
Personality Analysis for Christophe CinqMars 1

Personality Analysis

with Psychological Astrology

Christophe CinqMars Born on Thursday, February 27, 1986 at 13:48 in Dax

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Just as the Sun is the central star of the solar system in astronomical terms, it also symbolizes the essential nature of a human being in astrology. Its position in the birth picture tells us something about our ego-consciousness, about our will and the way in which we shape our lives.

Sun in Pisces

Yielding to the River of Life

In your innermost being, you are empathetic, sensitive, and full of devotion to all existence. Life is like a river for you; you let yourself be carried and swept away somewhere, take on many forms, and then let go of them again. In concrete terms, this could mean that you don't draw up a concept of how your life should look but rather let everything come as it may. You have an inner sense of security and trust that a higher power will carry you to the right place on its own.

You are sensitive and empathetic. Your will is flexible and adaptable. Sometimes it isn't all that clear to you who you are and what you want. You let yourself be influenced by others, both positively and negatively. If no other aspects of your personality offer you stability and structure, it will be relatively easy for your life to become a ship without a helmsman and drift off into chaos or addiction. Other possible stumbling blocks are self-pity or the feeling of owing something to others. Perhaps you frequently help others without receiving anything in return.

It's important that you find stability within yourself and feel your "ego" and your will so that you can decide yourself when you want to be sensitive (and therefore influenceable) and when you want to assert your will. You have a rich inner life when it comes to your feelings and fantasies. And you have the ability of completely devoting yourself to something; for example, feeling at one with nature or immersing yourself in music.

Sun in the Ninth House

Striving for Higher Things

You would like to meaningfully apply the qualities described above and thereby expand your own horizon. Forming opinions, issues concerning philosophy and education, and foreign cultures, as well as the exchange with people who think differently and are important to you, as is the possibility of convincing others of your opinions.

When you go a level deeper and ask why new people, ideologies, and views fascinate you so much, you will discover that you are ultimately searching for something that you can believe in, something that in a certain sense draws you into the spiritual heights away from earthly entanglements. This search for your own truth motivates you over and over again, yet it also conceals the danger of forgetting life in the here and now because of all the philosophies, visions of the future, and ideologies.

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Sun/Saturn in Tension

The Expectation of a Perfect Lifestyle

You are rather strict with yourself. You actually would like to radiate with your qualities. But, at the same time, you fear not being a match for the demands. You know where your limitations are. If, at some point, you should disregard them, someone else is certain to come along and set limits for you. In this way, confrontations with authority figures may occur. You want to be a respected personality yourself and therefore don't like it when someone else tells you what to do. A low level of self-confidence or a higher inner standard of perfection have a crippling effect when you don't allow yourself to be a person with faults and weaknesses.

Responsibility should be a familiar theme for you. However, fears of failure could also lead you to keep out of things as much as possible. In the reverse case, you may also obligate yourself in so many ways that you sometimes have the impression that all the responsibility is weighing on your shoulders. You must learn to neither burden yourself with too much nor too little. In the right dose, a sense of duty will prove to be a valuable guardrail on your path in life. You have the best predispositions for enormous discipline and endurance and can translate almost every project into reality.

Sun/Pluto in a Harmonious Aspect

A Strong Personality

Your birth picture symbolically shows a power theme. It can therefore be presumed that you experienced your father or another important person close to you during your childhood as powerful and dominating. According to this role model, you assume that there are stronger and weaker people in the world; the stronger people exercise power and authority and pull the strings. If your father was a good role model for you and didn't abuse his power, you will probably have developed into a strong personality as well.

There is an enormous potential in your constellation. The more you succeed in fully and completely believing in your own strength, the more you can become a type of gray eminence who holds the strings in the background, in your profession or even in your personal life. Exercising power could give you much joy in life. You have a remarkable power, are capable, have endurance, and can achieve a great deal in as far as you don't misuse your energy for egotistical purposes.

Saturn in the Fifth House

The Demands of Getting the Best Out of Yourself

You work hard on yourself before you risk stepping onto the stage of life. It's not so easy for you to express your creativity. And yet, you will probably feel a strong need to do so. At the same time, you probably repeatedly ask yourself the question of whether you are creative enough to meet other people's expectations. One example: if you put on a play, you will memorize your script perfectly before you even think of getting on stage. In concrete terms, this means that you can only accept your creative side when it meets your high expectations. This can be a motivation for an enormous work effort and ultimately lead to success. The hypercritical attitude that what you produce is

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unsatisfactory and insufficient can stop you from developing your creative side; however, it can also spur you on to getting the best out of yourself.

Athletic achievements can be a possibility for a structured and simultaneously creative activity. Interaction with children or youth should also prompt you to spontaneously express yourself. Your responsible and performance-oriented attitude offers the guarantee that whatever you ultimately show on your life stage will be of excellent quality.

Pluto in the Fifth House

Playing for High Stakes

"All or nothing!" is your motto in the area of fun and games, affairs of the heart, risks, and creativity. You either exclude this area from your life or you get completely wrapped up in these things and do not let any taboos stop you. Once you are totally in your element, you radiate such a charismatic powers of conviction that it becomes difficult for others to escape them. If the game is your passion, then anyone who gets involved with you should be cautious. Precisely because of your uncompromising nature, you find a deeper access to yourself. If you succeed in expressing your own creative side "on the stage of life" and show what you would like to reveal, this can be the source of much strength for you. Above all, if you are frightened by these profound and absolute desires - which could almost be called compulsions - children can help you achieve a deeper access to your own identity and creativity through their playfulness and zest for life.

