
Paul’s missionary campaign in Asia Minor(Acts 18:18-20:38)

NT2 – Study 8

Outline of this study

1. Return to Antioch via Ephesus (18:18-22)2. The third missionary journey (18:23-19:41)3. Journey from Ephesus to Miletus (20:1-16)4. Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders


Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts (Christian Focus)

1. Return to Antioch via Ephesus (18:18-22)

1. Return to Antioch via Ephesus (18:18-22)

• Paul’s “hair cut” at Cenchrea (v18, cf. Num 6) => Purpose of these “obscure details”?

• Ephesus (Asia) en route to Jerusalem/Syria– Bypassed earlier by order of the Spirit (16:6)– Priscilla & Aquila stayed behind

=> marks importance of the work there

2. The third missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

Why could Luke’s purpose be in telling us about Apollos (18:24-28)?

2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

• Spencer on Apollos (pp.193-4)– Of Alexandria = leading intellectual and cultural

centre of Hellenistic world + large Jewish community, home of the Septuagint (LXX)

– Well versed with Scripture + John’s baptism + “the way of the Lord”

– Though still needed help from Priscilla & Aquila to know “the way of God” more ”adequately”

– Commended by the church in Asia to Achaia (cf. Antioch commending Barnabas & Paul)

2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

Focus on Ephesus (cf. notes p.109)


2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

• Paul’s ministry at Ephesus

12 “disciples”(19:1-7)

Departure from the synagogue


Conflict with “magicians” (19:11-20)

The riot (19:21-41)

2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

• Paul’s ministry at Ephesus– Shows roots going back to

“the beginning of the gospel”!– Re-baptised “in the name of

the Lord Jesus”=> Not yet Christians + no Spirit within!

12 “disciples”


2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

• Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Transfers to lecture hall of

Tyrannus after 3 months– Continued daily for 2 years (11am-

4pm per Western text)– Outcome of his “reasoning and persuading”

“all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.”

Departure from the


2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

• Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Scott: “miracles” vs “magic”!– Paul’s extraordinary miracles

• Who actually did them (19:11)?• Similar to Peter’s ministry (5:15f.)

– Seven sons of Sceva attempts “magic”• Using the Lord’s name in vain!

– Outcome => sorcery abandoned +“the word of the Lord spread widely

and grew in power”

Conflict with “magicians” (19:11-20)

2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

• Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Demetrius’ triple charge:

their trade loses “good name” + temple of Artemis “discredited” + goddess “robbed of her divine majesty”

– Outcome: highlights wide effects of gospel + shows “arbitrariness and confusion of the opposition which had no clearly concerted action”(p.112)

“there is no reason for it”

The riot (19:21-41)

Class exercise: Compare Acts 19:21-22 with Romans

15:14-33. What can we learn about Paul’s travel plans and his motivation for these journeys?

2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)

3. Journey from Ephesus to Miletus (20:1-16)

3. Journey from Ephesus to Miletus

• Paul’s concerns– Jew-Gentile relations +

churches in Macedonia & Greece

– 2 Corinthians, Romans

• Note the growing entourage, many of whom represent fruits of Paul’s gospel mission

• Eutychus – reminder to watch and pray?

4. Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian

elders (20:17-38)

4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38)

• His ministry at Ephesus– Consistent record “the whole time”– He served “with tears”– Never hesitated “to proclaim ... the whole will

of God”– Coveted nothing, but supplied own needs!

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak ...”

* What aspect of his ministry in Ephesus did Paul omit in his review with the elders (cf. 19:11-12)? Why?

* Is Paul’s ministry model descriptive or prescriptive?

4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38)

4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38)

• Plans for Jerusalem– v22 ->

• “compelled by the Spirit” (cf. 16:6-7)• “not knowing what will happen”!

– V24 -> • what he is concerned about?

4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38)

• His future and the future of the church at Ephesus– Why he considers his job is done– What he thinks will be the greatest threat for

the church– Who the church can really count on– What kind of leaders the church will need

The church in Ephesus – a WARNING

• In early 60s, Paul writes to Ephesians praying for growing knowledge of every spiritual blessing in Christ

• Another 20-30 years later, Jesus warns the church: “You have forsaken your first love” (Rev 2:1-7)

• Today, city of Ephesus lies in ruins, surrounded by minarets and mullahs!

Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts, p243-4.

The church in Ephesus – a WARNING

Single-minded devoted shepherds are needed to prevent the degrading slide of ‘first generation’ godly

into ‘second generation’ knowledgeable, and finally, ‘third generation’ worldly.

David Cook

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