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Page 1: Phoney War

Phoney War

Page 2: Phoney War


07 October, 1939 – Phoney War 3

26 October, 1939 – Abyssinia 7

09 November, 1939 – Assassination attempt 10

13 November, 1939 – Rebels I 12

19 November, 1939 – Rebels II 13

21 November, 1939 – Japan enforced China 14

01 December, 1939 – China alignment toward Axis 16

07 December, 1939 – Economic Boom 17

18 December, 1939 – Production & Science 18

18 December, 1939 – Studie Nord 21

25 December, 1939 – Christmas 22

02 January, 1940 – New Year’s 23

09 January, 1940 – Science development 25

30 January, 1940 – Trade, Science, Luftwaffe 27

04 February, 1940 – Plan Weserübung 29

06 February to 17 March, 1940

– Production, Science, Diplomacy, Trade 32 to 38

01 April, 1940 – SS Division, Kriegsmarine restructuring 39

07 April, 1940 – Preparations 42

08 April, 1940 – Weather reports 44

Page 3: Phoney War

07 October, 1939

Today the Abwehr send me a report, informing me that some blueprints were stolen.

I had very high of Admiral Canaris, but this event, did now favored him.

I’ve order that the Counter-espionage should be put on higher priority.

Six spies were capture, trial and


In the first of october, Ernst von Weizsäcker inform us that the Italian cancel the deal of Energy, done in September 21.

Also, he said that Von Ribbentrop start the 2Bu Route.

He flew to Budapest, and Bucharest, trying to influence the Hungary and Romania nation to join our cause.


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09 October, 1939

The Luftwaffe put all of their air force in the West.

Change some groups to best defend the western front.

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21 October, 1939

Ernst von Weizsäcker inform that on the 18th October, Finland as cancel our contract of buying Energy on October 11th.

Hungary propose to buy us 28,80 or Energy in return of 0,94 Reichsmark and we were losing 3,72 Reichsmark.

Our production is consuming our resources, but still, today we order Bayerische Flugzeugwerke, to produce 3 Messerschmitt Bf109E-Emil to intercept British bombers.

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Three days ago, we launched the cruiser Blücher in Wilhelmshaven..

The Blücher will join the Battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, and the Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper under the command of Konteradmiral Günther Lütjens.

Blücher Inauguration Day

Blücher while on trials

The Zerstörerflottille will join them with three Destroyers

The first Task Group..

It was a nice ceremony. And it’s a proud to our country.

The Kriegsmarine is increasing

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26 October, 1939

A note from Ribbentrop, inform us that Italy as free Abyssinia (as a puppet, no doubt).

Can’t understand why they did that…

Are they trying to gain the support of the population, to calm off the rioters? Trying to raise new


Luxemburg, is buying us


The Kriegsmarine is still


A new U-Boot flottille is now at

sea at Wilhelmshaven under

the command of Wolf

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To help Kriegsmarine, we decided to instruct our scientists to seek new ways to improve our submarines.

They start to improve 4 new technologies.

We are now researching sixteen projects .

01 November, 1939

Sweden propose a deal of Metal with us. That’s good.

Not only they approached us, and supply 12,55 of precious metal.

Yesterday, un uprising of partisans in Skierniewice (that’s ancient Poland). Two garrisons were dispatched to there to solve the matter properly.

Today the Abyssinia Army is


Well, know we know why Mussolini

create a puppet state.

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In Asia, Japan is conquering China.

02 November, 1939

Today I hade dinner with Ernst von Weizsäcker.

In that dinner, he inform me that Japan, almighty Conquer, ask us if he could create debt.

We laugh. I think that they confuse us with the Swiss or other country.

Less to laugh, the partisans conquer

another province, Kamienna, and they are

trying to conquer Grojec.

A third Garrison was dispatched to

Grojec by train to prevent the take over

by the partisans.

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09 November, 1939

Yesterday an attempt on The Führer’s life was made.

The Voelkischer Beobachter, blame on British secret agents, even implicating Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain himself. But I know better, the assassination attempt was most probably the work of a German anti-Nazi military conspiracy.

Himmler, that is very clever order SS soldiers in Holland, to kidnapped, two British agents, Payne Best and R.H. Stevens, stuffing them into a Buick and driving them across the border into Germany.

Himmler now, can proudly announced to the German public that he had captured the British conspirators.