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The Moon symbolizes the emotional, childlike/passive, and receptive principle. It stands for the needy part of us that would like to live according to its feelings and spontaneously reacts according to desire or reluctance. In this part of our personality, we are sensitive and impressionable, perceive moods, and need a sense of security and warmth. We can imagine this part to be like a small child within us. If it gets what it needs, we feel good and lively. However, we often have to go through periods of stagnation and discontentment before we recognize and satisfy its needs.

The Moon embodies the feminine principle and also stands for the aspect within us that, full of caring willingness, would like to be a "mother" in the broadest sense of the word. It wants to look after others and create a sense of security.

Moon in Libra

Fairness to Yourself and Others

You appreciate harmonious and beautiful surroundings and feel quite bad in an uncared-for, loud, or conflict-charged atmosphere. Like a plant in the sunshine, you need harmony and beauty in order to feel good. You radiate much warmth yourself and may give others a feeling of security through your sense of balance. You have the ability of approaching other people with spontaneous warmth and diplomatic sensitivity. It's easy for you to make contact with them. You want to live in harmony and peace with the people in your closer surroundings. In your spontaneous reactions, you are tactful and peaceful. You probably avoid conflicts and enter into too many compromises because you don't want to hurt anyone or because you don't want to be left alone.

Above all, you seek a sense of security in your interactions with other people. You presumably also like to let yourself be pampered once in a while. It may be that you sometimes tend toward passivity and comfort and have difficult in deciding on something and committing yourself to it. Because of your opinion of always having to be friendly, you easily overlook your own needs. However, you do have a talent for finding a common denominator between your own concerns and the demands of the surrounding world. The solution is fairness to both yourself and to others.

Moon in the Fourth House

The Need to Have Someone Take Care Of You

You probably feel very well within your family. In order to find a sense of security, you need an intimate environment. It's important for you to create an atmosphere in which you feel comfortable. For example, you feel good close to a warm fireplace that gives you a sense of coziness and safeness. However, your need to be taken care of not only limits you to a very concrete area but also affects your entire private life and perhaps even your profession. So you probably have a family yourself or work in a field related to family, children, domesticity, or other emotional concerns.

The need to belong is an essential component of life for you. This always concerns your own emotional life and the search for a sense of security within yourself. By giving other people a sense

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of security in external life and experiencing your own self, the feeling of being taken care of will grow within you.

Moon/Mars in a Harmonious Aspect

Initiative with a Heart

Feeling and taking action are closely connected for you. Everything you do, you do it with heart. You have a wonderful talent for reacting to feelings and create a spontaneous and lively impression. Your need for movement is probably quite intense. Like a lively child, you react on an impulse without much forethought. With this natural spontaneity, you can master many things in life in a quick and uncomplicated manner without provoking others or restricting yourself.

Ascendent in Cancer

A Soft Shell

With the Ascendent in Cancer, you radiate a childlike spontaneity and warmth. You feel good within a family atmosphere. You value a certain degree of considerateness and looking after someone who also takes care of you. Through your motherly and caring behavior, you also entice others to show this aspect of their personalities. People react with relative openness toward you and tell you about their joys and worries. Life challenges you time and again to not only show caring, sensitivity, and emotional warmth as a "mask" to the outside world but also let these attributes become your inner qualities. By more or less playing the role of the person who is sensitive and impressionable, you will form your character in this direction and find a deeper access to your own feelings.

The Ascendent is like a pair of glasses through which you can perceive the surrounding world with a special hue. You see your environment from the perspective of a mother-child relationship; a sense of security and trust are primary criteria for you. You have a "soft shell" and are very sensitive. If you feel yourself to be under attack, you will spontaneously retreat. You may possibly sulk or inwardly collect "penalty points" that you pay the other person back at the appropriate opportunity.

When you consider yourself from a neutral standpoint, you probably must admit that you sometimes would like to be a small child again and permitted to cuddle with and lean on someone else. When examined more closely, you may use questionable means as an adult use to get the loving strokes for which you yearn. These means tend to bring you or others into a childlike dependency and include showing yourself to be weak and thereby cause other people to lend you support. It isn't easy for you to face the rough wind of life. And yet, you must repeatedly step out of your familiar security, like a wanderer who leaves his shelter every morning and moves on.

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Mercury symbolizes the area of our personality related to thinking, information, and communication. The position of Mercury in a birth picture throws light on a person's way of thinking, preferred interests, and learning methods, as well as language and rhetorical abilities.

Mercury in Pisces

A Mental World Full of Imagination

You have an abundance of imagination and your way of thinking is similar to an inner film. Since it isn't easy to put pictures into words, you sometimes have difficulty in verbally expressing ideas and thoughts and feel yourself to be misunderstood. You feel more at home in fairytales and pictures than in the world of logical thinking. Because our society usually doesn't have much understanding of this world, you probably already switched over to the opposite pole during childhood and have practiced logical thinking. Despite this, your interests are closely related to inner images and fantasies, such as an interest in painting, writing, film, photography, or fairytales.

You are probably a good listener and vividly feel what the other person is telling. You absorb the mood of your environment like a blade of grass moving in the wind. Since you are good at sympathizing with other people, you forget who you are and what you want in such moments. Your thoughts mix with the concerns and intentions of the person with whom you are involved in conversation. With a fine barometer for moods, you accept the other person's ideas yet have difficulty in clearly representing your own.

