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Pastel is an Accounting Software Package designed to perform all Accounting process.

The Pastel accounting consists of a range of modules. Upgrading within the range requires no work or conversions – you simply carry on working, albeit with more functionality.

Pastel Accounting consists of modules. The Pastel range of modules consists of:

The Base Module – this module is the base product, which allows you to use the General Ledger, Customers and Suppliers. The modules listed below could be added to this module.

Multi-Currency Module – this module allows you to process with multiple curries for international trade.

Inventory Module – this module allows you to process inventory.

Other modules include the Multi-Store Module and the Pastel Point of Sale.


There are three ways to create a new company.

Each has its own uses:

This is the recommended method of creating a new company. The Set up Assistant guides you through the series of screens and creates a fully working company and sets up all required parameters. Once the Set up Assistant creates a company, you can work in it immediately. In addition, your distributor in your country may have pre-set tax and other country-specific information. Here are the steps to follow:

Click on Pastel icon from the desktop. On the menu, click on file. Click New on the pull-down menu. Click on the blank space provided below the ‘New company Name’. Type in your company name and only 8 characters are allowed at this point e.g. ‘abcdefgh.’ Click use Setup Assistant on method. Click creates. Scroll through to select your country but if your country does not exist, select ‘all other

countries’ option. Click Next. Type in your company name in full e.g. ‘Everite Computers College.’ Press tab and type in the address and other relevant information. Click Next when you are through. On date format click on the first one and click on the four digit year format. Click Next.

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Enter the start date of your financial calendar year that your organization uses. For example, government uses January – December and so the start date would be 01/01/2009. Private companies uses April – March and so their start date would be 01/04/2008.

Click the first option on the period ends. Click Next. Indicate how many cash books or bank account that you have as an organization. Name them one by one. Indicate the kind of price lists that you use if applicable (retail, wholesale, distributor) Click on Next. On default terms click on the first one and click 30 days option. On customer defaults, click on the first option. Click on Next. Click next if the paper style assistant shows ‘plain, single sheet’ shown. Click Finish to End. Click on ‘X’ to switch off the Pastel explorer. Your company has now been created with the help of the assistant and ready for use.

Copy Another Company

Pastel lets you create a New Company as a copy of another existing company. This is useful if, for example, you are creating a new branch, which is similar to an existing company. Or, you could be a consultant who has to create skeleton companies to use for new clients. It is used to duplicate structures of the chart of accounts in regional offices.

Start a New Empty Company

This creates a new empty company. You will have to set up all your parameters, periods, entry types, chart of accounts, and so on, yourself. This route is only recommended for experienced Pastel experts.


You have to confirm or enter basic company information, document numbers and multi-currencies where applicable.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Company Parameters.3. Confirm or enter the following company details

Name Address Additional Information Select the way your company generates documents numbers and if necessary

confirm that the given starting numbers are correct.4. Click on the Formats tab.5. You have to select or confirm the following details:

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General Ledger amount format Date entry format. Age balance forward journal credits

6. Click on the Multi-currency tab.7. You have to select or enter the following:

Select the Use Multi-currency check box if this option is applicable to your business. Select the revaluation entry type. Create your applicable multi- currency tab.

8. When have completed the information click OK.


In the Company tab, you enter basic company information and your own document numbering codes. You access this screen via the Setup…Company Parameters menu option.


In the Company Details Frame, you enter information that should print on documents such as invoice, statements, sales order, and so on.

In the Name and Address fields, enter your company name and address, as you would want them to appear on the documents.

Similarly, in the information fields, enter any other relevant information such as telephone and fax numbers, Email address or the company registration numbers.

Your company name can be up to 40 characters long. In the address and information fields, you can enter five lines of information, with each line containing up to 30 characters.

How to enter Document Numbers

Separate set of Numbers for Each User Select this option if you require different numbering per user. When using this option you enter the next numbering via Set…Customers…Documents and Setup…Suppliers…Documents.

One Set Of Numbers Enter Your Own Documents Numbers in addition to the above allows operators to enter

unique document numbers as they process a documents.

Document Numbers

The Customers and/ or suppliers Frames apply if you chose your documents numbering to apply globally in other words. One Set of Numbers for This Company option above.

You enter the starting next number that should be assigned to each type of document.

Numbers increment as operator’s process documents.

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In each respective documents text field, enter the next document number for each of the documents. Pastel assigns this document to the first operator who prepares the documents and increment from then on.

If you also selected Enter Your Own Document Numbers option, operator can enter their own unique numbers while processing any documents.

If you select the Separate Set of Numbers for Each User option, you set the next documents numbers in the Set…Customers…Documents or Setup…Suppliers…Documents menu options.

In each respective document text field, enter the next documents number for each of the documents. Pastel assigns this document to the first operator who prepares the document and increments from then on.

If you also selected the Enter your own Documents Numbers option, operators can enter their own unique numbers while processing any document.

If you selected the Separate Set of Numbers for each user option, you set the next document numbers in the Setup…customers…Documents or Setup…Suppliers…Documents menu options.

Formats Tab

In this tab you set up default date and number formats for the company. You can change any of these whenever necessary. You access this tab in the Setup…Company Parameters menu option.

General Ledger Amount Format Frame

Choose the format in which your number displays in this frame. If you use other currencies, the formats in this frame only apply to your home currency and you set formats for other currencies in the Multi-Currency tab.

To specify the general ledger numeric format:

1. Enter the character to use as the decimal separator. A full stop (periods) or a comma can be used. The decimal separator defaults from your windows settings.

