
Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 2006 11

Table 1.3: Summary of Eliminated Significant Residual Impacts

Route Window Environmental Topic Summary of Significant Residual Impacts

C6 and C7: FarringdonStation and LiverpoolStreet Station


Visual Amenity

Visual Amenity

Traffic and Transport

Traffic and Transport

Elimination of a significant temporary adverse impact on the quality and setting of the podium of the Grade II listed Barbican and gardens complex, the area designated as a Grade II* Parks and Gardens of Special HistoricInterest by English Heritage.

Elimination of a significant temporary adverse impact on a number of visual receptors overlooking the original Farringdon crossover worksite and Aldersgate Street sewer worksite and the pedestrian users of streets with views of these worksites.

Elimination of impacts on workers at the Telephone Exchange Building, and workers and visitors at 3–6 Fore Street Avenue.

Elimination of significant temporary adverse impacts resulting from the worksiteand shaft at Aldersgate Street.

Elimination of significant adverse impacts of particular importance resulting from the utilities diversions that would have been necessary in Aldersgate Street both in its own right and in combination with the works at Farringdon,Moorgate and Liverpool Street.

Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 200612

Table 1.3: Summary of Eliminated Significant Residual Impacts (continued)

Route Window Environmental Topic Summary of Significant Residual Impacts

C12: Mile End Park andEleanor Street Shafts

Visual Amenity


Elimination of a significant adverse impact on the workers at a proposedcommercial building on the western side of Eleanor Street and south of the Districtline railway (the laundry building) because the building will now be demolished.

Elimination of a significant adverse impact to residents of the travellers’ sitereported in the main ES due to their proposed relocation.

C13 and C13A: PuddingMill Lane Portal andAbbey Mills

Visual Amenity

Traffic and Transport

Noise and Vibration

The revised scheme will eliminate significant adverse impacts for sensitivereceptors as a result of omitting a number of worksites at Pudding Mill Lane,Leggatt Road and Abbey Mills pumping station.

A review of construction methodology for working in the Blackwall WayNorthern Approach Road has identified that the additional mitigation of workingat night can be adopted. The revised scheme will avoid major traffic disruptionon a strategic route, which was assessed as a significant adverse traffic andtransport impact of particular importance, by undertaking proposed works at the Blackwall Tunnel worksites at night, rather than during daytime hours.

Since the worksites in Route Window C13A are no longer required there will be no significant adverse noise impacts on the 84 properties identified in the main ES in Route Window C13A and hence there will be no need for noise insulation.

W15: Dog Kennel Bridge Visual Amenity Elimination of a significant adverse impact on visual amenity for residents at the southern end of Southwold Spur.

Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 2006

Summary of Impacts

Route Window C1: Royal Oak PortalThe extension of sidings and associated work on the retaining wall and Westbourne Park Passage footbridge does not change the significant impacts or proposed mitigation as set out in the main ES with respect to landscape, townscape and built heritage, visual amenity, noise and vibration, air quality, archaeology, ecology, water resources, contaminated land, and socio-economics.

The revised scheme will generate a significant temporary adverseimpact on traffic and transport and the community as the requiredtemporary closure of the Westbourne Park Passage footbridge for up to two months will result in a pedestrian route diversion.

Aerial view looking north across the Great Western Main Line and Westway


Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 200614

Route Windows C6 and C7: Farringdon Station and Liverpool Street StationThe proposed temporary works do not change the significant impacts or proposed mitigation as set out in the main ES with respect to archaeology, air quality, contaminated land, waterresources, community or socio-economics. Additional mitigationmeasures will be employed to ensure there will be no additionalsignificant impacts with respect to ecology and noise and vibration.

The removal of the Farringdon crossover worksite in Aldersgate Street will eliminate the significant adverse impact on the setting of the listed Barbican complex, significant adverse impacts on the visual amenity of a number of receptors overlooking the worksite, and a significant adverse impact on traffic and transport. Since utility diversions in Aldersgate Street will no longer be required, asignificant adverse impact of particular importance on traffic andtransport resulting from works in Aldersgate Street and in combination with other works in the vicinity will also be eliminated.

The new worksite at Moor Lane will result in additional significanttemporary adverse impacts on visual amenity for pedestrians usingMoor Lane, pedestrians using Britannic Highwalk adjacent to andacross Moor Lane, and visitors to and workers at the southwesterncorner of the City Point complex that faces Moor Lane.

If compensation grout shafts are required in the Barbican basementcar parks to mitigate impacts associated with predicted settlementat the Barbican, the loss of car parking spaces will result in asignificant temporary adverse impact on traffic and transport.