Mercury in the Tenth House

Called to Be an Expert Authority

You want a profession or position in society where you can display your knowledge and thoughts, together with your verbal abilities. Communication, exchange, trade, or the imparting of information are central themes of your working life. In acquiring the knowledge that you need, you have a great deal of self-discipline. You learn in a purposeful and thorough manner and have a good predisposition for becoming an expert authority. You are willing to take responsibility for whatever you say. In conversations, you display structure and thoroughness, possibly even leadership qualities.

Public realms, politics, management, legislation, and leadership are the focus of your interests. Authorities interest you and support your desire to increase your own expert competencies.

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When Venus sparkles in the sky as the morning or evening star, it is an expression of harmony and beauty in terms of reality and as an astrological symbol. It stands for the need to be balanced and have things in common, for the striving to build bridges. It is a distinctly feminine and erotic principle and corresponds to the aspect within us that longs for a partner, seeks and creates relationships, and can be open for and enjoy all the beauty in life. The Venus in us chooses what is appropriate and agreeable for us from the diversity of people and things.

Venus in Pisces

Everything Is Lovable

Love means devotion to you. When you like someone, you also completely empathize with this person emotionally and are both happy and sad with him or her. You are very sensitive and immediately take on the other person's mood. This ability to respond to others can have the disadvantage that as soon as you enter into a relationship you no longer feel yourself as intensively. Then you are just there for the other person and largely adapt yourself.

You have a romantic vein that primarily comes to light in relationships. This may be wonderful and paint your reality in the loveliest colors. However, if you devote yourself too much to these illusions, reality will occasionally catch up with you; you will be disappointed as you discover that the fairytale princess is just a very ordinary woman.

You possibly experience an intense closeness to nature, as well as a love of the Creation, art, and everything that exists. You are capable of opening up completely to the beauty of this world and letting yourself be virtually immersed in it.

Venus in the Tenth House

Partnership Should Also Stand the Test of Life in Public

In your profession and public life, you want to live out the side of your being that is oriented toward harmony and relationships. This may mean that personal relationships assume an important position in your working life or that you have a profession closely related to esthetics and harmony. In the process, you show yourself from your tactful and charming side. Diplomacy and fairness are important to you. You are possibly involved with art, design, or fashion and thereby express the Venusian principle of beauty in a very concrete manner.

With great probability, the type of woman who fascinates you personifies many of these qualities. This means that you like women who are realistic, responsible, and good at business, who appear in public life and make a contribution to society. A love relationship that also makes it possible to work together should very much appeal to you.

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Venus/Mars in Tension

The Field of Tension Between Closeness and Assertion

Closeness and assertion seem like opposite poles to you. You want to assert yourself and simultaneously fear destroying the peace as a result. When you experience a great deal of closeness, things get too constricted for you and you feel robbed of your freedom. If you assert yourself and go your own way, you painfully miss a harmonious relationship with a partner. Perhaps you oscillate back and forth between the two extremes; a few days, weeks, or years with a great deal of closeness alternate with a period of confrontation, assertion, and being yourself.

You require a great deal of freedom in a partnership, such as an apartment of your own. Don't try to share everything with a partner but keep a private area for yourself, go out and do things alone or with friends, or clearly separate your working life from the partnership. The need to be loved can't always easily be harmonized with your sexual desires either; this may manifest itself in maintaining sexual relationships with other partners outside of your love relationship. Since the assertion pole is naturally more fitting for you as a man, it may easily be possible that you completely identify with this aspect and look for a nice, affectionate partner who lives out the harmony pole for you.

Moon in Libra

Fairness to Yourself and Others

You appreciate harmonious and beautiful surroundings and feel quite bad in an uncared-for, loud, or conflict-charged atmosphere. Like a plant in the sunshine, you need harmony and beauty in order to feel good. You radiate much warmth yourself and may give others a feeling of security through your sense of balance. You have the ability of approaching other people with spontaneous warmth and diplomatic sensitivity. It's easy for you to make contact with them. You want to live in harmony and peace with the people in your closer surroundings. In your spontaneous reactions, you are tactful and peaceful. You probably avoid conflicts and enter into too many compromises because you don't want to hurt anyone or because you don't want to be left alone.

Above all, you seek a sense of security in your interactions with other people. You presumably also like to let yourself be pampered once in a while. It may be that you sometimes tend toward passivity and comfort and have difficult in deciding on something and committing yourself to it. Because of your opinion of always having to be friendly, you easily overlook your own needs. However, you do have a talent for finding a common denominator between your own concerns and the demands of the surrounding world. The solution is fairness to both yourself and to others.

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Mars symbolizes masculinity and physical strength, as well as the capacity to take action and be assertive. It represents the part of our personality that is active in the outer world and wants to cause things to happen, that makes decisions and simply does things without asking, and that doesn't shy away from conflicts or confrontations. If something doesn't suit us, this is the part within us that defends itself and, if necessary, reacts with aggression and anger.

Mars in Sagittarius

Acting with Enthusiasm

Do you love travelling in foreign countries and other cultures? Do you like to identify with adventure, and do you have fun exploring unknown territory? Do you find your joy in life by conquering new horizons - in both the concrete and the figurative sense?

When you do something, you do it with the conviction that it will succeed. This optimism gives you an enthusing and inspiring quality. You make a vigorous and convincing impression. As long as there aren't any moderating parts of your personality to counterbalance it, you will tend to exaggerate and can run over others with your enthusiasm. With your spirited manner of heading straight for a goal, you also enthuse others and thereby set certain plans in motion.

You need large-scale work; details don't interest you in particular. And, above all, you need an idea; you must "be on fire" for something in order for it to work. Enthusiasm is your strongest motivation for taking action. Your activities have something comprehensive about them; you also see the possibilities that lie in the future and can orient your actions toward them.

