  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936


    .- ...' _ - ~ . ~ ' , _ 4 ~ . j ,.- ':



    Wil li am D un ca n an dPollock Speak atLegion Room

    A capacity audience attended the"Sports Nigh t " p r og r am of the Womcn's Community Club of Narberth JastFriday evening in the Legion Room ofthe Community Building.::>Irs. Ralph C. Heat h, p re si den t o fthe club, welcomed the members, theirhusbands and guests. ,Through the cour tesy of the NewtonCoal Company a delightful musical

    program preceded the s pe ak er s. T hetrio wa s composed o f Mor ri s Br aun ,viol ini s t; Thomas Elmer , 'cellist, andClarence Fuhrman, pianist.The first speaker, C. William DunCall, i n te rviewer and columnis t of the

    Evening Public Ledger, drew from hislist o f about 3000 persons interviewedover a p er io d o f y ea rs s ev er al o ut standing and widely known people,A f las h word p ic tu re m ad e is possible fo r t he audience to vi sua li ze theman or woman interviewed. Some ofthese notable individuals includedSenator Borah, Governor La Follette,Alfred E. Smi th , J ohn N. Garner,Huey Long, W il ey Post, MadameSchumann Hei nk , Ru th Bryan Owenand Wi ll i am Lyon Phelps.Ed Pollock, spo rts ed ito r of the

    Evening Ledgel', spoke of Narberth asbeing the home o f many people promi.nent in sports. Among those he ment i oned were Bill Crowell, Bill Durbin,L ou You ng , Har ve y Harman, DickOdiorne, Jack Jefferies and Ted Meredith.Out of his large acquaintanceshipwith people in the field of sport he

    told many incidents which clearly portrayed t he personal i ty a nd t he chara ct er o f such men as Marbury, Simmons and o ther s o f the baseball world.He mentioned Connie Mack as t he manfor whose sportsmanship everyone hadt he h ig he st r eg ar d. He p la ys t hegame hard and insists that reporterscome to him fo r f a ct s before printinga story which t hey mayhave hear d.Mrs. Frank X, P ur ce ll w as t he

    hostess of the eveninJr,


    c.Many Attend Club'sSportsNight Program

    To cel eb ra te t he qua sh ing of themer ge l' c as e a civic ce lebra tion i sbeing- planned by the Narberth HomeRule Commit tee .The affair, which will take t h e f orm

    of enter t a inment , buffet supper andsquare dancing, wi ll b e held in theLegion Room of the Communi ty Build ing on 'Vedne"tlay, February 12.Ti cket s f or t he c el eb ra ti on wi ll b ein t he f o rm of miniature blueprints of

    t he Cour t room. A burlesque on thehearing wil l be part o f t he entertainment.There will also be professional entertainment provided by artists from

    WCA U artists' bureau. A surprise,the nature of which has not been revealed, i s a no the r f ea tu r e. The squa redancing will be led by J. J. Cabrey,an official of the Home Rule Committee.The Cou rt hearing o n t he m er ge r

    peti tion, attended by over a hundredborough residents, was concluded suddenly wit h t he w it hd rawa l o f t he petition, br inging an end, f or t he present, at least, to t he four -year-oldmovement to annul the Narberth BOl'ough Charter.Following presentation of p roof o f

    publication of the notice regarding thehearing to the Court, A tto rneyFranklin L. Wrig-ht, attorney f or t he: l\ ar be r th Taxpaye r s' Association,told t he Cou rt that he had been givena copy of t he exceptions claimingseveral hundred forgeri es in the petit io n o n t he previous day and had nothad an oppor tuni ty to investigate thec h a r g e ~ . He asl,ed that the c as e b econtimwd ':0 that he m ig ht h av e t he

    Continued on Pag-c Eig-ht


    Food Sale Tomo r rowThe Sub-Juniors of the Women's

    Community Club wil l give a f oo d saleth is Saturday at t he f o rme r Wh it e' sSweet Shop, opposi te the station.



    IMergerites to Continue Efforts;Home Rulers Plan Celebration

    ITaxpayers' Group Sees With- Civic Aff ai r t o I nc lude En -drawal as ttTemporary tertainment, Supper andObstacle" Square Dancing

    Plans Celebration- - - - - - - - - _ . _ ~ - - ' - - - ~ - __------ ..- .NARB ER TH , P ENN SYLVAN IA , J ANUARY 31,1936

    Library's Follnder

    -- - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - -


    Orgatlization, Which is Fifteen Years Old Today, Now HasO'JIer 10,000 Volurnes and Circulationof 45,000 Per Year- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ' - - - II Today marks the fifteen anniversaryof the Narberth Community Library.I The library is taking recognition I KId f H C H ' Cof it s b ir th da y w it h a n exl ub lt r e- DIsC aims now e ge 0 ow ourt earmg on ase

    Il ut ing t o i ts h is to ry by, d i s t r i b ~ - I Bogus Signatures Got Norristown Concludedtion of leaflcts contrastmg Its condl- on Document Swiftly' t ion at the t ime of formation i n 1921 Iwith that of today. There is a ls o o n I I Issuring its supporters t lat wit 1-d is pl ay an exh ib it o f d rawing s, pho- Idrawal o f t he me rge r pet it ion i s " on lyItographs, etc., from the school in \a temporary obstacle" and that theNarberth, Wales. case wil l be heard again on i ts merits,

    I How t he l ib r ary g rew a nd became Ithe Narberth Borough Taxpayers' As-Ian impor tant adjunct t o t he commun- - -Our Town Pho to , I sociation i ssued a statement yesterdayIity life is r el at ed i n the following J. J. CABREY Ithrough its officers disclaiming all,article by Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wood, official of t he N ll rb er th Ho me Iknowledge of how fraudulent signa-II i ts f ou nd er a nd librarian f or m an y Rille Committee, who nidin!l in tures became affixed t o t he p et it io n* * * years: ] J l l l n , ~ fOl' the c iric celebra tion to I and stating that an investigation is

    One of h is m os t treasured recol- The article was published l a st y ear be held i n t il e b orol l! lh Felml- Ibeing conducted by a committee of the, t rs Iin the PC1l11sylrnnill Club IVolllan and IIry 12. 101.ganization.lections is an occaSIOn seven een yeaago when t he p re sen t Ki ng stopped in Pennsylvania Li/n-1I1'1I Notes, the pub- 'Vhile it does not say so directly, thePhiladelphia on his way f rom Wash- Iication of the Library Extension C ' G N statement infers that the mergerington to sail for England f rom New Division of the State Library at Har- itizens roup ames group is planning to continue its fightYork. The Br it is h Wa r Veterans' risburg. 3 Honorary Officers for annulment of the borough charter.Club, of which Smith was a member, MRS. ELIZABETH K. WOOD Mrs. Wood's article follows: The Taxpayers' Association state-formed a welcoming committee at the founder of the Narberth Commun- "Eighteen books, properly acces- I ment is as follows:r ai lr oa d s ta ti on . T he P ri nc e p as se d it. I Libra?'y, who te lls the story of sioned, c at al og ed a nd p ro ud ly dis- He ss P et er s an d Hower Elected I "The voluntan, ' withdrawal of the

    d ]Jlayed for distribution on the window 'down the line s ha ki ng h an ds a n its development i n a n accompany- f h h' to Posts i n Repub li c an Narberth Merger Peti t ion is in ac-asking each man an impromptu ques- iny' a?:ticle. . 1\ sill o f t he I i ~ i n g room 0 t e c a1r- i Commit tee cOl'dance with the consistent de-tion. "When it came my turn,"I man of the Ll teratur. e Department . of t ermi na ti on o f i ts s po ns or s a nd ad-, "h k d 'f I v had' the Women's Club, laId the foundatlOn " "Snl1th relates, e as e leer J CI b PI . .f or t he Narberth Library which now, ANNUAL MEETING FEB. 111 vocates to WIn thIS cause on ItS mel' l tsthe desire to return t o E ng la nd ? Unl0r U annlng I, 'f h . bI" or not at all. At the fi1'St oppor-And I replied, 'Yes, if it only be as Im ItS ou rt eent y e ar , IS a pu IC unity after " ecific credible r e o rt sf W ' dsor' This a roused h i s ValentIne Dance 15th s t itu tion supported by the c ommumty T hr ee p ro mi nen t memb er s of th eIt . ' d ' P , d' t' th t par as In . ' , f f ' , ", were receIve mIca mg a unau-. 't d h sal'd me 'What do Iand conductmg such orms 0 serVIce Repub lI can orgamzatlOn In Montgom- 'd' I h dcurlOSI y an e , I 1 . I 't I d h thol'lze sIgnatures apparent y ak b ut \Vi nd so r? ' Then I Ias ar e usually found on y marge C1 y: ery County have been e ecte on- dd d h t" 't .you. ~ o ~ V h ~ m O t h a t I used ' to " ee h im !M emb er s E n jo y Wi t Testingilibraries. 'orary o f f i c ~ r s of the 'Republican Cit i- been tah e htOtht ,e ptetltJon, IFs S ] k J O I ~ -remmb e d ho " he ra n t h r o ~ g h our games at Regular I "The slightly more than 10,000 vol- zens; Committee of Lower Merion and I o n ' _ : ~ T ' rhou g etll'dathorneYt't ratn 'thl11as a oy an \, I ' . 'h t 1 ' I h' k R. "rIg t, repol' e e ma er 0 eh d by his tutor At t hi s Mee tmg . umes now housed m t e two cen ra Narber th , I t was announcet t IS wee '. f kl d I ' h ' 'Ithouspe ?urSUsmeI'led and r ema ;ked ' Poo r i Irooms of the Community Building ar e Those elected ar e Pe te r C. Hess , of ~ o u r t , ran' y ec armthg tcen' tunwlt-e nnce ' ' . h d th h ' F I C I Ingness to present to e our 01' 0f II l'dn't we lead him the life?'" BOOK CLUB IS ACTIVE! dIVIded among t ree epartments, e Bala , as honorary c an'man; ret , f d . . h' h t ' de ow, t I * ' *' iadult, the j uvenil e and the reference, Peter s, of Ardmore , a nd Wil li am G. de en, a pet It lOnf \d\ ICb fcolnlamel't even, I d h 'k . I d . th _ H . . f B" 1\1 '. h "one sIgnature 0 ou t u ega I y.Smith was born at Wmdsor and at- The N arb erth Junior Community I t e W01 mvo ve r e ~ U l r e s . ese I' d . 0weI , ,0 . 1yn 1 aw 1, as ono1a1y "Having voluntarily eliminatedfromt ded the Queen 's "chool there a pri- C lu b h el d its regular meeting last vIce of one graduate hbranan an vlce-chanmen. 'd t' t th 't' f th fil'en ' " . I ' . ., Th I " conS I era lOn, a e nne 0 e mg-vate institution in Windsor ParI, . As iThursday evening, with the P r e ~ i d l ' n t , I assl.stant-m-tIammg. e annua Announcement of the e l e c ~ l O n :"as Iof the petit ion, more than two hun-a membe r o f t he boys ' choir of the I M i s ~ Alice Francis, presiding. : c l r c u l a t l ~ n of 45,000, volur,les, the made by Harold W. Sco tt , o t Menon , d red names of persons known to haveschool he sang a t t he unveiling of the Committee reports were g iv en b y I[ prepara t iOn. of bullet1l1 boards for chai rman of the committee, at a mee t- d ied moved from the borough orstatue in memory of Queen Victoria. th e chairmen, an d Mrs. Spencer I posters, revICws ?f. current b ~ o k s ing of its executive group Tuesday s i g n ~ d more than once bv mistake: theAfter leaving school he worked for a Smith, 1st vice-president, g-ave an in-I f o r gene ra l p ~ b l I ~ l t y , p r e p a l ' l ~ g l I st s n ight at t he Arcadia RestauraJl t , Nar - sponsors of the p e t i t i ~ n asked thetime at Buckingham P a l a ~ e in charge teresting r es um e of a Federation Iof r.ecent pubhcatlOns, assemblm.g col- berth. , right to investigate the facts as t o t heof the royal harness, SmIth, who has meeting which s he a tt en de d last IlectlOns of ,bOOkS ?rou,ped accor?mg to The a n n ~ a l elec:l?n of o f f i c e r ~ ofIumored invalidity of other signaturesbeen employed at Montgomery School month at which Mrs. John M, Phil-I s e a : o ~ a l or l ocal mteIests, holdmg ar t the RepublIcan CItIzens' Commlttec and inst ruc ted their at torneY to withsince its formation and worked on the Ilips, pres ident of the State Federationl e ~ l l l b l : s and ~ o ~ v e r , shows, as. well .as will take place at a fu ll meet ing a t d raw the petition fo rth wit h if th egrounds there for twenty-five years , was pr inc ipa l speaker . I I hl,stol'lcal ~ x h l b ~ t s In c o ~ n e c t l O n wIth the Arcadia on Tuesday, February 11, I slightest fraud cou ld be shown ,lS married and has two daughters, I The ] Jr og ram of the evening W'IS event s o f nl1POltance., al e among t he at 8 P M "C I f tl t f tl' ' I . ' , '. f I I 'b" h'l .. , , ounse or l e opponen SOleBetty, 16, a student at L o w ~ r MerIOn I arranged by the ~ r e s s and Publicity i ~ a J l o u s actIVItIes. 0, t le I, Jary, W I e ,Members o f t he N o n l l n a t m ~ Com- petition declined, for some unaccount-Senior High School, and Ali ce , 14, a ICommittee, of whIch Mrs. James D, i constant effort IS, to pres.erve t ~ a t nllttee are Lloyd Unger , chan 'man; ab le re as on t o co-operate w it h th estudent at the Junior High. 1Moure i s chairman. 1\1rs. 1\1oore pre-II fnendly atmosphere m the clrculatlOn Lambert Ot t, Jl., George A. Walker ' " . I, ' ' .. 'I '. . . 'room where men and women gather ' jletJtJOnel S lJ1 suc 1 an 111\ estlgatlonsentcd :Mlss Jean Staples. a nll'Il1ber; ", and \V. Iyan SImpson. and insisted that the originallv sched-~ ~ P i r a t e s " Plan to I' o,f t he Juniors , who ~ a v e sl'veral vio-! for a. qUiet tlIscuSSlOn of books and Commenting on the electl.'on,of ,the uled hearing be held, before t 'he peti -l In s ol os , accompanIed by another IauthOl s. . honorary officers o f t he orgamzatJOn, tioners could possiblv complete theirInvade Bala CynwydlJunior J\Ii"s Evelyn Jefferis Due t o Conllnued on Pag-c Tw o Mr, Scott made the following- state-I ,. ", ~ . ' ( ontl l1Ue(] 011 l'ag-e E I f . ~ h t. It he i na bilit y o f t he two schedUled i ment:- - - speal'er" to ~ p p e a r an informal par ty i D eb at e o n T ow ns en d P la n "A t the t im e t he Republican Citi- M' L' A" .. F P N I ,,' 'H rf d C II T . I am mers SSlstmg mConung rom enzance ex t was ananged wi th three wi t- t es t ing at av e or 0 eg e ues. zens' Committee was formed immedi-. S I . A C .

