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  • 8/13/2019 Pidato KEPSEK


    Today is a bad day for me,because today is a the last day I am here,I will be

    moved to other school.

    As long as I became principal, I have tryed for the betterment of school. I have to

    supported all the activities that are usefull to school, sports and scout. During this,our school become famous because get the winner at the district and regional


    In academic,I also have tryed for our school to be favorit school. To support study

    activity ,I have built gazebo for learning. For religious activity,I have renoved the


    I hope what I have done can usefull for school.

  • 8/13/2019 Pidato KEPSEK


    Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat berat bagi saya. Karena hari ini merupakan hari

    terakhir perjumpaan kita,saya dipindah tugas ke sekolah lain.

    Selama saya menjadi kepala sekolah,saya terus berjuang demi kemajuan SMA 3.

    Saya juga telah mendukung semua kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi SMA

    3,kegiatan olahraga maupun pramuka. Selama ini sekolah kita terkenal karena

    mendapat juara beberapa kali lomba di tingkat kabupaten maupun daerah.

    Dalam Hal akademis saya juga telah berusaha agar SMA 3 menjadi sekolah

    favorit,untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar siswa,saya juga telah membangun

    gazebo sebagai sarana untuk belajar. Untuk kegiatan keagamaan kita,saya juga

    telah mengadakan renovasi bagi masjid kita. Saya harap semua yang telah saya

    lakukan bisa bermanfaat bagi SMA 3

    As long as I became principal, I continue to fight for the betterment of high school

    3 . I also have to support all the activities that are beneficial to SMA 3 , sports

    activities and scout . During this time our school is famous as it gets some times

    race winner at the district and regional levels .

    In my academic It has also been trying to be a favorite school High School 3 . real

    evidence we often get achievements , both academic achievement , to support

    students' learning activities , I have also built a gazebo as a means to learn . For

    our religious activities , I also have held for mosque renovations us .

    I hope I have done all that could be useful for high school 3 .

  • 8/13/2019 Pidato KEPSEK


    Pursue your dream in order to achieve a better life in the future . Hopefully what

    we have here could be useful knowledge for the homeland , nation , and religion ,

    and most importantly useful for ourselves.

    Maybe that's all that I can say more or less I apologize , because the fault is mine

    and the excess comes from Allah SWT .

    That's all from me .

    High School Valedictory Speech Delivered by a Students Representative

    in Farewell Ceremony for Mr. Principal

    Assalamualaikum wr.wb

    First of all, lets say our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt. Shalawat andsalam may everlastingly upon our adoration and shining model, namely

    Prophet Muhammad Saw, all of his families, companions, and followers till

    the end of time.

    To all the honorable Mr. and Mrs. Teachers and all the dearest


  • 8/13/2019 Pidato KEPSEK


    Today is the day we

    should go through with a heavy heart of all of us. Its all because the mostmeritorious person who has developed our school, the one who has

    sacrificed many things for the sake of our progress, the one who has all this

    time guided and led us so that we have made many steps forward, will be

    leaving to other school. Mr. Endang, our most beloved principal will be

    transferring to another school in order of his duty.

    Nevertheless, we cannot do anything since it has been his duty then there

    is no help for it. There is nothing we can do unless saying goodbye and

    pray for you that I wish you could have the best place there and be able to

    guide the school you will be in charge to many steps forward just like you

    have done to our school.

    To all the honorable teachers and my dearest companions,

    We are, all of students of this high school say our great apology because of

    all of those things we have ever made that are not approved of in this

    school or in your heart personally. We extend our deepest apology.

    We also hope you to always pray for us so that we could be better people

    in the future. Pray for us so that we could be better people to reach for our

    shining feature. Thats our entire wish from you; I hope you will always say

    our names on your prayers.

    Thats all I can say on the behalf of other students. Farewell Mr. Endang! I

    wish you will never forget about us, and deepest apology for the mistakes

    on my words.

    Wassalamualaikum. wr.wb

  • 8/13/2019 Pidato KEPSEK



    Pidato perpisahaan SMA Oleh Wakil Siswa Dalam Rangka Pelepasan



    Assalamualaikum wr.wb.Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah swt., Sholawat dan salam

    semoga senantiasa tercurah kepada junjunan dan tauladan kita yakni

    Muhammad SAW, keluarganya, sahabatnya dan kepada umatnya hingga

    akhir jaman.

    Bapak dan ibu guru yang kami hormati, serta Rekan-rekan yang kami


    Hari ini adalah hari dimana harus dilalui dengan berat hati oleh kita semua.

    Karena orang yang paling berjasa memajukan sekolah kita, orang yang

    telah banyak berkorban demi kemajuan kita, orang yang selama ini telahmembimbing kita sehingga kita mendapat banyak perkembangan, kini akan

    pindah ke sekolah lain. Pak Endang, kepala sekolah yang kita cintai akan

    pindah tugas ke sekolah lain.

    walau demikian apa boleh buat, karena sudah tugas maka kita semua tidak

    bisa berbuat apa-apa kecuali mengucapkan selamat jalan dan mendoakan

    semoga di sekolah baru menjadi betah dan mampu membawa sekolah

    tersebut menjadi maju seperti sekolah kita sekarang.

    Bapak dan ibu guru yang kami hormati, serta Rekan-rekan yang kami

    cintai.Kami, semua siswa di SMA ini mohon dimaafkan karena tentunya kami

    pernah melakukan hal-hal yang tidak berkenan untuk sekolah ini atau tidak

    berkenan terhadap bapak secara pribadi. Kami mohon maaf sebesar-


    Kami semua mohon juga kepada bapak agar selalu mendoakan kami

    sehingga kami bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi di masa yang akan datang. Juga

    doakan kami sehingga sanggup berubah menjadi lebih baik sehingga

    sanggup menjemput masa depan yang gemilang. Ini harapan kami dari

    bapak semoga senantiasa menyisihkan doa untuk kita semua.

    Demikian yang bisa saya sampaikan sebagai perwakilan dari teman-

    teman. Selamat jalan bapak. Semoga tidak melupakan kami semua.

    Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan. Assalamu Alaikum


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