS ............................................................................................... 48 EventReportGPRS ........................................................................................ 49 RequestReportGPRSEvent ........................................................................... 50 ResetTimerGPRS .......................................................................................... 51

Chapter 6


In this chapter

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ActivityTestGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.



Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

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ApplyChargingGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.

The operation associated with this parameter is:

• ApplyChargingReportGPRS

The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with ApplyChargingGPRS:

Parameters Support chargingCharacteristics Supported

tariffSwitchInterval Supported pDPID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

GPRS parameters

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ApplyChargingReportGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gprsSSF to gsmSCF.

The operation associated with this parameter is:

• ApplyChargingGPRS

The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with ApplyChargingReportGPRS:

Parameters Support chargingResult Supported

qualityOfService Supported

active Supported

pDPID Supported chargingRollOver Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

GPRS parameters

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Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 43 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

CancelGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with CancelGPRS:

Parameters Support pDPID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

Page 44 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ConnectGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with ConnectGPRS:

Parameters Support accessPointName Supported pdpID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 45 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ContinueGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with ContinueGPRS:

Parameters Support pdpID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

Page 46 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

EntityReleasedGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gprsSSF to gsmSCF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with EntityReleasedGPRS:

Parameters Support gPRSCause Supported pdpID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 47 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

InitialDPGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gprsSSF to gsmSCF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with InitialDPGPRS:

Parameters Support serviceKey Supported

gPRSEventType Supported

mSISDN Supported

iMSI Supported

timeAndTimeZone Not Supported

gPRSMSClass Not Supported

endUserAddress Not Supported

qualityOfService Supported

accessPointName Supported

routeingAreaIdentity Supported

chargingID Supported

sGSNCapabilities Supported

locationInformationGPRS Supported

pDPInitiationType Supported

extensions Not Supported

gGSNAddress Supported

secondaryPDP-context Supported iMEI Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

Page 48 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ReleaseGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with ReleasedGPRS:

Parameters Support gprsCause Supported pdpID Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 49 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

EventReportGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gprsSSF to gsmSCF.

The operation associated with this parameter is:

• RequestReportGPRSEvent

The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with EventReportGPRS:

Parameters Support gPRSEventType Supported

miscGPRSInfo Supported

gPRSEventSpecificInformation Not Supported pDPID Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

GPRS parameters

Chapter 6 Commercial In Confidence

Page 50 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

RequestReportGPRSEvent This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.

The operation associated with this parameter is:

• EventReportGPRSent

The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with RequestReportGPRSEvent:

Parameters Support gPRSEvent Supported pDPID Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

GPRS parameters

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 6

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 51 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ResetTimerGPRS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to gprsSSF.


The following GPRS related CAP parameters are associated with ResetTimerGPRS:

Parameters Support timerID Not Supported timervalue Supported

Information flow

Associated operations GPRS parameters

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Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 53 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

SMS Operations Parameter Support Overview

This chapter identifies the parameters of the SMS operations as supported by the NCC INAP implementation.

This chapter contains the following topics.

InitialDPSMS ................................................................................................. 54 ConnectSMS ................................................................................................. 55 RequestReportSMSEvent ............................................................................. 56 EventReportSMS ........................................................................................... 57 ContinueSMS ................................................................................................ 58 ReleaseSMS ................................................................................................. 59 ResetTimerSMS ............................................................................................ 60

Chapter 7


In this chapter

Chapter 7 Commercial In Confidence

Page 54 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

InitialDPSMS This parameter enables information flow from smsSSF to gsmSCF.


The following SMS related CAP parameters are associated with InitialDPSMS:

Parameters Support serviceKey Supported

destinationSubscriberNumber Supported

callingPartyNumber Supported

eventTypeSMS Supported

iMSI Supported

locationInformationMSC Supported

locationInformationGPRS Not Supported

sMSCAddress Supported

timeAndTimezone Not Supported

tPShortMessageSpecificInfo Supported

tPProtocolIdentifier Supported

tPDataCodingScheme Supported

tPValidityPeriod Not Supported

extensions Supported

smsReferenceNumber Supported

mscAddress Supported

sgsn-Number Supported

ms-Classmark2 Not Supported

gPRSMSClass Not Supported

iMEI Not Supported calledPartyNumber Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations SMS parameters

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 7

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 55 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ConnectSMS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to smsSSF.


The following SMS related CAP parameters are associated with ConnectSMS:

Parameters Support callingPartysNumber Supported

destinationSubscriberNumber Supported

sMSCAddress Supported extensions Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations SMS parameters

Chapter 7 Commercial In Confidence

Page 56 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

RequestReportSMSEvent This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to smsSSF.

