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OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector

on the AWS Cloud

Quick Start Reference Deployment

March 2018

47Lining Team

AWS Quick Start Reference Team


Overview ................................................................................................................................. 2

Costs and Licenses .............................................................................................................. 3

Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 4

Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................ 10

Specialized Knowledge ..................................................................................................... 10

Technical Requirements ................................................................................................... 10

Planning the Deployment .................................................................................................... 10

Deployment Options ........................................................................................................ 10

Authentication Options ..................................................................................................... 11

Instance Selection............................................................................................................. 12

Kinesis Data Streams Shards ........................................................................................... 12

Deployment Steps ................................................................................................................ 13

Step 1. Download OSIsoft Software and Microsoft Tools ................................................ 13

Step 2. Prepare Your AWS Account ................................................................................. 15

Step 3. Launch the Quick Start ........................................................................................ 15

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Step 4. Test the Deployment ........................................................................................... 28

Step 5. Use the Management Console to Explore Connector Features ........................... 29

Optional: Adding VPC Definitions .................................................................................. 30

FAQ....................................................................................................................................... 31

Additional Resources ........................................................................................................... 32

Git Repository ...................................................................................................................... 33

Document Revisions ............................................................................................................ 33

This Quick Start deployment guide was created by 47Lining, a REAN Cloud Company, in

partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). 47Lining is an AWS Premier Consulting

Partner specializing in big data.

Quick Starts are automated reference deployments that use AWS CloudFormation

templates to deploy a specific workload on AWS, following AWS best practices.


This Quick Start reference deployment guide provides step-by-step instructions for

deploying the OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector on the AWS Cloud.

The OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector synchronizes your OSIsoft PI System data to

AWS to enable advanced analytics on your industrial process time-series data. You can use

this connector to get your data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and explore

and analyze your data by using a wide variety of AWS services that support agile analytics.

Using the PI System to manage industrial process time-series data is common within

vertical industries such as oil and gas, mining, manufacturing, and energy and utilities.

Users who have invested in a PI System footprint that aggregates and manages industrial

process time-series data currently face two challenges:

Users would like to be able to use AWS analytics services to operate on their data, but

making the data and its associated structure available in AWS isn’t currently a

straightforward process.

Users would also like to be able to perform real-time analytics on their data, but

establishing and managing real-time feeds of industrial process time-series data from

the PI System to AWS can be a cumbersome process.

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The OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector solves both of these problems. You can deploy

and use the connector with just a few clicks from your own AWS account. After you deploy

this Quick Start, you can easily establish near real-time managed feeds for selected data, get

your data to Amazon S3, keep it current, and explore and analyze your data with AWS

analytics services.

The OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector provides these features:

Security – You can connect to your PI Data Archive and PI Asset Framework (AF)

Server by using Windows Integrated Security (WIS), virtual private network (VPN), and

Active Directory. Or, you can connect to your PI Data Archive through your user


Synchronization – You can synchronize your PI AF structure in AF Server and PI

Points, which are defined in PI Data Archive.

Near real-time subscription – You can subscribe to Snapshot and Archive updates

on selected PI Points to get your data to AWS through Amazon Kinesis.

Backfilling – You can backfill PI Points for periods in the past and move that data to

Amazon S3.

Interpolation – You can interpolate your PI Points at specified intervals and observe

the data flow to AWS.

Exploration – You can use Amazon Athena to explore your PI Points.

Publishing – You can publish your data in an S3 bucket for sandboxed analytics.

Management – A dedicated Management Console web application lets you explore

OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector features and provides administrative functions.

Visualization – You can visualize your data by using Kibana dashboards and PI Points

data available in AWS Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES).

When your PI Data is available in AWS, you can use a wide range of other AWS services to

operate on your data and apply descriptive, predictive, and real-time analytics to optimize

your business and its operations.

Costs and Licenses You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Quick Start

reference deployment. There is no additional cost for using the Quick Start.

The AWS CloudFormation template for this Quick Start includes configuration parameters

that you can customize. Some of these settings, such as instance type, will affect the cost of

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deployment. For cost estimates, see the pricing pages for each AWS service you will be

using. Prices are subject to change.

This Quick Start requires that you obtain your own PI AF Client software. You must already

own licenses for OSIsoft PI Server, and you must have access to the OSIsoft website to

download the software.

Architecture Deploying this Quick Start for a new virtual private cloud (VPC) with default parameters

builds the following OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector environment in the AWS Cloud.

