





T2 currently supply a wide range of teas, including dessert teas. However, a dessert fruit puree will now be introduced to their range. This will provide a more indulgent alternative to T2’s current product range. The dessert fruit puree is something which is not particularly new, however this product will be adopting T2’s mission to excite the senses and provide an endless taste adventure which is something that regular fruit puree fails to do.

With T2 being a highly trusted brand with Australia’s largest range of teas, this product should easily launch successfully into the market. Their retail stores offer a true experience and this new product will extend this into the dessert market. In terms of the dessert market, FUSION fruit puree will sit as a slightly more decadent luxurious choice to your usual ice-cream and topping. I would see it sitting alongside Streets Magnum or something of the like.

What the brand is: A decadent sweet treat that offers a delicious and memorable end to any dinner party, or simply as a treat to enjoy by yourself after a hard day at the office. 100% healthy, pureed fruit.

What the brand is not: A sickly sweet ‘kids’ dessert. No artificial colours or flavours.

Personality: Sophisticated, luxurious, creamy, decadent, international flavours.

Through introducing a new product, we will be needing some brand development as well as packaging solutions.

Brand: Develop a logotype based around the product name of FUSION. Think along the lines of blending ingredients, unusual flavours etc. whilst still reflecting the current T2 branding. Develop a tagline/positioning statement for the brand. The product will also require, advertising and promotion so as customers can become aware that we now sell something slightly different.

Packaging: The packaging for the product must reflect T2’s current packaging system and overall brand feel, however as this product is different to others within their range it must stand alone and create excitement around the new product.



T2 will be introducing a 100% natural fruit puree using fruits such as the Custard Apple, Black Sapote and the Sweet Heart Lychee. These fruits are unusual to consumers and follow along in T2’s mission to provide an experience for the senses while providing customers with a flavour adventure from different parts of the world. These fruits offer different experiences; the Custard Apple has quite playful, pure vanilla flavours while the Black Sapote is reminiscent of a rich chocolate pudding and the Sweet Heart lychee is perfect for that special someone with it’s perfume like flavour being the finest out of all the lychee family. Each pack will provide brief instructions on how to mixing the puree with different ingredients to create a slightly different treat. There will also be suggestions of dessert liqueurs which would suit each fruit flavour.

The puree is to be sold in three dimensional triangular plastic sachets which reflect the triangular shape of T2 teabags.To add a fun, exciting element to the product these sachets will then be placed in re-usable paper lanterns drawing on the oriental feel of T2. These lanterns will also be used to differentiate flavours within the product range. This packaging will also act to expand T2 into the home wares and decor sector.Lanterns will be difficult to stack on shelf, so an outer casing will have to be developed so as making the product easy to stack.

A decadent topping for any dessert or mix with your favourite drink to finish the day in style.

FUSION supplies consumer’s with a 100% fruit puree which can be squeezed over ice cream to form a decadent dessert. From the beautiful packaging to the unusual flavours, you and your guests will finish the night with a luxurious dessert that is simple and easy to make. If you don’t fancy this application, FUSION is extremely versatile and can be mixed with your favourite drinks to form a taste sensation like no other.





Primary: T2’s current target market. 25-30 year old females. Willing to pay for quality. Enjoy being social and entertaining friends. City dwellers/suburbia. Healthy, well-being conscious, enjoy leisure time. Have an adventurous taste palette and are willing to try new things. This may also enatil young mum’s looking for something unusual for their childs birthday paryt.

Secondary: 40-50 year old females. Pay for quality, entertainers, social, adventurous taste palette.

Tertiary: Gift buyers, Male.

This packaging should be decorative and able to be used afterwards as home decor/decorations. A large variety of patterns will be used so as to create a home decor range for every occasion; right from kids parties to christmas celebrations and back to the socialites dinner party, FUSION Fruit Puree will deliver a packaging solution that serves for more than just protecting the product. There should also be connections to the current brand personality and ethos. It should be easy to seek out in store and must fit on shelf easily. This packaging also acts as it’s own Point Of Sale, by losing the outer casing and suspending the lanterns within the shop they act as both Point Of Sale and as a means of interior decoration. There is also an option for the individual sachets to be sold separately just in case the customer is only looking for the puree and not the decoration.

FUSION will be sold in T2 stores as well as Myer and David Jones. As these currently do not stock any form of fruit puree there will not be any on shelf competitors.

However in the general fruit puree marketplace there are brands such as Golden Circle and Goulbourn Valley who offer a fruit puree range. These brands stick to the usual fruits such as apples and berries and are often targeted more towards kids.




Week 5: Create brief

Week 6: Hand in brief Design concepts (brand and packaging)

Week 7/8: Brand concepts done Package renderings/mock-ups Customer journey development

Week 9: Present concepts, mock-ups and customer journey

Week 10: Create touch points brief Begin work on document

Week 11/12: Hand in touch points brief Final development of concept Work on final art and mock-ups

Week 13: Final art done Touch points done Finish document

Week 14: Hand in/present packaging and document



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