The operation associated with this parameter is:

• EventReportSMS

The following SMS related CAP parameters are associated with RequestReportSMSEvent:

Parameters Support sMSEvents Supported extensions Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations

SMS parameters

Commercial In Confidence Chapter 7

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 57 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

EventReportSMS This parameter enables information flow from smsSSF to gsmSCF.


The following SMS related CAP parameters are associated with EventReportSMS:

Parameters Support eventTypeSMS Supported

eventSpecificInformationSMS Supported

miscCallInfo Supported extensions Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations SMS parameters

Chapter 7 Commercial In Confidence

Page 58 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ContinueSMS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to smsSSF.



Information flow

Associated operations SMS parameters

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Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 59 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ReleaseSMS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to smsSSF.


The following SMS related CAP parameters are associated with EventReportSMS:

Parameters Support RPCause Supported

Information flow

Associated operations SMS parameters

Chapter 7 Commercial In Confidence

Page 60 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ResetTimerSMS This parameter enables information flow from gsmSCF to smsSSF.


The following SMS related CAP parameters are associated with ResetTimerSMS:

Parameters Support timerID Not Supported

timervalue Supported extensions Not Supported

Information flow

Associated operations SMS parameters

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Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 61 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement



This appendix contains the following topics.

Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................... 63 Index .............................................................................................................. 65

In this appendix

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Glossary of Terms

Abstract Syntax Notation

Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic

This is a 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) initiative to extend traditional IN services found in fixed networks into mobile networks. The architecture is similar to that of traditional IN, in that the control functions and switching functions are remote. Unlike the fixed IN environment, in mobile networks the subscriber may roam into another PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network), consequently the controlling function must interact with a switching function in a foreign network. CAMEL specifies the agreed information flows that may be passed between these networks.

CAMEL Application Part

ETSI INAP Capability Set 1. An ITU standard.

European Telecommunications Standards Institute

General Packet Radio Service - employed to connect mobile cellular users to PDN (Public Data Network- for example the Internet).

Global System for Mobile communication.

It is a second generation cellular telecommunication system. Unlike first generation systems, GSM is digital and thus introduced greater enhancements such as security, capacity, quality and the ability to support integrated services.

HyperText Markup Language, a small application of SGML used on the World Wide Web.

It defines a very simple class of report-style documents, with section headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and illustrations, with a few informational and presentational items, and some hypertext and multimedia.

Intelligent Network

Intelligent Network Application Part - a protocol offering real time communication between IN elements.

International Telecommunication Union

Oracle Corporation

Public Land Mobile Network

Service Control Function - this is the application of service logic to control functional entities in providing Intelligent Network services.

Standard Generalized Markup Language. The international standard for defining descriptions of the structure of different types of electronic document.

Short Message Service.

Sub Service Field.


















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Universal Service Management System hardware platform.


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Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Page 65 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

A About this Document

Audience • v Changes in this document • v Scope • v

ActivityTestGPRS Associated operations • 40 GPRS parameters • 40 Information flow • 40

Additional ITU parameters EventReportBCSM • 18

Additional parameters ApplyChargingReport • 10

ApplyCharging Associated operations • 9 CAP parameters • 9 ETSI parameters • 9 Information flow • 9

ApplyChargingGPRS Associated operations • 41 GPRS parameters • 41 Information flow • 41

ApplyChargingReport Additional parameters • 10 Associated operations • 10 CAP parameters • 10 ETSI parameters • 10 Information flow • 10

ApplyChargingReportGPRS Associated operations • 42 GPRS parameters • 42 Information flow • 42

ASN • 10 AssistRequestInstructions

Associated operations • 8 ETSI parameters • 8 Information flow • 8

Associated operations ActivityTestGPRS • 40 ApplyCharging • 9 ApplyChargingGPRS • 41 ApplyChargingReport • 10 ApplyChargingReportGPRS • 42 AssistRequestInstructions • 8 Cancel • 11 CancelGPRS • 43 CollectInformation • 12 Connect • 13 ConnectGPRS • 44 ConnectSMS • 55 ConnectToResource • 14 Continue • 15 ContinueGPRS • 45 ContinueSMS • 58

ContinueWithArgument • 35 DisconnectForwardConnection • 16 DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgume

nt • 34 DisconnectLeg • 36 EntityReleasedGPRS • 46 EstablishTemporaryConnection • 17 EventReportBCSM • 18 EventReportGPRS • 49 EventReportSMS • 57 FurnishChargingInformation • 19 InitialDP • 20 InitialDPGPRS • 47 InitialDPSMS • 54 InitiateCallAttempt • 22 MergeCallSegments • 37 PlayAnnouncement • 23 PromptAndCollectUserInformation • 24 PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result •