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Figure 1: Quick Start architecture for OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector on AWS

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The Quick Start sets up the following:

A virtual private cloud (VPC) that spans two Availability Zones and includes two

public and two private subnets.*

An internet gateway to allow access to the internet.*

In the public subnets, managed NAT gateways to allow outbound internet access

for resources in the private subnets.*

In the public subnets, Linux bastion hosts in an Auto Scaling group to allow

inbound Secure Shell (SSH) access to EC2 instances in public and private subnets.*

In a public subnet, a Connector Agent .NET application with OSIsoft PI AF SDK

hosts in an Auto Scaling group. This application integrates with PI Data Archive and

optionally with AF Server.

In a private subnet, a web application instance that hosts Management Console

in an Auto Scaling group. The Management Console exposes the functionality of the

OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector.

In a private subnet, a Communication Worker host in an Auto Scaling group to

allow asynchronous communication between Connector Agent and Management


AWS Lambda, to remove managed feed data from Amazon ES after a specified


Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to provide permissions to

access AWS resources; for example, to permit Amazon Kinesis Firehose and Amazon

Athena to read and write curated datasets.

Integration with other AWS services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Simple

Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon Athena, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda,

Amazon ES with Kibana, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon CloudWatch.

* The template that deploys the Quick Start into an existing VPC skips the tasks

marked by asterisks and prompts you for your existing VPC configuration.

Figures 2 and 3 show how these components work together to support asynchronous

communications and data streaming.

Figure 2 shows how Management Console and Connector Agent exchange messages

asynchronously through Amazon SQS queues.

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Figure 2: Asynchronous communication between Connector Agent and Management Console

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By using AWS native services and loose coupling through queue-based communication, you

can further extend this Quick Start to support a variety of enterprise-level deployment

scenarios, in which Connector Agent can be placed on premises and still communicate

through the AWS SDK for .NET and access AWS API endpoints.

Figure 3 shows how PI Points time-series data flows from PI Data Archive to Connector

Agent. Connector Agent then pushes data to a Kinesis stream that has two consumers:

Kinesis Data Firehose with an Amazon S3 destination, which persists managed feeds to

a curated datasets bucket in Amazon S3.

Kinesis Data Analytics application, which transforms data so that it can be indexed in

Amazon ES.

The managed feeds data is retained in Amazon ES for the number of days you specify when

you launch the Quick Start, after which the data is removed from Amazon ES.

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Figure 3: Streaming architecture for managed feeds with Kinesis

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Specialized Knowledge

Before you deploy this Quick Start, we recommend that you become familiar with the

following AWS services. (If you are new to AWS, see Getting Started with AWS.)

Amazon Athena

Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon EC2

Amazon ES

Amazon Kinesis

Amazon S3

Amazon SQS

Amazon VPC

AWS Lambda

Technical Requirements

To use this Quick Start, you must have OSIsoft PI Data Archive, and, optionally, OSIsoft PI

AF Server set up correctly in your data center. The Quick Start sets up an environment that

connects to these resources. For information about downloading and setting up these

products, see the OSIsoft website.

In addition, you will need to install PI Asset Framework (AF) Client, .NET Framework,

.NET Framework Targeting Pack, and MSBuild tools before you deploy the Quick Start.

This is covered in step 1 of the deployment steps.

Planning the Deployment Before you deploy OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector on AWS, please review the

following sections for guidelines on OSIsoft authentication, instance types, and VPC

considerations for deployment.

Deployment Options

This Quick Start provides two deployment options:

Deploy OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector into a new VPC (end-to-end

deployment). This option builds a new AWS environment consisting of the VPC,

subnets, NAT gateways, security groups, bastion hosts, and other infrastructure

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components, and then deploys OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector into this new


Deploy OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector into an existing VPC. This

option provisions OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector in your existing AWS


The Quick Start provides separate templates for these options. It also lets you configure

CIDR blocks, instance types, and OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector settings, as

discussed later in this guide.

Authentication Options

Before you deploy OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector, you’ll need to decide how to

authenticate Connector Agent with your PI Data Archive and AF Server. When you launch

the Quick Start, you use the Authentication Method parameter to indicate your choice.

Windows Integrated Security (WIS) is the most secure authentication method

supported by OSIsoft. If you already have a VPN connection between your on-premises

OSIsoft servers and the AWS Cloud, and if you are using Active Directory to manage

access to your PI Data Archive, this Quick Start can seamlessly integrate with your

current infrastructure.

The explicit user and password authentication method is less secure than WIS, but

makes it possible to deploy this Quick Start to any PI System setup, as long as a PI user

with those credentials has permissions to access PI Data Archive and AF Server. Make

sure that inbound and outbound ports are open; by default, they are 5450 for PI Data

Archive and 5457 for PI AF Server. The security settings of your PI System must permit

authentication with explicit login, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: PI System security settings for explicit login

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Instance Selection In most circumstances, the number of PI Points and frequency of updates will dictate the

type of instance type you use for Connector Agent, Management Console, and

Communication Worker. In the following tables, recommendations are based on workload


Connector Agent

Instance type PI Point updates per minute



1 – 10,000



10,000 – 100,000

Communication Worker

Instance type PI Point updates per minute



1 – 10,000



10,000 – 100,000

Kinesis Data Streams Shards The Quick Start lets you choose the number of Kinesis Data Streams shards to provision for

the PI Data stream during deployment. (The default is 2.)