    F 'd T S f ff ' t' I ' h I I d' th f II ' . I t a vatlon rmy ampalgnrl ay _ 0 ta y or games 0 ermg s mm at IOn to e p - ate Ill'ece mg e a pnmal'les asDanc e Sa tu r da y Iwarm the forty members who braved A pub li c debate on the Townsend year the fundamental objective A q uo ta o f $25,000 has been as-___ the cold to be present. Mrs. Mabel , Plan will be held at Rober ts Hall , to arouse the latent Republican voteI f II T d s ig ne d t o t he l \l a in L ine Division ofM NY FROM NARBERTH l Iu ns ic lw r w as w in ne r o f the Ad- Haver ord Co ege , on u es a y, in Lower Merion Township and Nar-A I g:uessing contest, and five girls each February 4, at 8 P. M. berth as a mea ns o f r al ly in g wha t the 1936 Salvation Army Mainten-B t Th 'onl' t ne mol' ' t ied for f i r ~ t place in the t wo s uc - The Rev. J. Vincent Laugh land , m ight be t e rmed the quiescent Repub- ance Fund Campaign which opens thise \ ~ a r e 'h' J etre f) th ate c.eeding games , making it necessary State area manager for t he Towns end l ic an s t o the ranks o f t he regular or- Friday with a luncheon at the Belle-wee m w IC 1 0 prepare or e - ' , ' h . vue-Stratford.k f th f "P ' t f Pel " to c ut " f or t he prizes, which 1\1 iss Plan, WI)) uphold the pensIOn sc eme, ganization.tac 0 e amous Ira es 0 1-" . . ' b k A J D1'exel Paul of Radno1' IS" hIt ' th tage Alice FranCIS, and Mrs. Betty Hal'- wIllIe hIS opponent WIll e Dr. Fran ('ontinucd on Page Eight . , . , ' ,.zance, w o p an c seIze e s . f . t .. chairman of the committee and is as-f h W 'C I b fBI C den won. Cofl' ee and doughnut s were \V. Fetter, professor 0 economICS ao It e 8 lOr-man SF 'I u 0 I sa ta- ~ I ' n - served a nd t he e ve ni ng ended with Hav er fo rd a nd t he author of books Auxil iary to Sew 6t h sisted by Van Hor n E ly , Jr". vice-WYl at . D on rH av anc a Ul'( aJ chairman, and the following sectional, F b 7 ' d 8 t he g roup s ingi ng t he s ea son' s popu- and ar ti c les on monetary matters The Women's Auxi li ar y o f t he Na r-evenings, e ruarv an , 'I I fl I TI " t th bl' b h P b ' CI h '11 h Id chairmen:, . 'r la r music untl t le aming og fire le meetmg IS open 0 e pu IC. crt res ytenan lUrc WI 0 \V'I!' R:\1 B 1\1It IS expected that the entIre 1- died down to glowing embers and its regular monthly meeting on Thurs- I lam . ooney, ryn 1 awl';ence will be c ap t ur ed ( and cap t l v a - , Id 1 "R I d PI J ' M . I F b 6 f 10 A M t 31 Mrs . Oscar Schae fe r, Bal a-Cvnwyd ;, " vOIces cou no onger go oun< an an oInt cctmg

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936













    January 31, 1936

    Pirate's DenPlantation HouseHunting Lodge

    J. Howard Mecke, Jr.Builder of"American Homes"709 Montgomery Avenue

    Narberth, Pa.



    APPLAUSE CARDSto 1'ote for YOllr fal'orite a/llatellr

    Sponsored by these busi"ess peoplefrom .,1'110/11 yOIl carl "0'" secure

    Narber th Jewelers236 Haverford AvenueCertified Watch a" d Clock Repairi"gAde lizzi Bros.102 Forest AvenueT ailors-Clea"ers-fllrriers

    Narberth Electric & RadioMai" U"e's first radio senice109 N, Narberth Avenue

    National B an k o f Narber thNarber th PI'inting Co .

    Harrv H. Hollar109 Forest AvenueNarb, 2618J. P. White Moto r s, I n c.104 Essex AvenueNarb. 2930-Gre, 8448Plymouth-De Soto Sales a"d Sen'ice

    Davis '224 Haverford AvenueEl erythi"g for )'OrHlg QJld oldNarbel th Theatre

    At Our Suburban Stores,or See Your Plumber or Heating Contractor

    You can get all these comforts with cleangas hea t. And bes ides , you will enjoya big saving on c leaning, redecora tingand doctors ' bil ls ... and there's nofuel to order I Choi ce o f Ja ni tr ol orBryant Conversion Burners at $195 cash . slightly higher on budget plan 10% down, 3 years to pay.

    Are you one of those"furnace-fretters"?Do you wor ry about your house heatwhen you're detained in town? You'rebound to unless you have constant,automatic heat . . . heat that regulatesi ts el f t o t he out si de temperature.

    NO W!


    Gas House Heat!-No such

    Do you remember t h e finished basement recreation room in

    31 Derwen Road, CynwydTh e joy of entertaining with the assurance an d ease of mindthat the younger members of your f ami ly h ave a hide-out oft h ei r own , cannot be assured unless your home contains a delightful finished ga me r oom w her e "Ping-Pong," "Darts,""Bridge" and "Backgammon" can be played and Dances he ldwithout ro ll ing u p t he rugs. We have been request ed to doseveral of these rooms for various people and for that reason we

    We ca n so d ecor at e y ou r b as em en t t o r ep re se nt a ny of thefollowing:

    Ship's DeckShip'S CabinRanch HouseOu r Designer will call on you and inspect your basement, submitsketches, plans, and will quot e you a p ri ce t o f ur ni sh a ll laborand material.

    The Atnerican HOl11eAND

    In Narbe rth and vicinity call:Narberth 2850

    In Philadelphia call:Greenwood 4115




    -Narberth2838 - 2839

    - a t theNarberth Station,/Prompt Deliyery

    fo r

    fo r suggestionsWatch OurWindows



    224 Hav e rf o rd Avenue

    Amateurs I n vi t ed t o JoinNarb e rt h Th eat r e Audi t ions

    r : , : ; Z ~ ~ : ; G : ; ~ : : ; ~ T ~ . i t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L I S T EN TO

    W.H.A.T. Wednesdays at 9 P. M.,February 5 to March 4.D i re c t f rom th e stage of th eNarber th Thea t re .See t h e Amateur Audi t ions,at th e theatre eve ry Wednesday .






    BALA.CYNWYD, PA.eelmont Avenue andLevering Mill Road


    Edw. A. Carroll Co.


    Look for the Name Electrically Branded

    Playing Cards

    heardthe news?

    Only th e best frankfu r te r s a re goodenough! So manyf r ankfu r ter s a re be in g cheapened with" fi ll er s" t hi s year,be sure tha t you ge tVo-kees, t he f in es tfrankfurters that ca nbemade. Vo-kees ar enever cheapened inanyway.You are sureof fine freshlydressedmeat. Your family'shealth is worth an yfew pennies' diffetenco in price.


    - T o any church organization, woman 's club an dother group in this section- n o matter how small orlarge-from two tables ofbridge to seventy-two!Just phone

    "THERE are new BargainRates on out-of-town callsALLDAY SUNDAY- t h esame low rates that starr ats ev en e ve ry n ig ht . ' Andthat's no t all .. . there areBargain Rates on Person toPerson calls, too-at nightand on Sundays , ' Takeadvantage of thesesavings.Call me for any rates youwant to know. Le t meconnect you w it h y ou rhome folks .. . your boyat college. . . f rie nd s inother towns you rarely see."

    NrJmber, please?




    ag e T wo Communi ty L ib ra ry Was lopented fo r many ye ars a nd whoStarted With 18 Books naturally were reluctant to t e r m i ~ a t e___ such a personally pleasant and stlmu-

    Continued f rom Pnrre One lating association, a feeling which all A d' , II 'mateu r au ItIons wi be g iven on" Th e s to ry of th e development of of them suppressed with admirableloaned FREE - no charge Ihis small collection of books t o its sacrifice because they realized that the stage, of the Narberth Theatrepresent status is t he s to ry o f a n u n- t he ir r et ir em en twa s a necessary step five Wednesdays beginning next week,usually broad-minded community in the development o f t he l ib ra ry. It at !) P. M. Managel ' Mannie SalasinIwhich has always supported the e f- was t h i ~ s a ~ e ~ p p r e c i a t i o n of invites a ll Mai n Line performers toIf or t, a s well a s t he s to ry o f a group community-wIde I nt er es t and motive I compete for the pl'izes that a l' e o fof untrained volunteers each of whom in the work whi ch i nf luenced the fered, and the local renown that wi1lgave, over a period of e ight years, one!Women's Club to .withdraw their m ~ n - ensue. All amateurs-singers, dancers,afternoon or e ve ni ng a w ee k to the' agement of the hbrary, a nd t o a ss is t announcers, comedians, etc.-arc in-special phase o f t he work which she in the formation of a Board of Trus- v it ed t o participate each Wednesday,had eleeted to perform, itees to be selected from t ~ e . towns- r eg ar dl es s o f a ge and previou,; ex"The first few books were purchased' people-at-Iarge, a board which would, 1921 from an a p p ~ o p r i a t i o n of $30 ibe, eligible receive public appropri- The program, patterned after Majg iven by the Executive Boar d o f the IatlOn, ~ l l l s Board of ,Trustees, to- or Bowes' enormously successful one,Women's Club for that purpose, and; gether With representatives from the i s sponsored by the the atre and awere rented originally at 10 cents for S.chool Board the Borough Coun-I group of Narberth business people.each week or fraction thereof. While I was formed In 1926. From I Handsome pr izes, including a chance228 BaJa Ave.-eyn. 928 th is ren tal system has been modified I time on progress was even more.rapid.! at a radio engagement, are offered the102 Forrest Ave.-Narb. 2602 ,a s the l ibrary has developed, ti1l now iThe School Board then made Its ap- winners

