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Page 1: Paris
Page 2: Paris

For my ideal vacation I choose paris, Because is a very romantic and interesting city. And it have many places to visit. Paris is important for everyone, i mean, for the human history. Paris is amazing, If you want to know the reazon I invite you to see my presentation.

Page 3: Paris

If you goin to paris you can take a ship, an airplane, and a bus; no wait , you can’t take a bus for travel to paris. And you need a visa; if you’re from colombia is really hard to get a visa.I think you need a good hotel,don’t forget your tikets and a lot of money. It’s a good idea pack a map, a brush, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, pajamas and warm clothes.

Page 4: Paris

These is a paris map, you can see the SENA RIVER in the middel, next to the river you can see a green formation like a park and the end of this park you see the Arch of Triumph. In the corner of the map is the zone of paris where you are.

Page 5: Paris

The Tower Eiffel is the most famous monument in paris. When you goin to paris you cant missed this places.

The Tower Eiffel is an iron structure was made in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel.

Page 6: Paris

It’s a good idea walk in paris , not all the time, but you can walk in the beautiful parks next to the sena river. The most famous places to walk in paris are around the Tower Eiffel and Arch of Triumph, and after, you can drink some on the banks of the river

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The arch of triunf was built for Napoleon after the Battle of Austerlitz, when you are at the arch, you see the names of revolutionaries and the victories of napoleon.

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The versailles palace is one of my favarite places in frence. Is beautiful, splendid, big, actually, is giant. Is not exactly in paris, but is really near.These is a paint of the palace.

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The palace was built for the king Luis 14 in 16th century, it has three stages, that built in diferent years. In the picture you can see a part of garden palace

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This is a fountain in the palace is beautiful

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When i was a child i read a book the title was The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo, after I see a movie about this book. And I always want to know where story happened.

Page 12: Paris

Notre dame is a church, have a gotic stile, was built during 100 years, well actually was 82 years

Page 13: Paris

If you going to paris, you have to visit the museum The Louvre, this museum is great and have the paints like the Gioconda and the Venus.

That is all my tour.

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