The number of shards has to be scaled linearly with the number of PI Point updates per

minute; for example:

Kinesis Data Streams

shards count

PI Point updates

per minute

2 < 1,250,000

4 < 2,500,000

10 < 5,000,000

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Deployment Steps

Step 1. Download OSIsoft Software and Microsoft Tools

Before you deploy OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector, you’ll need to download PI Asset

Framework (AF) Client and the following Microsoft tools: .NET Framework, .NET

Framework Targeting Pack, MSBuild Tools. This step is required due to licensing

restrictions related to redistributing binaries from these software vendors.

Licensed Software Location and Structure

The licensed software used by the Quick Start must be stored in an S3 bucket in your


Create an S3 bucket

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon S3 console at

2. Create an S3 bucket for the licensed software. For instructions, see the Amazon S3


The S3 bucket that has the licensed software must have the following structure, where

LicensedSoftwareS3BucketName and LicensedSoftwareS3KeyPrefix refer to the

bucket name and key prefix. In step 3, you will be prompted for these values.

Figure 5: Licensed software structure

Download PI AF Client

1. Log in to the OSIsoft website at

2. Navigate to the All downloads screen.

3. Choose Developer Technologies (first position in last column).

4. Download PI Asset Framework (AF) Client 2017 R2 Install Kit (Windows).

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5. Make sure that the file is named PI-AF-Client.exe; rename it if needed.

6. Upload PI-AF-Client.exe to your S3 bucket, following the structure shown in Figure 5.

Download .NET Framework

1. Download .NET Framework from the Microsoft website.

2. Save the file as NDP46.exe.

3. Upload NDP46.exe to your S3 bucket for licensed software, following the structure

shown in Figure 5.

Download .NET Framework Targeting Pack

1. Download .NET Framework Targeting Pack from the Microsoft website.

2. Save the file as NDP46-TargetingPack.exe.

3. Upload NDP46-TargetingPack.exe to your S3 bucket for licensed software, following

the structure shown in Figure 5.

Download MSBuild Tools

1. Download MSBuild Tools from the Microsoft website.

2. Save the file as vs_buildtools.exe.

3. Upload vs_buildtools.exe to your S3 bucket for licensed software, following the

structure shown in Figure 5.

Connector Agent Assets Location and Structure

Download the Connector Agent from

datasets/osisoft/agent/v1/ and store it in a separate S3 bucket in your

AWS account.

The S3 bucket must have the following structure, where

ConnectorAgentAssetsS3BucketName and ConnectorAgentAssetsS3KeyPrefix

refer to the bucket name and key prefix. In step 3, you will be prompted for these values.

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Figure 6: Connector Agent assets structure

Step 2. Prepare Your AWS Account

1. If you don’t already have an AWS account, create one at by

following the on-screen instructions.

2. Use the region selector in the navigation bar to choose the AWS Region where you want

to deploy OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector on AWS.

Important This Quick Start includes services that aren’t supported in all AWS

Regions. See the pages for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon Kinesis Data

Analytics on the AWS website for a list of supported regions.

3. Create a key pair in your preferred region.

4. If necessary, request a service limit increase for the Amazon EC2 t2.micro instance

type. You might need to do this if you already have an existing deployment that uses this

instance type, and you think you might exceed the default limit with this reference


5. If necessary, request a service limit increase for AWS CloudFormation stacks. This

Quick Start creates up to fifteen (15) stacks. You may need to request a service limit

increase if you already have existing deployments that use AWS CloudFormation stacks.

Step 3. Launch the Quick Start

Note You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this

Quick Start reference deployment. There is no additional cost for using this Quick

Start. For full details, see the pricing pages for each AWS service you will be using in

this Quick Start. Prices are subject to change.

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1. Choose one of the following options to launch the AWS CloudFormation template into

your AWS account. For help choosing an option, see deployment options earlier in this


Option 1

Deploy Quick Start into a

new VPC on AWS

Option 2

Deploy Quick Start into an

existing VPC on AWS

Important If you’re deploying OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector into an

existing VPC, make sure that your VPC has two private subnets in different

Availability Zones. These subnets require NAT gateways or NAT instances in their

route tables, to allow the instances to download packages and software without

exposing them to the internet. You’ll also need the domain name option configured

in the DHCP options as explained in the Amazon VPC documentation. You will be

prompted for your VPC settings when you launch the Quick Start.