    TAILORS-CLEANERS Ionly the very latest books are included ipropriat ion for books, and t he Bor- V t ' ' th f f 'I'I ' ' h C 'l 't . t' f o e s - In e 01'01 0 mal mgDYERS FURRIERS III the rental collection, t he r en ta l oug ounci I s appropna Ion or d f ' , ,- I , . . I . 1 ' d d II ca r s - or participants III nextprmclple still forms the source of professlOna serVice, an assume a W d d ' d' , b el funds for the pur chas e o f new books, expenses of the room. It i s u nd er It ,e ~ e s f ay s au I t ~ n bmahY be, oba lt hough i n 1926 the School Board' t hi s a rr angement that the library Ifal1ke dronl1 manYh ahr er t Fusmhess""!!!:============== I . , ' h . k' I 0 " an a so at t e t eatre. ur t e rImade an appropl'latIon of $500 With operates at t e present time, ma mg , f ' b I.' . ' h b k . In ormatIOn may e lad from the which to buy books for required school Its purc ases of new 00 s, supphes IthI ' h' . '. I d ' t f th ' f eatre management.r eadmg, and t IS appropnatlOn m an equlpmen rom e I nc ome r omfluctuating amoun ts has been con- ren tals and fines. ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It inued ever since. I "Whi le the c i rcula t ion during the Practical"From the beginning the books were i past two years has shown a decreasemade avai lable to all residents of the: from its highest peak, and incomecommunity so that it was a compara- Ifrom rentals and fines has decreased DA Y CLASSES

    t ively simple matter to in terest them: slightly, t he r e h as n ever been a y e ~ r I Art; Costume Design; Dress -in the various stages of the l ibrary's .when t he l ib ra ry h as failed to take I making; Home Management;I'development, and to win a response: some definite step in advance. For ex- Interior Decoration; appeals for mater ia l s or money or ample, there was very little difficultysupport, According to this method, Ieven in the midst of the depression this Begi" February 3before mak ing any appea ls for pri-' p as t y ea r i n meeting the demands forvate contributions the enterpr ise had new f u rn i tu r e and fo r more books ofId e m o n s t r ~ t e d an ability, to give valu-: reference f or t he new reading andable serVice, and later did not ask for, reference room, a nd t hu s was incont ribut ions f rom public or tax' creased the confidence already estabmoney until i t h ad clearly established lished that slowly and though perhapsa community wide participation in its ' conservatively t he Narb ert h L ib ra ry11fr'=============::::::i1activities. The resu l t was that pri- Iwould advance each year in the fu turevate contributions came easily because into constantly widening horizons."10f private approval of the project, and Isimilarly, permanent appropriations W 'C I b S , omen s u ponsormgIwere readily granted by the borough .Iauthorities because they were con- MOVie P arty on Tuesdayscious of thetax payers' approval. By - - -those persons well acquainted with the On Tuesday" February .4, at 2 PIhistory of this library, this is consid- IM., . t h ~ W ~ m e n s C o ~ m u m t y ?Iub .of Iered to have been a large contributing:Narberth IS sponsormg a motIon-plc-1factor in its success. Iture par,ty at the. Narberth Theatre. I"As the number of books increased IThere wtl l be mus Ic by Jack Schwab-:an d the need for large quarters b e ~ ! enland organis t , ~ n d . a candy, sale,,'

    Icame apparent, there b eg an a series I Mrs. John M ~ r t m IS the ~ h a l r m a nof transfers from the window sill of I?f , the Motion-Picture Committee and I,the private home to the lobby of the liS III c h a ~ ' g e o f t he party. , IIY. M. C. A. building, thence to the I On Fl' Iday, February 7, there Williunusual gymnasium in the same build- I be a tea from 2 until 4 o'clock f o r t h e IIing, and finally to the central portion:old members to meet the new members Iof the new community house erected I and also prospective members at the, Ul; = = = = = = = : = = = = = = ~with funds derived from the sale of; home of Mrs, Verna R. Woodcock,l ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = =the Y. M. C. A. building. Here with : on Mon tg omer y a ve nu e, Narberth.\a new room added r ecen tl y f o r r ef er - Mrs. R. A. MiznEr is the chairman ofence wor k t he l ibrary remains ade-; the Membership Committee. Iquately housed for the present, with iall expenses o f h ea t, light, janitor! New P as to r May b e C h os en.' Iservice and repairs a ssumed by Bor - by Presbyterian Church o n 4t h

    'J.:.,,:.' ough Council and $2000 appropriated - - -directly t o t he L ib ra ry 's Boa rd o f A meet ing of the congregation of I:! Trustees for salaries. the Narberth Presbyterian Church has!

    , . ; ~ "The organization of the grouJl of been called for Tuesday, February 4"volunteer workers has a lways aroused, at 8 P, M" to consider t he r ep or t o fI considerable interest. A t the begin- i the committee appointed to recommend'ning, the chairman of the group, who: a new pastor.selected the books, purchased them, I A f II tt d . t d b, . u a en ance IS reques e y

    ~ ~ O O ~ , ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ I t h S ' h 'h I ld th t' ~ ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I' I e eSSlOn, w IC ca e e mee mg,them, had one ~ s s l s t a l , l t who was In ; in order that each member may havec ha rg e o f t he cll'culatlOn on t he one : t 't t t h t Iafternoon and evening a week that the: ant' oPJl.or Un ! y dO vo e on w a ever I, ,ac IOn IS propose , IItbral'y was then open. As the workincreased it became necessary to add D' 0to the staff of workers and a t t ha t Iseases ecreaset ime moreover general interest in the Seven new cases of contagious dis-:community was, becoming so strong e a s ~ s , a decrease of 11 over the pre-Ithat there were always women clamor- cedmg w ~ e k , were reported forIi ng f or an opportunity to participate week endmg January by M a r v ~ n IIin the enterprise. Accordingly, as fast, E. Reynolds, Lower Menon Township Ias pract icable , duties were divided, health officer.. The n ew cases a re a sIand l ibrary days were increased until. fol Jows: Chickenpox, 3; G e l ' l ~ a nin 1929 there was a staff o f t hi r ty - imeasles, 1; scarlet fever , 2 ; whoopmg Itwo workers, each of whom gave about; cough, L The scarlet fever cases arethree hours a week to her particu lar IDorothy Royster, 22, of 60 Holland Ibranch of t he work. A t t hi s time i ~ v e n u e , Ardmore, and Marion Flem-\,t he re was a group of three women, mg, 38, of 126 Bala avenue, Balafor each period, and on thebusier days Cynwyd.four women, two for the adult desk, =============== Itwo for the children's desk. At eachdesk one per son wou ld r ecei ve andd' h b k h'l h h NARB ERTH BU IL D ING AND! lSC a rg e t he 00 'S, w le t e ot er LOAN ASSOCIATION'would assist in the reference work A m e e t i n ~ of the stocl:holders of theand arrange the books in order on the' Narberth Building and Loan ARsociationshelves. There was a ls o a g roup o f \ ~ ' i l l , l ~ e ,he I?, at , m n ~ Hall Thursday. FebI uar \ 6, 1.136, .,t 9 P. l\I., to nominatcclerical workers \vho met one morning olllcerR for the e n s u i n ~ ~ ' e a r , nominees toIa week' a morning which frequently he voted for at the March meeting,, . . THO:lJAS C. T R O T T I ~ R , JR., Iwas prolonged mto one d ay o r more, (0 -2-7) Secretary,when each o f t h e group performed her ,share of the work; for one it might be MAUSOLEUMS Iaccessioning, for another catalog ing , :f or ano th er repairing, while others imade lists of the new books o r p re -,pared bulletin boards or made clip- ipings f or t he reference file or for the: Hpicture collection. I E"The impor tant f ea t ur e o f this 01'- Aganization was that each one had her Down particular t as k f or which she S Telephone: MANayunk 0166alone was responsible to the librarian, Tand in her turn the librarian or chair- I-man developed esprit de corps an d 0unity by monthly staff meetings when Nmatters of general library policy were ' Ediscussed. 5"When the time eame t o make the Idecision to employ a professionalIlibrarian it necessarily brought to an Iend the work of the volunteer staff,all of whom had enthusiastically co-l C _ L ~ E ; , ; ; , A N ; ; ; ; ; , ; , ; I ; ; , N ; ; , ; , ; G ......

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936


    Page Three

    Junior Shop-Third Floor

    This smart silk suitwill blossom blithelyunder your furs.~ ~ W a s t e . p a p e r " printsilk blouse front andjacket. Plain skirtpleated in the front.Brown or navy withwhite, b l ~ c k withred. Sizes 11-17. $25


    Spring is here--!Right now - in aFASHION FIRST

    Start your springwardrobe with aDewees ChargeAccount and payOne-third March 10thOne-third April 10thOne-third May 10thThese are our standardcharge account terms

    Our Junior ShopBreaks the Ice . .

    HE same skill, accuracy, excell d l t ~ obtained ov nart time work fo r the dea:::ree inNursing Eclucation.Hlch Benool c:raduates u nabl e t o take a full time curriculum maysecure a dcgfl'e by part limp work.The ceDeral Dubltr: mnv take aile or mOre courses in subieclR tha t mterest them,AUditors nTf" '-I.dnJitted to all Dart time ClaIiHCR on I l nVm( 'nt of the usual

    Febl"uary Sale . Raccoon Coats from. . . .$150Black PersianLambCoats from $275FurTrimmedCloth Coats from

    J. E. LIMEBURNER COMPANYPrescription Opticians

    8 0 5 ~ LancasterAve.,BrynMawrTrust Co. Bldg., BrynMa\vr1923 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 51 W. Chelten Ave" Germanrown

    535CooperSl . , Camden, N. .J.

    Expert Optical Servicein Bryn Mawr

    With C E R E S O T A B L ~ ~ ~ E D FLOURITAD! ES! Accept this amazing g u a r a n t e ~ :L every bag ofCeresota N ~ t - B l e a c h e d Fl.our ISDOW backed upbya written lDsurancepolicy . which meansthat ifyou have any baking failure,you will be refunded, throughthe famousLibertyMutual Insurance Company, thecost of thebagof Ceresota, pIllS cost of all other ingredients!(Ask your grocer for complete details.)But, of course, we feel sure you W011't have afailure, because Ceresota is a real "Never-Fail"Flour! Because it is NotBleached-because it is alwaysu1liform. Get a bag today!

    From Ardmore Bulk Plant 24-Hour Metered ServiceNIG8TS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS-Call BARING 4400


    Mon. 8{. Tues. , Feb . 3 8{. 4

    Narberth Bridge Club IWednesday, January 22-Sect ion 1,

    Mrs . J os eph H . Baker and Mrs. James _IDeery, William Thompson andWalter Banis . Section 2, Mr. an d ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rs. Charles B. Stoudt, Mrs. HoraceMcConnell and Mrs. Allan Shubert. IFriday, J a n u a r ~ ' 24-Mrs . CharlesHammer a nd Mrs. Ho ra ce McConnell;t ie , M rs . Mah lo n C. Hinebaugh andMrs . A ll an Shubert, Mrs. FrederickMoyer a nd Mrs. Cha r le s B. Stoudt.Saturday, J anua ry 25 -Mrs. JosephH. Baker and Mrs. M ark MorgaJl,Horace McConnell a nd Mrs . W . WardPierson.

    Monday, January 27-Dr . :\IarkMorgan and Mr. George Tracy, JosephH. Bake r and Walt e r Ha rr is .





    ....... - - - ~ - . , . . . . - - ~ - ~ - - , - - - - - - : - - - . - - '-

    FEBRUARY i TO 8(jajto-n. rle }:Ja'!:ij

    , sends his representative to s how how touse t he se n ew Oil- Base preparations 10 bestadvantage. Face powders a re h an d blended,

    New, fine preparations to care for even the. most delicate skin! This i s impor tant to everywoman who appreciates the value of a caredfor complexion no mailer how lillIe time orhow much she devotes to it.


    loll de Beoule , $UiONourl8hlng lollon,12Face Powder , 12 .90


    Interesting news in the advertisingcolumns o f t hi s paper-Read them!

