  • 8/8/2019 Our Contribution, Intention & Motivation


    Our Contribution, Intention and Motivation

    By Khairu Rejal

    Contributing towards progressive change of one's society is an important element that any

    individual needs to undertake. This undertaking is not a part-time effort or something to beconsidered like a co-curricular activity or perhaps whenever when one has some free time to spend.

    However, this act of contributing requires an utmost commitment and primacy in one's life that is

    reflected through dedication and the enduring spirit of activism - directed and strategic.

    For those of us whom have been actively engaged in this enduring spirit could hence immediately

    relate to Maslow's hierarchy of needs (personal, social, love, esteem) and retrospect. According to

    Maslow- the esteem needwhich is rank as the utmost sophisticated need motivates an individual to

    be engaged to its society, contributing to it, helping and provoking positive change.

    Reflecting the late hours spent beyond our day job - which could be spent on other things (dating,sleeping, shopping, gossiping, hanging out, you may notice a particular pattern in the examples

    given here) - Maslow's ideas shed some light or if not plenty of the reason why we do the things we

    do and labor in such committed fashion at that!!

    However, consider also that based on Maslow's interpretation - this motivational factor that drives

    us intensely is merely an act that brings one close to recognition in the society. In short, for fame

    and glory. From a histrionic perspective (just pushing it further) this seems merely an act of

    attention seeking and self-centeredness.

    Thus, while the individual (again according to Maslow hierarchy of needs) may seem altruistic yet

    there is in fact a superficial motivational drive that is the total opposite of what is trying to be


    Although, there are further criticism of Maslow's theory (which I don't intend to bore you with nor

    am I a deep expert) - the point that is trying to place across here is a fundamental question: why are

    we doing all this?

    Maslow's hierarchy of need offers a deep retrospection. The intend in presenting these ideas is not

    to unravel the deep negative unconscious of us all - as akin to Freudian theories - but rather to

    initiate a temporal pause and recollection or realignment of thoughts and, importantly, intentions.

    The imperative of the context we face every day - and the needs of our society viz a viz its common

    maladies that still requires solutions are factors that highlight the need of drivers and individuals

    who are not motivated by shallow needs. Rather, by the imperative of now and commitment

    towards a worthy cause. Would such imperatives suffice of one to only consider to commitments

    that are merely pseudo and ad hoc in nature?

  • 8/8/2019 Our Contribution, Intention & Motivation


    Theodore Roosevelt famously said (and my favorites quote):

    "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the

    doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

    whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short

    again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actuallystrive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a

    worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the

    worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and

    timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

    The religious fundamentals of "rahmatal lil alameen" and "khairu ummah" should also be

    considered. Muhammad (saw) was not merely a man who carries and presents God's revelation but

    most important of all was an agent of social change - from a corrupt and backward society to one

    that upholds justice, human rights, freedom and progress! It is this spirit that drives him towards

    his first encounter of his prophetic role and for which he dedicated his life ever since. Shall we thenthose who proclaim to love him not dedicate ourselves to the very cause and values that he


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