Each deployment takes about 50 minutes to complete.

2. Check the region that’s displayed in the upper-right corner of the navigation bar, and

change it if necessary. This is where the network infrastructure for OSIsoft PI System to

AWS Connector will be built. The template is launched in the US West (Oregon) Region

by default.

Important This Quick Start includes services that aren’t supported in all AWS

Regions. See the pages for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon Kinesis Data

Analytics on the AWS website for a list of supported regions.

3. On the Select Template page, keep the default setting for the template URL, and then

choose Next.

4. On the Specify Details page, change the stack name if needed. Review the parameters

for the template. Provide values for the parameters that require input. For all other

parameters, review the default settings and customize them as necessary. When you

finish reviewing and customizing the parameters, choose Next.

In the following tables, parameters are listed by category and described separately for

the two deployment options:

Launch Launch

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– Parameters for deploying OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector into a new VPC

– Parameters for deploying OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector into an existing VPC

Option 1: Parameters for deploying OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector

into a new VPC

View template

Network Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Remote Access CIDR


Requires input The CIDR IP range that is permitted to access the OSIsoft PI

System to AWS Connector software. We recommend that you

set this value to a trusted IP range. For example, you might

want to grant only your corporate network access to the

software. You can use to

check your IP address. This parameter must be in the form

x.x.x.x/x (e.g.,, YOUR_IP/32).

VPC Definition


QuickstartDefault The VPC definition name from the Mappings section of the

template. Each definition specifies a VPC configuration,

including the number of Availability Zones to be used for the

deployment and the CIDR blocks for the VPC, public subnets,

and private subnets. You can support multiple VPC

configurations by extending the map with additional

definitions and choosing the appropriate name. If you don’t

want to change the VPC configuration, keep the default

setting. For more information, see the Adding VPC

Definitions section.

Availability Zones


Requires input The list of Availability Zones to use for the subnets in the VPC.

The Quick Start uses two Availability Zones from your list and

preserves the logical order you specify.

Key Name


Requires input A public/private key pair, which allows you to connect securely

to your instance after it launches. When you created an AWS

account, this is the key pair you created in your preferred


Licensed 3rd-party Software Installers Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Licensed Software S3

Bucket Name



Requires input The S3 bucket where the Microsoft and OSIsoft licensed

software are installed, from step 1. The bucket name can

include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and

hyphens, but should not start or end with a hyphen.

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Parameter label (name) Default Description

Licensed Software S3

Key Prefix



Requires input The S3 key name prefix for required licensed software, from

step 1. This prefix can include numbers, lowercase letters,

uppercase letters, hyphens, and forward slashes.

Connector Agent Assets

S3 Bucket Name





The S3 bucket where Connector Agent sources are installed,

from step 1. The bucket name can include numbers, lowercase

letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens, but should not start or

end with a hyphen.

Connector Agent Assets

S3 Key Prefix



osisoft/agent/v1/ The S3 key name prefix to where Connector Agent sources are

installed, from step 1. This prefix can include numbers,

lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens, and forward


OSIsoft Authentication Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Authentication Method


WIS The authentication method to use between the Connector and

the OSIsoft PI System. Two authentication methods are

supported: Windows Integrated Security (WIS) and explicit

user and password authentication. If you are using Active

Directory with your OSIsoft PI System and already have VPN

established, you can use the WIS authentication method. If

you don't use WIS, you can specify Explicit user and

password. Depending on your choice, enter values for the

parameters in one of the next two categories. For more

information, see the Authentication Options section.

Authentication Configuration for WIS:

These four parameters are required only if Authentication Method is set to WIS.

Parameter label (name) Default Description

WIS Domain Name


Requires input

for WIS

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the forest domain

for the OSIsoft system; e.g.,

WIS Domain User Name


Requires input

for WIS

The user name (in Active Directory in your Windows network)

for the user who has privileges to access PI Data Archive and

AF Server.

WIS Domain User



Requires input

for WIS

The password (in Active Directory in your Windows network)

for the user who has privileges to access PI Data Archive and

AF Server.

Domain Controller

Server IP


Requires input

for WIS

The host (IP) of the AD Domain Controller server.

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Authentication Configuration for Explicit User and Password:

These five parameters are required only if Authentication Method is set to

Explicit user and password.

Parameter label (name) Default Description

PI User


Requires input

for explicit user

The name of the PI Data Archive user.

PI Password


Requires input

for explicit user

The password for the PI Data Archive user.

Asset Framework

Domain Name


Requires input

for explicit user

The domain name of the user who runs AF Server. This

parameter is required only if you set Authentication

Method to Explicit user and password and you

adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft system. This Quick Start

can independently connect to PI Data Archive and AF


Asset Framework User


Requires input

for explicit user

The name of the user who has privileges to access PI Asset

Framework Server. This parameter is required only if you

set Authentication Method to Explicit user and

password and you adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft

system. This Quick Start can independently connect to PI

Data Archive and AF Server.