    January 31, 1936I\John Flynn Elected Head Four Vestrymen Elected a t l Formula 44 for Facialsof Young Lawyers' Club All Saints Church Sunday! No need for sallow, tired, wrinkled skinI Let US overcome this condition

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' , John E . Flynn, of Narberth, Four vestrymen were elected at the! SUZANNE JORET GILLMrs. Le GrandeBall, Narberth been elected pres iden t of the Young annual par ish meeting of All Saints' I

    and Bowman avenues, MerJOn, andhe r Lawyers' Club of Montgomery Coun- Church , Wynnewood, l as t Su nd ay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ 6 ~ D ~ U ~ d ~ l ~ e Y ~ A ~ V ~ e ~ n ~ u e - ~ ~ N ~ a ~ r ~ b ~ e ~ r t ~ h ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~son , L e Gl'andeBall, Jr., le f t recen tly ty. Associated in the prac t ice of law mor ni ng . T he y are F. S. Follmer, Ifor Miami. at Norristown with W. Russell Green, 110 Winches ter road , Merion ; DavidMiss Janet Harman, daughter of Montgomery County Solicitor, Flynn L. Schwartz, 343 A ub re y r oa d,Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harman, of was an assistant d i st r ic t a t to rne y un- Wynnewood ; H . W. P fe ff er , McClenaWynnewood road, Merion, had a s h er del' Stewart Nase last year. He is a ghan's Mill and Moreno roads , Pennguest last week-end Miss E li za be th p romi ne nt m embe r o f t he Narberth Valley, and Abram G. Tatnall, RobStover Taylor, daughter o f Mrs . V. G'i Players a nd has a pp ea re d in p rodu c- erts l:oad, Ardmore. ITaylor, of Trenton, N. J. tions of Plays and Players , PhiladeJ - They succeed for three-year terms I

    Mrs. Joseph H. Mil le r, o f H av er - phia.' Walter C. McAdoo, Jr. , 434 Anthwynford avenue, en te rtained the l11.embers Roland Flee l ' was ejected a director i road, l\Ierion; J 01,111 Van Bu re n D u ~ r ,o f h er club at luncheon and bndge on o f t he You ng L awye rs ' Club as was' Old Gulph road , Penn Valley; DamelThursday. Those p re se nt were Mrs . 1L eo nar d Tai on e, o f Conshohocken. Leitch, 227 Essex avenue, Narberth,James B. Smith, Mrs. John \V. Joyce" F lcel ', a member of the Narberth Bor- and W. A. BUl'l'owes, 342 lona avenue,Mrs. George W. Orth, Mrs. H. F'lough Council, was attOl'ney for the Narbelth.Stevcns, Mrs. \V,ayne A. Schaeffer, Home Rule Committee in the borough. Under a rotating s ys tem in effect,:\Irs. Walter Sehhpf and l \l rs . W . J. Talon e i s a membe r o f the Consho- vestrymen of All S ai nt s a rc notKolb. hoelwn School Board. eligible for re-election.

    Mrs. Karl :\1. Williams, o f Sab in e Re po rts o f p arish organizationsavenue, spcnt last week-end in Hol- Study Group of County were a lso read at the meeting.lidaysburg-, Pa. , where she visited he r Federation Meets Monday

    s i s t ~ r , :\Irs. Frank Guyer.Mrs. Ellsworth B. C lad" of Chest- The International Relations Com-Jlut a\"enue, wil l en terta in the mem- mittee of the Montgomery Countybel'S of her club at luncheon and IFederation of Women's Clubs ,\-jJ1

    bridge on Wcdnesday, February ]2. i hav e th e u s u al mon th ly mee ting o f th eMiss Vera Bailey, of Yorl_, .isi S tu dy Cl ass f or mel;1bers clubthe guest of her parcn ts, 1\11. and l\h s. I chairmen on Monday, February 3, atWesley P. Bailey, of :-Iarbrook Park.! ]0.]5 A. M.. at the Ne\\' Century:\11'. and Mrs. Stan ley Kitche ll and Guild ]307 Locust s tr e et Phi la dc l-their son, ;\11'. Courtney Kitchell, for- phia.'

    Illerl\" of Dudley avenue, Narberth. TI '11 - 1 t '1 ' tl' f. . I f 1\1 d Jere WI De a (e al eo ou me 0were the gue st s ~ l ' e l c e l f l t HY 0 '1 1'. the Italian question as review and aM E C Cockn 0 alllp( {'n aH'-1 rs. .., study of t he political and economicT)ue. I K f b ac kg ro un d of G erma nv will beMr. and Mrs. Raymon( eegan, 01'- t' d .N b h H II . star e .Illerlv of , ar ert a, arc nO\\ oc- ,cupying a house on Beechwood lane. Mrs. John D., Gill" of Cynwyd, aMrs. Keegan ente rtained the members member the ~ v o m e n s Clu.b of f h er club at luncheon and bridge on Cynwyd, IS chan 'man of thiS conlllllt-\ ,'y d I t ee o f the Montgomery Countv Fed-"e nest avo . .Mrs. H ~ n r y B. Cooper, Jr., of Buck cration. , . .ill Falls, Pa., spent s ev eral d ay s A meetmg of the federatIOn wil l be T o T ou r W ith G le e C lu ba s the gue st of :'Ilr. and 1\Irs William held at 10.]5 M. T h u r s d a ~ ' , Febru- Ir a G. Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs.Bailv Goodall, of Dudley avenue. this ary 6, to appomt an Executl'l:e COIll- 'Valter A. Fox, 31 Narbrook Park, Iweek. : \ Irs . Goodall entertaiJwd at a n mi tt ee a t t he Ne\\: Century Guild. INarberth, is a membe r o f the Buck-informal party Tuesday afternoon in A!"ter meetmg Mrs. Allan M. nell University :'lIen's Glee Club thathonor of Mrs. Cooper. Craig, 1 1 r e s l d e n ~ of t ~ l C l\Iontg?lJlery :will tour Pennsy lvan ia, New York and)Irs. William C. Claghorn. of C o u n t ~ FederatIOn, Will entertllln , t h ~ New Jersey during t h e mid-w in te rChestnut avenue, wil l en te rt a in a t a conl l ll lt tee a luncheon at the N e\\ holidays. Fifty students will be in-luncheon a nd b ridg e n ex t Tu('sday. Century GUild. e lu de d in th e party leaving Lewisburg)11'. and :\Irs. Claghorn had as their i this Sunday, February 2, and return-guests at d inne r l a st Saturday e\"{'- Hedgerow Theatre to Reopen i ing the following l\londay, Febru-

    ning :\11'. and :\lrs. Arthur Edrop . o f Playhouse on February 15th: ary ]0. ' IRadnor i F ox , w ho a ls o p l a ~ ' s varsity soccer: \I rs. H . W. Dannentell, of Hampd(,11 The Hedgerow Theatre will reopen iat Bucknell , is enro lled in the liberalavenue, will ( ' nte rta in the members of i ts p layhouse in Rose Valley on Febru-: arts c ur ri cu lu m. H e s in gs secondher club at luncheon and bridge I)('Xt ary 15. The house has been darkened. tenor in the Gl ee Clu b. A member ofTuesday. . " sincc last October, when e ightee n o f : the s op homo rc c la ss , h e i s affiliated:\Iiss Barbara Shand and : \I1s:' \ j r - the troupe started touring. I wit h Kappa Sigma social fraternity.,ginia Loos, of St. Dm-ids, ar(' s ai li ng T he o pe ni ng p la y wi ll b e o ne o f the I 1 ! ! = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =ext week on a c ru is e to the Wes t n in e carried on the second national I Indies. t o ur , Luigi Chiarelli's modern farce" ~ ~ .... I.....:Mrs. P . H . Thoma s, of Washington, "The Mas k a nd t he F ac e, " which has' , 0 rUerwill aJ'l'iYe this week-end to 1w the Jasper Deeter in the lead. Ai".'al.'''!IU.'.ii:!W'''''''''_gue st o f h e r son-in-law and daught('r, So fa r this s ea son the Hedge rowMr. a nd Mrs. James ::\1. Hamon. of has t rouped over 10,000 miles throughNarberth Hall. fourtcen Mid-Western and Southern:'Ill'. and :\Irs. Donald F. Toney, of S ta te ,. L as t Monday, January 27,Brookhurst ayenue, e nte rt ain ed the t he g ro up celebrated a major eventmembers of their cluh at bridge on by presenting i t s 2300th consecutiveMonday eYening. performance. /. h 7{Their son, :\11. Donald F. Toney, The f ir st a dd it io n to the reperto ry , IJr., will entcrtain at a small dil,lIler t o be g iven on St . Patrick's Day, willithis Saturday before the lee CarnJ\'al. be an Irish play. 8 H is g ue st s wi ll he : \I is s Yi rg -i ni aHunte'r and lIliss Helen Howie. of :\01' -r istown, and Mr. \\'ellington R a m ~ e y .o f B rv n :\la\\T.::\11': and Mrs. Arthur Van :\Ie ter . !of Merion Manor, Merion. will spendthis week-end in Columbus, Ohio, withMr. Van Meter 's mothe r, 1111'S. Ell{'nVan 1I1eter, when they will a ttend herbirthday celebration.Mrs. J. Leedom Moore, of :\IerionGolf :\Ianor, is entertaining- th e nwmbel'S of her club at luncheon andbridge th is FI i da y. Th e guests areMrs. Franklin R. Lihdsay, Mrs. Cla raBartlett, Mrs. J o ~ e p h S. Hildreth,Mrs. H. C. Cook, Mrs. Charles B.Shanks, Mrs. C. E. Ludovici and Mrs.A. R. McCandlish.Mrs . W . Logan Marshall , o f Clemenson, S . C ., who was visiting in Narberth last week, a ttended the meetingof the Coates\'ilIe Chapter, D. A. R.,and the meeting of the Donegal Chapte r in Lanca st er , P a. , whe re s he wast he g ue st o f Mrs. Joseph G. Forney. IMrs . Marsh al l s pe nt s ev eral d ay s inWashington before returning to he rhome.Mrs . A ll en Shube rt " of lona avenue , e nt er t ain ed th e membe rs o f he rclub at bridge on Monday evening.Mrs. J. Harold Brown, of Brooklyn,will arrive next w eek t o b e the guestof h er aunt , Mrs. J. H. Speck, of IWoodbine avenue. IMrs. Ernest C. Drew, of Morenoroad , Penn valley, has returned to herhome f ro m t he h os pi tal a nd i s convalescing l'apidly from a recentoperation.

    Miss Helen Lafore, daughter o f Mr.a nd Mrs . J oh n A. Lafore, o f " Pe nnValley Farms," Penn Valley, has returned from a ten days' automobiletrip to St . Augus tine, Fla.Her brother, Mr. Laurence Lafore,and a party of friends from Swarthmore College will spend this week-endat Skytop , where they will take partin the winter sports.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936


    ge Four OUR TOWN January 31, 1936












    {'an 9c,large l'k!:", 25c

    ,I.b. Can 27cMot"e c u ps p er p ou n d.

    Anniversary ofAssociation is Feb. 27

    No. 1 ( ; l ln 15c


    Piano InstructionModern s t ud y f or b eg in ne rsAdva need PupilsSINGING LESSONSMildred W. Baily523 Dudley Ave,-Narb, 3723.J

    W. Super, while the treasurer's reportwas r ea d b y tlte Rev. Andrew Mutch.. The speakel'", Miss Margaret E.Rich, of the Family Association ofAmerica, whose headquarters are inNew York, discussed the need f or t heprivate welfare agency,

    Excellent appetizer.. ~ Lb.18c. . . . . . . . , _. . ~ Lb.25c

    for making Betty Croder's new deli c ious

    per ton

    Phone Narberth 2430

    J us t a few of OUT specials t lr is , , ' e e k - e ~ r l :

    Now $9.95

    For immediate deli'JIery-

    8-oz. {'an 9c



    Narberth Coal CompanyRalph S. Dunne

    Bette r than boneless boiled ham,

    A l re ad y c oo ke d. T as t es exactly like ham.

    Fruits packed at peak of sugar,ripe perfection."fresher than fresh."

    Go ld Med alFLOUR 5 Lb. 29c; 12 Lb, 57c

    Penn TreatyFRUIT COCKTAIL . . . .

    Cold Days Call for Good Food .You Can Rely on, Whiteside's

    MEATS, GROCERIES, F ISH, POULTRY, FRESH FRUITand VEGETABLES237 Haverford Avenue Narberth 3669 or 2446

    Swans DownCake Flour"Boscul Coffee

    Conta ins Arab ian Mocha , strongest coffee flavor.And FRESH.


    Burk's spicedBOLOGNALUNCH ROLL.