The man who actually

planted the bomb at

their behest was declared

to be Georg Elser, a

German communist.

It makes no sense.

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13 November, 1939

In this nine days, we defeated the Polish Partisan in Grojec, Skierniewice and Kamienna.

Nine Days…. and Kamienna is still not occupied

I do not like

A band of partisans and we cant’ contain them.

The Soviet Union propose a deal of

supplies on November 3. We take it.

It almost balance our economy.

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19 November, 1939

On the 15th, the Soviet Union cancel the deal made 19 days before.

Weizsäcker is saying that Ribbentrop is furious with the Soviets, that they can not be trusted.

Bulgaria, by other hand, is reinforcing our

trading. 0,42 Reichsmark for 11,54 Energy.

Finland is trying to approach us by

trading. They sell us 0,26 Reichsmark

for 1,75 Rare Material.

On the 17th we lost Konskie to the

Polish rebels. In the same hour, we

ran with them in Kielce and we send

troops to trying to intercept them.

But on the 19th, we lost Kielce.

We can’t capture 131 man. We still not contain this revolt.

It’s a desgrace to the Wehrmacht.

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21 November, 1939

Today the ministry of foreign affairs send me the following note and map:


Japan enforced

Japan seize the Chinese coast on Nationalist


There government decided it that there were

no point in fighting anymore.

They decided to cede their entire coastline.

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The Japanese army, conquer the cost line in China.

Well, at least the ministry done well, stop supporting China, and supporting Japan several years ago.

It seems that we gain a powerful ally.

In this day, the 13. Unterseebootsflotte was sent to trials in Kiel to Wilhelmshaven in is inaugural trip.

27 November, 1939

On the 24th Japan decided not to demobilize and on the 26th Mengkukuo and on the 27th Manchukuo both starts to mobilize.

What are the Japanese up to….?

I think that they are an aggressive people.

Why don’t they enjoy peace?

Sweden offers us 3,32 Metal and in return they want 0,24 Reichsmark .

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23 November, 1939

The Fuhrer once again expressed to all the commanding generals of the Armed Forces ‘his unbending will’ to see the war through to total victory. Once again he justified the compelling necessity to attack soon with the need for greater security for the Ruhr Region, with the necessity for better air and U-boat bases, and finally with the necessity to defeat the enemy and thus assure a lengthy peace for Germany.

‘One cannot achieve victory by waiting!’

‘At last we are in the position we have longed for sixty years, not to have to fight a war on two fronts,’ he said, ‘it would thus be a great mistake not to take advantage of this favorable moment, for no man can say how long it will last! ’

30 November, 1939

Today at dawn, Soviet Union invaded Finland..

In addition to territorial claims the Soviets sought to install their own puppet government in Finland.

They portrayed their invasion as a response to a border incident on the 26th November.

We had already noted the likely circumstances of this.

On the 24th August Germany

and the Soviet Union signed

the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

A secret clause of this

agreement marked Finland as

part of the Soviet sphere of



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On 12th October the Soviet Union started negotiations with Finland concerning parts of Finnish territory, the Karelian Isthmus, the Gulf of Finland islands and the Hanko Peninsula. No agreement was reached. On 26 November the Soviet Union accused the Finnish army of shelling the village of Mainila. It was subsequently found that the Soviets had in fact shelled their own village to create an excuse to withdraw from their non-aggression pact with Finland.

The prospects for Finland, a country of 3,6 million people, did not look good, she had a 1.200 km frontier with Russia to defend. Her army of 160.000 men faced an initial Russian force of 460.000 troops and over 2.000 tanks.

The Finns had long been aware

of the threat that Russia posed.

Most viewed it as a threat to the

very existence of their country.

Finland had well prepared

defensive positions and her

army was extremely well

motivated, as well as being

well adapted for fighting Soviet T-2

in the arctic conditions.

The Finnish commander, Mannerheim had

established a highly effective defence line

across the most vulnerable part of the country, the Karelian Isthmus in the south, taking full advantage of the numerous lakes and woods to place a formidable barrier between Helsinki, the capital, and the invading forces. Further north the Russians, far from their supply lines, found themselves facing skillful, mobile forces in extremely inhospitable terrain, where they were vulnerable to ambush

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01 December, 1939

Yesterday report

from the Foreign


China is align

them with us.

Now I can

understand Japan

and is puppets


Threatening causes


We lost another province in ex-Poland, this time, Piotrkow.