Asset Framework



Requires input

for explicit user

The password of the user who has privileges to access AF

Server. This parameter is required only if Authentication

Method is set to Explicit user and password and you

adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft system. This Quick Start

can independently connect to PI Data Archive and AF


PI Data Archive Server Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

PI Server IP


Requires input The host (IP) of the PI Data Archive server.

PI Port


5450 The port on which PI Data Archive runs.

Asset Framework Server Configuration:

These three parameters are required only if you adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft

system. This Quick Start can independently connect to PI Data Archive and AF


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Parameter label


Default Description

Asset Framework

Server IP


Requires input

for AF Server

The host (IP) of PI AF Server.

Asset Framework Port


5457 The port on which PI AF Server runs.

Asset Framework

Structure Database


Requires input

for AF Server

The name of the AF database that Connector Agent will

connect to; for example, NuGreen.

Connector Agent Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Connector Agent

Instance Type


m4.xlarge The EC2 instance type for the Connector Agent instance.

Log Group Name Prefix




The name of the Amazon CloudWatch log group for metric


Metric Namespace

Name Prefix





The namespace name for the metric filters.

Management Console Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Management Console

Instance Type


t2.micro The EC2 instance type for Management Console.

Management Console

User Name


ConsoleAdmin The user name for Management Console, consisting of 1-64

ASCII characters.

Management Console



Requires input The user password for Management Console. The password

must contain 8-64 printable ASCII characters, excluding /,

", ', \, and @, and must contain one uppercase letter, one

lowercase letter, and one number.

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Connector Supporting Infrastructure Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description


Worker Instance Type


t2.micro The EC2 instance type for the Communication Worker

host. The Communication Worker processes messages

coming from Connector Agent.

DynamoDB Read



1 The read capacity of each DynamoDB table (1-10,000). For

more information, see the Amazon DynamoDB


DynamoDB Write



1 The write capacity of each DynamoDB table (1-10,000).

For more information, see the Amazon DynamoDB


Kinesis Streams

Shards Count



2 The number of Kinesis Data Streams shards to provision

for the PI Data stream. For guidance, see the Kinesis Data

Streams Shards section and the Amazon Kinesis Data

Streams documentation.

Elasticsearch Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Days to Live


7 The number of days after which managed feeds are

removed from Amazon ES. Data is permanently stored in

Amazon S3.

Elasticsearch Node



1 The number of nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch Node





The node type to be provisioned for the Elasticsearch


S3 Lifecycle Management:

Parameter label


Default Description

Enable S3 Lifecycle


yes Set to no if you want to disable Amazon S3 lifecycle rules.

For more information, see the Amazon S3 documentation.

IA Transition Period



90 The number of days after which data is transitioned to

infrequent access (IA) in Amazon S3. For more

information, see the Amazon S3 documentation.

Glacier Transition




365 The number of days after which data is transitioned to

Amazon Glacier.

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AWS Quick Start Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Quick Start S3 Bucket



quickstart-reference The S3 bucket you have created for your copy of Quick Start

assets, if you decide to customize or extend the Quick Start

for your own use. The bucket name can include numbers,

lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens, but should

not start or end with a hyphen.

Quick Start S3 Key



osisoft/latest/ The S3 key name prefix used to simulate a folder for your

copy of Quick Start assets, if you decide to customize or

extend the Quick Start for your own use. This prefix can

include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters,

hyphens, and forward slashes.

Quick Start

Deployment Suffix


qs You can deploy this Quick Start multiple times in the same

AWS Region if you provide a different suffix with each

launch. This suffix is added to resource names to make them

unique for each deployment. Use this parameter to support

the deployment of production and test environments in the

same AWS Region and in the same AWS account. The suffix

is a 1-7 character string that contains numbers and

lowercase letters.

Option 2: Parameters for deploying OSIsoft PI System to AWS Connector

into an existing VPC

View template

Network Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Remote Access CIDR


Requires input The CIDR IP range that is permitted to access the OSIsoft PI

System to AWS Connector software. We recommend that

you set this value to a trusted IP range. For example, you

might want to grant only your corporate network access to

the software. You can use

to check your IP address. This parameter must be in the

form x.x.x.x/x (e.g.,, YOUR_IP/32).

Availability Zones


Requires input The list of Availability Zones to use for the subnets in the

VPC. The Quick Start uses two Availability Zones from your

list and preserves the logical order you specify.

Existing VPC CIDR


Requires input The CIDR block for your existing VPC.

Existing VPC ID


Requires input The ID of your existing VPC (e.g., vpc-0343606e).

