
Part 2

Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc.

Goal / Actions

• Encourage and provide healing opportunities to those hurting after abortion.



•Email Mentoring

Dedicating my unborn baby to our Lord Jesus Christ was the most powerful part of my recovery. - Frances

I now have a place to go and honor my child who is in Heaven.

- Charlotte

Goal / Actions

• Enlighten society on the affects of abortion on individuals and families.

•Established April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

•“We are the Voice” Awareness Project

•Choice and Effect Project – abstinence focused presentations

Goal / Actions

• Educate affiliates through awareness opportunities, extended education, conferences, specialized training and by exchange of ideas and resources.

•Offer an Abortion Recovery Counseling Certificate/Degree Program in Partnership with MISD.

•Offer Training and Conference Opportunities to Affiliates and Interested Parties

•Distribute “eVOice” and “Voices”

April Conference Team

Abortion Recovery as Outreach – Brad Mattis / Sheila Harper

Men Affected by Abortion: Reconciling Your Account – Kurt Ramspott

Now What? Steps of Recovery AFTER Group – Stacy Massey

Abortion Recovery through Forums, Message Boards and Chat Rooms – Carla Simmert / Cathy Foster

Opening the Prison to Those That Are Bound – Rev. Rhonda Arias

Goal / Actions

• Establish a professional world-wide association of abortion recovery efforts united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice.

•Expanding Abortion Recovery Counseling Centers and Programs

•Offering Services for Affiliates

•Uniting the Abortion Recovery Community

Our Vision

• V i s i o n

Our concerted recovery efforts will restore lives and relationships which will then influence positive change in our culture. 

To prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

- Ephesians 4:12

Healing Journey

In the U.S., over 48 million

women and men have lost

a child to abortion.

Many are realizing they are not

alone in their after abortion


They’re finding that hope and

healing are possible – and that the Lord

truly does forgive!

After Recovery

"My life and family are different now. Thank you for changing it. May God bless you with countless positive days in your life."

"This group helped me to release all of my anger, guilt and shame…”

“Following this recovery program, I am a "new" person in Christ. I feel lighter and less burdened by my past. It was the best 9 weeks I ever spent... "

Restoring Families

• Experts estimate that Abortion Recovery Centers/Programs have already served as many as 20 million women, men and others impacted by abortion.

• ARIN is honored to help restore lives and relationships.

• What a blessing to share the amazing grace and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Abortion trauma doesn’t discriminate…

1.866.4.MyRecovery1.949.378.5149 -- Stacy’s cell

Luckily, neither



Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. – Ephesians 4:1

So How Can You Help?

1) Assist in raising funds to support the hiring of 2 employees: Needed income: $5,000-7,000 per month. Goal: 50 people who will be willing to donate $1,200 per year or $100 per month.

2) Strategic planning and marketing plan development for 1, 3,5 and 10 year plan.

3) Help to develop a process to recruit donors to establish ongoing financial support.

4) Increase networking with churches nationally and internationally.

5) Locate out of home office space in order to provide a safe place for those negatively affected by abortion to find help and for volunteers to work together collaboratively.

6) PRAY continuously!

“Thanks for giving me my wife back.” -Steven

















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"...and the truth will set you free."

~ Jesus (John 8:32)

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