Four hours late, we expel them.

Damn Partisans.

What are the commanders doing…


National China

Foreign Minister reports that Nationalist

China has taken steps to align themselves to

the Axis

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07 December, 1939

Hjalmar Schacht reports an Economic Boost in the Reich.

That is good.

He estimate that bring additional 5% increase to the economy.

The economy of the Reich is growing, so

three new submarines, Type IX were order.

Reich production

Date Proposed Accept ?

5-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,20 ℛℳ 5,60 Energy Romania

5-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,14 ℛℳ 3,91 Energy Luxemburg

7-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,39 ℛℳ 10,50 Energy Switzerland

German Other Contry

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18 December, 1939

On the 10th of December, we won the battle of Konskie and end the revolt for good on the 13th.

A total of 15.000 soldiers were involve in a man hunt.

What a shame this numbers….

The Foreign Minister report:

- 13th of December – Finland start to align them self with us.

- 18th of December – we decided to stop our diplomatic influence on


– we proposed to buy 1 ton of Metal to Sweden in

return of 0,07 ℛℳ

The 14. Unterseebootsflotte was deployed in Kiel

and joined the 12. and the 13.Unterseebootsflotte

under the command of Wolf.

The first two, type IV, and the third a type II.

Reich production

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England Army & Navy

New technology projects was approved:

- Advance Aircraft Design;

- Würzburg-C – More Radar Efficiency, about 10%

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- Integrated Support – HQ +0,40 Hard Attack – Par, Mar, Mtn: +20% Morale

– Encirclement +12%

- Delay Doctrine – HQ +0,10 Soft Attack – AA, AT, Art, R Art: +5,0% Morale

- Fighter Ground Control – Radar Combat Impact +15,0%

- Airborne Assault Tactics – Airborne Assault efficiency + 15,0%

Six new technology start to be developed

to a total of twenty two.

At dinner, Von Weizsäcker informed me

that Hitler and Ribbentrop send a

birthday telegrams to Joseph Stalin.


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The Füher convinced of the threat posed by the Allies to the iron ore supply, ordered the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht to begin preliminary planning for an invasion of Norway on the 14th December.

Plan Studie Nord started to be prepare and only called for one Armeekorp.

The XXI. Armeekorps were redeploy to Kiel with the command of Lt. General von Falkenhorst, un offensive doctrine defender and a winter specialist.


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25 December, 1939

The Foreign Minister report:

- 19th of December – Hungary continues to make deals with us.

26,15 Energy for 0,93 ℛℳ

- 21th of December – Finland cancel the contract to sell Rare Material.

The weather in München is -1,2 Cº and there is no wind.

The kids are delight it the presents.

It was a nice day in Christmas.

31 December, 1939

The Foreign Minister report:

- 26th of December – Turkey wants 10,01 Energy for 0,38 ℛℳ

- 30th of December – Yugoslavia wants 12,50 Energy for 0,47 ℛℳ

- 31th of December – Romania wants 14,50 Energy for 0,50 ℛℳ

On the Rhine front a tentative attempts by the garrison of a German casemate to fraternize with French troops was interrupted by French machine gun fire.

Someone should have forgotten that we were at war.

This is not the great war.

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“This war involves the whole people. It is a war for our national existence. It has not yet seen its full extent on every front.

No one can doubt that the warmongering cliques in London and Paris want to stifle Germany, to destroy the German people. They grant that openly today. They reserve their sanctimonious phrases about defeating Hitlerism, but not the German people, only for the stupid. We know what they are doing from experience, and a child once burned is more cautious the second time. No one in Germany listens to them. They want to attack the Führer through Hitlerism, the Reich through Hitlerism, and the

German people through the


All the Führer’s attempts at peace bore no fruit with them.

We 90 million in the Reich stand in the way of their brutal plans for world domination. They hate our people because it is decent, brave, industrious, hardworking and intelligent. They hate our views, our social policies, and our accomplishments. They hate us as a Reich and as a community. They have forced us into a struggle for life and death. We will defend ourselves accordingly. All is clear between us and our enemies. All Germans know what we are doing, and the entire German people is filled with fanatical resolve. There is no comparison here to the World War. Germany today is economically, politically, militarily and spiritually ready to respond to the attack of the enemy.”

A lot of Propaganda

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

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02 January, 1940

The weather in new years was -1,4 Cº and no wind. It’s not to cold to this time of year

I’m still in Munich.