    G et y ou r F RE E R EC IP EMagic Choc-O-Nut Cake .Bakers Sou the rn S tyleCoconutHE






    THEATREMatinee Dally at 1.30 p, M.Evening Contlnuoua, 7 ta 11 P. M.

    Friday, January 31Don't Miss the Return Engagemen tof the P r iz e P i ct u re o f 1935!"THE INFORMER"withVICTOR McLAGLENHeather Angel, P r es t on F o st erMargo t Grahame , WallaceFord, Una O'ConnorSa turday, Februa ry 1"Millions in the Air"with


    Wendy Barrie Willie HowardMon. a nd T ue s. , F eb , 3 and 4The Golden Voice that Wonthe WorldLILY PONSIn"I Dream Too Much"w it h H en ry F on da , E ri c BloreOsgood Perkins


    Wed. a nd T hur s ., F eb . 5 and 6Greatest G-Man Picture Since"G_Men""Show Them No Mercy"withROCHELLE HUDSONEDWARD NORRI SCesar Romero Bruce Cabo tNOT E: E dw ar d Nor ri s, MainLine's Latest Juven i le S tar -

    Jack ie Cooper in

    Thurs. at 9 P. M .-

    This Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.

    A Biblical Parallel

    "LONE COWBOY"Added S at . Ma ti n ee 1 P. M.

    ~ ~ B r o a d w a y Handicap"


    To t he Editor of Our Town:Says Luke in his Tenth Chapter :Which of these appeal'eth to havebeen a neighb01' to him who fell among

    the robbel's?(I n the case o f o ur t ho ught le ss

    ncighbors, they fell among forgerersas well as robbers,)

    A lUi he ,qaid: He who showed mercyto him,An d J eRIlS said: Go, and do tho lt inlike monner. J. J. CARREY.

    Friday, January 31, 1 93 6

    Phillp AUee Livingston, pUblisherRobert Moore Cameron, EditorAnne Morgan Rober ts , Social Editor

    2545: If no answer,Ardmore 3100price, $2 per veal' In advanceEn te re d a s second-class matter Octo13, 1911, at the Post Office at NarPa., under the Act of March 3.

    - 258 Haverford Ave., Narberth

    Co-operat ive Community 'Newspaperfounded in 1914 by Ihe 'Narberth CivicAssociation, and published every Fridayat Narberth, Pa.

    Iday at t he e xp en se o f Swa l' t hmore, I! meeting Monday was addressed byIn the Mailbau 17 to 13. Guard Bill Self led the The Political Pot IJames P. Warburg. T h e ~ ' were Mrs.o Iw in ne rs w it h s ix p oi nt s. . A IJohn Y. Huber, Jr., of Have rf ord,---------------- . . pres iden t of the Lower Merion-Nar-IBerwyn basketball team took ovel' The 1936 pol it ic al campaIgn, In Ib I C 'I f RbI' 'VI . I tl 'd t' I I t' crt 1 ouncl 0 epu lCan omen,Radn or f or the second time in a ,W lIC 1 Ie p re sl e n la e ec IOn over- h 1'1 d 1\ -h d II I t d I Iw 0 represents tI e councl ,a n hrs.k 1 h ' " . I I s a ows a ese, go un er way 0-, H T t II B J hwee' w len t e . ayne gil' s ost to II W d d th fi t d fl' a na rown, 1'., onorarvca y on e nes a y, e rs ay or. . 'hei r nearby rivals, 22-21. Anne and ' I t' t ' t ' f II ffi I preSident of the council and also a The Government cannot meet a l l re -clrcu a mg p e I Io ns or a 0 ces ex- , dYatlll'vn Blottenbel'gel' scol'ed of t t 't t b Haverford reSIdent , who represente ' lief needs she said because t her e a r e'\. > - cep coun y co 111111I ee mem ers, I' b . ",. " t Ie 1: oung Rel)U hcans. "not enough qualified workers and be-the winners' points. . Besides ' 'cause communities are unable to p ayl os in g to Have r fo rd H igh, Radnor 's According' to reports, Clarence Feder a tion Assis ted j the price. merme n a ls o d ro pp ed a m at ch t o E der er , of Melrose Park, will be acandidate for Congress from Mont- 943 Families in 1935 i Private agencies are needed t o s up -North Catho lIc High at t he Nor ri s- g omer y Cou nt y. T he i nc umbe nt , J. I plement public J.'clief and make the in-town y, M. C. A. poo l, 42-33 . Ed. William Ditter, is a candidate for During 1911-1912, t h e f ir st year of I tangibles o f h uman l iv in g their con-Hale took the 40-vard f rees tyle and tl ' t f th M ' L' Fed I er'l the 11 akcl' declar d> re-election. Ede re r, i t will he re- Ie eXlS ence 0 e am me - , c I, see .diving honors, Radnor's only firsts. t' f CI h s th f $122' "What 'e h av e ' n t he "a y f Govcalled, re signed his seat i n the Leg- era Ion 0 lurc e , e sum 0 I \\ I \. 0 -" *.. islature at Harrisburg to seek the Re- was spent in relief, while l as t year , e r nmen t relief is more than most peo-AI Novak, of Roxborough, l a st S a t- publican nomination f or S ta te Sen a- (1935) expenditures fo r re li ef a nd : )lIe think is p rop er , b ut a ctu aI ly asN f N b urday took over Billy Rose, Llanerch , to r, which subsequently went to Theo- welfare purposes totaled $67,997. : fa r as individual families are con-otes rom ear y d ~ f e n d i n g c h ~ m p i o n , . 6 games to 1 to dore Lan e Bean. Ederer has a large This contrast was brought out at: ce rned it amounts to very little," MissI Will t he Ph ll ad el ph m m at ch g am e foIlowing- throug-hout the c ountv a nd t he annual meeting of the federation I Rich said,e Merger Cause- Tomorrow (Saturdav) is t he l as t I . I' t tl '" I tAI l ' - - - - - - -_, ,. I > C lamplons llP a Ie '. a nu eys . e s] )eci al Iv i n the Second and Third held Monday night in t he p ar lo rs o f,Strt'c k Down From Wtt"," da," to )lay the thi rd installment of \ 1 'h CI 1 B > I 1 rr more s ope, Jar ey utera, won Legis la t ive Dis tr ic ts , Whether his the Bryn Mawr Presbyter ian Church, SOt 1- the Havcrford TownshilJ school tax to f I J' l \ l u ' 4 t "t t' l I1'0 n llnmy rgle, 0 0), 0 rc al l candidacy will gather suff icient mo- The first a nnua l r ep or t o f t he f ed - "Ollte'I)lll of the :\!PI'!!l'r 11roep('I]- avoid the 5 pel' c en t p en al ty , T he f t ll t ll ] )Iace " 0 " Imentum to unseat D it te r a s the 01'- eration's ac tiv it ies read at the meet- ig',.; ill : ' \orl' istown last F l ' i ( ] a ~ ' Ilid tax collector's office will .be open both """ I ganization choice at the primary r e- i ng by its f irs t execu tive secretary,! The Coml11unity Health and Civic

    I 't I . I '" I 111'11'1 \' today and tomorrow until 9 P, 1\1. A P '1 ' C ' k t CI t. ' b 'P ( 'asp PI }PI' Sl< ( p,lI I , " *"" nne age, I' crlOn IIC 'e uu, maIl ls to e seen. Mrs. J. Howard Cloud, showed thirty- IAssociation wil I ce lebra te i ts f if tie th'l'ax lla,\'prs' .\sslwiatioll, ('011- , Iand Ml's. Ary J. Lamme, are now " " " seven families were assisted, while the ! anniversary with a dinner meeting at1 hree lIlvestlgatlOns al'e underway even -a ll i n th e m att er o f contested ' , ',.,11 ('pc] of tlip \\"Ort II of its ( 'a sp . t o determine t he c au se of the fil'e!, . . The Pll1ltulclplll(/ III qll 1/ el l a ~ t Sun- r ep or t f or 1935, p re se nt ed by Miss the Merion Cricket Club on Thursday,i squash champlOnshll)s. Mrs. Lamme rIa' cal'I,'led a StOl' . u clel' a ", '1" to I AII'ce All lblel' executl" 'e secI 'e tal ' y of IFelll'ual'" ,,-/ i t I l' ao allnoullcecl at the.. t ] '1 'I ' 'Ilod 011 ih ml'l'its, Monda, e ve ni ng w hi ch r aze d theI, } n !,Ol IS WI , ' . ,e( 1 ,I g " . . Idefeated MISS Pag,e f or t hr ee \ 'e ar s I ]' 1 I '1 tl 't " d' t I 'd ' ff i f tl c' t' 25 E st(' . , . , " , 'I f rame pav il i on o f the Ma lv ern Coun. . . " ' , rate IIle a )Out tI e candH ates for Ie orgalllza IOn, 111 Ica ec al was: 0 ces 0 1C asso IU IOn, ' ae HOlllP Ru1p OlllllJlltl (, sUI I . the wmner, m the JunlOl' League Ill- ReJ)I'csentati\'e from the First District rendered to 943 famil ies . Athens aI'ellUe, Ardmore.., " Itl'Y Branch of t he Rus h Hosp it al for ," . , ' . I 'J -, who]!' l"I,IlSI' was l'OllUpl, \ \dllt- b ' d I I I \ltatlOn tOUlnament fina ,l.).I_,ll.lh'jOf Montg-omerv Counh' No further The Rev. LOUIS W. Pitt, rector of l This association's activities include' .. tu ercular patIents, cause tI e leat l l ' l15 1- 13 I t F 'd " N 'Y '1- ' . ,"it "PllllPI] lip IhI' root" liS, of John Laux and Edward Schu- ,- " ; ' - ' , as '1.1 II I e\\ O l ~ , information was supplied than was S t, Mary's Church, Ardmore , was re- I an a ct iv e h ea lth a nd v is it in g nurse. . , , IA week before 1\1ISS Pagc had decl- II' 1 I ' I' 'I " k C I IF1l'('r ]1l1t It. macher, s l x . ~ ' e a l - o l d Ph l l a d e l p l l I a " " " '1 PU) lSlec In tllS papel tHee \lee s e lect ed p re si de nt o f t he f ed er at io n. servi ce , a Housing ommittee, \I ' l icl. . " , , , . , ho\'s I:m beat,en 1\hs, ,Lamme 111 tl e a go. The candidates to da te ( the re The Re\', 'Villiam M. Kieffel', past or has maintaincd an unusual record inTt IS dlffll'lIlt to SPI' ho\\ th!' IhJ(p " """ P e n n s ~ ' I \ ' a l 1 I a State tItle final. mal' be more) ar e Lambert Cadwala- of Llanerch Presbyterian Church, was adjusting housillg' difficulties durings eOlll(] ha\'P tllk!'11 a ! l ~ ' d ~ f - I Several raise in salaries affecting I ", ", " " . , ,del" , Samuel K. l\IcConnell, ,Jr" 1 \l rs . e lect ed f ir st vice-president, and D r. t hl : depression; a Roads and Automo-('OIlI'S(, The'\' \\'!'I'e !lot Slt- r fi d t t ffi ' 1 I C ~ I 1 \ I ~ d A clllched the PhIladelpllla l\Iargaret G Town " 'alter R F a r i e ~ Frank D. W at so n, of Haverford b il e Commi tt ee , a Reg iona l PlanningI '.'. , ,. ', Ipo Icemen, re epar men 0 CIa S Interclub Squash Racqucts champion- ' '_ ' " ' .. . ,to ~ 1 H ] " ' e th( ,,OO(] lIltl' lltlOlls and, office emplo\'es are planned by the ' , . ,J. J. Skelton, J1., and E, E. BUI[II1- Friends' Meeting, was chosen second, and Zoning COtl1l11ittee.

