Page 1: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes

June 1944 D-Day invasionDec. 1941 US declares war on JapaneseNov. 1942 battle of Stalingrad begins1939 Britain and France declare war on GermanyDec. 1941 Japanese attack Pearl HarborJune 1940 France Surrenders and drops out of WarJune 1941 Hitler invades Soviet UnionAug. 1940 Battle of BritainJune 1942 Battle of Midway

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Page 2: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

Ch. 26 Section 2The Course of World War II

Page 3: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. The Germans used “Blitzkrieg” or Lighting War to quickly gain the upper hand.

a. Blitzkrieg : the war style of using Panzer tanks supported by the Luftwaffe air force. Quickly breaking enemy lines, followed infantry to hold newly conqueror territory.

I. Europe at War

Page 4: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

2. After a winter of Waiting (called the phony war) Hitler resumes attacks in 1940 against Denmark and Norway

3. One month later, Hitler attacked the Netherlands, Belgium and France

Significance: Germany is now in control of Western and Central Europe

Page 5: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. France surrenders, signs Armistice, June 1940 after German Tanks quickly break through the Maginot line

a. The Maginot line was a series of concrete and steel fortifications armed with heavy artillery along the French German Border

2. German force went around the line through Belgium and split the Allied forces quickly sending French and British forces into retreat at Dunkirk, where navy and civilian boats helped evacuate 338,00 Allied troops

II. France is Defeated

Page 6: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

3. German armies now occupied about 3/5 of France

4. Hitler creates puppet gov’t. over the remainder of the country, called Vichy France

Significance: Now only Britain remainsWhere is the US?

Page 7: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

A. FDR & the United States denounced the aggressors but still held firm to the believe of Isolationism

B. The US passes the Neutrality acts in the 1930s which prevented them from taking sides

C. The US did however relax it’s policies and eventually aided Britain with supplies, but still no fighting

III. US involvement

Page 8: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. Britain now alone to fight off Germany Hitler knows a sea invasion out of the question unless he owns the sky

2. British royal air force quickly defends and attacks German Luftwaffe

Significance: Hitler sensing a long struggle decides to attack USSR

IV. Battle at Britain

Page 9: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. In 1941 Hitler Betrays Stalin and breaks non aggression pact

2. German troops advance quickly taking many key cities

3. An early winter and soviet resistance halt German advance

Significance: First Time in war Germany is advancement is stopped

V. Hitler’s Betrayal

Page 10: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. Pearl Harbor, a huge mistake for the Axis powers, it unified the US to enter the War.

2. After the Attack The US declared war on Japan, German and Italy Declare war on the US.

Significance: Now truly Global War! & US allied with Great Britain and Soviet Union.

VI. Japans Mistake

Page 11: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

Drawing simple pictures of Diagrams can help you understand ideas from a reading. In this strategy you can create simple representations of events or sequences of a reading.

Drawing is a powerful tool because it helps you

visualize what you are reading and allow you to make connections to your prior knowledge and own unique thought process

You can use this strategy either after or during a reading

Sketching the Text Reading Strategy

Page 12: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

Pg 869 to 870 Read about the three major turning points of

World War II The battle of Stalingrad, The Battle of Midway Island and D-day the invasion of Normandy France

Then I want you to draw simple pictures that represent each of these three important events (make sure you title them)

At the bottom of each picture I want you to give a 2-3 sentence explanation of how you interpreted each battle

Sketch the Text Activity (20min)

Page 13: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. Stalingrad, major Soviet industrial center, Hitler decides to attack

2. Soviets Launch counter-attack, stop German troops again & cut off Supply line

3. Winter sets in and Germans best troops forced to surrender

Significance: Hitler knows he cannot defeat the Soviet Union

VII. Battle at Stalingrad (Turning Point)

Page 14: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. After Doolittle raid, Japan decides to attack the US owned-Midway Island

2. The Battle of Midway proved costly for Japan who lost four aircraft carriers!

Significance: Japanese advancement stopped Japanese forces were now on the Defensive, US naval superiority established in Pacific

VII. Battle Midway (Turning Point)

Page 15: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. Operation Torch “Soft underbelly of the Axis” (1942-1943)

a. Decision to attack Italian controlled Northern Africa

b. Americans land in Northern Africa while British push from the East

Significance: US and British troops Defascistfied Africa

2. Casablanca conference & invasion of Italy (Jan 1943)

a. Churchill and FDR decide to invade Italy

b. Patton’s invasion is Halted

Significance: leads to Tehran conference

IX. European Theater against Italian & German Forces

Page 16: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

3. Tehran Conference (Nov 28th-Dec 1st 1943)

a. First time the Big Three Stalin, FDR, Churchill meet

Significance: Decide to open up another front to the War and invade France

Page 17: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

1. The invasion of Northern France (June 6th 1944)

a. This move was extremely Risky b. The Largest Amphibious landing in History! c. Success! But at great cost (Total Casualties: 10,000)

Significance: a true turning point in the European Theater1. By August: Paris liberated! Sept: All of France

2. Allies closing in on Germany from France, Italy, and on the Eastern side (Soviets)

X. Operation D-Day (Turning Point)

Page 18: Place the following events in chronological order by making a timeline in your notes June 1944 D-Day invasion Dec. 1941 US declares war on Japanese Nov

D-Day Video Clip

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