Aerial view looking north along Moor Lane

Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 2006

As a result of changes to the Moorgate station sewer diversion,significant temporary adverse impacts on visual amenity for workers at the Telephone Exchange Building, and for workers and visitors at 3–6 Fore Street Avenue, will be eliminated.

Route Window C12: Mile End Park and Eleanor Street ShaftsThe reconfiguration of the travellers’ site does not change thesignificant impacts or proposed mitigation as set out in the main ESwith respect to landscape, townscape, built heritage, archaeology,ecology, traffic and transport, air quality, water resources,contaminated land or socio-economics .

The revised scheme will generate a significant temporary adverseimpact on the visual amenity of residents at the reconfiguredtravellers’ site. However, a significant adverse temporary impact onvisual amenity of workers at the laundry building will be eliminatedbecause the building will now be demolished. Since the travellers are no longer relocated off-site, the permanent significant adverseimpact on the community will no longer occur.

A higher hoarding than previously proposed will be provided aroundthe Eleanor Street worksite. With this in place, there will be noadditional significant noise and vibration impacts to those alreadyreported in the main ES.

Aerial view of Bow Triangle looking east


Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 200616

Route Windows C13 and C13A: Pudding Mill Lane Portal and Abbey MillsThe proposed works to divert the HAM and WL sewers do not change the significant impacts or proposed mitigation as set out in the main ES with respect to archaeology, ecology, air quality, water resources, contaminated land or socio-economics.

Under the revised scheme, the suspension of a number of residentparking bays in Payne Road, Wrexham Road, Baldock Road and Wick Lane and the loss of off-street private parking at the southern end of Baldock Street to allow the safe manoeuvring of constructionvehicles will give rise to a temporary significant adverse impact on traffic and transport to local residents.

The increase in traffic in Wick Lane, Wrexham Road and BaldockStreet will result in a significant adverse temporary community impact.

The revised scheme will also result in a temporary significant adverseimpact on the setting of the Grade II listed Manhattan Building (former Bryant and May factory) during the construction phase.

Residential properties in the Manhattan Building, Ridgedale Street,Grove Hall Court, Baldock Street, Brymay Close and Wrexham Road will be subject to significant adverse daytime and in some cases night-time construction noise impacts from activities at the HAM and WL sewer diversion worksites. Furthermore, the workshave the potential to result in significant adverse construction noise impacts to noise-sensitive parts of proposed new mixed use developments at Payne Road and Fairfield Road.

Aerial view of the proposed Manhattan Shaft site looking eastalong the Great Eastern Main Line

Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 2006

The revised construction works will result in numerous receptors in thevicinity of the new worksites experiencing significant temporary adverseimpacts on visual amenity in addition to those already reported in themain ES.

As a result of omitting worksites at Marshgate Lane/Pudding Mill Lane,Claypole Road/Leggatt Road and at Abbey Mills pumping station, the revised scheme will eliminate significant temporary adverse impactson visual amenity for a number of sensitive receptors overlooking the worksites.

In addition, as a result of omitting these worksites, there will be nosignificant residual noise impacts at 84 properties previously identifiedin the main ES in Route Window C13A as having the need for noiseinsulation. These properties will no longer require such mitigation as a result of the Amendment.

The predicted major traffic disruption on a strategic route, a significantadverse traffic and transport impact of particular importance, will beeliminated as a result of a review of the construction methodology for working in the Blackwall Way Northern Approach Road.

Aerial view of the Payne Road shaft looking north along the sewer diversion route


Non-technical summary of the Crossrail Amendment of Provisions Environmental Statement, May 200618

Aerial view of Chequer Bridge looking east along the Great Western Main Line

Route Window W15: Dog Kennel BridgeThe proposed road alignment and changes to bridge construction at Chequer Bridge do not change the significant impacts orproposed mitigation as set out in the main ES with respect tolandscape, townscape and built heritage, archaeology, ecology,noise and vibration, air quality, water resources, contaminated land, traffic and transport, community or socio-economics.

As a result of the change in the scheme, the significant adverseimpact on visual amenity for residents at the southern end ofSouthwold Spur will be eliminated.

Route Window SE2: Custom HouseThe proposed changes to the construction access routes at Seagull Lane do not change the significant impacts or proposedmitigation as set out in the main ES.

Route Window SE6: Plumstead PortalThe alternative location of the temporary works does not change thesignificant impacts or proposed mitigation as set out in the main ES.

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