    , ,,... .... , I ' , . , , s l l lp Tuesday IlIght by handIl1g Gel'- allle ' 'd t C t' L CI fAd'those who aSSIl1l1P(] thl' .loh of ~ a d n o r T?wnshlp C o n ~ m l s s l O n e r s . !\,o i mantown B a foul' to two setback g . Vlce-preSI en . ur IS . ay,o l' -' Plans for the meeting i nc lu de a r e-. . I ' . 1 1 ' - . l Il cr ea sc m the 10mIlI ta x ra te IS' , " " : more, and Charles J, Rhoads, of ViI- port on the ass()ciation' s work duringptllllg' t 11 P?t II 1011 : I I ' ~ , \\ el e contemplated, however, according to I Cynwyd A now has ,a 14,poIl1t ~ e a d Closer co-operation i s f or eseen he_llano\'a, were re-elected secretary an d t he past year h:y Howard Longstreth,"J(,('(1 with tIll' SllUlll!' dllt\ ' o! I WI ' 0 H 1 "T If I' f I o\,cr Germantown A, Its closest rl\'aI. . I, ' " owa l ' f , 0 e c lalrman 0 t 1C ' " tween the R epu bl ic an s of L ow er treasurer, respectIve y. secretary of tIle association; an ad-. , I "t "11 I.. ' , l1\1el'1on A won from PhIladelphIa f111" t IP SPOIISOI s 0 \1 I II 1, \ \ \ finance committee. Merion and Karbe rt h a s a result of The ollowing members - at - l arge d re ss 1)\' Miss GCl'trude Ell' on "\Vhat, - . ] ,I ICountr\' C lub A , ;) to 1 when three of l td t th E t' C 't' ..JIH]g'P I\lIIg'hl !'Xpl.'ISSPI I Ie " '" tI lat'ters' players defaulted. the election o f P et er C. Hess, Fred were e ec e x ec u Ive , omml - t he WPA Means to Thi s Communi ty ."o f th p ('Olll't 1 > J ' l l ' H ~ ' ,,,hl'll In the Literary Dige st 's r ec en t I Ie """ C, Peters a nd Wil l iam G. Hower a s t ee : Mrs. \Vtlham Ladd, MISS Eve-

    ] ] poll i\Iontgomerv and Delawal'e coun1 TI h honorarv officers o f t he R ep ub li ca n lina C. Wa lb au ll 1, M rs . S. EdgarHOllie Rille ('ollllllitt(p as ,CI" 11'ee markswomen elped the ' J E Id Mties voted three to one against New I ' , ' Citizens' Committee, (For details Downs , l \I rs , . mot t C a well, rs,t ct ' )11 "YOIl win . , MerIOn Gun Club take a close Vlctor'\'1 ' " ' R' h 'd L d .' h 1\1' J H b01' S 1'001g-('r a ' H : Deal polICIes. see storv elsewhere m t il lS I ssue .) IC al e II I t, IS. , er ert( ~ a s l ' jllst as w('l1 this way," > > from five Sunnybrook mal'ksmen on . ", . '" Baltz, !\II'S, C loud , Mrs . Robert P,, Monda\' at Sunn\'bl'ook, 2:36-2:32. The ., P J ' d M' H . I W H 'Tllo ',"o ,\'Ilel 11,'I"P 11,11] t'llp 0111101'- Diplomas were awarded to 22 at, ." How two Lower Menon communl- age, 1., an I IS. alo d . 0\\.," " VICt0l'10US team was composed of !\Irs, , , , . TI' f h V I ' C. the r11ld-vear Radnor TownshIp High , I . ties voted 1I1 the Lttanl'lj D l q e , ~ t poll Ie leport 0 teo unteers om-to stll(],\' thp lwtl t iol l ( 'a l ' l ' ' GranVille Wonell 2d Mrs EcwIl1 ".School graduation last evening at I ' , '", on the New Deal was revea led this mlttee was presented by Mrs . George' '11'(' '1llljll'rssod In' th!' 1'011111- , , , I l lornsberger Vare, J r' ., 1 \l rs . W , ", , ,, ' ' , , . ' "a\ 'ne, Dr. Phlhp J. Steinmetz, rec- ,week. Ardmore, WlllCh 111 1934 voted f tl l' t f 111' While 'f S P I' E' I CI I COl 'k ra n, Robert R, T it us a nd T, C. n . ' , ' IIon 0 Ie IS 0 IH 1 , ~ s , tor 0 t, au s plscopa lUrC 1, ICo lk et !\ Ir s Worrell t op s w i th :::12 to 1:3/ 111 favor, IS now regIstererlarg'e g- rain o"f salt IlIl1st, l]('('Olll-1 Elkins Park, and former headmas te r 48 h ' t ~ t f 50 h t ' Ias overwhelmingly opposed. The voteE ' I A d h I OU 0 S 0 s. I '5 . 08 ' f Hael'('ptanl'p of :\11', ( ' a h l ' ( ' ~ - ' s Iat p I ~ c o p a ca emy, was t e ,. ,., :s 4 6 agamst to 1 m avor. aver, ' . I speake\'. . . . ford last vea l' vot ed 48 to 40 fo\' thethat thpl't' arp on \' a, .,""" Mam Lme pnvate schools' basket- N D I' d' d b 1'f I "" b II t h d t k f' t ell' ea an IS now oppose v tI etide sig'natures Ollt 0 t Ie Haverford Township High's five eams a a grea, , ~ e e ' 0 ,I vote of ll!:l to 30. .1 I', '" . With three local academtes 1I1 t he w m000, 110 0 ISPI'y!'r ( ~ a n (l"lllISS loafed t hr ou gh a n e as y vIctory over I H f d S hId f t d " " ", .,.. . co umn, aver or c 00 e ca ct h e ad llu tt pd fOI'g'crle,.;, thl' Abmgton Tuesday Illght at South b th E' I A' d . "4 19 'd An interesting development in the ''" '., . . A . I ' ., "4 19 d d' 0 plscopa ea e m ~ , - - ,I(] thl' ft't'IIIIg' that M or ns a nd A ld eld mg er o f Haver I M Bureau of Munic ipa l Resea rch , Ph ila -. " atter setto. ontgomery1. Burns' COl1ll1littpp is tht' worsl ford,. contnbuted 9 a,nd 7 pomts re- School went into a tie w it h P enn delphia, A charter has been approved't ' f t l' ] 1 I '1') tIll' ox spectlvely, . , . Fnday Chester de- f I I ' I by t he v ot er s of Cuyahoga County,li n 0 liS ( P Hle ('. ( ,. . Cha rt el ' o r t Ie top pace m nterac. . I' '11 feated H, T. H. S ., 3 6-14. L d' b 33 27 . t Ohio, which would give the county a Ithat a pl 'l I lel )Ja IS responsl 1 P Monday af ternoon Haverford High eague stan y a - vIlc or y form o f gov ernment c ompa rab l e w i thr t he a et s o f his l l "ents , tlIP Tax- " ,t k d f C lover Chestnut HJlI Academy. twas h f I d d ' . I. . . S:I I m ~ e l s s rea e .away rom at 10- Chestnut Hill' s f i rst loss in 16 games, t at 0 t Ie most a vance CItIes, t Iavers' "\SsocwtlOn must tak(' th e hc H Ig h at the BIg Brothers' Pool, F' d' C tId bl d tl provides for a county council of e i gh t ', . ne n s en ra ou e Ieont' a('('USPS th!' I l 'a (]e rs Van Pel t s tr ee t, emergmg a 47-27 G t F' d' 32 16 members and a president elected at, .." '" ,VI'CtOI', Haverford won seven f i I ~ t s s,core on erman own ne n s, - 'I b t' I t t 'th e moveml'nt of dl'1l1>pl a t e l ~ , m a game marked by exce llen t team- arge y propor IOna represen a lOn.. lost only the 100-yard breakstroke. . . The counc il s el ec ts a county directort h e f ral l dul ent na\ ll ( 's .on Captain Travis DeGrouchy took both work the ,?Ity ~ I a y e r s , whose duties ar e s im il a r t o those of

    e 11etition or of countenalleIllg t he 40-ya rd f re es ty le a nd t he 100- a 'ty a ag I' A feature of theTeams o f the Main Line League CI m n e ,IH'oce(\ure. That wOl ll d a p- yard freestyle. . . , The Ford mer- plan is th e elimination of many t i tlesfared badly in independent games,a r t o he the reslllt of l ' m p l o ~ ' i l l g ' men t oo k a muc,h closer victor.y f ro m T he Haverford Aces lost their first and offices long familiar in county I. 1 r 't I' Bu t thp Ir'lders Radnor last Fl'lday, 39-36, WIth De extra-league game to Conshohocken government, It s et s up depa rtmen ts Iso \('1 0 S, .' " Grouchy, Vinzant and Atherholt tak- of law, public safety, records, etc. 'n justly bl' ehargpd WIth laxness, ing their events. A, A . 45-41 , while the hitherto unde-feated Penn Wynne five bowed at l as t "Another prevalent notion," says t h e , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ l'e feel, in permittill!! a doelllllent , , *" a rt 'c le ' n C l ' t l ' - e " ~ ' BI' 'i'zes' "that I - ---to the Chester 'Volves in an overtime I I N ,:i,,:i, -== - - - - - - - - - ~ - -t he va]idit ,v of whieh they sworl', Radnor High rang up its f ou rth goes into the discard is that countyfracas, 3431.go to Court w i thout making' abo straight Section Two victory !ast FI'i. ,,"" government is the sacred prese rve of

    I t d AI" t h e s po il sman . The p ropo se d charter I Icertain of the authelltieity In the n eraca emlc Ulnm , , . .. L th H f d S hId s et s u p a county CIVIl service comnus' lf t he sig'naturl 's i t eOll tai l led . Sonl(' WIth in t h l' bo rough w ill b e sprnt eague, e a ve r o r c 00 gra s . ." Th h] ] I b 1 Monda" night defeated Penn Charter, slon and a ment system. e ,c ~ r - I' r or s a r e unavoidahle in a task of to ae valle(' alH oppose tI l ' oroug I > t d b I I41-31, and a lso ousted the latter from er was rawn y a. oca commISSion Ikind; some hushand wil l s ig-n dissolut ion cause. first place, t he t ea ms h ad been tied and n ot by the .. L e : l s ~ a t u r e ,r his wife: SOUl(' person other I P('I'haps, i f t h e Taxpaye l 's ' Asso- with five wins apiece. Other alumni "1 . . ' I I IE' I Ac de Two Mam Lll1e w om en t oo k ana taxahlp inhabitant wil ge t elHtlOn I w r ~ l s t s , t case Illay .le eague scores: plscopa a my,. . .th e list. al'g'ul'd Oll I t s I l ler lt s at sOllle dls- 34; Germantown Academy, 14; Chest- acbve part arrangmg the firstt H'II 34 ' F' d' C t I 24' luncheon meetmg of the newly organ-1'ha t does 1I0t explain t he e !e ar tant day. But. C\'ell taking into nHu fl 'd S' h nlen 41 e n E r ~ , 0 'I ized Republican Women 's Luncheon '. I . I ' a ve r o r c 0 0, ; plSC pa " . " ja ud , a nd u po n th c ' l ' a x p a ~ ' e l ' s ' conSH I'ratlOn t 1( ' g'rllll earnestness Academy , 17; P enn Cha rt er , 47; Club of PhJlade lph la, whose Imtlal

    falls thl' task of t ra ek o f thp leac ]l' rs of the charter all- Chestnut Hill, 27. ,down its SOUl'e!', Fol' it Ilot nll1lnl'llt 1Il00'elllellt, the task of

    arousl 'd th!' inc] ignat ion of eOl1lpl l 't ing a petition bi g enough whose naml 's w!'re used, hu t and a l 'c u ra t e ellough t o " st ic k" i n

    d e al t a blow t o t h ei r cause which eourt appears to be almost insuwell p rove to hc Iptl\

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936


    January 31, 1936 OUR TOWN Page Five




    I3 City Line Ave.BALA-CYNWYDCynwyd 3218

    J anua ry 6 ,Ardmore, Penna.


    (Signed) M. FRIEDE,Very truly yours,

    H airdressingFR I EDE ' S


    53 W. Lancaster Ave.ARDMOREArdmore 4326

    I received orders for work from as far away as Coates.ville, noted an especially gratifying increase at the Cynwydstore, and drew customers from Upper Darby, Overbrookand other nearby sections as well as from the Main Line area.

    The result of this advertising (these were the onlypapers used) brought Doll Hospital business more thandouble t ha t o f my 1934 season, an increase of over 100 percent.


    The Main Liner11 Station RoadArdmore, Penna.

    During th e five weeks p rio r to th e 1 935 Christmashol idays I i ns er te d a two .i nch spa ce adver ti si ng my DollHospi ta l i n t he Main Line's five community weekly newspapers: "The Main Liner," "Our Town, " "News o f Bala.Cynwyd," "Haverford Township News" and t he "Wayn eSuburban."

    Than Double"









    20c a linefor All Three New.papeflCount five words to l ine

    -will be accep ted up to Wednesday, 6 O'Clock, for Friday's Issues.

    -will be charged only to residentswhose namea appear In the telep 'lOne directory or to aubscrlbersto THE MAIN LINER, OURTOWN, or the NEWS OF BALACYNWYD.


