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The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing as a Freelancer

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Sometimes you just can't do it all.

We've got some handy tips for success when outsourcing as a freelancer.

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When is a good time to outsource?

If you’re freelancing, feeling uninspired, and freaking out over your workload all at the same time, there’s a good chance that the solution to your problem might be outsourcing.

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The first question to ask is: Can you afford to outsource?

If you’re at the point in your freelance career where non-billable tasks are costing you precious hours that could be used for billable work, outsourcing is definitely an option to consider.

Also, if those undesirable tasks are costing you creativity and causing your other work to suffer, you should give it a thought.

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Where do you find freelancers for hire?

Certain websites like Upwork (formerly oDesk and Elance) and Freelancer are frequently used and oft-recommended due to their payment protection systems and the ability to browse profiles and portfolios of competing freelancers. Surprisingly enough, Craigslist can also be a wealth of work opportunities, providing that you research any prospects you find thoroughly (always ask for a reference).

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There are good and bad workers everywhere, and the only way to find the good ones is via

thorough interview processes.

A conference or other networking event is a rare opportunity to actually meet possible hiring options in person, chat with them about what they do and love, and get a feel of their personality

and work ethic.

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This means that you need to have contracts drawn up and signed before any work is done. This means that you need to

know exactly which duties you’re hiring this person to perform, and you need to provide him or her with any

instructions that will help get the job done properly, such as account login information and important due dates.

Outsourcing requires thorough communication, explicit documentation,

and crystal-clear expectations.

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Make workflow smooth for all parties.

Set boundaries and expectations for work times, and methods of communication so that work isn’t intruding into the time you’ve dedicated to personal pursuits or family activities. If you’re working in different time zones or countries, discuss deadlines, appointments, and anything else that is time-sensitive with a world clock in front of you. Another good way to keep your new outsourcing life organized is by utilizing project management software.

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Be prepared. Be organized. Invest in a planner. Something. Anything.

If you can’t be prepared, thorough, and explicit with the person you’ve hired to help you, you’re going to end up costing yourself more money and putting out more effort than you were in the first place… and your original product will surely begin to suffer.

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Don’t get caught in a courtroom... with a contract that’s not legally binding.

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