2. Enter the character to use as the thousands separator in the 1000 Separator field. You can use any character, including a blank character. If you do not any separator at all, delete the character. Note that you cannot use the character as the decimal separator and the 1000’s separator.

3. Enter the number of decimals in the Digital Digits field. You can enter 0, 1, 2, or 3. Note – the number of decimal digits affects your calculations. You cannot decrease the number of decimals once you begin processing. However, you can increase them.

4. Enter the currency symbol in the Currency Symbol field. This field can contain up to three characters. If you do not want a currency symbol leave the field blank.

In the Sample Number fields, Pastel displays how the number would look using the selected formats.

Data Entry Format Frame

In this frame, you set the format in which you enter and view dates. Since Pastel stores dates in a format independent of these settings, you can change your format at any time.

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To set the date format

1. In the sequence frame, choose the sequence day, month and year.2. In the separator frame, enter the data Separator you require.3. In the year frame, choose long or short format year entry and display.

In the Sample Date field. Pastel displays how the date will look with the selected formats.

Short Format Years

If you use the short year format Pastel determines the century as follows. Years equal to or greater than 80 would be in 1900 and years between 0 and 79 would be in 2000.

Age Balance Forwards Journal Credits

Pastel gives you sophisticated flexibility in determining how you wish to control customers and suppliers from the point of view of receipt management. You have the following options:

From Oldest down age the balance forward account to the oldest ageing financial period. In The Period They Where Processed in Age the balance forward account according to the

financial period in which the journal entry took place.

Multi-Currency Tab

If you process in multi-currency you set format and processing options in this tab. You can create up to 30 currencies.

You access this tab in the Setup…Company Parameters menu option:

Use Multi-Currency

Select this option to indicate to Pastel that you wish to process in multi-currency.

Note that once you start processing multi-currency transactions, you cannot deselect this option until you delete each currency.

Since you can only delete a currency, if there are no balances and transactions for accounts with that currency, this could take up to two financial years.

Revaluation Entry Type

Click this list box to select a journal entry type to use for foreign currency revaluations.

Periodically, you need to determine any gains or losses on your foreign currency accounts, and make the necessary, adjustments to these accounts as well as to one or more profit and loss accounts. Pastel does this for you in the Process…Foreign Currency Revaluation menu option.

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In all foreign currency accounts, Pastel stores balances in both the foreign and home currency amount at the time of the original transaction to the home currency amount as it now is. If necessary, the home currency value is adjusted.

When Pastel compares the old and the new home currency values, there are two types of outstanding balance situations that can occur:

The account has both a foreign and a home currency balance. The foreign currency balance is zero, but the home currency value needs to change.


Enter a name for the currency. When you need to set up an account as a foreign currency account, this name displays in a list box for to select. Once you set up and use a currency, you cannot delete it.

Revaluation Account

Here you enter the revaluation account that Pastel uses when revaluating, to post any gains and losses due to foreign currency fluctuations. Normally, it must be an income statement (profit/loss) account.

Variance %

When process foreign currency transactions, the exchange rate table for that period. You can then override the default exchange rate.

In this column, you can specify a maximum percentage variance between the rate in the table and any overriding rate you enter when processing a transaction. This prevents you from entering rates that are beyond the expected fluctuations.

You can use this field to process in a few different ways:

If you set the variance to zero, operators cannot override the rates in the table If you do not wish to use this variance, set the percentage to 99.99 If the exchange rate, which you set up in Edit…Exchange Rates menu option, is set to 1.0000,

Pastel ignores this variance

Note – the variance you enter here is both positive and negative. So, if you enter, for example, 2.5%, Pastel gives a 5% spread on override exchange rate (2.5% in either direction).

1000 Separator

Enter the character you use as a thousand’s separator for this currency. You can enter a blank as a separator. To have no separator, highlight the character and press the delete Key.

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Decimal Digits

Enter the number of decimal digits in this currency. Note that Pastel will round currency amounts to the number of decimals you enter here. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Currency Symbol

You need to enter the symbol for each currency you use. This is especially useful when using multiple currencies as you can readily identify the currencies on a printout.

Currency Sample

Pastel previews the result of the selected format options in this column. This is how Pastel shows currency values in your reports and documents.


The Setup Assistant guides you through a series of screens and creates a fully working company and sets up all required parameters. Once the Setup assistant creates a company, you can work in it immediately. To create a company with the Setup Assistant, use the File…New menu option, and choose the Use Setup Assistant option in the Method frame. Click the Create button and the first screen of the Assistant displays.

On of the screens lets you choose a General Ledger chart of accounts from a pre-existing list:

Once the Setup Assistant completes, the created company is ready for you to use. You should browse through the setup screens using the Auto Setup option and check your parameters. Once you complete this process, use the Setup…Validate Parameters menu option to get Pastel to check the setup screens.

The following steps assist you in creating a new company with all the required information. Once you have completed these procedures you can start working in the company immediately.


1. Click on File.2. Click on New.3. In the New Company Name field enter the name of the new company’s directory/folder.4. Click on Create.5. An information screen about the Setup Assistant is displayed and should be read carefully

before clicking on Next.6. In the Company Information screen you enter the following details:

Company Name Postal Address Additional Information

7. Click on Next

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8. In the date Format screen is display of your date sequence and year format.9. Click on Next.10. The Period Setup screens are displayed and have to indicate the start of your current

financial year and when each period ends.11. Click on Next.12. In the Chart of Accounts screen you have to select your chart of accounts after reading the

screen carefully.13. Click on Next.14. In the Cash Books / Bank Accounts screen you enter the number of Cashbooks and the name

of each one.15. Click on Next.16. If you use inventory you enter the name of each price list and indicate the one that you use

most often.17. Click on Next.18. In the default Terms screen you indicate how long you expect your customers will take to

pay you. You have to make a choice between period based and day based customers.19. If you have selected the Based Customers you have to select the default method for

customers on the Customer Default screen.20. Click on Next.21. In the Document Printing screen you click on Paper Style Assistant button to select the paper

you would like to use or you could do this at a later stage.22. After reading the Create Company screen click on Process.23. Click on Finish to complete the set up process.


