
Assess to what extent the distribution of the US population is determined by physical features

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By Pierrick Millet

One must agree that the population distribution in the US (like in other countries) is greatly influenced by the geography.

Topologic map showing population density

One can note how the population is clustered at the coasts, away from the mountains and other such physical features.

This is something most of us know. However I believe that this is not the only factor that will influence population distribution in the United States.

Population distribution (including density) influenced by a multitude of factors. These include:

Climate (percipitation)

Water bodies

E on E (Ethics influence on other ethics)

Health on ethics



A higher population density will be located in areas subject to regular and steady amounts of annual rainfall (35-50 inches/year).

Map showing annual percipitation

Topologic map showing population density

One aspect we can notice about percipitation is that (referring to the state of Texas), less people are situated where it rains less. However we may also note that in certain regions (southern California and New Mexico) where there is very low rain fall there is also a fair amount of people living there (50-250 persons/sq mile).

Percipitation is a factor that varies and cannot be accounted for entirely in population distribution.

Water bodies


Water bodies and other similar landmasses linked with water will attract populations.

Due to the extensive water mass in the US, I recommend focusing on the where there is the least amount of water bodies to understand the population distribution.

Nightime lights with stream and water bodies

One can notice that aside from population clusters of being close to the oceans, many cities and towns (clusters) are situated practically on top of rivers and other water bodies.

Rivers and water bodies are factors that influence population distribution. They are factors that attract people and settlements.

Ethics influence on other ethics

E on E



The cluster of one ethic will repel another. This said, there can be no complete solubility of ethics or no perfect mixture. The ethics will always be clustered within themselves seperate from other ethics.

Race and Ethnic Population 1980 - White

Race and Ethnic Population 2000 - White

One can notice a slight change in the white population density over the past 20 years: a small migration south for those living on the east coast and a migration south west for those living in central or west coast.

Now let's take a look at the black or african american population density over the past 20 years.

Race and Ethnic Population 1980- Balck or African American

Race and Ethnic Population 2000- Black or African American

One can notice that the black or african american population has migrated for over the past 20 years south or south east from their initial position.

We can deduct that the white ethic and the black ethic were never initially really mixed into one another. In addition to this they one has moved onto another. The confirms our hypothesis, ethics do have an influence on one another for population distribution; in this one ethic seems to take over another.

Health on ethics


Some clusters of ethics (as we saw in the previous slides) are more subject to poor health services (we will take infant mortality as an example and refer to the black or african american population as an example).

Race and Ethnic Population 2000- Black or African American

Now comparison to the infant mortality map.

Fetal and Infant Mortality (All ethics and groups) 1995-1999

There is an apparent infant mortality in the same area most of the black or african american population is located in.

One can conclude that areas which have poor health services or conditions are therefore subject to the major population distribution of certain ethics, in this case, blacks or african americans.

This presentation was made with no prejudice or discrimination whatsover.

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