30 ReleaseCall • 25 ReleaseGPRS • 48 ReleaseSMS • 59 RequestReportBCSMEvent • 26 RequestReportGPRSEvent • 50 RequestReportSMSEvent • 56 ResetTimer • 27 ResetTimerGPRS • 51 ResetTimerSMS • 60 SpecializedResourceReport • 28 SplitLeg • 38

Audience About this Document • v

C CAMEL • v Cancel

Associated operations • 11 ETSI parameters • 11 Information flow • 11

CancelGPRS Associated operations • 43 GPRS parameters • 43 Information flow • 43

CAP • v CAP 2 parameters

FurnishChargingInformation • 19 CAP 3 parameters

FurnishChargingInformation • 19 CAP parameters

ApplyCharging • 9 ApplyChargingReport • 10 Connect • 13 InitialDP • 21

Changes in this document


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About this Document • v CollectInformation

Associated operations • 12 ETSI parameters • 12 Information flow • 12

Connect Associated operations • 13 CAP parameters • 13 ETSI parameters • 13 Information flow • 13 ITU parameters • 13

ConnectGPRS Associated operations • 44 GPRS parameters • 44 Information flow • 44

ConnectSMS Associated operations • 55 Information flow • 55 SMS parameters • 55

ConnectToResource Associated operations • 14 CS-2 parameters • 14 CS-2/CAP parameters • 14 ETSI parameters • 14 Information flow • 14

Continue Associated operations • 15 ETSI parameters • 15 Information flow • 15

ContinueGPRS Associated operations • 45 GPRS parameters • 45 Information flow • 45

ContinueSMS Associated operations • 58 Information flow • 58 SMS parameters • 58

ContinueWithArgument Associated operations • 35 CS-2 parameters • 35

Core INAP Support Introduction • 5 Operations between SCF - SRF • 6 Operations between SCF - SSF • 5

CS1 • v CS-2 parameters

ConnectToResource • 14 ContinueWithArgument • 35 DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgume

nt • 34 DisconnectLeg • 36 MergeCallSegments • 37 PlayAnnouncement • 23 SplitLeg • 38

CS-2/CAP parameters ConnectToResource • 14

D DisconnectForwardConnection

Associated operations • 16 ETSI parameters • 16 Information flow • 16

DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument Associated operations • 34 CS-2 parameters • 34

DisconnectLeg Associated operations • 36 CS-2 parameters • 36

Document Conventions Icons • vi Terminology • vi Typographical conventions • vi

E EntityReleasedGPRS

Associated operations • 46 GPRS parameters • 46 Information flow • 46

Errors supported List of INAP Errors • 32

EstablishTemporaryConnection Associated operations • 17 ETSI parameters • 17 Information flow • 17 ITU parameters • 17

ETSI • v ETSI parameters

ApplyCharging • 9 ApplyChargingReport • 10 AssistRequestInstructions • 8 Cancel • 11 CollectInformation • 12 Connect • 13 ConnectToResource • 14 Continue • 15 DisconnectForwardConnection • 16 EstablishTemporaryConnection • 17 EventReportBCSM • 18 FurnishChargingInformation • 19 InitialDP • 20 InitiateCallAttempt • 22 PlayAnnouncement • 23 PromptAndCollectUserInformation • 24 PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result •

30 ReleaseCall • 25 RequestReportBCSMEvent • 26 ResetTimer • 27 SpecializedResourceReport • 28

EventReportBCSM Additional ITU parameters • 18 Associated operations • 18 ETSI parameters • 18 Information flow • 18

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EventReportGPRS Associated operations • 49 GPRS parameters • 49 Information flow • 49

EventReportSMS Associated operations • 57 Information flow • 57 SMS parameters • 57

F FurnishChargingInformation

Associated operations • 19 CAP 2 parameters • 19 CAP 3 parameters • 19 ETSI parameters • 19 Information flow • 19 Nokia DX200 switches • 19

G GPRS • 39 GPRS parameters

ActivityTestGPRS • 40 ApplyChargingGPRS • 41 ApplyChargingReportGPRS • 42 CancelGPRS • 43 ConnectGPRS • 44 ContinueGPRS • 45 EntityReleasedGPRS • 46 EventReportGPRS • 49 InitialDPGPRS • 47 ReleaseGPRS • 48 RequestReportGPRSEvent • 50 ResetTimerGPRS • 51