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Parameter label (name) Default Description

Existing VPC Private

Subnet 1 ID


Requires input The ID of the private subnet in Availability Zone 1 in your

existing VPC (e.g., subnet-a0246dcd).

Existing VPC Private

Subnet 2 ID


Requires input The ID of the private subnet in Availability Zone 2 in your

existing VPC (e.g., subnet-b58c3d67).

Existing VPC Public

Subnet 1 ID


Requires input The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 1 in your

existing VPC.

Existing VPC Public

Subnet 2 ID


Requires input The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 2 in your

existing VPC.

Key Name


Requires input A public/private key pair, which allows you to connect

securely to your instance after it launches. When you created

an AWS account, this is the key pair you created in your

preferred region.

Licensed 3rd-party Software Installers Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Licensed Software S3

Bucket Name



Requires input The S3 bucket where the Microsoft and OSIsoft licensed

software are installed, from step 1. The bucket name can

include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and

hyphens, but should not start or end with a hyphen.

Licensed Software S3

Key Prefix



Requires input The S3 key name prefix for required licensed software, from

step 1. This prefix can include numbers, lowercase letters,

uppercase letters, hyphens, and forward slashes.

Connector Agent Assets

S3 Bucket Name





The S3 bucket where Connector Agent sources are installed,

from step 1. The bucket name can include numbers,

lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens, but should

not start or end with a hyphen.

Connector Agent Assets

S3 Key Prefix



osisoft/agent/v1/ The S3 key name prefix to where Connector Agent sources

are installed, from step 1. This prefix can include numbers,

lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens, and forward


OSIsoft Authentication Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Authentication Method


WIS The authentication method to use between the Connector

and the OSIsoft PI System. Two authentication methods are

supported: Windows Integrated Security (WIS) and explicit

user and password authentication. If you are using Active

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Parameter label (name) Default Description

Directory with your OSIsoft PI System and already have

VPN established, you can use the WIS authentication

method. If you don't use WIS, you can specify Explicit user

and password. Depending on your choice, enter values for

the parameters in one of the next two categories. For more

information, see the Authentication Options section.

Authentication Configuration for WIS:

These four parameters are required only if Authentication Method is set to WIS.

Parameter label


Default Description

WIS Domain Name


Requires input

for WIS

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the forest

domain for the OSIsoft system; e.g.,

WIS Domain User



Requires input

for WIS

The user name (in Active Directory in your Windows

network) for the user who has privileges to access PI Data

Archive and AF Server.

WIS Domain User



Requires input

for WIS

The password (in Active Directory in your Windows

network) for the user who has privileges to access PI Data

Archive and AF Server.

Domain Controller

Server IP



Requires input

for WIS

The host (IP) of the AD Domain Controller server.

Authentication Configuration for Explicit User and Password:

These five parameters are required only if Authentication Method is set to

Explicit user and password.

Parameter label


Default Description

PI User


Requires input

for explicit user

The name of the PI Data Archive user.

PI Password


Requires input

for explicit user

The password for the PI Data Archive user.

Asset Framework

Domain Name


Requires input

for explicit user

The domain name of the user who runs AF Server. This

parameter is required only if you set Authentication

Method to Explicit user and password and you

adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft system. This Quick Start

can independently connect to PI Data Archive and AF


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Parameter label


Default Description

Asset Framework User


Requires input

for explicit user

The name of the user who has privileges to access PI Asset

Framework Server. This parameter is required only if you

set Authentication Method to Explicit user and

password and you adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft

system. This Quick Start can independently connect to PI

Data Archive and AF Server.

Asset Framework



Requires input

for explicit user

The password of the user who has privileges to access AF

Server. This parameter is required only if Authentication

Method is set to Explicit user and password and you

adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft system. This Quick Start

can independently connect to PI Data Archive and AF


PI Data Archive Server Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

PI Server IP


Requires input The host (IP) of the PI Data Archive server.

PI Port


5450 The port on which PI Data Archive runs.

Asset Framework Server Configuration:

These three parameters are required only if you adopted AF Server in your OSIsoft

system. This Quick Start can independently connect to PI Data Archive and AF


Parameter label


Default Description

Asset Framework

Server IP


Requires input

for AF Server

The host (IP) of PI AF Server.

Asset Framework Port


5457 The port on which PI AF Server runs.

Asset Framework

Structure Database


Requires input

for AF Server

The name of the AF database that Connector Agent will

connect to; for example, NuGreen.

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Connector Agent Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Connector Agent

Instance Type


m4.xlarge The EC2 instance type for the Connector Agent instance.

Log Group Name Prefix




The name of the Amazon CloudWatch log group for metric


Metric Namespace

Name Prefix





The namespace name for the metric filters.