By now, I put no hope in peace. In this time the Allies did not want it, and I have no doubt that they will not want it after Norway invasion.

The Foreign Minister report:

- 02th of January – Sweden wants 15,68 Energy for 0,54 ℛℳ

For the first time, the Reich as Surplus.

It’s curious, the neighboring countries want to negotiate with us.


Date until:

2-Jan-40 8,56 ℛℳ 8,28 ℛℳ 0,28 ℛℳ Reichsmark

Date Proposed Accept ? Canceled at ℛℳ for Produt

4-Set-39 By them Yes 31,88 Rare Material 3,19 ℛℳ Italy 0,100 ℛℳ for 1 Rare Material

5-Set-39 By them Yes 2,29 Fuel 1,29 ℛℳ Portugal 0,563 ℛℳ for 1 Fuel

8-Set-39 By them Yes 1,39 ℛℳ 37,00 Energy Romania 0,038 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

9-Set-39 By them Yes 0,47 ℛℳ 12,50 Energy Finland 11-10-1939 0,038 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

12-Set-39 By them Yes 0,02 ℛℳ 0,48 Energy Hungary 0,042 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

15-Set-39 By them Yes 0,50 ℛℳ 13,40 Energy Bulgaria 0,037 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

19-Set-39 By them Yes 17,00 Rare Material 2,55 ℛℳ U.R.S.S. 0,150 ℛℳ for 1 Rare Material

21-Set-39 By them Yes 0,47 ℛℳ 18,87 Energy Italy 01-10-1939 0,025 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

21-Out-39 By them Yes 0,94 ℛℳ 25,80 Energy Hungary 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

26-Out-39 By them Yes 0,29 ℛℳ 7,77 Energy Luxemburg 0,037 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

30-Out-39 By them Yes 12,55 Metal 0,94 ℛℳ Sweden 0,075 ℛℳ for 1 Metal

3-Nov-39 By them Yes 2,95 ℛℳ 17,63 Supplies U.R.S.S. 15-10-1939 0,167 ℛℳ for 1 Supplies

6-Nov-39 By them Yes 0,05 ℛℳ 1,50 Energy Romania 0,033 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

12-Nov-39 By them Yes 0,64 ℛℳ 17,65 Energy Portugal 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

17-Nov-39 By them Yes 0,42 ℛℳ 11,54 Energy Bulgaria 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

17-Nov-39 By them Yes 1,75 Rare Material 0,26 ℛℳ Finland 21-12-1939 0,149 ℛℳ for 1 Rare Material

26-Nov-39 By them Yes 3,32 Metal 0,24 ℛℳ Sweden 0,072 ℛℳ for 1 Metal

27-Nov-39 By them Yes 0,76 ℛℳ 21,40 Energy Hungary 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

5-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,20 ℛℳ 5,60 Energy Romania 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

5-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,14 ℛℳ 3,91 Energy Luxemburg 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

7-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,39 ℛℳ 10,50 Energy Switzerland 0,037 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

18-Dez-39 By us Yes 1,00 Metal 0,07 ℛℳ Sweden 0,070 ℛℳ for 1 Metal

19-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,93 ℛℳ 26,15 Energy Hungary 0,036 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

26-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,38 ℛℳ 10,01 Energy Turkey 0,038 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

30-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,47 ℛℳ 12,50 Energy Yugoslavia 0,038 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

31-Dez-39 By them Yes 0,50 ℛℳ 14,50 Energy Romania 0,034 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

2-Jan-40 By them Yes 0,54 ℛℳ 15,68 Energy Sweden 0,034 ℛℳ for 1 Energy

German Other Contry

Receive Send Balance

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Reports of the War in 1939

Against the United Kingdom

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09 January, 1940

We finished the research of

Rocket Artillery with success.

We will be the future of artillery.

Continuing with this policy of investment in science, three more were started.

With the possible investment in Heavy Tank Engines, we gain 1,40 Kph in maximal speed and toughness -0,60

In the submarine, to avoid the Royal Air Force, we are trying to develop a radar to spot enemy aircraft more easy +1,00.

Making stronger Battleship Armour. Hull +0,40

I like Battleships, but don’t think that Raeder is betting in the right horse.

I want to give him this decision. Befits balance friends and enemies.

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A study of the advantage and disadvantage of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare was order.

Some previews studies indicate that the convoy raiding operation no longer suffer a penalty of 50%.

