Page 1: Patient Safety & Clinical Handover Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician Acute Medicine Team

Patient Safety & Clinical Handover

Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician

Acute Medicine Team

Page 2: Patient Safety & Clinical Handover Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician Acute Medicine Team
Page 3: Patient Safety & Clinical Handover Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician Acute Medicine Team

Acute Medicine

Page 4: Patient Safety & Clinical Handover Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician Acute Medicine Team

Acute Medicine

• Busy

• Lots of sick people

• Lots of doctors

• Wide spectrum of practice

• You have to keep you eye on the ball...


Page 5: Patient Safety & Clinical Handover Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician Acute Medicine Team

What is our minimum standard?

“The very first requirement in a hospital is it that it should do the sick no harm”

Notes on Hospitals, 1863

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What is patient safety?

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Or ...

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Our Aim

No needless deathsNo needless pain or sufferingNo unwanted waitsNo helplessnessNo waste

For anyone....

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The scale of the problem

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Factors Affecting Patient Safety

• Patient

• Task

• Individual

• Team

• Working Conditions

• Organisational

• Governmental & Regulatory

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A couple of little stories...

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Fell over on the way to the shed

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Fell over on the way to the bathroom

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Fell over on the way to the kitchen

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Its all about cheese...

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Never Events

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Human Factors

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What is Clinical Handover?

The transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for

a patient, or group of patients, to another person or professional group on a temporary or

permanent basis

National Patient Safety Agency, 2005

The transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for

a patient, or group of patients, to another person or professional group on a temporary or

permanent basis

National Patient Safety Agency, 2005

Page 21: Patient Safety & Clinical Handover Kiaran Flanagan, Consultant Acute Physician Acute Medicine Team

Why Clinical Handover?

Continuity of sufficient and relevant information(and

appropriate action) to suitably experienced clinicians is vital to the

safety of our patients

Continuity of sufficient and relevant information(and

appropriate action) to suitably experienced clinicians is vital to the

safety of our patients

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Responsibility & Accountability

“Individuals and organisations have a shared

responsibility to ensure that safe continuity of

information and responsibility takes place”

“Information provided during handovers

influences the delivery of care for the whole


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What it’s supposed to achieve

• Sufficient and relevant information should be exchanged

• Clinically unstable patients made known to senior and covering clinicians

• Unstable patients receive review

• Juniors adequately briefed of concerns from personnel and previous shifts

• At risk areas/ situations identified

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Getting practical

• Morning Clinical Handover 08:30 CDU

• Evening Clinical Handover 17:00 ED Seminar


• H@N Clinical Handover 20:30 Control Room

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