Management Console Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Management Console

Instance Type


t2.micro The EC2 instance type for Management Console.

Management Console

User Name


ConsoleAdmin The user name for Management Console, consisting of 1-64

ASCII characters.

Management Console



Requires input The user password for Management Console. The password

must contain 8-64 printable ASCII characters, excluding /,

", ', \, and @, and must contain one uppercase letter, one

lowercase letter, and one number.

Connector Supporting Infrastructure Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description


Worker Instance Type


t2.micro The EC2 instance type for the Communication Worker

host. The Communication Worker processes messages

coming from Connector Agent.

DynamoDB Read



1 The read capacity of each DynamoDB table (1-10,000). For

more information, see the Amazon DynamoDB


DynamoDB Write



1 The write capacity of each DynamoDB table (1-10,000).

For more information, see the Amazon DynamoDB


Kinesis Streams

Shards Count



2 The number of Kinesis Data Streams shards to provision

for the PI Data stream. For guidance, see the Kinesis Data

Streams Shards section and the Amazon Kinesis Data

Streams documentation.

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Elasticsearch Configuration:

Parameter label


Default Description

Days to Live


7 The number of days after which managed feeds are

removed from Amazon ES. Data is permanently stored in

Amazon S3.

Elasticsearch Node



1 The number of nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch Node





The node type to be provisioned for the Elasticsearch


S3 Lifecycle Management:

Parameter label


Default Description

Enable S3 Lifecycle


yes Set to no if you want to disable Amazon S3 lifecycle rules.

For more information, see the Amazon S3 documentation.

IA Transition Period



90 The number of days after which data is transitioned to

infrequent access (IA) in Amazon S3. For more

information, see the Amazon S3 documentation.

Glacier Transition




365 The number of days after which data is transitioned to

Amazon Glacier.

AWS Quick Start Configuration:

Parameter label (name) Default Description

Quick Start S3 Bucket



quickstart-reference The S3 bucket you have created for your copy of Quick Start

assets, if you decide to customize or extend the Quick Start

for your own use. The bucket name can include numbers,

lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens, but should

not start or end with a hyphen.

Quick Start S3 Key



osisoft/latest/ The S3 key name prefix used to simulate a folder for your

copy of Quick Start assets, if you decide to customize or

extend the Quick Start for your own use. This prefix can

include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters,

hyphens, and forward slashes.

Quick Start

Deployment Suffix


qs You can deploy this Quick Start multiple times in the same

AWS Region if you provide a different suffix with each

launch. This suffix is added to resource names to make them

unique for each deployment. Use this parameter to support

the deployment of production and test environments in the

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Parameter label (name) Default Description

same AWS Region and in the same AWS account. The suffix

is a 1-7 character string that contains numbers and

lowercase letters.

5. On the Options page, you can specify tags (key-value pairs) for resources in your stack

and set advanced options. When you’re done, choose Next.

6. On the Review page, review and confirm the template settings. Under Capabilities,

select the check box to acknowledge that the template will create IAM resources.

7. Choose Create to deploy the stack.

8. Monitor the status of the stack. When the status is CREATE_COMPLETE, the OSIsoft

PI System to AWS Connector environment is ready.

Step 4. Test the Deployment When the Quick Start deployment is complete, you can validate and test the deployment by

checking the resources in the Outputs tab of the AWS CloudFormation console.

Figure 7: Quick Start outputs

You should confirm the following:

The S3 buckets listed in the Outputs tab for the stack are available from the Amazon S3

console at The Quick Start provisions distinct S3

buckets for submissions, curated datasets, and published results.

Note S3 buckets are retained after you delete the CloudFormation stacks created

by this Quick Start, so your industrial time-series PI data remains available in your

AWS account. To remove those buckets, delete the contents of each bucket, and then

delete each bucket. For more information, see the Amazon S3 documentation.

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The Management Console URL listed in the Outputs tab for the stack points to a

running web application if you open it in a web browser.

The Kinesis data stream for streaming PI Points listed in the Outputs tab for the stack

is available in the Kinesis console at

The ElasticSearch cluster listed in the Outputs tab for the stack is available in the

Amazon ES console at, and the Kibana endpoint

listed on the Outputs tab is accessible from a web browser client within the Remote

Access CIDR that you specified when launching the Quick Start.

Step 5. Use the Management Console to Explore Connector Features

You’ll see a URL for Management Console in the Outputs tab. You can use Management

Console to synchronize your AF structure or PI Points. After successful synchronization,

you can establish a subscription to selected PI Points or use features such as interpolation

or backfilling to ingest your industrial time-series into the AWS Cloud.

1. Choose the URL for ManagementConsoleURL in the Outputs tab, and open it in a

web browser.

