Page 1: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy


Parish Office

Main Office 424-1959 Parish Office Fax 424-0788 Office Hours: M, T, TH, F / 9 am-5 pm W / 1-5 pm E-Mail: [email protected] Website:


Fr. Ignacio Martinez, 424-1959 Pastoral Administrator Fr. Dennis Peterson, 424-1959 Special Minister Fr. Martin Cain Parochial Vicar 424-1959

Parish Deacons 424-1959

Deacon Rick Gutierrez

Deacon David Lansford Parish Administrator E-mail:[email protected]

Deacon Morton Zabala E-mail:[email protected]

Faith Formation…

Mary Scattini 772-8230 Family Faith Coordinator

Youth Ministry

Yulma Velasco 512-4561 Youth Ministry Coordinator E-Mail: [email protected]


Bob Stewart 595-1350

Sacred Heart School

123 W. Market St., Salinas 771-1310 Website: Jennifer Dean, Principal Sr. Lynne Knapp, S.N.D., Religious Chairperson

St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

26 Stone St., Salinas 775-0545 M & F/9:00 - 11:00 am

Office Staff

Arlala K. Sheppard 424-1959 Finance Manager Patty Atwood 424-1959 Office Manager Silvia Isassy, Secretary 424-1959 Tammy Sanders Communications Coordinator Bulletin Editor E-Mail: [email protected]

Dear Sacred Heart Community- Hello, and greetings! I am Martin Cain, your new Parochial Vicar! I am delighted to be here, and look forward to getting to know you all better. I have followed a long road of Catholic ministry and higher education to get here! Originally, I am from Washington State. I grew up in the city of Spokane in eastern Washington, but spent several years as a young adult living and working in Seattle and elsewhere in the western half of the state. I’ve lived in many different parts of the country, having gone to college in Boston, and to graduate school in Chicago and Minnesota (so it’s nice to be down here where it is a little warmer this time of year!). For the few years prior to deciding to become a priest, I taught theology and religious studies at several Catholic colleges and universities, most recently at Gonzaga University in my home town of Spokane. Eventually, I felt the Lord calling me to do something more, to follow him more nearly, and so, over time, I came to discern a vocation to diocesan ministry, which brought me down here to the Diocese of Monterey. As I had completed all the education a seminarian would usually complete prior to coming to the Central Coast, upon my acceptance into seminary formation for this diocese, Bishop Rich Garcia asked me not to attend a traditional seminary environment, but simply to work for a few years in pastoral assignment. And so, over the last two-and-a-half years, I have had the pleasure to work at Old Mission Church in San Luis Obispo, at Carmel Mission, and most recently at St. Theodore’s Parish just down the road in Gonzales. Just recently ordained (back on November 30th, with one other man, Robbie Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy with you all in the months and (hopefully) years to come. I can’t wait to get to know you all better. Please keep me in prayer, and I will do likewise for you.

God’s Blessings to you all!

Martin J. Cain

Querida comunidad del Sagrado Corazón,

Hola y saludos, Soy el nuevo Vicario Parroquial me llamo Martín Caín, estoy encantado de estar aquí y espero conocerlos a todos. He seguido un camino largo en el ministerio católico y una educación más avanzada para llegar aquí! Soy originario del Estado de Washington, pero fui creado en la ciudad de Spokane el Este de Washington, pase algunos años como joven adulto viviendo y trabajando en Seattle y otros lugares en el Oeste del Estado. He vivido en diferentes lugares del país, estudie en Boston y me gradué de la universidad de Chicago y Minnesota. (Es bueno estar aquí donde el clima es más cálido durante este tiempo del año. Por algunos años antes de decidir ser un sacerdote, enseñe Teología y estudios religiosos en varios colegios Católicos y universidades, el más reciente fue la universidad de Gonzaga en mi pueblo natal de Spokane. Eventualmente, sentí el llamado de Dios de hacer algo mas, ha seguirlo aun mas y pasando el tiempo, llegue a un discernimiento a una vocación del ministerio diocesano, que fue el que me trajo a la Diócesis de Monterey. Completado la educación que un seminarista termina antes de venir a la Costa Central, y se ser aceptado en la formación de seminaristas de la Diócesis, el Obispo Ricardo García me pidió que no asistiera a un seminario con ambiente tradicional, pero que trabajara en asignaciones pastorales. Los pasados dos años y medio he tenido el placer de trabajar en la Misión de San Luís Obispo, en la Misión de Carmel y más reciente en la parroquia de San Teodoro en Gonzales. Recientemente ordenado (noviembre 30 del 2013 junto a Robbie Sullivan), El Sagrado Corazón será mi primer cargo como sacerdote, de tiempo completo. Tengo muchas ganas de emplear mi tiempo y energía con todos ustedes el tiempo que este asignado a esta Parroquia. Estoy ansioso de poder conocerlos a todos ustedes mejor. Favor de mantenerme en sus oraciones que yo haré los mismo.

