Page 1: Orphan Comparative Complete

Both the trailer and the poster use the phrase “There's something wrong with Esther” as a tagline and a strap. This creates continuity between the two media texts and makes us understand that there is definitely something wrong with, the protagonist on the front cover, Esther.

Lighting in this poster and the trailer has been used to make it look as if this child has secrets. Low key lighting has been used which creates shadows on her eyes, hiding them slightly, which could suggest to the audience that she has something to hide. Behind the image on the poster, there is a dark green background which helps to create an unsettling mood, portrayed throughout the film.

She wears similar style, old fashioned, ‘school girl’ like collared clothing with a velvet neck choker. She wears her hair in a middle parting down or in pig tails. Her face is almost straight in both images which suggests to the audience that she is evil and that she has set out on mission to ruin this family’s life, which the audience learn from the trailer.

The trailer for Orphan begins by showing the institutions of the film Orphan (“Warner Bros. Pictures” and “Dark Castle”) and they are also featured at the bottom of the poster in the text block. This informs in the audience who the film has been made by, As it has being made by the well-known institution, it may result in the film becoming more popular, and may intrigue more people to go and watch it.

The film poster and trailer both invites the viewer to question what is wrong with her and what secrets she might be keeping. They both use the inclusive language by saying ‘you’ which makes the viewer feel as they’re being directly spoken to.

The poster has its own font for the title which is childlike and has a scratched effect which supports the lead image. The trailer uses a different font, which looks smudged as if there has been water on the text which continues to run down the white background. The smudging is so slight, that it resembles tears on paper, which connotations of gloominess and sorrow. This tells the audience that the protagonist is most probably going to be an orphan, therefore a child which corresponds perfectly with the main image of the poster, who we assume to be the protagonist. This is reinforced when a mother is outside a classroom in an orphanage. This shows the separation and division from the children she longs to be a mother to, and then talks to a nun who discusses the difficulties of adoption.

The trailer ends by showing a title screen which states there is not yet a release date, however the poster informs the audience it is July 24th. The poster ensures that the audience know when this film is available to watch. The trailer and poster both give a website which enables the audience to research this film further and in more depth.

The poster doesn’t feature any other characters like the family that adopt her, this suggests she is alone, reinforced by the name of the film ‘Orphan’. However, the trailer introduces the audience to all of the main character and their relationship to her.

There are no actor names on this poster or in the trailer which draws an extra attention towards Esther and the sinister atmosphere created.

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