    ESTATE NOTICEESTATE OF ROBERT .T. !\lcCI_AI=".l at e of t he BorouJ,;h of Narb"tth. Montgomery Count)", deceased.Letters testamentary on the abo\' e estate havlllJ,; heen granted to the underslJ,;ned. a ll per sons indeb ted to said estate a re r equest ed to make Immed ia tepayment. and those ha\'illJ,; IeJ,;a I claims,to I ll 'es, 'l It the same without delay toMilHAM McCLAIN WESTON16 'Voodside AVenUeNarbetth. Pa.01' her A t t o l ' l I e ~ ' :ROLAND FLEERNorristown, Pa.

    DRAPERIES, Sl ip Covera, Vene ti anbUnda, Awnlnga, Furniture, UpholsterInc, Beddlnga, Ruga cleaned, repairedand atored. Challenger, 281 Montgomeryavenue, Cynwyd . P hone , Cynwyd '5 ..Formerly wIth John Wanamaker. (tt)TYPEWRITERS- Sold, rented and re-paired. Rlbbona and Carbon Paper.SUBURBAN TYPEWRITER CO., 33 E.Lancaater ave., Ardmore. Ph. Ard. 1371.The Original TOM .HARRISON UaedFurniture Exchange now located at 318W. Lancast er ave" Ardmore . Ard. 381.UPJ-fOLS'fERINO and rep. S pr ings ofI-piece sultea repaired, SlO; Chair r. covered, '6. 00 CaJl Lewis,117 E. L ancaat er ave . Wayne 14... IFor Sale I

    1'001, TABLE. R e ~ u l a t i o n size. Good Icondition. Phone. C y n w ~ ' d 1546. (5)i lHOWN reed baby coach . $10; ivoryreed bassinet. $4. Both in good condl-Ition. Call Narberth ~ 7 7 6 - J . (5)IIIAYTAG Washer $15.00; Antique 4 Poster' Maple Bed; Ch es t of Drawers''\'at'llrohe. Call ="arherth 2812. (5)

    SitlUJtionl W a n t ~ dGOOD experienced atenographer , whounderatands bookkeeping. desires poaltlon fuJI or part t ime. Phone Narberth2812-R. ttCOLORED G I I ~ L desires part time work.S u n ( I a ~ s . Call Ard. : l 3 2 2 - 1 ~ . (5)

    WatedWANTED-Small apt._bout $25. Nar-berth 2207-W. IWASH TUB, wardrobe and c he st o fd rawe rs a nd a b ab y c oa ch want ed byfamllies known to the III. L. Federationof Chur che s. Donor m ay phone B ry nlIIawr 2180. (5)

    At Your S e n ' i c ~!\lENDI="O for families or individuals atsmall cost. Ardmore 463-J . (5)RELIABLE CARPENTER, alterations,weather-strIpping. Gottlieb Esallnger122 Conway a ve nu e. Call Na rb er thJH8-R.

    Help W a n t ~ dHOUSEKEI';PER-Apt. Part time. I P.1\1. to 8 P. M. No Sat . o r Sun . Phone,C ~ ' n w y d l!120. (5)

    Subscr ib e t o this paper andyour family a yea r 's g i ft ofmunity news-for $2.

    J ~ D \ Y I N H. BELLIS, Sheriff.Down l\!olley $ ~ O O . O O

    Seized and talcen in execution as theproperty of John H. l IIaln l lnd Ida U.Main . h is wife , lIIottJ,;aJ,;ots and RealOwner s. and to be sold by

    SUB.IEC'I' to certain Hestrictions therein lllClltiuned,

    Th e ilnpro\'clllellts thereon ar e astury l l l a ~ t e l ' e d huuse. feet (I'ontby feet deep, with story plasteredaddition 10 feet by Hi feet. with storyplastered addition IS feet by 18 feet. with~ ~ ' 2 Blor)' plaHtereli audition 10 f ee t b y 6feet. with (; rootl\s on flrst floor. 6 roomsalld hath 011 second floot. 3 rooms onthird 11001'. cel lar, gas, electric l ights.Spring-Held watel', heating sy sl c rl l . s i d eporch.

    Sherlff's Office, NOI'l'lstown, Penlla.J a n u a t ~ 28th, IV36

    Rescrving thereout to said Donald 111Love and wife, the ir h e i r ~ aull a s ~ i g l l s .o,vnerS. t c n a l l t ~ . users or occ up ie rs o fthe I,remises adjoining to the South, theft'ee and unint er rupt ed use. r ight , l ib erty and privllege of a certain dri \' ewayof a width of 10 feet more or less alongthe E a s t e r l ~ ' side of the above mentlolledI H ' e J l l i s e ~ as and for a IH.Ll::H:mgeway an durh'c \ruy v.l all t i l l l e ~ hereafter forever.





    Altar Guild BridgeThe Altar Guild of All Saints'

    Church, Wynnewood, will give a benefit bridge and tea on Tuesday afternoon, February 4, at the home of Mrs.Al exander T . Dickson, 407 Penwynroad, Wynnewood.

    ALL THAT C8RTAI=" lot Ot piece ofground, Situate in the 'I'ownship of Lower 1\Ierion. County of 1\lontgometT and" " " State of P e n n s ~ ' l \ ' a n i a , hounded alld de-"On e Mer ge r move in a lifetime Iscr ibed as fol lows. to wit :

    would seem to be enough for any com- B l ~ G I = " = " I = " G at a spike In the middlemunity whieh has wor k t o do and a of Wynllewood Hoad a comer of this and. . the land of Isaac H. Clothle,' .Estate:hvmg to make, a nd a ny m an who at- thence by land of said Isaac H. Clothiet't empts to start up another one should .Estate South degs. 7 mins. East 1 8 ~ 1 . 1 1. . feet to a p oint in l ine of land of Donaldbewa re o f a certam dozen w ives who 1\1. Love; t hence hy the :;lIme South 86lost their husbands completely since degs. 55 mins. West 1 t J V . ~ O feet to aI fi f h " k d H poillt in line of o th er la nd of DonaldtI e rs t 0 t e year, remar e orne 1\1. Love; thence t he same No rth 3Ruler Cabrey. degs. 5 mins. West 180 feet more 0" less" " to a pOint in the middle l ine of \ \ ' ~ ' n l l e wood Hoad. thence along the same ="orth87 degs. 1 min. East 50 feet to a s pi kealld place of hcg-inning.

    Discuss Italy-EthiopiaThe International Relations Depart

    ment o f Montgomery County Woman'sClubs wiII meet at 10.30 A. M. Monday at the New Century Guild, 1307Locus t s tr ee t, Phi la de lphi a. Mrs.John D. Gi ll , of Bala-Cynwyd, thechairman, will speak on the HaloEthiopian conflict from the viewpointof the doc tr in e o f Fas ci sm. All clubmembers ar e invited t o a t tend.

    When the outcome of the hearingwas announc ed at "OUR TOWN'S"Cooking School last Friday afternoonin Elm H al l b y th e publisher, PhilipA. Livingston, a burst o f a pp la us egree ted the news that Nal'berth wasstill a borough.

    at 1.00 o'c1ock, P. 1\1.. Eastern StandardTime. in Court Room "A" at the CourtThrough a misunderstanding, a House, in the Borough of Norristown.Merger it e got into the bus hired by said C o u n t ~ . the following described Heal.Estate:t he Home Rul er s, w it h t he r es ul t thatshe had a pretty lonely ride backhome.

    A glimpse at the Home Rulers'working chart revealed some interesting notes. It indicated that Wohlertand Maga r it y wer e r egar ded a s being

    Fred Walzer had secured a day offf rom h is dog dut ie s at Harrisburg soas to t est i fy , and he says the Mergerites will h av e t o p ay h is mileage.

    ces Carr, Beverly Hicks, Patsy Riley i tentiary, whe re t he burglar is nowand Lou is e Whi te , and Messrs. CliffIdomiciled. In the co urs e o f so meRoberts, Henry Smit h, Char le s He r- f or t y t he f ts in this sect ion he made

    Miss Marjorie Hicks, daughter o f ber t, Ma tt hew McClosky, John Stoudt, Isure homes were occupied b ut t em IMr. and Mrs. Paul B. H icks is en -I Dan Murphy , Bob Rowley, Edward Jlorarily vacant; then he r an g t heI ' Kraf ts on, J os eph Doughe rt y, Cor ky .tertaining at a Valentine dance this C . k T d UTI't R I I Ifront door bell, and If someone an-I oml s e y, e n 11 e, a p 1 lOSS, . . .I Friday night a t her home, 340 Eas t P au l Warwi ck , W il li am Ra fe tt o, Dan swe red he tned to sell somethmg ;. IfIBowman avenue, Merion. The gues ts K arc her, William H ayden, paUli no on e answe re a a s expec te d, h e mIl include the Misses Margaret Whit- Bohen, Bob Dunn, Jerry Webre, James serted a s te el r ul e through the door

    The Merger advocates were outnum- well, B et ty C hu rch , M ar y Louise Mon ag ha n, Howar d Mecke, Jaek Iand sk il ful ly , quie t ly forced the lock;bered 10 to 1 in the attendance. It ICrehen, Jean Slete, Sa ll y Shank li n, O 'Br ie n and J immie McKeon. then when t he doo r opened he doffedalso appeared a sharp c leavage was Marguerite Rittenhouse, Betty Hang- I his hat and commenced addressing thestruck between the two sides, as er, Frances Viel, Barbara Seely, How the Main Line ' s "gent l eman empty ail' as i f h e wer e b ei ng greetedne i ther consort ed wi th the other . I IEl izabe th Creamer , Jean Campbell, burglar" worked wa s told t he B al a- by someone a t t he d oo r; w en t i n, d id'" * * E th el H ar le n, F ra nc he l H ar ris on , C ynw yd Neighborhood Club Tuesday his burgling, and departed throughIn fa ct , it w as overheard that the I J une F r ei ho fe r, Caroline Massey, by E. Preston Sharp, supervisor of t he f ro nt door, politely donn ing h isHome Ru le Commit t ee d e c l i ~ e d . to en-I r IElsie Freihofer, Lucille Miller, Fran- rehabilation a t E as te rn S ta te Peni- hat with a flourish.

    tel' into the fraud analySIS If the S. Edwal'd NOr/'is, a Main L i ne ==Merger men were present. Attorn!:'y I 1'esident, and Rochel le Hudson,b Myl 'lw Loy, at the EU!fptiml this IWright agreed that they need not c who appeal i n " Sh ow T he m N o Ipresent. I Frida!l and Satl l rday i n her [ at es t M erc y" a t th e An!ln01'e Theatre

    '" " .. pictllre, "lI'hipslllt." lIe.rt n e d n e . ~ d a ? l and Thursday. IAs soon as the decision was r e n - ! ; : : : : = = ============== - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -dered a member of t he Merger Com-' I Coach Hen's Norristown team was I

    mittee announced a new peti t ion would ~ ~ -),6J"i'\ a t ou gh h ur dl e f or t he locals in that!start immediately and that 100 ci ti - ,. _zen s we re ready t o s ig n it. game l as t week, but my es timate of I* .. ,. . .' Ithe two teams at their full strength IThe Home Rulers retorted that they TIM E Igives t he Mar oon an edge of some I

    knew of 158 persons who would sign Witll .. TOMMY MACKLIN lfifteen points. The Bulldogs wereit, but would wager 160 names could 1- ,1 fa r from their r ea l f orm against thenot be secured. Blue and Whi te and I believe that the* .. . I hU\ 'e no desi l 'e .to l ~ a i J , l t a too-rosy Inex t g ame will prove beyond a doubtRather conspicuous by their absence pICture o f Lower MerIOn s basketballIthat the locals ar e not only be tt er but I

    were Kenneth L. M. Pray and Mrs. team and prosJlects fo r fu tu re success, rank well ahead of an'y s U b u ~ ' b a n iMargaret G. Town. nor to offer condolences f or t he mere team of the season. I* .. one-point vic tory scored o ve r t h e Nor - L an sd owne mee ts t he home boys inO ne o f the member s o f the Merger r is town t cam by that s a t ~ l e highly a return game on Montgomery ave- '