Que Dios los bendiga a todos!

Martín J. Caín

Page 2: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy


Sunday: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools Week Monday: St. Angela Merici Tuesday: St. Thomas Aquinas Friday: St. John Bosco Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday

Domingo: Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Semana de las Escuelas Católicas Lunes: Santa Ángela de Mérici Martes: Santo Tomás de Aquino Viernes: San Juan Bosco Sábado Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado


Prayer / Worship / Mass / Treasure


SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 7:15 am Jose Alesse (IM) 9:00 am All Souls (IM) 11:00 am Sacred Heart School Students, Teachers & Staff (DP) 1:00 pm Rubén/Eloísa Renteria (MC) 5:00 pm Inez Secuya (DP) 7:00 pm Animas del Pulgatorio (MC)

MONDAY, JANUARY 27 7:00 am Jason Valerio (DP) 12:15 pm Guadalupe Sánchez Flores (IM)

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 7:00 am Edward Torres (MC) 12:15 pm Joe Borba (DP)

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 7:00 am Larissa Jobzyk-Torres (MC) 12:15 pm Albert Pombo (INT) (IM)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 7:00 am Elyssa Gonzales & Family (MC) 12:15 pm Anthony Ingraham (DP) 7:00 pm Miguel Martinez (IM)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 7:00 am Martha Contos (DP) 12:15 pm Sacred Heart Altar Society (IM)

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 01 7:30 am Nathan Contos (DP) 5:00 pm Joe Alesse (MC) 7:00 pm Filemon Altamirano (IM)

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 02 7:15 am Jennifer Day (INT) (MC) 9:00 am Sacred Heart Burials (IM) 11:00 am Francisco Chavez Galenzoga (DP) 1:00 pm María López Valverde (IM) 5:00 pm People of the Parish (DP) 7:00 pm Isabel/Margarita/German Maciel (IM)


Father Ignacio ……………………………………. IM Father Dennis .…………………………………. DP Father Martin …………………………………..…MC Bishop Richard ………………………………….BRG


Time and Talent…How will you respond to the invitation this week to pray for the unity of Christians? Will you allow Paul’s words to enlighten you about another Christian denomination? Will you attend an event at a neighbor’s church? Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

.(Our fiscal year goes from September 1 to August 31.)

Figures as of January 19th:


Totals will be available in next week’s bulletin.

If you are interested in electronic giving, please contact Arlala Sheppard 424-1959.

WELCOME! Our warmest welcome to all who worship with us. If you would like to join our parish community, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to our Parish Office: 22 Stone Street, Salinas, California 93901

¡Bienvenidos! Nuestra más calurosa bienvenida a todas las personas que junto con nosotros alaban a Dios. Agradecemos su participación. Si usted desea unirse a nuestra comunidad parroquial, por favor llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de los donativos, o envíela por correo, a nuestra Oficina Parroquial: 22 Stone Street, Salinas, CA 93901

Name/Nombre ____________________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address/Dirección de Correo Electrónico _________________________________________

Phone/Teléfono ___________________________________________________________________

Address/Dirección _________________________________________________________________

New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia New Address/ Nuevo Dirección New Phone No./Nuevo Teléfono Send Sun. Envelopes/Envié Sobres Moving-Remove Name/Borrar Nombre Send Electronic Giving Form/Mandar Forma Electrónica

Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25 Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]

Lunes: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Mc 3:22-30 Martes: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Mc 3:31-35 Miércoles: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Mc 4:1-20 Jueves: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mc 4:21-25 Viernes: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mc 4:26-34 Sábado: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mc 4:35-41 Domingo: Mal 3:1-4; Hb 2:14-18; Lc 2:22-40 [22-32]

THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN CEMETERY holds a Mass in memory of the faithful departed on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM. Priests of Sacred Heart, Madonna del Sasso and St. Mary’s take turns to celebrate this Mass. For more info, please call 449-5890.

