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Leadership systems that create powerful companiesLeadership systems that create powerful companies

Personality & the Brain:

A New Paradigm for Leadership Development

HRPA Hamilton Chapter - October 10, 2013

Facilitated by Heather Hilliard

Leadership & Behavioural Change Expert

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About the Speaker

Personality & behavioural change expert with over 25 years’ experience working with individuals, teams, leaders and organizations to eliminate dysfunction and maximize potential

Author, Who Are You Meant To Be? A Groundbreaking, Step-by-Step Approach to Discovering and Fulfilling Your True Potential

Creator, Striving Styles® Personality System, a neuro-psychological framework for development & behavioural change

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Why So Many Leaders Fail to Achieve Potential

Operate from function that decides, defines and plans in a logical, rational and objective fashion

Don’t use the relational part of the brain: struggle to coach, resolve conflict, show appreciation, empathize, and manage performance

Focus on doing relationships, rather than being in them

Focus on changing leadership behaviour without understanding what drives behavior (e.g., behavioral competencies)

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Role of Functions in Leadership

Brain scientists have determined that the brain has four functional quadrants that play different roles in our personality

While we are meant to use all four quadrants in various activities, most leaders use only one or two

Imagine the positive impact on your organizational results if your leaders were using all four quadrants of the brain!

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Four Quadrants for Processing

Four distinct functional areas of the brain:

left and right hemisphere,

within each hemisphere, an emotional brain and a rational brain quadrant

Each quadrant is specialized to perform specific tasks very efficiently

Functions operate in the external or internal environment

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Role of the Functions in Leadership

Business Leadership Set goals & expectations

Assess performance

Reinforce behaviors

Linear problem solving

Building desired future state

Process Leadership Produce results


Process and rules

Maintain status quo

Tactical planning

Strategic Leadership Envision desired future state

Vision & strategy

Design systems / consider context

Out of the box thinking/problem solving

Adaptable/situational approach

Social Leadership Determine emotional needs

Relational/social experiences

Reward & recognition

How people behave

Impact on people



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Failure of Leadership Programs

Using one or two leadership approaches significantly limits leadership effectiveness, especially when we know we are not attending to a particular aspect of leadership but don’t know why

Leadership development programs often take a rational approach to relational brain development

These programs don’t help leaders learn to use their emotional brain; keep them in their comfort zone and fail to bring about any behavioral change

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Importance of Needs

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Exercise: Worst Leadership Behavior

In groups of 3, discuss leadership behavior that you have had to deal with and the impact it had on you and your coworkers

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Leadership systems that create powerful companiesLeadership systems that create powerful companies

Four Types of Leadership

Based on brain functions

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Business Leadership

Focus on producing results

Goal oriented, practical & objective

Organize people, tasks, timelines to achieve a common goal

Financial & budget

Use authority & power to ensure accountability

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Function of the Left Rational Brain

Create an ideology for the way the world must be and make sure everything conforms

Decide what something (or someone) is, where it belongs, what its usefulness is

Plan, sort and organize experiences

Form our self-concept

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Striving Styles in the Function

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Strategic Leadership

Provide the vision & direction for the growth/success of an organization

Organizational transformation & change


Insight into markets, barriers, people

Architect of the big picture

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Function of the Right Rational Brain

Imagine, conceptualize and synthesizes information and experiences

Create a vision for the future

To “know” without “knowing why”

Create our “self-image

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Striving Styles in the Function

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Social Leadership

Focus on how people feel as they work

Rights & entitlement of employees

Emotional intelligence / relationships

Rewards & recognition

Organizational culture

Communication, conflict resolution

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Function of the Right Emotional Brain

Relate and bond to others

Evaluate experiences

Produce emotions

Store and recall negative emotional memories

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Striving Styles in the Function

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Process Leadership

Produce Standard Operating Procedures & policies to ensure things are done right and objectives met

Focus on efficiency, economy of effort, cost effective productivity

Manage performance to ensure everyone follows processes & procedures

Logistics, schedules, resources

Focus on maintaining & performing expected activities of the role

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Function of the Left Emotional Brain

Experience physical sensations

Repeat experiences to recreate known sensations

Repeat and reproduce activities in specific sequence and order

Seek and experience positive or negative emotions

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Striving Styles in the Function

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Leadership systems that create powerful companiesLeadership systems that create powerful companies