But they warn me that may take more then one year and three months to study/implement.

The Foreign Minister report:

- 08th of January – Portugal offers us to buy 7,13 Energy for 0,25 ℛℳ

– German negociate with the U.R.S.S. to buy 30,00 Rare Material for 4,01 ℛℳ

And again we are in deficit but the much need it Rare Material is ours.

Now, our troops now have appropriate Equipment to the Desert.

Well.. we don’t

have desert,

but we never


We start to prepare appropriate Equipment to Airborne Warfare.

Less weight (-1,00) and less Supply Consumption (-0,10)

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30 January, 1940

Romania sell us 4,02 of Fuel in return of 2,03 ℛℳ.

I want to develop our relationship to bring them to the Axis.

More deals were made with the Soviet Union. This time we proposed 50 Metal for 3,25 ℛℳ and they accepted. (We need to stockpile)

Lithuania proposed to buy us 10,28 Energy in return of 0,38.

Spain offers to buy us 19,20 Energy in return of 0,72 Money.

We are desperate to balance our economy. We gladly accepted.

We are losing 8,04 ℛℳ.

The Luftwaffe are using new interception tactics that put is efficiency at more 15%.

Finland is mobilizing his troops.

Western forces

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New Spies were send to the Soviet Union to prepare to conduct cover operations.

Although we are on good terms, is appropriate not to neglect the future and we my take some advances in commercial terms (I hope).

Royal Air Force is bombing Dortmund.

But our Messerschmitts are protecting the skies against them.

Major General Lörzer, (Skill 4) a Superior Air Tactician doctrine fighter, was in charge of this operation.

The Abwehr inform me that Major

General Harris were in command

of this missions. A Carper Bomber

and Night Flyer Doctrine


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04 February, 1940

Today in the meeting with the Führer we (von Brauchitsch, Raeder, Goring and I) present the current status of the Wehrmacht.

In this meeting, the Führer told me to give a “Light” Panzer-Division to Rommel.

I know Major General Rommel. Is success in the Great War based on surprise and maneuver, and the idea to give him a Panzer-Division make sense to me, but I did not like, not at all, that had to come from above.

I talk with him later. In his defense he said that is commander, did not follow the request, and because Rommel acted as commander of the Führerbegleithauptquartier (Führer escort headquarters) during the Invasion of Poland, he add much access to Hitler.

After this miss understanding…

(so to speak), any new request,

should be first run by me.

The 7. Panzer Division was given

to him.

There are some doubt among

the men over his ability to handle

mechanized units.

The XXX. Armeekorps here create

under Hartmann O.


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The war is not ending… the need to prepare to go were need it, as force us to start developing new landing craft support (Amphibious craft Defence +20 TP, LC, AS).

To help our Luftwaffe, the science department is studying to raise the interdiction efficiency (+20%)

Von Weizsäcker

inform me that the

United Kingdom is

influencing the United States, Greece,

Mexico and Brazil.

Haiti propose to buy energy from us, but to

expose our Merchant Navy… is to risky.

We reject.

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The preliminary plan Studie Nord that was started to be formed to take the Kingdom of Norway, came to the conclusion that also called for the rapid capture of the Kingdom of Denmark in the hopes that would trigger a rapid surrender.

The final plan was code-named Operation Weserübung.

The Norwegian capital Oslo, the Danish capital Copenhagen and Århus here the priority.

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06 February, 1940

Two Fallschirmjäger Divisions

will be ready in 3 days and in

the end of February will have

two hundred new Junkers


Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau AG

Promised that in March will

have three hundred new

Focke-Wulf Fw 190D+

12 February, 1940

Sweden stop alignment with us.

We decide to try to influence Portugal to get the

Tungsten (just in case).

Portugal offer 0,68 ℛℳ in return of 19,51 Energy.

We accepted.

Scientific Research

- Central Planning Advance is perfected by many studies (HQ+1, Counter-attack+3%)

- Mass Assault Advance is also perfected (HQ Defensiveness+1, Inf Morale +5%, Assault+3%, Reckless Assault+1%)

- Mountain Warfare Equipment ;

- Artic Warfare Equipment;

The 1st Fallschirmjäger–Division is put in Euskirchen under the command of Ringel (4 a logistic wizard and commando).