Mars in the Sixth House

The Need to Take Action Related To Reality and Everyday Life

You are vigorous and have a capacity to act that proves itself primarily in everyday life. When it comes to everyday problems, you want to take action in a consistent and methodical manner. If something gets in your way, you can become quite annoyed. According to the motto of "little strokes fell big oaks," you can not only master everyday life in untiring detail work but also achieve bigger goals.

You generally take action for the sake of the matter at hand and not as much for recognition. The joy of success and in mastering concrete difficulties is presumably greater than your striving for recognition and praise. The question as to the benefit of an activity also stands in the foreground for you. If it serves mastering everyday life and existence in the broadest sense, you are willing to intensely commit yourself.

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Moon/Mars in a Harmonious Aspect

Initiative with a Heart

Feeling and taking action are closely connected for you. Everything you do, you do it with heart. You have a wonderful talent for reacting to feelings and create a spontaneous and lively impression. Your need for movement is probably quite intense. Like a lively child, you react on an impulse without much forethought. With this natural spontaneity, you can master many things in life in a quick and uncomplicated manner without provoking others or restricting yourself.

Venus/Mars in Tension

The Field of Tension Between Closeness and Assertion

Closeness and assertion seem like opposite poles to you. You want to assert yourself and simultaneously fear destroying the peace as a result. When you experience a great deal of closeness, things get too constricted for you and you feel robbed of your freedom. If you assert yourself and go your own way, you painfully miss a harmonious relationship with a partner. Perhaps you oscillate back and forth between the two extremes; a few days, weeks, or years with a great deal of closeness alternate with a period of confrontation, assertion, and being yourself.

You require a great deal of freedom in a partnership, such as an apartment of your own. Don't try to share everything with a partner but keep a private area for yourself, go out and do things alone or with friends, or clearly separate your working life from the partnership. The need to be loved can't always easily be harmonized with your sexual desires either; this may manifest itself in maintaining sexual relationships with other partners outside of your love relationship. Since the assertion pole is naturally more fitting for you as a man, it may easily be possible that you completely identify with this aspect and look for a nice, affectionate partner who lives out the harmony pole for you.

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Jupiter symbolizes the optimist in us, the part that wants meaning and expansion and sometimes gets out of control. It lets us look out for something higher and rise above the banalities of everyday life. It symbolizes the part in us that creates a relationship between things. It fills sober reality with a meaning by apportioning significance to each thing and imparting symbolic content to situations, words, and deeds.

Jupiter in the Ninth House

The Belief in a Kind Fate

Since early childhood, you have probably repeatedly experienced that it's worth looking for your own concept of life and confronting questions of meaning. During the course of the years, a strong need for inner and outer expansiveness has developed as a result. Travels in foreign countries and contacts with different cultures can give you the new experiences that you are looking for. Grappling with philosophy, ideologies, and religions brings you a similar expansion of your inner horizons. You are a vehement advocate of freedom of opinion and of justice. Once you are convinced of something, you would like to share your ideas with others; however, you should be careful not to sweep every other opinion under the table because of your own enthusiasm.

Ultimately, you are concerned with the question of meaning. You seek an ideal, accept it with enthusiasm, and try it out; then you go on to the next ideal. This can give you a feeling of being on the move, but it can also degenerate into meaningless consumption of ideals and impressions. You believe in a kind fate or a higher power that always guides your steps toward the positive. Above all, this confidence, which may pull you back up into the bright heights, helps you in difficult times.

Sun in the Ninth House

Striving for Higher Things

You would like to meaningfully apply the qualities described above and thereby expand your own horizon. Forming opinions, issues concerning philosophy and education, and foreign cultures, as well as the exchange with people who think differently and are important to you, as is the possibility of convincing others of your opinions.

When you go a level deeper and ask why new people, ideologies, and views fascinate you so much, you will discover that you are ultimately searching for something that you can believe in, something that in a certain sense draws you into the spiritual heights away from earthly entanglements. This search for your own truth motivates you over and over again, yet it also conceals the danger of forgetting life in the here and now because of all the philosophies, visions of the future, and ideologies.

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Mars in Sagittarius

Acting with Enthusiasm

Do you love travelling in foreign countries and other cultures? Do you like to identify with adventure, and do you have fun exploring unknown territory? Do you find your joy in life by conquering new horizons - in both the concrete and the figurative sense?

When you do something, you do it with the conviction that it will succeed. This optimism gives you an enthusing and inspiring quality. You make a vigorous and convincing impression. As long as there aren't any moderating parts of your personality to counterbalance it, you will tend to exaggerate and can run over others with your enthusiasm. With your spirited manner of heading straight for a goal, you also enthuse others and thereby set certain plans in motion.

You need large-scale work; details don't interest you in particular. And, above all, you need an idea; you must "be on fire" for something in order for it to work. Enthusiasm is your strongest motivation for taking action. Your activities have something comprehensive about them; you also see the possibilities that lie in the future and can orient your actions toward them.

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Saturn symbolizes the raised index finger within us, the inner authority with which we set ourselves boundaries and demand structure and responsibility from ourselves. The Saturn aspect within us is often very rigid, and then we block ourselves. However, if we have learned during the course of the years to reduce our fears and our standards of perfection, we will primarily experience Saturn as inner stability and security. In both the concrete and figurative sense, it symbolizes our backbone.