EL CEMENTERIO REINA DEL CIELO (QUEEN OF HEAVEN) - Se celebra una Misa en memoria de los fieles difuntos el primer sábado de cada mes a las 10:00 AM. Los Sacerdotes del Sagrado Corazón, Madonna del Sasso y Santa María se turnan para celebrar esta Misa. Para más información favor llamar al 449-5890.

Page 3: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy

Sacred Heart School (831) 771-1310 ●

Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade ● Comprehensive Curriculum ● Interactive white boards ●

• New Science and Computer Labs in November 2012● iMac Computers • Enrichment programs: Technology, Music, Art, Spanish, Sports, Field Trips,

• Student Council, Community Service • WCEA/WASC/NCEA Accredited

Student applications of any religion, race, color, and national or ethnic origin are accepted

Mission Statement Sacred Heart School, a ministry of Sacred Heart Parish, brings together dedicated parents, faculty and staff in a safe, nurturing environment that fosters in students a lifelong commitment to Catholic values, learning and service that are centered on Reverence, Respect and Responsibility.

Sacred Heart Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army

Page 4: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy

For further information on the Diaconate, please call

(831) 373-1335 and ask for either Deacon Bill Ditewig or

Claudia Larraza.

Page 5: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy



Saturday (Sabado) 01-25-2014 Special Collection for Buildings & Grounds Maintenance COLECTA ESPECIAL PARA EL MANTENIMIENTO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA

3 pm – Men’s Faith Sharing – Green Room

Sunday (Domingo) 01-26-2014 Special Collection for Buildings & Grounds Maintenance COLECTA ESPECIAL PARA EL MANTENIMIENTO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA

12 pm –2 pm Sacred Heart School Open House

Monday (Lunes) 01-27-2014

Tuesday (Martes) 01-28-2014


NOVENA A Ntra. Sra. DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Después de la Misa de 9:00 am

Wednesday (Miércoles) 01-29-2014 5 pm Legion of Mary

Thursday (Jueves) 01-30-2014 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT after 7:00 am MASS until 12:00 Noon and 5:00-7:00 pm

ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO: Después de la Misa de 7:00 am hasta las 12:00 del medio día y de 5:00 a 7:00 pm

Friday (Viernes) 01-31-2014 SACRED HEART NOVENA PRAYERS before the 12:15 pm Mass NOVENA EN HONOR AL SAGRADO CORAZÓN antes de la Misa de 12:15 pm Saturday (Sabado) 02-01-2014 Special Collection for Religious Education COLECTA ESPECIAL PARA La Educación Religiosa

3 pm – Men’s Faith Sharing – Green Room

Please pray for the sick in our Parish

and for those who care for them:

Mantenga en sus oraciones a los

enfermos y a los que se

preocupan por ellos:

If you are in need of prayers or would like to request a

prayer for someone, please call the office at

(831) 424-1959 or e-mail [email protected].

Si necesita oración o le gustaría pedir por alguna

persona enferma, favor de llamar a la oficina al


Ana Aguon Albert & Maria

Alameda Blumenta Bagaslao

Yvonne Beadell Lety Baron

Anne Brown Manuel & Maria Carmo

Barbara Catt Alicia Cordova Paul DeBord

Camille “Mickey” Echeveria

Victoria Esparza Josie Galdo

Manuel Garcia Mary Hallstone Jalen Hannah

Gerry Hitchcock Henry Kato

Yvonne Kever Karen Kitamura Leslie Lawrence Gerry Mahoney Alexis Martinez

Christopher Martinez Eva Martinez

Gil Martinez Juanita Martinez Anne McGuire

Diego & Esmeralda Medina

Ultima Medina Josie Mendoza

Emile Mirandette Loida M. Osteo

Mary Otto Maria Paloma

Damaso Partible Janet Pessagno Angelo Pezzini

Rowena Robante Johnny Jr. Robledo Hisako Rodríguez

Helena Silveria Ciro Solís

Paula Sotelo Helen Stafford

Bob Stewart Claro Torivillas

Elgene Tumacder Consuelo Villas

Genevieve Vonnegut


If you know of someone that would like to receive Communion at home, please call

Catherine O’Brien, 758-1797.