2. Log in to Management Console by using the parameters you specified in step 3: Use

the value of the Management Console User Name parameter as your user name,

and Management Console Password as your password.

Figure 8: Login page for Management Console

3. Use the links on the main screen to access the AF structure, PI Points, Events log, and to

explore your PI System data.

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Figure 9: Main screen of Management Console

Optional: Adding VPC Definitions

When you launch the Quick Start in the mode where a new VPC is created, the Quick Start

uses VPC parameters that are defined in a mapping within the Quick Start templates. If you

choose to download the templates from the GitHub repository, you can add new named

VPC definitions to the mapping, and choose one of these named VPC definitions when you

launch the Quick Start.

The following table shows the parameters within each VPC definition. You can create as

many VPC definitions as you need within your environments. When you deploy the Quick

Start, use the VPC Definition parameter to specify the configuration you want to use.

Parameter Default Description

VPCCIDR The CIDR block for the VPC.

PublicSubnet1CIDR The CIDR block for the public (DMZ) subnet 1 located in Availability

Zone 1.

PrivateSubnet1CIDR The CIDR block for the private subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 1.

PublicSubnet2CIDR The CIDR block for the public (DMZ) subnet 2 located in Availability

Zone 2.

PrivateSubnet2CIDR The CIDR block for the private subnet 2 located in Availability Zone 2.

NumberOfAZs 2 The number of Availability Zones to use in the VPC.

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Q. I encountered a CREATE_FAILED error when I launched the Quick Start.

A. If AWS CloudFormation fails to create the stack, we recommend that you relaunch the

template with Rollback on failure set to No. (This setting is under Advanced in the

AWS CloudFormation console, Options page.) With this setting, the stack’s state will be

retained and the instance will be left running, so you can troubleshoot the issue. (Look at

the log files in %ProgramFiles%\Amazon\EC2ConfigService and C:\cfn\log.)

Important When you set Rollback on failure to No, you’ll continue to

incur AWS charges for this stack. Please make sure to delete the stack when

you’ve finished troubleshooting.

For additional information, see Troubleshooting AWS CloudFormation on the AWS


Q. I encountered an “S3 bucket already exists” error during deployment.

A. S3 buckets created by this Quick Start are retained after you delete the CloudFormation

stacks, so your industrial time-series PI data remains available in your AWS account. To

remove those buckets, delete the contents of each bucket, and then delete each bucket.

Another option is to relaunch the Quick Start and change the Quick Start Deployment

Suffix parameter so that the names of the S3 buckets are differentiated from the previous


Q. I don’t have OSIsoft AF Server installed in my data center. Can I benefit from this Quick


A. Yes, you can. Providing an endpoint for AF Server is optional. If you don’t have AF

Server installed, you will still be able to use the environment set up by this Quick Start to

connect to PI Data Archive.

Q. I launched this Quick Start with the explicit user and password authentication method,

and deployment was successful, but I can’t access the Management Console web


A. If you’re using explicit user and password authentication, you need to open firewall ports

in your OSIsoft system and configure your PI System security settings to allow

authentication with explicit login. For more information, see the section about

authentication in this guide.

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Q. I encountered a problem accessing the Kibana dashboard in Amazon ES.

A. Amazon ES is protected from public access. Make sure that your IP matches the input

parameter Remote Access CIDR, which is white-listed for Amazon ES.

Q. I deployed the Quick Start in the EU (London) Region, but it didn’t work.

A. This Quick Start includes services that aren’t supported in all regions. See the pages for

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics on the AWS website for

a list of supported regions.

Q. I encountered a size limitation error when I deployed the AWS Cloudformation


A. We recommend that you launch the Quick Start templates from the location we’ve

provided or from another S3 bucket. If you deploy the templates from a local copy on your

computer or from a non-S3 location, you might encounter template size limitations when

you create the stack. For more information about AWS CloudFormation limits, see the AWS


Additional Resources AWS services

Amazon EC2

AWS CloudFormation

Amazon VPC

OSIsoft PI System

Overview and documentation

Quick Start reference deployments

AWS Quick Start home page

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Git Repository You can visit our GitHub repository to download the templates and scripts for this Quick

Start, to post your comments, and to share your customizations with others.

Document Revisions Date Change In sections

March 2018 Initial publication —

© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates, and 47Lining, a REAN Cloud

Company. All rights reserved.


This document is provided for informational purposes only. It represents AWS’s current product offerings

and practices as of the date of issue of this document, which are subject to change without notice. Customers

are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this document and any

use of AWS’s products or services, each of which is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, whether

express or implied. This document does not create any warranties, representations, contractual

commitments, conditions or assurances from AWS, its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. The responsibilities

and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, and this document is not part of,

nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its customers.

The software included with this paper is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You

may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This code is distributed on


See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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