Saturn in the Fifth House

The Demands of Getting the Best Out of Yourself

You work hard on yourself before you risk stepping onto the stage of life. It's not so easy for you to express your creativity. And yet, you will probably feel a strong need to do so. At the same time, you probably repeatedly ask yourself the question of whether you are creative enough to meet other people's expectations. One example: if you put on a play, you will memorize your script perfectly before you even think of getting on stage. In concrete terms, this means that you can only accept your creative side when it meets your high expectations. This can be a motivation for an enormous work effort and ultimately lead to success. The hypercritical attitude that what you produce is unsatisfactory and insufficient can stop you from developing your creative side; however, it can also spur you on to getting the best out of yourself.

Athletic achievements can be a possibility for a structured and simultaneously creative activity. Interaction with children or youth should also prompt you to spontaneously express yourself. Your responsible and performance-oriented attitude offers the guarantee that whatever you ultimately show on your life stage will be of excellent quality.

Sun/Saturn in Tension

The Expectation of a Perfect Lifestyle

You are rather strict with yourself. You actually would like to radiate with your qualities. But, at the same time, you fear not being a match for the demands. You know where your limitations are. If, at some point, you should disregard them, someone else is certain to come along and set limits for you. In this way, confrontations with authority figures may occur. You want to be a respected personality yourself and therefore don't like it when someone else tells you what to do. A low level of self-confidence or a higher inner standard of perfection have a crippling effect when you don't allow yourself to be a person with faults and weaknesses.

Responsibility should be a familiar theme for you. However, fears of failure could also lead you to keep out of things as much as possible. In the reverse case, you may also obligate yourself in so many ways that you sometimes have the impression that all the responsibility is weighing on your shoulders. You must learn to neither burden yourself with too much nor too little. In the right dose, a sense of duty will prove to be a valuable guardrail on your path in life. You have the best predispositions for enormous discipline and endurance and can translate almost every project into reality.

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Mercury in the Tenth House

Called to Be an Expert Authority

You want a profession or position in society where you can display your knowledge and thoughts, together with your verbal abilities. Communication, exchange, trade, or the imparting of information are central themes of your working life. In acquiring the knowledge that you need, you have a great deal of self-discipline. You learn in a purposeful and thorough manner and have a good predisposition for becoming an expert authority. You are willing to take responsibility for whatever you say. In conversations, you display structure and thoroughness, possibly even leadership qualities.

Public realms, politics, management, legislation, and leadership are the focus of your interests. Authorities interest you and support your desire to increase your own expert competencies.

Venus in the Tenth House

Partnership Should Also Stand the Test of Life in Public

In your profession and public life, you want to live out the side of your being that is oriented toward harmony and relationships. This may mean that personal relationships assume an important position in your working life or that you have a profession closely related to esthetics and harmony. In the process, you show yourself from your tactful and charming side. Diplomacy and fairness are important to you. You are possibly involved with art, design, or fashion and thereby express the Venusian principle of beauty in a very concrete manner.

With great probability, the type of woman who fascinates you personifies many of these qualities. This means that you like women who are realistic, responsible, and good at business, who appear in public life and make a contribution to society. A love relationship that also makes it possible to work together should very much appeal to you.

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Uranus symbolizes the "wind spirit" within us that strives for psychological growth through constant change. It stirs up an inner unrest that drives us to set out time and again, that lets us seek variety and new experiences, and that keeps us from psychological and physical stagnation. It represents the wanderer within us who does not settle down for long anywhere. When something has barely become a habit, he tears down his tents and surprises us with new ideas. His originality knows no limits, and the same applies to his noncommittal nature.

Uranus in the Sixth House

An Unconventional Everyday Life

The way in which other people take care of the trivial details of everyday life doesn't matter much to you.

You have your own ideas about mastering the daily routine, and these are quite unconventional. In some way, your everyday life does not correspond with the norm. Maybe your job is extraordinary. You also know how to value unusual work with a great deal of personal space. You look for variety and stimulation in the little situations of everyday life. It is possible that you like to improvise. If you have created an everyday framework that is too narrow because of too many rules and structures, the troublemaker within you may create stress situations time and again, using this as an opportunity to make sure that "something's going on." It is your task to guide this inner fickleness into meaningful channels and use it in your profession, everyday life, and at work for creative inspirations, positive changes, and quick reactions. The joy of experimenting in everyday life makes it possible for you to constantly have new experiences and perceptions about yourself and how you master your own existence.

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Neptune symbolizes our mystical side that continually dissolves the boundaries between our ego-consciousness and the outside world, reminding us that we are part of a greater whole. This part lets us feel the longing for another world. It can equally be the motivation for reconnecting with something divine, for total devotion and a readiness to help, or for retreating from life and losing ourselves, which ultimately results in self-pity and chaos.

Neptune in the Sixth House

Sensitivity in Your Work

In your everyday life, you would like to feel that you are one with other people or with a greater whole. Above all, a vague idea or longing for the lost paradise allows you to find fulfillment in a helping profession or imaginative activity. In your work, you react in a sensitive way to outer conditions and inner impulses. Following an orderly daily routine may prove to be difficult for you. You prefer to act on the basis of your feelings instead of adhering to clear rules. In concrete terms, this may be expressed as chaos on your desk, forgotten appointments, or lost house keys. The common denominator in all of these externally different examples is the experience of what is formless and not completely tangible and comprehensible. Everyday life becomes difficult when the sense of order predominates and you fill every free minute with plans. When this happens, you experience the principle of dissolution as a troublesome uncertainty, as delusions in the area of work, or in the form of vague physical symptoms.