Si quieren que se les lleve la comunión o

quieren confesarse, hable con Connie al 998-8842 o a la oficina de la Parroquia


PLEASE BE VIGILANT - We ask that you make sure that you lock your cars and don’t leave any valuables in plain sight. Stay alert on the sidewalks, in the parking lot, and be a helper for others. POR FAVOR, ESTAR ATENTOS- Les pedimos que siempre estén alertas cierren bien sus carros y no deje nada de valor a la vista. Este siempre alerta al caminar en el estacionamiento,

BIBLE STUDY - It’s not too late to come and participate in SetFREE, a Bible Study class led by Donna Doornik. We are looking at the book of Exodus, and Moses’ foreshadowing of our Savior, Jesus. Come & study Sacred Scripture with us. Thursday nights at 7PM at 14 Stone St.

Page 6: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy

SACRED HEART INTENTION CALENDAR-The Sacred Heart calendar for special intentions for February and March is now available. Please contact the Parish office at 424-1959 for info.

CALENDARIO DE INTENCIONES DEL SAGRADO CORAZON - El Libro para sus intenciones especiales del Febrero y Marzo ya está disponible. Favor de llamar a la oficina para mas información 424-1959.

Electronic Giving

Open your heart without opening your checkbook.

Electronic Giving

is an easier, more secure way to make your regular contributions

to our church through automated giving.

Reasons to sign up for Electronic Giving:

No need to write checks or bring cash to church.

Peace-of-mind knowing that the church is receiving your contribution even if you are unable to attend Mass.

More secure than checks.

All contributions are recorded for you on your bank statement with date of settlement.

IT COSTS YOU NOTHING and you can stop at any time if your financial situation changes!

Sign Up Today.

Authorization forms are available upon request. Contact Arlala in the parish office (424-1959 or email:

[email protected])

Donación Electrónica

Abre tu corazón sin abrir tu chequera.

La donación electrónica es una forma fácil, y más segura de realizar

sus contribuciones regulares a nuestra iglesia mediante donación


Razones para la donación electrónica:

No hay necesidad de escribir cheques o traer efectivo a la iglesia.

La tranquilidad de saber que la iglesia está recibiendo su contribución aun si usted no puede asistir a Misa.

Más seguro que los cheques.

Todas las contribuciones son registradas en sus estados de cuenta bancarios con la fecha de la transacción.

NO LE CUESTA NADA y usted puede suspenderlo en cualquier momento si su situación económica cambia!

Solicítelo hoy.

Las formas de autorización están disponibles para quien lo solicite. Comuníquese con Arlala a la oficina parroquial

(424-1959 o por correo electrónico: [email protected])

NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL SPIRIT FOR A DAY - Please come and visit our campus on 2/4 or 2/25. Why an all girl school? Notre Dame offers a solid academic, social and spiritual foundation, stronger self-esteem and confidence, lifelong friend-ships, development of the whole person, lead-ership roles on campus, every class leader is a girl, small class sizes, opportunity for active participation. Entrance exams are scheduled for January 25 & February 1st. For more information, please call 751-1850.

EDUCATION BILLS SUPPORT SCHOOL CHILDREN MOST IN NEED, PARENTS & NEW TEACHERS - Many Catholic Legislative Network members have already voiced their support for two major tax policy proposals addressing K-12 education needs of public and private school children, which will be heard next week in committee. Thank you for your advocacy. There is still time to take action. AB 943 and SB 693 are measures that would create tax incentives or relief to inspire greater charitable contributions to expand local resources in K-12 education, and that empower parents as well as teachers to care for their own school children's learning needs. AB 943 (Nestande, R-Palm Desert) would encourage charitable contributions to help close the achievement gap among children from low-income families with expanded opportunities for science and arts education. In addition this bill would expand philanthropic investments, which increase the accessibility and viability of learning environments that best support students with special needs to learn and thrive. It would also stabilize school communities for foster youth, which will help them perform better academically and complete more years of education. SB 693 (Correa, D-Santa Ana) would assist low- and middle-income parents in paying for K-12 school costs (textbooks, supplies, tuition) and assure vital educational services beyond the formal school day, such as diagnostic evaluations and out-of-school time academic programs. This bill would also help new teachers with their personal out-out-pocket expenses of instructional materials and classroom supplies used to educate the children entrusted to their care. For more information, please go to

Page 7: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy

RESPECT FOR LIFE MINISTRY (RLM) We pray the Rosary & offer prayers on Tuesdays 2:30-3:30, Wednesdays 3-5 & Thursdays from 1-2 pm at 316 N. Main Street. All are Welcome!

