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St. Anne’s Parish Church

Corstorphine Sunday 6th January 2013 Epiphany

PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP... (The words below are a short prayer which may be

used by individuals before worship, offering an

opportunity to prepare for worship. And while the

cares and concerns of family, life and the world are

brought with us to worship, we prepare ourselves to

share our joy and burden in God’s presence).

God of light,

in the light of this morning

we have a sign of your constancy –

day and night, light and dark.

In the rhythm of sun and moon,

and of summer and winter,

we are reminded of your faithful love

and care for us.



Prelude on 'Lobe den Herren' (tune 172) JG Walther How brightly shines the morning star D Buxtehude

Welcome and Church Notices


Call to Worship


Hymn No. 172 “Sing for God’s glory”


Opening Prayer


Time to Talk

Hymn No. 351 “Jesus’ hands were kind hands”

A reading from the Old Testament Amos 7: 1 – 9 (p892 - OT)

Anthem "Kings of Orient" J. H. Hopkins

Time to Talk

Hymn No. 484 “Great God, your love has called us here”

A reading from the Gospels Luke 19: 1 – 10 (p104 & 105)

Time to Talk

Hymn No. 352 “O for a thousand tongues, to sing”

Prayers of the People Response – Lord, we need your love

Offering & Dedication

Offertory Prelude on 'As with gladness' W Held


Hymn No. 519 “Love divine, all loves excelling”


Benediction & Sung Amen


Finale on 'Hyfrydol' (tune 519) H Coleman

Page 2: Order of Service

Locum Minister: Rev. Bill Irving

St Anne’s Parish Church

Kaimes Road, Corstorphine,

Edinburgh, EH12 6JR

Phone: 0131 – 316– 4740

Email: [email protected]


Scottish Charity Number: SC006300

Church Notices

Next Sunday: 11am Morning Worship

Office Hours: The Church Office will be

open on Thursdays from 9.30am to 12 noon. When

the office is not open, emails will be monitored.

St Anne’s Guild: St Anne's Guild has its first

meeting of the year on Tuesday 8 January in the

Kaimes Road Hall at 7.30 pm.

The speaker is Brian Graham from The Julius Project

which is a new initiative from Scottish Churches

Housing Action trying to establish four new

befriending projects across Scotland to help at least

80 people each year find their way out of


We look forward to a strong turnout on the first

meeting of 2013! All are most welcome.

The FAN Club's next meeting is on Friday, 11th

January at the usual time of 10.30 a.m. for

tea/coffee, home baking and catch-up chat.

The talk, which will follow this at 11.00 a.m., is not

as billed in the Syllabus.

Instead, Jane Rahil, from Historic Scotland, is going

to tell us about the newly refurbished Bannockburn

Visitors' Centre in Stirling.

This should be a great start to the 2013 half of the

syllabus and we hope that lots of you will come and

bring friends as well.

The Kirk Session will meet on Monday 21st


at 7.30pm in the Guild Room. Any items for the

agenda should be in the hands of either Session

Clerk as soon as possible.

IT'S 2013 Happy Centenary Year to all St. Anne's

members and their families & friends from the

Centenary Organising Team.

We hope you will enjoy the events planned to

celebrate 100 years of our magnificent church


We kick off with a fun, Family Ceilidh for all ages

hosted by our Social Committee on Saturday 26th

January at 7pm. in the Kaimes Road Church Hall.

Fliers and tickets are available from the Social

Committee and Elders today.

Please come along and enjoy the party.

February Magazine: The deadline for articles for the

February issue of the magazine is next Sunday 13th

January at 6pm.

Intimations: All intimations to be included in next

week’s order of service should be delivered to the

church; placed in the box in the kitchen or e-mailed

to [email protected] NO LATER

THAN 9am on Wednesday morning.

Gift Aid Envelopes are available in the pews for

members and visitors should they wish to further

contribute to the worldwide work of the church by

adding gift aid to their offering. If you are using one

of the envelopes please fill in your name and address

as without that we are unable to reclaim the tax on

the donation.

Pew Cards: These are available should you wish to

join the congregation; know someone who requires

a visit; or wish to take a more active role in the life

of the congregation.

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