
Plant Adaptations Co-evolution Pollinators evolved with flowers. Flowers evolved with pollinators. They are intertwined. Flower Evolution Flowers evolve ways to attract pollinators to their nectar. Flowers evolve ways to attract pollinators to their nectar. Randomin flowers produce certainof flowers. Those that are to attract pollinators will Random mutations in flowers produce certain varieties of flowers. Those that are better fit to attract pollinators will reproduce more. Flower Mimicry Nectar Guides Normal Light Ultraviolet Light Bad smells Good smells Smell Hummingbird Evolution What adaptations did hummingbirds evolve? Is this a better way to get nectar? Co-evolution Fruit are adaptations evolved to use animals to disperse seeds. Animals have evolved adaptations to eat certain fruit. Flowers Most flowers are hermaphrodites having both male and female organs and gametes. Pollination is when the pollen (flying sperm) is placed on the stigma (female part). A long tube grows from the pollen to the egg to deliver the sperm. Fertilization! Fruit Development Life cycle of angiosperms. Where do plants get carbon for growing? Photosynthesis. (producers) Where do plants get other atoms for making Lipids, DNA, and Proteins? The soil. Leaves Carry out photosynthesis. Exchange Gasses. (water, O 2, & CO 2 ) CO 2 + H 2 O + sun C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 Guard Cells Stomata Plant nutrition Plants need 3 major nutrients. And some minor ones. Nitrogen NH 4, NO 3, NO 2 Phosphorus PO 4 Potassium K + Nutrients must be dissolved in water to be absorbed = N-P-K Plant Nutrients These nutrients naturally get into the soil from decomposers. Decomposers Decomposers turn dead material back into soil. Composting Composting is the best way to fertilize soil. Plant Veins Xylem Xylem for water transport roots to leaves Phloem Phloem for sap transport leaves to roots Sap Sap sugary syrup Xylem Phloem Bark Dead Xylem from last year. Transpiration in vascular plants. stomata Water evaporates from the stomata of the leaf. This pulls water in the leafs xylem. Water sticks together by cohesion (surface tension). Water sticks to the sides of the veins by adhesion (capillary action). Transpiration pulls water from the roots to the leaves. Plants need evaporation to drink! Transpiration - Day Stomata So what do plants do at night? Osmosis - Night Winter Dormancy Deciduous Trees Hormone Driven Plants go into a dormant state during winter months. Less sun, cold weather, no liquid water. Energy stored in the form of starch housed in the roots feed the plant. No leaves equals no photosynthesis.

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