8 Signs Leaders aren’t Using their Whole Brain

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Autocratic Behavior

Key theme of outward focused left rational brain is “I know best and let others know”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:


Overpower others

Don’t delegate authority

Critical, demanding, impatient behavior

Lack of empathy

Leader: Need to be In Control

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Absentee Behavior

Key theme of inward focused left rational brain is “I know best and don’t tell others”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Withholding knowledge, information, direction

Expecting employees to know what to do without telling them

Avoiding involvement with employees

Hiding out in office or work from home

Passive aggressive behavior

Intellectual: Need to be Knowledgeable

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Image-Driven Behavior

Key theme of outward focused right rational brain is “I am the best and I let others know”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Using employees ideas as their own

Overly concerned with image (great guy, gal)

“Punishing” employees who publically disagree or blindside

Speaking about “I” not “we”

Avoiding reality

Performer: Need to be Recognized

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Don’t Share their Vision

Key theme of inward focused right rational brain is “I see all and expect others follow”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Expecting employees follow without explaining where they are going

Impatience to get to vision; don’t tolerate others’ slower movement

Don’t follow up or hold accountable

Intimidate by asking direct questions

Rationalize poor performance

Visionary: Need to be Perceptive

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Put People Before Results

Key theme of outward focused right emotional brain is “I know what’s best for people”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Ignoring own or business priorities

Doing employees’ work for them so they don’t have to struggle (foster dependency)

Insisting on harmony; shut down creativity/innovation

Insisting on cooperation and consensus building that impedes decision making

Taking employee behavior personally

Socializer: Need to be Connected

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Don’t Assert their Authority

Key theme of inward focused right emotional brain is “Others know what is best for them”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Letting others define authority & take lead

Misunderstand & personalize behaviour of employees (focus on feelings, not issues)

Don’t expect or demand of others

Don’t give feedback; let employees make mistakes

Do everything themselves; perfectionisticArtist: Need to be Creative

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Fail to Plan or Follow Through

Key theme of outward focused left emotional brain is “I do what I want to do when I want to do it”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Impulsive decision making (frustrated employees)

Failing to stay with prolonged challenges

Leaving employees to figure things out for themselves

Failure to follow through on commitments

Lack of empathy for people of different styles

Adventurer: Need to be Spontaneous

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Resist Change & Innovation

Key theme of inward focused left emotional brain is “I do what I am supposed to do when I am told to do it”

Leading exclusively from this function results in:

Say “no” to suggestions/ideas without consideration

Lack empathy

Demand adherence to status quo, despite pressing need for change

Critical & judgmental of people who are different

Failure to correct performance; do it themselves

Stabilizer: Need to be Secure

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Leadership systems that create powerful companiesLeadership systems that create powerful companies

Tools for Whole Brain Leading

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How the Brain Develops

Brain develops through experience

Using other functions requires scheduling time to perform the activities associated with the function, i.e.

Business leaders need to spend time in social leadership activities daily

Process leaders need to spend time daily in strategic activities/discussions

Competencies need to be developed for each of the four quadrants relative to the business or role

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Personality & Brain Functions in Leadership Development

The personality of a leader is expressed through the functions of the brain

Therefore, leadership development needs to incorporate approaches that target developing brain functions and not just focus on behavior

Approach focuses on developing individual leaders as well as embedding whole brain approaches into systems

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Tools for Whole Brain Leadership


Build self-awareness - understand own brain (Striving Style) and predominant leadership style

Determine extent of use of each quadrant; determine area that needs to develop

Provide activities that engage specific areas of the brain

Provide expectations, coaching & feedback

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Tools for Whole Brain Leadership Systems

Do your organizational systems support development of all 4 leadership styles?

Do your systems focus on behavior instead of engaging the whole brain

Need to incorporate approach into: Strategy, goals, planning processes Selection, retention, career pathing Performance management systems Competency systems Values & culture Rewards & recognition Training & development

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Tools for Whole Brain Leadership Organizational Culture / Team Culture

Determine what is the brain predominant function of the leadership team

Identify what leadership functions will dominate the culture

Address gaps

Provide team experiences to develop lesser used leadership functions

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Our Approach

Striving Styles Personality System is a neuro-psychological framework for development, behavioural change and achieving potential

Can be integrated into any development program

Audit existing programs to ensure design & delivery reflect personality, emotions and how the brain learns

Facilitate organizational change, eliminate dysfunction and disengagement

Build expertise of anyone involved in training, development & behavioural change

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