You can create many users in a company. However, the number of users that can access the same company simultaneously depends on the multi-user license that you have purchased.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Click on User/Passwords.3. Create or confirm the following:

Every user’s details And there access levels and options

4. When you have completed the information click on OK.


You can edit or change the names of the given financial categories to suit your own needs or customize them to suit your country’s specific requirements.


1. Click on Setup2. Click on Financial categories.

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3. You can modify or change any of the categories descriptions. 4. If you are satisfied with the current categories on your changes. Click on OK.


You create entry types according to the books of original entries where you work. In other words for every source document you use, you have to create an entry type.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Entry Types.3. It is important to familiarize you with the information and details that are set up in this

screen and to make necessary changes if necessary.4. Click on OK.


The period information displayed defaults from the information you have entered using the Setup Assistant.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Periods.3. Confirm the following details:

The number of periods The current period number. Period description, start and end dates. Select to auto create all end dates.

4. Click on the Last Year Periods tab.5. Confirm that these dates and periods are correct, before clicking on OK.


You set up tax parameters, percentages, tax form layouts and multiple tax (only for specific countries) for the entire company.


1. Click on setup.2. Click on tax.3. Select the following:

Processing method Early payments terms Tax default entry method

4. Click on the percentages tab.5. Enter the following information (if necessary)

Tax descriptions Percentages

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Start and end dates6. Click on the Multiple Tax tab.7. If you reside the country that runs a parallel tax system enter the applicable information:

Description Tax Types Calculation methods.

8. Click on the Box Names tab9. Confirm or select the following:

Tax descriptions Select the relevant option Enter the suitable formula

10. Click on the Box Layout tab to confirm or select the various tax items.11. Click OK to confirm your settings.


You need to set up all the customer parameters before you start to do customer processing.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Control.4. You have to enter the following information:

The control account numbers The interest details Select the tax on documents and financial lines Define your own user defined details.

5. Click on the Statements tab6. You need to confirm the following details:

Your printing options Printing invoices Statement messages

7. Click on the Defaults tab.8. Determine the following defaults:

Normal Payments terms Other application terms Printing terms Processing terms Tax entry method Other optional defaults, which include shipping and freight methods.

9. Click on the Descriptions tab and create the following descriptions: Postal address Delivery address

10. Click on OK to confirm your customer settings.

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You have to set up customer documents before you start processing.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Documents.4. For every document you have to confirm the following information:

Original Name Copy Name Supporting Name Entry Type Message User

5. Click on OK when you are satisfied with all your settings.


You need to set up all the supplier parameters before you start to do supplier processing.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Suppliers.3. Click on Control.4. The following details has to be confirmed:

Control account details Tax details Goods Received Notes information. User defined fields

5. Click on the Remittance tab.6. The following details have to be confirmed:

Printing details Statement message

7. Click on the Default tab.8. The following have to be selected or entered.

Normal payments terms Other information Preferred processing method

9. Click on the Description tab.10. The following descriptions have to be entered:

The postal address Delivery address

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11. Click on OK to confirm all the supplier details.


You need to set up the supplier documents first before you can process any of them.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Suppliers.3. Click on Documents.4. For every document you have to confirm the following details:

Original Name Copy name Supporting Name Entry Type Message User

5. Click on OK when you are satisfied with the information that you have entered and selected.


You need to set up your company’s inventory groups before creating inventory items.

You have to create the necessary ledger accounts before setting up the parameters.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on inventory.3. You have to enter and select the following details:

Price list descriptions Various limits The use of decimals Different processing options

4. Click on the Integration/Groups tab.5. You have to select the following:

Select which inventory integration method your company is going to use Select the various general ledger accounts for each inventory group. Select the entry type

6. Click on the user Fields tab.7. Enter your various user fields.8. Click on the Bill of Materials tab if you are using this feature.9. The following details have to be selected:

Additional cost information

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Manufacturing details10. Click on the other tab.11. The following information has to be selected:

Defaults for new inventory items Encrypted cost prices The use of multi-stores

12. Click on OK if you are satisfied with all your settings.


After setting up a company using the Setup Assistant you should create the Customer, Supplier and inventory accounts with the optional additional features.

Creating a GL main account

The general ledger reflects all the business activities of the company. Within the general ledger you create accounts. Each account contains a collection of transactions of the same nature. You can create up to 9999 general ledger accounts. The number from 0001 to 9999, amongst other information, Pastel stores the account’s number, description and period balances.

Before creating GL accounts, look at the setup that assistant has already created.

Using the View…Zoom…General Ledger menu option.


1. Click on Edit.2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on Accounts.4. Click on New.5. Enter the relevant information.6. Click on OK.7. Click on Close.

Creating Customer Categories

Creating different categories for your customers is an option feature. Differentiating between customers can assist you in generating meaning reports and in creating discount matrices.


1. Click on edit.2. Click on Customers3. Click on Categories4. Enter your various customer categories.5. Click on OK to save these settings.

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You have to create customers’ accounts before processing any applicable transactions.