GSM • v

H HTML • vi

I Icons

Document Conventions • vi IN • vi INAP • v

INAP version • 2 INAP - ETSI

Overview • 4 INAP result parameters support

Introduction • 29 INAP version

INAP • 2 Information flow

ActivityTestGPRS • 40 ApplyCharging • 9 ApplyChargingGPRS • 41 ApplyChargingReport • 10 ApplyChargingReportGPRS • 42 AssistRequestInstructions • 8

Cancel • 11 CancelGPRS • 43 CollectInformation • 12 Connect • 13 ConnectGPRS • 44 ConnectSMS • 55 ConnectToResource • 14 Continue • 15 ContinueGPRS • 45 ContinueSMS • 58 DisconnectForwardConnection • 16 EntityReleasedGPRS • 46 EstablishTemporaryConnection • 17 EventReportBCSM • 18 EventReportGPRS • 49 EventReportSMS • 57 FurnishChargingInformation • 19 InitialDP • 20 InitialDPGPRS • 47 InitialDPSMS • 54 InitiateCallAttempt • 22 PlayAnnouncement • 23 PromptAndCollectUserInformation • 24 PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result •

30 ReleaseCall • 25 ReleaseGPRS • 48 ReleaseSMS • 59 RequestReportBCSMEvent • 26 RequestReportGPRSEvent • 50 RequestReportSMSEvent • 56 ResetTimer • 27 ResetTimerGPRS • 51 ResetTimerSMS • 60 SpecializedResourceReport • 28

InitialDP Associated operations • 20 CAP parameters • 21 ETSI parameters • 20 Information flow • 20 ITU parameters • 20

InitialDPGPRS Associated operations • 47 GPRS parameters • 47 Information flow • 47

InitialDPSMS Associated operations • 54 Information flow • 54 SMS parameters • 54

InitiateCallAttempt Associated operations • 22 ETSI parameters • 22 Information flow • 22 ITU parameters • 22

Introduction Core INAP Support • 5 INAP result parameters support • 29

ITU • v

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Page 68 Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

ITU parameters Connect • 13 EstablishTemporaryConnection • 17 InitialDP • 20 InitiateCallAttempt • 22 PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result •

30 RequestReportBCSMEvent • 26

L List of INAP Errors

Errors supported • 32

M MergeCallSegments

Associated operations • 37 CS-2 parameters • 37

N Nokia DX200 switches

FurnishChargingInformation • 19

O Operations between SCF - SRF

Core INAP Support • 6 Operations between SCF - SSF

Core INAP Support • 5 Oracle • ii Overview


P PlayAnnouncement

Associated operations • 23 CS-2 parameters • 23 ETSI parameters • 23 Information flow • 23

PLMN • 63 PromptAndCollectUserInformation

Associated operations • 24 ETSI parameters • 24 Information flow • 24

PromptAndCollectUserInformation Result Associated operations • 30 ETSI parameters • 30 Information flow • 30 ITU parameters • 30

R ReleaseCall

Associated operations • 25 ETSI parameters • 25 Information flow • 25

ReleaseGPRS Associated operations • 48 GPRS parameters • 48

Information flow • 48 ReleaseSMS

Associated operations • 59 Information flow • 59 SMS parameters • 59

RequestReportBCSMEvent Associated operations • 26 ETSI parameters • 26 Information flow • 26 ITU parameters • 26

RequestReportGPRSEvent Associated operations • 50 GPRS parameters • 50 Information flow • 50

RequestReportSMSEvent Associated operations • 56 Information flow • 56 SMS parameters • 56

ResetTimer Associated operations • 27 ETSI parameters • 27 Information flow • 27

ResetTimerGPRS Associated operations • 51 GPRS parameters • 51 Information flow • 51

ResetTimerSMS Associated operations • 60 Information flow • 60 SMS parameters • 60

S SCF • 5 Scope

About this Document • v SGML • 63 SMS • vi SMS parameters

ConnectSMS • 55 ContinueSMS • 58 EventReportSMS • 57 InitialDPSMS • 54 ReleaseSMS • 59 RequestReportSMSEvent • 56 ResetTimerSMS • 60

SpecializedResourceReport Associated operations • 28 ETSI parameters • 28 Information flow • 28

SplitLeg Associated operations • 38 CS-2 parameters • 38

SSF • 5

T Terminology

Document Conventions • vi

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Typographical conventions Document Conventions • vi

U USMS • 5

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