You have the ability to be devoted to the little things of everyday life. This allows you to completely get "lost" in daily life and have a sense of connection with a greater whole in the process. Work becomes a ritual that helps you open the door to the spiritual realm through the material world.

Your body reacts in a way that is "not quite tangible," meaning that it will rarely exhibit symptoms that can be clearly diagnosed when you are sick. Since the entire body reacts with a sense of dis-ease instead of an individual organ becoming afflicted, you respond well to holistic and alternative methods of treatment.

Neptune/Pluto in a Harmonious Aspect

Confrontation with the Void

The question about the extent to which a belief in the greater whole is just an artificial creation and protection against the absolute void may arise within you time and again. If, for example, religious devotion is self-evident for you, then this is a matter of ultimately letting go of this support and penetrating to the true heart of what it means to be human, especially by dissolving every type of form.

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Sun in Pisces

Yielding to the River of Life

In your innermost being, you are empathetic, sensitive, and full of devotion to all existence. Life is like a river for you; you let yourself be carried and swept away somewhere, take on many forms, and then let go of them again. In concrete terms, this could mean that you don't draw up a concept of how your life should look but rather let everything come as it may. You have an inner sense of security and trust that a higher power will carry you to the right place on its own.

You are sensitive and empathetic. Your will is flexible and adaptable. Sometimes it isn't all that clear to you who you are and what you want. You let yourself be influenced by others, both positively and negatively. If no other aspects of your personality offer you stability and structure, it will be relatively easy for your life to become a ship without a helmsman and drift off into chaos or addiction. Other possible stumbling blocks are self-pity or the feeling of owing something to others. Perhaps you frequently help others without receiving anything in return.

It's important that you find stability within yourself and feel your "ego" and your will so that you can decide yourself when you want to be sensitive (and therefore influenceable) and when you want to assert your will. You have a rich inner life when it comes to your feelings and fantasies. And you have the ability of completely devoting yourself to something; for example, feeling at one with nature or immersing yourself in music.

Mercury in Pisces

A Mental World Full of Imagination

You have an abundance of imagination and your way of thinking is similar to an inner film. Since it isn't easy to put pictures into words, you sometimes have difficulty in verbally expressing ideas and thoughts and feel yourself to be misunderstood. You feel more at home in fairytales and pictures than in the world of logical thinking. Because our society usually doesn't have much understanding of this world, you probably already switched over to the opposite pole during childhood and have practiced logical thinking. Despite this, your interests are closely related to inner images and fantasies, such as an interest in painting, writing, film, photography, or fairytales.

You are probably a good listener and vividly feel what the other person is telling. You absorb the mood of your environment like a blade of grass moving in the wind. Since you are good at sympathizing with other people, you forget who you are and what you want in such moments. Your thoughts mix with the concerns and intentions of the person with whom you are involved in conversation. With a fine barometer for moods, you accept the other person's ideas yet have difficulty in clearly representing your own.

Venus in Pisces

Everything Is Lovable

Love means devotion to you. When you like someone, you also completely empathize with this person emotionally and are both happy and sad with him or her. You are very sensitive and immediately take on the other person's mood. This ability to respond to others can have the

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disadvantage that as soon as you enter into a relationship you no longer feel yourself as intensively. Then you are just there for the other person and largely adapt yourself.

You have a romantic vein that primarily comes to light in relationships. This may be wonderful and paint your reality in the loveliest colors. However, if you devote yourself too much to these illusions, reality will occasionally catch up with you; you will be disappointed as you discover that the fairytale princess is just a very ordinary woman.

You possibly experience an intense closeness to nature, as well as a love of the Creation, art, and everything that exists. You are capable of opening up completely to the beauty of this world and letting yourself be virtually immersed in it.

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Pluto symbolizes the most radical, energized, and passionate aspect of our personality that, especially because it is so bent on "all or nothing," also triggers fear. So we often feel this side of ourselves to be "dark" and inwardly turn away from it. Then we suppress this intensive part with somewhat the same effect as pressing a lid onto a pot with boiling water: We burn our fingers. We can only find an access to its power and liveliness when we accept this uncompromising and intensive part of ourselves and learn to deal with it. Then this aspect in particular can develop an enormous energy potential and lead us through and beyond profound crises.

Pluto in the Fifth House

Playing for High Stakes

"All or nothing!" is your motto in the area of fun and games, affairs of the heart, risks, and creativity. You either exclude this area from your life or you get completely wrapped up in these things and do not let any taboos stop you. Once you are totally in your element, you radiate such a charismatic powers of conviction that it becomes difficult for others to escape them. If the game is your passion, then anyone who gets involved with you should be cautious. Precisely because of your uncompromising nature, you find a deeper access to yourself. If you succeed in expressing your own creative side "on the stage of life" and show what you would like to reveal, this can be the source of much strength for you. Above all, if you are frightened by these profound and absolute desires - which could almost be called compulsions - children can help you achieve a deeper access to your own identity and creativity through their playfulness and zest for life.

Sun/Pluto in a Harmonious Aspect

A Strong Personality

Your birth picture symbolically shows a power theme. It can therefore be presumed that you experienced your father or another important person close to you during your childhood as powerful and dominating. According to this role model, you assume that there are stronger and weaker people in the world; the stronger people exercise power and authority and pull the strings. If your father was a good role model for you and didn't abuse his power, you will probably have developed into a strong personality as well.

There is an enormous potential in your constellation. The more you succeed in fully and completely believing in your own strength, the more you can become a type of gray eminence who holds the strings in the background, in your profession or even in your personal life. Exercising power could give you much joy in life. You have a remarkable power, are capable, have endurance, and can achieve a great deal in as far as you don't misuse your energy for egotistical purposes.