You are also allowed to modify any settings if necessary. Even if you use the multi-stores facility, customers are set up for the company as a whole.


1. Click on Edit2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Accounts.4. Enter the following details:

Account Code Description ( name of customer) Customer Category Postal Address Delivery Address Contact Details etc.

5. Click on the Processing tab.6. The following details have to be confirmed:

Currency method Tax methods Document and printing options

7. Click on the Terms tab.8. The following information must be entered or selected:

Payment terms and details Delivery details

9. Click on the User Defined tab.10. If you have created your own defined fields enter the necessary information.11. Click on the Balance tab to view the generated columns.12. Click on the Notes tab to generate any notes for your customer.13. Click on OK to save the details.14. Click on New to create another customer and follow steps 4 to 13.15. Click on Close.


You have to create suppliers before processing any applicable transactions. You are also allowed to modify any settings if necessary. Even if you use the multi-stores facility, suppliers are set up for the company as a whole.


1. Click on Edit.2. Click on Suppliers.3. You have to enter the following supplier information:

Account Code Description (name of supplier) Postal Address

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Physical Address Contact Details

4. Click on the Processing tab.5. The following information has be entered or selected:

Tax details Terms options Default contra option Printing methods

6. Click on the Balances tab to view the available columns.7. Click on the User Defined tab to enter additional information in the previously defined fields.8. Click on the Notes tab to create notes attached to the specific supplier.9. Click on OK to save these settings.10. To create another supplier click on New and follow steps 3 to 9.11. Click on Close.

Creating Inventory Categories

You can create different categories to distinguish between various inventory items. These categories do not influence the general ledger entries they only assist you to generate a wider variety of reports.


1. Click on Edit.2. Click on Inventory.3. Click on categories.4. Enter your categories in the various lines and click on Ok.

Creating Inventory Items

You have to create inventory item, with the applicable detail before taking an opening balance.


1. Click on Edit2. Click on Inventory3. Click on Item File4. You have to enter or select the following:

Inventory Code Description Inventory Categories Processing Options Tax details

5. Click on select stores button:6. Select the store that must be linked to the specific inventory item.7. Click on OK.8. Click on Edit.

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9. In the store field select a store and enter all the application information for that store.10. On the Details tab enter the following:

Addition inventory information Tax options Processing options Cost prices

11. Click on the Prices tab12. Enter the following:

Inclusive or Exclusive prices for the various price lists. Special prices and the applicable dates.

13. Click on the Reorder tab.14. Enter or select the following information:

The recommended supplier details Reorder levels

15. Click on the User Fields tab to enter fields you have previously defined.16. Click on the Activity tab to view the relevant columns.17. Click on the Notes tab to create notes attached to the inventory item. These notes are linked

to all the stores, which mean individual notes for a specific store cannot be created.18. Click on the Picture tab to link an image to the inventory item. Only one image per inventory

is linked to all stores.19. Click on OK to save the settings of the specific store.20. Select the next store linked to the same inventory item.21. Follow steps 9 to 15 to enter the applicable information for the next linked store and click on

Ok to save the settings22. Click on Close.


These procedures help you to process customer sales effectively.


You have to create a cash customer, which is used to process all cash sales.


1. Click on Edit.2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Accounts.4. Click on New on the Data Remote.5. Enter the relevant information.6. Click on the Process tab.7. Select the relevant options for printing of documents and statements.8. Click on the Terms tab.9. Select the relevant options for your cash transactions.10. Click on OK.11. Click on Close.

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Creating a Quotation

You can prepare estimates or quotations for your customers. When a customer agrees to your quotation, you can choose to create a Sales Order or Invoice.


1. Click on the Customer Documents Icon.2. Click on Quotation.3. Enter the relevant information.4. Click on Next Document to create another quotation or click on Close.

Creating a Sale Order

You can Process a sales order prior to an invoice. You can set whether the sales order should reserve inventory quantities or not using the Setup…Inventory menu option. Sales Orders can be linked to quotations that have already been created. Sales Orders can be linked to Sales Invoices.


1. Click on the Customer Documents Icon.2. Click on Sales Order.3. Enter and select the relevant information.4. Click on Close.5. Cancel all Printing Options.

Creating a Sales Invoice

Invoices are processed when your customers actually buy from you. The invoice affects the Inventory quantity on hand, updates the customer’s balance and affects sales and inventory values.


1. Click on the Customer Documents Icon.2. Click on Invoice.3. Enter and select the relevant information.4. Click on the Zoom facility in the quantity field.5. The quantity status screen is displayed. Make sure that you have enough inventory on hand

to sell.6. Click on Returns to Lines.7. Click on Batch once the invoice is complete.8. Click on Update.9. To print this Invoice, click on Ok.

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10. Click on Update.11. Click on Close.


You need to specify processing options for suppliers. These procedures explain how you process a Purchase Order, receive Delivery Notes and process Supplier Invoice and Debit Notes.

Creating a Purchase Order

You can process a purchase order prior to an invoice. This helps you track what you have on order.


1. Click on the Supplier Document Icon.2. Click on Purchase Order.3. Enter and select the relevant information.4. Note that if you purchase goods and pay tax on them, and you are able to claim this tax,

then you specify Tax Types on the purchase order lines.5. Select Next Document, Print Document or close when you have completed the Purchase


Creating a Good Received Note

GRN’s are set up in the Setup…Suppliers…Control menu option to be either 1. Never used or 2. Mandatory. GRN’s update immediately and the purchased items are available for sale.


1. Click on the Supplier Document Icon.2. Click on Goods Received Note.3. Zoom for the correct Supplier and enter.4. The relevant information must be entered.5. Select Next Documents, Print Documents or Close when the GRN is completed.

