
PartsLogistics.comIntroduction to “Locate Parts”

The solution

Log in to your account

Choose the Dashboard option for Locate Parts

Click Locate Parts and Request Quotes (RFQ)

The solutionInput your part number or NSN - up to 20 at a time

The solutionChoose your criteria by part number or...

The solution...choose NSN as your criteria

The solution Submit your search

The solution

To see detailed contact information and descriptions on available parts choose (View Details and Filter Sellers)

The solutionClick the checkmark to select or deselect all sellers

The solution Select specific sellers

The solutionOnce you choose your sellers, click the “Save RFQ Selection” button

The solution

You will see your summary again and it will indicate how many sellers were filtered out to send an RFQ - Click the Add RFQs to Cart button to continue

The solutionChoose your condition, quantity, and add details here. When ready click the “Send RFQ” button

The solutionYour Activity Review page verifies that your RFQs are sent. Click “New Search” to continue.

The solution

Batch Parts Availability Search allows you to look for up to 1000 parts at a time and returns a report with contact details for sellers

The solution

Create a file with your list of parts. Please note the directions on your file criteria.

As your file processes you will see color change updates until your file is complete and you can download it.

The solutionBuyer RFQ Center allows you to review RFQs you have sent

The solution

You can choose specific dates or a range of dates to see the RFQs that were sent

You can see details by clicking the link under Buyer Reference

The solutionAfter you review your RFQs, click the Dashboard link to continue using PartsLogistics

The solutionThe Message Board allows you to post to our community forum

The solution Choose your topic

The solutionSearch for on going discussions or start a New Topic by clicking the button

The solutionOnce you have submitted your post, click the logo at the top of the screen to return to the main page.

The solutionYou can see your activity by choosing “View Search History”

The solution

Your history could be extensive so be patient while your page loads.

When you are done with your activity review, you can click the Dashboard link at the top.

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