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New research could be spare

Heavy tank technology, the 150mm geneigt to the armour (Max Speed -0,50Kph, Defensiveness +3, Toughness +0,60, Armor +2)

The 8.8cm KwK 36 L/56 gun (Speed -0,25 Kph, Toughness -0,30, Hard Attack +1,25, Piercing Attack +1)

22 February, 1940

Turkey offer to buy 3,70 supplies in return of 0,68 ℛℳ.

And Finland cancel the trade of energy.

Royal Air Force continue to bomb Dortmund

The 2nd Fallschirmjäger–Division is put in Euskirchen under the command of Student (4 Defensive Doctrine and commando).

Two hundred new Junkers Ju-52/3m are deployed also in Euskirchen under Air General Klepke (3 Superior Air Tactician).

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The Rare Material stock is at 9.526 and downing.

To try to combat that, German proposed to buy to the Soviet Union 7 Rare Material for 0,88 ℛℳ.

They accepted.

24 February, 1940

Our military studies are doing well.

Large Front Advance is implemented (HQ supply consumption -0,01, Mil Morale +5%, Gar Morale +2%, Shock +3%).

The 14th Unterseebootsflotille that had three submarine, is dismember in two.

The 14th with two Unterseeboot Type IX (IV) and the 4th with one Unterseeboot Type IIB (II) under Commander Claasen (1 Sea Wolf).

Romania cancel is trade agreement, to buy us Fuel and Yugoslavia buy us 5,33 Energy for 0,19 ℛℳ. German offer to sell to Belgium 8 Energy for 0,30 ℛℳ and 5 Energy for 0,18 ℛℳ. Both accepted.

28 February, 1940

I’ve order the construction of three new Unterseeboot Type IX (IV).

Is important to make the Kriegsmarine stronger.

I fear the British Royal Navy.

The Swiss government is no longer attempting to align with Axis

Our scientists continue to work well. They develop the abilities in decryption machine to level 2. (+0,2). They will continue to try to improve

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Because our Scientific Department is working so well, four new technologies are explore to improve the Infantry Divisions.

Small Arms – Karabiner 43 (Inf, Mar, Par, Mtn, Mot soft attack +2,40)

Light Artillery – 20cm leLdgW (Inf, Mar, Par, Mtn, Mot toughness +2,40)

Infantry Anti-Tank – 7.5cm PaK40 (Inf, Mot, Mec, WSS Hard Attack +1, Piercing Attack +4, Mar, Par, Mtn, Hard Attack +0,8, Piercing Attack +2)

Infantry Support Weapons - 12cm GrW 42 (Inf, Mar, Par, Mtn, Mot defensiveness +3,20)

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Damage inflicted by

the Royal Air Force.

This must end.

Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau

AG must deliver what

they promise and fast.

I’ll ask them if in March,

We’ll have the three

hundred new Focke-Wulf

Fw 190D+ promised.

06 March, 1940

German propose to Estonia to buy us Energy (9 for 0,34 ℛℳ).

They accepted. Italy propose to buy us 2,31 Energy for 0,06 ℛℳ.

The three hundred Focke-Wulf Fw 190D+ was deliverd to Euskirchen.

Two hundred join the three hundred Junkers Ju-52/3m command by Klepke and one hundred others join the III.Fliegerkorps that were send to Euskirchen.

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I want the German skies free from foreign plains.

Three hundred Messerschmitt Bf-109E Emil were order to Bayerische Flugzeugwerke and two hundred more Focke-Wulf Fw 190D+ to Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau AG.

15 March, 1940

Estonia propose to buy us 1,87 Energy for 0,07 ℛℳ.

Romania cancel the Energy deal on 5th December.

Sweden give us 0,63 Crude Oil in return for 0,32 ℛℳ.

Turkey buy us 5,94 supplies for 1,09 ℛℳ.

The Science Department create to submarines:

- a better anti-aircraft armament (Air Defense +4, Air Attack +1),

- engine level 4 (Max speed +6Kph, Fuel consumption +,0,06, range +3.600 Km, Sea Defense +1)

- torpedo level 4 (Convoy Attack +18, Sea Attack +1)

And with this 3 develop in the submarines, we took just one spot with

A improve in the Destroyer Engine level 5 that will give more speed, range and sea defence.

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Swiss align them self with us again.

Can we understand the Swiss?

17 March, 1940

Turkey cancel the agreement.

The R.A.F. continue to bomb Dortmund.

The Luftwaffe is shooting them down.

