

Our perfect audience members.

Our perfect audience member would be between the ages of 15-22. We decided this after sending out our survey where majority of the responses were from this age range. Our film also has an age rating of 15 therefore it would be inappropriate to have a target audience member below this age.

How old are they?

I don’t think that gender matters. I believe that our film will appeal to all genders as the protagonist is female, which means females may be able to relate to her and also, the film may appeal to heterosexual males as they may be attracted to the protagonist.

What gender would they be?

I believe the perfect audience member would be in the tribe of a ‘hipster’. This is because they stereotypically come from a background where they have more money, and as a result of this, have a better education and are more likely to go onto A-Levels (just like our protagonist!) Also, Hipsters are known for being more social and more likely to take drugs, smoke and drink under-age. As these all happen in our film, and the protagonist may come across as a hipster, this type of audience member would be able to relate as they’ve seen these situations themselves. (E.g. Exam pressures & drinking, etc…) What tribe do the belong to and


As mentioned in the previous slide, the audience member would be a very social person and therefore enjoy partying and nights out with their friends. However, as they are a stereotypical hipster, their parents are more likely to be in a higher position, earning more money than the average person, causing our audience member to have higher career aspirations and a love for money! As a hipster, they would be into the latest fashion trends and all the expensive and vintage items they can get their hands on! Our perfect audience member would overall, be very socially aware and possibly conscious of what other people think.

What would their interests be?

They would have a very particular and obvious dress sense. They would be extremely into fashion and therefore wear what ever is in season or whatever they feel is ‘vintage’. An example of what they may dress like is shown in the picture to your left. When seeing anyone who is dressed like this (or similarly to this) it is reasonable to assume they are a hipster.

What would they dress like?

I think they would be into very unique things. For example, travelling or going to theatre shows. The would find the unusual things, that are rare to come across, interesting. For example, they may be interested in going to drive through cinemas as they aren’t very common or well seen in the UK. They would have expensive taste and therefore would be into entertainment that isn’t cheap to access (Festivals, gigs, etc…). What type of entertainment would the be

in to?

The would eat very healthy, and very exotic foods. They would enjoy foods such as sushi and would be more likely to choose a salad over chips- unless on a night out!

What kind of food would they like?

I think they would watch psychological thrillers and thrillers which contain a lot of action rather than ghosts or haunting. As they are, stereotypically, more educated, they are less likely to entertain the idea of ghosts and ghouls because they feel they have another, more scientific explanation. They would enjoy thrillers such as; Black swan, Taken, seven and American psycho.

What other thriller films would they watch?

They would like our film because they will be able to relate to the protagonist and elements of the story line. They would live a similar life style. Also, hipsters are known for having strong ties with their families and having their families work in high positions are dangerous positions. As the protagonist’s mother is a police officer and is the person who has to find her, this particular audience member would understand or be able to empathise with how the mother is feeling. They might be able to see their familiar parents in a similar situation.

Why would your film be the type of film they would like?

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