Creating a Suppler Invoice

You process an invoice when you purchase on credit and the supplier invoices you. The invoice updates the supplier’s balance. When you have selected GRN’s to be mandatory. Inventory items can only be invoiced using GRN’s.


1. Click on the Supplier Documents Icon.2. Click on Debit Note. The document type is called Return and Debit.3. Select the relevant information.4. Click on Batch.5. Click on Update.6. Click on Yes if you need to print the documents. Follow the instructions.7. Click on Update.

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8. Click on Close.


The general ledger reflects all the business activities of the company. Within the general ledger you create accounts. Each account contains a collection of transactions of the same nature. For example, you may create a bank account which contains all transactions that affect or involve your actual bank account.

Making Entries in the Cash Book

If you process in a Cashbook, Pastel lets you work simultaneously on payments and receipts. You click on either of these tabs to access the payments or receipts batches. You use the Payments batch to process payments to others and Receipts to process payments from others.


1. Click on the Cashbook Entry icon. A screen similar to the one below appears.2. Click on the Receipt tab.3. Click on Settings.4. Select the relevant information.5. Click on Close.6. Select the relevant information.7. When a matched open item is found the following is displayed.8. Click on Auto Match. The amount is matched with a tick.9. Click on Close.10. Click on Preview.11. Click on Preview all Lines.12. Note the way the information is displayed.13. Click on End Preview14. Do not updates at this stage so click on Close.

Entering Cheque Payments


1. Click on the Cash Book Entry icon.2. Click on the Payments tab.3. Click on Settings.4. Select the correct information.5. Click on Close.6. Enter the relevant information7. Click on Update.8. Select the Update Payments and Receipts batches.9. Click on Update.10. Click on Close.

Entering Transactions in the Petty Cash Book

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Petty Cash transactions are recorded in a Cashbook. This cashbook will be created when doing the Setup Procedure.

Only payments will be done through the Petty Cash Book.


1. Click on the Cashbook Entry icon.2. Click on Cash Book.3. Click on Petty Cash.4. Click on Settings.5. Select the correct information.6. Click on Close.7. Enter the relevant information.8. You can preview the entries before doing the updates. Click on Update.9. Click on Close.

Reconciling Cash Books

Pastel groups all transactions with the same reference together for reconciliation purposes. You can enter the bank statement information manually, or you can import the bank statement from an ASCII file and perform the reconciliation electronically.


1. Click on Process.2. Click on Bank Reconciliation.3. Enter the bank statements balance in the Statement Balance field.4. Tick next to each item that is displayed on your bank statement.5. Note the Unreconciled and different amounts at the bottom of the screen.6. Click on options.7. Click on View Reconciliation.8. Select Print to Screen.9. Click on OK.10. Click on Close.

Entering Transactions in the General Journal Recurring Batch.

The General Journal can be used for taking on opening balances, year end adjustments or other monthly transactions.


1. Click on the journal icon.

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2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on General Journal.4. Select the Batch Type as Recurring Batch Type.5. Enter the relevant information.6. Select the Batch Type as Normal7. Click on Batch.8. Click on Postdated/Recurring.9. On the screen that appears, click on Next.10. Click on Next.11. Make sure the settings are correct and click on Next.12. Leave the New Reference field blank and click Next.13. Click on Process.14. A dialog box is displayed to confirm that the item has been transferred.15. Click on OK.16. Click on Update this Journal.17. Click on Close.

Entering Transactions in the Purchases Journal

When you set up entry types, you specify for each one, which type of accounts (general ledger, customer, and supplier) you can process in that entry type. You can choose the process only one type of account, a combination of accounts or all account types.


1. Click on the Journal icon.2. Click on Suppliers.3. Click on Purchases.4. Click on Settings.5. Enter the relevant information.6. Click on Close.7. Enter your invoices.8. Update the batch and Close.

Entering Transactions in the Sales Journal

When you set up entry types you specify for each one, which of accounts is (general ledger, customer, suppliers) you can process in that entry type. You can choose to process only one type of account, a combination of account types or all account types.


1. Click on the Journals icon2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Sales.4. Click on Settings.5. Enter the relevant information.6. Click on Close.

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7. Enter your invoices.8. Update the batch and close.


Generating an Inventory Quantity Report

This report shows the quantity on hand for a range of items. It shows other quantity statistics such as the quantity on sales-orders, purchases orders and quantities still in batches. If sales orders reserve inventory, the report shows how many items are actually available for sale out of the quantity on hand.


1. Click on View2. Click on Inventory.3. Click on Quantities.4. Select the relevant options.5. Click on the OK button.

Generating an Inventory Valuation Report

Generating this report will show you the total value of your inventory. The valuation is based on moving average basis. However, you can choose to print the report based on the last cost.


1. Click on View.2. Click on Inventory.3. Click on Inventory Valuation.4. Select the relevant options.5. Click on the OK button.

Generating a Detailed Ledger Report

The Detailed Ledger Report, details transactions for general ledger accounts. You have various options that let you choose what to include in the report.


1. Click on View.2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on Transactions.4. Click on Detailed Ledger.5. Select the relevant options.6. Click on the OK button.

Generating a Cash Book Details Report

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The Cash Book Details Report is a specialized version of the entry type details report. It only details cash book transactions.


1. Click on View.2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on Transactions.4. Click on Cash Book Details.5. Select the relevant options.6. Click on the OK button.

