  • 1. Organizational Behavior Semester II1

2. Syllabus Module-IIndividual and the organization The individual as psychological entity and the organization as a social systemModule -IIModels of Organizational Behavior- Work motivation Theories and applicationsModule -IIILeadership Behavior Styles Theories Leadership effectivenessModule -IVGroup dynamics Structure, Effectiveness Power- Exercise and sources of power, Power relationsModule VOrganizational change and development approaches and methods- Stress- Nature, Source, Effects, Conflicts Employee Counseling Approaches Extra mural: Experiential Learning programmes , Case Study 2 3. Internal Assessment AssessmentMarksWritten Assessment Class Test (2* 5) Midterm (1*5) Model (1*5)10 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks Total: 20 MarksAssignment (1*5) Presentation (1*5) OB @ Organizations (1*5) Overall Class Participation5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 MarksTotal 40 Marks 3 4. MODULE I4 5. Module 1 Individual and the organization The individual as psychological entity and the organization as a social system5 6. What do Managers Do ??? ManagersManagerial Activities Individuals who achieve goals through other people. Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals 7. Management Functions PlanningControllingOrganizingManagement FunctionsDirectingStaffing7 8. Mintzbergs Managerial Roles8 9. Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd)9 10. Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd)10 11. Management Skills Technical skillsThe ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. Human skillsThe ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups.Conceptual SkillsThe mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. 11 12. Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities (Luthans) 1. Traditional management Decision making, planning, and controlling 2. Communication Exchanging routine information and processing paperwork 3. Human resource management Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and training 4. Networking Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others 12 13. Allocation of Activities by Time13 14. Common ThreadLeadingInterpersonal RolesHuman SkillsHuman Resource Management, Communication & Networking 15. OB - Defined A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness. 15 16. OB - Defined It is a systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations. Organizational Behavior is the study of human behavior in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organization with the intent to understand and predict human behavior. 16 17. Nature and Scope Three level of analysis Focus on application Distinct Field of Study Contingency thinking Interdisciplinary in nature Subset of management Use of scientific methods Positive and optimistic Integrative in nature 17 18. Importance of OB Uncover hidden aspects of Organization Explain and predict behavior Acquire people skills and win the race Formulate informed judgement 18 19. Organizational Iceberg19 20. 21. Replacing Intuition with Systematic Study IntuitionA feeling not necessarily supported by research.Systematic study Looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence. Provides a means to predict behaviors.Evidence Based Management Basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence 21 22. Replacing Intuition with Systematic StudyPreconceived NotionsThe Facts22 23. CONTRIBUTING DISCIPLINES TO THE FIELD OF OB 23 24. Toward an OB Discipline 25. Contributing Disciplines Psychology Is the science that seeks to measure, explain and sometimes change the behavior of humans Social Psychology Blends the concepts from both psychology and sociology, and focuses on peoples influence on one another Sociology The study of people in relation to their social environment or culture Anthropology The study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. Political Science The study of the behavior of individuals and groups within a political environment. 25 26. Contingency variables Situational factors Variables that moderate the relationship between two or more other variables and improve the correlation.XY 26 27. Basic OB Model, Stage I Model An abstraction of reality. A simplified representation of some real-world phenomenon.27 28. The Dependent Variables Dependent variable A response that is affected by an independent variable.28 29. The Dependent Variables (contd) ProductivityA performance measure that includes effectiveness and efficiency. EffectivenessAchievement of goals. EfficiencyThe ratio of effective output to the input required to achieve it.29 30. The Dependent Variables (contd) Absenteeism The failure to report to work.Turnover The voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization.30 31. The Dependent Variables (contd)Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employees formal job requirements, but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.31 32. The Dependent Variables (contd)Deviant Workplace Behavior Voluntary Behavior that violates significant organizational norms and, in doing so threatens the well being of the organization or its members32 33. The Dependent Variables (contd) Job satisfaction A general attitude toward ones job, the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.33 34. The Independent Variables Independent variable The presumed cause of some change in the dependent variable. Independent Variables34 35. 35 36. Discussion Topic for MondayChallenges and Opportunities for OB36 37. 37

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