Download - Phi Sh Paper 8

  • 7/29/2019 Phi Sh Paper 8


    Jonathan Langseth


    Sh. Paper 8

    A Bit On Cloning and Eugenics

    In asking about the ethical justifications advocating or criticizing both cloning and

    eugenics we must first ask ourselves what the reasons are for such endeavors and what

    the consequences would be if such acts were allowed. In reply to the former as it applies

    to cloning, I just cannot see a good reason for its implementation. If we desire to adhere

    to the moral doctrine of treating people as ends-in-themselves, we are unable to advocate

    cloning as a means of conducting psychological or physiological tests for the person

    cloned would merely be an instrument of science. If human cloning is put forth as a way

    for couples unable to reproduce I would respond that adoption is a much more

    humanitarian method of creating a family. Reasons for advocating eugenics can be, I

    think, threefold: correctional, performative, and ideological.

    Correctional eugenics is when measures are taken to correct some biological

    disorder apparent in a developing fetus. I think such corrective measures are acceptable

    but that what is considered as biological abnormalities should remain a question of


    Performative eugenics are such changes made in order to breed more intelligent,

    healthy, athletic people. Whether or not this should be allowed is a much more difficult

    question to ponder and debate than correctional eugenics. One could argue that similar

    conditioning is already apparent in the form of controlled environments and formal

    education. But environment and schooling are at least different from eugenics in that they

    occur after a person is already in the world, and it could be argued that because of this a

  • 7/29/2019 Phi Sh Paper 8


    person has a somewhat better ability to choose what they accept. Also, environment and

    schooling are experienced, not pre-programmed. A problem with performative eugenics

    is that the criteria used to define enhancement is always determined by particular people

    at the expense of other involved partys opinion. This would be evident in a large, social

    scale performative eugenics project and also at the personal level of parents modifying

    their unborn child. In the first instance it would typically be the powerful that set the

    agenda as to how and what children should be improved. At the personal level there

    would in the first place be a great inequality concerning who is able to enhance their

    children, those able most likely only the rich, perpetuating and deepening social divides.

    In the second place it is quite possible that performative eugenics would become highly

    competitive, centering the emphasis of child development prior to a childs contact with

    the world outside the womb. In any case this kind of eugenics is should still be debated

    but I only add this last thought: Do we really what to selectively breed our children to fit

    our predetermined expectations of what they will be? Is there not something essential to

    the qualitative experience of life to be found in indeterminacy and acceptance of the


    Ideological eugenics would be something akin to the horrors of Hitlers WWII

    and lacks any justification.

    What I would briefly say about consequences is that we really dont know-we

    cannot be sure of the outcomes of tinkering with biology and genetics, and for this reason

    I would advocate extreme caution and discussion concerning any seemingly good use of


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