Generating a Sales Analysis Report

T he Sales Journal shows the list of documents that you processed in the Process…Customers menu option. It will include any items entered through the Process…Journals menu option. You can use the sales journal to reprint documents stationery.


1. Click on View.2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Analysis Sales.4. Click on Sales Journal.5. Select relevant options.6. Click on the OK button.

Generating a Customers Age Analysis

The age analysis shows ageing for a selected range of customers or suppliers based on their payment terms.


1. Click on View.2. Click on Customers.3. Click on Monthly Periodic.4. Click on Age analysis.5. Select the relevant options.6. Click on the OK button.1. Select the relevant options.2. Click on OK.3. Click on Close after studying the report.

Generating Customer Statements

Periodically, you need to notify your customers about the state of their accounts.

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1. Click on View.2. Click on customers.3. Click on Monthly/Periodic.4. Click on Statement.5. Select the relevant options.6. Click on the OK button.

Generating a Sales Age Analysis Report

The Age Analysis Report shows ageing for a selected range of customers or suppliers based on their payments terms.


1. Click on View.2. Click on Suppliers.3. Click on Monthly/periodic.4. Click on Age Analysis.5. Select the relevant options.6. Clock on the OK button.

Generating an Item Based Price List

This report shows price list prices. You can use this report to create price lists and analysis your sellig prices.


1. Click on View.2. Click on Price Lists.3. Click on Item Based Prices.4. Select the relevant options.5. Click on the OK button.

Running the Year End Assistant

The year end procedure itself is fully automated and prepares your company for processing in the new financial year.


1. Click on Change.2. Click on Year End.3. A dialog box is displayed. Click on Yes.4. Year End Backup screen is displayed. Make a backup to disc.5. Once you have a completed backup, click on Next.

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6. Enter the relevant information.7. Click on Next.8. The Print Report screen is displayed.9. Click on Next.10. The What The Year End Does screen is displayed.11. Click on Next.12. The Confirm Operation screen is displayed.13. Click on the Process Button.

Multi-Currencies Processing

Pastel lets you process with multiple currencies and have the following capabilities:

You can create foreign currency customers, suppliers and bank accounts. You process these accounts in their own currencies.

You can create and update exchange rate tables for each currency at any time. You can produce financial statements and other reports in any of the created currencies. You can levy tax on foreign currency transactions if necessary.

Setting Up the Currency Variance Journal

Set up the currency variance Journal

1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Entry Types.3. Make sure that the settings for the currency variance are displayed correctly.4. Click on the OK button.

Activating the Multi-Currency Parameters

Activate the multi-currency parameters.


1. Click on Setup.2. Click on Company Parameters.3. Click on Multi-Currency tab.4. Enter the relevant information.5. Click on the OK button.

Entering the Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

Enter the exchange rates for all the different foreign currencies that you use.


1. Click on Edit.

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2. Click on Exchange Rates.3. Enter the relevant information.4. Click on the OK button.

Processing the Foreign Currency Revaluation

Process the foreign currency revaluation using the assistant.


1. Click on Process.2. Click on Foreign Currency Revaluation.3. Select the relevant option.4. Click on Next5. The Select a Period and Starting Reference screen is displayed.6. Enter the relevant information.7. Click on Next.8. The Print the Foreign Currency Variance Report screen is displayed.9. Click on Print Report.10. Select the relevant information.11. Click on OK.12. The Confirm Operation screen is displayed.13. Check your information and if you are satisfied click on process.14. The Operation Complete screen is displayed.15. Click on Finish.


Pastel has a few aides to enhance your decision-making skills. It will enable you to create a budget or generate a series of reports. You may want to generate financial reports, set up and activate a few of the control centre’s utilities.

Creating a Budget

Budgets are values that show a plan of action expressed in monetary terms. Budgets provide a reference point upon which a business can strive to achieve. Budgets let you compare what the business has actually achieved against budget values or against last year’s values.


1. Click on Edit.2. Click on General Ledger.

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3. Click on Budgets.4. The Budget assistant screen is displayed. Select the correct options.5. Click on Next.6. The Choose which Budget to Work on screen is displayed. Select the relevant option.7. Click on Next.8. Enter the relevant information.9. Click on Next.10. The Edit Individual Accounts screen is displayed. Enter the correct percentages.11. Click on Next.12. Click in the Total fields and enter your yearly budget.

Note- the budget you enter here will be distributed according to the percentages you allocated on the previous screen.

13. Click on OK.14. Use the scrolling arrows on the data remove to enter amounts on different accounts.15. Click on OK when you done.16. Click on Next.17. Click on the Finish button.

Creating a Budget Report

Create a report to view the Budget you have created.


1. Click on View.2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on Listings.4. Click on Budgets.5. The Budgets Print to screen is displayed.6. Select the relevant options.7. Click on OK.8. Click on close after studying the report.

Generating the Trial Balance

Once all the transactions for the month have been entered it is important to study the month end results.


1. Click on View.2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on Financial Reports. 4. Click on Trail Balance.5. Select the relevant options.6. Click on the OK button.

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Creating an Income Statement Report

The Income Statement financial report, details all your income and expenditures incurred in the selected period.


1. Click on View.2. Click on General Ledger.3. Click on Financial Reports4. Click on Income Statements.5. The Income Statement print to screen is displayed.6. Select the relevant options.7. Click on OK.8. Click on Close after studying the report.

Creating a Balance Sheet Report

The Balance Sheet shows you how your assets and liabilities are employed in the company. It shows the financial standing of the business at the selected period.


1. Click on View2. Click on General Ledger3. Click on Financial Reports.4. Click on Balance Sheet.5. The Balance Sheet Print To screen is displayed.6. Select the relevant options.7. Click on OK.8. Click on Close after studying the report.