Please Pray for our Parishioners and

family members serving in the Armed Forces

and Public Safety:

Alyssa Alba,

A1C Katrina Alvarez, Sgt. Vance Antonowicz, Jr., Master Sgt. Frank Espinola,

Sgt. Kaulana Esteban, E-3 Stewart Foy, PFC Justin Velez,

Sgt. Anthony Zabala

SACRED HEART ALTAR SOCIETY– New members are always welcome. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the Parish Center, Sacred Heart Room. Hope to see you there.

New Evangelization: CATHOLIC RADIO 1200AM - Pope John Paul II first coined the term “New Evangelization” in 1983 in his encyclical, Redemptoris Missio to refer to those Catholics, who do not attend church regularly. A 2012 Pew Research poll reported that of the approximately 75 million Catholics in the US, only 18 million (24%) attend Mass every Sunday. This leaves 57 million that need to be reached through the New Evan-gelization. SO HOW DO WE REACH THEM ALL? If you have listened to Catholic Radio, you have heard many listeners call in with their testimony of how Catholic Ra-dio has helped them return to the Church. Catholic Radio is committed to reach all Catholics whether or not they are active in the church. In order to make people aware that 1200AM even exists, we need your help by the use of “window/bumper stickers” that have been updated to be more readable and colorful. They now read “Catholic Radio 1200 AM Monterey – Faith, Hope and Love”. They are available at the vestibule of the church. If you are moved to answer Pope John Paul II’s call to the New Evangelization please take a sticker and do your part to evangelize the fallen away Catholics in our area.

CURSILLO - The Cursillo Movement of the Monterey Diocese will be hosting an Ultreya on Saturday, February 8th at St. Theodore's in Gonzales. The Ultreya will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the parish hall. All are welcome to attend. Please join us for fun, food and fellowship. If you have not made a Cursillo but would like more information please join us on Feb. 8th or call your Cursillo Parish Representative or you can also call Cindy Stefani at (831) 578-1995. Hope to see you there. DeColores!!!!!

MONTEREY DIOCESE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - The next Worldwide Marriage En-counter Weekend will be held on May 2-4, 2014, at the Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, California. The second reading today says, “I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.” Be united in your marriage. Attend an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on May 2-4, 2014, at the Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, California. For more information call Mary Jo and Rich Castello, at 831-704-6322 ([email protected]) or register online at

NEW! THEOLOGY ON TAP - SALINAS Monday, Feb 3, 2014 7:00 P.M.

Casa Sorrento Pizzeria, 393 Salinas St., Salinas Honest discussions around hot topics, faith, pizza

and drinks!

SUPPORT COMPREHESIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM - It is time to Bring Our Neighbors Out of the Shadows. As you may know, the United States Catholic Bishops have supported comprehensive immigration reform for many years. After years of little progress, Congress seems to be on the verge of making a breakthrough on this critical issue. Your voice on this matter can make a real difference in Washington D.C. The Senate has passed S. 744 - a comprehensive review of our immigration system. The House of Representatives are now engaged in fashioning their legislation. Please ask them to support comprehensive reform.

Page 8: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy

Sacred Heart School | Salinas 123 W. Market Street, Salinas CA 93901

Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade

Open House January 26, 2014

Open House Schedule

Mass at Sacred Heart Church 11:00 am

Classroom Tours Tours start in the Cislini Gym 12:15 pm

Come check out our classrooms, meet our teachers and see our awesome Science & Technology Labs!

Admission Testing Date February 7, 2014 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

For more information, please call 831.771.1310 or

visit our website

Page 9: PARISH DIRECTORY Dear Sacred Heart Community- · Sullivan), Sacred Heart will be my first full-time pastoral assignment as a priest. I so look forward to expending my time and energy

Liturgical Schedule:

Saturday: 7:30 am, 5:00 pm (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:15 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm (English) 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm (Spanish) Weekdays: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am and 12:15 pm (English) Thursday: 7:00 pm (Spanish) First Friday: 7:30 pm (Spanish)

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Bilingual Confessions): Friday: 12:15 pm and 6:00 pm Penance service.

BAPTISM (Children): Please come to the Parish Office (with a copy of your child’s birth certificate) to receive information about preparation and scheduling.

MARRIAGE: Preparation should begin at least 6 months in advance. Please call the Parish Office during office hours for an appointment with the priest.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: First Wednesday of each month at 12:15 pm, or by appointment.

HOSPITALIZED/HOMEBOUND: Please notify the Parish Office if you would like Holy Communion.

Welcome Fr. Martin

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