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Neptune/Pluto in a Harmonious Aspect

Confrontation with the Void

The question about the extent to which a belief in the greater whole is just an artificial creation and protection against the absolute void may arise within you time and again. If, for example, religious devotion is self-evident for you, then this is a matter of ultimately letting go of this support and penetrating to the true heart of what it means to be human, especially by dissolving every type of form.

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The Ascendent symbolizes the "display window" or the "mask" of your personality, which means the qualities that you primarily exhibit to the outside world and other people initially perceive in you. It indicates an area with which you are familiar on the one hand, but challenges you throughout your lifetime to intensively develop your personality on the other hand.

Ascendent in Cancer

A Soft Shell

With the Ascendent in Cancer, you radiate a childlike spontaneity and warmth. You feel good within a family atmosphere. You value a certain degree of considerateness and looking after someone who also takes care of you. Through your motherly and caring behavior, you also entice others to show this aspect of their personalities. People react with relative openness toward you and tell you about their joys and worries. Life challenges you time and again to not only show caring, sensitivity, and emotional warmth as a "mask" to the outside world but also let these attributes become your inner qualities. By more or less playing the role of the person who is sensitive and impressionable, you will form your character in this direction and find a deeper access to your own feelings.

The Ascendent is like a pair of glasses through which you can perceive the surrounding world with a special hue. You see your environment from the perspective of a mother-child relationship; a sense of security and trust are primary criteria for you. You have a "soft shell" and are very sensitive. If you feel yourself to be under attack, you will spontaneously retreat. You may possibly sulk or inwardly collect "penalty points" that you pay the other person back at the appropriate opportunity.

When you consider yourself from a neutral standpoint, you probably must admit that you sometimes would like to be a small child again and permitted to cuddle with and lean on someone else. When examined more closely, you may use questionable means as an adult use to get the loving strokes for which you yearn. These means tend to bring you or others into a childlike dependency and include showing yourself to be weak and thereby cause other people to lend you support. It isn't easy for you to face the rough wind of life. And yet, you must repeatedly step out of your familiar security, like a wanderer who leaves his shelter every morning and moves on.

Mars in the Sixth House

The Need to Take Action Related To Reality and Everyday Life

You are vigorous and have a capacity to act that proves itself primarily in everyday life. When it comes to everyday problems, you want to take action in a consistent and methodical manner. If something gets in your way, you can become quite annoyed. According to the motto of "little strokes fell big oaks," you can not only master everyday life in untiring detail work but also achieve bigger goals.

You generally take action for the sake of the matter at hand and not as much for recognition. The joy of success and in mastering concrete difficulties is presumably greater than your striving for recognition and praise. The question as to the benefit of an activity also stands in the foreground

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for you. If it serves mastering everyday life and existence in the broadest sense, you are willing to intensely commit yourself.

Uranus in the Sixth House

An Unconventional Everyday Life

The way in which other people take care of the trivial details of everyday life doesn't matter much to you.

You have your own ideas about mastering the daily routine, and these are quite unconventional. In some way, your everyday life does not correspond with the norm. Maybe your job is extraordinary. You also know how to value unusual work with a great deal of personal space. You look for variety and stimulation in the little situations of everyday life. It is possible that you like to improvise. If you have created an everyday framework that is too narrow because of too many rules and structures, the troublemaker within you may create stress situations time and again, using this as an opportunity to make sure that "something's going on." It is your task to guide this inner fickleness into meaningful channels and use it in your profession, everyday life, and at work for creative inspirations, positive changes, and quick reactions. The joy of experimenting in everyday life makes it possible for you to constantly have new experiences and perceptions about yourself and how you master your own existence.

Neptune in the Sixth House

Sensitivity in Your Work

In your everyday life, you would like to feel that you are one with other people or with a greater whole. Above all, a vague idea or longing for the lost paradise allows you to find fulfillment in a helping profession or imaginative activity. In your work, you react in a sensitive way to outer conditions and inner impulses. Following an orderly daily routine may prove to be difficult for you. You prefer to act on the basis of your feelings instead of adhering to clear rules. In concrete terms, this may be expressed as chaos on your desk, forgotten appointments, or lost house keys. The common denominator in all of these externally different examples is the experience of what is formless and not completely tangible and comprehensible. Everyday life becomes difficult when the sense of order predominates and you fill every free minute with plans. When this happens, you experience the principle of dissolution as a troublesome uncertainty, as delusions in the area of work, or in the form of vague physical symptoms.

You have the ability to be devoted to the little things of everyday life. This allows you to completely get "lost" in daily life and have a sense of connection with a greater whole in the process. Work becomes a ritual that helps you open the door to the spiritual realm through the material world.

Your body reacts in a way that is "not quite tangible," meaning that it will rarely exhibit symptoms that can be clearly diagnosed when you are sick. Since the entire body reacts with a sense of dis-ease instead of an individual organ becoming afflicted, you respond well to holistic and alternative methods of treatment.