Assessing the Financial Ratios

Ratios are derived by comparing one value against another in order to assess whether the ratio indicates a strength or weakness of the company. This way ratio analysis helps you is to make meaningful conclusions from values drawn from financial statements and other reports about the state of the company activities.


1. Click on View.2. Click on Financial Ratios.3. Select the chosen ratio from the following fields.

Ratio Graph Type Financial Charges Interest Paid

4. The following options are also available:

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Export Copy Print

5. Click on Close after studying the ratio.


Pastel allows you to import and export information out of the system in many ways.

Exporting Data to a Spreadsheet from the Report Writer

You can export any report which you can print into ASCII files for spreadsheet or word processor import. You can also create HTML files to publish on the Internet, Intranet and you can Email a report.


1. Click on View2. Click on General Ledger 3. Click on Financial Reports.4. Click on Trial Balance.5. Select the relevant options.6. Click on OK.7. The Save As screen is displayed.8. Enter the file name and where the file should be saved.9. Click on Next.10. Minimize Pastel.11. Load your Spreadsheet program.12. Click on File.13. Click on Open.14. The Open screen is displayed.15. Select the relevant file.16. Click on Open.17. The Open screen is displayed.18. Select the relevant options.19. Click on Next.20. The Text Import Wizard Step 2 screen is displayed. Select the relevant options.21. Click on Next.22. Click on Finish.23. Resize the columns of the spreadsheet if necessary.24. Click on File.25. Click on Save As.26. The Save As screen is displayed. Enter the relevant information.27. Ensure that the Save As type setting is correct.28. Click on OK.

Export Data Using that Export/Import Facility

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You can use the File…Export/Import menu option to export Master File information.


1. Click on the Cash Book Entry icon.2. Click on the Receipts tab.3. Click on Batch.4. Click on Export.5. Enter the relevant information.6. Click on Process.7. Minimize Pastel.8. Open your Spreadsheet program.9. Click on File.10. Click on Open.11. The Open screen is displayed.12. Select the relevant File.13. Click on Open.14. Select the relevant options.15. Click on Next.16. The Text Import Wizard Step 2 screen is displayed. Select the relevant options.17. Click on Next.18. The Text Import Wizard 3 screen is displayed. Select the following options.

I. Do not importII. Date

III. Do not importIV. GeneralV. Do not import

19. Click on the Finish button.

Importing Data from a Spreadsheet

Import data from a spreadsheet.


1. Click on the Journal icon.2. Click on general Ledger.3. Click on Customer.4. Click on Sales 5. Click on Batch.6. Click on Import.7. Click on the Zoom facility.8. Click on the Files of type drop down menu.9. Click on PAS files.10. Select the JNL>PAS file.11. Click on OK.12. Click on the Process button.

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Using Pastel’s merging capability; you can create a wide variety of documents and reports based on contact information. Although Pastel has an extensive range of reports and useful graphs, there may be times when you want to use the data in a spreadsheet format.


1. Click on Utility.2. Click on Microsoft Integration.3. Click on Ms Excel – Data Analysis.4. Click on Ms Excel – Export Assistant is displayed.5. Click on Next.6. Select the appropriate option to determine the criteria and files to be exported.7. Click on Next.8. Select the relevant fields required by clicking on the appropriate checkbox.9. A confirmation screen is displayed.10. Click on Finish.11. Excel opens automatically allowing you to view and confirm the data that was exported.12. Click on File…Save As in Excel.13. Select the destination drive/folder to save the spreadsheet to.14. Enter the suitable name for the file.15. Click on Save.16. Exit the Excel program.17. You are returned to Pastel.18. Click on Finish.


Occasionally, you may need to send letters to your customers or suppliers. Pastel allows you to automatically create word processing and spreadsheet documents by creating a ‘Mail-Merge’ file.


1. Click on Utility.2. Click on Microsoft Office Integration.3. Click on Ms Word – Mail Merge.4. The Microsoft Word – Export Assistant is displayed.5. Click on Next.6. Select the export criteria and files by clicking on the appropriate option.7. Click on Next8. Select the relevant fields that you would like to export by clicking on the appropriate

checkbox.9. Click on Next.10. A confirmation screen is displayed.11. Click on Process to confirm the operation.12. The data source is created in the company directory as MergeData.doc.13. Click on Finish to complete the operation.

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To locate and view your MergData.doc documents use the following procedure:

1. Open Windows Explorer2. Navigate to PAS60 or Pastel104 directory.3. Double click the company sub folder in which you are working.4. Locate the MergeData.doc and open it.5. The export information displays in word document.6. Save the document in an appropriate drive/folder for future reference.


Pastel keeps a history of all transactions until you explicitly delete them. This section will guide you through a clean up process that is called housekeeping.

Deleting and Clearing Files

Delete old files and clear up space on your hard drive for future transactions.


1. Click on Change.2. Click on Delete History Clear Files.3. The Choose a Function screen is displayed.4. Select the relevant option.5. Click on Next. 6. The Choose a Period screen is displayed.7. Select a Period.8. Click on Next.9. The Delete Invoice/Inventory History screen is displayed.10. Select the relevant option.11. Click on Next.12. The Delete Open Item Transaction History screen is displayed.13. Select the relevant options.14. Click on Next.15. The Consolidate Detailed Ledger Transaction screen is displayed.16. Select the relevant options17. Click on Next.18. The Account Range Selection screen is displayed.19. Enter the relevant information.20. Click on Next.21. The Confirm Operation screen is displayed.22. Check the information on the screen and if it is correct then click on process.