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18 March, 1940

Hitler met the Italian leader Mussolini in his railway carriage in the Brenner Pass, high in the Alps, close to the border between the two countries.

The haste with which the meeting was arranged had led Mussolini to suppose that Hitler ‘would soon set off the powder keg’.

The meeting is very cordial on both sides. The conference … is more a monologue than anything else. Hitler talks all the time, but is less agitated than usual. He makes few gestures and speaks in a quiet tone. He looks physically fit. Mussolini listens to him with interest and with deference. He speaks little and confirms his intention to move with Germany. He reserves to himself only the choice of the right moment ... The conference ends with a short meal.

Sweden is align again with us.

Messerschmitt delivered one

hundred Bf-109E Emil in

Euskirchen and it was assign to

Mahnke (level 3 Superior Air



Page 43: Phoney War

Sweden is align again with us.

Messerschmitt delived one hundred Bf-109E Emil in Euskirchen and it was assign to Mahnke (level 3 Superior Air Tactician).

01 April, 1940

I order the construction

of a division with four


One Light Armour, two

Waffen SS and one


This will make the

Division very fast

(8Kph) and will

incorporate the SS

to satisfy Himmler.

Spain propose to buy us

2,2 Energy for 0,08 ℛℳ. We propose to Netherlands 9 Energy for 0,34 ℛℳ and to the Soviet Union 4 Supplies for 0,61 ℛℳ.

All accepted.

Honduras want to buy us 0,46 Energy, but no way will put the merchant ships in harm's way.

Italy cancel the trade agreement where we buy 31,88 Rare Material (since 4 September of 1939)

It was the best deal, for us 0,100 ℛℳ for each

Rare Material.

Our second best is Soviet Union, 0,134 ℛℳ for

each one.

Page 44: Phoney War

Because of this, we are wining 1,60 ℛℳ in our commercial balance, but we lost a very precious supply.

Well, something is wrong.

The Official Reich Commercial Balance says

that we are losing from trade 2,04 ℛℳ, but

earning from the produce in the Reich.

The Submarine Hull Advance was achived (Visibility +4)

Satisfied with this, we change our target and try to improve the Battleship Engine (Max Speed +2Kph, Fuel Consumption+0,04, Range +2.400Km and sea defense +1)

New doctrines to improve naval base efficiency by 20% we are starting to search new ways.

In the Kriegsmarine the light cruiser Emden that was under Böhm is now with Lüjents.

This may

level this


Page 45: Phoney War

The Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen as started to be constructed yesterday.

Predicting that the war will last, we should improve our Navy to achieve effectively against the Royal Navy.

Delivery estimate 22 February of 1941.

Damage from the

Royal Air Force in

Our provinces in the

last month.

We stop to influence Portugal and asked for transit rights to Romania.

It was denied..

The Führer did not like it.

“They will regret”, those were his words.

Page 46: Phoney War

07 April, 1940

The temperature in the beginning of April was 5,5C

Romania, maybe afraid for the boldness to deny us

access and offers to buy 1,50 Energy for 0,05 ℛℳ.

Portugal cancel the energy (7,13) agreement.

Brazil offers 4,34 fuel for 2,44 ℛℳ.

For the same reasons as before we decline.

No Atlantic business.

Italy offers 23,51 Rare Material for 2,44 ℛℳ. We accept.

There conditions are now 0,104 for Rare.

Our balance trade is negative, but the country surplus is making us wining 2,53 ℛℳ.

Messerschmitt AG delivered one hundred Messerschmitt Bf-109E Emil to Euskirchen to join the command of Maj. General Sommé (skill4).

Two Infantry-Division star there training.

The troops start to take their positions.

Maj. General Ringel and Student received orders to load is troops in to Junkers Ju-52/3m with Neumünster as destiny.

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Four infantry-divisions load in to the transport boats of the Kriegsmarine.

And took a route to Skagerrack escorted by Raeder.

The Focke-Wulf Fw-200C+ were send to Wilhelmshaven and order to naval strike the eastern Norwegian trench.

Page 48: Phoney War

08 April, 1940

Once again my wife got me the uniform neatly. It shines.

Weather report for the 9th.

Our science department discover

a Submarine Air Warning

Equipment Advance (air defense +1) and with that open spot the Heavy Cruiser Engine is to be improved (max speed +7,5Kph, fuel consumption +0,05, range +3.000Km, sea defense +5)

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