    Commit tee rooted Attorney Fleer out It outed squad c o a c h e ( ~ by BIll Ander- nue tonight. This game will pushof bed to s ay that he had no in ten- :son. The facts r?ma111, however, t h ~ t t he Mer ioni te s t o the best of theirtion of obeying the subpoena which I t I ~ e B 1 ~ . e and W I ~ l t e e a . n ~ e to th? .Ma111 abi li ty t o win. Coach Todd Coron-Ihad been served on him, bu t t he same L111e \\Ith bl.ood.1I1 t ~ e l l collect1\e eye way will bring a fine team that has Iman was amo ng t he first to arrive at and deternnnatlOn 111 the heart o f a bo ut r ea ch ed the top in form and ithe courthouse. each fighting warrior. They were we.ll ability.armed and well heeled; they shot their

    bolt; they h ad b ig c an no n a nd sma llarms, and through Second LieutenantH al Cr ess man, o f the dai ly p re ss ,launched a splendid gas attack, butwhe n t he capta ins and the kings hadIdeparted, l eaving only the janitor toturn out the lights above the battlefield, Lower Merion had possession ofthe lone point that is t he no-man' sland separa ting the vietol' f rom t he

    in f av or o f the Merge r f or t h e s a n ~ e vanquished. If Nor ri st own wasreasons that would n ~ a k e t h e n ~ be super-charged for a victory last weekf av or o f a. borough If they lIved 111


    and could not w in when Lowe r Mer ionthe township. ente red the fray with a star guard* .. .. o ut o f t he c on te st a nd another weakThe heavy a l ~ m u n i t i o n o f t he Home Ifrom illness, c an s he hope t o t a ke t he

    Rulers was b em g kept d ry for f ive locals when the team mar ches t o bat members of the Merger Committee tie in full strength?who l ived on the South Side and who Sportswriter Cressman has salvedhad s t ir red t he opposition t o g re at t he wounds of the Norristown playerslengths. and f ans w ith h is w itty r equiem in

    * .. his da ily column. He claims a moralIt was remarked that t he con tr ibu- v ic to ry f or t he B lue and Whi te on thet or s t o t he Me rge r f und were organiz- grounds that Lower Merion shot morei n g t o p ro te c t t h ei r positions in event Ifouls than t he Nor ri s town boys, andof civil suits. They disclaimed being Ibecause (forgive me) B il l Andersonmembers of any committee, but only iand his boys cry more of ten and weepcontr ibutors to the cause. I he b igge r t e ar s... " .. That 's all right, Hal , t he ye ar s areGrapevines seemed to b e on the job Ilong, we know, but some day Norris

    all night long on the eve o f t he t ri al . t own will win another basketball gameThe Home Rulers claimed to know J from Bill Anderson 's forces and theneverything which w as s ai d a nd pro - you can have the chance to say someposed at the Merger conference and thing nice about the folks who residethey s ta te t he newspaper s ta temen t a long t he Mai n Line. Apartments fo r Rentfinally given out was not, by any ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = I I : : ! : :I BERNOLA APARTMENTS... Koser Bros., Rental Agents. "At Ardmoremeans, the f ir st p la n agr eed upon. SHERI FF 'S SALE Station." Greenwood 0680-Ardmore 680.* " .. UNFURN. 2nd noor apartment, $35 mo.The community at l a rge got the first ,. By vittue of a wr it of Levar i Faci as . Llv. I'm., ki tchen, bedrm., bath. 011. , . Issued ou t of t he Cour t o f COlllmon Pleas heat , refrlg. Central loc. Nar . 2966. (tf)news o f t he capitulatIOn f rom the Wife of 1\lontgol lleQ' County. Penna., to meof one of the Merger Committee mem- directed. w ill b e sold at I'ublic Sale onbel'S. She spi ll ed the beans to the W.ED="ESDAY, I"IWRUAHY ~ 6 t h . 1tI36process server. *

    The ladies were probably the mostdisappointed ones in the courtroom.The y h ad g on e e xp ec ti ng t o see the Ifur fly a nd w ere no t at all pleasedwhen the judges dec ided a ful l heari ng was n ot possible.* * *

    ....;.-.0.........,;... - - - ' - - - . .- ; :--.......... .1"1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936


    Page S ix OUR TOWN. ,t\ . , . January 31, 1 9 3 ~ I

    : ,










    AND UP$134.50




    21 W. Lancaster Ave. , ArdmoreArdmore 178


    G-E F la to p Models


    de luxeCREAM

    We have only on ecream supply and it isall of de luxe gradethe f inest table creamever produced.


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    COVERINGDrawing andEngineering InstrumentsCameras - Enlargers - AccessoriesField Glasses- ThermometersBarometersMicroscopes - Laboratory GlasswareDissecting InstrumentsStereopticons - S ta ge a ndPhotographic Lighting EquipmentMo tion Pictu re Cameras andProjectors8 mm. -1 6 mm .- 3 5 mm.

    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1Lasting Through the MonthMerchandise covers standardarticles on which we are overstocked, or items accumulatedthrough exchanges made ormateria l used for demonstration or display. All PRICEDTO SELL.

    Williams, Brown &, Earle, Inc.918 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

    PENnypacker 7320 MAIN 7261


    I ~ : ; : : : : : : : : : : , : : : : ; : :: . 'r: . _ , : . ] . - ' ~ ' : "_c_


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    Fo r approximately 9cwor t h of e i e c t r i ccur rent , a GeneralElectric Refrigeratorgives you t li e equivalent refrigeration of100 pounds of ice.

    .... GENERAL _ E i E C T J l i , i ' ; ~... : ~ _ '-_._._ .. ~ . ~ ' .

    1204 Walnut St., Phila.Stevenson 5600


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    RHODANIZING SILVERPrevents Tarnish

    For Servi ce order f rom the Abbol/S Milkman or ' phone Ardmore 358ABBOTTS DAIRIES, Inc. . Philadelphia . Camden South Jersey SeashoreBecause of their dependable daily Purity and fine quali ty , Abbotts Dairy Productswere selected by Miss MarthaRoss Temple for use in her demonstrations a t t he Na rber th Our Town Cooking School.

    This modern treatment renewsand pro tect s the sheen o f s te rl ing silver and s ilve r p la te foryears. It prevents tarnish andactually improves the appearance. Cos t i s moderate. P ri ce son request-Phone PENnypacker 8370

    6.30 P. M.-Junior Choir Rehearsal.8.00 P. l\

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1936



    Southern cooking is ~ ~ p a r t an dparcel" of southern hospitality . a nd f in e s ou p r ec ip es h av ebeenhanded down fo r generations.



    Today Phillips Old South Chefsmake Phil l ips Delicious Sou the rn Soups f romrecipes that wer e f amous in ~ ~ t h e g oo d o lddays." They offer yo u t he perfect product of

    ~ ~ l o v i n ' cookin'" which is the combinat ion ofgarden-fresh vegetables plus a pride, skill,unvarying devotion and th e d es ir e t o excel.

    Down in Dixie recipes makePhillips Delicious Southern Soupsa masterpiece for ~ n y meal -

    t tMUTINY".,. The word quickly passed from sailorto sailor.Resentful at bl'ingforced to drink Oat, insipid, distilled water, they seized upon t hi s a s a pretext an d thus the Russian Revolut ion started.Their tasteless drinking water was obtained bydist il l ing sea water . . It was unpalatable becausethe dist i ll ing, which was necessary to remm'e thesal t, a l so removed the oxygen.A ll Palatable Water Contain . OxygenTh e t'milky" llPIJearance that you sometimes seein your glass when you first open t he sp igo t in th emorning, is your assurance that i t cont a ins p len tyof ox)gen.Water absorbsox)'gen from the atmosphere.Whenwater is cold and unde r pressure it llOlds morethan usual.Cold water,when al lowed to s tand for a length oft ime in the pipes in your house, becomes warmed.When you first t u rn on your spigot you relieve th epressure. Because bot h t he pres8nre h as b een removed an d the temperature raised,th e water will no thold a8 much oxygen as be fore. Th e excess escapesin th e form of count less t iny bubbles.

    If you ru n the watera 8hort time you clear the pipesof the warmer water and t he cloudiness disappears.


    Phillips Delicious Southern Soups ar e famousfo r quality-purity, and flavor. Your g roce r hasthem in fifteen flavorful varieties. Enjoy thedelicious tas te-and save th e difference in cost.

    Page Seven


    ! \ \ ~ ' : , . '.;fi' i',:I:''G',"II ;:;..:*

    Wate r and theRussian Revolution

    Eocal __7J1ovies"SplendOl"" "Crusades,"ArIiss, March o f T imeon Narberth 's Program

    "Whipsaw" at Egyptian;"Hoosier Schoolmaster"at Saturday's Matinee

    Mulieres t o Mee t 10thThe Mulieres Woman's Auxiliary ofthe Narberth Fire Company, will hold

    their regular mon th ly mee ting inElm Han, on Monday, February 10th,at 2 P. M. Plans for the committeework for the remainder of the yearwi ll be d is cu ss ed . A ll m embe rs arcurged to be present.were written. Twelve Scouts participated in t hi s unde r t he able directionof Henrietta Harr i son. Mrs. HenryD. Booth, Jr . , chairman of the MainLine Committee, officially awarded toEditha Broadhead and Ann Keen theirFirst C la ss B adge s. They werelauded for earning this recognitionan d told to continue on their upwardpath with the same fine spirit ofs cout in g. Mrs . Cha r le s B. Crockett,captain o f T ro op 120, awarded theSecond Class badges t o Mari an Gaskill, Betty Neill and Mary Lou Wagner. Girl S cou t p in s w er e g iven t oMary K. Russell and Jill Stamen, whoare now fully instated as members ofthe troop.. Mrs, Paul Rittenhouse, national director of the Girl Scouts, and Mrs.Mary K . S imkh ov it ch , d ir ec to r o fIGreenwich House, New York , wiII debate ways of making citizenship vividto young p eo pl e on a national radioprogram Friday, February 7 , 2 .45 to3 P. M. (EST). The program, whichwiIl be under the auspices o f t h e General Fede ra ti on of Women's Clubs,w iI l be broadcast over WJ Z a nd th eNBC blue network.




    Girl Scout NewsThe t h ir d G ir l Scout law, "A Girl

    Scout's duty is to be u se fu l a nd tohe lp o the rs," embraces every s or t o fcommunity servi ce . S omet imes thisservice follows th e beaten track andthe public learns to depend upon the "Splendor," with Joel McCrea andGirl Scouts for assistance. Again t he t he glamorous Miriam H?pkins, is atserv ice g ives a t roop t he opportunity t he Narbe rt h Thea t re thiS week-end.of activity a long unusua l lines but R at ed eXc it in g. s oc ia l . drama-thejust as useful. During the month o f s tu dy of a family dom.mated by aFebruary t he Main Line Girl Scouts crafty dowager unt.11 the eldestp la n to collect as many egg-masses of son marries a poor girl who ha st he t en t ca te rp i ll ar a s is possible be- courage. A d ~ e d feature. S ~ t u r d a y atcause now is t he t im e to bur n t he 1 P. M., JackIe Coope r m The Lonepests in the ear ly s tages of their de- Cowboy."velopment, while they are easily man- "The Crusades," tremendous, insPir- 1aged and before they start their de- i ng dr ama ti c spec tac le by Ce ci l B.vastating work on trees and bushes. DeMil le , w il l appear Monday an dThis wiII be f un a s weIl as community Tuesday , with a fine cast headed byservice because an organized hike i n Lore t ta Young a nd Hen ry Wilcoxon,sensible, warm clothes with Girl Scout Wednesday, t he d ay o f N ar be rt h' sleaders i s o ne o f t he best things that first amateur audition (on t he s tagescouting gives t he g ir ls . T he J ep th a at 9 P. M. and open to all amateurAbbot Chapter of th e D. A. R. is so performers) , the feature picture willmuch interested that it has offered be "Mary Burns , Fugi t ive," starringprizes f o r t he g r ea t es t numbe r o f egg- Sylvia Sydney an d Melvyn Douglas.masses collected before March 1 and Next week-end, including Thursday,turned i n t o the captain of each girl's when the "Broadway Handicap" willrespective troo p. A prize wil l begiven take place at 9 P. M., t he l at es tt o t he A rdmo re t ro op which conects Geo rg e Arl i ss opu s w in be presented.the mos t e gg -m as se s, a nd a no th er It is "Mister Hobo," and will be ac p ri ze w il l be given to the troop which companied by the new "March ofi s mos t succes sful on the entire Main Time," which features t he U ni tedLine. This is a generous gesture on States conquest of the Pacific, thethe part of the D. A. R. and the Girl Mystery Man o f th e Guillotine, andScouts wiII not prove a disappointment TVA-public power vs. private.because they h av e b y p as t efforts inthis same serv ice he lped to e rad ica tethe tent caterp

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