Deleting Inactive Customers and Suppliers

In the course of time you may need to delete customers or suppliers with whom you no longer trade.


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1. Click on Change.2. Click on Delete Inactive Customers/Supplier.3. The Choose the Operation to Perform screen is displayed.4. Select the relevant option.5. Click on Next.6. The Choose an Account to Retain Transactions screen is displayed.7. Select the relevant option.8. Click on Next.9. The Account Rang screen is displayed.10. Enter the relevant information.11. Click on Next.12. The specify Activity Criteria screen is displayed.13. Select the relevant option.14. Click on Next.15. The Customer/Supplier Notes screen is displayed.16. Select the relevant option.17. Click on Next.18. The Confirm Operation screen is displayed.19. Ensure that the information on the screen is correct and then click on Process button.

Incrementing a Period

The option to increment periods in only for single period users who need to increment to the next period at the end of each period.


1. Click on Change.2. Click on Period Increment.3. The Period Increment screen is displayed.4. Click on Backup.5. Backup your work to disk or your desired location.6. Click on the Process button.

Conversion from Balance Forward to Open Item

When you create each customer or supplier account, you choose whether to process in open item or balance forward. Once you process an account in the selected method, you cannot switch to the other method in the Edit menu options. Instead, you need to use an assistant that guides you through the required steps.


1. Click on Change.2. Click on Open/Balance Forward Conversion.3. The Choose the Operation to Perform screen is displayed.4. Select the relevant option.5. Click on Next.

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6. The Account Range screen is displayed.7. Select the relevant options.8. Click on Next.9. A dialog is displayed telling you that all the accounts have been selected and it will ask you if

you wish to continue to the next screen.10. Click on Yes.11. The balance Forward to Open Item Options screen is displayed.12. Select the relevant option.13. Click on Next.14. The second of the Balance Forward to Open Item Options screen is displayed.15. Select the relevant option.16. Click on Next.17. The third of the Balance Forward to Open Item Options screen is displayed.18. Select the relevant option.19. Click on Next.20. The Confirm Operation screen is displayed.21. Ensure that all the information on the screen is correct and the click on the Process button.

Deleting Companies

Deleting a company permanently removes its data from your system.

Note – before you delete a company you should make at least two backups on removable media. You delete a company from the File…Delete menu option.

Warning – once you delete company, you cannot get the data back. You can only get the data back by restoring from a previous backup. If you have not made a backup, you cannot get the data back. Hence, the importance of backups!

To Delete a Company

1. It is advisable to make sufficient backups of the company data. To do this, use the File…Backup menu option.

2. Select the File…Delete menu option to locate the company to delete. Pastel defaults to listing all companies that reside in the PAS60 directory. If the company resides elsewhere, you will have to browse through the directories or across the network (if applicable) to locate it.

3. Use the select Drive drop-down list box and the Select Directories (Folders) fields to locate and select the company.

4. Enter a supervisor password for the company, if it exits.5. Confirm that you wish to delete the company.


Backups are security copies of your data, which you make regularly. You need this in case of corruptions caused by interruptions hardware failures and other errors.

Important – backups are vital. You must make regular backups of your company data. If you do not do so, you can lose all of your customer, supplier, general ledgers, and inventory information.

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You must make backups onto diskettes, tapes, or other hard drives. Pastel does allow you to backup onto the same hard disk as the data is on, but if you do and the hard disk fails, all your data will be lost.

Note- backups must be made onto removable media. A backup made onto the same computer is useless if the computer is damaged or stolen.

If you have backups, you can restore the backup onto the same computer or another computer, and you will not lose all your work.

How Often Should You Make Backups?

It all depends on your circumstances. The question to ask yourself is: how much work am I prepared to recapture? We recommend that you keep a minimum of the following number of backups:

Three daily sets, re-used every fourth day. Two weekly sets re-used every third week. Twelve monthly sets, done at the end of each month, re-used each year. A set prior to each year – end, never re-used.

Keep at least the weekly, monthly, and annual backups in some other safe geographical site.

Tips for Safe Backups

Here are some tips and suggestions, which you may like to use:

Keep Multiple Backups Sets – Many users do backups religiously each day, but they only use one set of backup disks. This is unsafe. For example, you may backup data, not knowing that it is corrupt, over the only set of uncorrupted data, which you have.

Replace diskettes – Frequently, removable media damage easily. You should not bend them, or expose them to heat or magnetism. They also wear out over time. The cost of diskettes is insignificant.

Move Diskettes Out of the Office. We would like to reiterate that you should keep some of your backups in a different geographical location. If all your backups are stored with your computer, and a disastrous event such as a fire occurs, you will lose all your backups.

If you are disciplined with your backups, and you follow the system recommended above, data corruption will be a mere nuisance rather than a disastrous event.

Performing Backups

Backups are security copies of your data that you make on regular basis. You need these in case of power interruptions, hardware failure or disk full conditions. If you use diskettes to backup, you must ensure that they are formatted. Most diskettes that you purchase are pre – formatted. However, if you need to, you can format diskettes yourself.

You invoke the backup procedure with File…Restore menu option.

Restoring Data from Backups

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Use the restore option with care, since it overwrites, and therefore destroys the live data on your hard disk. You restore data with File…Restore menu option.


Graphs help you to report Pastel’s data graphically. For example, you can see the period trend of your inventory item’s purchases versus sales instantly. Pastel offers several types of graphs and visual effects that enhance your data presentation.

This page contains links to various topics about graphs. You produce graphs from the View … Graphs menu option.

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