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Astrological data

Christophe CinqMars Born on: 27.02.1986 13h48 Born in: Dax state: F Latitude: 43n43 Longitute: 001w03

Planets Planets in the zodiac House Daily (interpreted) SU Sun 8.37'51" d Pisces 9 ( 9) 1. 0'15" MO Moon 16.14'47" d Libra 4 ( 4) 14. 8'28" ME Mercury 26.39'38" d Pisces 10 (10) 1. 7'20" VE Venus 18. 0'45" d Pisces 10 (10) 1.14'54" MA Mars 14.36'32" d Sagittarius 6 ( 6) 0.33'48" JU Jupiter 1.38'47" d Pisces 9 ( 9) 0.14'22" SA Saturn 9.22'19" d Sagittarius 5 ( 5) 0. 2' 0" UR Uranus 22. 1'44" d Sagittarius 6 ( 6) 0. 1'28" NE Neptune 5.23'31" d Capricorn 6 ( 6) 0. 1'15" PL Pluto 7.15'36" r Scorpio 4 ( 5) -0. 0'39" CH Chiron 9.19'48" d Gemini 11 (11) 0. 0'54" LI Lilith 1.27'15" d Gemini 11 (11) 0.13'19" NN North node 2.46'29" r Taurus 10 (10) -0. 3'11"

Houses AC 10.58'49" Cancer DC 10.58'49" Capricorn 2 3.39'21" Leo 8 3.39'21" Aquarius 3 25.17'23" Leo 9 25.17'23" Aquarius IC 16.57'53" Virgo MC 16.57'53" Pisces 5 7.26'52" Scorpio 11 7.26'52" Taurus 6 14.20'56" Sagittarius 12 14.20'56" Gemini

Aspects SU-144-MO -1.37' s MO-150-MC 0.43' a JU-060-NN 1.08' a SU-090-SA -0.44' a ME-072-CH 0.40' a SA-180-CH 0.03' s SU-090-CH 0.42' a VE-090-MA 3.24' s SA-144-NN -0.36' s SU-120-PL 1.22' s VE-072-NE 0.37' s UR-045-PL -0.14' a SU-120-AC 2.21' a VE-072-LI 1.27' a NE-060-PL -1.52' a MO-150-VE 1.46' a VE-045-NN -0.14' s NE-120-NN -2.37' s MO-060-MA -1.38' s VE-000-MC 1.03' s NE-072-MC -0.26' s MO-135-JU 0.24' a MA-090-MC 2.21' a PL-120-AC -3.43' s MO-135-LI -0.12' a JU-090-LI -0.12' s NN-045-MC 0.49' a 000 = Conjunction 090 = Square 180 = Opposition 030 = Semisextil 120 = Trigon 072 = Quintil 045 = Oktil 135 = Trioktil 144 = Biquintil 060 = Sextil 150 = Quincunx a = applicating s = separating

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Personality Analysis for Christophe CinqMars 26

ESSENTIAL NATURE AND WILL ........................................................................ 2

Yielding to the River of Life ............................................................................................................... 2 Striving for Higher Things ................................................................................................................. 2 The Expectation of a Perfect Lifestyle ............................................................................................... 3 A Strong Personality .......................................................................................................................... 3 The Demands of Getting the Best Out of Yourself ............................................................................. 3 Playing for High Stakes ..................................................................................................................... 4

FEELINGS AND TEMPERAMENT ....................................................................... 5 Fairness to Yourself and Others ........................................................................................................ 5 The Need to Have Someone Take Care Of You ................................................................................. 5 Initiative with a Heart ........................................................................................................................ 6 A Soft Shell ......................................................................................................................................... 6

COMMUNICATION AND THOUGHT .................................................................. 7 A Mental World Full of Imagination ................................................................................................. 7 Called to Be an Expert Authority ...................................................................................................... 7

RELATIONSHIPS AND ESTHETICS .................................................................... 8 Everything Is Lovable ........................................................................................................................ 8 Partnership Should Also Stand the Test of Life in Public .................................................................. 8 The Field of Tension Between Closeness and Assertion .................................................................... 9 Fairness to Yourself and Others ........................................................................................................ 9

ACTIONS AND ASSERTION ................................................................................ 10 Acting with Enthusiasm ................................................................................................................... 10 The Need to Take Action Related To Reality and Everyday Life ..................................................... 10 Initiative with a Heart ...................................................................................................................... 11 The Field of Tension Between Closeness and Assertion .................................................................. 11

THE SEARCH FOR MEANING AND GROWTH .............................................. 12 The Belief in a Kind Fate ................................................................................................................. 12 Striving for Higher Things ............................................................................................................... 12 Acting with Enthusiasm ................................................................................................................... 13

THE SEARCH FOR STRUCTURE AND ORDER ............................................. 14 The Demands of Getting the Best Out of Yourself ........................................................................... 14 The Expectation of a Perfect Lifestyle ............................................................................................. 14 Called to Be an Expert Authority .................................................................................................... 15 Partnership Should Also Stand the Test of Life in Public ................................................................ 15

THE NEED FOR CHANGE ................................................................................... 16 An Unconventional Everyday Life ................................................................................................... 16

THE LONGING FOR LIBERATION AND DEVOTION .................................. 17 Sensitivity in Your Work .................................................................................................................. 17 Confrontation with the Void ............................................................................................................ 17 Yielding to the River of Life ............................................................................................................. 18 A Mental World Full of Imagination ............................................................................................... 18 Everything Is Lovable ...................................................................................................................... 19

THE "DARK" SIDE ................................................................................................ 20 Playing for High Stakes ................................................................................................................... 20 A Strong Personality ........................................................................................................................ 20

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Confrontation with the Void ............................................................................................................ 21

APPEARANCE......................................................................................................... 22 A Soft Shell ....................................................................................................................................... 22 The Need to Take Action Related To Reality and Everyday Life ..................................................... 22 An Unconventional Everyday Life ................................................................................................... 23 Sensitivity in Your Work .................................................................................................................. 23

Astrological data ....................................................................................................... 25

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